Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Romanica English Dictionary C

-c see -ic

cabala (cá-) n 1. cabala; 2. cabal
Hence: cabalista-cabalistic; cabalar

cabalar v 1. to cabalize, practice cabala; 2. to plot, intrigue

cabalista n cabalist

cabalistic adj cabalistic

cabana n cabin, hut; also: cottage;
cabana de folios arbor, bower

cabaret [F] n cabaret (1. cabaret shop; café chantant; 2. tea, coffee, etc., set)
Hence: cabaretero

cabaretero n cabaret owner, cabaretier

cabina n 1. [Naut.] cabin, stateroom; 2. car (of an elevator)
Hence: cabinetto

cabinetto n cabinet (1. small room; also: closet; 2. [Gov.]);
cabinetto de lectura reading-room;
question de cabinetto 1. state affair that may cause a change of cabinet; 2. vital question

cablar v to cable (= to transmit messages by cable)

cablo n cable
Hence: cablar; cablogramma etc.

cablogramma n cablegram

cabriolet [F] n cabriolet (1. cab; 2. [Motoring] convertible coupé or roadster)

cac- adj [occurring in compounds] caco (= bad, evil)
Hence: cacodemone etc.; cacoethe etc.; cacographo etc.; cacophone etc.

cacao (-áo) n I. cacao (1. cacao tree; 2. cacao bean); II. cocoa;
butyro de cacao cocoa butter

Cachmir (-sh-) npr Kashmir;
cachmir cashmere (cloth)

cacodemone cacodemon (1. evil spirit; 2. [Astrol.])

cacoethe n cacoëthes (1. bad habit; 2. [Med.])

cacographia (-ía) n cacography, bad spelling

cacographo (-có-) n cacographer, poor speller
Hence: cacographia

cacophone adj cacophonous, cacophonic
Hence: cacophonia-cacophonic

cacophonia (-ía) n cacophony

cacophonic adj cacophonous, cacophonic

cactaceas n [Bot.] Cactaceae

cactacee adj [Bot.] cactaceous

cacto n cactus
Hence: cactacee-cactaceas

cadavere n 1. corpse, cadaver; 2. carcass
Hence: cadaverose

cadaverose adj cadaverous, corpse-like

caddie [A] n [Golfing] caddie

cadentia n cadence (1. rhythmical flow or movement; 2. [Mus.] concluding strain)
Hence: cadentiar

cadentiar v to give cadence or rhythm to; to cadence

cader [cad-/cas-; -cid-] v to fall, drop, tumble, etc.;
cader malade to fall ill
Hence: cadentia &; caso &; cadita-paracadita etc.; accider &; incider &; decader &; recader &

cadette adj -;
(filio, fratre) cadette younger (son, brother)
Hence: cadetto

cadetto n cadet (1. younger son or brother; 2. student at a military school)

cadita n fall, falling;
cadita de aqua waterfall

cadmium (cád-) n cadmium

café [F] n coffeehouse, café

caffe n 1. coffee; 2. café
Hence: caffetero; caffetiera; caffeina

caffeina (-ína) n caffeine

caffetero n coffeehouse keeper

caffetiera n coffeepot

caftan n caftan

Cain (-ín) nprm Cain

Caiphas (-fás) nprm Caiaphas, Caiphas

caisson [F] n caisson (1. [Mil.]; 2. [Engin.]; 3. [Arch.])

calamitate n calamity (1. great public misfortune; 2. serious trouble, distress)
Hence: calamitose

calamitose adj calamitous

-calar v [occurring in compounds]
Hence: intercalar &; nomenclar etc.

calcar v 1. to trample, tread; to stamp; to press; 2. to kick; 3. to trace, make a tracing
Hence: calco; calcator

calcari adj calcareous

calcario n limestone

calcator n tracing point, tracer

calce¹ n 1. heel; 2. foot (of a pillar or mast); 3. stock (of a rifle)
Hence: calceo &; calcar &; recalcitrar &

calce² n lime (= calcium oxide);
calce vive quicklime;
calce extincte slaked lime;
lacte de calce whitewash (= mixture of lime and water);
petra de calce limestone
Hence: calcite; calculo &; calcari; calcario; calcic; calcium; calcifere; calcificar-calcification; calcinar &

calcea n hose; also: stocking;
calcea blau bluestocking
Hence: calcetta &; calceones; calcear &

calcear v 1. to put (shoes, boots, stockings, etc.) on (someone’s feet); 2. to cover the foot or root (of a tree, etc.);
calcear se to put on one’s shoes, stockings, etc.
Hence: calceator; calceatura; calceate; discalcear-discalceamento, discalceator, discalceate

calceate 1. pp of calcear; 2. adj wearing shoes, boots, etc., shod

calceator n shoehorn

calceatura n footwear, footgear

calceiforme adj [Bot.] calceiform

calceo n shoe slipper; also: [Technol.]
Hence: calceolo &; calceiforme; calcea &

calceolaria n [Bot.] calceolaria

calceolate adj [Bot.] calceolate

calceolo (-é-) n 1. small shoe or slipper; 2. small wedge, socket, etc.
Hence: calceolaria; calceolate

calceones npl underpants; also: shorts

calcetta n (small) stocking; also: sock
Hence: calcettero; calcetteria

calcetteria (-ía) n hosiery; also: hosiery shop

calcettero n stocking maker, stocking weaver

calcic adj [Chem.] calcic

calcifere adj calciferous

calcificar v to calcify

calcification n calcification

calcinar v to calcine
Hence: calcination; calcinatori

calcination n calcination

calcinatori adj calcinatory

calcite n calcite

calcium (cál-) n [Chem.] calcium

calco n tracing, traced design

calculabile adj calculable

calcular v to calculate;
machina de calcular calculating machine
Hence: calculo²; calculabile-incalculabile; calculation; calculator

calculation n calculation

calculator n calculator (= one who calculates)

calculo¹ n 1. small stone; also: pebble; 2. [Med.] calculus
Hence: calculose; calcular &

calculo² n calculation;
calculo mental mental arithmetic;
calculo (differential, integral, etc.) (differential, integral, etc.) calculus

calculose adj [Med.] calculous

calde adj warm, hot
Hence: caldiera &; escaldar &

caldiera n kettle boiler, etc.;
caldiera de vapor steam boiler;
caldiera tubular tubular or fire-tube boiler
Hence: caldierata; caldierero; caldieretta; caldieron

caldierata n kettleful

caldierero n coppersmith

caldieretta n small kettle, boiler, etc.

caldieron n large kettle, cauldron

calefacer [-fac-/-fact-] v to warm, heat
Hence: calefaciente; calefaction; calefactor

calefaciente adj [Med.] calefacient, calefactive

calefact- see calefacer

calefaction n heating, calefaction;
calefaction central central heating

calefactor n calefactor, heater, etc.

calendario n calendar
Hence: calendarista

calendarista n calendar maker

calendas npl calends
Hence: calendario &; calendula

calendula n [Bot.] calendula

caler v to be warm or hot; to glow
Hence: calide; calor &; calefacer etc.

calfatage (-aje) n (act of) calking, caulking

calfatar v to calk, caulk (ships)
Hence: calfatage; calfatator

calfatator n calker, caulker (= one who calks ships)

calibrar v to calibrate

calibrator n calibrater

calibre n 1. caliber; 2. caliber rule
Hence: calibrar-calibrator

calice (cá-) n 1. chalice (= cup, goblet; also: calix); also: [Eccl.]; 2. [Bot.] cup, calyx
Hence: caliciforme etc.

caliciforme adj cup-shaped, caliciform

calico (-có) n calico

calide adj warm; hot

califa n caliph
Hence: califato

califato n caliphate

call- n [occurring in compounds] calli- (= beauty)
Hence: calligrapho etc.; hemerocallide etc.

calligraphia (-ía) n calligraphy

calligraphiar v to calligraph, write calligraphically

calligraphic adj calligraphic

calligrapho (-í-) n calligrapher
Hence: calligraphia-calligraphiar; calligraphic

callista n corncutter, chiropodist

callo n callus (= hard, thickened place on the skin); also: corn (on one’s toe)
Hence: callista; callose-callositate

callose adj callous

callositate n 1. callosity, callousness; 2. callus

calma n calm

calmante¹ 1. ppr of calmar; 2. adj calming; calmative

calmante² n calmative

calmar v to calm; also: to calm down

calme adj calm
Hence: calma-calmar-calmante

calomel n calomel

calor n heat; warmth;
il face (un) grande calor it is very hot;
calor specific specific heat;
in le calor de (un discussion, etc.) in the heat of (an argument, etc.)
Hence: caloria; calorifero; calorific; calorose; calorificar-calorification; calorimetro etc.

caloria (-ía) n calorie

calorifero (-ífero) n (central) heating installation

calorific adj calorific

calorificar v [Phys.] to calorify

calorification n calorification

calorimetro (-í-) n culorimeter

calorose adj hot; warm

calumnia n calumny, slander
Hence: calumniose; calumniar-calumniation, calumniator, calumniatori

calumniar v to calumniate, slander

calumniation n calumniation

calumniator n calumniator

calumniatori adj calumniatory

calumniose adj calumnious

calvario n 1. Calvary; 2. martyrdom

calve adj bald
Hence: calvitia

Calvin, Jean npr [1509-1564; French theologian]
Hence: calvinismo; calvinista-calvinistic

calvinismo n Calvinism

calvinista n Calvinist

calvinistic adj Calvinistic

calvitia n baldness

cambaro (cám-) n crayfish, crawfish

cambiabile adj changeable

cambiamento n change (1. act of making different; 2. changed condition)

cambiante 1. ppr of cambiar; 2. adj changeable (as in “changeable silk”)

cambiar v to change (1. to make or become different; 2. to replace by another; 3. as in “to change a dollar”);
cambiar de opinion to change one’s mind;
cambiar de (conducta, etc.) to change (one’s conduct);
cambiar de vestimento, cambiar se to change (clothes);
cambiar de traino to change (trains);
seta cambiante changeable silk
Hence: cambio-cambista; cambiamento; cambiante; cambiabile; cambiator; excambiar &, intercambiar &

cambiator n 1. changer (= one who or that which changes); 2. money-changer

cambio n I. change (1. substitution of one thing for another; 2. money returned as balance of that tendered for an article); II. [Fin.] exchange (1. as in “foreign or domestic exchange”; 2. rate of exchange) III. [R.R.] switch;
littera de cambio bill of exchange;
agente de cambio stockbroker

cambista n cambist (= exchange expert)

camelero n camel driver

camellia n camellia

Camellus, George Joseph npr [Latinized form of George Joseph Kamel, Jesuit priest who traveled in Asia and wrote an account of plants of the Philippine Islands]
Hence: camellia

camelo n camel
Hence: camelero

cameo (-éo) n cameo

camera (cá-) n chamber (1. room, bedroom; 2. hall used by deliberative or judicial body; 3. group of lawmakers; 4. “the chamber of a gun”);
musica de camera chamber music;
camera de aer inner tube;
camera obscur 1. [Optics] camera obscura; 2. [Photog.] darkroom;
camera (photographic) [Photog.] camera
Hence: camerero; camerera; cameretta; antecamera

camerada n comrade
Hence: cameraderia

cameraderia (-ía) n comradeship

camerera n 1. lady’s maid; 2. chambermaid

camerero n 1. valet, man-servant; 2. chamberlain

cameretta n small room

camino n 1. fireplace; 2. chimney; also: smokestack, funnel, etc.;
mantello (del camino) mantel, mantelpiece

camion [F] n truck (as in “automobile truck”)

camisa n 1. shirt; 2. chemise; 3. [Fortif.] revetment; 4. cover, envelope, jacket, etc.;
camisa de nocte nightgown; nightshirt;
camisa de fortia strait jacket
Hence: camisero; camiseria; camisetta; camisola; subcamisa

camiseria (-ía) n shirtshop

camisero n shirtmaker

camisetta n chemisette

camisola n (woman’s) sleeved vest

camminar v to walk along, tramp, journey, etc.

cammino n way, road;
mitter se in cammino to start out (on a trip, journey, etc.)
Hence: camminar; incamminar; discamminar

camoce n chamois; also: shammy
Hence: camociar

camoci- see camoce

camociar v to chamois

camomilla n camomile;
tisana de camomilla camomile tea

camouflage [F] n camouflage

campamento n encampment (1. camping; 2. camp)

campana n bell
Hence: campanil; campanula &

campania n 1. open country; 2. country, countryside; 3. campaign
Hence: campaniol

campanil n bell tower, campanile

campaniol n [Zool.] vole, fieldmouse

campanula (-pá-) n bellflower, campanula
Hence: campanulacee-campanulaceas; campanulate

campanulaceas npl Campanulaceae

campanulacee adj campanulaceous

campanulate adj [Bot.] campanulate

campar v 1. to camp (= to live in a camp); 2. to encamp (= to place in a camp)

campestre adj rural, rustic;
vita campestre country life;
guarda campestre rural policeman or constable

camphora (cám-) n camphor
Hence: camphorato; camphoriero; camphoric; camphorar-camphorate

camphorar v to camphorate, camphor

camphorate 1. pp of camphorar; 2. adj camphorated, camphor

camphorato n [Chem.] camphorate (= salt of camphoric acid)

camphoric adj camphor, camphoric;
acido camphoric camphoric acid

camphoriero n [Bot.] camphor tree

campion n champion (1. defender, supporter; 2. [Sports])
Hence: campionato

campionato n [Sports, Games, etc.] championship

campo n I. field (1. piece of land put to a particular use; 2. range of opportunity or interest; 3. [Her., Paint., etc.]); II. [Mil.] camp;
campo magnetic magnetic field;
campo de aviation airfield;
campo de concentration concentration camp;
campo de minas mine field
Hence: campion &; campania &; campestre; campar-campamento, discampar &; escampar

campo- n [occurring in compounds]
Hence: hippocampo etc. ...

can n 1. dog; 2. [Firearms] trigger;
vita de can dog’s life;
can de aqua poodle
Hence: canalia &; canicula &; canil; canin

can- [can-/cant-] v [occurring in derivatives]
Hence: canor &: cantilena; cantor; canto-cantico, discanto &; cantar-cantabile, cantator, cantatrice, cantata, incantar &, recantar &

Canaan (cá-) npr [Bib.] Canaan
Hence: canaanita

canaanita n [Bib.] Canaanite

Canada (cá-) npr Canada
Hence: canadian-canadiano

canadian adj Canadian

canadiano n Canadian

canal n I. canal (1. artificial watercourse; 2. [Anat.]); II. channel (1. [Geog.]; 2. deeper part of a waterway; 3. tube or tubular passage; 4. means, medium); III. [Arch.] fluting
Hence: canalisar-canalisation, canalisator; canaliculo-canalicular; canaliforme etc.

canalia n canaille, rabble, mob
Hence: incanaliar

canalicular adj canalicular

canaliculo n canaliculus

canaliforme adj channelled, channel-like, channel-shaped

canalisar v to canalize; also: to channel

canalisation n canalization (1. construction of canals; 2. system of canals or conduits); also: sewage system

canalisator n constructor of canals

canari adj Canary (= of the Canary Islands)
Hence: canario; Canaria

Canaria npr Canary (Island);
Canarias Canaries, Canary Islands

canario n canary (= canary bird)

cancan [F] n cancan

cancellar v to cancel (= to annul by crossing out)

cancellation n cancellation (= act of annulling by crossing out)

cancellator n canceler

cancelleria (-ía) n 1. chancellery (= office of a chancellor); 2. bureau, office, etc.

cancellero n chancellor [title of various officials of locally or nationally varying functions]

cancello n 1. lattice enclosure, grating, railings, etc.; 2. space separated by railings, etc.
Hence: cancellero; cancelleria; cancellar-cancellation, cancellator

cancere n 1. [Zool.] crab; 2. cancer;
Cancere [Astron.] Cancer, Crab
Hence: cancerose

cancerose adj cancerous

cand- v [occurring in derivatives]
Hence: candela &; candide &; candor; candesc- &

-cand- [-cand-/-;-cend-/-cens-] v [occurring in compounds]
Hence: accender &; incender &

candela n 1. candle; 2. [Techn.] spark plug
Hence: candelabro; candeliero

candelabro n candelabra, candelabrum

candeliero n candlestick

candesc- v [occurring in compounds]
Hence: incandescer &

candidato n candidate;
candidato a candidate for
Hence: candidatura

candidatura n candidature, candidacy

candide adj candid, straightforward
Hence: candidato &

candor n candor, straightforwardness

canevas (-vás) n canvas (1. heavy closely woven cloth of hemp or flax; 2. crossstitch canvas)

canicula n 1. [Astron.] canicula, Dog Star; 2. dog days
Hence: canicular

canicular adj canicular (1. [Astron.]; 2. as in “canicular days”)

canil n kennel (= house in which a pack of hounds are kept)

canin adj canine;
dente canin canine tooth, eyetooth

canna n cane (1. [Bot.] reed; 2. walking stick);
canna (de piscar) (fishing) rod or pole;
canna (de sucro) (sugar) cane
Hence: cannella &: cannula; cannar-cannage

cannabe (cá-) n hemp
Hence: cannabero; cannabiera

cannabero n hemp grower

cannabiera n hemp field

cannage (-aje) n (act of) caning (chairs)

cannar v to cane (as in “to cane a chair”)

cannella n 1. (small) tube; 2. cinnamon
Hence: cannelliero; cannellar &

cannellar v to groove, channel, flute
Hence: cannellatura; cannellate

cannellate 1. ppr of cannellar; 2. adj grooved, fluted; also: cannellated

cannellatura n 1. groove, channel; also: cannelure; 2. [Arch.] flute, fluting (of a column)

cannelliero n cinnamon tree

cannibal¹ (-í-) n cannibal
Hence: cannibalismo

cannibal² (-í-) adj cannibal, cannibalistic

cannibalismo n cannibalism

cannon n 1. gun, cannon; 2. barrel (= metal tube of a rifle, gun, etc.)
Hence: cannonero; cannoneria; cannonera; cannonar-cannonada

cannonada n cannonade

cannonar v to bombard, cannonade

cannonera n gunboat

cannoneria (-ía) n 1. cannons collectively; 2. gun foundry

cannonero n cannoneer

cannula n [Surg.] cannula

canoa (-óa) n canoe
Hence: canoero; canoar-canoage

canoage (-áje) n canoeing

canoar v to canoe

canoero n canoeist

cañon [H] n canyon, cañon

canone n canon (1. law of a church; 2. standard; 3. part of the Mass; 4. list of saints; 5. canonical books of the Bible; 6. [Mus.]; 7. [Print.])
Hence: canonista; canonic-canonicitate, canonico-canonicato; canonisar-canonisation

canonic adj canonical;
horas canonic canonical hours;
derecto canonic canon law;
libros canonic canonical books (of the Bible)

canonicato n 1. canonicate; 2. sinecure

canonicitate n canonicity

canonico n canon (= member of a Cathedral Chapter)

canonisar v to canonize

canonisation n canonization

canonista n canonist

canor adj canorous, ringing, melodious
Hence: canoritate

canoritate n canorousness

cant- see can-

cantabile¹ adj singable; also: [Mus.] cantabile

cantabile² n [Mus.] cantabile

cantar v to sing;
le gallo canta the cock crows;
le grillo canta the cricket chirps

cantata n [Mus.] cantata

cantator n singer

cantatrice n (female) singer; also: cantatrice

cantico n canticle, hymn;
le Cantico del Canticos the Song of Songs

cantilena n [Mus.] cantilena

cantina n [Mil.] canteen, Post Exchange
Hence: cantinero

cantinero n canteenkeeper, sutler

canto n 1. singing, art of singing; 2. [Mus., Poet.] song; 3. canto;
canto del gallo cockcrowing;
canto gregorian, canto plan Gregorian chant, plain chant, plain song;
canto funebre dirge

canton n [Admin.] canton
Hence: cantonal

cantonal adj cantonal

cantor n singer; also: cantor, precentor, etc.

capabile adj capable
Hence: capabilitate; incapabile-incapabilitate

capabilitate n capability

capace adj 1. capacious; 2. capable
Hence: capacitate; incapace-incapacitate

capacitate n capacity (1. receiving power; 2. capability);
mesura de capacitate capacity measure, dry measure, liquid measure

caper [cap-/capt-;-cip-/-cept-] v 1. to grasp, seize; 2. to hold, contain
Hence: capace &; caption-captiose; captive &; captura-capturar-recapturar; mentecapte etc; captar &; accip- &; conciper &; deciper &; excip- &; inciper &; intercip- &; perciper &; precip- &; reciper &; suscip- &

caperna- see Capernaum

capernaita (-íta) n Capernaite (1. native or inhabitant of Capernaum; 2. [Eccl., Hist.])

Capernaum (-úm) npr Capernaum
Hence: capernaita

Capet npr [surname of Hugh, King of the Franks, in the 10th Century]
Hence: capetian-capetiano

capetian adj Capetian

capetiano n Capetian;
capetianos Capetians, Capetian dynasty

Capharnaum (-úm) npr Capernaum

capillacee adj capillaceous

capillar adj capillary

capillaritate n capillarity

capillatura n (head of) hair

capillo n hair (= a single hair of the human head);
capillos hair (= a person’s hair);
sin capillos bareheaded;
capillos à la can bangs
Hence: capillatura; capillacee; capillar-capillaritate; capillute; discapillar-discapillate

capillute adj hairy (= covered with hair)

capistro n halter, muzzle (for animals)

capital¹ adj capital (1. pertaining to the head; 2. standing at the head; 3. of primary importance);
crimine capital capital crime;
pena capital death penalty, capital punishment;
peccato capital deadly sin;
littera capital capital letter, capital;
citate capital capital city, capital
Hence: capital²-capitalismo, capitalista, capitalisar-capitalisation

capital² n capital (1. capital city of a state or country; 2. [Fortif.]; 3. [Econ.])

capitalisar v to capitalize (= to turn into capital)

capitalisation n capitalization (= action of capitalizing)

capitalismo n capitalism

capitalista n capitalist (= owner of capital)

capitanar v to captain

capitano n [Army, Navy] captain
Hence: capitanar

capitate adj [Bot.] capitate

capitation n capitation

capite (cá-) n head (1. “head of a person or animal”; 2. chief, leader);
capite de ponte, de lecto, etc. bridgehead, head of a bed, etc.
Hence: capitano &; capitation; capitello; capitulo &; capital &; capitate; decapitar &; occipite &; sincipite etc.

capitello n [Arch.] capital

Capitolio n Capitol;
capitolio capitol

capitular¹ v to capitulate
Hence: capitulation

capitular² adj capitular (= pertaining to an ecclesiastical chapter)

capitulation n capitulation

capitulo n chapter (1. “chapter of a books”; 2. “ecclesiastical chapter”)
Hence: capitular¹; capitular² &; recapitular &

capo n [Geog.] cape, headland

capon n capon
Hence: caponiera

caponiera n 1. caponcote; 2. [Fortif.] caponier

caporal n [Mil.] corporal

cappa n [Clothing] cape
Hence: cappello &; cappella &; cappotto; cappotta; cappucio &; escappar &

cappella n 1. [Arch.] chapel; 2. chapel choir of singers;
maestro de cappella choir master;
a cappella a cappella
Hence: cappellano-cappellania

cappellania (-ía) n chaplaincy

cappellano n chaplain

cappelleria (-ía) n hat shop

cappellero n hatter

cappelletto n [Veter. Surg.] capelet

cappellina n 1. hood (= coiflike headdress for women); 2. [Med.] capeline

cappello n hat
Hence: cappellero; cappelleria; cappelletto; cappellina

cappotta n capote (= bonnet with strings for women)

cappotto n capote (= long cloak or overcoat)

cappucina n [Bot.] nasturtium

cappucino n [Eccl.] Capuchin

cappucio n [Clothing] hood (on a robe or mantle; also: cowl
Hence: cappucino; cappucina; incappuciar

capra n goat
Hence: caprero; capretto; caprin; Capricorno etc.; capro

caprero n goatherd

capretto n kid (1. young goat; 2. kid leather)

capricio n caprice (1. sudden change of mind; 2. [Mus., Art] capriccio)
Hence: capriciose-capriciositate

capriciose adj capricious

capriciositate n capriciousness

Capricorno n [Astron.] Capricorn;
capricorno capricorn beetle

caprifolio n honeysuckle, woodbine

caprin adj goat-like, caprine

capro n he-goat

capsula n I. capsule (1. [Anat., Zool.]; 2. [Bot.]; 3. [Pharm.]; 4. [Chem.] shallow dish for evaporating, etc.); II. cap (1. metal cover that seals a bottle; 2. “percussion cap”)
Hence: capsular¹-multicapsular etc.; capsular²-capsulage

capsulage (-aje) n capping (of a bottle)

capsular¹ adj capsular

capsular² v to seal or cap (a bottle)

capt- see caper

captar v to inveigle, beguile
Hence: captation

captation n (act of) inveigling

caption n catching, seizure

captiose adj captious (as in “captious questions”)

captivar v 1. to capture; 2. to captivate

captive adj captive (1. held as a prisoner; 2. captivated)
Hence: captivitate; captivar; captivo

captivitate n captivity

captivo n captive

captura n capture (= act or fact of capturing)

capturar v to capture

car adj dear (1. beloved; 2. expensive)
Hence: caressa &; caritate &

-car [A] n [occurring in compounds] -car
Hence: autocar etc. ...

carabina n carbine
Hence: carabinero

carabinero n carabineer

carambola n 1. [Billiards] carom ball; 2. [Billiards] carom, cannon
Hence: carambolar

carambolar v [Billiards] to carom, cannon

caramello n caramel (1. burnt sugar; 2. caramel candy)

carat n carat (1. one 24th part; 2. [Weight])

caravana n caravan
Hence: caravanseralio etc.

caravanseralio n caravansary, caravanserai

carbon n 1. coal; 2. [Chem.] carbon;
hydrato de carbon carbohydrate;
carbon de ligno charcoal (= wood charred in a kiln);
minator de carbon (fossile) coal miner, collier
Hence: carbonato &; carbonero; carboniera; carbonic; carbonifere; carbonose; carbonisar-carbonisation

carbonatar v [Chem.] to carbonate

carbonato n [Chem.] carbonate
Hence: carbonatar; discarbonatar; bicarbonato etc.

carbonero n 1. charcoalburner; 2. charcoaldealer, coaldealer

carbonic adj carbonic;
anhydrido carbonic carbon dioxide

carboniera n coalpit

carbonifere adj carboniferous (= containing carbon or coal)

carbonisar v to carbonize (= to convert into a residue of carbon)

carbonisation n carbonization (= act of converting into a residue of carbon)

carbonose adj [Chem.] carbonous

carbunculo n carbuncle (1. smooth, round garnet or other deep-red jewel; 2. [Med.])
Hence: carbunculose

carbunculose adj [Med.] carbuncular

carburante n carburetant; also: motor-fuel

carburar v [Chem.] to carburet

carburation n [Chem.] carburetion

carburator n carburetor, carburettor

carburo n [Chem.] carburet, carbide
Hence: carburar-carburation, carburator; discarburar-discarburation; bicarburo etc.

carcerar v to incarcerate

carcerari adj prison

carceration n incarceration

carcere n prison
Hence: carcerero; carcerari; carcerar-carceration; incarcerar-incarceration, disincarcerar-disincarceration

carcerero n jailer, keeper

carcinoma n [Pathol.] carcinoma

cardar v to card

cardata n cardful (of wool)

cardator n carder

cardatura n carding (1. action of carding; 2. roll of wool or cotton from carding machine)

carderia (-ía) n carding mill

cardia n [Anat.] cardia (= cardiac orifice of the stomach); cardi- [occurring in derivatives and compounds] cardi-, cardio- (= heart)
Hence: cardiac-cerebro-cardiac etc.; anarcardio &; pericardio &; cardialgia etc.; cardiographo etc.; cardiologia etc.; cardiosclerosis etc.; endocardio etc.

cardiac (-í-) adj cardiac

cardialgia (-ía) n [Pathol.] cardialgia, heartburn

cardinal¹ adj cardinal (= of first importance);
numeros cardinal cardinal numbers;
punctos cardinal cardinal points;
virtutes cardinal cardinal virtues
Hence: cardinal²-cardinalato

cardinal² n cardinal (1. [Eccl.]; 2. cardinal bird)

cardinalato n cardinalate

cardine n hinge
Hence: cardinal¹ &; discardinar

cardiographia (-ía) n cardiography

cardiographo (-ó-) n cardiograph
Hence: cardiographia

cardiologia (-ía) n cardiology

cardiopathia (-ía) n cardiopathy

cardiosclerosis (-ósis) n [Pathol.] cardiosclerosis

cardo n 1. thistle; 2. [Bot.] cardoon; 3. teasel; card, carding-brush
Hence: cardata; carderia; cardar-cardator, cardatura

carentia n lack, want (of something); also: shortage

carer v to lack, be lacking in
Hence: carentia

caressa n caress
Hence: caressar

caressar v to caress

carga n charge (1. load; 2. task, duty; also: responsibility, care, trust; 3. impetuous attack)

cargalitteras (-lít-) n letterweight, paperweight

cargamento n I. loading (1. lading; 2. as in “loading of a gun”); II. load, also: cargo

cargapapiros (-pí-) n paperweight, letterweight

cargar v I. to load, lade; II. to load, charge (as in “to load or charge a gun”); III. to charge (1. “to charge with electricity etc.”; 2. to attack impetuously);
cargar se de to take upon oneself
Hence: cargo; carga-montacargas etc.; cargamento; discargar-discarga, discargamento, discargator, discargatorio; incargar; supercargar-supercarga; cargalitteras etc.

cargo n cargo

cariar v [Med.] to rot, affect with caries

cariate adj carious, affected with caries

caribe¹ n Carib

caribe² adj 1. Carib; 2. Caribbean;
Mar Caribe Caribbean Sea;
Insulas Caribe West Indies, Antilles

caricatura n caricature
Hence: caricaturista; caricatural; caricaturar

caricatural adj caricaturish

caricaturar v to caricature

caricaturista n caricaturist

carie n caries
Hence: cariate; cariose; cariar

carillon [F] n carillon, chimes
Hence: carillonar-carillonamento, carillonator

carillonamento n (action of) playing on chimes or a carillon

carillonar v 1. to play a carillon; 2. to produce by chiming, play on chimes or a carillon

carillonator n carillon player, chimes player

carina n keel (of a ship)
Hence: carinar-carinage

carinage (-aje) n (act of) careening

carinar v [Nant.] to careen (= to cause to heel over)

Carinthia npr Carinthia

cariose adj carious, affected with carries

caritabile adj charitable

caritate n 1. charity (as in “charity is a Christian virtue”); 2. alms;
facer le caritate to give alms
Hence: caritabile-incaritabile

carmino n carmine

carnage (-aje) n carnage

carnal adj carnal

carnalitate n carnality

carnation n 1. complexion, skin coloring; 2. [Art] carnation

carne n 1. flesh; 2. meat (= flesh used as food);
in carne e osso in the flesh;
carne de cannon cannon fodder;
carne de un fructo flesh or pulp of a fruit;
esser in carne to be fleshy or corpulent
Hence: carnage; carnation; carnal-carnalitate; carnose-carnositate; carnute; discarnar-discarnate; incarnar &; carnifice etc.: carnivore etc.

carneval n carnival, Shrovetide
Hence: carnevalesc

carnevalesc adj carnival

carnifice (-ní-) n hangman, executioner

carnivore adj carnivorous

carnose adj fleshy

carnositate n fleshiness

carnute adj fleshy

Carola (cá-) nprf Carol

Carolina npr Carolina;
Carolina del Nord North Carolina;
Carolina del Sud South Carolina;
le Carolinas the Caroline Islands

carolinge adj Carolingian, Carlovingian

carolingo n Carolingian, Carlovingian

Carolo (cá-) nprm Charles;
Carolo Magne Charlemagne
Hence: Carolina; carolinge-carolingo; Carola

caronia n carrion
Hence: caroniose

caroniose adj carrion, putrid

carosello n carrousel (1. [Man.]; 2. merry-go-round)

carota n carrot
Hence: carotina

carotina n [Chem.] carotene, carotin

carpa n [Ichthyol.] carp

carpal adj [Anat.] carpal

Carpates nprpl Carpathians

carpenteria (-ía) n carpentry

carpentero n carpenter
Hence: carpenteria

carpo n [Anat.] wrist, carpus
Hence: carpal; metacarpo-metacarpal

carpo- n [occurring in compounds] carpo-, carp- (= fruit)
Hence: mesocarpio etc. ...

carrafa n carafe

carrear n to cart (= to transport in a cart)

carretta n cart (= two-wheeled vehicle);
carretta de mano pushcart; wheelbarrow
Hence: carrettata; carrettero

carrettata n cart-load

carrettero n carter, cart driver

carriera n 1. racecourse; 2. career (= course of continued progress in the life of a person, nation, etc.)

carro n wagon, carriage, car; also: carriage (of a typewriter, etc.);
carro funebre hearse, funeral car;
carro triumphal [Antiq.] triumphal car or chariot
Hence: carretta &; carriera; carrossa &; carrear

carrossa n coach (= large closed carriage)
Hence: carrossero; carrosseria

carrosseria (-ía) n body (of a car, etc.)

carrossero n coachbuilder

carta n 1. card; 2. map;
carta (postal) (postal) card;
jocar a cartas to play cards;
dar carta blanc a un persona to give a person full authority;
(manducar) al carta (to eat) à la carte;
dar le cartas to deal cards;
carta de visita calling card, visiting card
Hence: cartero; cartiera; carton &; cartulario; cartulero; cartar; cartographo etc.; cartomante etc.; cartotheca etc.

cartar v I. to card (1. to provide with cards; 2. to enter upon a card); II. to chart

cartel n cartel (1. written challenge; 2. written agreement as to the exchange or ransom of prisoners; 3. [Com.])
Hence: cartelista; cartelisar-cartelisation

cartelisar v to cartelize

cartelisation n cartelization

cartelista n cartelist

cartero n cardmaker

Carthagine npr Carthage
Hence: carthaginese

carthaginese adj/n Carthaginian

Carthago npr Carthage

cartiera n billfold

cartilagine n cartilage
Hence: cartilaginose

cartilaginose adj cartilaginous

cartographia (-ía) n cartography

cartographic adj cartographic

cartographo (-ó-) n cartographer
Hence: cartographia; cartographic

cartomante n fortune teller (using playing cards)
Hence: cartomantia

cartomantia (-ía) n fortune telling (by means of playing cards), cartomancy

carton n 1. cardboard, pasteboard; 2. cartoon (= design for painting, tapestry, etc.); 3. carton (= cardboard box)
Hence: cartonero; cartoneria; cartonar-cartonage

cartonage (-aje) n 1. pasteboard work; 2. [Bookbinding] boarding, (binding in) paper boards

cartonar v [Bookbinding] to board, bind in boards

cartoneria (-ía) n 1. cardboard factory; 2. cardboard making

cartonero n cardboard maker

cartotheca n 1. card index, card catalogue; also: file; 2. filing cabinet (for cards)

cartucha (-sh-) n [Mil.] cartridge
Hence: cartucheria; cartuchiera

cartucheria (-shería) n cartridge factory

cartuchiera (-sh-) n cartridge box, cartridge case

cartulario n chartulary (= collection of title deeds, etc.)

cartulero n chartulary (= keeper of archives)

Cartusia npr Chartreuse (= French monastery founded by St. Bruno);
cartusia charterhouse, Chartreuse (= any Carthusian monastery)
Hence: cartusian-cartusiano

cartusian adj Carthusian (= of Chartreuse or Carthusians)

cartusiano n Carthusian (= Carthusian monk)

carvi n caraway

Caryas (cá-) npr [Anc. Geog.] Caryae
Hence: caryatide

caryatide (-átide) n [Arch.] caryatid

caryo- n [occurring in compounds] 1. caryo-, cary- (= nut); 2. [Biol.] karyo- (= nucleus)
Hence: caryophyllo etc.; caryopse etc.; caryocinese etc.; caryocinetic etc.

caryocinese n [Biol.] karyokinesis, cell division

caryocinetic adj [Biol.] karyokinetic

caryophyllo (-rió-) n clove pink, gillyflower

caryopse n [Bot.] caryopsis

cas- see cader

cascada n cascade, waterfall
Hence: cascadar

cascadar v to cascade

casch- see casco

caschetto n light open helmet

casco n helmet
Hence: caschetto

caseina (-ína) n casein

caseo n cheese
Hence: caseina

caserna n [Mil.] barracks
Hence: casernero; casernar-casernamento

casernamento n (action of) quartering in barracks

casernar v to quarter in barracks, to barrack

casernero n barrack warden

casino n casino (= public place of amusement)

caso n case (1. special condition; 2. [Gram.]);
in nulle caso in no case;
in caso de necessitate in case of need, of necessity;
caso de conscientia matter of conscience;
in caso que in case (that)
Hence: casuista-casuistica; casual-casualitate

caspie adj Caspian;
Mar Caspie Caspian (Sea)

Caspio npr Caspian

cassa n 1. box, case; 2. cashbox, till (also: place, office, establishment, etc. where money is kept, received or paid, as “cashier’s desk,” “savings bank,” “sick fund,” etc.); 3. [Mus.] (side-)drum; 4. coffin, casket;
libro de cassa cashbook;
cassa del tympano [Anat.] ear-drum
Hence: cassero; casseria; cassetta; cassista; cassar-discassar, discassamento; incassar-incassamento, disincassar-disincassamento, reincassar-reincassamento

cassar¹ v 1. to box, case; 2. to cash

cassar² v to quash, annul; 2. to cashier

cassation n 1. cassation, quashing; 2. cashiering, cashierment;
corte de cassation supreme Court of Appeals

casse adj null, void
Hence: cassar-cassation

casseria (-ía) n box factory

cassero n 1. cashier; 2. box maker

casserola n saucepan

cassetta n small box, casket, etc.

cassista n typesetter, compositor

casta n caste

castania n chestnut (= fruit of the chestnut tree)
Hence: castanietta; castanie

castanie adj chestnut-colored

castanietta n castanet

caste adj chaste;
stilo caste chaste, chastened style
Hence: castitate; castigar &; inceste &

castellano n 1. lord (of a manor); 2. castellan

castello n castle (1. fortified seigniorial mansion; 2. [Naut.]);
castello de aqua water tower
Hence: castellano

castigamento n chastisement; also: castigation

castigar v to chastise; also: to castigate;
castigar su stilo to chasten one’s style
Hence: castigamento; castigation; castigator

castigation n chastisement; castigation

castigator n chastiser; castigator

Castilia npr Castile
Hence: castilian-castiliano

castilian adj Castilian

castiliano n Castilian (1. inhahitant of Castile; 2. Castilian language, Spanish)

castitate n chastity (= sexual or moral purity)

castor¹ n beaver (1. [Zool.]; 2. beaver hat)
Hence: castoreo

Castor² (cás-) npr Castor (1. [Gr. Mythol.]; 2. [Astron.])

castoreo n castor, castoreum

castrar v to castrate, geld
Hence: castration; castrator; castrato

castration n castration, gelding

castrato n castrate; eunuch

castrator n castrator, gelder

casu- see caso

casual adj 1. inherent in the case; 2. casual (as in “casual profit”); also: chance, accidental

casualitate n fortuitousness

casuista (-ísta) n casuist

casuistica (-ís-) n casuistry

cat- see cata-

cata adj each;
cata uno each (one)

cata- prefixo [cat- before -h- and vowels; used chiefly in technical terms] cata-, cat- (1. down, downwards; 2. against; 3. reflected)
Hence: catarrhin etc.; cathodo etc.; catoptro- etc.

cataclysmic adj cataclysmal, cataclysmic

cataclysmo n cataclysm
Hence: cataclysmic

catacomba n catacomb;
catacombas catacombs

catafalco n catafalque

catalan adj Catalan
Hence: catalano

catalano n Catalan (1. inhabitant of Catalonia; 2. Catalan language)

catalepsia (-ía) n catalepsy (1. [Med.]; 2. [Philos.])

cataleptic adj cataleptic
Hence: cataleptico

cataleptico n cataleptic

catalogar v to catalogue

catalogator n cataloguer

catalogo (-tá-) n catalogue
Hence: catalogar-catalogator

Catalonia npr Catalonia

catalysar v to catalyze

catalysator n catalyst

catalyse (-ályse) n [Physical Chem.] catalysis
Hence: catalysar-catalysator

catalytic adj catalytic

cataplasma n [Med.] poultice, cataplasm

catapulta n catapult (1. [Gr. and Rom. Antiq.]; 2. [Aeronaut.])

cataracta n cataract (1. waterfall; 2. [Med.])

catarrhal adj catarrhal

catarrhin adj [Zool.] catarrhine
Hence: catarrhino

catarrhino n [Zool.] catarrhine;
catarrhinos Catarrhina

catarrho n catarrh
Hence: catarrhal; catarrhose

catarrhose adj catarrhous

catastrophe (-tás-) n catastrophe (1. sudden disaster; 2. [Drama])
Hence: catastrophic

catastrophic adj catastrophic

catech- v [occurring in derivatives]
Hence: catechese; catecheta-catechetic; catechumeno-catechumenato; catechisar-catechismo, catechista, catechistic

catechese n catechesis

catecheta n catechist

catechetic adj catechetic, catechetical

catechetica n catechetics

catechisar n 1. [Eccl.] to catechize; 2. to indoctrinate

catechismo n catechism

catechista n catechist

catechistic adj catechistic

catechumenato n catechumenate

catechumeno (-cú-) n [Eccl.] catechumen

categoria (-ía) n category (1. [Philos.]; 2. group or division in a system of classification)
Hence: categoric

categoric adj categorical, categoric (1. [Philos.] pertaining to a logical category; 2. asserting absolutely)

catena n chain
Hence: catenari; catenar; concatenar-concatenation; incatenar-incatenamento

catenar v to chain (= to measure with a surveyor’s chain)

catenari adj catenary

Catharina nprf Catherine

cathedra (cát-) n 1. chair (in a university); 2. pulpit, rostrum
Hence: cathedral

cathedral¹ adj cathedral

cathedral² n cathedral

cathodic adj cathodic; also: [Bot., Med.] kathodic

cathodo (cát-) n [Elec.] cathode
Hence: cathodic

catholic adj [Eccl.] Catholic
Hence: catholicismo; catholicisar; anticatholic; anglocatholic etc.

catholicisar v to catholicize

catholicismo n [Eccl.] Catholicism

cation (cá-) n [Phys.] cation

catoptric adj [Phys.] catoptric (= pertaining to a mirror or to reflected light)

catoptrica n catoptrics (= the science of reflected light)

catoptro- n [occurring in derivatives and compounds] catoptro- , catoptr- (= mirror)
Hence: catoptric; catoptrica; catoptromantia etc.

catoptromantia (-ía) n catoptromancy (= divination by means of mirrors)

catran n tar
Hence: catraneria; catranose; catranar-catranator

catranar v to tar

catranator n tar sprayer

catraneria (-ía) n tarworks

catranose adj tarry

catta n she-cat

catto n cat (= domestic cat); also: tomcat
Hence: catta; catton

catton n kitten

Caucasia npr Caucasia

caucasian adj Caucasian (1. pertaining to the Caucasus; 2. [Anthropol.] white)

caucasiano n Caucasian (1. native of the Caucasus; 2. white person)

Caucaso (cáu-) npr Caucasus
Hence: Caucasia; caucasian-caucasiano

cauchu (-ú) n caoutchouc, crude rubber

cauda n 1. tail; also: tail end; 2. queue (= line of people, carriages, etc.); 3. train (as in “train of a gown”);
piano de cauda grand piano;
facer cauda to stand in line, to queue up
Hence: caudal; caudate; caudatario

caudal adj caudal

caudatario n trainbearer (= one who holds up the train of a robe or gown)

caudate adj caudate, caudated

caule n cabbage;
caule de Brussel Brussels sprouts;
caule flor cauliflower
Hence: caule-rapa etc.

caule-rapa n kohlrabi

causa n 1. cause; 2. case (= lawsuit);
causa prime prime cause, first cause;
causa final final cause;
a causa de because of
Hence: causal-causalitate; causar-causation, causative, causator; concausa-concausal

causal adj causal

causalitate n causality (= relation of cause and effect)

causar v to cause

causation n causation

causative adj causative (= pertaining to causation)

causator n causer

caustic adj caustic (1. corrosive; 2. sarcastic; 3. [Math.])
Hence: causticitate; diacaustic; caustica

caustica n [Math.] caustic

causticitate n causticity

caut- see cav-

caute adj cautious

cauterio n 1. cautery (= agent used in cauterizing); 2. [Med.] issue (produced by cauterizing)
Hence: cauterisar-cauterisation; thermocauterio etc.

cauterisar v to cauterize

cauterisation n cauterization

caution n bail, security

cav- [cav-/caut-] v [occurring in derivatives]
Hence: caution-precaution; caute-incaute

cava n cave, cavern

cavalcada n 1. ride (= act of riding horseback); 2. cavalcade

cavalcar v to ride (on horseback)
Hence: cavalcada

cavalla n mare

cavalleria (-ía) n I. chivalry (1. system of knighthood; 2. chivalrousness); II. cavalry

cavallero n I. cavalier (1. gallant; 2. [Hist.]; 3. [Fortif.]); II. knight; III. horseman; also: cavalryman;
cavallero de industria sharper;
cavallero errante knight errant

cavallerose adj chivalrous

cavalletto n 1. wooden horse (= wooden frame in the shape of a horse used as an instrument of torture); 2. wooden frame on which various types of work are performed, as: (work)bench, trestle, easel, etc.

cavallo n horse;
a cavallo on horseback;
ir a cavallo to ride (horseback)
Hence: cavallero-cavallerose; cavalleria; cavalletto; cavallo-vapor etc.; cavalla

cavallo-vapor n horsepower

cavar v to hollow out, cave

cave adj hollow
Hence: cavitate; cavar-excavar-excavation, excavator; caverna &; concave-concavitate; cavo; cava

caverna n cavern, cave
Hence: cavernose

cavernose adj cavernous (1. abounding in caverns; 2. like a cavern);
voce cavernose hollow voice

cavia n cage (= enclosure used for confining animals)

caviar n caviar

cavilia n 1. peg (= pin or bolt of wood, metal, etc., for fastening parts together, hanging objects upon, etc.); 2. ankle bone; also: ankle
Hence; incaviliar

cavitate n cavity

cavo n hollow, cavity, hole

[ce] 1. adj this, that; 2. pron this, that;
ce ci this (here);
ce la that (there, yonder)

cec adj blind (= without sight);
intestino cec [Anat.] blind gut, caecum
Hence: cecitate; cecar

cecar v to blind (1. to make blind; 2. to dazzle)

cecitate n blindness;
cecitate de nocte night blindness

ced- [ced-/ces-;-cid-/-cis-] v [occurring in derivatives and compounds]
Hence: cesura; circumcider &; concid- &; decider &; excider &; incider &; occider &; precider &; fratricida etc.; germicida etc.; liberticida etc.; suicida etc.; genocidio etc.; tyrannicidio etc.; uxoricidio etc.; suicidio etc.

ceder [ced-/cess-] v to cede, yield
Hence: cessibile; cession-cessionario; absceder &; acceder &; anteceder &; conceder &; deceder &; exceder &; interceder &; preceder &; proceder &; receder &; retroceder &; succeder &

cedilla [H] n cedilla

cedro n cedar

Cedron (cé-) npr Kedron

celamento n concealment

celar v to conceal, keep secret, hide
Hence: celamento; celator

celator n concealer

-cele n [occurring in compounds] -cele (= tumor; hernia)
Hence: hydrocele etc.; varicocele etc. ...

celebrante n celebrant (= priest officiating at the mass)

celebrar v to celebrate (1. to perform the ceremony of; 2. to observe, honor by public ceremonies, festivities etc.; 3. to praise highly)

celebration n celebration

celebrator n celebrator

celebre (cé-) adj famous, celebrated
Hence: celebritate; celebrar-celebration, celebrator

celebritate n celebrity (1. fame; 2. celebrated person)

celerar v to quicken, accelerate

celere (cé-) adj quick, rapid
Hence: celeritate; celerar; accelerar &

celeritate n quickness, speed

celesta n [Mus.] celesta

celeste adj heavenly, celestial;
volta celeste the vault of heaven;
(le) Celeste Imperio (the) Celestial Empire or Kingdom, China
Hence: celestina; celestite; celestial; celesta

celestial adj celestial, heavenly

celestina n celestitc, celestine

celestite n celestite, celestine

celibatario n bachelor

celibato n celibacy

celibe (cé-) adj unmarried, single
Hence: celibato-celibatario

cell- [cell-/cels-] v [occurring in derivatives and compounds]
Hence: celse &; exceller &

cella n cell (= small room or compartment)
Hence: cellario &; cellula &

cellariero n cellarer

cellario n cellar; also: storeroom, etc.; wine cellar
Hence: cellariero

[celle] dem adj 1. that; those; 2. (the) former (first of two)
(= ille)
Hence: cello

[celles] dem pron those
(= illes)

[cello] dem pron 1. that (one); 2. the former
(= ille)

cellophan n cellophane

cellula n [Biol.] cell
Hence: cellular-cylindrocellular etc.; multicellular etc; celluloide; cellulose-cellulosa-nitrocellulosa etc.

cellular adj cellular

celluloide n celluloid

cellulosa n cellulose

cellulose adj cellulous

celo n 1. sky; 2. heaven;
celo de lecto bedcanopy;
a celo aperte under the open sky, in the open
Hence: celeste &; grattacelo etc.

cels- see -cell-

celse adj high (as in “ten stories high”)
Hence: celsitude

celsitude n height (= condition of being high)

celta n Celt
Hence: celtic; celtibero etc.

celtibero n [Anc. Hist.] Celtiberian

celtic adj Celtic

cementar v to cement (1. to unite by means of a cement; 2. [Metal.] to subject to cementation)

cementation n cementation (1. [Constr.]; 2. [Metal.])

cemento n cement (1. [Constr.]; 2. [Anat.] cementum; 3. [Metal.] powder used in cementation);
cemento armate reinforced cement
Hence: cementar-cementation

cemeterial adj pertaining to a cemetery

cemeterio n cemetery, graveyard
Hence: cemeterial

cen-¹ adj [occurring in compounds] ceno-; -cene (= recent)
Hence: cenozoic etc.; eocen etc.; miocen etc.; oligocen etc.; pleistocen etc.; pliocen etc.

cen-² adj [occurring in compounds] ceno- (= empty)
Hence: cenotaphio etc.

cen-³ adj [occurring in compounds] ceno-, coeno-, cen-, coen- (= common)
Hence: epicen; cenobio etc.; cenuro etc.

cena n supper, dinner (= evening meal)
Hence: cenaculo; cenar

cenaculo n 1. dining room; 2. (literary, artistic, etc.) club or group

cenar v to sup, dine, have supper or dinner (= take the evening meal)

-cender see -cand-

cenobio n cenoby
Hence: cenobita

cenobita n cenobite

cenotaphio n cenotaph

cenozoic (-zóic) adj [Geol.] Cenozoic
Hence: cenozoico

cenozoico (-zóico) n [Geol.] Cenozoic

cens- see censer

censer [cens-/-cens-] v 1. to take a census; 2. to censor
Hence: censimento; censor &; censura &; censo; recenser &

censimento n 1. (act of) taking a census; 2. census, return count, etc.

censo n census

censor n I. censor (1. [Rom. Antiq.]; 2. official in charge of censorship); II. critic, faultfinder; III. [School] monitor, censor, proctor, etc.; IV. census taker
Hence: censorial

censorial adj censorial

censura n I. censorship (1. act of censoring; 2. office of a censor); II. censure;
submitter al censura to censor
Hence: censurar-censurabile

censurabile adj censurable

censurar v to censure

cent (pl cents) [A] n [Monet.] cent

centaurea n 1. [Bot.] Centaurea; 2. [Bot.] centaury

centauro n [Mythol.] centaur;
Centauro [Astron.] Centaurus
Hence: centaurea; hippocentauro etc.

centavo [H, P] n [Monet.] centavo

centenari adj 1. centenarian; 2. centennial, centenary

centenario n 1. centenarian; 2. centenary, centennial

centesimal adj centesimal

centesime (-ésime) adj hundredth;
(le) centesime parte, (le) centesimo (the) hundredth part, the hundredth

centesimo (-ésimo) (pl centesimi) [I] n [Monet.] centesimo

centiar n centiare (= one hundredth part of an are)

centigrade (-í-) adj centigrade (having, pertaining to a system of, one hundred degrees)

centigramma n centigram

centilitro (-tí-) n centiliter

centime [F] n [Monet.] centime

centimetro (-í-) n centimeter

centimo (cén-) [H] n [Monet.] centimo

centistereo n [Metric System] centistere

cento n/adj (a, one) hundred;
(tres) per cento or pro cento (three) per cent
Hence: centenari-bicentenari etc.; centenario-bicentenario etc.; centesime-centesimal; centigramma etc.; centimetro etc.; centumviro etc.; centuple etc.; centuplicar etc.: percentage etc.; percentual etc.

central¹ adj central

central² n center, central office or plant, etc.; specif.: (telephone) exchange; [Elec.] power station

centralisar v to centralize

centralisation n centralization

centralisator n centralizer

centrar v to center (= to place or collect at the center)

centric adj central, centric

centrifugar v to centrifuge

centrifugation n centrifugation

centrifuge (-í-) adj centrifugal;
machina centrifuge centrifuge
Hence: centrifugar-centrifugation

centripete (-í-) adj centripetal

centro n center, middle point
Hence: central-centralisar-centralisation, centralisator, discentralisar-discentralisation; centric-concentric, eccentric &; egocentric etc.; geocentric etc.; homocentric etc.; centrar-concentrar &: centrifuge etc.

centu- see cento

centumviral adj centumviral

centumvirato n centumvirate

centumviro (-túm-) n [Rom. Antiq.] centumvir
Hence: centumvirato; centumviral

centuplar v to centuple

centuple (cén-) adj centuple
Hence: centuplar

centuplicar v to centuplicate
Hence: centuplicate

centuplicate 1. pp of centuplicar; 2. adj centuplicate, hundredfold

cenuro n [Zool.] coenurus

cepa n onion

cephal- n [occurring in derivatives and compounds] cephalo- (= head)
Hence: cephalic; cephalalgia etc.; cephalopodo etc.; hydrocephale etc.; brachycephale etc.

cephalalgia (-ía) n [Pathol.] cephalalgia

cephalic n cephalic

cephalopodo (-ópodo) n [Zool.] cephalopod;
cephalopodos [Zool.] Cephalopoda

cer- [cer-/cerat-] n [occurring in derivatives and compounds] cer-, cerat-, cerato-, cerot- (= horn)
Hence: rhinocerote etc. ...

cera n wax
Hence: cerato; cerero; cereria; cerumine &; ceree-cereo; cerose; cerar-cerator; incerar &; ceromantia etc.; adipocera etc.; ozocerite etc.

ceramic adj ceramic

ceramica n ceramics (1. art of making pottery, earthenware, etc.; 2. pottery ware)

ceramista n ceramist; potter

ceramo (cé-) n earthenware
Hence: ceramista; ceramic; ceramica; ceramographia etc.

ceramographia (-ía) n ceramography (= study and description of pottery)

cerar v to wax, apply wax to;
tela cerate oilcloth

cerato n [Pharm.] cerate

cerator n waxer (= one who applies wax to a floor, etc.)

Cerbero (cér-) npr [Mythol.] Cerberus

cerca n search (= act or action of searching)

cercar v to seek, look for, search for
Hence: cerca; cercator; recercar &

cercator n seeker

cere- [occurring in compounds]
Hence: cerefolio etc.

cereal¹ adj cereal

cereal² n cereal

cereb- see cerebro

cerebellar adj cerebellar

cerebello n cerebellum
Hence: cerebellar; cerebellose

cerebellose adj cerebellar

cerebral adj cerebral

cerebrar v to cerebrate

cerebration n cerebration

cerebritis (-ítis) n cerebritis, encephalitis

cerebro n brain; also: brains
Hence: cerebritis; cerebral; cerebrar-cerebration; cerebro-spinal etc.; cerebello &

cerebro-cardiac (-íac) adj cerebro-cardiac

cerebro-spinal adj cerebro-spinal

ceree adj waxy, waxen

cerefolio n [Bot.] chervil

ceremonia n ceremony;
maestro de ceremonia master of ceremonies;
habito de ceremonia formal dress;
sin ceremonia without ceremony, informally
Hence: ceremoniero; ceremonial¹-ceremonial²; ceremoniose-inceremoniose

ceremonial¹ adj ceremonial (= relating to ceremonies)

ceremonial² n ceremonial

ceremoniero n [Hist.; R.C.Ch., etc.] master of ceremonies

ceremoniose adj ceremonious (= devoted to forms and ceremonies)

cereo n 1. [Eccl.] (large) wax candle, cierge; 2. [Bot.] cereus;
cereo paschal paschal candle

cereria (-ía) n wax factory; waxchandlery

cerero n waxchandler; waxworker

Ceres (cé-) I. pr [Rom. Relig.] Ceres
Hence: cereal

ceresia n cherry
Hence: ceresiero; ceresieto

ceresiero n cherry tree

ceresieto n cherry orchard

cerner [cern-/-cret-] v to separate, sift
Hence: concerner &; decerner &; discerner &; excern- &; secern- &

ceromantia (-ía) n ceromancy

cerose adj waxy

-cerot- see cer-

certe adj certain (1. “objectively certain”; 2. convinced; 3. as in “a certain ...”)
Hence: certitude; incerte-incertitude; certificar &; certo

certificar v to certify (= to guarantee as true or correct)
Hence: certification; certificator; certificato

certification n certification (= act of certifying)

certificato n certificate

certificator n certifier

certitude n certainty (1. “objective certainty”; 2. certitude)

certo adv certainly

cerumine n cerumen, earwax
Hence: ceruminose

ceruminose adj ceruminous, waxy

cerussa n white lead, ceruse
Hence: cerussite

cerussite n [Mineral.] cerussite

cerva n hind (= female of the red deer)

cervari adj -;
lupo cervari lynx

cervelata n cervelat, saveloy (sausage)

cervo n 1. red deer; 2. stag;
cervo volante stag beetle
Hence: cervari; cerva

ces- see ced-

Cesare npr [Rom. Hist.] Caesar
Hence: cesarismo; cesaree

cesaree adj Caesarean, Caesarian;
operation cesaree Caesarean operation;
section cesaree Caesarean section

cesarismo n Caesarism

cess- see ceder

cessante 1. ppr of cessar; 2. adj ceasing

cessar v to cease, stop (1. to come to an end; 2. to bring to an end)
Hence: cessante-incessante; cessation

cessation n cessation

cessibile adj assignable, transferable

cession n [Law] cession, assignment

cessionario n [Law] assignee

-ceste see caste

cesura n [Pros.] caesura

[cetere] (cé-) adj 1. other; 2. remaining
Hence: cetero¹; cetero²

[cetero¹] (cé-) adv 1. otherwise, in other respects; 2. besides, for the rest

[cetero², ceterum] (cé-) n remainder, rest

cg abbr = centigramma

chacal (sh-) n jackal

chaco (sh-) n [Chess] check;
chacos chess;
chaco mat checkmate;
pecia de chacos chessman

chaise [F] n chair (= seat for one person);
chaise longue [F] chaise longue;
chaise de bracios armchair;
chaise rolante wheel chair

chal (sh-) n shawl

chalet [F] n chalet

chalupa (sh-) n sloop

Cham npr [Bib.] Ham
Hence: chamita-chamitic

chame- adv [occurring in compounds] chame-, chamae- (= on the ground)
Hence: chameleonte etc. ...

chameleonte n chameleon

chamita n Hamite

chamitic adj Hamitic

Champagne [F] npr Champagne;
vino de Champagne, champagne champagne

champignon [F] n champignon; (common or field) mushroom

champion [A] n [Sports] champion

chaos n chaos
Hence: chaotic

chaotic adj chaotic

chaperon [F] n chaperon
Hence: chaperonar-chaperonage

chaperonage (shaperonaje) n chaperoning, chaperonage

chaperonar (sh-) v to chaperon

char à bancs [F] n char-à-banc

character n I. character (1. graphic symbol; also: letter; 2. status, rank; 3. moral constitution); II. characteristic (= distinguishing mark)
Hence: characteristic &; characterisar &

characterisar v to characterize (1. to describe the character of; 2. to qualify)
Hence: characterisation

characterisation n characterization (1. portrayal in words; 2. act of characterizing or qualifying)

characteristic adj characteristic;
characteristic de characteristic of
Hence: characteristica

characteristica n characteristic (1. characteristic trait; 2. [Math.])

charade [F] n (word) charade

charivari (sharivarí) n charivari, belling, shivaree

charlatan [F] n charlatan
Hence: charlataneria; charlatanismo; charlatanesc

charlataneria (sharlatanería) n charlatanry, charlatanism

charlatanesc (sh-) adj charlatanic

charlatanismo (sh-) n charlatanism, charlatanry

charme [F] n charm, attractiveness

charpa (sh-) n [Clothing] sash

charta n charter
Hence: chartismo; chartista; chartar

chartar v to charter (= to grant a charter to)

chartismo n Chartism

chartista n Chartist

chartreuse [F] n chartreuse (= liqueur made by Carthusian monks)

Charybdis (caríbdis) npr Charybdis;
inter Scylla e Charybdis between Scylla and Charybdis

chassa (sh-) n 1. hunting, chase; 2. game (killed in hunting)
Hence: chassar-chassator

chassar (sh-) v to hunt, chase; also: to chase (away), drive off, etc.

chassator (sh-) n I. hunter, huntsman; II. chaser (1. [Navy]; 2. [Naut.] chase-gun); III. [Mil.] chasseur

chassis [F] n chassis (= body-frame of an automobile)

chauffeur [F] n chauffeur

Chauvin, Nicolas npr [excessively patriotic soldier of the Napoleonic army]
Hence: chauvinismo; chauvinista-chauvinistic

chauvinismo (sho-) n chauvinism

chauvinista (sho-) n chauvinist

chauvinistic (sho-) adj chauvinistic

chec (tch-) adj Czech
Hence: checoslovac etc.; checo

checo (tch-) n Czech

checoslovac adj Czechoslovak
Hence: Checoslovachia; checoslovaco

checoslovach- see checoslovac

Checoslovachia (tchecoslovakia) npr Czechoslovakia

checoslovaco (tch-) n Czechoslovak

chef [F] n 1. chief, leader; 2. head (of an organization, firm, etc.);
chef de cocina head cook, chef;
(commandante) in chef (commander) in chief

Cheka [R] n Cheka

chenille [F] n chenille

cheque [A] n [Bank.] check, cheque

cherub n cherub
Hence: cherubic

cherubic adj cherubic

cherubin n cherub
Hence: cherubinic

cherubinic adj cherubic

cheta n [Zool.] chaeta (= spine, bristle)
Hence: chetopode etc.; spirocheta etc.; oligochete etc.; polychete etc.

chetopode (-tó-) adj [Zool.] chaetopod, chaetopodous
Hence: chetopodos

chetopodos (-tó-) npl [Zool.] Chaetopoda

chic¹ [F] adj stylish, chic

chic² [F] n chic

chiffonier [F] n chiffonier

Chile (tchíle) npr Chile
Hence: chilen-chileno

chilen (tchilén) adj Chilean

chileno (tchileno) n Chilean

chili- n/adj [occurring in derivatives] chili- (= thousand)
Hence: chiliasmo; chiliasta

chiliasmo n chiliasm

chiliasta n chiliast

chimera n I. chimera (1. [Mythol.]; 2. fanciful creation, figment of the imagination); II. [Ichthyol.] chimaera
Hence: chimerista; chimeric; chimerisar

chimeric adj chimerical, chimeric

chimerisar v to indulge in fanciful ideas, schemes, etc.

chimerista n dreamer, Utopian (= one who indulges in fanciful ideas, plans, etc.)

chimia (-ía) n chemistry;
chimia inorganic, chimia mineral inorganic chemistry
Hence: chimista; chimic; chimico; biochimia etc.; chimotherapia etc.; electrochimia etc.; physicochimia etc.

chimic adj chemical

chimico n chemist (= expert in chemistry)

chimista n chemist (= expert in chemistry)

chimo- see chimia

chimotherapia (-ía) n chemotherapy

chimpanze (shimpanzé) n chimpanzee

China (sh-) npr China;
muralia de China Chinese Wall, Great Wall of China;
mar de China China Sea;
tinta de China India ink, Chinese ink
Hence: chinese; Indochina etc.

chinese¹ (sh-) adj Chinese

chinese² (sh-) n Chinese (1. Chinese person; 2. Chinese language)

chir- n [occurring in compounds] chir-, chiro-, cheir-, cheiro- (= hand)
Hence: chiromante etc.; chirurgo etc.; chiroptere etc.

chiromante n palmist, chiromancer
Hence chiromantia

chiromantia (-ía) n palmistry, chiromancy

chiroptere adj [zool.] chiropterous
Hence: chiropteros

chiropteros (-róp-) npl [Zool.] Chiroptera

chirurgia (-ía) n surgery (= art and practice of surgery)

chirurgic adj surgical

chirurgo n surgeon
Hence: chirurgia; chirurgic

chlor- adj [occurring in derivatives and compounds] chlor-, chloro- (= green)
Hence: chlorosis; chlorophylla etc.; chloro &

chloracet- see chloracetic

chloracetato n chloracetate

chloracetic adj chloracetic
Hence: chloracetato

chloral n chloral (1. [Chem.]; 2. chloral hydrate);
hydrato de chloral chloral hydrate

chlorato n chlorate

chlorhydrato n hydrochlorate

chlorhydric adj hydrochloric

chloric adj chloric

chlorido n chloride

chlorito n chlorite

chloro n chlorine
Hence: chlorato-perchlorato; chlorido-trichlorido etc.; chlorito-hypochlorito; chloruro; chloric-perchloric; chlorose-hypochlorose; chloral etc.; chloracetic etc.; chloroformo etc.; chloroplasto etc.

chloroformar v to chloroform

chloroformisar v to chloroform

chloroformo n chloroform
Hence: chloroformar; chloroformisar

chlorophylla n chlorophyll

chloroplasto n chloroplast

chlorose adj chlorous

chlorosis (-ósis) n chlorosis (1. [Med.]; 2. [Bot.])

chloruro n [Chem.] chloride

choc (sh-) n shock (= collision, impact)

choc- see choccar

choccar (sh-) v to shock (= to hurt the sensibilities of)
Hence: choc

chocolate (sh-) n chocolate (1. as in “chocolate bar”; 2. as in “hot chocolate”)
Hence: chocolatero; chocolatiera

chocolatero (sh-) n chocolate dealer or manufacturer

chocolatiera (sh-) n chocolate pot

cholera (có-) n 1. cholera; 2. anger, wrath;
esser in cholera to be angry
Hence: cholerina; choleric; incholerisar

choleric adj 1. [Med.] choleraic; 2. choleric, irascible

cholerina n [Med.] cholerine

chondro n cartilage
Hence: chondroide; hypochondrio-hypochondria-hypochondriac-hypochondriaco; chondrologia etc.

chondroide adj chondroid, resembling cartilage

chondrologia (-ía) n chondrology

choral¹ adj choral

choral² n chorale

chorda n I. chord (1. string of a musical instrument; 2. [Geom.]); II. [Anat.] tendon;
chordas vocal vocal cords, vocal chords
Hence: clavichordio etc.; notochordo etc.; hexachordo etc.; hexachordio etc.

chorea (-éa) n 1. choral dance; 2. St. Vitus’s dance, chorea
Hence: choreic; choreographo etc.

choreic (-éic) adj pertaining to St. Vitus’s dance, choreic

choreographia (-ía) n choreography

choreographic adj choreographic

choreographo (-ógrapho) n choreographer
Hence: choreographia; choreographic

chorista n 1. chorister; 2. chorus singer; member of a chorus (in a theater, etc.)

choro n I. chorus (1. group of singers, dancers, etc. performing together; 2. musical work or passage to be sung in concert); II. choir (1. part of a church set apart for the choir of singers; 2. group of church singers performing in concert)
Hence: chorea &; chorista; choral

chrestomathia (-tía) n chrestomathy

christian adj Christian

christianismo n Christianity (= the Christian faith)

christianitate n 1. Christendom; 2. Christianity (= state of being a Christian)

christiano n Christian

Christo npr Christ
Hence: christian-christianismo, christianitate, antichristian, judeochristian etc.; christiano; Antichristo-antichristian

chrom- [-ma/-mat-] n [occurring in derivatives and compounds] chrom-, chromo-, chromat-, chromato- (= color)
Hence: chromatismo; chromatic-monochromatic etc.; polychromatic etc.; chromatica; achromate-achromatismo, achromatic, achromatisar-achromatication, achromatopsia etc.; chromophore etc.; chromatophore etc.; chromolithographia etc.; chromosoma etc.; chromosphera etc.; monochrome etc.; polychrome etc.; photochromia etc.

chromat- see chrom-

chromatic adj chromatic (1. of color; 2. [Mus.]);
scala chromatic chromatic scale

chromatica n [Colorimetry] chromatics

chromatismo n chromatism (1. [Bot.]; 2. [Opt.])

chromato n [Chem.] chromate

chromatophore adj [Zool.] chromatophorous, chromatophoric
Hence: chromatophoro

chromatophoro (-tó-) n [Zool.] chromatophore

chromic adj [Chem.] chromic

chromo¹ n chromium
Hence: chromato-bichromato etc.; chromic

chromo² n chromo, chromolithograph

chromolithographia (-ía) n 1. chromolithography; 2. chromolithograph

chromophore adj chromophorous
Hence: chromophoro

chromophoro (-mó-) n [Chem., Phys.] chromophore

chromophotographia (-ía) n 1. chromophotography; 2. chromophotograph

chromosoma n [Biol.] chromosome

chromosphera n [Astron.] chromosphere

chronic adj [Med.] chronic

chronica n 1. chronicle; 2. [Journ.] column (= part of newspaper devoted to a special subject);
chronica scandalose chronique scandaleuse, scandalous gossip

chronicitate n chronic character, chronicity

chronista n chronicler

chrono- n [occurring in derivatives and compounds] chrono-, chron- (= time)
Hence: chronista; chronic-chronicitate; chronica; anachrone &; synchrone &; chronogramma etc.; chronologo etc.; chronometro etc.; isochrone etc.

chronogramma n chronogram

chronographo (-ógrapho) n [Astron., etc.] chronograph

chronologia (-ía) n chronology

chronologic adj chronological

chronologista n chronologist

chronologo (-ólogo) n chronologer
Hence: chronologia-chronologista; chronologic

chronometrar v to time (as in “to time a horse”)

chronometria (-ía) n chronometry, measurement of time

chronometrista n timekeeper

chronometro (-ómetro) n chronometer
Hence: chronometria; chronometrista; chronometrar

chrysalide (-ál-) n chrysalis

chrysanthemo (crisántemo) n chrysanthemum

chryselephantin adj chryselephantine (= of gold and ivory)

chryso- n [occurring in derivatives and compounds] chryso-, chrys- (= gold)
Hence: chrysalide; chrysoberyllo etc.; chrysanthemo etc.; chryselephantin etc.

chrysoberyllo n [Mineral.] chrysoberyl

chrysolitho (-ó-) n [Mineral.] chrysolith

chthon- n [occurring in derivatives and compounds] chthon- (= earth)
Hence: chthonie; autochthone &

chthonie adj chthonian

[ci] adv here;
de ci a (un hora, etc.) (an hour, etc.) from now;
usque a ci 1. to here; 2. up to now, hitherto;
ci juncto herewith, hereto (joined);
(= hic)

cibolla n onion

cicada n cicada

cicatrice n scar, cicatrice; also: cicatrix
Hence: cicatricula; cicatrisar &

cicatricula n cicatricle, cicatricula

cicatrisante n cicatrizer, cicatrizant

cicatrisar v to heal, cicatrize
Hence: cicatrisante; cicatrisation

cicatrisation n healing, cicatrization

Ciceron npr [Rom. Hist.] Cicero
Hence: ciceronian

cicerone [I] n cicerone (= Italian guide to Roman antiquities)

ciceronian adj Ciceronian

cichorea n chicory

ciconia n stork

cicuta n hemlock (1. [Bot.] Cicuta; 2. poisonous drink of hemlock)

-cid- see cader, ced-

-cider see ced-

cidra n cider, hard cider

cifra n 1. figure (= symbol for a number); II. cipher (1. code; 2. monogram)
Hence: cifrar; decifrar &

cifrar v to cipher (= to put into secret writing)

cigarreria (-ía) n cigar shop

cigarrero n cigar maker or dealer

cigarretta n cigarette

cigarriera n cigar case

cigarro n cigar
Hence: cigarretta; cigarrero; cigarreria; cigarriera

ciliari adj ciliary

cilio n eyelash;
cilios (vibratile) (vibratile) cilia
Hence: ciliari; supercilio-superciliari, superciliose

cimicaria n [Bot.] bugbane

cimice (címice) n 1. bedbug; 2. thumbtack
Hence: cimicaria; cimicose

cimicose adj infested with bedbugs

cin- v [occurring in derivatives and compounds] kin-, kine- (= to move)
Hence: cinema- &; cinese &; cinet- &; cinetic &; cinesthesia etc.; cinesthetic etc.

cinchona n cinchona (1. cinchona tree; 2. cinchona bark, Peruvian bark)
Hence: cinchonina; cinchonismo

cinchonina n [Chem.] cinchonine

cinchonismo n [Med.] cinchonism, quininism

cinct- see cinger

cinctura n 1. belt; also: girdle, cincture; 2. waist (= part of the body between hips and ribs)
Hence: cincturon; cincturar

cincturar v to girdle, belt

cincturon n [Mil.] waist belt

cine n cinema, motion-picture theater

cinema n cinema (1. motion pictures; 2. motion-picture theater)

cinema- [-ma/-mat-] n [occurring in derivatives and compounds] cinemato-, cinemat-, cinemo-, kinemato-, kinemat-, kinemo- (= motion)
Hence: cinematic; cinematica; cinematographo etc.

cinemat- see cinema-

cinematic adj kinematic

cinematica n kinematics

cinematographia (-ía) n cincmatography

cinematographic adj cinematographic

cinematographo (-ó-) n 1. cinematograph (= motion-picture projector); 2. cinema, motion-picture theater
Hence: cinematographia; cinematographic

cinerar v 1. to cover with ashes; 2. to color ash-gray

cinerari adj cinerary, for or pertaining to ashes;
urna cinerari funeral urn

cinere n ashes; also: ash;
mercuridi del cineres Ash Wednesday
Hence: cinerari; cineriero; cineriera; cinerose; cinerar; incinerar &

cineriera n ash tray

cineriero n (container for ashes) ashpan, ash box, bucket, etc.; also: ash tray

cinerose adj ashy (1. full of ashes; 2. ashen, ash-gray)

cinese n kinesis
Hence: caryocinese etc.

cinesthesia (-ía) n kinesthesia

cinesthetic adj kinesthetic

cinet- adj [occurring in compounds] kineto- (= moving)
Hence: cinetoscopio etc.

cinetic adj kinetic
Hence: cinetica; caryocinetic etc.

cinetica n kinetics

cinetoscopio n kinetoscope

cinger [cing-/cinct-] v 1. to gird, girdle; 2. to gird on; 3. to surround
Hence: cingula &; cinctura &; discinger &: succinger &

cingula n (saddle) girth, cingle, cinch
Hence: cingular; supercingula

cingular v to girt, girth, cinch up

cinquanta adj fifty

cinquantesime (-ésime) adj fiftieth;
le cinquantesime parte, le cinquantesimo the fiftieth part, the fiftieth

cinque adj five
Hence: cinquanta-cinquantesime; cinquefolio etc.; dece-cinque etc.

cinquefolio n [Bot.] cinquefoil

-cip- see caper

-cipe n [occurring in compounds]
Hence: forcipe etc.; mancipe etc.; municipe etc.; participe etc.; principe etc.

-cipite¹ (-cí-) adj [occurring in compounds]
Hence: precipite &; bicipite etc.

-cipite² see also capite

circa around, about (1. round about; 2. approximately)

circo n circus
Hence: circulo &

circuir (-ír) v to go, walk, etc. round, to circuit
Hence: circuition; circuito

circuition n circuition, going round

circuito (-úito) n circuit (1. circuitous route; 2. [Elec.]);
curte circuito short circuit

circular¹ adj circular (1. round like a circle; 2. as in “circular letter”)

circular² n circular

circular³ v to circulate (1. to go around; 2. to send around from one person or place to another);
bibliotheca circulante circulating library
Hence: circulation; circulatori

circulation n I. circulation (1. action of going around; 2. action of sending around from one person or place to another); II. traffic (as in “road traffic”)

circulatori adj circulatory

circulo n circle (1. [Math.]; 2. group of people held together by the same interests);
circulo polar polar circle;
circulo vitiose vicious circle
Hence: circular¹; circular³ &; incircular; semicirculo etc.

[circum] (cír-) prep around, around about

circum- prefixo circum- (= around, about)
Hence: circumvicin etc.: circumloquer etc.; circumnavigar etc.

circumcider [-cid-/-cis-] v to circumcise
Hence: circumcision; circumcise-incircumcise

circumcis- see circumcider

circumcise adj circumcised

circumcision n circumcision

circumerrar v to stroll about, walk around

circumferente adj circumferent, forming a circumference

circumferentia n circumference

circumferential adj circumferential

circumferer v 1. to go round, encompass; 2. to surround
Hence: circumferente-circumferentia-circumferential, semicircumferentia etc.

circumflecter [-flect-/-flex-] v to circumflex (1. to flex or bend round; 2. [Gram.])
Hence: circumflexion; circumflexe

circumflex- see circumflecter

circumflexe adj [Gram.] circumflex;
accento circumflexe circumflex accent, circumflex

circumflexion n circumflexion

circumjacer v to lie or be situated around (a place)

circumlocut- see circumloquer

circumlocution n circumlocution

circumloquer [-loqu-/-locut-] v to use circumlocution
Hence: circumlocution

circumnavigar v to circumnavigate

circumnavigation n circumnavigation

circumpolar adj circumpolar

circumscriber [-scrib-/-script-] v circumscribe (1. to draw a line around; 2. to limit, restrict)
Hence: circumscription

circumscript- see circumscriber

circumscription n circumscription

circumspect- see circumspic-

circumspecte adj circumspect

circumspection n circumspection

circumspic- [-spic-/-spect-] v [occurring in derivatives]
Hence: circumspection; circumspecte

circumstante n bystander

circumstantia n circumstance (= condition or fact accompanying or determining the occurrence of an event, a situation, etc.);
circumstantias aggravante, attenuante [Law] aggravating, extenuating circumstances
Hence: circumstantial; circumstantiar

circumstantial adj circumstantial (= depending on circumstances)

circumstantiar v to give a circumstantial or detailed account of

circumstar v 1. to stand around in a circle; 2. to stand around (someone)
Hence: circumstantia &; circumstante

circumvallar v to surround with a rampart, circumvallate

circumvallate 1. pp of circumvallar; 2. adj circumvallate, surrounded with a rampart

circumvallation n [Fortif.] circumvallation

circumvenir v to circumvent (= to gain advantage over by trickery)

circumvicin adj circumjacent, adjacent

circumvolut- see circumvolver

circumvolution n circumvolution (= rotation)

circumvolver [-volv-/-volut-] v to circumvolve (= to perform a circumvolution)
Hence: circumvolution

[cis] prep on this side (of)

cisalpin adj [Geog.] cisalpine

cisellar v to chase, engrave

cisellator n chiseler (= one who works with a chisel)

cisellatura n (act of) chiseling (= working with a chisel)

cisello n chisel
Hence: cisellar-cisellator, cisellatura

cismontan adj cismontane

cisorios npl scissors; also: shears, etc.

cisterna n cistern

citabile adj quotable

citadella n citadel

citar v to cite (1. [Law] to summon; also: to arraign; 2. to quote)
Hence: citabile; citation; precitate; excitar &; incitar &; recitar &; suscitar &

citatano n citizen (= person who is a member of a state or nation);
derecto de citatano (right of) citizenship

citate n city
Hence: citatano

citation n citation (1. [Law] summons; 2. quotation)

cithera (cí-) n 1. cither; 2. zither
Hence: citherista

citherista n zither player

[cito] adv 1. quickly, speedily; 2. soon

citrato n [Chem.] citrate

citric adj citric

citrin adj lemon-colored

citrina n lemon yellow

citro n 1. [Bot.] Citrus; 2. citron; also: lemon
Hence: citrato; citric; citrin-citrina

cive n citizen (1. [Hist.] inhahitant of a city or town; 2. “citizen of a country or state”)
Hence: civismo; civic; civil &

civic adj civic (= relating to citizenship)

civil¹ adj I. civil (1. having to do with citizens; 2. polite, courteous); II. civilian;
morte civil civil death;
guerra civil civil war
Hence: civilitate; civilisar &; incivil-incivilitate

civil² n civilian

civilisabile adj civilizable

civilisar v to civilize
Hence: civilisabile; civilisation; civilisator

civilisation n civilization

civilisator n civilizer

civilitate n civility (= politeness)

civismo n (principles of good) citizenship, civism

cl abbr = centilitro

cla- v [occurring in derivatives and compounds]
Hence: clasma; -clase &; -clasta &; clastic

[clam] 1. adv secretly; 2. prep without the knowledge of, unknown to

clamar v to cry out, exclaim
Hence: clamor &, acclamar &; declamar &; exclamar &; proclamar &; reclamar &

clamor n clamor (= loud shout or shouting)
Hence: clamorose

clamorose adj clamorous

clan n clan

clandestin adj clandestine
Hence: clandestinitate

clandestinitate n clandestineness

claque [F] n [Theat.] claque

clar adj clear (1. free from impurities or cloudiness; 2. not obscure or vague);
(verde, gris, etc.) clar light (green, grey, etc.)
Hence: clarino &; claritate; clarette-claretto; clarar-declarar &; exclarar &; clarificar-clarification, clarificator; clarobscuro etc.; clarividente etc.; clara

-clar abbr -calar

clara¹ n white-of-egg; also: glair

Clara² nprf Clare
Hence: Clarissa

clarar v to clarify (1. to clear, purify; 2. to explain)

clarette adj pale, light-colored

claretto n light red wine (of Southern France); also: claret

clarificar v to clarify (= to purify)

clarification n clarification (= action of purifying)

clarificator n clarifier

clarinettista n clarinettist

clarinetto n clarinet

clarino n [Mus.] clarino, clarion
Hence: clarinetto-clarinettista

Clarissa nprf Clarissa;
clarissa [R.C.Ch.] Clare, Clarist nun

claritate n clarity, clearness

clarividente adj clear-sighted, discerning
Hence: clarividentia

clarividentia n clear-sightedness, discernment

clarobscuro n chiaroscuro

-clase n [occurring in compounds] -clase, -clasia (= breaking, breaking up, splitting)
Hence: orthoclase etc.

clasma n fragment

classar v to class, classify

classe n I. class (1. group of individuals or things of the same status; also: “social class”; “class of animals or plants”; 2. “class in school”); II. classroom
Hence: classic &; classar; classificar &

classic adj classic, classical (1. of the first rank or authority; 2. belonging to Greek or Latin antiquity)
Hence: classicismo; pseudoclassic etc.; classico

classicismo n classicism (1. adherence to classical style; 2. classical turn of expression)

classico n 1. classic (= writer or work of the first rank and of acknowledged excellence); 2. [Lit., Art] classicist

classificabile adj classifiable

classificar v to classify
Hence: classificabile; classification; classificator

classification n classification

classificator n classifier

-clasta n [occurring in compounds] -clast (= breaker, smasher)
Hence: iconoclasta etc.

clastic adj clastic (1. as in “clastic models”; 2. [Petrography])

claude adj limping, lame
Hence: claudicar &

clauder [claud-/claus-;-clud-/-clus-] v to close (1. to shut, stop up; 2. to bring to an end)
Hence: clausura-clausurar; clause-clauso-clausula; concluder &; excluder &; includer &: occluder &; recluder &

claudicar v to limp
Hence: claudication

claudication n (act of) limping; limp

claus- abbr clauder

clause adj 1. close, closed; 2. finished, completed

clauso n enclosure (= enclosed space)

claustral adj cloistral

claustrar v to cloister

claustro n cloister (1. covered passage running around the inner court of a monastery; 2. convent or monastery)
Hence: claustral; claustrar; claustrophobia etc.

claustrophobia (-ía) n [Psychopathol.] claustrophobia

clausula n [Law] clause

clausura n i. enclosure (= enclosed space); 2. (act of) closing, ending; 3. [Parl.] closure, cloture

clausurar v 1. to enclose (a field, etc.); 2. to conclude, terminate; 3. [Parl.] to closure

clavar v to nail (= to fix or fasten with nails)

clave n 1. key (= instrument that locks and unlocks); 2. [Techn.] wrench; 3. [Mus.] clef; 4. [Mus.] stop (of a wind instrument); 5. key (of a piano, organ, etc.);
clave anglese monkey wrench;
clave (de contacto) [Elec.] contact plug or pin;
clave de violino [Mus.] G or treble or violin clef;
clave de basso, clave de fa [Mus.] F or base clef;
clave (a vite, a tubo, etc.) (screw, pipe, etc.) wrench
Hence: claviero; clavicula &; subclavio; autoclave; conclave &; clavicymbalo etc.; clavichordio etc.

clavero n nailer, nail-smith

chordio n clavichord

clavicula n collar-bone, clavicle
Hence: clavicular

clavicular adj [Anat.] clavicular

clavicymbalo (-cím-) n clavecin, harpsichord

claviera n nail mold

claviero n keyboard, clavier; also: manual (of an organ)

clavo 1. nail, tack; 2. [Pathol.] boil; 3.[Spices] clove
Hence: clavero; claviera; clavar-inclavar-inclavatura; laticlavo etc.

clearing [A] n [Com.] clearing

clearinghouse [A] n [Com.] clearinghouse

clemente adj clement
Hence: clementia; inclemente-inclementia

clementia n clemency

clerical adj clerical (= pertaining to the clergy)

clericalismo n clericalism

clericato n clerical rank, clericate

clerico n cleric, clergyman
Hence: clericato; clerical-clericalismo, anticlerical-anticlericalismo

clero n clergy
Hence: clerico &

cliché [F] n I. cliché (1. mat, stereotype matrix; 2. trite phrase); II. [Photog.] negative

cliente n I. client (1. [Rom. Antiq.]; 2. as in “lawyer’s client”); II. customer
Hence: clientela

clientela n 1. [Hist.] patronage (= protection given by a patron to his client); 2. clientele (= body of clients or customers)

climate n climate
Hence: climatic; climatisar-climatisation; acclimatar-acclimatation; climatologia etc.

climatic adj climatic

climatisar v to air-condition

climatisation n air-conditioning

climatologia (-ía) n climatology
Hence: climatologic

climatologic adj climatological

clin- n [occurring in compounds and derivatives]
Hence: clinic; clinica; clinometro etc.; isocline etc.

clinar v to droop, sink
Hence: declinar &; inclinar &; reclinar

clinic adj clinical (= used or performed in a sickroom)

clinica n clinic (1. practical instruction of medical students at the bedside of a patient; 2. place for the medical treatment of certain people or diseases)

clinometro (-ó-) n clinometer

clique [F] n clique, coterie

cloaca (-á-) n cloaca (1. sewer; 2. [Zool.])
Hence: cloacal

cloacal adj cloacal

clown [A] n clown
Hence: clownesc

clownesc adj clownish

club [A] n club (as in “tennis club, literary club, etc.”)
Hence: clubista

clubista n club member

clyster n enema, injection, clyster

cm abbr = centimetro;
cm² = centimetro quadrate;
cm³ = centimetro cubic

co-¹ prefixo [used with nouns and adjectives] co- (= joint, fellow)
Hence: cohereditario etc.; conational etc.

co-² see also con-

coaccusato n codefendant

coact- see coager

coaction n coercion, compulsion

coadjut- see coadjuvar

coadjutor n coadjutor (1. coadjutant; 2. [Eccl.])

coadjuvante adj coadjutant

coadjuvar [-juv-/-jut-] v to assist, aid
Hence: coadjuvante; coadjutor

coager [-ag-/-act-] v to coerce, compel
Hence: coaction

coagulabile adj coagulable

coagulante n coagulant

coagular v to coagulate (= to cause to coagulate)

coagulation n coagulation

coagulator n coagulator

coagulo n 1. coagulant; 2. coagulum
Hence: coagular-coagulante, coagulabile, coagulation, coagulator

coal- v [occurring in derivatives]
Hence: coalescer &; coalition; coalisar

coalescentia n coalescence

coalescer v to coalesce (= to grow together)
Hence: coalescentia

coalisar v to unite, bring together (in a coalition);
coalisar se to enter into a coalition (with)

coalition n coalition

coaltar [A] n coal tar

coarde adj cowardly, coward
Hence: coardia; coardo

coardia (-ía) n cowardice

coardo n coward

coax n caw
Hence: coaxar-coaxamento

coaxamento n (act of) cawing, croaking

coaxar v to caw, croak

cobalt (có-) n cobalt;
azur or blau de cobalt cobalt blue
Hence: cobaltite; cobaltic; cobaltifere

cobaltic adj cobaltic

cobaltifere adj cobaltiferous

cobaltite n [Mineral.] colbaltite

Coblenz (có-) npr Coblenz

cobra n [Zool.] cobra

coca n coca
Hence: cocaina &

cocaina (-ína) n cocaine
Hence: cocainismo; cocainisar-cocainisation; cocainomano etc.

cocainisar v to cocainize

cocainisation n cocainization

cocainismo n cocainism

cocainomania (-ía) n cocaine habit

cocainomano (-ó-) n cocaine addict
Hence: cocainomania

cocarda n cockade

coccinella n [Zool.] Coccinella; also: ladybird, ladybug

cocco- n [occurring in compounds] cocco-, cocc- (= grain, seed, berry)
Hence: echinococco etc.; streptococco etc.; oxcycocco etc. ...

cocer [coc-/coct-] v 1. to cook (as in “to cook meat, vegetables, etc.”); 2. to bake (“to bake pottery”);
cocer in le furno to bake
Hence: coco; cocina &; coction; decocer &; recocer

cochi (-sh-) n carriage, coach, car
Hence: cochiero; cochiar

cochiar (-sh-) v to drive (a carriage, coach, etc.)

cochiero (-sh-) n coachman, driver

cochinilia (-sh-) n 1. cochineal insect; 2. cochineal

cochlea see coclea

cocina n kitchen; also: cooking, cuisine;
libro de cocina cookery book, cookbook
Hence: cocinero; cocinar

cocinar v to cook (= to do the cooking)

cocinero n cook

cocktail [A] n cocktail

coclea, cochlea n 1. snail; also: snail shell; 2. [Anat.] cochlea
Hence: coclear &; coclearia; cocleate

coclear n spoon;
coclear de caffe coffee spoon
Hence: coclearata; cocleariforme etc.

coclearata n spoonful

coclearia, cochlearia n [Bot.] Cochlearia

cocleariforme adj spoon-shaped

cocleate, cochleate adj cochleate, cochleated (= shaped like a snail shell)

coco¹ n cook

coco² n 1. coco, coconut palm; 2. coconut

cocon [F] n cocoon

coct- see cocer

coction n 1. (action of) cooking; 2. digestion

cod- see codice

coda [I] n [Mus.] coda

codice (có-) n I. codex (1. manuscript volume; 2. pharmacopoeia); II. code (1. body of laws; 2. conventional system of rules, symbols, etc.);
codice civil civil law;
codice penal penal code;
codice commercial commercial law;
codice militar articles of war;
codice telegraphic telegraphic code
Hence: codicillo; codificar &

codicillo n [Law] codicil

codificar v to codify
Hence: codification; codificator

codification n codification

codificator n codifier

coeducation n coeducation

coefficiente n [Math.] coefficient

coercer v to coerce, compel
Hence: coercibile-coercibilitate, incoercibile; coercition; coercitive

coercibile adj coercible

coercibilitate n coercibility, coercibleness

coercition n coercion, compulsion

coercitive adj coercive

coetanee adj coetaneous

coeterne adj coeternal

coeternitate n coeternity

coexistente adj coexistent

coexistentia n coexistence

coexister v to coexist

coffretto n (small) chest; also: small coffer, small trunk

coffro n 1. coffer, casket, chest; 2. trunk (= traveling box or chest)
Hence: coffretto; incoffrar

cogitar v to cogitate
Hence: cogitation; excogitar &

cogitation n cogitation

Cognac [F] npr Cognac;
cognac cognac

cognate adj cognate
Hence: cognation; cognato

cognation n 1. blood relationship, kinship; 2. [Law] cognation

cognato n [Law] cognate (1. kinsman; 2. relative on the mother’s side)

cognit- see cognoscer

cognite (có-) adj (well-)known

cognition n [Philos.] cognition

cognitive adj cognitive

cognoscentia n 1. knowledge, acquaintance; 2. acquaintance (= person with whom one is acquainted);
cognoscentia de knowledge of, acquaintance with;
prender cognoscentia de to take cognizance of

cognoscer [-gnosc-/-gnit-] v to know, be acquainted with;
cognoscer un persona de vista or de nomine to know someone by sight or by name;
facer cognoscer to make known
Hence: cognoscimento; cognoscentia; cognoscibile-incognoscibile; cognition; cognitive; cognoscitor; cognite-incognite-incognito; precognoscer-precognition; recognoscer &

cognoscibile adj knowable, cognizable, cognoscible

cognoscimento n 1. (act of) knowing; knowledge; 2. bill of lading

cognoscitor n connoisseur

cohabitar v 1. to dwell or live together; 2. to cohabit

cohabitation n cohabitation

cohereditar v to inherit conjointly

cohereditario n coheir;
cohereditarios joint heirs

coherente 1. ppr of coherer; 2. adj coherent

coherentia n coherence

coherer [-her-/-hes-] v to cohere, be coherent
Hence: coherente-coherentia, incoherente-incoherentia; cohesion; cohesive; cohesor; coheritor

coheritor n [Radio] coherer

cohes- see coherer

cohesion n cohesion

cohesive adj cohesive

cohesor n [Radio] coherer

cohorte n [Rom. Antiq.] cohort

coincidental adj coincidental

coincidente adj coincident

coincidentia n coincidence

coincider v to coincide
Hence: coincidente-coincidental, coincidentia

cointeressato n joint party in interest

coke [A] n coke

col- see con-

colar v to strain, filter

colatorio n strainer (= device for straining, filtering etc.)

colatura n (process of) straining, filtering

cold-cream [A] n [Cosmetics] cold cream

coleo- n [occurring in compounds] coleo- (= sheath)
Hence: coleoptere etc.

coleoptere adj [Entom.] coleopterous
Hence: coleoptero

coleoptero (-óp-) n [Entom.] coleopter, beetle;
coleopteros [Entom.] Coleoptera

coler [col-/cult-] v 1. to cultivate, till; 2. to abide, dwell; 3. to care for; 4. to honor, reverence, worship
Hence: colono &; cultivar &; cultor-viticultor etc.; cultura &: culte-cultismo, inculte; culto; agricola etc.; ignicola etc.; regnicola etc.; agricole etc.

colic adj colic, colonic

colica n colic

colitis (-ítis) n colitis

colla n paste, glue
Hence: colloide &; collose; collar-discollar; ichthyocolla etc.; glycocolla etc.

collaber [-lab/-laps-] v to collapse, break down
Hence: collapso

collaborar v 1. to collaborate; 2. to contribute (“to contribute to a periodical, etc.”)
Hence: collaboration; collaborator

collaboration n collaboration

collaborator n 1. collaborator; 2. contributor (“contributor to a periodical, etc.”)

collaps- see collaber

collapso n [Med.] collapse, breakdown

collar¹ n necklace, collar, etc. (= band, chain or the like, worn around the neck)

collar² v to paste, glue

collateral adj collateral (1. side by side; 2. of common descent but by different line)

colle n hill
Hence: collina &

collect- see colliger

collecta n 1. collection (= act of collecting money for a particular purpose); 2. [Liturg.] collect

collection n collection (= things collected)

collective adj collective

collectivismo n collectivism

collectivista n collectivist

collectivitate n collectivity (1. quality of being collective; 2. collective whole; also: people as a body, community)

collectivo n collective (1. collective whole; 2. [Cram.] “collective noun”)

collector n I. collector (1. one who collects stamps, books, prints, etc.; 2. official who collects taxes, duties, etc.); II. [Elec.] commutator

collega n colleague

collegial adj collegiate, collegial;
ecclesia collegial collegiate church

collegian adj high-school, preparatory-school

collegio n 1. college (as in “college of cardinals”); 2. secondary school;
collegio electoral Electoral College
Hence: collegial; collegian

collider [-lid-/-lis-] v to collide
Hence: collision

colliger [-lig-/-lect-] v I. to gather (1. to pick; 2. to infer); II. to collect (as in “to collect stamps”)
Hence: collection; collective-collectivismo, collectivista, collectivitate, collectivo; collector; collecta; recolliger &

collina n hill
Hence: collinetta; collinose

collinetta n hillock

collinose adj hilly

collis- see collider

collision n collision (1. crash; 2. clash, conflict)

collo n 1. neck; 2. [Clothing] collar
Hence: collar¹; decollar &; accollar &; laticolle etc.

collocar v to collocate
Hence: collocation

collocation n collocation

collodio n [Chem.] collodion

colloidal adj colloidal

colloide¹ adj colloid
Hence: colloide²-colloidal

colloide² n colloid

colloquer [-loqu-/-locut-] v to converse, be engaged in colloquy
Hence: colloquio-colloquial-colloquialismo

colloquial adj colloquial

colloquialismo n colloquialism

colloquio n colloquy (= conversation)

collose adj sticky, gluey

colluder [-lud /-lus-] v to collude
Hence: collusion; collusive

collus- see colluder

collusion n [Law] collusion

collusive adj collusive, colluding

colo n strainer (= device for straining, filtering, etc.); also: colander, filter
Hence: colar-colatorio, colatura, escolar &, recolar, percolar &

colon n [Anat.] colon
Hence: colitis-enterocolitis etc.; colic-colica

colonia¹ n colony (1. settlement in a new country; 2. as in “artists’ colony”);
colonia penitentiari penal farm or colony

Colonia² npr Cologne;
aqua de Colonia (eau de) Cologne

colonial adj colonial

colonisabile adj colonizable

colonisar v to colonize (= to establish a colony in)

colonisation n colonization

colonisator n colonizer

colonna n column (1. [Arch.]; 2. [Mil.])
Hence: colonnada; colonnello

colonnada n colonnade

colonnello n colonel;
locotenente colonnello lieutenant colonel

colono n 1. tenant farmer; 2. colonist, settler
Hence: colonia-colonial; colonisar-colonisabile, colonisation, colonisator

color n color (1. as in “the colors of the rainbow”; 2. coloring matter, paint);
color local local color
Hence: colorista; colorar-coloration, colorito, discolorar; incolor; multicolor etc.; tricolor etc.

colorar v to color (= to give color to)

coloration n coloration

colorista n colorist

colorito n [Art] coloring

colossal adj colossal

Colosseo (-éo) npr Colosseum, Coliseum

colosso n colossus
Hence: Colosseo; colossal

colpar v to hit, strike, etc.; also: to knock, rap, etc.

colpator n one who hits, strikes, etc.

colpo n blow, stroke; also: knock, rap;
colpo de vento gust, blast of wind;
colpo de sol sunstroke;
colpo de gratia coup de grâce, finishing stroke;
colpo de stato coup d’état;
colpo de apoplexia apoplectic stroke;
colpo de mar breaker (= foamcrested wave)
Hence: colpar-colpator; paracolpos etc.

columba n pigeon; also: dove
Hence: columbite; columbario; columbiera; columbin-Columbina

columbario n [Rom. Antiq.] columbarium

Columbia n 1. Colombia, Columbia; 2. Columbia (= America);
Columbia Britannic British Columbia;
Districto de Columbia District of Columbia

columbian adj 1. Colombian, Columbian; 2. Columbian (= American)

columbiera n dovecot, pigeon-house

columbin adj columbine, dove

Columbina npr [Theat.] Columbine

columbite n [Mineral.] columbite

columbium (-lúm-) n [Chem.l columbium

Columbo, Christophoro npr [1446?-1506] Christopher Columbus;
le ovo de Columbo the egg of Columbus
Hence: Columbia-columbian, columbium

columna n column (1. [Arch.]; 2. [Print.]; 3. [Mil.]);
columna vertebral spinal column, backbone;
quinte columna fifth column
Hence: columnada

columnada n colonnade

com-¹ n [occurring in derivatives];
Comus [Mythol.] Comus
Hence: comic-tragicomic etc.; comico; comedo etc.

com-² see also con-

coma [-ma/-mat-] n coma
Hence: comatose

comat- see coma

comatose adj comatose

combattente n 1. combatant; 2. [Ornith.] ruff (= Machetes pugnax)

combatter v 1. to fight with, combat; 2. to fight, struggle
Hence: combatto; combattente; combattive-combattivitate

combattive adj combative

combattivitate n combativeness

combatto n fight, combat;
combatto singular single combat

combinabile adj combinable

combinar v to combine (= to cause to combine)
Hence: combinabile; combination; combinatori

combination n combination

combinatori adj combinatory

comburente 1. ppr of comburer; 2. adj [Chem.] comburent

comburer [-bur-/-bust-] v to burn up, consume
Hence: comburente; combustibile-combustibilitate, incombustibile-incombustibilitate; combustion; combustive

combust- see comburer

combustibile¹ adj combustible (= capable of undergoing combustion)

combustibile² n 1. combustible; 2. fuel

combustibilitate n combustibility

combustion n combustion (1. process of burning; 2. [Chem.]; 3. violent agitation, tumult);
combustion spontanee spontaneous combustion

combustive adj combustive

comedia n comedy

comediano n comedian (1. actor in a comedy; 2. author of comedies)

comedo n comedian
Hence: comedia-comediano; tragicomedia etc.

comenciamento n beginning, commencement

comenciante n beginner (= novice, tyro)

comenciar v to begin, commence
Hence: comenciamento; comenciante; comenciator; recomenciar-recomenciamento

comenciator n beginner (= one who begins something)

comestibile adj edible, eatable, comestible

comestibiles npl (articles of) food, comestibles

cometa n comet;
cometa (de papiro) (paper) kite
Hence: cometari

cometari adj cometary

comic adj comic (1. pertaining to comedy; 2. comical);
opera comic light opera

comico n comedian (= an actor who plays comedy)

comma n comma (1. [Typog.]; 2. [Mus.])

commandamento n commandment

commandante n [Army, Navy] commander; also: commandant

commandar v to command (1. to give an order to; 2. to have authority or power over)
Hence: commando; commandamento; commandante; commandator

commandator n commander (= one who exercises authority)

commando n command (1. act of commanding; 2. power to command; 3. body of troops under a commander; also: commando)

commatrage (-aje) n gossip(ing)

commatrar v to gossip

commatre n 1. (spiritual kinswoman by the sacrament of baptism) godmother, etc.; 2. gossip (= gossiping woman)
Hence: commatrar-commatrage

commear v to pass to and fro, go and come
Hence: commeato

commeato n furlough, leave

commedia dell’arte [I] commedia dell’ arte

commemorar v to commemorate
Hence: commemoration; commemorative

commemoration n commemoration;
in commemoration de in commemoration of

commemorative adj commemorative;
servicio commemorative memorial (service)

commendabile adj commendable

commendar v to commend (= to praise)
Hence: commendabile; commendation; recommendar &

commendation n commendation (= praise)

commensurabile adj [Math.] commensurable, commeasurable

commensurabilitate n commensurability

commensurar v to commeasure
Hence: commensurabile-commensurabilitate, incommensurabile-incommensurabilitate, commensuration

commensuration n commensuration

commentar v to comment on, upon (1. to annotate; 2. to criticize, make comments on)
Hence: commentario; commentator

commentario n 1. commentary (= series of annotations on a text); 2. comments (= malicious talk);
commentarios [Hist.] commentaries, memoirs

commentator n commentator (= writer of a commentary on a text)

commento n comment, criticism

commerciabile adj marketable, merchantable

commercial adj commercial

commercialisar v to commercialize

commercialisation n commercialization

commercialismo n commercialism

commerciar v to trade, deal (= to do business);
commerciar con 1. to deal, do business, with; 2. to associate, have dealings with;
commerciar in to deal in

commercio n commerce (1. trade, business; 2. intercourse, dealings);
Camera de Commercio Chamber of Commerce;
facer le commercio ambulante to peddle (= to go about peddling)
Hence: commercial-commercialisar-commercialisation, commercialismo, commercialisar-commercialisation; commerciar-commerciabile

commiscer [-misc-/-mixt-] v to mix together, intermingle
Hence: commixtion

commiserar v to pity, commiserate
Hence: commiseration

commiseration n commiseration

commiss- see committer

commissar n [U.S.S.R.] commissar

commissariato n 1. commissioner’s or commissary’s position, tenure, bureau, etc.; 2. commissariat

commissario n 1. commissioner, commissary; 2. commissar
Hence: commissariato

commission n commission (1. charge; 2. pro rata remuneration; 3. body of persons charged with some specified function);
peccatos de omission e de commission sins of omission and commission;
facer un commission to do an errand
Hence: commissionero; commissionar

commissionar v to commission (“to commission someone to do something”)

commissionero n commission agent

commisso n clerk (1. office worker; 2. sales clerk);
commisso viagiator traveling salesman

commissura n commissure

committee [A] n committee

committer [-mitt-/-miss-] v to commit (1. to entrust; 2. to perpetrate)
Hence: commission &; commissura; commissario &; commisso; fideicommitter etc.

commixt- see commiscer

commixtion n commixture

commoda n chest (of drawers); commode

commodar v -;
commodar un cosa a un persona to lend something to someone; to place a thing at someone’s disposal

commodato n [Law] commodatum, commodate

commode (có-) adj handy, convenient, comfortable, suitable, etc.
Hence: commoditate; commodar-commodato; accommodar &; incommode-incommoditate, incommodar; commoda

commoditate n convenience, handiness, comfort, etc.;
commoditates conveniences

commodore [A] n commodore (= officer’s rank in certain navies, with functions varying from nation to nation)

commot- see commover

commotion n tremor, agitation, commotion (= violent physical or mental disturbance);
commotion cerebral concussion of the brain

commover [-mov-/-mot-] v to move (= to affect with emotion)
Hence: commotion

commun adj common (1. “common to more than one”; 2. ordinary, prevalent, etc.);
loco commun commonplace, platitude;
senso commun common sense;
de commun accordo by common consent;
in commun in common;
foris or foras del commun out of the ordinary;
communes commoners, common people;
Camera del Communes House of Commons
Hence: communion &; communismo; communista-ex-communista; communitate; communal; communicar &; communa &

communa n [Admin., Pol.] commune;
Communa (de Paris) Paris Commune
Hence: communardo

communal adj communal

communardo n Communard

communicabile adj communicable (= that can be communicated by speech or writing)

communicabilitate n communicableness

communicar v to communicate (1. to impart, transmit; 2. to interchange thoughts, ideas, etc. by speech or writing; 3. to receive Holy Communion)
Hence: communicabile-communicabilitate, incommunicabile-incommunicabilitate; communication; communicative; communicator; communicato; excommunicar &

communication n communication (1. act of imparting, transmitting; 2. interchange of thoughts, ideas, etc., by speech or writing; 3. verbal or written message);
porta de communication communicating door

communicative adj communicative, talkative

communicato n communiqué

communicator n communicator

communion n communion;
communion del sanctos communion of saints;
sancte communion Holy Communion
Hence: postcommunion

communismo n communism

communista n communist

communitate n community (1. “community of interest, ideas, etc.”; 2. [Sociol., Pol., etc.])

commutabile adj commutable

commutabilitate n commutability

commutar v to commute (1. to change, exchange; 2. [Law]; 3. [Elec.] to commutate);
commutar in [Law] to commute to
Hence: commutabile-commutabilitate, incommutabile-incommutabilitate; commutation; commutative; commutator

commutation n commutation (1. exchange; substitution; 2. [Law]; 3. [Elec.])

commutative adj commutative (as in “commutative contract”)

commutator n [Elec.] commutator, change-over switch

como 1. how; 2. as; also: like, similarly to;
como illa es belle! how beautiful she is!
tanto (grande) como as (big) as;
(face) como (vos vole) (do) as (you wish);
como si as though, as if

comocunque adv/conj however, in whatever manner

compact- see comping-

compactar v to compact, consolidate, condense

compacte adj compact, dense

compaginar v to assemble (= to join, link)

compania (-ía) n company (1. companionhip; 2. group of people joined together for some purpose; 3. [Mil.]);
tener compania a un persona to keep someone company;
Smith e Compania Smith and Co.
Hence: accompaniar &

companion n companion (1. associate, fellow; 2. anything that matches or goes with another in kind, size, etc.);
companion de armas companion in arms;
bon companion boon companion, jolly fellow

comparabile adj comparable;
comparabile con comparable with;
comparabile a comparable to

comparabilitate n comparability

comparar v to compare (as in “to compare two books”)

comparation n comparison;
grados de comparation degrees of comparison

comparative adj comparative

comparativo n comparative

compare adj like (another), equal (to another)
Hence: comparar-comparabile-comparabilitate, incomparabile-incomparabilitate, comparation, comparative-comparativo

comparer v to appear (in court), compear
Hence: comparition

comparition n appearance in court, compearance

compartimento n compartment (1. division, partition, etc.; 2. [R.R.])

compartir v to partition into smaller parts
Hence: compartimento

compass- see compatir

compassar v 1. to do (make, etc.) with studied care; 2. to determine (measure, etc.) by means of compasses
Hence: compasso

compassion n compassion

compasso n compass (1. pair of compasses; 2. [Naut.])

compatibile adj compatible
Hence: compatibilitate; incompatibile-incompatibilitate

compatibilitate n compatibility

compatir [-pat-/-pass-] v to feel compassion;
compatir a to feel compassion for, commiserate with
Hence: compatibile &; compassion

compatre n (spiritual kinsman by the sacrament of baptism) godfather, etc.

compatriota n compatriot

compeller [-pell-/-puls-] v to compel (1. to drive together; 2. to urge with force)
Hence: compulsion; compulsive; compulsori; compulsar

compendio n compendium
Hence: compendiose

compendiose adj summarized, compendious

compenetrar v to compenetrate
Hence: compenetration

compenetration n compenetration

compensabile adj compensable (= that can be counterbalanced or compensated for)

compensar v to compensate (1. to counterbalance; 2. to recompense)
Hence: compensabile; compensation; compensative; compensator; compensatori; recompensar-recompensa, recompensator

compensation n compensation (1. action of counterbalancing; 2. recompense)

compensative adj affording compensation, compensative

compensator n compensator

compensatori adj compensating, compensatory

competente adj competent (1. qualified; 2. suitable, proper);
tribunal competente competent tribunal, proper tribunal

competentia n competence (= qualification for some specific work, activity, etc.);
esser del competentia de to be within the competence of

competer v 1. to compete; 2. to belong by right, be due
Hence: competente-competentia, incompetente-incompetentia; competition; competitor

competition n competition

competitor n competitor

compilar v to compile
Hence: compilation; compilator

compilation n compilation

compilator n compiler

comping- [-ping-/-pact-] v [occurring in derivatives]
Hence: compacte-compactar, incompacte

complacente adj 1. complaisant, accommodating; 2. pleased, satisfied; also: complacent

complacentia n 1. complaisance; 2. pleasure, satisfaction; also: complacency

complacer v to please, humor;
complacer se in to take pleasure or delight in
Hence: complacente-complacentia

complect- [-plect-/-plex-] v [occurring in derivatives]
Hence: complexion; complexe-complexitate, complexco

complementar v to complement, to make complete

complementari adj complementary

complemento n complement (= that which completes); also: [Math., Gram.];
complemento directe, indirecte direct, indirect object;
complemento (de loco, de maniera, etc.) adverbial phrase (of place, manner, etc.)
Hence: complementari; complementar

compler v to complete
Hence: complemento &; completion; completive; completori; complete &

completa n [Eccl.] complin

completamento n completion

completar v to complete

complete adj complete
Hence: completar-completamento, discompletar; incomplete; completa

completion n completion

completive adj completive

completori adj completing, completory

complex- see complect-

complexe adj complex (1. composite; 2. intricate)

complexion n 1. constitution (= physical make-up of a person); 2. disposition (= temperament)

complexitate n complexity, intricacy

complexo n complex (1. complex whole; 2. [Psychol.]);
complexo de inferioritate inferiority complex;
complexo de superioritate superiority complex;
complexo de Edipo Oedipus complex

complicar v to complicate
Hence: complication; complicate

complicate 1. pp of complicar; 2. adj complicated;
morbo complicate discase with complications

complication n complication

complice (cóm-) n accomplice
Hence: complicitate

complicitate n complicity

complimentar v to compliment

complimentari adj complimentary, flattering

complimento n 1. accomplishment, achievement (= action of accomplishing or achieving); 2. compliment;
facer complimentos to pay compliments
Hence: complimentari; complimentar

complir v to accomplish, achieve;
complir su promissa to keep or fulfill one’s promise
Hence: complimento &; complitor; complite

complite 1. pp of complir; 2. adj accomplished (= perfect in acquirements)

complitor n accomplisher

componente¹ adj component

componente² n component

componer [-pon-/-posit-/-post-] v to compose (1. to compound, put together; 2. “to compose music”; 3. to settle, as in “to compose a dispute”);
componer se de to consist, be composed, of;
componer con (su creditores) to compound or compromise with (one’s creditors)
Hence: componente; composition; compositor; composite-composito; composto; compota; decomponer &; recomponer &

comportamento n behavior, comportment

comportar v to bear, allow (of), brook, comport;
comportar se to behave, conduct oneself
Hence: comportamento

composit- see componer

composite (-pó-) adj 1. composed calm; 2. composite, compound;
interesse composite compound interest;
parola composite compound (word);
fractura composite compound fracture

composition n composition (1. act of composing; 2. [Mus., Art]; 3. compromise; 4. [Typog.]; 5. [Gram.])

composito (-pó-) n 1. compound, composite; 2. [Chem.] compound

compositor n 1. composer (= one who composes music); 2. compositor, typesetter

compost- see componer

composto n compost (= prepared manure)

compota n compote

comprehender [-hend-/-hens-] v to comprehend (1. to understand; 2. to include, comprise)
Hence: comprehensibile-comprehensibilitate, incomprehensibile-incomprehensibilitate; comprehension-incomprehension; comprehensive

comprehens- see comprehender

comprehensibile adj comprehensible, understandable

comprehensibilitate n comprehensibility

comprehension n comprehension (1. act or faculty of understanding; 2. [Logic] the sum of the attributes comprehended in a concept)

comprehensive adj comprehensive (1. including much; 2. of wide mental grasp)

comprender [-prend-/-prens-] v to comprehend (1. to understand; 2. to include, comprise)
Hence; comprensibile-comprensibilitate, incomprensibile-incomprensibilitate; comprension-incomprension; comprensive

comprens- see comprender

comprensibile adj comprehensible, understandable

comprensibilitate n comprehensibility

comprension n comprehension (1. act or faculty of understanding; 2. [Logic] the sum of the attributes comprehended in a concept)

comprensive adj comprehensive (1. including much; 2. of wide mental grasp)

compress- see comprimer

compressa n [Med.] compress

compressibile adj compressible

compressibilitate n compressibility

compression n compression;
pumpa de compression [Mach.] compressor

compressive adj compressive

compressor n compressor (1. [Anat.]; 2. [Mach.]; 3. [Med.])

comprimer [-prim-/-press-] v 1. to compress; 2. to repress, check
Hence: compressibile-compressibilitate, incompressibile-incompressibilitate; compression; compressive; compressor-turbocompressor etc.: compressar

compromiss- see compromitter

compromisso n 1. mutual promise to abide by the decision of an arbiter; 2. compromise

compromitter [-mitt-/-miss-] v to compromise (1. to expose to risk or danger; 2. as in “to compromise someone”)
Hence: compromisso

compuls- see compeller

compulsar v 1. to compel, force; 2. to examine, check, go through (documents, books, etc.)

compulsion n compulsion

compulsive adj compulsive

compulsori adj compulsory

compunct- see compunger

compunction n compunction

compunger [-pung-/-punct-] v to move to remorse;
compunger se to repent, feel remorse or compunction
Hence: compunction

computabile adj computable

computar v to compute
Hence: computo; computista; computabile; computation; computator

computation n computation

computator n computer

computista n computer, computist

computo (cóm-) n computation

con prep with (1. together with; 2. by means of; 3. having, carrying, characterized by)

con- prefixo [co- before -h- and vowels; col- before -l-; com- before -b-, -m-, -p-; cor- before -r-] con-, co-, col-, cor- (= with, together, jointly, mutually)
Hence: concausa etc.; contemporanee etc.; convenir etc.; coexister etc.; collaborar etc.; correligionario etc.

conational¹ adj from the same country

conational² n fellow countryman, conational

concatenar v to link together, concatenate

concatenation n concatenation

concausa n concause (= cooperating cause)

concausal adj concausal

concave adj concave

concavitate n concavity

conceder [-ced-/-cess-] v to concede, grant
Hence: concessibile; concession-concessionari, concessionario; concessive; concessor

concentrar v to concentrate (1. to focus, center; 2. [(Chem.]; 3. [Mil.])
Hence: concentration; concentrate

concentrate I. pp of concentrar; II. adj 1. [Chem.] concentrated; 2. close, reticent, reserved

concentration n concentration (1. action of concentrating or centering; 2. [Chem.])

concentric adj concentric

concept- see conciper

conceptaculo n [Bot.] conceptacle

conception n conception (1. [Physiol.]; 2. “mental conception”)

conceptive adj conceptive

concepto n 1. concept; 2. [Lit.] concetto, conceit
Hence: conceptual-conceptualismo, conceptualista

conceptu- see concepto

conceptual adj conceptual

conceptualismo n [Philos.] conceptualism

conceptualista n [Philos.] conceptualist

concernente prep concerning

concerner v to concern (= to have relation or reference to)
Hence: concernente

concertante adj [Mus.] concertante (as in “a concertante part”)

concertar v to concert

concertina n [Mus.] concertina

concertista n concert performer

concerto n I. concert (1. [Mus.]; 2. agreement, harmony); II. concerto;
de concerto in concert, in unison
Hence: concertina; concertista; concertar-concertante, disconcertar &

concess- see conceder

concessibile adj concessible

concession n concession, grant

concessionari adj concessionary

concessionario n concessionnaire

concessive adj concessive, concessionary

concessor n concessor

concha n I. conch, marine shell; II. concha (1. [Anat.]; 2. [Arch.])
Hence: conchoide-conchoidal; conchyle &; conchiforme etc.

conchiforme adj shell-shaped, conchiform

conchoidal adj conchoidal

conchoide n [Geom.] conchoid

conchyle n sea shell
Hence: conchylio-conchyliologo etc.

conchylio n sea shell

conchyliologia (-ía) n conchology

conchyliologista n conchologist

conchyliologo (-ólogo) n conchologist
Hence: conchyliologia-conchyliologista

concid- [-cid-/-cis-] v [occurring in derivatives]
Hence: concision; concise

conciliar v to conciliate;
conciliar se to win, gain, capture (as in “to gain someone’s affections”)
Hence: conciliation; conciliative; conciliator; conciliatori; reconciliar-reconciliabile-irreconciliabile-irreconciliabilitate, reconciliation, reconciliatori

conciliation n conciliation

conciliative adj conciliatory, conciliative

conciliator n conciliator, peacemaker

conciliatori adj conciliatory

concilio n council (as in “Nicene Council”)
Hence: conciliar &

conciper [-cip /-cept-] v to conceive (1. [Physiol.]; 2. “to conceive mentally”)
Hence: concipimento; concipibile-inconcipibile-inconcipibilitate; conceptaculo; conception-anticonception-anticonceptional; conceptive; concepto &; preconciper-preconception

concipibile adj conceivable

concipimento n [Physiol.] conception

concis- see concid-

concise adj concise

concision n concision, conciseness

conclave n [Eccl.] conclave
Hence: conclavista

conclavista n [Eccl.] conclavist

concludente adj conclusive

concluder [-clud-/-clus-] v to conclude (1. to bring to a close; 2. to reach a final settlement of; 3. to infer)
Hence: concludente; conclusion; conclusive

conclus- see concluder

conclusion n conclusion (1. close, termination; 2. final arrangement, settlement; 3. inference)

conclusive adj conclusive

concordante 1. ppr of concordar; 2. adj concordant

concordantia n concordance (1. concord, agreement; 2. “concordance of the Bible, etc.”)

concordar v to agree (= to be in agreement); also: [Gram.]

concordatari adj of the concordat

concordato n concordat

concorde adj concordant
Hence: concordia; concordar-concordante-concordantia, concordato-concordatari

concordia n concord

concrear v to create together

concresc- [-cresc-/-cret-] v [occurring in derivatives]
Hence: concrescibile; concretion; concrete-concretar, concretisar

concrescibile adj congealable (= capable of becoming concrete)

concret- see concresc-

concretar v to concrete (= to cause to coalesce or congeal)

concrete adj concrete (1. united in a solid form; 2. not abstract)

concretion n concretion

concretisar v to concretize

concubina n concubine

concubinage (-aje) n concubinage

concubinari adj concubinary

concubinato n concubinage

concubino n paramour, one living in concubinage
Hence: concubina-concubinage, concubinato, concubinari

concupiscente adj concupiscent

concupiscentia n concupiscence

concupiscer v to covet, be covetous
Hence: concupiscente-concupiscentia

concurrente¹ 1. ppr of concurrer; 2. adj [Geom.] concurrent

concurrente² n 1. competitor, rival; 2. contestant (= one who takes part in a contest)

concurrentia n I. (action of) running together, meeting; II. concurrence (1. agreement in opinion; 2. union in action); III. competition, rivalry

concurrer [-curr-/-curs-] v I. to run together and meet; II. to concur (1. to agree in opinion; 2. to work jointly); III. to compete
Hence: concurrente-concurrentia; concurso

concurs- see concurrer

concurso n 1. concourse (= gathering of people); 2. contest, competition; 3. competitive examination

concuss- see concuter

concussion n 1. concussion; 2. extortion (= illegal exaction on the part of an official)

concussionari adj guilty of extortion

concussionario n official guilty of extortion

concussive adj concussive

concuter [-cut-/-cuss-] v 1. to shake violently; 2. to force by threats
Hence: concussion-concussionari, concussionario; concussive

condemnabile adj condemnable, to be condemned

condemnar v to condemn (1. to pronounce guilty of crime or wrong; 2. to pronounce unfit or no longer available for use);
condemnar (un porta, fenestra, etc.) to condemn or put out of use (a door, window, etc.)
Hence: condemnabile; condemnation; condemnator; condemnatori

condemnation n condemnation

condemnator n condemner

condemnatori adj condemning, condemnatory

condensabile adj condensable

condensabilitate n condensability

condensar v to condense (= to make denser, more compact, more concise, etc.)
Hence: condensabile-condensabilitate; condensation; condensator

condensation n condensation

condensator n condenser

condescendente adj condescending

condescendentia n condescension

condescender v to condescend
Hence: condescendente-condescendentia

condigne adj adequate, deserved; also: condign

condimentar v to spice, season

condimento n condiment
Hence: condimentar

condir v to spice, season
Hence: condimento &

condition n condition (1. prerequisite; 2. mode, state of being);
esser in condition de to be in a position to (do something);
persona de condition person of rank, of quality;
a condition que on condition that, provided that
Hence: conditional-inconditional; conditionar-conditionate

conditional¹ adj conditional

conditional² n [Gram.] conditional

conditionar v to condition (1. to be a determining condition of; 2. to put into specified or desired condition)

conditionate I. pp of conditionar; II. adj conditioned (= subject to a condition);
reflexo conditionate conditioned reflex;
(un objecto) ben (mal) conditionate (an object) in good (bad) shape

condolentia n condolence

condoler v to condole
Hence: condolentia

condominio n condominium

condor (cón-) n [Ornith.] condor

conducer [-duc-/-duct-] v to conduct (1. to guide, lead; 2. to direct; 3. [Phys.] to transmit);
conducer se to conduct oneself; also: to behave
Hence: conductibile-conductibilitate; conduction; conductive-conductivitate; conductor-radioconductor etc.; conducto-salveconducto etc.; conducta, reconducer

conduct- see conducer

conducta n conduct (1. leading, guidance; 2. direction, management; 3. behavior)

conductibile adj conductible

conductibilitate n conductibility

conduction n conduction (1. [Lawl conductio; 2. [Physiol.])

conductive adj conductive

conductivitate n conductivity

conducto n conduit;
conducto auditori auditory duct

conductor n conductor (1. one who guides or directs; 2. “railway conductor, bus conductor, etc.”; 3. [Phys.])

confabular v to confabulate, chat
Hence: confabulation; confabulator

confabulation n confabulation, chat

confabulator n confabulator, chatterer

confect- see confic-

confecteria (-ía) n confectionery (= confectioner’s trade, shop, etc.)

confectero n confectioner

confection n 1. making, compounding, etc.; 2. [Pharm.] confection; 3. readymade apparel, confection

confectionar v 1. to make, manufacture, confect; 2. [Pharm.] to confection (= to make into a confection)

confecto n candy; confectionery

confectura n jam, preserves

confederar v to confederate
Hence: confederation; confederate; confederative; confederato

confederate 1. pp of confederar; 2. adj confederate

confederation n confederation, confederacy

confederative adj confederative

confederato n confederate, ally;
le Confederatos [Hist.] the Confederates

conferentia n 1. conference; 2. lecture

conferential adj conferential

conferentiar v 1. to confer (= to consult together); 2. to lecture

conferer v I. to compare; II. to confer (1. to consult together; 2. to bestow)
Hence: conferentia-conferential, conferentiar

confess- see confit-

confessar v to confess (1. to make a confession of; 2. to hear the confession of)

confesse adj confessed, shriven

confession n confession (1. “confession to a priest”; 2. acknowledgement, admission of a fault, etc.)

confessional¹ adj confessional

confessional² n confessional

confessionario n confessional, confessionary

confessor n confessor (1. priest who hears confessions; 2. Christian who adheres to his faith under persecution)

confetti [I] n confetti; also: a piece of confetti

confic- [-fic-/-fect-] v [occurring in derivatives]
Hence: confection-confectionar; confectura; confecto-confectero, confecteria

confidente¹ adj 1. trustful, confiding; 2. confident (= self-confident)

confidente² n confidant, confident

confidentia n confidence (1. “confidence in someone or something”; 2. thing told in confidence);
confidentia in confidence in;
voto de confidentia [Parl.] vote of confidence;
facer un confidentia a to make a confidence to;
in confidentia in confidence;
(persona) de confidentia trustworthy (person)

confidential adj confidential (= told or written as a secret)

confider v to confide;
confider un cosa a un persona to confide something to someone (1. to entrust something to someone; to impart something in confidence to someone; 2. to entrust someone with something);
confider in un persona to confide, have faith, in someone
Hence: confidente-confidentia-confidential

configurar v to form, shape, configure
Hence: configuration

configuration n configuration

confin adj bordering, conterminous
Hence: confinio; confinar-confinamento

confinamento n confinement (= act of confining, restraining)

confinar v 1. to border (upon), be contiguous (to); 2. to confine, restrain;
confinar se to seek seclusion, shut oneself up

confinio n -;
confinios confines (= boundary, frontier)

confirmar v to confirm (1. to corroborate, establish; 2. [Eccl.])
Hence: confirmation; confirmative; confirmator; confirmatori

confirmation n confirmation (1. corroboration, establishment; 2. [Eccl.])

confirmative adj confirmative

confirmator n confirmer

confirmatori adj corroborative, confirmatory

confiscabile adj confiscable

confiscar v to confiscate
Hence: confiscabile; confiscation; confiscator; confiscatori

confiscation n confiscation

confiscator n confiscator

confiscatori adj confiscatory

confit- [-fit-/-fess-] v [occurring in derivatives]
Hence: confitente; confession-confessionario, confessional; confessor; confesse; confessar

confitente n confitent (= one who confesses)

conflagrar v to set afire, conflagrate
Hence: conflagration

conflagration n conflagration

conflict- see confliger

conflicto n conflict

confliger [-flig-/-flict-] v to conflict
Hence: conflicto

confluente¹ adj confluent (1. flowing together; 2. [Med.])

confluente² n 1. confluent; 2. confluence (= place where two or more rivers, etc., unite)

confluentia n confluence (1. meeting or junction of two or more rivers; 2. place where two or more rivers unite)

confluer v to flow together
Hence: confluente-confluentia

conformar v 1. to form, shape; 2. to conform, adapt
Hence: conformation

conformation n conformation (= structure);
vitio de conformation malformation, physical defect

conforme adj conformable, in conformity;
conforme a in conformity with, according to;
copia conforme true copy
Hence: conformista-nonconformista; conformitate-nonconformitate

conformista n conformist

conformitate n conformity

confortabile¹ adj comfortable (= affording tranquil enjoyment and content)

confortabile² n easy chair

confortar v 1. to strengthen, fortify; 2. to comfort, console
Hence: conforto; confortabile; confortation; reconfortar

confortation n (action of) comforting, consoling

conforto n comfort (1. consolation; 2. ease of circumstances, sufficiency)

confraternal adj confraternal

confraternitate n brotherhood, confraternity

confratre n confrere

confrontar v to confront (1. to bring face to face; 2. to compare)
Hence: confrontation

confrontation n confrontation

confucian adj Confucian

confucianismo n Confucianism

confuciano n Confucian

Confucio npr Confucius [B.C. 551-478, Chinese philosopher]
Hence: confucian-confucianismo, confuciano

confunder [-fund-/-fus-] v I. to (cause to) merge, intermingle; II. to confuse (= to fail to distinguish between); III. to confound, confuse (1. to throw into disorder; 2. to bewilder, perplex; also: to baffle)
Hence: confusion; confuse

confus- see confunder

confuse adj confused (1. as in “a confused mass”; 2. disconcerted, embarrassed; also: baffled)

confusion n confusion (1. disorder; 2. embarrassment; also: bafflement; 3. [Law])

confutar v to confute (= to refute)
Hence: confutation

confutation n confutation

congedar v to bow out; dismiss

congedo n leave (= permission to depart);
prender congedo to take (one’s) leave
Hence: congedar

congelabile adj congealable

congelamento n congealment

congelar v to congeal (= to cause to solidify by cooling)
Hence: congelamento; congelabile; congelation; congelator

congelation n congealment, congelation

congelator n congealer

congenial adj congenial
Hence: congenialitate; incongenial

congenialitate n congeniality

congenite adj congenital

congerer [-ger-/-gest-] v to congest (= to cause an obstructive accumulation); also: [Med.]
Hence: congerie; congestion-congestionar; congestive

congerie n congeries

congest- see congerer

congestion n congestion; also: [Med.]

congestionar v [Med.] to congest

congestive adj congestive

conglomerar v to conglomerate
Hence: conglomerato; conglomeration

conglomeration n conglomeration

conglomerato n conglomerate

conglutinar v to glue together, conglutinate
Hence: conglutination; conglutinative

conglutination n conglutination

conglutinative adj conglutinative

Congo npr Congo;
Congo Belge Belgian Congo;
Congo Francese French Congo
Hence: congolese

congolese adj/n Congoese, Congolese

congratular v to rejoice with (someone at good fortune), congratulate
Hence: congratulation; congratulatori

congratulation n felicitation, congratulation

congratulatori adj congratulatory;
littera congratulatori letter of congratulation or felicitation

congred- [-gred-/-gress-] v [occurring in derivatives]
Hence: congresso-congressista

congregar v to congregate (= to collect into a mass or crowd)
Hence: congregation-congregational-congregationalismo, congregationalista

congregation n congregation (1. assembly, gathering of people; 2. body of people assembled for religious worship; 3. religious company or order; 4. Committee of the Roman College of Cardinals)

congregational adj congregational; also: [Eccl.] Congregational

congregationalismo n Congregationalism

congregationalista n Congregationalist

congress- see congred-

congressista n member of a congress; also: congressman

congresso n congress (1. convention, conference; 2. lawmaking body of a republic)

congrue adj congruous
Hence: congruitate; incongrue-incongruitate

congruente 1. ppr of congruer; 2. adj congruent; also: [Math.]

congruentia n congruence; also: [Math.]

congruer v to coincide, harmonize
Hence: congrue &: congruente-congruentia, incongruente-incongruentia

congruitate n congruity, harmony

conic adj conic;
section conic [Math.] conic section

conicitate n conicity

conifere adj [Bot.] coniferous (= bearing cones)

coniferes npl [Bot.] Coniferae

coniforme adj cone-shaped, coniform

conilio n rabbit

conirostre adj [Zool.] conirostral
Hence: conirostro

conirostro n [Zool.] coniroster

conject- see conjicer

conjectura n conjecture

conjectural adj conjectural (= based on conjecture)

conjecturar v to conjecture, make conjectures

conjicer [-jic-/ject-] v to conjecture, make conjectures
Hence: conjectura-conjectural, conjecturar

conjugabile adj [Gram.] conjugable

conjugal adj conjugal

conjugar v 1. to yoke together; 2. [Gram.] to conjugate
Hence: conjugabile; conjugation-conjugational; conjugate

conjugate 1. pp of conjugar; 2. adj [Bot.] conjugate

conjugation n [Gram.] conjugation

conjugational adj [Gram.] conjugational

conjuge (cón-) n spouse, consort
Hence: conjugal

conjunct- see conjunger

conjuncte adj conjunct, conjoint

conjunctemente adv conjointly, conjunctly, jointly, together;
conjunctemente con in conjunction with, together with

conjunction n conjunction (1. union; 2. [Astrol., Astron.]; 3. [Gram.])

conjunctiva n [Anat.] conjunctiva
Hence: conjunctivitis

conjunctive adj conjunctive, connective

conjunctivitis (-ítis) n conjunctivitis

conjunctivo n [Gram.] subjunctive (mood)

conjunctor n conjoiner

conjunctura n 1. [Anat.] articulation, joint; 2. conjuncture, juncture

conjunger [-jung-/junct-] v to conjoin, unite, combine
Hence: conjunction; conjunctive-conjunctivo, conjunctiva &; conjunctor; conjunctura; conjuncte

conjurar v 1. to conspire, plot together; 2. to entreat, beseech, conjure
Hence: conjuration

conjuration n 1. conspiracy; 2. (solemn) entreaty

connatural adj inborn, natural, connatural

connecter [-nect-/-nex-] v to connect
Hence: connexion; connexive; connexe; connective

connective adj connective;
texito connective [Anat.] connective tissue

connex- see connecter

connexe adj connected

connexion n connection, connexion (= union)

connexive adj connective

conniventia n connivance

conniver v to connive
Hence: conniventia

connubial adj connubial

connubio n marriage, matrimony
Hence: connubial

cono n cone (1. [Math.]; 2. [Bot.])
Hence: conic-conicitate; conifere; coniforme etc.

conquest- see conquirer

conquesta n conquest (1. act of conquering a country, etc.; 2. conquered territory, etc.)

conquirente n conqueror

conquirer [-quir-/-quest-/-quisit-] v to conquer (= to gain dominion over)
Hence: conquirente; conquesta; conquisitor

conquisit- see conquirer

conquisitor n conqueror

consanguinee adj consanguineous

consanguinitate n consanguinity (= blood relationship)

conscie adj -;
conscie de conscious of

consciente adj conscious
Hence: conscientia &; inconsciente-inconscientia; subconsciente-subconscientia

conscientia n 1. consciousness; 2. conscience;
caso de conscientia matter of conscience;
libertate de conscientia freedom of religion;
sin conscientia unscrupulous;
perder conscientia to faint, lose consciousness
Hence: conscientiose

conscientiose adj conscientious

conscriber [-scrib-/-script-] v to enroll, conscript
Hence: conscription; conscripto

conscript- see conscriber

conscription n [Mil.] conscription

conscripto n [Mil.] conscript

consecrar v to consecrate (1. to make sacred or holy; 2. to dedicate to some purpose; 3. to sanction)
Hence: consecration; consecrator

consecration n consecration (1. action of consecrating; 2. [R.C.Ch.] Consecration; 3. sanction)

consecrator n consecrator

consecut- see consequer

consecutive adj 1. consecutive, successive; 2. consequent, resulting

consens- see consentir

consenso n consensus
Hence: consensual

consensu- see consenso

consensual adj [Law] consensual

consentimento n consent

consentir [-sent-/-sens-] v to consent
Hence: consentimento; consenso &

consequente¹ adj 1. consequent (= following as a result or conclusion); 2. consistent (in reasoning, behavior, etc.)

consequente² n consequent (1. [Math.]; 2. apodosis of a conditional proposition);
per consequente consequently

consequentia n consequence (1. outcome, result; 2. inference);
in consequentia in consequence, accordingly;
esser de consequentia to be of consequence, be important;
in consequentia de in consequence of

consequential adj consequential

consequer [-sequ-/-secut-] v to be the consequence of
Hence: consequente-consequentia-consequential-inconsequential, inconsequente-inconsequentia; consecutive

conserva n [Pharm.] conserve;
conservas preserves, canned goods, etc.;
in conserva canned, preserved

conservabile adj conservable

conservar v to conserve (1. to preserve from harm; 2. to keep, retain);
conservar (fructos, etc.) to preserve (fruit, etc.);
(persona) ben conservate well-preserved (person)
Hence: conserva; conservabile; conservation; conservative; conservator; conservatori; conservatorio

conservation n conservation, preservation;
conservation del energia conservation of energy

conservative adj conservative (= conserving, preserving)

conservator n 1. conservator (= one who conserves, preserves); 2. [Pol.] conservative

conservatori adj conservatory, conservative

conservatorio n conservatory (1. [Mus.]; 2. greenhouse)

considerabile adj considerable

considerar v 1. to consider (= to give consideration to); 2. to esteem, think highly of;
considerar como to consider (= to view as, judge to be, etc.);
toto (ben) considerate all things considered;
considerante que considering that
Hence: considerabile; consideration; considerate-inconsiderate; reconsiderar

considerate I. pp of considerar; II. adj 1. circumspect, prudent; 2. esteemed

consideration n consideration (1. act of considering; 2. esteem);
in consideration de in consideration of, on account of;
esser sin consideration to be inconsiderate;
prender in consideration to take into consideration

consignar v to consign (1. to deposit; 2. [Com.]
Hence: consignation; consignator; consignatario

consignatario n [Com.] consignee

consignation n 1. consignation (= act of consigning or depositing); 2. consignment

consignator n consigner

consiliabile adj advisable

consiliar v to counsel, advise

consiliator n counsellor, adviser

consiliero n 1. counsellor, adviser; 2. councillor;
consiliero municipal town councillor

consilio n 1. counsel, piece of advice; 2. council (= a body of advisers); also: board (as in “board of directors”);
prender consilio de un persona to seek someone’s advice;
consilio de administration board of directors;
consilio de guerra 1. council of war; 2. court-martial;
consilio de ministros the Cabinet;
sala del consilio board-room
Hence: consiliero; consiliar-consiliabile, consiliator

consistente I. ppr of consister; II. adj consistent (1. possessing firmness or coherence; 2. accordant, congruous)

consistentia n consistency (1. degree of firmness or density; 2. congruity, harmony of parts)

consister v to consist;
consister de to consist of;
consister in to consist in
Hence: consistente-consistentia, inconsistente-inconsistentia; consistorio &

consistorial adj [Eccl.] consistorial

consistorio n [Eccl.] consistory
Hence: consistorial

consociar v to consociate (= to bring into consociation)
Hence: consociation

consociation n consociation

consola n console (1. support in the form of a wall bracket; 2. console table)

consolabile adj consolable

consolar v to console, comfort
Hence: consolabile-inconsolabile; consolation; consolator; consolatori; consolate-disconsolate, inconsolate

consolate 1. pp of consolar; 2. adj consoled, comforted

consolation n consolation

consolator n consoler, comforter

consolatori adj consolatory, comforting

consolida (-só-) n [Bot.] comfrey, consolida

consolidar v to consolidate (= to strengthen);
debita consolidate funded debt
Hence: consolida; consolidation; consolidative

consolidation n consolidation (= strengthening)

consolidative adj consolidative

consommé [F] n consommé

consonante¹ 1. ppr of consonar; 2. adj [Mus., Phonet.] consonant

consonante² n consonant

consonar v to be consonant, harmonize
Hence: consonante¹-inconsonante, consonante²-semiconsonante

consorte n 1. consort; 2. associate (= partner, confederate);
prince consorte prince consort

conspicue adj conspicuous (= eminent, distinguished)
Hence: inconspicue

conspirar v to conspire (1. to act together; 2. to plot)
Hence: conspiration; conspirator

conspiration n 1. concerted action; 2. conspiracy, plot

conspirator n conspirator, plotter

conspuer v to spit upon (contemptuously); also: to despise

constante¹ adj 1. constant; 2. established (as in “established fact”)
Hence: constantia; inconstante-inconstantia

constante² n [Math.] constant

constantia¹ n constancy

Constantia² npr Constance (1. [Geog.]; 2. nprf);
Laco de Constantia Lake of Constance

constantinian adj Constantinian

Constantino nprm Constantine
Hence: constantinian; Constantinopole etc.

Constantinopole npr Constantinople
Hence: constantinopolita-constantinopolitan

constantinopolita n Constantinopolite (= inhabitant of Constantinople)

constantinopolitan adj of Constantinople

constar v to be (an) established (fact)
Hence: constante &

constat (cóns-) n [Law] constat
Hence: constatar

constatar v to establish (as a fact); also: to state

constellar v to star, constellate
Hence: constellation; constellate

constellate 1. pp of constellar; 2. adj constellate, (set) in a constellation

constellation n [Astron.] constellation

consternar v to dismay, appall
Hence: consternation

consternation n consternation

constipar v to constipate
Hence: constipation; constipate

constipate 1. pp of constipar; 2. adj constipated, costive

constipation n constipation

constituente adj constituent (1. component; 2. having the power to frame or alter a political constitution)

constituer [-stitu-/-stitut-] v I. to constitute (1. to make up; 2. to appoint; 3. to set up, establish); II. to settle (as in “to settle an annuity upon someone”)
Hence: constituente; constitution-constitutional, constitutionalitate, anticonstitutional, inconstitutional-inconstitutionalitate; constitutive; constitutor; reconstituer-reconstitution

constitut- see constituer

constitution n I. constitution (1. action of constituting; 2. law, decree; 3. “political constitution”; 4. composition; 5. physical make-up of a person); II. settling, settlement (as in “the settlement of an annuity upon someone”)

constitutional adj constitutional (= in conformity with the constitution of a nation)

constitutionalitate n constitutionality

constitutive adj constitutive (= essential)

constitutor n constitutor (= one who constitutes)

constrict- see constringer

constriction n constriction

constrictive adj constrictive

constrictor n [Anat.] constrictor

constringente 1. ppr of constringer; 2. adj constringent

constringer [-string-/-strict-] v constrain (1. to compel; 2. to compress, clasp tightly)
Hence: constringente; constriction; constrictive; constrictor

construct- see construer

construction n construction (1. act of constructing; 2. thing constructed)

constructive adj constructive

constructor n constructor

construer [-stru-/-struct-] v 1. to construct; 2. to construe
Hence: construction; constructive; constructor; reconstruer-reconstruction

consubstantial adj [Theol.] consubstantial
Hence: consubstantialitate

consubstantialitate n [Theol.] consubstantiality

consubstantiation n [Theol.] consubstantiation

consuete adj accustomed, usual, wonted
Hence: consuetude-consuetudinari

consuetude n consuetude, custom

consuetudinari adj consuetudinary, customary;
derecto consuetudinari common law

consul- [-sul-/-sult-] v [occurring in derivatives and compounds]
Hence: consultor; jurisconsulto etc.; consultar-consulta, consultation, consultative

consular adj consular (1. [Rom. Hist.]; 2. [Foreign Service])

consulato n consulate (1. [Rom. Hist.]; 2. [Foreign Service])

consule n consul (1. [Rom. Hist.]; 2. [Foreign Service])
Hence: consulato; consular; proconsule-proconsulato

consult- see consul-

consulta n consultation, deliberation

consultar v to consult (1. to confer; 2. to ask advice of)

consultation n consultation, deliberation

consultative adj consultative, advisory

consultor n adviser, consultant

consumer [-sum-/-sumpt-] v to consume;
consumer se de to be consumed with
Hence: consumo; consumibile; consumption; consumptive; consumitor

consumibile adj consumable

consumitor n consumer (1. one who destroys or uses up; 2. [Com.])

consummar v to consummate
Hence: consummation; consummator; consummate

consummate adj consummate

consummation n consummation (= completion, fulfillment)

consummator n consummator

consumo n consumption (= process of consuming; also: the amount consumed)

consumpt- see consumer

consumption n consumption (1. act of consuming; 2. [Pathol.])

consumptive adj consumptive

cont- see contra-

contabile¹ adj bookkeeping, accounting;
experto contabile accountant
Hence: contabilitate

contabile² n accountant

contabilitate n bookkeeping, accountancy

contact- see continger

contacto n contact;
in contacto in contact, in touch

contagion n contagion (= transmission of a disease by contact)
Hence: contagiose

contagiose adj contagious

contal adj of an earl or count, comital

contaminabile adj contaminable

contaminar v to contaminate
Hence: contaminabile; contamination; contaminator; incontaminate; discontaminar-discontamination

contamination n contamination (= act of contaminating)

contaminator n contaminator

contante 1. ppr of contar; 2. adj -;
moneta contante cash, ready money

contar v 1. to count; 2. to tell, relate;
contar super to count on
Hence: conto; contante; contabile &; contator; discontar &

contato n county, earldom

contator n 1. counter (= person or thing that counts); 2. meter (for gas, electricity, etc.);
contator Geiger [Atomic Phys.] Geiger counter

conte n earl, count
Hence: contessa; contato; contal; viceconte etc.

contemner [-temn-/-tempt-] v to view with contempt, contemn
Hence: contemptibile; contemptor; contempto-contemptuose

contemplar v to contemplate (= to gaze upon or view thoughtfully)
Hence: contemplation; contemplative; contemplator

contemplation n contemplation (1. act of gazing upon or viewing thoughtfully; 2. meditation on spiritual things)

contemplative adj contemplative

contemplator n contemplator

contemporanee adj contemporaneous, contemporary
Hence: contemporaneitate; contemporaneo

contemporaneitate n contemporaneousness

contemporaneo n contemporary

contempt- see contemner

contemptibile adj contemptible

contempto n contempt

contemptor n contemner, despiser

contemptuose adj contemptuous

contendente n contester, contender

contender [-tend-/-tent-] v to contend (= to fight, struggle, dispute, etc.)
Hence: contendente; contention-contentiose; contenditor

contenditor n contester, contender

content- see contender; continer

contentabile adj contentable (= easily contented)

contentamento n contentment, content

contentar v to content;
contentar se de or con to be content with

contente adj content, contented;
contente de satisfied with
Hence: contentar-contentamento, contentabile-incontentabile; discontente-discontentar-discontentamento; malcontente; miscontente; contento¹; contento²-discontento

contention n 1. exertion (of faculties); 2. contention (= act of arguing, disputing)

contentiose adj contentious (1. quarrelsome, fond of arguing; 2. involving contention in a dispute)

contento¹ n content, contents

contento² n content, contentment

conter- [-ter-/-trit-] v [occurring in derivatives]
Hence: contrition; contrite

contermine adj conterminous, bordering

contessa n countess

contestabile adj contestable

contestante n contestant (as in “the contestant of a will”)

contestar v to contest (= to call in question)
Hence: contestante; contestabile-incontestabile-incontestabilitate; contestation

contestation n 1. contestation; 2. controversy, contest

contexer [-tex-/-text-] v to interweave
Hence: contextura; contexto

context- see contexer

contexto n context

contextura n contexture

contigue adj contiguous, adjoining
Hence: contiguitate

contiguitate n contiguity

continental adj continental (= pertaining to, or characteristic of, a continent)

continente¹ adj 1. continent; 2. not intermittent

continente² n continent (= one of the six great masses of land on the earth)

continentia n continence

continer [-tin-/-tent-] v 1. to contain (= to hold, comprise); 2. to control, restrain;
continer se to contain oneself
Hence: continente-continentia, incontinente-incontinentia, continente²-continental; contente &

contingente¹ 1. ppr of continger; 2. adj contingent (= of uncertain occurrence)

contingente² n contingent (1. accidental or unexpected event; 2. share, quota)

contingentia n contingency (1. quality of being contingent or accidental; 2. accidental or unexpected event)

continger [-ting-/-tact-] v 1. to touch, be in contact with; 2. to happen (accidentally)
Hence: contingente-contengentia; contacto

continuabile adj continuable

continuar v to continue;
continuar a facer un cosa to continue to do something

continuation n continuation

continuative adj continuative (= expressing or making for continuity)

continuator n continuator, continuer

continue adj continuous;
currente continue [Elec.] continuous current;
febre continue continued fever;
fraction continue [Math.] continued fraction
Hence: continuitate; continuar-continuabile, continuation, continuative, continuator; discontinue-discontinuitate, discontinuar-discontinuation

continuitate n continuity (1. continuousness; 2. continuum);
solution de continuitate solution of continuity (1. [Med.]; 2. interruption)

conto n I. account (1. calculation; 2. [Com.]); II. story, tale;
conto currente current account;
dar conto de to account for;
a conto [Com.] on account;
a conto de [Com.] to the account of

contornar v 1. to round; to go, move, or pass around; 2. to outline (= to trace the outline or contour of)
Hence: contorno

contorno n contour

contorquer [-torqu-/-tort-] v to contort;
contorquer se to writhe (as in “to writhe in agony”)
Hence: contortion

contort- see contorquer

contortion n contortion, twisting

contra¹ I. prep 1. opposite, facing; 2. against; II. adv 1. opposite, facing, etc.; 2. on the contrary
Hence: contrari &; incontrar &

contra² n [Fencing] counter

contra- prefixo contra-, counter- (= against, opposing)
Hence: contrabalancia etc.; contradicer etc.; controlo etc.

contrabalancia n counterbalance

contrabalanciar v to counterbalance

contrabandar v 1. to trade in contraband; 2. to smuggle (= to practice smuggling)

contrabandero n 1. contrabandist; 2. smuggler

contrabando n contraband (1. smuggling; 2. smuggled goods);
facer (le) contrabando to smuggle (= to practice smuggling);
contrabando de guerra contraband of war
Hence: contrabandero; contrabandar

contrabasso n [Mus.] double bass, contrabass

contract- see contraher

contractante adj/n contracting (party)

contractar v to contract (= to enter into a contract)

contractile adj contractile

contractilitate n contractility

contraction n contraction (1. shortening; shrinkage; 2. as in “contraction of marriage”; 3. as in “contraction of a debt or disease”)

contractive adj contractive

contracto n contract

contractual adj contractual

contractura n [Med.] contracture

contradansa n contredance

contradicer [-dic-/-dict-] v to contradict
Hence: contradiction; contradictor; contradictori

contradict- see contradicer

contradiction n contradiction (1. act of contradicting; 2. inconsistency);
spirito de contradiction spirit of contradiction;
esser in contradiction con to be at variance with

contradictor n gainsayer, contradicter, contradictor

contradictori adj contradictory, contradicting;
(judicio) contradictori (judgment) after the hearing of all parties concerned

contrafacer [-fac-/-fact-] v to counterfeit (1. to feign, imitate, mimic; 2. to forge)
Hence: contrafaction; contrafactor; contrafacte

contrafact- see contrafacer

contrafacte adj 1. counterfeit, forged; 2. deformed, misshapen

contrafaction n forgery (1. counterfeiting; 2. counterfeit)

contrafactor n counterfeiter; forger

contraforte n [Arch.] buttress

contrafuga n [Mus.] counterfugue

contrahente n contracting party

contraher [-trah-/-tract-] v to contract (1. to draw together, make smaller or narrower; 2. to enter into with mutual obligations; 3. to incur, acquire);
contraher matrimonio to contract marriage or matrimony;
contraher se to contract, shrink
Hence: contrahente; contractile-contractilitate; contraction; contractive; contractura; contracto-contractual, contractar-contractante, quasi-contracto etc.

contralto n [Mus.] contralto

contramandar v to countermand (= to cancel by giving a contrary order)

contramarca n countermark, counterstamp

contramarcar v to countermark, counterstamp

contramarcha (-sh-) n [Mil.] countermarch

contramarchar (-sh-) v to countermarch

contraoffensiva n counteroffensive

contraordine n countermand, counterorder

contrapesar v to counterbalance, counterpoise

contrapeso n counterbalance; counterpoise; counterweight

contraponer [-pon-/-posit-] v to set over against, oppose
Hence: contraposition

contraposit- see contraponer

contraposition n contraposition, antithesis

contrapunctista n contrapuntist

contrapunctistic adj contrapuntal

contrapuncto n [Mus.] counterpoint
Hence: contrapunctista-contrapunctistic

contrarevolution n counterrevolution

contrari adj contrary (= opposed in situation, direction, aim, etc.)
Hence: contrarietate; contrariar; subcontrari; contrario

contrariar v to thwart, oppose, run counter to

contrarietate n l . contrariety; 2. adversity, mishap

contrario n contrary;
al contrario on the contrary

contraronda n counterround

contrascarpa n [Mil.] counterscarp

contrasenso n misconception, misinterpretation

contrasignar v to countersign
Hence: contrasigno

contrasigno n countersign (= watchword, password)

contraspionage (-aje) n counterespionage

contrastar v to contrast (= to form a contrast)
Hence: contrasto

contrasto n contrast

contratempore n 1. mishap; 2. [Mus.] syncopation (= rhythm in syncopated time);
a contratempore at the wrong moment

contravallation n [Fortif.] contravallation

contraveneno n antidote; also: counterpoison

contravenir [-ven-/-vent-] v -;
contravenir a to contravene (= to act contrary to)
Hence: contravention; contraventor

contravent- see contravenir

contravention n contravention

contraventor n contravener

contravisita (-ví-) n [Admin., Mil., etc.] check inspection

contribuente n contributor (= one who contributes)

contribuer [-tribu-/-tribut-] v to contribute (= to furnish as a share);
contribuer a to contribute to
Hence: contribuente; contribution; contributive

contribut- see contribuer

contribution n contribution (1. money, help, etc., contributed; 2. tax, levy)

contributive adj contributive

contristar v to sadden, make sad

contrit- see conter-

contrite adj contrite

contrition n contrition

controlar v to check, verify, also: to control, have or keep under control

controlator n examiner, inspector, etc. (= person who checks or verifies); also: controller, comptroller

controlo n (act of) checking, verifying; also: control, check
Hence: controlar-controlator

controvers- see controverter

controverse adj controversial

controversia n controversy

controversista n controversialist

controverter [-vert-/-vers-] v to controvert
Hence: controvertibile-incontrovertibile; controverse-controversia-controversista

controvertibile adj controvertible, controversial

contumace adj contumacious
Hence: contumacia

contumacia n contumacy (1. pertinacious resistance to authority; 2. wilful disobedience to the summons or order of a court);
(sententia) in contumacia (judgment) by default, in contumaciam

contunder [-tund-/-tus-] v to contuse, bruise
Hence: contusion

contus- see contunder

contusion n contusion, bruise

convalescente¹ 1. ppr of convalescer; 2. adj convalescent

convalescente² n convalescent

convalescentia n convalescence

convalescer v to convalesce
Hence: convalescente-convalescentia

conveller [-vell-/-vuls-] v to convulse
Hence: convulsion-convulsionari, convulsionario; convulsive; convulse

convenibile adj suitable, fit

conveniente adj proper, decent

convenientia n 1. suitability, convenience; 2. propriety (= correctness of behavior);
maritage de convenientia marriage of convenience

convenir [-ven-/-vent-] v 1. to convene, come together; 2. to agree (= to come to an agreement); 3. to suit (= to be fitting);
il conveni de (facer lo) it is fitting, advisable, to (do it)
Hence: conveniente-convenientia, inconveniente-inconvenientia; convenibile; convention-conventional-conventionalismo, conventionalista; convento &; disconvenir-disconvenientia

convent- see convenir

conventiculo n conventicle

convention n convention (1. assembly; 2. agreement 3. conventional custom)

conventional adj conventional

conventionalismo n conventionalism

conventionalista n conventionalist

convento n convent
Hence: conventiculo; conventual

conventu- see convento

conventual adj conventual

convergente 1. ppr of converger; 2. adj convergent

convergentia n convergence, convergency (= process or fact of converging)

converger v to converge (= to tend to come together in a point)
Hence: convergente-convergentia

convers- see converter

conversabile adj conversable (= sociable, affable)

conversar v to converse
Hence: conversabile; conversation

conversation n conversation

conversion n I. conversion (1. change, transmutation; 2. change to another religion, belief, opinion, etc.); II. [Mil.] wheel

converso n 1. [Eccl.] lay brother; 2. convert

converter [-vert-/-vers-] v to convert (1. to change, transmute; 2. to change to another religion, belief, opinion, etc.)
Hence: convertimento; convertibile-convertibilitate, inconvertibile-inconvertibilitate; conversion; converso; conversar &

convertibile adj convertible

convertibilitate n convertibility

convertimento n (act of) converting, conversion

convexe adj convex
Hence: convexitate

convexitate n convexity

conviar v to convoy
Hence: convio

convict- see convincer

conviction n conviction (= settled belief)

convicto n (one) condemned, convicted; also: convict

convincer [-vinc-/-vict-] v 1. to convince; 2. to convict (= to prove guilty)
Hence: convincimento; conviction; convicto

convincimento n convincement

convio (-vío) n convoy (1. act of convoying; 2. protecting escort; 3. convoyed vessel, fleet, train, party, etc.)

convitar v 1. to invite; 2. to incite, spur
Hence: convitato

convitato n (invited) guest

conviva n table companion
Hence: convival

convival adj convivial

conviver v to live together

convocar v to convoke, call together
Hence: convocation; convocator

convocation n convocation (= action of convoking or calling together)

convocator n convoker

convolut- see convolver

convolute adj convolute

convolver [-volv-/-volut-] v to convolve, convolute
Hence: convolvulo &: convolute

convolvulaceas npl [Bot.] Convolvulaceae

convolvulacee adj [Bot.] convolvulaceous

convolvulo n [Bot.] convolvulus; also: morning-glory
Hence: convolvulacee-convolvulaceas

convoyar v [Mil.] to convoy
Hence: convoyo

convoyo (-vó-) n 1. [Mil.] convoy; 2. [R.R.] train;
convoyo funebre funeral procession

convuls- see conveller

convulse adj convulsed

convulsion n convulsion;
convulsiones convulsions, spasm

convulsionari adj convulsionary, convulsive

convulsionario n [Relig.] Convulsionary

convulsive adj convulsive

coolie [A] n coolie

cooperar v to co-operate
Hence: cooperation; cooperative-cooperativa: cooperator

cooperation n co-operation (= act of cooperating)

cooperativa n co-operative

cooperative adj co-operative (= willing to co-operate)

cooperator n co-operator

cooptar v to coopt
Hence: cooptation

cooptation n cooption, cooptation

coordinar v to coordinate
Hence: coordination; coordinator; coordinate-coordinatas

coordinatas npl [Math.] coordinates

coordinate adj coordinated;
propositiones coordinate coordinate clauses

coordination n coordination

coordinator n coordinator

Copenhagen (-há-) npr Copenhagen

coperculo n cover, lid

coperifoco n curfew

coperilecto n coverlet, bedspread, counterpane

coperir [-per-/-pert-] v to cover (1. to place or spread something on or over; 2. [Breeding]);
coperir un foco to cover or bank a fire;
coperir (le expensas, etc.) to cover (the expenses, etc.)
Hence: coperculo; copertor; copertura; coperto; discoperir &; recoperir; coperifoco etc.

copernican adj Copernican

Copernico, Nicolaus (-pér-, -láus) npr Nikolaus Copernicus [1473-1543; Polish astronomer]
Hence: copernican

copert- see coperir

coperto n table china and silver; cover (as in “cover charge”)

copertor n 1. coverer; 2. studhorse, stud ram, etc.

copertura n cover;
copertura (de lana, etc.) (woolen, etc.) blanket;
copertura de lecto bedspread

copia n 1. plenty, abundance, copiousness; 2. copy (= reproduction); 3. [Photog.] print
Hence: copista; copiose-copiositate; copiar-copiator; cornucopia etc.

copiar v 1. to copy; 2. [Photog.] to print

copiator n copier

copiose adj copious (= plentiful)

copiositate n abundance, copiousness

copista n copyist

coproprietario n co-owner, coproprietor

coproprietate n co-ownership, coproprietorship

copula (có-) n I. [Gram.] copula; II. copulation (= sexual union); III. couple (1. pair; 2. [Mech.])
Hence: copular-copulation, copulative; accopular-accopulamento, disaccopular

copular v 1. to join, unite (= to bring or put together); 2. to mate (= to bring together for breeding);
copular se to copulate, mate

copulation n copulation (= sexual union)

copulative adj 1. connective; 2. [Gram.] copulative

copyright [A] n copyright

coquetta n coquette

coquettar v to coquet, coquette

coquette adj coquet, coquettish
Hence: coquettar-coquetteria; coquetta

coquetteria (-ía) n coquetry

cor- see con-

corac- n [occurring in compounds] coraco- (= crow, raven)
Hence: nycticorace etc. ...

corage (-aje) n courage
Hence: coragiose; discoragiar-discoragiamento; incoragiar-incoragiamento

coragiose (-jo-) adj courageous

corallero n coral grinder

coralliforme n coralliform

corallin adj coralline

corallina n [Zool.] coralline

corallo n coral
Hence: corallero; corallin; corallina; coralliforme etc.

[coram] (có-) 1. adv in one’s presence, openly, publicly; 2. prep in the presence of

corbata n basket (= basketful)

corbe n basket;
corbe de papiro waste-basket
Hence: corbata; corbetta; corbero; corberia

corberia (-ía) n basketry

corbero n basketmaker

corbetta n small basket

corcar v to cork (as in “to cork a bottle”)

corco n cork (1. bark of the cork oak; 2. cork stopper)
Hence: corcar-discorcar; tiracorcos etc.

corda n cord, rope, etc.; also: twine, string, etc.
Hence: cordage; cordon-acordonar; cordar

cordage (-aje) n [Naut.] cordage

cordar v to cord (1. as in “to cord a fabric”; 2. to bind with cords)

corde n heart; also: [Cards] heart, card of the suit of hearts;
al fundo del corde at the bottom of one’s heart;
corde (de un malo, etc.) heart or core (of an apple, etc.);
de bon corde gladly, willingly;
de tote (le) corde wholeheartedly
Hence: cordial &; concorde &; discorde &; accordar &; recordar; cordiforme etc.; misericorde etc.

cordi- see corde

cordial¹ adj cordial (1. hearty, friendly; 2. stimulating)
Hence: cordialitate; cordial²

cordial² n cordial (= stimulating beverage)

cordialitate n cordiality

cordiforme adj heart-shaped, cordiform

cordillera [H] n cordillera (= mountain range);
Cordillera del Andes Cordillera of the Andes;
Cordilleras Cordilleras

cordon n I. (small) cord; II. cordon (1. small braid worn as an ornament or badge; 2. [Mil.]); III. lace, string (as in “shoe lace”, “corset string,” etc.);
cordon sanitari sanitary cordon;
cordon umbilical navel string, umbilical cord

Cordova (cór-) npr Cordova
Hence: cordovan-cordovano

cordovan adj 1. Cordovan (= pertaining to Cordova); 2. cordovan (= made of cordovan leather)

cordovano n 1. Cordovan (= native of Cordova); 2. cordovan (leather)

Corea (-éa) npr Korea
Hence: corean-coreano

corean adj Korean

coreano n Korean (1. Korean person; 2. Korean language)

coriacee adj coriaceous

corinthie adj Corinthian

corinthio n Corinthian;
Epistolas al Corinthios Epistles to the Corinthians

Corintho npr Corinth;
uva de Corintho currant (= small seedless raisin used in cooking)
Hence: corinthie-corinthio

corio n leather;
corio capillute scalp;
corio vernissate patent leather
Hence: coriacee; excoriar &

cornalina n [Mineral.] cornelian

cornamusa n bagpipe(s)

cornar v I. to sound a horn; II. to horn (1. to furnish with horns; 2. to gore with the horns)

cornea n cornea

cornee adj horny

cornetta n I. small horn, trumpet; II. cornet (1. [Mus.]; 2. [Mil.]; 3. [Naut.] burgee); III. standard (of cavalry)
Hence: cornettista; saxcornetta etc.

cornettista n cornettist

cornice¹ n [Ornith.] crow
Hence: cornicula

cornice² n [Arch.] cornice

cornichon [F] n gherkin

cornicula n [Ornith.] crow

corno n horn (1. “horn of cattle, sheep, goats, etc.”; 2. material of which horns are composed; 3. [Entom.] feeler, antenna; 4. [Mus.]);
portar cornos to be a cuckold;
corno de chassa hunting horn;
corno anglese [Mus.] English horn;
corno del abundantia cornucopia, horn of plenty
Hence: cornetta &; cornalina; cornee-cornea; cornute; cornar; discornar; cornucopia etc.; bicorne etc.; bicornute etc.; Capricorno etc.; saxcorno etc.

cornu- see corno

cornucopia n cornucopia

cornute adj horned;
argumento cornute (sophistical) dilemma

corolla n [Bot.] corolla
Hence: corollate; corollifere; corolliforme etc.

corollario n [Logic, Math.] corollary

corollate adj [Bot.] corollate, corollated

corollifere adj [Bot.] corolliferous

corolliforme adj [Bot.] corolliform

corona n 1. wreath; 2. crown; 3. [Fin.] crown, krone, etc.; 4. [Astron.] corona; 5. [Veter.] coronet
Hence: coronal; coronari; coronar-coronamento, coronation; discoronar

coronal adj coronal (1. crown; 2. [Anat.]);
osso coronal frontal bone

coronamento n coronation

coronar v to crown

coronari adj crown, coronary;
venas coronari coronary veins

coronation n coronation

corp- see corpore

corporal adj corporal, bodily

corporalitate n corporality, corporeality

corporar v to form into a body

corporation n corporation, guild

corporative adj corporate, corporative

corporatura n build, frame

corpore n body (1. as in “body and soul”; 2. “body of a garment”; 3. matter, substance; 4. group, corps; also: collection, corpus);
(luctar) corpore a corpore (to fight) hand to hand;
in corpore in a body all together;
corpore (del nave) (ship’s) hull
Hence: corporal-corporalitate, incorporal-incorporalitate; corporee-corporeitate, incorporee-incorporeitate; corporar-corporation, corporative, corporatura; incorporar &; corpusculo &; corpulente &

corporee adj corporeal (1. material; 2. corporal, bodily)

corporeitate n corporeity

corps [F] n [Mil.] corps;
corps de armea [Mil.] army corps

corpulente adj corpulent
Hence: corpulentia

corpulentia n corpulence

corpus- see corpore

corpuscular adj corpuscular

corpusculo n corpuscle
Hence: corpuscular

corpus delicti [L] [Law] corpus delicti

correct- see corriger

correcte adj correct (1. proper; 2. right, accurate)

correctessa n correctness

correction n correction (1. action of setting right; 2. rebuke, punishment);
domo de correction reformatory

correctional adj correctional (as in “correctional institutions”)

corrective adj corrective

correctivo n corrective

corrector n 1. corrector; 2. proofreader

correctori adj correctory, corrective

corregia n strap (= band, thong)

correlatar v to correlate

correlation n correlation

correlative adj correlative

correligionario n co-religionist

correspondente¹ 1. ppr of corresponder; 2. adj correspondent, corresponding

correspondente² n correspondent

correspondentia n correspondence (1. conformity; 2. exchange of letters; 3. letters, mail)

corresponder v I. to correspond (1. to be in conformity; 2. to communicate by exchange of letters); II. to respond (= to react sympathetically);
corresponder a to correspond to or with
Hence: correspondente-correspondentia

corridor n corridor, hallway

corriger (-rig-/-rect-] v to correct (1. to set right; 2. to chastise);
corriger se to reform (= to become better)
Hence: corrigibile-incorrigibile-incorrigibilitate; correction-correctional, incorrection; corrective-correctivo; corrector; correctori; correcte-correctessa, incorrecte

corrigibile adj corrigible (= capable of being set right or reformed)

corroborante n corroborant (= strengthproducing medicine)

corroborar v 1. to strengthen, make strong; 2. to corroborate
Hence: corroborante; corroboration; corroborative

corroboration n 1. act of strengthening or making strong; 2. corroboration

corroborative adj 1. strengthening, making strong; 2. corroborative

corroder [-rod-/-ros-] v to corrode (= to eat away gradually)
Hence: corrosion; corrosive

corros- see corroder

corrosion n corrosion

corrosive adj corrosive

corrugar v to wrinkle (up), corrugate; also: to crease, crumple, etc.
Hence: corrugation

corrugation n corrugation

corrumper [-rump-/-rupt-] v I. to rot, cause to decay; II. to corrupt (1. to make evil or wicked; 2. to bribe; 3. to make incorrect, falsify)
Hence: corruptibile-corruptibilitate, incorruptibile-incorruptibilitate; corruption; corruptor; corrupte-incorrupte

corrupt- see corrumper

corrupte adj 1. rotten, decayed, tainted, infeeted, etc; 2. corrupt

corruptibile adj 1. perishable, subject to decay; 2. corruptible

corruptibilitate n corruptibility

corruption n I. decay, taint, etc.; II. corruption (1. depravity; 2. bribery; 3. as in “corruption of a text or of a style”)

corruptor n corrupter

corsage [F] n bodice, corsage

corset [F] n corset, girdle
Hence: corsetero

corsetero n corset maker

corte n court (1. courtyard; 2. “court of a sovereign”; 3. [Law]; 4. courtship, wooing;
corte de appello court of appeal;
facer le corte a (un prince) to pay one’s court or homage to (a sovereign);
facer le corte a (un dama) to court, woo, pay attention to (a young lady);
corte de recreation playground
Hence: cortese &

cortes [H] npl Cortes

cortesana n courtesan

cortesano n courtier

cortesar v to court (1. try to gain the favor of by attention or flattery; 2. to woo)

cortese adj courteous
Hence: cortesano; cortesana; cortesia; cortesar; discortese-discortesia

cortesia (-ía) n courtesy (= graceful politeness)

cortical adj cortical

cortice (cór-) n 1. [Bot.] bark; 2. [Anat.] cortex
Hence: cortical; corticose; decorticar-decortication

corticose adj [Bot.] corticate, corticose

cortina n curtain (1. as in “window curtain,” “bed curtain”; 2. [Fortif.])
Hence: cortinar; incortinar

cortinar v [Fortif.] to encurtain

corvetta n corvette

corvin adj corvine;
nigre corvin raven black

corvo n raven; crow;
Corvo [Astron.] Corvus;
corvo marin cormorant
Hence: corvin

cosa n thing;
alicun cosa something, anything

cosecante n [Trig.] cosecant

cosina n cousin (= daughter of one’s uncle or aunt)

cosino n cousin (= son of one’s uncle or aunt)
Hence: cosina

cosinus (-sí-) n [Math.] cosine

cosmetic adj cosmetic
Hence: cosmetico; cosmetica

cosmetica n cosmetics

cosmetico n cosmetic

cosmic adj cosmic (= relating to the universe)

cosmo n cosmos (1. universe; 2. orderly whole)
Hence: cosmic; cosmogonia etc; cosmographo etc.; cosmologo etc.; cosmorama etc.; macrocosmo etc.

cosmogonia (-ía) n cosmogony (= theory of the generation of the universe)
Hence: cosmogonic

cosmogonic adj cosmogonal, cosmogonic

cosmographia (-ía) n cosmography (= description of the universe or of the earth)

cosmographic adj cosmographic, cosmographical

cosmographo (-mó-) n cosmographer
Hence: cosmographia-cosmographic

cosmologia (-ía) n cosmology

cosmologic adj cosmological

cosmologo (-mó-) n cosmologist
Hence: cosmologia; cosmologic

cosmopolita n/adj cosmopolitan, cosmopolite
Hence: cosmopolitismo

cosmopolitismo n cosmopolitanism, cosmopolitism

cosmorama n cosmorama

cossinetto n 1. small cushion; also: pincushion, pad etc.; 2. [Mech.] bearing; 3. [R.R.] rail chair;
cossinetto de ballas ball bearing

cossino n cushion (= pillow to sit, lie or kneel on)
Hence: cossinetto

costa n 1. [Anat.] rib; 2. slope (of hill); 3. coast, seashore
Hence: costal-intercostal, supercostal, sternocostal etc.; costari; costear; accostar &; guardacostas etc.

costal adj [Anat.] costal

costar v to cost
Hence: costo-costose

costari adj coastal

Costa Rica [H] npr Costa Rica

costear v to coast along, sail along (the coast);
costear (un foresta, monte, etc.) to skirt (a forest, mountain, etc.)

costo n cost (= price paid or charged);
a omne costo, a tote costo at all costs, at any cost

costose adj costly (= costing much)

costumar v to costume

costumari adj customary

costume n 1. custom, usage; 2. [Theat., etc.] costume;
de costume usually;
haber le costume de (facer un cosa) to be in the habit of (doing something), to be accustomed to (do something)
Hence: costumari; costumar; accostumar &

cotangente n [Math.] cotangent

cotelette [F] n cutlet, chop

cotillon [F] n cotillion, cotillon

coton n cotton (1. cotton plant; 2. cotton fiber);
coton hydrophile absorbent cotton;
filo de coton cotton thread
Hence: cotonari; cotoniero

cotonari adj cotton (= having to do with cotton)

cotoniero n cotton shrub, cotton plant

cotta n habit, gown, etc.; also: coat, tunic;
cotta de armas tunic (worn over armor) tabard;
cotta de malia coat of mail

cotutor n [Law] coguardian, cotutor

coulisse [F] n 1. [Theat.] wing, side, scene; 2. [Fin.] outside market, free market; also: curb market

Coulomb, Charles Augustin npr [1736-1806; physicist after whom the “coulomb” is named];
lege de Coulomb Coulomb’s law
Hence: coulomb

coulomb (culómb) n [Elec.] coulomb

coupé [F] n coupé (1. four-wheeled closed carriage with a seat for two people inside and a seat for the driver outside; 2. closed, two-door automobile; 3. railroad compartment)

coupon [F] n [Fin.] coupon

covar v to brood, sit on (eggs); also: to hatch
Hence: covator; covatrice; covata

covata n brood (= hatch of birds)

covator n brooder (= bird that sits on eggs)

covatrice n brooder (= female bird that sits on eggs; also: incubator)

coxa n 1. hip; hip joint; thigh
Hence: coxal; coxalgia etc.

coxal adj hip, of the hip; coxal

coxalgia (-ía) n coxalgia, pain in the hip
Hence: coxalgic

coxalgic adj coxalgic

crabba n [Zool.] crab

crac n 1. crack (= sudden sharp and loud noise); 2. [Fin.] crash, smash

crac- see craccar

craccar v to crack (= to make a sudden sharp sound in breaking)
Hence: crac

Cracovia npr Cracow, Krakow

crampa n cramp, clamp, staple, clip, etc.
Hence: crampar

crampar v to cramp, clamp, staple, clip (together), etc.

crampo n [Med.] cramp

crangon n [Ichthyol.] shrimp

cranian adj cranial

cranio n cranium, skull
Hence: cranian; craniologo etc.; cranioscopio etc.

craniologia (-ía) n craniology

craniologic adj craniological

craniologo (-ólogo) n craniologist
Hence: craniologia; craniologic

craniometria (-ía) n craniometry

craniometric adj craniometric

craniometrista n craniometrist

craniometro (-ó-) n craniometer
Hence: craniometria; craniometrista; craniometric

cranioscopia (-ía) n cranioscopy

cranioscopic adj cranioscopical

cranioscopio n instrument for examining the cranium
Hence: cranioscopia; cranioscopic

cranioscopo (-ós-) n cranioscopist

[cras] adv tomorrow
(= deman)
Hence: crastine-procrastinar &

crasis (crá-) n [Gram.] crasis

crasse adj 1. thick (= not flowing easily); 2. crass
Hence: crassitate; crassitude; crassilingue etc.

crassilingue adj crassilingual, thicktongued

crassitate n crassitude (1. thickness; 2. crassness, grossness)

crassitude n crassitude (1. thickness; 2. crassness, grossness)

crastine adj of tomorrow, tomorrow’s

-crate [occurring in compounds] -crat (as in “aristocrat, plutocrat, etc.”)

crater n crater (1. [Gr. Antiq.] krater; 2. mouth of a volcano)
Hence: crateriforme etc.

crateriforme adj crateriform

-cratia (-ía) [occurring in compounds] -cracy (= power, rule)

-cratic [occurring in compounds] -cratic

-crato- n [occurring in compounds]
Hence: -cratia-autocratia, aristocratia etc, bureaucratia etc.; democratia etc.; -cratic-autocratic, aristocratic etc., bureaucratic etc., democratic etc.; -crate-autocrate, aristocrate etc., democrate etc.

cravata n necktie, scarf, cravat

crear v to create
Hence: creation; creative; creator; creatura; increate; concrear; procrear &; recrear &

-creas n [occurring in derivatives and compounds] -creas, creat-, creato-, creo- (= flesh)
Hence: creatina; creophage etc.; creosoto etc.; pancreas etc.

creat- see -creas

creatina n [Biochem.] creatine

creation n creation (1. act of creating, thing created; 2. world, universe)

creative adj creative

creator¹ n creator;
Creator Creator

creator² adj creative

creatura n creature; created being

credente¹ 1. ppr of creder; 2. adj believing, trustful, credent

credente² n believer (= follower of some religion)

credentia n I. belief (1. trust, faith; 2. credence); II. sideboard; III. [Eccl.] credence (= small table for Eucharistic elements);
littera(s) de credentia [Dipl.] credentials

credential adj credential;
litteras credential credential letters, credentials

creder v to believe;
creder a un cosa to believe in (the existence or truth of) something;
creder in un persona to believe in someone;
creder se to consider oneself, look upon oneself as
Hence: credente-credentia-credential, miscredente-miscredentia; credule &; credibile-credibilitate, incredibile-incredibilitate; creditor; credito &

credibile adj credible

credibilitate n credibility

creditar v [Bookkeeping] to credit (= to enter on the credit side of an account)

credito (cré-) n credit (1. prestige based on the confidence of others; 2. [Com., Accounting, Fin.]);
establimento de credito loan society, credit establishment;
littera de credito letter of credit;
aperir un credito (a un persona) to open a credit (account) (in someone’s favor);
vender a credito to sell on credit
Hence: creditar; accreditar; discredito-discreditar

creditor n creditor

credo [NL] n creed, credo

credule adj credulous
Hence: credulitate; incredule-incredulitate

credulitate n credulity

crema n I. cream (1. oily part of milk; 2. fancy dish made of, or like, cream; 3. [Cosmetics]; 4. best part of a thing); II. crème (= thick sweet liqueur)
Hence: cremeria; cremose

cremar v to cremate
Hence: cremation; crematori; crematorio

cremation n cremation

crematori adj crematory;
furno crematori crematory (= furnace for cremating)

crematorio n crematorium

cremeria (-ía) n creamery

cremose adj creamy

creo- see -creas

creolo n creole (= person of pure European descent born in the Latin American countries);
(linguas) creol creole (languages)

creophage (-ó-) adj creophagous, carnivorous, meat-eating
Hence: creophagia; creophago

creophagia (-ía) n creophagy

creophago (-óphago) n creophagist, carnivore, meat eater

creosotage (-aje) n (action of) creosoting

creosotar v to creosote

creosoto n creosote
Hence: creosotar-creosotage

crepar v I. to crack, crash (1. to make a sharp, loud noise; 2. to break with a sharp, loud noise); II. [Slang] to croak (= to die)
Hence: crepitar &; discrepar &

crepe [F] n crepe

crepe de Chine [F] crepe de Chine

crepitante 1. ppr of crepitar; 2. adj crepitant

crepitar v to crackle
Hence: crepitante; crepitation; decrepitar &

crepitation n crepitation

crepuscular adj crepuscular

crepusculo n twilight, dusk, crepuscule
Hence: crepuscular

crescendo [I] n crescendo

crescente¹ 1. ppr of crescer; 2. adj growing, increasing;
le luna crescente the waxing moon

crescente² n crescent

crescentia n growth (= action of growing)

crescer [cresc-/cret-] v to grow (= to become larger);
crescer in to grow or increase in
Hence: crescimento; crescente-crescentia; crescita; accrescer &: concresc- &; descrescer &; discrescer; excrescer &

crescimento n growth (= process of growing)

crescita n rising of water (flood, freshet, spate)

Creso npr [Anc. Hist.] Croesus;
creso Croesus (= very rich man)

cresson n [Bot.] cress

cresta n crest (1. comb, tuft on the head of a bird; 2. decoration, plumes, etc., on a helmet; 3. ridge of a wave or a mountain);
levar le cresta to hold one’s head high;
cresta de gallo [Bot.] cockscomb

creta¹ n chalk (1. soft limestone; 2. piece of chalk or chalklike material for writing or drawing)
Hence: cretacee; cretose

Creta² npr Crete
Hence: cretese

cretacee adj cretaceous

cretese adj/n Cretan

cretonne [F] n cretonne

cretose adj chalky (= of chalk)

cribrar v to sift

cribriforme adj cribriform

cribro n sieve, strainer, etc.
Hence: cribrose; cribrar; cribriforme etc.

cribrose adj sievelike, cribriform

cricket [A] n [Sports] cricket

Crimea (-éa) npr Crimea

criminal¹ adj criminal (1. relating to crime; 2. guilty of crime)

criminal² n criminal

criminalista n criminal jurist; criminologist

criminalitate n criminality (= quality of being criminal)

criminar v to criminate

crimination n crimination

crimine n crime;
crimine passional crime passionnel
Hence: criminal-criminalista, criminalitate; criminar-crimination; incriminar-incrimination; recriminar &; criminologo etc.

criminologia (-ía) n criminology

criminologic adj criminological

criminologista n criminologist

criminologo (-nó) n criminologist
Hence: criminologia-criminologista; criminologic

crin n horsehair;
crin vegetal vegetable horsehair
Hence: criniera; crinolina etc.

-crin- [occurring in compounds]
Hence: endocrin etc. ...

criniera n mane

crinolina n crinoline (1. stiff cloth made of horsehair and linen thread; 2. hoop skirt)

crise n crisis

crispar v 1. to crisp, curl, frizzle, crimp, crape, etc.; 2. to contract, shrivel

crispation n contraction, shriveling, crispation

crispe adj curly, crisped, crisp
Hence: crispar-crispation

crista n crest (1. comb, tuft on the head of a bird; 2. decoration, plumes, etc., on a helmet; 3. ridge of a wave or a mountain);
levar le crista to hold one’s head high;
crista de gallo [Bot.] cockscomb
Hence: cristate

cristate adj crested, tufted

critar v to cry, cry out; also: to scream, shriek;
critar al lupo to cry wolf
Hence: crito

criterio n criterion

critic adj critical (1. pertaining to criticism; 2. pertaining to a crisis)
Hence: criticismo; criticar; hypercritic-hypercritico, hypercritica; critico; critica

critica n [Lit., Art, etc.] criticism; also: critique

criticar v to criticize

criticismo n [Philos.] criticism

critico n critic

crito n cry (= loud sound produced by man or beast); also: scream, shriek;
crito de guerra war cry

croate adj Croatian

Croatia npr Croatia

croato n 1. Croat, Croatian; 2. Croatian (language)
Hence: Croatia; croate-serbocroate etc.

croc n hook, crook

crochet [F] n [Needlework] crochet
Hence: crochetar

crochetar (-sh-) v to crochet

crocodilian adj crocodilian

crocodiliano n [Zool.] crocodilian

crocodilo n [Zool.] crocodile
Hence: crocodilian-crocodiliano

crocus (cró-) n [Bot.] crocus

cromlech n cromlech

croquet [A] n [Sports] croquet
Hence: croquetar

croquetar v to croquet

croquette [F] n [Cookery] croquette

crotalo (cró-) n [Zool.] Crotalus; also: rattlesnake
Hence: crotaloide

crotaloide adj crotaloid, crotaline

croup [A] n [Pathol.] croup

cruce n cross (= sign, symbol, thing, etc. in the shape of a cross);
Cruce Rubie Red Cross;
portar su cruce to bear one’s cross;
facer le signo del cruce to make the sign of the cross;
in cruce crosswise
Hence: cruciera; crucial; crucifere-crucifero; cruciar &; cruciforme etc.; crucifiger etc.

crucia n crutch

cruciada n crusade

crucial adj crucial (= having the form of a cross);
incision crucial [Med.] crucial incision

cruciamento n I. crossing (1. placing crosswise; passing across; 2. intersection); II. [Biol.] cross; III. torture, torment

cruciar v I. to cross (1. to place crosswise; 2. to intersect, pass across; 3. to cause to interbreed); II. to torture, torment; III. to cruise (= to sail to and fro over some part of the sea on the lookout for enemy ships or for the protection of commerce)
Hence: cruciada; cruciamento; cruciation; cruciator; cruciata; intercruciar

cruciata (de vias) n crossroads

cruciation n torture, torment, cruciation

cruciator n 1. one or that which crosses, crosser; 2. cruiser; also: [Navy]; 3. torturer

crucibulo (-cí-) n crucible, melting pot

cruciera n [Navy] cruise

crucifere adj cruciferous

crucifero (-cí-) n crucifer (1. [Eccl.]; 2. [Bot.])

crucifiger [-fig-/-fix-] v to crucify
Hence: crucifixion; crucifixor; crucifixo

crucifix- see crucifiger

crucifixion n crucifixion

crucifixo n crucifix

crucifixor n crucifier

cruciforme adj cruciform, cross-shaped

crude adj I. raw (1. uncooked; 2. crude); II. unripe, green
Hence: cruditate; recrudescer &

cruditate n crudity, crudeness

cruel adj cruel
Hence: cruelitate

cruelitate n cruelty

cruppa n croup (= hindquarters of a horse, etc.)
Hence: cruppada; cruppiera

cruppada n [Man.] croupade

cruppiera n crupper (= leather loop passing under a horse’s tail)

crusta n crust
Hence: crustacee &; crustose; incrustar &

crustacee adj crustacean, crustaceous
Hence: crustaceo

crustaceo n crustacean;
crustaceos Crustacea

crustose adj crusty, crustose

crypt- adj [occurring in compounds and derivatives] crypto- (= hidden, secret)
Hence: cryptogramma etc.; cryptographo etc.; cryptomnesia etc.; cryptogame etc.; crypta

crypta n crypt

cryptogame (-ó-) adj [Bot.] cryptogamous
Hence: cryptogamia-cryptogamic, cryptogamista; cryptogamo

cryptogamia (-ía) n [Bot.] cryptogamy

cryptogamic adj [Bot.] cryptogamic

cryptogamista n [Bot.] cryptogamist

cryptogamo (-ó-) n [Bot.] cryptogam

cryptogramma n cryptogram

cryptographia (-ía) n cryptography

cryptographic adj cryptographic

cryptographo (-ó-) n 1. cryptograph, cryptogram; 2. cryptographer
Hence: cryptographia; cryptographic

cryptomnesia (-ía) n cryptomnesia

crystalleria (-ía) n 1. glass works; 2. glassware store

crystallero n glassmaker

crystallin adj crystalline

crystallino n [Anat.] lens; crystalline lens

crystallisabile adj crystallizable

crystallisar v to crystallize

crystallisation n crystallization

crystallite n [Mineral.] crystallite

crystallo n crystal (1. clear, transparent variety of quartz; 2. crystal-glass; 3. form resulting from crystallization)
Hence: crystallite; crystallero; crystalleria; crystallin-crystallino; crystalloide; crystallisar-crystallisabile, crystallisation

crystallographia (-ía) n crystallography

crystallographic adj crystallographical

crystallographo (-ó-) n crystallographer
Hence: crystallographia; crystallographic

crystalloide adj crystalloid

cualiar v to curdle

cualio n rennet
Hence: cualiar

Cuba npr Cuba
Hence: cuban-cubano

cuban adj Cuban

cubano n Cuban

cubar¹ v to cube (1. to make a cube or cubes of; 2. to measure the cubic content of; 3. [Alg.])

cubar² v to lie (= to be lying somewhere)
Hence: cubiculo; concubino &; incubar &; succubar &

cubatura n cubature

cubic adj cubic (1. having the form of a cube; 2. [Alg.]);
radice cubic cube root;
metro cubic cubic meter

cubiculo n small bedroom, cubicle

cubismo n cubism

cubista n cubist

cubital adj [Anat.] cubital

cubito (cú-) n I. elbow; II. cubit (1. [Anat.] ulna; 2. [Entom.]; 3. “the measure cubit”)
Hence: cubital; cubitodigital etc.

cubitodigital adj cubitodigital

cubo n cube (1. [Geom.]; 2. [Alg.])
Hence: cubatura; cubismo; cubista; cubic; cubar

cucu n 1. [Ornith.] cuckoo; 2. cuckold

cucumbre n cucumber

cucumere n cucumber

cucurbita (-cúr-) n cucurbit (1. [Bot.] gourd; also: pumpkin; 2. distilling flask)
Hence: cucurbitacee-cucurbitaceas

cucurbitaceas npl Cucurbitaceae

cucurbitacee adj cucurbitaceous

cuirassamento n (act of) cuirassing

cuirassar v to cuirass

cuirassate 1. pp of cuirassar; 2. adj armored, armor-plated, panzer

cuirassato n battleship

cuirasse n 1. cuirass; 2. armor (of a warship, etc.)
Hence: cuirassero; cuirassar-cuirassamento, cuirassate-cuirassato

cuirassero n cuirassier

[cuje] pron whose

culice (cú-) n 1. gnat; mosquito; 2. [Entom.] Culex
Hence: culiciforme etc.

culiciforme adj gnatlike, gnat-shaped, mosquito-like, etc.

culina n kitchen
Hence: culinari

culinari adj culinary

culminar v to culminate;
puncto culminante culminating point

culmination n culmination; also: [Astron.]

culmine n climax (= culminating point)
Hence: culminar-culmination

culo n posterior, buttock;
culo de bottilia bottom or punt of bottle
Hence: accular; recular &

culpa n guilt
Hence: culpar-culpabile-culpabilitate; disculpar; inculpar-inculpabile, inculpation

culpabile adj guilty

culpabilitate n culpability, guilt

culpar v to blame, censure

cult- see coler; cultro

culte adj 1. cultivated, tilled; 2. cultured, erudite; 3. ornate, elegant

cultellasso n cutlass (= short, curving sword)

cultelleria (-ía) n cutlery (= business of a cutler)

cultellero n cutler

cultello n knife
Hence: cultellasso; cultellero; cultelleria

cultismo n cultism, Gongorism

cultivabile adj cultivable

cultivar v to cultivate (1. to till; 2. to raise or foster the growth of);
cultivar le amicitate de un persona to cultivate somebody’s friendship;
cultivar un persona to cultivate a person
Hence: cultivabile; cultivation; cultivator

cultivation n cultivation (= tilling of land)

cultivator n cultivator (= tiller of the soil)

culto n 1. worship; 2. cult

cultor n cultivator

cultro n 1. plow colter; 2. knife (= butcher knife, hunting knife, etc.)
Hence: cultello &

cultura n culture (1. cultivation, act of cultivating; 2. [Bacteriol.]; 3. state or level of culture)
Hence: cultural; agricultura etc.; motocultura etc.

cultural adj cultural

[cum] prep with (1. together with; 2. by means of; 3. having, carrying, characterized by)
(= con)

-cumber v [occurring in compounds]
Hence: incumber-incumbente-incumbentia; succumber

cum grano salis [L] cum grano salis, with a grain of salt

cumino n 1. cumin; 2. caraway;
liquor de cumino kümmel

cumular v 1. to heap or pile up, cumulate; 2. to fill (up, to overflowing, etc.);
cumular (un persona) de (honores, etc.) to heap (honors, etc.) on (someone)

cumulation n heaping up, cumulation

cumulative adj cumulative

cumulo (cú-) n 1. heap, pile; 2. [Meteorol.] cumulus
Hence: cumular-cumulation, cumulative; accumular &

cuna n cradle (= rocking or swinging bed);
canto de cuna cradlesong
Hence: cunar; incunar-incunabulo

cunar v to rock (in a cradle)

cuneage (-aje) n 1. (act of) wedging in; 2. coinage (= coining, minting)

cuneal adj cuneal

cunear v 1. to wedge in, drive in; 2. to coin, mint

cuneate 1. pp of cunear; 2. adj cuneate

cuneator n 1. one who inserts wedges, wedger; 2. coiner

cuneiforme adj cuneiform

cuneo n 1. wedge (= wedge-shaped object or tool); 2. (stamping) die
Hence: cuneal; cunear-cuneage, cuneator, cuneate; cuneiforme etc.

-cunque [occurring in compounds] -ever
Hence: quicunque etc.; comocunque etc.

cup- v [occurring in derivatives and compounds]
Hence: cupide &; concupiscer &

cupa n vat (= large vessel, tub)
Hence: cupula &; cupero; semicupio etc.

cupero n cooper

cupide adj covetous
Hence: cupiditate

cupiditate n cupidity, covetousness

Cupido (-ído) n Cupid;
cupido cupid

cupola (cú-) n cupola, dome

cuppa n cup, goblet;
cuppa (Davis, Gordon Bennett, etc.) (Davis, Gordon Bennett, etc.) cup
Hence: cuppella &; subcuppa

cuppella n 1. small cup; 2. cupel
Hence: cuppellar-cuppellation

cuppellar v to cupel

cuppellation n cupellation

cupric adj [(Chem.] cupric

cuprifere adj copper-bearing, cupriferous

cuprite n [Mineral.] cuprite

cupro n 1. [Metal.] copper; 2. brass-wind instrument;
cupros [Mus.] brass, brass winds
Hence: cuprite; cupric; cuprifere; cuprose

cuprose adj cuprous, copper

cupula n [Bot.] cupule
Hence: cupulifere-cupuliferas

cupuliferas (-í-) npl [Bot.] Cupuliferae

cupulifere adj cupuliferous

cura n 1. [Med.] treatment; 2. cure of souls; 3. [R.C.Ch.] function, residence, etc. of a priest
Hence: incuria; curar-curetta &, curabile-curabilitate, incurabile-incurabilitate, curatela, curation, curative, curator, curato, procurar &, pedicuro etc.; sinecura etc.

curabile adj curable

curabilitate n curability

curar v 1. [Med.] to treat; specif.: to dress (a wound); 2. [Med.] to cure; 3. to nurse (a sick person)

curatela n 1. [Law] guardianship; 2. [Law] trusteeship (= function of the administrator of a trust fund)

curation n cure, healing

curative adj curative, healing

curato n curate, curé

curator n 1. [Law] guardian (of a minor); 2. [Law] trustee (= administrator of a trust fund); 3. curator (of a museum, etc.)

curetta n [Surg.] curette
Hence: curettar-curettage

curettage (-aje) n curettage

curettar v [Surg.] to curette

curiose adj curious (1. desirous of seeing or knowing; 2. deserving or exciting curiosity)
Hence: curiositate; incuriose

curiositate n curiosity (1. desire to see or know; 2. curious object)

currente¹ adj I. running, flowing; II. current (1. generally used or accepted; 2.present);
le cinque del currente the fifth inst.;
conto currente current account

currente² n current;
currente de aere draft, current of air;
currente electric electric current;
currente continue direct current;
currente alternative alternating current;
al currente well acquainted, well informed;
esser al currente (de) to be well informed (about);
tener al currente (de) to keep well informed (about)

currer [curr-/curs-] v to run (= to move swiftly);
currer (le mundo, etc.) to roam about (the world, etc.);
currer periculo (de) to run the risk (of)
Hence: currero; curriculo; currente; cursive-cursiva; cursor; curso-cursero; cursa; accurrer; concurrer &; decurr- &; discurrer &; excurr- &; incurrer &; intercurr- &; occurrer &; percurrer &; precurr- &; recurrer &; succurrer &

currero n 1. courier (= messenger); 2. mail (letters, papers, etc., sent by post); 3. mailman, postman

curriculo n curriculum

curriculum vitae [L] curriculum vitae

curs- see currer

cursa n 1. run, (action of) running; 2. race, (action of) racing; 3. (taxi, etc.) trip

cursero n 1. courser; 2. war horse

cursiva n cursive

cursive adj cursive (as in “cursive script”)

curso n I. run, running (= action of running); II. course (1. trend, path; 2. “course of lectures, studies, etc.”); III. piracy;
curso de aqua watercourse, stream;
sequer un curso de [School] to take a course in;
in le curso de in the course of;
haber curso to be in circulation, in current use, etc.;
viage de longe curso sea voyage

cursor n runner (= one who runs)

curtar v to shorten, make shorter

curte adj short (= not long);
memoria curte short memory;
haber le vista curte to be near-sighted or short-sighted;
esser curte de (moneta) to be short of (money);
curte circuito short circuit;
unda curte [Radio] short wave;
secar curte to cut short
Hence: curtitate; curtar; accurtar &

curtitate n shortness

curva n curve (= curved line)

curvar v to curve (= to cause to curve)

curvatura n curve, curvature

curve adj curved
Hence: curvar-curvatura, incurvar &, recurrar; curvilinee etc.; curva-curvetta &

curvetta n curvet
Hence: curvettar

curvettar v to curvet (= to execute a curvet)

curvilinee adj curvilinear

-cusar v [occurring in derivatives]
Hence: accusar &; excusar &; recusar &

cuspidal adj cuspidal, cuspal

cuspidate adj cusped, cuspated, cuspidate

cuspide (cús-) n cusp; also: [Arch.; Math.; Bot.]
Hence: cuspidal; cuspidate; cuspidiforme etc.; multicuspide etc.; bicuspide etc.

cuspidiforme adj cusp-shaped

custode n guardian, custodian
Hence: custodia-custodial, custodiar

custodia n 1. custody (= safekeeping, care); 2. [Eccl.] custodial

custodial adj custodial

custodiar v to keep in one’s custody, safeguard, care for

cutanee adj cutaneous;
maladia cutanee skin disease
Hence: intercutanee; subcutanee

-cutar see executar

cute n skin (= true skin); also: cutis, derma
Hence: cutanee &; cuticula &

-cuter [-cut-/-cuss-] v [occurring in compounds]
Hence: concuter &; discuter &; percuter &; succuter &

cuticula n cuticle (1. scarfskin, epidermis; 2. “cuticle surrounding finger and toenails”)
Hence: cuticular

cuticular adj cuticular

-cution see execution

cutter [A] n cutter (= small sailboat with one mast)

cyanamido (-ná-) n [Chem.] cyanamide

cyanhydric adj [Chem.] hydrocyanic

cyanic adj [Chem.] cyanic

cyano (cí-) n 1. [Antiq.] cyanus; 2. cyan, cyan blue; 3. [Bot.] bluebottle, cornflower
Hence: cyanosis; cyanuro; cyanic-hydrocyanic etc.; cyanometro etc.; cyanogramma etc.; cyanographo etc.; cyanamido etc.; cyanhydric etc.; cyanogeno etc.; anthocyanina etc.

cyanogeno (-ó-) n [Chem.] cyanogen

cyanogramma n blueprint (as in “blueprint of a projected building”)

cyanographia (-ía) n blueprinting

cyanographo (-ógrapho) n blueprinting apparatus

cyanometro (-ó-) n cyanometer (= instrument for measuring degrees of blueness)

cyanosis (-ósis) n [Pathol.] cyanosis

cyanotypo (-ótypo) n blueprint, cyanotype

cyanuro n [Chem.] cyanide

cyclamino n [Bot.] cyclamen

cyclic adj cyclic

cyclismo n (sport of) cycling

cyclista n cyclist

cyclo¹ n cycle (1. as in “cycle of the seasons”; 2. [Lit.]);
cyclo lunar lunar cycle;
cyclo solar solar cycle
Hence: cyclic-bicyclic¹ etc.; cycloide; encyclic &; cyclotron etc.; motorcyclo etc.; bicyclo etc.; hemicyclo etc.; kilocyclo etc.

cyclo² n cycle (= bicycle, tricycle, etc.)
Hence: cyclismo; cyclista

cycloide n cycloid

cyclon n cyclone
Hence: cyclonal; anticyclon

cyclonal adj cyclonal, cyclonic

cyclope n Cyclops (1. [Gr. Mythol.]; 2. [Zool.])
Hence: cyclopic

cyclopic adj Cyclopean

cyclotron n cyclotron

cydonia n quince

cygno n swan;
canto del cygno swan song;
Cygno [Astron.] Cygnus

cylindrage (-aje) n (process of) cylindering

cylindrar v to cylinder

cylindrata n volume or contents of a cylinder

cylindric adj cylindrical

cylindriforme adj cylindriform

cylindro n cylinder (1. [Geom., etc.]; 2. [Mech.] piston-chamber);
(cappello) cylindro top hat
Hence: cylindrata; cylindric; cylindroide; cylindrar-cylindrage; cylindriforme etc.; cylindrocephale etc.; semicylindro etc.

cylindrocellular adj cylindrocellular

cylindrocephale (-éfale) adj cylindrocephalic

cylindroide n cylindroid

cymbalero n cymbalist

cymbalo (cím-) n cymbal
Hence: cymbalero

cyn- n [occurring in derivatives and compounds] cyn-, cyno- (= dog)
Hence: cynic &, cynismo; cynocephale etc.; cynophile etc.; cynegetic etc.

cynegetic adj cynegetic (= pertaining to the chase)

cynic adj cynic (1. [Philos.]; 2. cynical)
Hence: cynico

cynico n cynic (1. [Philos.]; 2. cynical person)

cynismo n cynicism

cynocephale adj cynocephalous, cynocephalic, dog-headed

cynocephalo (-cé-) n [Zool.] Cynocephalus, Papio

cynophile adj cynophile, dog-loving

cypresso n cypress, cypress tree

Cypriano nprm Cyprian;
Sancte Cypriano St. Cyprian

Cypride (cí-) npr Cypris, Aphrodite;
cypride [Zool.] Cypris

cyprie adj Cyprian (1. of Cyprus, Cypriote; 2. of Aphrodite)

cyprio n Cyprian, Cypriote

cypriota adj/n Cypriote

Cypro npr Cyprus
Hence: Cypride; cyprie-cyprio-Cypriano; cypriota

cystalgia (-ía) n cystalgia

cyste n [Med.; Biol.] cyst, cystis
Hence: cystitis; cystic; cystose; cystalgia etc.; cystiforme etc.; macrocyste etc.; microcyste etc.

cystic adj [Med.; Biol.] cystic

cystiforme adj cystiform

cystitis (-ítis) n [Med.] cystitis

cystose adj cystose, cystous

cystotomia (-ía) n cystotomy

cyto- n [occurring in derivatives and compounds] cyto-, cyt- [Biol.] (= cell)
Hence: cytoplasma etc.; lymphocyto etc.; leucocyto etc.; phagocyto etc.

cytoplasma n [Biol.] cytoplasm

czar (tsar) [R] n czar, tsar
Hence: czarina; czarismo; czarista; czarian

czardas [Hu.] n czardas

czarevich (tsarévitch) [R] n czarevich, tsarevich

czarevna (ts-) [R] n czarevna, tsarevna

czarian (ts-) adj czarian, tsarian

czarina (ts-) n czarina, tsarina

czarismo (ts-) n czarism, tsarism

czarista (ts-) n/adj czarist, tsarist


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