Romanica English Dictionary E
e conj and;
e ... e as well ... as, both ... and
e- see esser
eau de Cologne [F] n eau de Cologne
ebenisar v to ebonize
ebenista n cabinetmaker, ebonist
ebenisteria (-ía) n cabinetmaking
ebeno (é-) n ebony
Hence: ebenista-ebenisteria; ebenisar
ebore n ivory
Hence: eboree
eboree adj ivory
ebrie adj drunk, drunken
Hence: ebrietate; inebriar
ebrietate n drunkenness, ebriety
ebulliente adj ebullient
ebullientia n ebullience
ebullir v to boil, bubble out
ebullition n ebullition, boiling;
puncto de ebullition boiling point
ecce adv lo!, see!, behold!
ecce homo [L] ecce homo (= behold the man)
eccentric adj eccentric (1. not concentric; 2. odd, whimsical, unconventional);
(districto) eccentric outlying (district)
Hence: eccentricitate
eccentricitate n eccentricity (1. [Mech.]; 2. eccentric condition or behavior, oddity)
ecclesia n church;
Ecclesia Anglican Church of England, Anglican Church
Hence: ecclesiasta-ecclesiastic-ecclesiastico; ecclesiologia etc.
ecclesiasta n ecclesiastic;
Ecclesiasta Ecclesiast (= author of Ecclesiastes)
Ecclesiastes (-ás-) npr [Bib.] Ecclesiastes
ecclesiastic adj ecclesiastic, ecclesiastical
ecclesiastico n ecclesiastic
ecclesiologia (-ía) n ecclesiology
-ech- [occurring in compounds]
Hence: entelechia etc. ...
echelon (-sh-) n [Mil.] echelon
Hence: echelonar
echelonar (-sh-) v to echelon
echino n I. echinus (1. sea urchin; 2. [Arch.]); II. [Zool.] Echinus
Hence: echinoides; echinococco etc.; echinoderme etc.
echinococco n [Zool.] echinococcus
echinoderme adj echinoderm, echinodermic
Hence: echinodermo
echinodermo n echinoderm
echinoides n [Zool.] Echinoidae
echo n echo;
facer echo (a) to echo, echo back
Hence: echoic; echoar; echolalia etc.; echometro etc.; echometria etc.
echoar v to echo
echoic (-óic) adj echoic
echolalia (-ía) n [Psychopathol.] echolalia
echometria (-ía) n echometry
Hence: echometric
echometric adj echometric
echometro (-kó) n echometer
eclect- see eclectic
eclectic adj eclectic
Hence: eclectismo; eclectico; eclecticismo
eclecticismo n eclecticism
eclectico n eclectic
eclectismo n eclecticism
eclipsar v to eclipse;
eclipsar se to disappear, vanish, make oneself scarce
eclipse n eclipse
Hence: eclipsar
ecliptic adj ecliptic, ecliptical
Hence: ecliptica
ecliptica n [Astron.] ecliptic
ecloga (éc-) n eclogue
eco- n [occurring in compounds] eco- (= house, household, habitat)
Hence: ecologo etc.; economo etc.
ecologia (-ía) n ecology
ecologic adj ecologic, ecological
ecologista n ecologist
ecologo (-có-) n ecologist
Hence: ecologia-ecologista, ecologic, synecologia
economato n stewardship
economia (-ía) n economy (1. management of the expenditures of a social group; 2. careful management, thrift);
economias economies, savings;
economia politic political economy, economics;
economia de tempore saving of time
economic adj 1. economic; 2. economical
economisar v to economize
economista n economist (= student of political economy)
economo (-có-) n steward, housekeeper
Hence: economato; economia-economic; economista; economisar
-ecr- see sacre
ecstase (éc-) n ecstasy
Hence: ecstasiar
ecstasiar v to enrapture, entrance;
ecstasiar se to go into ecstasies
ecstatic adj ecstatic
ecto- adv [occurring in compounds] ecto- (= outside, external)
Hence: ectoderma etc.; ectoplasma etc.
ectoderma n [Zool.] ectoderm
-ectomia (-ía) n [occurring in compounds] [Surg.] - ectomy (= excision, removal)
Hence: appendicectomia etc.; tonsillectomia etc.
ectoplasma n [Spiritualism] ectoplasm
Hence: ectoplasmic
ectoplasmic adj ectoplasmic
Ecuador [H] npr Ecuador
ecumenic adj ecumcnical;
concilio ecumenic ecumenical council
eczema [-ma/-mat-] n eczema
Hence: eczematose
eczemat- see eczema
eczematose adj eczematous
edace adj voracious, edacious
edacitate n voracity, edacity
edema [-ma/-mat-] n [Pathol.] edema
Hence: edematose
edemat- see edema
edematose adj edematous, edematose
Eden (é-) npr Eden
eder¹ v to eat
Hence: edibile-edibilitate, inedibile-inedibilitate; edace-edacitate
eder² v 1. to edit; 2. to publish
Hence: edition; editor-editorial; editar; inedite
edi- n [occurring in derivativcs and compounds] edi- (= building, house)
Hence: edificio etc.; edificar etc. ...
edibile adj edible, eatable
edibilitate n edibility
edic- [-dic-/-dict-] v [occurring in derivatives]
Hence: edicto
edict- see edic-
edicto n edict
edificante 1. ppr of edificar; 2. adj edifying
edificar v 1. to build (= to erect a building); 2. to edify
Hence: edificante; edification; edificative; edificator; reedificar-reedification
edification n 1. erection, building (= action of building); 2. edification
edificative adj edifying
edificator n builder (1. one who builds; 2. one who oversees building operations)
edificio n edifice; building, structure
Edipo (é-) npr [Gr. Mythol.] Oedipus;
complexo de Edipo [Psychoanalysis] Oedipus complex
editar v 1. to edit; 2. to publish
edition n 1. (action of) publishing; 2. edition;
edition principe first or original edition
editio princeps [L] editio princeps, first edition
editor n 1. editor (= one who edits); 2. publisher
editorial¹ adj editorial
editorial² n editorial
-edr- see -hedra
Eduardo nprm Edward
educabile adj educable
educar v to educate;
(ben, mal) educate (well-, ill-)bred
Hence: educabile; education-educational, coeducation; educative; educator
education n 1. education; 2. [Husbandry] rearing, raising;
education physic physical education or training;
(systema) de education educational (system)
educational adj educational
educative adj educative (= instructive, educational)
educator n educator, pedagogue
edulcorar v to edulcorate (1. to sweeten (medicine, etc.); 2. [Chem.])
edulcoration n edulcoration (1. (action of) sweetening; 2. [Chem.])
efendi [Tu.] n effendi
effabile adj utterable
Hence: ineffabile-ineffabilitate
effect- see effic-
effective adj effective (1. efficacious, efficient; 2. actual, de facto, as in “effective capital”)
effectivo n [Mil.] effective (= the effective part of an army)
effecto n effect;
in effecto in fact, indeed;
effectos 1. effects, belongings; 2. [Banking] holdings (as stocks, bonds, shares, etc.)
effectuar v to effect, bring about
effectuation n effectuation
effeminar v to effeminate
Hence: effemination; effeminate
effeminate adj effeminate
effemination n effemination
effervescente 1. ppr of effervescer; 2. adj effervescent
effervescentia n effervescence
effervescer v to effervesce
Hence: effervescente-effervescentia
effic- [-fic-/-fect-] v [occurring in derivatives]
Hence: efficace-efficacia, inefficace-inefficacia; efficiente-efficientia, inefficiente-inefficientia, coefficiente; effective-effectivo; effecto-effectuar-effectuation
efficace adj effective, efficacious; efficient
efficacia n efficacy, effectiveness
efficiente adj -;
causa efficiente efficient or moving cause
efficientia n efficiency (1. [Philos.]; 2. [Mech.])
effigiamento n (act of) portraying, portrayal
effigiar v to portray
effigie n effigy;
in effigie in effigy, under the form of a representation
Hence: effigiar-effigiamento
efflorescentia n [Chem.; Pathol.] efflorescence
efflorescer v [Chem.] to effloresce
Hence: efflorescentia
effluente 1. ppr of effluer; 2. adj effluent
effluer v to flow forth
Hence: effluente
effluvio n effluvium; also: [Phys.]
effortiar v -;
effortiar se to make an effort or efforts
Hence: effortio
effortio n 1. effort; 2. [Med.] strain;
facer un effortio to make an effort;
facer tote su effortios to make every effort
effract- see effring-
effraction n breaking in, housebreaking; also: burglary
effractor n burglar, housebreaker
effring- [-fring-/-fract-] v [occurring in derivatives]
Hence: effraction; effractor
effunder [-fund-/-fus-] v to pour out, pour forth, shed, effuse
Hence: effusion
effus- see effunder
effusion n effusion;
effusion de sanguine bloodshed;
con effusion effusively
egee (-gée) adj Aegean;
Mar Egee Aegean sea
Egeo¹ (-géo) npr [Gr. Mythol.] Aegeus
Hence: egee-Egeo²
Egeo² (-géo) npr Aegean, Aegean Sea
-eget- n [occurring in compounds] (= leader)
Hence: cynegetic etc. ...
egide (égide) n aegis (1. [Gr. Antiq.]; 2. shield, protection);
sub le egide de under the aegis of
eglefino n [Ichthyol.] haddock
[ego]¹ pron pers I
(= io)
Hence: ego²-egoismo, egoista-egoistic, egotismo, egotista, egolatria etc., egocentric etc.
ego² n [Philos., Psychol., etc.] ego
egocentric adj egocentric, self-centered
egoismo (-ízmo) n egotism, egoism
egoista (-ísta) n egotist, egoist; attrib. egotistic, egoistic
egoistic (-ístic) adj egoistical
egolatria (-ía) n self-worship
egotismo n egotism (= excessive preoccupation with the ego)
egotista n egotist (= one excessively preoccupied with the ego); attrib. egotistic(al)
egred- [-gred-/-gress-] v [occurring in derivatives]
Hence: egresso
egregie adj egregious
egress- see egred-
egresso n egress, exit
egyptian adj 1. Egyptian; 2. gypsy
egyptiano n I. Egyptian (1. native of Egypt; 2. Egyptian language); II. gypsy (= member of a gypsy tribe); III. Romany (= Gypsy, the gypsy tongue)
egyptie adj 1. Egyptian; 2. gypsy
egyptio n I. Egyptian (1. native of Egypt; 2. language of Egypt); II. gypsy (= member of a gypsy tribe); III. Romany (= Gypsy, the gypsy tongue)
Egypto npr Egypt
Hence: egyptie-egyptio; egyptian-egyptiano; egyptologo etc.
egyptologia (-ía) n Egyptology
egyptologo (-tó-) n Egyptologist, Egyptologue
Hence: egyptologia
eider (éi-) n [Zool.] eider
Hence: eiderdun etc.
eiderdun n eiderdown (1. small soft feathers from the breast of the eider duck; 2. eiderdown quilt)
eido- n [occurring in compounds] eido- (= image, figure)
Hence: kaleidophonio etc. ...
Eire [Ir.] npr Eire
Hence: Irlanda etc.
ejacular v to ejaculate, eject
Hence: ejaculation; ejaculator; ejaculatori
ejaculation n ejaculation (= act of ejecting or ejaculating)
ejaculator adj [Physiol.] ejaculatory
ejaculatori adj [Physiol.] ejaculatory
eject- see ejic-
ejection n [Physiol.] dejection (= discharge of excrement)
ejector n [Technol.] ejector (of steam, cartridges, etc.)
ejic- [-jic-/-ject-] v [occurring in derivatives]
Hence: ejection; ejector
[el] pron 1. he; 2. (after prep) him
(= ille)
elaborar v to elaborate
Hence: elaboration
elaboration n elaboration
elastic adj elastic
Hence: elasticitate; elastico
elasticitate n elasticity
elastico n elastic, elastic band, etc.
elect- see eliger
electe adj [Theol.] elect
election n election (1. choice; 2. “election by vote”);
vaso de election [Theol.] chosen vessel
elective adj elective (1. as in “elective office”; 2. having a power of choice);
affinitate elective [Chem.] elective affinity
electivitate n electiveness
electo n (one of the) elect
elector n elector, voter
electoral adj electoral
electorato n I. electorate (1. rank of an elector of the Holy Roman Empire; 2. territory under the rule of an elector of the Holy Roman Empire); II. franchise (= right to vote)
electr- n [occurring in derivatives and compounds] electr-, electro-
Hence: electron &; electric &; electrificar-electrification; electrisar-electrisation; electrochimia etc.; electrolyse etc.; electrolytic etc.; electrocutar etc.; electrodo etc.
electric adj electric, electrical
Hence: electricista; electricitate; dynamoelectric etc.
electricista n electrician
electricitate n electricity
electrificar v to electrify (to equip for the use of electricity)
electrification n electrification (= process of equipping for the use of electricity)
electrisar v to electrify (= to charge with electricity)
electrisation n electrification (= charging with electricity)
electrochimia (-ía) n electrochemistry
Hence: electrochimista; eIectrochimic
electrochimic adj electrochemical
electrochimista n electrochemist
electrocutar v to electrocute
electrocution n electrocution
electrodo (-léc-) n electrode
electrodynamica n electrodynamics
electrolysar v to electrolyze
electrolysation n electrolyzation
electrolyse (-ólise) n electrolysis
Hence: electrolysar-electrolysation
electrolytic adj electrolytic
electrolyto (-ó-) n electrolyte
Hence: electrolytic
electromagnete n electromagnet
Hence: electromagnetismo; electromagnetic
electromagnetic adj electromagnetic
electromagnetismo n electromagnetism
electrometria (-ía) n electrometry
electrometric adj electrometric
electrometro (-ó-) n electrometer
Hence: electrometria; electrometric
electromotor n electromotor (= machine that produces an electric current)
electron n [Phys.] electron;
electron de alte velocitate [Atomic Phys.] highspeed electron
Hence: electronic; electronica; cyclotron etc.; magnetron, etc.
electronic adj electronic
electronica n electronics
electroscopia (-ía) n electroscopy
electroscopic adj electroscopic
electroscopio n electroscope
Hence: electroscopia; electroscopic
electrostatic adj electrostatic
electrostatica n electrostatics
electrotherapeutica (-péu-) n electrotherapeutics
electrotherapia (-ía) n electrotherapy, electrotherapeutics
electrotypia (-ía) n electrotypy, electrotyping
electrotypo (-ó) n [Print.] electrotype
Hence: electrotypia
eleemosyna (-mó-) n alms
Hence: eleemosynari
eleemosynari adj eleemosynary, charitable
elegante adj elegant
Hence: elegantia; inelegante-inelegantia
elegantia n elegance
elegia (-ía) n elegy
Hence: elegiac
elegiac (-íac) adj elegiac (l. [Pros.]; 2. mournful, melancholy)
elemental adj elemental
elementari adj elementary (1. pertaining to an element; 2. pertaining to the first principles of an art, a science, etc.)
elemento n element (1. “an element in nature”; 2. a component part);
le quatro elementos the four elements;
in su elemento in one’s element;
elementos elements (= first principles of an art, a science, etc.)
Hence: elemental; elementari
elephante n elephant;
elephante de mar sea elephant, elephant seal
Hence: elephantiasis; elephantin-chryselephantin etc.
elephantiasis (-íasis) n [Pathol.] elephantiasis
elephantin adj elephantine
elevar v I. to elevate (1. to raise, lift up; 2. to raise in rank or station); II. to raise (as in “to raise horses”);
elevar se to rise (up) (as in “a mountain or tree rises up”);
elevar un numero al quadrato to square a number
Hence: elevation; elevator; elevatori; elevate
elevate 1. pp of elevar; 2. adj high, lofty
elevation n elevation (1. act of elevating, raising; 2. high ground, raised place; 3. as in “elevation of style”; 4. [Astron.]; 5. [Arith.]);
elevation del hostia [Eccl.] elevation of the Host
elevator n 1. elevator (= one who or that which elevates); 2. [Anat.] levator
elevatori adj elevatory
elf [A] n elf
Elia (-ía) npr [Bib.] Elijah, Elias
elider [-lid-/-lis-] v to elide
Hence: elision
eliger [-lig-/-lect-] v to elect (1. to choose; 2. “to elect by voting”);
eliger domicilio [Law] to elect domicile
Hence: eligibile-eligibilitate, ineligibile-ineligibilitate; election; elective-electivitate; elector-electorato, electoral; electe-electo; reeliger-reeligibile, reelection
eligibile adj eligible (= fit to be chosen or elected)
eligibilitate n eligibility
eliminar v to eliminate
Hence: elimination; eliminator; eliminatori
elimination n elimination
eliminator n eliminator
eliminatori adj eliminatory
elis- see elider
Elisabeth (-bét) nprf Elizabeth
Hence: elisabethan
elisabethan adj Elizabethan
elision n elision
élite [F] n elite
elixir n elixir;
elixir de longe vita elixir of life
[ella] pron pers 1. she; 2. her (as in “of her,” “with her”)
(= illa)
ellipse n 1. [Math.] ellipse; 2. [Gram.] ellipsis
Hence: ellipsoide
ellipsoide¹ adj ellipsoid, ellipsoidal
ellipsoide² n [Geom.] ellipsoid
elliptic adj elliptic, elliptical (1. [Math.]; 2. [Gram.])
elocut- see eloquer
elocution n elocution
elogio n eulogy;
facer le elogio de un persona to sing someone’s praises, eulogize someone
Hence: elogista-elogistic; elogiose; elogisar
elogiose adj eulogistic
elogisar v to eulogize
elogista n eulogist
elogistic adj eulogistic
elongar v to elongate
Hence: elongation
elongation n elongation (1. act of elongating; 2. [Astron.]; 3. [Med.] partial dislocation of a joint due to violent stretching)
eloquente adj eloquent
eloquentia n eloquence
eloquer [-loqu-/-locut-] v to declaim, speak rhetorically
Hence: eloquente-eloquentia; elocution
elucidar v to elucidate
Hence: elucidation
elucidation n elucidation
eluctabile adj avoidable
eluctar v to struggle out of (a difficulty, etc.)
Hence: eluctabile-ineluctabile
eluder [-lud-/-lus-] v to elude (= to avoid or escape by dexterity)
Hence: eludibile; elusion; elusive
eludibile adj eludible, evadable
elus- see eluder
elusion n elusion
elusive adj elusive
elysie adj Elysian
Hence: elysio
elysio n Elysium
em- see en-
-em- see hem-
emaciar v to emaciate
Hence: emaciation; emaciate
emaciate 1. pp of emaciar; 2. adj emaciate
emaciation n emaciation
émail [F] n enamel
Hence: émailliar
émailli- see émail
émailliar (emalyár) v to enamel
emanar v to emanate
Hence: emanation
emanation n emanation
emancipar v to emancipate (1. [Rom. Law]; 2. to release from slavery or restraint)
Hence: emancipation; emancipator
emancipation n emancipation (1. [Rom. Law]; 2. release from slavery or restraint)
emancipator n emancipator
emarginar v to remove the margin of, trim the margin of
Hence: emarginate
emarginate 1. pp of emarginar; 2. [Bot.] emarginate
emascular v to emasculate, castrate
Hence: emasculation
emasculation n emasculation
embarassar v to embarrass (1. to encumber, hamper; 2. to make self-conscious)
Hence: embarasso-embarassose; disembarassar
embarasso n 1. obstruction, obstacle; 2. embarrassment
embarassose adj 1. cumbersome, entangled; 2. embarrassing
embargo [H] n embargo
emblema [-ma/-mat-] n emblem
Hence: emblematic
emblemat- see emblema
emblematic adj emblematic
embolia (-ía) n [Pathol.] embolism
embryo- see embryon
embryogenese (-gé-) n embryogenesis
embryogenesis (-gé-) n embryogenesis
embryogenetic adj embryogenetic
embryogenia (-ía) n embryogeny
Hence: embryogenic
embryogenic adj embryogenic
embryologia (-ía) n embryology
embryologic adj embryological
embryologo (-ólogo) n embryologist
Hence: embryologia; embryologic
embryon n embryo;
in embryon in embryo
Hence: embryonal; embryonari; embryonic; embryologo etc.; embryogenese etc.; embryogenetic etc.
embryonal adj embryonic, embryonal
embryonari adj embryonic, embryonary
embryonic adj emhryonic
emendamento n amendment (1. improvement, correction; 2. “amendment of a law, bill, etc.”)
emendar v to amend (1. to improve, correct, emend; 2. “to amend a law, bill, etc.”)
Hence: emendamento; emendation
emendation n emendation; also: improvement, correction
emer [em-/empt-;-im-/-empt-] v to buy, purchase
Hence: emption; emptor; dirimer &; eximer &; perimer &; redimer &
emer- v [occurring in derivatives]
Hence: emerite
emergente 1. ppr of emerger; 2. adj emergent, emerging;
evolution emergente emergent evolution
emergentia n emergence
emerger [-merg-/-mers-] v to emerge
Hence: emergente-emergentia; emersion
emerite (-mé-) adj emeritus
emers- see emerger
emersion n emersion; also: [Astron.]
emetic adj [Med.] emetic
Hence: emetico
emetico n [Med.] emetic
emigrante n emigrant
emigrar v 1. to emigrate; 2. [Nat. Hist.] to migrate
Hence: emigrante; emigration; emigrato
emigration n I. emigration (1. action of emigrating; 2. emigrants collectively); II. [Nat. Hist.] migration
emigrato n emigrant, émigré
emin- v [occurring in derivatives)
Hence: eminente-eminentia, preeminente-preeminentia, supereminente-supereminentia
eminente adj 1. high, lofty; 2. eminent, outstanding
eminentia n eminence (1. rising ground, height, etc.; 2. distinction of character, abilities, attainments);
Eminentia [Eccl.] Eminence
emiss- see emitter
emissario¹ n outlet, duct, emissary
emissario² n emissary (= agent, envoy)
emission n emission; also: [Com.] issuing, issue;
banca de emission bank of issue
emissor n emitter
emitter [-mitt-/-miss-] v to emit; also: [Com.] to issue
Hence: emission; emissor; emissario¹; emissario²
emmen- n [occurring in derivatives and compounds] emmen- (= menses)
Hence: emmenagoge etc. ...
emmenagoge adj [Med.] emmenagogue, emmenagogic
Hence: emmenagogo
emmenagogo n [Med.] emmenagogue
emolliente¹ adj emollient
emolliente² n emollient
emollir v [Med.] to soften, mollify
Hence: emolliente
emolumento n emolument
emot- see emover
emotion n emotion (= agitation of the feelings)
Hence: emotional; emotionar-emotionante
emotional adj emotional (= pertaining to emotions)
emotionante adj moving, touching
emotionar v to move, touch
emotive adj emotive
emotivitate n emotiveness, emotivity
emover [-mov-/-mot-] v to move (= to affect emotionally)
Hence: emotion &; emotive-emotivitate
empathia (-ía) n empathy, Einfühlung
emphase (ém-) n 1. emphasis; 2. bombast
emphatic adj 1. emphatic; 2. bombastic
empir- adj [occurring in derivatives] (= experienced)
Hence: empirismo; empirista; empiric-empirico
empiric adj empiric, empirical
empirico n empiric (= one who follows an empirical method)
empirismo n empiricism (= empirical method or practice)
empirista n empiricist
emplastrar v to plaster (= to apply a medicinal plaster to)
emplastro n salve, plaster
Hence: emplastrar
empleabile adj employable
emplear v to employ (1. to make use of; 2. to take or have in one’s employ)
Hence: empleo; empleabile; empleator; empleato; reemplear
empleato n employee
empleator n employer
empleo (-éo) n I. employment (1. employing; 2. occupation); II. use (= action of using)
empt- see emer
emption n purchase
emptor n buyer, purchaser
empyree adj empyreal
Hence: empyreo
empyreo n empyrean
empyreuma [-ma/-mat-] n empyreuma
Hence: empyreumatic
empyreumat- see empyreuma
empyreumatic adj empyreumatic
emulgente n 1. ppr of emulger; 2. adj [Anat.] emulgent (as in “emulgent vessels”)
emulger [-mulg-/-muls-] v to milk dry
Hence: emulgente; emulsion-emulsionar-emulsionabile; emulsive; emulsor; emulsina
emuls- see emulger
emulsina n [Chem.] emulsin
emulsion n emulsion
emulsionabile adj emulsifiable, emulsible
emulsionar v to emulsify, emulsionize
emulsive adj emulsive
emulsor n emulsifier, emulsor
en- prefixo [em- before -b-, -m-, -p-, -ph-; used chiefly to form technical terms] en-, em- (= in, into)
Hence: encyclic etc.; enharmonic etc.; entelechia etc.
enarrabile adj describable, explainable
enarrar v to narrate, expound, explain
Hence: enarrabile-inenarrabile; enarration
enarration n narration, exposition
-enchyma [occurring in compounds]
Hence: sclerenchyma etc. ...
enclitic adj [Gram.] enclitic
Hence: enclitico
enclitico n enclitic
encyclic adj encyclical
Hence: encyclica
encyclica n [Eccl.] encyclical (letter)
encyclopedia (-ía) n encyclopedia
Hence: encyclopedismo; encyclopedista; encyclopedic
encyclopedic adj encyclopedic
encyclopedismo n 1. encyclopedism; 2. Encyclopedism
encyclopedista n encyclopedist
endemia (-ía) n [Med.] endemic
Hence: endemic
endemic adj [Med.] endemic
endivia n endive
endo- adv [occurring in compounds] endo-, end- (= within)
Hence: endoskeleto etc.; endocardio etc.; endosmose etc.; endogene etc.; endocrin etc.
endocardio n [Anat.] endocardium
Hence: endocarditis
endocarditis (-ítis) n [Path.] endocarditis
endocrin adj [Physiol.] endocrine;
glandulas endocrin endocrine glands
Hence: endocrina-endocrinologo etc.
endocrina n endocrine (gland)
endocrinologia (-ía) n endocrinology
endocrinologo (-nó-) n endocrinologist
Hence: endocrinologia
endogame (-ógame) adj [Anthropol.] endogamous
Hence: endogamia
endogamia (-ía) n [Anthropol.] endogamy
endogene adj endogenous
endoskeleto (-ské-) n [Zool.] endoskeleton
endosm- see endosmose
endosmose n endosmosis
Hence: endosmotic
endosmotic adj endosmotic
endosperma n [Bot.] endosperm
Eneas (-né-) npr [Gr. Mythol.] Aeneas
Hence: Eneide
Eneide (-néi-) n [Lat. Lit.] Aeneid
energia (-ía) n energy;
energia atomic atomic energy;
energia electric electric power
Hence: energic
energic adj energetic
enervante adj enervating; unnerving
enervar v to enervate, unnerve
Hence: enervante; enervation; enervate
enervate 1. pp of enervar; 2. adj enervated, enervate
enervation n enervation
enharmonic adj [Mus.] enharmonic
enigma [-ma/-mat-] n enigma; also: riddle; puzzle
Hence: enigmatic; enigmatisar
enigmat- see enigma
enigmatic adj enigmatic
enigmatisar v to enigmatize
-enn- see anno
enoiar v 1. to annoy, vex; 2. to bore;
enoiar se to be bored
Hence: enoio-enoiose
enoio (-nó-) n 1. annoyance, worry, trouble; 2. boredom, ennui
enoiose (-óse) adj boring
enorme adj enormous
Hence: enormitate
enormitate n 1. enormousness; 2. enormity
ensemble [F] n ensemble (1. group of musicians playing together; 2. complete, harmonious costume)
ente n [Philos.] ens
Hence: entitate
-ente¹ suffixo adjective [used with verbs in -er; forming verbal adjectives] -ing, -ent (as in “recurring”, “recurrent”)
Hence: -entia; coherente etc.; excellente etc.
-ente² suffixo substantive [used with verbs in -er] -ent (1. one who or that which is ...ent; 2. one who or that which ...s)
Hence: absorbente etc.; convalescente etc.; miscredente etc.; studente etc.
entelechia (-ía) n [Philos.] entelechy
entente [F] n entente
enteralgia (-ía) n [Pathol.] enteralgia
enteric adj [Anat.] enteric
enteritis (-ítis) n [Pathol.] enteritis
enterocolitis (-ítis) n [Pathol.] enterocolitis
enterologia (-ía) n enterology (= science or study of the intestines)
enteron (én-) n [Anat., Zool.] enteron, alimentary canal
Hence: enteritis; enteric; dysenteria &; enteralgia etc.; enterocolitis etc.; enterologia etc.; enterotomo etc.; lienteria etc.; mesenterio etc.; gastroenteritis etc.
enterotomia (-ía) n [Surg.] enterotomy
enterotomo (-ró) n [Surg.] enterotome
enthusias- [occurring in derivatives]
Hence: enthusiasmo &; enthusiasta &
enthusiasmar v to render enthusiastic
enthusiasmo n enthusiasm
Hence: enthusiasmar
enthusiasta n enthusiast
Hence: enthusiastic
enthusiastic adj enthusiastic, enthusiastical
-entia suffixo substantive [used with verbs in -er] -ence, -ency (= state or quality of or being ...ant)
Hence: adolescentia etc.; incandescentia etc.; omnipotentia etc.
entitate n entity
ento- adv [occurring in compounds] ento-, ent- (= within, inside)
Hence: entozoon etc.
entomo- n [occurring in compounds] entomo- (= insect)
Hence: entomologo etc.
entomologia (-ía) n entomology
entomologic adj entomological
entomologista n entomologist
entomologo (-mó-) n entomologist
Hence: entomologia-entomologista; entomologic
entozoon (-zó-) (pl entozoa) n entozoon
entranias npl entrails
entrar v to enter (= to go or come in);
entrar in to enter (into)
Hence: entrata
entrata n entrance, entry (1. act of entering; 2. door, passage, hall, etc. through which one enters);
al entrata del (hiberno, etc.) at the beginning of (winter, etc.)
entrée [F] n [Cooking] entree
entresol [F] n entresol, mezzanine
enuclear v to enucleate (1. to shell, husk, pod, etc.; 2. [Biol.]; 3. [Surg.]
Hence: enucleation
enucleation n enucleation
enumerar v to enumerate
Hence: enumeration; enumerative; enumerator
enumeration n enumeration
enumerative adj enumerative
enumerator n enumerator
enunciar v to enunciate (= to set forth)
Hence: enunciation; enunciative; enunciato
enunciation n enunciation (= statement)
enunciative adj enunciative
enunciato n formulation (of a problem)
enzyma n enzyme
[eo] adv 1. there; thither; 2. until, up to the time; 3. to that purpose, to that end; 4. therefore; 5. to that degree or extent
eo- n [occurring in derivatives and compounds] eo- (= dawn);
Eos npr [Gr. Mythol.] Eos
Hence: eoe; eosina-eosinophile etc.; eoanthropo etc.; eocen etc.
eoanthropo (-tró-) n [Paleontol.] Eoanthropus, Piltdown man
eocen [Geol.] adj Eocene
Hence: eoceno
eoceno n [Geol.] Eocene
eoe (-ó-) adj eoan (1. dawn; 2. oriental)
eohippo n [Paleontol.] Eohippus
eolic adj Aeolian (= of Aeolus)
eolie adj Aeolian (= of Aeolus);
harpa eolie aeolian harp
eolithic adj [Archeol.] eolithic
eolitho (-ó-) n [Archeol.] eolith
Hence: eolithic
Eolo (é-) npr [Mythol.] Aeolus
Hence: eolic; eolie
eos- see eo-
eosina n [Chem.] eosin
eosinophile (-nó-) adj [Biol.] eosinophile, eosinophilic, eosinophilous
Hence: eosinophilo-eosinophilia
eosinophilia (-ía) n [Pathol.] eosinophilia
eosinophilo (-nó-) n [Biol.] eosinophile
eozoic (-zó-) adj [Geol.] Eozoic
eozoon (-zó-) n [Geol.] eozoon
Hence: eozoic
ep- see epi-
epaulette [F] n epaulet, epaulette
ephedra n [Bot.] Ephedra
Hence: ephedrina
ephedrina n [Pharm.] ephedrine
ephelide (-fé-) n freckle
ephemere adj ephemeral
Hence: ephemeride; ephemero
ephemeride (-mé-) n 1. calendar, almanac, etc.; 2. [Astron.] ephemeris;
ephemerides ephemerides
ephemero (-fé-) n [Zool.] ephemeron, ephemerid;
ephemeros [Zool.] Ephemera, Ephemerida
epi- prefixo [ep- before -h- or vowel, used chiefly to form technical terms] epi-, ep- (= on, upon)
Hence: epigee etc.; epitaphio etc.; epizoon etc.; ephelide etc.; ephemere etc.
epic adj epic, epical;
(un) poema epic (an) epic
epicen adj [Gram.] epicene
epicuree (-ée) adj Epicurean; also: epicurean
epicureismo (-ízmo) n 1. [Philos.] Epicureanism; 2. epicurism
epicureo (-éo) n 1. Epicurean; 2. epicure, epicurean
epicurismo n 1. [Philos.] Epicureanism; 2. epicurism
Epicuro npr [Gr. Philos.] Epicurus
Hence: epicurismo; epicuree-epicureismo, epicureo
epidemia (-ía) n epidemic
Hence: epidemic
epidemic adj epidemic, epidemical
epidermis (-dér-) n [Anat., Bot.] epidermis
epigee (-gé-) adj [Bot.] epigeous (= growing upon the ground)
epiglottis (-gló-) n [Anat.] epiglottis
epigono (-pí-) n epigone (= one of a succeeding and less distinguished generation);
Epigonos [Gr. Myth.] Epigoni
epigramma [-ma/-mat-] n epigram
Hence: epigrammatic
epigrammat- see epigramma
epigrammatic adj epigrammatic
epilepsia (-ía) n epilepsy
epileptic adj epileptic (= having to do with epilepsy)
Hence: epileptico
epileptico n epileptic
epilogar v to epilogize
epilogo (-pí-) n epilogue
Hence: epilogar
-epipedo (-í-) n [occurring in compounds] -epiped (= plane surface)
epiphyto (-íphyto) n [Bot.] epiphyte
episcopal¹ adj episcopal;
ecclesia episcopal Episcopal Church
episcopal² n [Theol.] Episcopalian
episcopato n episcopate (1. office, territory, tenure, etc. of a bishop; 2. body of bishops)
episcopo (-pís-) n bishop
Hence: episcopato; episcopal; archiepiscopo etc.
episodic adj episodic, episodical
episodio n episode
Hence: episodic
epispastic adj [Med.] epispastic
epistola (-pís-) n 1. letter, epistle; 2. [Eccl.] Epistle
Hence: epistolari; epistolero; epistolographo etc.
epistolari adj epistolary
epistolero n letter writer
epistolographia (-ía) n epistolography
epistolographic adj epistolographic
epistolographo (-ló-) n epistolographer
Hence: epistolographia; epistolographic
epitaphio n epitaph
epithetic adj epithetic
epitheto (-íteto) n [Gram.] epithet
Hence: epithetic
epizoon (-zó-) (pl epizoa) n [Zool.] epizoon
epocha (é-) n epoch;
epocha glacial Ice Age;
facer epocha to be epoch-making
Hence: epochal
epochal adj epochal
epodo n epode
eponyme (-ó-) adj eponymous
Hence: eponymia; eponymo
eponymia (-ía) n eponymy
eponymo (-ó-) n eponym, eponymus
epopeia (-péya) n epic, epic poem
epos (é-) n epic, epic poem
Hence: epic; epopeia etc.
-epte see apte
equabile adj equable
equal adj 1. equal; 2. equable, even
Hence: equalitate; equalar-equalator; equalisar; inequal-inequalitate
equalar v 1. to equalize; 2. to equal (= to be equal to);
equalar se a un persona to consider oneself equal to someone
equalator n equalizer, equaller
equalisar v to equalize
equalitate n 1. equality; 2. equability, evenness
equalmente adv 1. equally; 2. likewise, also
equanime (equá-) adj even-tempered
Hence: equanimitate
equanimitate n equanimity
equar v to equate
Hence: equabile-inequabile; equation; equator &; adequar &
equation n equation (1. [Math.]; 2. [Astron.])
equator¹ n equator
Hence: equatorial
Equator² npr Ecuador
equatorial adj equatorial
eque adj equitable; fair, right
Hence: equitate; equal &; equar &; inique &; equilatere etc.; equivoc etc.; equidistante etc.; equinoctio etc.; equivaler etc.
-equer see sequer
equestre adj equestrian;
statua equestre equestrian statue
equidifferente adj equidifferent
equidistante adj equidistant
Hence: equidistantia
equidistantia n equidistance
equilateral adj equilateral, of equal sides
equilatere adj equilateral, of equal sides
Hence: equilateral
equilibrar v to balance (= to equilibrate);
(ben) equilibrate (well-)balanced
equilibre adj balanced, in equilibrium
Hence: equilibrio; equilibrar-equilibrista-equilibristic, disequilibrar-disequilibrate
equilibrio n equilibrium, balance;
equilibrio europee balance of power in Europe;
perder le equilibrio to lose one’s balance;
mantener le equilibrio to keep one’s balance
equilibrista n equilibrist
equilibristic adj equilibristic
equin adj equine;
pede equin clubfoot
equinoctial adj equinoctial (= pertaining to either equinox);
linea equinoctial equinoctial line, celestial equator
equinoctio n equinox;
precession del equinoctios precession of the equinoxes
Hence: equinoctial
equipa n [Sports] team
equipage (-aje) n 1. [Mil.] (field) equipment; 2. equipage, carriage (with or without horses); 3. [Naut.] crew
equipamento n equipment (1. action of equipping; 2. outfit)
equipar v to equip
Hence: equipa; equipage; equipamento
equiponderante adj of equal weight, equiponderant
equiponderantia n equality of weight, equiponderance
equiponderar v to equiponderate, counterbalance
Hence: equiponderante-equiponderantia
equitar v to ride on horseback
Hence: equitation
equitate n equity, fairness
equitation n equitation;
schola de equitation riding school
equite (é-) n [Rom. Hist.] eques;
equites [Rom. Hist.] equites
Hence: equitar &
equivalente¹ 1. ppr of equivaler; 2. adj equivalent
equivalente² n equivalent
equivalentia n equivalence
equivaler v to be equivalent (to), to be equal in value (to)
Hence: equivalente-equivalentia
equivoc adj equivocal (1. ambiguous; 2. questionable, suspicious)
Hence: equivocar-equivocation; equivoco
equivocar v to equivocate
equivocation n equivocation
equivoco (-í-) n ambiguity (= equivocal expression)
equo n horse (equus caballus)
Hence: equite &; equestre; equin
era¹ n era;
(le) era christian (the) Christian Era
[era]² past of esser was, were
(= esseva)
eradicar v to eradicate
Hence: eradication; eradicative; eradicator
eradication n eradication
eradicative adj eradicative
eradicator n eradicator
-ercer v [occurring in compounds]
Hence: coercer &; exercer &
erect- see eriger
erecte adj erect
erectile adj erectile
erectilitate n erectility
erection n 1. erection (of a building, statue, etc.; 2. establishment, foundation (of an office, etc.))
erector n erector (1. as in “erector of a cathedral, a kingdom, etc.”; 2. [Anat.])
eremita n hermit
Hence: eremitage; eremiteria; eremitic
eremitage (-aje) n hermitage (= secluded place, abode, etc.)
eremiteria (-ía) n hermitage (= hermit’s abode)
eremitic adj hermit’s (as in “a hermit’s life”)
erg n [Phys.] erg
[erga] prep 1. towards; 2. against; 3. in respect to
ergo adv consequently, accordingly, therefore, then
-eria (-ería) suffixo substantive [used with nouns] 1. -ery, -shop, -store (= place where ... is made, worked, kept, or sold); 2. -ery, -eering, -smithing, -work (= art, craft, trade, or practice of working with ...; also: the product of such work); 3. -ery, -age, -ism (= behavior of a ... or like that of a ...)
Hence: joieleria etc.; lacteria etc.; pastisseria etc.; drapperia etc.; diaboleria etc.; galanteria etc.
erica n Erica; heather, heath
Hence: ericaceas
ericaceas npl Ericaceae
ericiar v to bristle (= to set on end);
ericiar se to bristle (= to stand on end);
ericiate de bristling with
ericio n hedgehog
Hence: ericiar
eriger [-rig-/-rect-] v 1. to erect (= to build, set up); 2. to establish, set up;
eriger se in to pose as, set up for
Hence: erectile-erectilitate; erection; erector; erecte
-ero suffixo substantive [used with nouns] -er, -eer, -man (= one who works with or deals in ... or ...s)
Hence: -eria; branchero etc.; barbero etc.; ferrero etc; joielero etc.; speciero etc.
eroder [-rod-/-ros-] v to erode
Hence: erosion; erosive
erogar v to lay out, spend
Hence: supererogar &
Eros (é-) npr Eros
Hence: erotismo; erotic-eroticismo; erotomania etc.
eros- see eroder
erosion n erosion
erosive adj erosive
erot- see Eros
erotic adj erotic
eroticismo n eroticism
erotismo n [Psychiatry] erotism
erotomania (-ía) n [Pathol.] erotomania
errante adj errant (= traveling in quest of adventure);
cavallero errante knight errant
errar¹ v 1. to wander, roam; 2. to err
Hence: erronee; error; erratic; aberrar &; circumerrar
errar² v [occurring in derivatives]
Hence: errante
erratic adj erratic;
rocca erratic erratic block or boulder
erratum (pl errata) [NL] n erratum
erronee adj erroneous
error n error;
error de (grammatica, etc.) mistake in (grammar, etc.);
error typographic typographical error, misprint;
committer un error to make a mistake;
esser in error to be mistaken, at fault;
salvo error o omission errors and omissions excepted
erubescente 1. ppr of erubescer; 2. adj erubescent
erubescentia n erubescence
erubescer v to redden, grow red
Hence: erubescente-erubescentia
eruca n [Entom.] caterpillar; also: caterpillar chain, caterpillar tread;
tractor a erucas caterpillar tractor
eructar v to belch; also: to vomit forth
Hence: eructation
eructation n belching, eructation
erudir v to teach, instruct
Hence: erudition; erudite-erudito
erudite adj erudite
erudition n erudition
erudito n scholar, learned person
erumper [-rump-/-rupt-] v 1. to burst, sunder; 2. to break out, burst forth, erupt
Hence: eruption; eruptive-eruptivitate
erupt- see erumper
eruption n eruption
eruptive adj eruptive
eruptivitate n eruptivity
erysipela (-sí-) n [Pathol.] erysipelas
es pr of esser is, am, are
Esau (-áu) nprm Esau
-esc suffixo adjective [used with nouns] -esque (1. like, similar to, or characteristic of a ...; 2. [used with names of persons, nations, and peoples] in the manner or style of ... or the ...s)
Hence: gigantesc etc.; picaresc etc.; dantesc etc.; raphaelesc etc.; arabesc etc.
esca n 1. bait; lure; 2. tinder
Hence: escar
escaldar v to scald (= to burn accidentally or treat with boiling water, steam, etc.)
Hence: escaldatura
escaldatura n scald (1. scalding; 2. burn)
escamotar v [Conjuring] to whisk away, make disappear
escampar v to bolt, scamper (away)
escappada n escapade (= prankish adventure)
escappamento n 1. escape (= act of escaping); 2. [Clockmaking] escapement; 3. exhaust (of an engine)
escappar v to escape (= to get away, out, etc., as by flight, through a leak, etc.)
Hence: escappada; escappamento; escappatoria; escappata
escappata n escape (= act of escaping)
escappatoria n way out (of a difficulty)
escar v to bait (1. to furnish with bait; 2. to lure, entice)
eschat- adj [occurring in compounds] eschato- (= last)
Hence: eschatologo
eschatologia (-ía) n eschatology
eschatologic adj eschatological
eschatologo (-tó-) n eschatologist
Hence: eschatologia; eschatologic
eschimo (és-) n Eskimo
Eschylo (és-) npr Aeschylus
esclusa n 1. sluice, floodgate; 2. lock (of a canal, river, etc.)
escolamento n drainage (= process of draining, gradual flowing off)
escolar v to drain (= to cause to flow off slowly)
Hence: escolamento
escorta n escort (1. [Army, Navy]; 2. person or persons accompanying another for protection or as a matter of politeness)
Hence: escortar
escortar v to escort
escudo [P] n [Monet.] escudo
Esculapio npr [Gr. Mythol.] Aesculapius;
esculapio Aesculapian, physician
-ese suffixo substantive e adjective [used with names of places] -ese (I. [forming adjectives] 1. pertaining to ...; 2. native to, citizen of, or inhabiting ...; II. [forming nouns] 1. native, citizen, or inhabitant of ...; 2. language of ...)
Hence: anglese etc.; francese etc.; groenlandese etc.
esmeraldin adj emerald, emerald-green
esmeraldo n emerald;
le Insula de Esmeraldo the Emerald Isle
Hence: esmeraldin
eso- adv [occurring in compounds] eso- (= within, inside)
Hence: esophago etc.
esophagee (-ée) adj esophageal, oesophageal
esophago (-só-) n [Anat.] esophagus, oesophagus
Hence: esophagee
esopic adj Aesopian, Aesopic
Esopo npr [Gr. Lit.] Aesop
Hence: esopic
esoter- adj [occurring in derivatives] esoter- (= inner)
Hence: esoterismo; esoteric
esoteric adj esoteric
esoterismo n esoterism, esotericism
Espania npr Spain
Hence: espaniol-judeoespaniol etc.
espaniol¹ adj Spanish
espaniol² n 1. Spaniard; 2. Spanish (language); 3. spaniel
espaventaaves n scarecrow
espaventabile adj frightful (= dreadful, horrible, etc.)
espaventar v to frighten (= to fill with fright);
espaventar se to become frightened
Hence: espavento; espaventabile; espaventaaves etc.
espavento n fright
esperantismo n Esperantism
esperantista n [Interling.] Esperantist
esperanto [Esp.] n [Interling.] Esperanto
Hence: esperantismo; esperantista
esplanada n esplanade
esquadra n 1. square (as in “T square”); 2. squad; 3. [Navy] squadron
esquadrar v to square (= to form with right angles and straight lines)
Hence: esquadra-esquadron
esquadron n [Mil.] squadron
[esque] (éske) interr part -;
esque ille habe le libro? has he the book?
-essa¹ suffixo substantive [used with nouns] -ess (= female ..., wife of a ...)
Hence: abbatessa etc.; contessa etc.; duchessa etc.; tigressa etc.
-essa² suffixo substantive [used with adjectives] -ess, -ness (= state or quality of being ...)
Hence: delicatessa etc.; politessa etc.; prodessa etc.; ricchessa etc.
essamage (-aje) n 1. swarming; 2. swarming time
essamar v to swarm
essamatura n swarming
essame n swarm
Hence: essamar-essamage, essamatura
essayabile adj assayable
essayage (-aje) n trying on, fitting (of clothes)
essayar v I. to try (1. to test, essay; also: to try on garment, etc.; 2. to attempt, essay); II. to assay (“to assay an ore, a metal etc.”)
essayator n 1. assayer; 2. [Tail. etc.] fitter
essayista n essayist
essayo (-sá-) n 1. trial, test; 2. assay (= assayal); 3. attempt, essay; 4. essay (“literary essay”)
Hence: essayista; essayar-essayage, essayabile, essayator
[esse] dem adj this, that, these, those
Hence: esso
essentia n essence (1. absolute being; 2. intrinsic nature; 3. extract obtained by distillation)
Hence: essential-essentialitate; quintessentia etc.
essential¹ adj essential;
oleos essential essential oils
essential² n essential
essentialitate n essentiality
esser¹ v to be (1. to exist; 2. [grammatical functions]: a) copula; b) auxiliary forming the passive voice)
Hence: essentia &; absente &; presente &; ente &: [esque] etc.; esser²-ben-esser etc.; see verbal forms es, [so], [son], [somos], [sia], [era], [ser] &
esser² n being (1. existence; 2. person, organized entity, etc.);
le Esser Supreme the Supreme Being, God
[esso] dem pron this, that;
pro esso for this reason, for that reason, therefore
essugar v to dry, wipe, mop up, etc.
est n east;
(ir) al est (to go) east;
(vento) del est east (wind), easterly or eastern (wind)
Hence: Estfalia etc.; nord-est etc.
est- see estate
establimento n establishment (1. act of establishing, founding, or setting up; 2. institution, organization, business, etc.)
establir v to establish (1. to make firm or stable; 2. to found, set up; 3. as in “to establish someone in business”);
establir se to establish oneself, settle
Hence: establimento; establitor; preestablir; restablir-restablimento
establitor n establisher
estate n summer
Hence: estive-estivar-estivante
[este] adj this
(= iste)
Hence: esto
Estfalia npr Eastphalia
esthe- [occurring in derivatives]
Hence: esthesia &; esthetic-anesthetic-anesthetico, cinesthetic etc.; esthetica; estheta
esthesia (-ía) n esthesia
Hence: anesthesia-anesthesiar; esthesiologia etc.; cinesthesia etc.; pseudesthesia etc.
esthesiologia (-ía) n esthesiology
esthesiometro (-ó-) n esthesiometer
esthesioneurosis (-ósis) n esthesioneurosis
estheta n aesthete, esthete
esthetic adj aesthetic, esthetic
esthetica n aesthetics, esthetics
estima n 1. esteem; 2. [Naut.] reckoning
estimabile adj estimable
estimar v 1. to estimate (= to calculate approximately); 2. to esteem, hold in esteem
Hence: estima; estimabile-inestimabile; estimation; disestimar-disestima
estimation n estimation (1. act of estimating; 2. esteem)
estivante n summer resident
estivar v to summer
estive adj summer, estival
[esto] pron this (= this thing, reason, or idea)
(= isto)
Estonia npr Estonia
Hence: estonian-estoniano
estonian adj Estonian
estoniano n Estonian
estrade [F] n dais, platform, estrade
estraniamento n estrangement, alienation
estraniar v to estrange, alienate
estranie adj 1. foreign (as in “foreign countries”); also: alien; 2. strange (= queer, unfamiliar);
corpore estranie [Med.] foreign body;
estranie a foreign to
Hence: estraniero; estranitate; estraniar-estraniamento
estraniero n 1. foreigner, stranger; also: alien; 2. foreign parts, foreign lands;
al estraniero abroad
estranitate n strangeness
estuario n estuary
estufa n 1. sweating room; 2. hothouse; 3. stove (“stove for heating a room”)
Hence: estufar
estufar v to (let) simmer; to stew
esturdimento n daze
esturdir v to stun, daze
Hence: esturdimento; esturdite
esturdite 1. pp of esturdir; 2. adj harebrained
[et] conj 1. and; 2. also;
et ... et ... both ... and ...
(= e)
Hence: etsi etc.
-et- see etate; -itate
etage [F] n floor, story
etate n age (1. lapse of time; 2. period in life);
que etate habe vos? how old are you?;
etate de auro golden age
Hence: coetanee
-etate see -itate
et cetera, etc. (-cé-) and so on, and so forth, etc.
eternal adj eternal
eterne adj eternal
Hence: eternitate; eternal; eternisar; coeterne-coeternitate; sempiterne etc.
eternisar v to eternize (1. to make eternal; also: to immortalize; 2. to prolong indefinitely)
eternitate n eternity
eth- see ethere
ethano n [Chem.] ethane
ethere n ether (1. upper air, clear sky; 2. [Phys.]; 3. [Chem.])
Hence: etheree; etherificar-etherification; etherisar-etherisation; ethano; ethylo &
etheree adj ethereal
etherificar v to etherify
etherification n etherification
etherisar v to etherize (1. to mix or compound with ether; 2. to anesthetize with ether)
etherisation n etherization
ethic adj ethical (= treating of moral questions or of moral science)
ethica n ethics (= the science of morals)
ethico n ethicist, moralist
ethiope (-tí-) adj/n Ethiopian
Hence: Ethiopia-ethiopic
Ethiopia npr Ethiopia
ethiopic adj Ethiopic
ethn- n [occurring in derivatives and compounds]
Hence: ethnic; ethnographo etc.; ethnopsychologia etc.
ethnic adj ethnic (1. [Ch. Hist.] pagan; 2. ethnological)
ethnogenia (-ía) n ethnogeny
ethnographia (-ía) n ethnography
ethnographic adj ethnographic
ethnographo (-nó-) n ethnographer
Hence: ethnographia; ethnographic
ethnologia (-ía) n ethnology
ethnologic adj ethnological
ethnologista n ethnologist
ethnologo (-nó-) n ethnologist
Hence: ethnologia-ethnologista; ethnologic
ethnopsychologia (-ía) n ethnopsychology
ethologia (-ía) n [Sociol.] ethology
ethopeia (-péya) n [Rhet.] ethopoeia
ethos (é-) n [Philos., Rhet., etc.] ethos
Hence: ethic; ethico; ethica; ethologia etc.; ethopeia etc.; cacoethe etc.
ethylamino n [Chem.] ethylamine
ethyleno n [Chem.] ethylene
ethylic adj [Chem.] ethylic;
alcohol ethylic ethyl alcohol
ethylo n [Chem.] ethyl
Hence: ethyleno; ethylic; ethylamino etc.
etiam (é-) also, likewise, too; even, even yet; yet;
non solmente ... sed etiam ... not only ... but also ...
etiquetta (-ké-) n 1. label, tag, ticket; 2. etiquette
Hence: etiquettar
etiquettar (-ke-) v to label (= to put a label on)
Etna npr Etna, Aetna
-eto suffixo substantive [used with names of trees] -etum, grove (= grove of ... trees)
Hence: pineto etc.
Etruria npr Etruria
etrusc adj Etruscan
Hence: etrusco
etrusco n Etruscan (1. native of Etruria; 2. Etruscan language)
[etsi] conj 1. even if; 2. and yet; 3. though, although
-etta suffixo substantive [used mostly with nouns in -a] -ette (= little, small, minor)
Hence: hachetta etc.; cigarretta etc.; operetta etc.; furchetta etc.
-ette suffixo adjective -ish (= somewhat ..., pretty ...)
Hence: -etto; -etta; bellette etc.
-etto suffixo substantive [used with nouns] -et, -ette (= small, little, minor)
Hence: clarinetto etc.; panetto etc.; capretto etc
etui [F] n case (for eyeglasses, cigars, etc.), etui
etymo (é-) n etymon
Hence: etymologo etc.
etymologia (-ía) n etymology (1. origin or derivation of a word; 2. branch of philology concerned with etymologies)
etymologic adj etymologic, etymological
etymologisar v to etymologize
etymologista n etymologist
etymologo (-mó-) n etymologist
Hence: etymologia-etymologista, etymologic, etymologisar
eu- adj/adv [occurring in compounds] eu- (1. good, fine; 2. well; also: easy, easily, etc.)
Hence: eurhythmia etc.; euphone etc.; eupheme etc.; eudemon- etc.
eucharistia (-ía) n [Eccl.] Eucharist
Hence: eucharistic
eucharistic adj Eucharistic
Euclide npr Euclid [circa 300 B.C., Greek geometrician]
Hence: euclidian-non-euclidian
euclidian adj Euclidean
eudemon- adj [occurring in derivatives]
Hence: eudemonia; eudemonismo
eudemonia (-ía) n eudaemonia
eudemonismo n eudaemonism
eugenic adj eugenic
Hence: eugenica
eugenica n eugenics
eunucho n eunuch
eupheme- adj [occurring in derivatives] euphemious, euphemous
Hence: euphemia; euphemismo; euphemistic; euphemic
euphemia (-ía) n euphemism
euphemic adj euphemistic
euphemismo n [Rhet.] euphemism
euphemistic adj euphemistic
euphone adj euphonious, euphonic
Hence: euphonia-euphonic
euphonia (-ía) n euphony
euphonic adj euphonic, euphonious
Euphrate npr Euphrates
Eur- see Europa
Eurasia npr Eurasia
Hence: eurasiatic
eurasiatic adj Eurasiatic, Eurasian
eureka! [Gr] eureka!
eurhythmia (-ía) n eurhythmy
Hence: eurhythmic
eurhythmic adj eurhythmic
Europa npr 1. [Mythol.] Europa; 2. Europe
Hence: europium; europee-europeisar, indoeuropeo; Eurasia etc.
europee (-pée) adj European
europeisar v to Europeanize
europeo (-péo) n European
europium (-ró-) n [Chem.] europium
Eva nprf Eve
evacuante 1. ppr of evacuar; 2. adj/n [Med.] evacuant
evacuar v to evacuate; also: [Med.]
Hence: evacuante; evacuation; evacuative
evacuation n evacuation; also: [Med.]
evacuative adj [Med.] evacuant, evacuative
evader [-vad-/-vas-] v 1. to get away, escape; 2. to evade (= to practice evasion)
Hence: evasion; evasive
evaginar v to evaginate
Hence: evagination
evagination n evagination
evalutar v to evaluate; also: to estimate, assess, etc.
Hence: evalutation
evalutation n evaluation
evanescente 1. ppr of evanescer; 2. adj vanishing, evanescent
evanescentia n evanescence
evanescer v to vanish
Hence: evanescimento; evanescente-evanescentia
evanescimento n vanishment
evangelic adj evangelic, evangelical (1. of the Gospels; 2. as in “evangelical denomination”)
Evangelina nprf Evangeline
evangelio n gospel
evangelisar v to evangelize
evangelisation n evangelization
evangelisator n evangelizer
evangelismo n evangelism
evangelista n Evangelist; also: evangelist
evangelo (-áng-) n evangelist, evangel
Hence: Evangelina; evangelio; evangelic; evangelisar-evangelismo, evangelista, evangelisation, evangelisator
evaporabile adj evaporable, vaporizable
evaporar v to evaporate (1. to vaporize; 2. to be vaporized)
Hence: evaporabile; evaporation; evaporative; evaporatori
evaporation n evaporation
evaporative adj evaporative
evaporatori adj evaporating (as in “evaporating process, apparatus, etc.”)
evas- see evader
evasion n 1. escape, getaway; 2. evasion
evasive adj evasive
evect- see eveher
evection n [Astron.] evection
eveher [-veh-/-vect-] v [occurring in derivatives]
Hence: evection
evelia n awakening
eveliar v to wake up (= to arouse from sleep);
eveliar se to wake up (= to come out of sleep)
Hence: evelia; eveliator
eveliator n awakener
eveller [-vell-/-vuls-] v to evulse, tear out, pull out
Hence: evulsion
evenir [-ven-/-vent-] v to happen, come to pass
Hence: evento-eventual-eventualitate
event- see evenir
evento n event (= occurrence of some importance)
eventrar v to disembowel
Hence: eventration
eventration n 1. (act of) disemboweling; 2. [Pathol.] ventral hernia
eventual adj contingent, possible
eventualitate n 1. possibility, contingency; 2. eventuality
evers- see everter
eversion n 1. eversion (= act of everting); 2. destruction, ruin
everter [-vert-/-vers-] v to evert, turn inside out
Hence: eversion
evict- see evincer
eviction n [Law] eviction (1. recovery by legal process; 2. dispossession)
evidente adj evident
Hence: evidentia
evidentia n evidence (= quality or condition of being evident);
poner in evidentia to make evident
evincer [-vinc-/-vict-] v [Law] to evict (1. recover by legal process; 2. to dispossess)
Hence: eviction
evitabile adj evitable
evitar v to avoid, shun
Hence: evitabile-inevitabile; evitation
evitation n (act of) avoiding, shunning
evo n age (= long period of time)
Hence: medievo etc.; longeve etc.
evocabile adj evocable
evocar v to evoke, call forth;
evocar a un tribunal superior to remove to a higher tribunal
Hence: evocabile; evocation; evocatori
evocation n evocation
evocatori adj evocatory
evolut- see evolver
evolution n evolution (1. development; 2. [Biol.]; 3. [Mil., Naut.])
evolutionismo n evolutionism
evolutionista n evolutionist
evolutive adj evolutive
evolver [-volv-/-volut-] v I. to evolve, develop (1. to undergo an evolution or development; 2. to cause to evolve or develop); II. [Mil., Naut.] to evolute;
evolver un film (photographic) to develop a film
Hence: evolution-evolutionismo, evolutionista; evolutive
evuls- see eveller
evulsion n evulsion
ex prep out of, from
ex- prefixo [used with nouns] ex- (= former)
Hence: ex-presidente etc.; ex-marito etc.; ex-communista etc.
exacerbar v to exacerbate (= to increase the smart or bitterness of)
Hence: exacerbation
exacerbation n exacerbation (= state of being exacerbated)
exact- see exiger
exacte adj exact, accurate; also: punctual;
scientias exacte exact sciences
Hence: exactitude; inexacte-inexactitude
exaction n exaction (= action of exacting)
exactitude n 1. exactitude, accuracy; 2. punctuality
exactor n tax-collector; exactor; extorter
exaggerar v to exaggerate
Hence: exaggeration; exaggerative; exaggerator
exaggeration n exaggeration
exaggerative adj exaggerative
exaggerator n exaggerator
exaltar v to exalt (1. to raise in rank, honor, power, etc.; 2. to extol);
exaltar se to grow excited, grow enthusiastic
Hence: exaltation; exaltate
exaltate adj overexcited
exaltation n exaltation (1. act of raising to a superior rank or position; 2. act of praising, extoling; 3. overexcitement, rapture, etc.
examinabile adj examinable
examinante n examiner
examinar v to examine
examinator n examiner
examine n examination (1. investigation; 2. test);
examine de conscientia self-examination;
libere examine free inquiry
Hence: examinar-examinante, examinabile, examinator
exarch- v [occurring in derivatives] exarch-
Hence: exarcho-exarchato
exarchato n exarchate
exarcho n exarch (1. [Rom. Hist.]; 2. [Gr. Orth. Ch.])
exasperar v 1. to aggravate, make worse (a disease, pain, etc.); 2. to exasperate
Hence: exasperation
exasperation n 1. aggravation (of disease, pain, etc.); 2. exasperation
excambiabile adj exchangeable
excambiar v to exchange
Hence: excambio; excambiabile; excambiator
excambiator n exchanger;
excambiator thermic [Atomic Phys.] heat exchanger
excambio n exchange (= action of exchanging);
libere excambio free trade
ex cathedra [L] ex cathedra
excavar v to excavate (= to hollow out, dig)
excavation n excavation (= action or result of hollowing out)
excavator n excavator (1. one who excavates; 2. machine for digging out earth)
exceder [-ced-/-cess-] v to exceed
Hence: excessive; excesso
excellente 1. ppr of exceller; 2. adj excellent
excellentia n excellence, excellency;
per excellentia par excellence;
Vostre Excellentia Your Excellency
exceller [-cell-/-cels-] v to excel;
exceller in to excel in
Hence: excellente-excellentia; excelse
excels- see excell-
excelse adj elevated, sublime, lofty
except- see excip-
exceptar v to except (= to leave out, take out)
excepte prep except, excepting
exception n exception;
exception (peremptori, dilatori, etc.) [Law] (peremptory, dilatory, etc.) exception
exceptional adj exceptional
excern- [-cern-/-cret-] v [occurring in derivatives]
Hence: excretion; excretori; excretar
excess- see exceder
excessive adj excessive
excesso n excess (1. fact of exceeding in amount or degree; 2. amount by which one thing exceeds another; 3. as in “to commit excesses”)
excider [-cid-/-cis-] v to cut out or off, excide
Hence: excision; excisar
excip- [-cip-/-cept-] v [occurring in derivatives]
Hence: excipiente; exception-exceptional; excepte; exceptar
excipiente n [Pharm.] excipient
excis- see excider
excisar v [Surg.] to excise
excision n [Surg.] excision
excitabile adj excitable
excitabilitate n excitability
excitamento n excitation (= action of exciting)
excitante n excitant, stimulant
excitar v to excite
Hence: excitamento; excitante; excitabile-excitabilitate, inexcitabile; excitation; excitative; excitator; superexcitar-superexcitation
excitation n I. excitation (1. action of exciting; 2. [Elec.]); II. excitement (= state of being excited)
excitative adj exciting, stimulating
excitator n 1. exciter; 2. [Elec.] discharger
exclamar v to exclaim
Hence: exclamation; exclamative
exclamation n exclamation
exclamative adj exclamatory
exclaramento n (act of) lighting up
exclarar v to light up
Hence: exclaramento
excluder [-clud-/-clus-] v to exclude
Hence: exclusion; exclusive-exclusivismo, exclusivista, exclusivitate
exclus- see excluder
exclusion n exclusion;
al exclusion de to the exclusion of
exclusive adj exclusive (1. as in “exclusive right, exclusive terms”; 2. as in “an exclusive club”)
exclusivismo n exclusiveness, exclusivism
exclusivista n exclusivist
exclusivitate n exclusiveness (of rights, terms, etc.)
excogitar v to think out, excogitate
Hence: excogitation
excogitation n devising, contrivance, excogitation
excommunicar v to excommunicate
Hence: excommunication
excommunication n excommunication;
excommunication major, minor greater, lesser excommunication, major, minor excommunication
ex-communista n ex-communist, former communist
excoriar v to bark, graze, excoriate
Hence: excoriation
excoriation n excoriation (= abrasion of the skin)
excremental adj excremental
excrementicie adj excrementitious
excremento n excrement
Hence: excremental; excrementicie; excrementose
excrementose adj excremental
excrescentia n excrescence (= abnormal or disfiguring outgrowth)
excrescer v to grow out or forth
Hence: excrescentia
excret- see excern-
excretar v to excrete
excretion n excretion
excretori adj excretory
excurr- [-curr-/-curs-] v [occurring in derivatives]
Hence: excursion-excursionista
excurs- see excurr-
excursion n I. excursion (1. pleasure trip; 2. digression); II. [Mil.] sally, raid
excursionista n excursionist
excusa n excuse;
facer excusas to make excuses;
facer (su) excusas to make apologies, apologize
excusabile adj excusable
excusar v to excuse (= to clear of blame);
excusar se to excuse oneself, apologize
Hence: excusa; excusabile-inexcusabile; excusation; excusatori
excusation n excuse, excusing
excusatori adj apologetic (= making excuse or apology)
execrabile adj execrable
execrar v to execrate (1. to imprecate evil upon; 2. to abhor, detest)
Hence: execrabile; execration; execrator; execratori
execration n execration (1. imprecation, malediction; 2. abhorrence, detestation)
execrator n execrator
execratori adj execratory
execut- see exequer
executabile adj executable, practicable
executar v to execute (1. to carry out; 2. to put to death according to law)
execution n execution (1. act of carrying out; 2. act of putting to death according to law)
executive adj executive
executor n executor (= one who carries out);
executor testamentari executor (= person appointed to execute a will)
executori adj executory (as in “executory decree, law, etc.”);
judicio executori enforceable judgment
exegese n exegesis
exegeta n exegetist
exegetic adj exegetic
Hence: exegetica
exegetica n exegetics
exemplar¹ adj exemplary (1. being a good model or pattern; 2. serving as a warning to others)
exemplar² n 1. model, exemplar; 2. copy (specimen of a book, etc.)
exemplificar v to exemplify (= to show by example)
exemplification n exemplification (= act of showing by example)
exempli gratia, e. g. [L] exempli gratia, e.g., for example
exemplo n example (1. sample, specimen; 2. model, pattern; 3. instance serving to illustrate a rule or precept);
facer un exemplo de un persona to make an example of someone;
per exemplo for example, for instance;
sin exemplo unparalleled, without example;
dar un exemplo to set an example
Hence: exemplar; exemplificar-exemplification
exempt- see eximer
exemptar v to exempt
exempte adj exempt
exemption n exemption
exequer [-equ-/-ecut-] v to execute, carry out
Hence: exequias; execution-electrocution etc.: excecutive; executor; executori: executar-executabile-inexecutabile, electrocutar etc.
exequias npl funeral rites, exequies
exercer v to practice, carry on
Hence: exercitio; exercitar &
exercitar v to train, exercise, drill
Hence: exercitation
exercitation n 1. training, exercise, drill; 2. practice (as in “the practice of a profession”)
exercitio n I. exercise (1. as in “the exercise of virtues”; 2. as in “an exercise in grammar”); II. practice (as in “the practice of a profession”); III. [Mil.] drill
exfoliation n 1. fall of leaves; 2. exfoliation (= process of coming off in layers or scales, peeling off)
exhalar v to exhale (as in “to exhale odor”)
Hence: exhalation
exhalation n exhalation (1. exhaling, giving off as vapor, etc.; 2. that which is exhaled)
exhauribile adj exhaustible
exhaurir [-haur-/haust-] v to exhaust (1. to drain, use up, consume, etc.; 2. as in “to exhaust a subject”);
exhaurir se to exhaust oneself
Hence: exhauribile-inexhauribile; exhaustibile-inexhaustibile; exhaustion; exhauste-inexhauste
exhaust- see exhaurir
exhauste adj exhausted (= consumed, used up)
exhaustibile adj exhaustible
exhaustion n exhaustion (= action of draining, using up, consuming, etc.)
exheredar v to disinherit
Hence: exheredation
exheredation n disinheritance
exhibir v to exhibit
Hence: exhibition-exhibitionista, exhibitionismo; exhibitor; exbibitori
exhibition n exhibition; also: exhibit
exhibitionismo n exhibitionism (= tendency towards self-advertisement)
exhibitionista n exhibitionist (= ostentatious person)
exhibitor n exhibitor
exhibitori adj exhibitory
exhilarante 1. ppr of exhilarar; 2. adj exhilarant, exhilarating
exhilarar v to exhilarate
Hence: exhilarante; exhilaration
exhilaration n exhilaration
exhortar v to exhort
Hence: exhortation; exhortative; exhortator; exhortatori
exhortation n exhortation
exhortative adj exhortative
exhortator n exhorter
exhortatori adj exhortatory
exhumar v to exhume
Hence: exhumation
exhumation n exhumation
exigente adj exigent, exacting
exigentia n 1. demand; 2. exigency, requirement
exiger [-ig-/-act-] v to exact
Hence: exigente-exigentia; exigue &; exigibile-inexigibile; exaction; exactor; exacte &
exigibile adj claimable, exigible
exigue adj exiguous; scanty, scant
Hence: exiguitate
exiguitate n exiguity, scantiness
exiliar v to exile
exiliato n exile (= exiled person)
exilio n exile (= banishment)
Hence: exiliar-exiliato
eximer [-im-/-empt-] v to exempt
Hence: exemption; exempte-exemptar
exir v to go or come out
Hence: exito
existente adj existent, existing
existentia n existence
existential adj existential
existentialismo n existentialism
existentialista n existentialist
exister v to exist
Hence: existente-existentia-existential-existentialismo, existentialista, inexistente-inexistentia; preexister-preexistente-preexistentia
exito (éx-) n exit, way out
ex-libris n bookplate, ex libris
ex-marito n ex-husband, former husband
ex-ministro n [Pol.] ex-minister, former minister
exo- adv [occurring in derivatives and compounds] exo-, ex- (= without, outside)
Hence: exotic-esoticismo; exoskeleto etc.; exosmose etc.; exogame etc.
exodic adj exodic; also: [Physiol.] efferent
exodista n exodist (= one taking part in an exodus)
exodo (éx-) n exodus;
Exodo Exodus
Hence: exodista; exodic
exogame (-ógame) adj [Anthropol.] exogamous
Hence: exogamia
exogamia (-ía) n [Anthropol.] exogamy
exogene adj exogenous
exonerar v to exonerate (= to free from a burden, duty, obligation, etc.)
Hence: exoneration
exoneration n exoneration
exoperante n striker (= worker on strike)
exoperar v to strike, be on strike
Hence: exopero; exoperante
exopero (-ó-) n strike (as in “be on strike”)
exorabile adj easily moved, exorable
exorar v to move by entreaty
Hence: exorabile-inexorabile-inexorabilitate
exorbitante adj excessive; also: exorbitant
exorbitantia n excessiveness; also: exorbitance
exorbitar v to be excessive or exorbitant
Hence: exorbitante-exorbitantia
exorcisar v to exorcise
Hence: exorcismo; exorcista
exorcismo n exorcism
exorcista n exorcist
exordial adj exordial
exordio n exordium
exordir v to begin (a discourse)
Hence: exordio-exordial
exoskeleto (-ské-) n [Zool.] exoskeleton
exosm- see exosmose
exosmose n exosmosis
Hence: exosmotic
exosmotic adj exosmotic
exotic adj exotic
exoticismo n exoticism
expander [-pand-/-pans-] v to expand (= to cause to spread out, stretch out or unfold)
Hence: expansibile-expansibilitate; expansion; expansive
expans- see expander
expansibile adj expansible
expansibilitate n expansibility
expansion n 1. expansion; 2. expansiveness
expansive adj expansive (1. [Sci.]; 2. showing one’s feelings freely)
expatriar v to expatriate (= to make an exile of);
expatriar se to expatriate, emigrate
Hence: expatriation
expatriation n expatriation (1. banishment from one’s fatherland; 2. emigration)
expectante 1. ppr of expectar; 2. adj expectant
expectar v to expect (= to look for mentally)
Hence: expectante; expectation; espectative
expectation n expectation (1. state of expecting; 2. [Med.]
expectative adj expectative
expectorante¹ 1. ppr of expectorar; 2. adj [Med.] expectorant
expectorante² n [Med.] expectorant
expectorar v to expectorate
Hence: expectorante, expectoration
expectoration n expectoration
expedicular v to delouse
expediente¹ 1. ppr of expedir; 2. adj expedient, suitable, fit
expediente² n expedient
expedir v 1. to expedite; 2. to dispatch, despatch, send off
Hence: expediente; expedition; expeditive; expeditor; reexpedir-reexpedition
expedition n I. (action of) expediting; II. sending (of parcels, goods, etc.); III. expedition (1. promptness; 2. as in “an expedition to the North Pole”)
expeditive adj expeditious
expeditor n expeditor; also: sender, shipper
expeller [-pell-/-puls-] v to expel; also: to deport (as in “to deport an undesirable alien”)
Hence: expulsion; expulsive
expender [-pend-/-pens-] v to spend, expend (= to give out in payment)
Hence: expensa
expens- see expender
expensa n expense
experientia n experience (as in “teaching experience, etc.”)
Hence: inexperientia
experimental adj experimental;
scientia experimental experimental science
experimentar v to experiment
experimentate adj experienced
experimentation n experimentation
experimentator n experimenter
experimento n experiment
Hence: experimental; experimentar-experimentation, experimentator, experimentate-inexperimentate
experir [-per-/-pert-] v to try, put to the test
Hence: experimento &; experientia &; experte &
expert- see experir
experte adj expert
Hence: inexperte; experto
experto n expert
expiabile adj expiable
expiar v to expiate
Hence: expiabile-inexpiabile; expiation; expiator; expiatori; inexpiate
expiation n expiation
expiator n expiator
expiatori adj expiatory;
capro expiatori scapegoat
expirar v to expire (1. to breathe out; 2. to die)
Hence: expiration
expiration n expiration (1. breathing out; 2. termination, end)
explanar v 1. to level, smooth out; 2. to explain (= to expound, interpret)
Hence: explanation; explanator
explanation n 1. (action of) leveling, smoothing out; 2. explanation (= interpretation, expounding)
explanator 1. leveler; 2. explainer
expler v to fill, fill up
Hence: expletive
expletive adj expletive
explicabile adj explainable, explicable
explicar v to explain
Hence: explicabile-inexplicabile-inexplicabilitate; explication; explicative; explicator; explicite; inexplicate
explication n explanation
explicative adj explanatory
explicator n explainer, commentator
explicite (-plí-) adj explicit (= clearly expressed)
exploder [-plod-/-plos-] v to explode (= to go off, or to fly in pieces, with a loud report)
Hence: explosion; explosive-explosivo; exploditor
exploditor n exploder (= device for firing an explosive charge)
exploitabile adj exploitable
exploitar v to exploit (1. as in “to exploit a mine”; 2. to utilize for selfish purposes)
Hence: exploitabile; exploitation; exploitator
exploitation n exploitation
exploitator n exploiter
explorabile adj explorable
explorar v to explore (1. as in “to explore new countries”; 2. to investigate, examine; 3. [Surg.])
Hence: explorabile-inexplorabile; exploration; explorator; exploratori; inexplorate
exploration n exploration (1. as in “exploration of new countries”; 2. investigation; 3. [Surg.])
explorator n explorer
exploratori adj exploratory
explos- see exploder
explosion n explosion (1. blast; 2. sudden outbreak of emotion);
facer explosion to explode (= to go off, or to fly in pieces, with a loud report)
explosive adj explosive (1. tending to explode; 2. [Phonet.])
explosivo n explosive (= explosive substance)
exponente adj [Alg.] exponent
Hence: exponential
exponential adj [Math.] exponential
exponer [-pon-/-posit-] v I. to expose (1. to show openly, display; 2. to lay open (to danger, etc.)); II. to expound
Hence: exponente &; exposition; expositive; expositor
exportabile adj exportable
exportar v to export
Hence: exportabile; exportation; exportator; reexportar-reexportation
exportation n 1. exportation, export, exporting; 2. exports
exportator n exporter
exposit- see exponer
exposition n I. exposition (1. exhibition; 2. detailed explanation); II. exposure (1. laying open to view, action, influence, etc; 2. [Photog.]; 3. position in relation to sun, wind etc.)
expositive adj expository, expositive
expositor n 1. expositor, expounder, exponent; 2. exhibitor
ex-presidente n ex-president
express- see exprimer
expresse adj express (1. definite, explicit; 2. as in “express letter”);
traino expresse express train
expression n expression (1. action of pressing or squeezing out; 2. act or fact of giving expression to; 3. significant word or phrase)
expressionismo n expressionism
expressionista n expressionist
expressive adj expressive
expresso¹ n 1. express messenger; 2. express train
expresso² adv purposely
exprimer [-prim-/-press-] v 1. to press out, squeeze out; 2. to express
Hence: exprimibile-inexprimibile; expression-expressionismo, expressionista; expressive-inexpressive; expresse-expresso¹, expresso²
exprimibile adj expressible, utterable
expropriar v to expropriate, dispossess
Hence: expropriation; expropriator
expropriation n expropriation, dispossession
expropriator n expropriator, dispossessor
expugnabile adj stormable, pregnable
expugnar v to take by assault, storm
Hence: expugnabile-inexpugnabile
expulicar v to clean of fleas
expulicatorio n delousing station
expuls- see expeller
expulsion n expulsion; also: deportation (as in “deportation of an undesirable alien”)
expulsive adj expulsive
expunct- see expunger
expunction n expunction
expunger [-pung-/-punct-] v to expunge
Hence: expunction
expurgar v to expurgate
Hence: expurgation
expurgation n expurgation
exquir- [-quir-/ quisit-] v [occurring in derivatives]
Hence: exquisite-exquisitessa
exquisit- see exquir-
exquisite adj exquisite
exquisitessa n exquisiteness
exsangue adj exsanguine
exsiccar v to dry up, exsiccate (= to make quite dry)
Hence: exsiccation; exsiccative
exsiccation n exsiccation
exsiccative adj exsiccative
exspuer v to spit out
exspuition n spitting out, expectoration
exsuction n exsuction
exsudar v to exude (1. as in “sweat exudes from the pores”; 2. to cause to exude)
Hence: exsudation; exsudato
exsudation n exudation
exsudato n exudation, sweat
exsug- [-sug-/-suct-] v [occurring in derivatives]
extemporanee adj extemporaneous, extempore
extender [-tend-/-tens-] v I. to extend (1. to stretch out; 2. to increase in size or scope); II. to spread, spread out;
extender le mano to hold out one’s hand
Hence: extendibile; extensibile-extensibilitate, inextensibile; extension-inextension; extensive; extensor; extense
extendibile adj extendible, extensible
extens- see extender
extense adj extensive (= having extension)
extensibile adj extensible
extensibilitate n extensibility
extension n I. extension (1. stretching out; 2. increase in size or scope; 3. [Logic]); II. extent (= space or degree to which anything is extended); also: range
extensive adj extensive (as in “extensive agriculture”)
extensor n 1. extender (one who or that which extends); 2. [Anat.] extensor
extenuar v to emaciate, weaken, extenuate;
extenuar se to wear oneself out
Hence: extenuation
extenuation n emaciation, exhaustion
exter- see extra
extere adj foreign (as in “foreign countries”)
Hence: exterior &; extreme &; extero
exterior¹ adj exterior; also: outside, outer, etc.
Hence: exterioritate; exteriorisar-exteriorisation
exterior² n outside, exterior
exteriorisar v to externalize, make manifest
exteriorisation n externalization
exterioritate n exteriority
exterminar v to exterminate
Hence: extermination; exterminator
extermination n extermination
exterminator n exterminator
externe adj external; also: outside, outer, etc.;
angulo externe [Geom.] exterior angle;
discipulo externe day-pupil;
pro uso externe [Pharm.] for external application, for external use
extero (éx-) n foreign countries;
al extero abroad (as in “to go abroad; to live abroad”), in foreign parts
exterritorial adj exterritorial, extraterritorial
exterritorialitate n exterritoriality, extraterritoriality
extinct- see extinguer
extincte adj extinct (as in “an extinct animal”)
extinction n extinction
extinctive adj extinctive
extinctor n (fire) extinguisher
extinguer [-stingu-/-stinct-] v to extinguish;
extinguer un debita to extinguish or pay off a debt
Hence: extinguibile-inextinguibile; extinction; extinctive; extinctor; extincte
extinguibile adj extinguishable
extirpabile adj eradicable, extirpable
extirpar v to extirpate (1. as in “to extirpate noxious plants”; 2. as in “to extirpate a social evil”)
Hence: extirpabile-inextirpabile; extirpation; etirpator
extirpation n extirpation
extirpator n extirpator
extorquer [-torqu-/-tort-] v to extort; also: to get by blackmail
Hence: extortion
extort- see extorquer
extortion n extortion; also: blackmail, blackmailing
extr- see extere
extra I. adv 1. without, on the outside; 2. besides, in addition, extra; II. prep 1. outside of, without, beyond; 2. excepting, except; 3. besides, in addition to
Hence: extranee; externe
extra- prefixo extra- (1. outside ..., outside the scope of ...; 2. highly, unusually, very ...)
Hence: extradorso etc.; extramural etc.; extraordinari etc.; extravasar etc.; extravagar etc.; extrafin etc.
extract- see extraher
extraction n extraction (1. act of extracting; 2. descent, origin);
de basse extraction of low extraction
extracto n extract (1. extracted substance; 2. excerpt)
extractor n extractor; specif.: [Surg., Gun.]
extrader v to extradite
Hence: extradition
extradition n extradition
extradorso n [Arch.] extrados
extrafin adj superfine
extraher [-trah-/-tract-] v to extract
Hence: extraction; extractor; extracto
extramural adj extramural
extranee adj extraneous
extraordinari adj extraordinary (1. beyond the common order; 2. exceeding the common degree)
extraterritorial adj extraterritorial, exterritorial
extraterritorialitate n extraterritoriality, exterritoriality
extravagante 1. ppr of extravagar; 2. adj odd, strange, absurd; extravagant
extravagantia n oddness, strangeness, absurdity; extravagance
extravagar v to talk (think, act, etc.) extravagantly
Hence: extravagante-extravagantia
extravasar v [Anat.] to extravasate
Hence: extravasation
extravasation n [Anat.] extravasation
extreme adj extreme;
extreme unction last Sacrament, extreme unction
Hence: extremismo; extremista; extremitate; extremo
extremismo n extremism
extremista n extremist
extremitate n extremity (1. very end; 2. extreme degree; 3. extreme action);
extremitates extremities, hands and feet
extremo n extreme;
extremos [Math.] extremes;
ir de un extremo al altere to go from one extreme to the other;
le extremos se tocca extremes meet
extrinsec (-trín-) adj extrinsic (= not inherent or essential)
extrovers- see extroverter
extroversion n extroversion (1. [Med.] condition of being turned inside out; 2. [Psychol.])
extroverter [-vert-/-vers-] v to extrovert (1. to turn outwards; to turn inside out; 2. [Psychol.])
Hence: extroversion; extrovertite-estrovertito
extrovertite 1. pp of extroverter; 2. [Psychol.] extroverted, outgoing
extrovertito n [Psychol.] extrovert
exuberante I. ppr of exuberar; II. adj exuberant (1. growing luxuriantly; 2. overflowing, effusive)
exuberantia n exuberance (1. luxuriance; 2. effusiveness; overflowing spirits)
exuberar v 1. to be abundant, abound; 2. to be exuberant, exuberate
Hence: exuberante-exuberantia
exultante 1. ppr of exultar; 2. adj exultant
exultar v to exult
Hence: exultante; exultation
exultation n exultation
Ezekiel nprm Ezekiel
e ... e as well ... as, both ... and
e- see esser
eau de Cologne [F] n eau de Cologne
ebenisar v to ebonize
ebenista n cabinetmaker, ebonist
ebenisteria (-ía) n cabinetmaking
ebeno (é-) n ebony
Hence: ebenista-ebenisteria; ebenisar
ebore n ivory
Hence: eboree
eboree adj ivory
ebrie adj drunk, drunken
Hence: ebrietate; inebriar
ebrietate n drunkenness, ebriety
ebulliente adj ebullient
ebullientia n ebullience
ebullir v to boil, bubble out
ebullition n ebullition, boiling;
puncto de ebullition boiling point
ecce adv lo!, see!, behold!
ecce homo [L] ecce homo (= behold the man)
eccentric adj eccentric (1. not concentric; 2. odd, whimsical, unconventional);
(districto) eccentric outlying (district)
Hence: eccentricitate
eccentricitate n eccentricity (1. [Mech.]; 2. eccentric condition or behavior, oddity)
ecclesia n church;
Ecclesia Anglican Church of England, Anglican Church
Hence: ecclesiasta-ecclesiastic-ecclesiastico; ecclesiologia etc.
ecclesiasta n ecclesiastic;
Ecclesiasta Ecclesiast (= author of Ecclesiastes)
Ecclesiastes (-ás-) npr [Bib.] Ecclesiastes
ecclesiastic adj ecclesiastic, ecclesiastical
ecclesiastico n ecclesiastic
ecclesiologia (-ía) n ecclesiology
-ech- [occurring in compounds]
Hence: entelechia etc. ...
echelon (-sh-) n [Mil.] echelon
Hence: echelonar
echelonar (-sh-) v to echelon
echino n I. echinus (1. sea urchin; 2. [Arch.]); II. [Zool.] Echinus
Hence: echinoides; echinococco etc.; echinoderme etc.
echinococco n [Zool.] echinococcus
echinoderme adj echinoderm, echinodermic
Hence: echinodermo
echinodermo n echinoderm
echinoides n [Zool.] Echinoidae
echo n echo;
facer echo (a) to echo, echo back
Hence: echoic; echoar; echolalia etc.; echometro etc.; echometria etc.
echoar v to echo
echoic (-óic) adj echoic
echolalia (-ía) n [Psychopathol.] echolalia
echometria (-ía) n echometry
Hence: echometric
echometric adj echometric
echometro (-kó) n echometer
eclect- see eclectic
eclectic adj eclectic
Hence: eclectismo; eclectico; eclecticismo
eclecticismo n eclecticism
eclectico n eclectic
eclectismo n eclecticism
eclipsar v to eclipse;
eclipsar se to disappear, vanish, make oneself scarce
eclipse n eclipse
Hence: eclipsar
ecliptic adj ecliptic, ecliptical
Hence: ecliptica
ecliptica n [Astron.] ecliptic
ecloga (éc-) n eclogue
eco- n [occurring in compounds] eco- (= house, household, habitat)
Hence: ecologo etc.; economo etc.
ecologia (-ía) n ecology
ecologic adj ecologic, ecological
ecologista n ecologist
ecologo (-có-) n ecologist
Hence: ecologia-ecologista, ecologic, synecologia
economato n stewardship
economia (-ía) n economy (1. management of the expenditures of a social group; 2. careful management, thrift);
economias economies, savings;
economia politic political economy, economics;
economia de tempore saving of time
economic adj 1. economic; 2. economical
economisar v to economize
economista n economist (= student of political economy)
economo (-có-) n steward, housekeeper
Hence: economato; economia-economic; economista; economisar
-ecr- see sacre
ecstase (éc-) n ecstasy
Hence: ecstasiar
ecstasiar v to enrapture, entrance;
ecstasiar se to go into ecstasies
ecstatic adj ecstatic
ecto- adv [occurring in compounds] ecto- (= outside, external)
Hence: ectoderma etc.; ectoplasma etc.
ectoderma n [Zool.] ectoderm
-ectomia (-ía) n [occurring in compounds] [Surg.] - ectomy (= excision, removal)
Hence: appendicectomia etc.; tonsillectomia etc.
ectoplasma n [Spiritualism] ectoplasm
Hence: ectoplasmic
ectoplasmic adj ectoplasmic
Ecuador [H] npr Ecuador
ecumenic adj ecumcnical;
concilio ecumenic ecumenical council
eczema [-ma/-mat-] n eczema
Hence: eczematose
eczemat- see eczema
eczematose adj eczematous
edace adj voracious, edacious
edacitate n voracity, edacity
edema [-ma/-mat-] n [Pathol.] edema
Hence: edematose
edemat- see edema
edematose adj edematous, edematose
Eden (é-) npr Eden
eder¹ v to eat
Hence: edibile-edibilitate, inedibile-inedibilitate; edace-edacitate
eder² v 1. to edit; 2. to publish
Hence: edition; editor-editorial; editar; inedite
edi- n [occurring in derivativcs and compounds] edi- (= building, house)
Hence: edificio etc.; edificar etc. ...
edibile adj edible, eatable
edibilitate n edibility
edic- [-dic-/-dict-] v [occurring in derivatives]
Hence: edicto
edict- see edic-
edicto n edict
edificante 1. ppr of edificar; 2. adj edifying
edificar v 1. to build (= to erect a building); 2. to edify
Hence: edificante; edification; edificative; edificator; reedificar-reedification
edification n 1. erection, building (= action of building); 2. edification
edificative adj edifying
edificator n builder (1. one who builds; 2. one who oversees building operations)
edificio n edifice; building, structure
Edipo (é-) npr [Gr. Mythol.] Oedipus;
complexo de Edipo [Psychoanalysis] Oedipus complex
editar v 1. to edit; 2. to publish
edition n 1. (action of) publishing; 2. edition;
edition principe first or original edition
editio princeps [L] editio princeps, first edition
editor n 1. editor (= one who edits); 2. publisher
editorial¹ adj editorial
editorial² n editorial
-edr- see -hedra
Eduardo nprm Edward
educabile adj educable
educar v to educate;
(ben, mal) educate (well-, ill-)bred
Hence: educabile; education-educational, coeducation; educative; educator
education n 1. education; 2. [Husbandry] rearing, raising;
education physic physical education or training;
(systema) de education educational (system)
educational adj educational
educative adj educative (= instructive, educational)
educator n educator, pedagogue
edulcorar v to edulcorate (1. to sweeten (medicine, etc.); 2. [Chem.])
edulcoration n edulcoration (1. (action of) sweetening; 2. [Chem.])
efendi [Tu.] n effendi
effabile adj utterable
Hence: ineffabile-ineffabilitate
effect- see effic-
effective adj effective (1. efficacious, efficient; 2. actual, de facto, as in “effective capital”)
effectivo n [Mil.] effective (= the effective part of an army)
effecto n effect;
in effecto in fact, indeed;
effectos 1. effects, belongings; 2. [Banking] holdings (as stocks, bonds, shares, etc.)
effectuar v to effect, bring about
effectuation n effectuation
effeminar v to effeminate
Hence: effemination; effeminate
effeminate adj effeminate
effemination n effemination
effervescente 1. ppr of effervescer; 2. adj effervescent
effervescentia n effervescence
effervescer v to effervesce
Hence: effervescente-effervescentia
effic- [-fic-/-fect-] v [occurring in derivatives]
Hence: efficace-efficacia, inefficace-inefficacia; efficiente-efficientia, inefficiente-inefficientia, coefficiente; effective-effectivo; effecto-effectuar-effectuation
efficace adj effective, efficacious; efficient
efficacia n efficacy, effectiveness
efficiente adj -;
causa efficiente efficient or moving cause
efficientia n efficiency (1. [Philos.]; 2. [Mech.])
effigiamento n (act of) portraying, portrayal
effigiar v to portray
effigie n effigy;
in effigie in effigy, under the form of a representation
Hence: effigiar-effigiamento
efflorescentia n [Chem.; Pathol.] efflorescence
efflorescer v [Chem.] to effloresce
Hence: efflorescentia
effluente 1. ppr of effluer; 2. adj effluent
effluer v to flow forth
Hence: effluente
effluvio n effluvium; also: [Phys.]
effortiar v -;
effortiar se to make an effort or efforts
Hence: effortio
effortio n 1. effort; 2. [Med.] strain;
facer un effortio to make an effort;
facer tote su effortios to make every effort
effract- see effring-
effraction n breaking in, housebreaking; also: burglary
effractor n burglar, housebreaker
effring- [-fring-/-fract-] v [occurring in derivatives]
Hence: effraction; effractor
effunder [-fund-/-fus-] v to pour out, pour forth, shed, effuse
Hence: effusion
effus- see effunder
effusion n effusion;
effusion de sanguine bloodshed;
con effusion effusively
egee (-gée) adj Aegean;
Mar Egee Aegean sea
Egeo¹ (-géo) npr [Gr. Mythol.] Aegeus
Hence: egee-Egeo²
Egeo² (-géo) npr Aegean, Aegean Sea
-eget- n [occurring in compounds] (= leader)
Hence: cynegetic etc. ...
egide (égide) n aegis (1. [Gr. Antiq.]; 2. shield, protection);
sub le egide de under the aegis of
eglefino n [Ichthyol.] haddock
[ego]¹ pron pers I
(= io)
Hence: ego²-egoismo, egoista-egoistic, egotismo, egotista, egolatria etc., egocentric etc.
ego² n [Philos., Psychol., etc.] ego
egocentric adj egocentric, self-centered
egoismo (-ízmo) n egotism, egoism
egoista (-ísta) n egotist, egoist; attrib. egotistic, egoistic
egoistic (-ístic) adj egoistical
egolatria (-ía) n self-worship
egotismo n egotism (= excessive preoccupation with the ego)
egotista n egotist (= one excessively preoccupied with the ego); attrib. egotistic(al)
egred- [-gred-/-gress-] v [occurring in derivatives]
Hence: egresso
egregie adj egregious
egress- see egred-
egresso n egress, exit
egyptian adj 1. Egyptian; 2. gypsy
egyptiano n I. Egyptian (1. native of Egypt; 2. Egyptian language); II. gypsy (= member of a gypsy tribe); III. Romany (= Gypsy, the gypsy tongue)
egyptie adj 1. Egyptian; 2. gypsy
egyptio n I. Egyptian (1. native of Egypt; 2. language of Egypt); II. gypsy (= member of a gypsy tribe); III. Romany (= Gypsy, the gypsy tongue)
Egypto npr Egypt
Hence: egyptie-egyptio; egyptian-egyptiano; egyptologo etc.
egyptologia (-ía) n Egyptology
egyptologo (-tó-) n Egyptologist, Egyptologue
Hence: egyptologia
eider (éi-) n [Zool.] eider
Hence: eiderdun etc.
eiderdun n eiderdown (1. small soft feathers from the breast of the eider duck; 2. eiderdown quilt)
eido- n [occurring in compounds] eido- (= image, figure)
Hence: kaleidophonio etc. ...
Eire [Ir.] npr Eire
Hence: Irlanda etc.
ejacular v to ejaculate, eject
Hence: ejaculation; ejaculator; ejaculatori
ejaculation n ejaculation (= act of ejecting or ejaculating)
ejaculator adj [Physiol.] ejaculatory
ejaculatori adj [Physiol.] ejaculatory
eject- see ejic-
ejection n [Physiol.] dejection (= discharge of excrement)
ejector n [Technol.] ejector (of steam, cartridges, etc.)
ejic- [-jic-/-ject-] v [occurring in derivatives]
Hence: ejection; ejector
[el] pron 1. he; 2. (after prep) him
(= ille)
elaborar v to elaborate
Hence: elaboration
elaboration n elaboration
elastic adj elastic
Hence: elasticitate; elastico
elasticitate n elasticity
elastico n elastic, elastic band, etc.
elect- see eliger
electe adj [Theol.] elect
election n election (1. choice; 2. “election by vote”);
vaso de election [Theol.] chosen vessel
elective adj elective (1. as in “elective office”; 2. having a power of choice);
affinitate elective [Chem.] elective affinity
electivitate n electiveness
electo n (one of the) elect
elector n elector, voter
electoral adj electoral
electorato n I. electorate (1. rank of an elector of the Holy Roman Empire; 2. territory under the rule of an elector of the Holy Roman Empire); II. franchise (= right to vote)
electr- n [occurring in derivatives and compounds] electr-, electro-
Hence: electron &; electric &; electrificar-electrification; electrisar-electrisation; electrochimia etc.; electrolyse etc.; electrolytic etc.; electrocutar etc.; electrodo etc.
electric adj electric, electrical
Hence: electricista; electricitate; dynamoelectric etc.
electricista n electrician
electricitate n electricity
electrificar v to electrify (to equip for the use of electricity)
electrification n electrification (= process of equipping for the use of electricity)
electrisar v to electrify (= to charge with electricity)
electrisation n electrification (= charging with electricity)
electrochimia (-ía) n electrochemistry
Hence: electrochimista; eIectrochimic
electrochimic adj electrochemical
electrochimista n electrochemist
electrocutar v to electrocute
electrocution n electrocution
electrodo (-léc-) n electrode
electrodynamica n electrodynamics
electrolysar v to electrolyze
electrolysation n electrolyzation
electrolyse (-ólise) n electrolysis
Hence: electrolysar-electrolysation
electrolytic adj electrolytic
electrolyto (-ó-) n electrolyte
Hence: electrolytic
electromagnete n electromagnet
Hence: electromagnetismo; electromagnetic
electromagnetic adj electromagnetic
electromagnetismo n electromagnetism
electrometria (-ía) n electrometry
electrometric adj electrometric
electrometro (-ó-) n electrometer
Hence: electrometria; electrometric
electromotor n electromotor (= machine that produces an electric current)
electron n [Phys.] electron;
electron de alte velocitate [Atomic Phys.] highspeed electron
Hence: electronic; electronica; cyclotron etc.; magnetron, etc.
electronic adj electronic
electronica n electronics
electroscopia (-ía) n electroscopy
electroscopic adj electroscopic
electroscopio n electroscope
Hence: electroscopia; electroscopic
electrostatic adj electrostatic
electrostatica n electrostatics
electrotherapeutica (-péu-) n electrotherapeutics
electrotherapia (-ía) n electrotherapy, electrotherapeutics
electrotypia (-ía) n electrotypy, electrotyping
electrotypo (-ó) n [Print.] electrotype
Hence: electrotypia
eleemosyna (-mó-) n alms
Hence: eleemosynari
eleemosynari adj eleemosynary, charitable
elegante adj elegant
Hence: elegantia; inelegante-inelegantia
elegantia n elegance
elegia (-ía) n elegy
Hence: elegiac
elegiac (-íac) adj elegiac (l. [Pros.]; 2. mournful, melancholy)
elemental adj elemental
elementari adj elementary (1. pertaining to an element; 2. pertaining to the first principles of an art, a science, etc.)
elemento n element (1. “an element in nature”; 2. a component part);
le quatro elementos the four elements;
in su elemento in one’s element;
elementos elements (= first principles of an art, a science, etc.)
Hence: elemental; elementari
elephante n elephant;
elephante de mar sea elephant, elephant seal
Hence: elephantiasis; elephantin-chryselephantin etc.
elephantiasis (-íasis) n [Pathol.] elephantiasis
elephantin adj elephantine
elevar v I. to elevate (1. to raise, lift up; 2. to raise in rank or station); II. to raise (as in “to raise horses”);
elevar se to rise (up) (as in “a mountain or tree rises up”);
elevar un numero al quadrato to square a number
Hence: elevation; elevator; elevatori; elevate
elevate 1. pp of elevar; 2. adj high, lofty
elevation n elevation (1. act of elevating, raising; 2. high ground, raised place; 3. as in “elevation of style”; 4. [Astron.]; 5. [Arith.]);
elevation del hostia [Eccl.] elevation of the Host
elevator n 1. elevator (= one who or that which elevates); 2. [Anat.] levator
elevatori adj elevatory
elf [A] n elf
Elia (-ía) npr [Bib.] Elijah, Elias
elider [-lid-/-lis-] v to elide
Hence: elision
eliger [-lig-/-lect-] v to elect (1. to choose; 2. “to elect by voting”);
eliger domicilio [Law] to elect domicile
Hence: eligibile-eligibilitate, ineligibile-ineligibilitate; election; elective-electivitate; elector-electorato, electoral; electe-electo; reeliger-reeligibile, reelection
eligibile adj eligible (= fit to be chosen or elected)
eligibilitate n eligibility
eliminar v to eliminate
Hence: elimination; eliminator; eliminatori
elimination n elimination
eliminator n eliminator
eliminatori adj eliminatory
elis- see elider
Elisabeth (-bét) nprf Elizabeth
Hence: elisabethan
elisabethan adj Elizabethan
elision n elision
élite [F] n elite
elixir n elixir;
elixir de longe vita elixir of life
[ella] pron pers 1. she; 2. her (as in “of her,” “with her”)
(= illa)
ellipse n 1. [Math.] ellipse; 2. [Gram.] ellipsis
Hence: ellipsoide
ellipsoide¹ adj ellipsoid, ellipsoidal
ellipsoide² n [Geom.] ellipsoid
elliptic adj elliptic, elliptical (1. [Math.]; 2. [Gram.])
elocut- see eloquer
elocution n elocution
elogio n eulogy;
facer le elogio de un persona to sing someone’s praises, eulogize someone
Hence: elogista-elogistic; elogiose; elogisar
elogiose adj eulogistic
elogisar v to eulogize
elogista n eulogist
elogistic adj eulogistic
elongar v to elongate
Hence: elongation
elongation n elongation (1. act of elongating; 2. [Astron.]; 3. [Med.] partial dislocation of a joint due to violent stretching)
eloquente adj eloquent
eloquentia n eloquence
eloquer [-loqu-/-locut-] v to declaim, speak rhetorically
Hence: eloquente-eloquentia; elocution
elucidar v to elucidate
Hence: elucidation
elucidation n elucidation
eluctabile adj avoidable
eluctar v to struggle out of (a difficulty, etc.)
Hence: eluctabile-ineluctabile
eluder [-lud-/-lus-] v to elude (= to avoid or escape by dexterity)
Hence: eludibile; elusion; elusive
eludibile adj eludible, evadable
elus- see eluder
elusion n elusion
elusive adj elusive
elysie adj Elysian
Hence: elysio
elysio n Elysium
em- see en-
-em- see hem-
emaciar v to emaciate
Hence: emaciation; emaciate
emaciate 1. pp of emaciar; 2. adj emaciate
emaciation n emaciation
émail [F] n enamel
Hence: émailliar
émailli- see émail
émailliar (emalyár) v to enamel
emanar v to emanate
Hence: emanation
emanation n emanation
emancipar v to emancipate (1. [Rom. Law]; 2. to release from slavery or restraint)
Hence: emancipation; emancipator
emancipation n emancipation (1. [Rom. Law]; 2. release from slavery or restraint)
emancipator n emancipator
emarginar v to remove the margin of, trim the margin of
Hence: emarginate
emarginate 1. pp of emarginar; 2. [Bot.] emarginate
emascular v to emasculate, castrate
Hence: emasculation
emasculation n emasculation
embarassar v to embarrass (1. to encumber, hamper; 2. to make self-conscious)
Hence: embarasso-embarassose; disembarassar
embarasso n 1. obstruction, obstacle; 2. embarrassment
embarassose adj 1. cumbersome, entangled; 2. embarrassing
embargo [H] n embargo
emblema [-ma/-mat-] n emblem
Hence: emblematic
emblemat- see emblema
emblematic adj emblematic
embolia (-ía) n [Pathol.] embolism
embryo- see embryon
embryogenese (-gé-) n embryogenesis
embryogenesis (-gé-) n embryogenesis
embryogenetic adj embryogenetic
embryogenia (-ía) n embryogeny
Hence: embryogenic
embryogenic adj embryogenic
embryologia (-ía) n embryology
embryologic adj embryological
embryologo (-ólogo) n embryologist
Hence: embryologia; embryologic
embryon n embryo;
in embryon in embryo
Hence: embryonal; embryonari; embryonic; embryologo etc.; embryogenese etc.; embryogenetic etc.
embryonal adj embryonic, embryonal
embryonari adj embryonic, embryonary
embryonic adj emhryonic
emendamento n amendment (1. improvement, correction; 2. “amendment of a law, bill, etc.”)
emendar v to amend (1. to improve, correct, emend; 2. “to amend a law, bill, etc.”)
Hence: emendamento; emendation
emendation n emendation; also: improvement, correction
emer [em-/empt-;-im-/-empt-] v to buy, purchase
Hence: emption; emptor; dirimer &; eximer &; perimer &; redimer &
emer- v [occurring in derivatives]
Hence: emerite
emergente 1. ppr of emerger; 2. adj emergent, emerging;
evolution emergente emergent evolution
emergentia n emergence
emerger [-merg-/-mers-] v to emerge
Hence: emergente-emergentia; emersion
emerite (-mé-) adj emeritus
emers- see emerger
emersion n emersion; also: [Astron.]
emetic adj [Med.] emetic
Hence: emetico
emetico n [Med.] emetic
emigrante n emigrant
emigrar v 1. to emigrate; 2. [Nat. Hist.] to migrate
Hence: emigrante; emigration; emigrato
emigration n I. emigration (1. action of emigrating; 2. emigrants collectively); II. [Nat. Hist.] migration
emigrato n emigrant, émigré
emin- v [occurring in derivatives)
Hence: eminente-eminentia, preeminente-preeminentia, supereminente-supereminentia
eminente adj 1. high, lofty; 2. eminent, outstanding
eminentia n eminence (1. rising ground, height, etc.; 2. distinction of character, abilities, attainments);
Eminentia [Eccl.] Eminence
emiss- see emitter
emissario¹ n outlet, duct, emissary
emissario² n emissary (= agent, envoy)
emission n emission; also: [Com.] issuing, issue;
banca de emission bank of issue
emissor n emitter
emitter [-mitt-/-miss-] v to emit; also: [Com.] to issue
Hence: emission; emissor; emissario¹; emissario²
emmen- n [occurring in derivatives and compounds] emmen- (= menses)
Hence: emmenagoge etc. ...
emmenagoge adj [Med.] emmenagogue, emmenagogic
Hence: emmenagogo
emmenagogo n [Med.] emmenagogue
emolliente¹ adj emollient
emolliente² n emollient
emollir v [Med.] to soften, mollify
Hence: emolliente
emolumento n emolument
emot- see emover
emotion n emotion (= agitation of the feelings)
Hence: emotional; emotionar-emotionante
emotional adj emotional (= pertaining to emotions)
emotionante adj moving, touching
emotionar v to move, touch
emotive adj emotive
emotivitate n emotiveness, emotivity
emover [-mov-/-mot-] v to move (= to affect emotionally)
Hence: emotion &; emotive-emotivitate
empathia (-ía) n empathy, Einfühlung
emphase (ém-) n 1. emphasis; 2. bombast
emphatic adj 1. emphatic; 2. bombastic
empir- adj [occurring in derivatives] (= experienced)
Hence: empirismo; empirista; empiric-empirico
empiric adj empiric, empirical
empirico n empiric (= one who follows an empirical method)
empirismo n empiricism (= empirical method or practice)
empirista n empiricist
emplastrar v to plaster (= to apply a medicinal plaster to)
emplastro n salve, plaster
Hence: emplastrar
empleabile adj employable
emplear v to employ (1. to make use of; 2. to take or have in one’s employ)
Hence: empleo; empleabile; empleator; empleato; reemplear
empleato n employee
empleator n employer
empleo (-éo) n I. employment (1. employing; 2. occupation); II. use (= action of using)
empt- see emer
emption n purchase
emptor n buyer, purchaser
empyree adj empyreal
Hence: empyreo
empyreo n empyrean
empyreuma [-ma/-mat-] n empyreuma
Hence: empyreumatic
empyreumat- see empyreuma
empyreumatic adj empyreumatic
emulgente n 1. ppr of emulger; 2. adj [Anat.] emulgent (as in “emulgent vessels”)
emulger [-mulg-/-muls-] v to milk dry
Hence: emulgente; emulsion-emulsionar-emulsionabile; emulsive; emulsor; emulsina
emuls- see emulger
emulsina n [Chem.] emulsin
emulsion n emulsion
emulsionabile adj emulsifiable, emulsible
emulsionar v to emulsify, emulsionize
emulsive adj emulsive
emulsor n emulsifier, emulsor
en- prefixo [em- before -b-, -m-, -p-, -ph-; used chiefly to form technical terms] en-, em- (= in, into)
Hence: encyclic etc.; enharmonic etc.; entelechia etc.
enarrabile adj describable, explainable
enarrar v to narrate, expound, explain
Hence: enarrabile-inenarrabile; enarration
enarration n narration, exposition
-enchyma [occurring in compounds]
Hence: sclerenchyma etc. ...
enclitic adj [Gram.] enclitic
Hence: enclitico
enclitico n enclitic
encyclic adj encyclical
Hence: encyclica
encyclica n [Eccl.] encyclical (letter)
encyclopedia (-ía) n encyclopedia
Hence: encyclopedismo; encyclopedista; encyclopedic
encyclopedic adj encyclopedic
encyclopedismo n 1. encyclopedism; 2. Encyclopedism
encyclopedista n encyclopedist
endemia (-ía) n [Med.] endemic
Hence: endemic
endemic adj [Med.] endemic
endivia n endive
endo- adv [occurring in compounds] endo-, end- (= within)
Hence: endoskeleto etc.; endocardio etc.; endosmose etc.; endogene etc.; endocrin etc.
endocardio n [Anat.] endocardium
Hence: endocarditis
endocarditis (-ítis) n [Path.] endocarditis
endocrin adj [Physiol.] endocrine;
glandulas endocrin endocrine glands
Hence: endocrina-endocrinologo etc.
endocrina n endocrine (gland)
endocrinologia (-ía) n endocrinology
endocrinologo (-nó-) n endocrinologist
Hence: endocrinologia
endogame (-ógame) adj [Anthropol.] endogamous
Hence: endogamia
endogamia (-ía) n [Anthropol.] endogamy
endogene adj endogenous
endoskeleto (-ské-) n [Zool.] endoskeleton
endosm- see endosmose
endosmose n endosmosis
Hence: endosmotic
endosmotic adj endosmotic
endosperma n [Bot.] endosperm
Eneas (-né-) npr [Gr. Mythol.] Aeneas
Hence: Eneide
Eneide (-néi-) n [Lat. Lit.] Aeneid
energia (-ía) n energy;
energia atomic atomic energy;
energia electric electric power
Hence: energic
energic adj energetic
enervante adj enervating; unnerving
enervar v to enervate, unnerve
Hence: enervante; enervation; enervate
enervate 1. pp of enervar; 2. adj enervated, enervate
enervation n enervation
enharmonic adj [Mus.] enharmonic
enigma [-ma/-mat-] n enigma; also: riddle; puzzle
Hence: enigmatic; enigmatisar
enigmat- see enigma
enigmatic adj enigmatic
enigmatisar v to enigmatize
-enn- see anno
enoiar v 1. to annoy, vex; 2. to bore;
enoiar se to be bored
Hence: enoio-enoiose
enoio (-nó-) n 1. annoyance, worry, trouble; 2. boredom, ennui
enoiose (-óse) adj boring
enorme adj enormous
Hence: enormitate
enormitate n 1. enormousness; 2. enormity
ensemble [F] n ensemble (1. group of musicians playing together; 2. complete, harmonious costume)
ente n [Philos.] ens
Hence: entitate
-ente¹ suffixo adjective [used with verbs in -er; forming verbal adjectives] -ing, -ent (as in “recurring”, “recurrent”)
Hence: -entia; coherente etc.; excellente etc.
-ente² suffixo substantive [used with verbs in -er] -ent (1. one who or that which is ...ent; 2. one who or that which ...s)
Hence: absorbente etc.; convalescente etc.; miscredente etc.; studente etc.
entelechia (-ía) n [Philos.] entelechy
entente [F] n entente
enteralgia (-ía) n [Pathol.] enteralgia
enteric adj [Anat.] enteric
enteritis (-ítis) n [Pathol.] enteritis
enterocolitis (-ítis) n [Pathol.] enterocolitis
enterologia (-ía) n enterology (= science or study of the intestines)
enteron (én-) n [Anat., Zool.] enteron, alimentary canal
Hence: enteritis; enteric; dysenteria &; enteralgia etc.; enterocolitis etc.; enterologia etc.; enterotomo etc.; lienteria etc.; mesenterio etc.; gastroenteritis etc.
enterotomia (-ía) n [Surg.] enterotomy
enterotomo (-ró) n [Surg.] enterotome
enthusias- [occurring in derivatives]
Hence: enthusiasmo &; enthusiasta &
enthusiasmar v to render enthusiastic
enthusiasmo n enthusiasm
Hence: enthusiasmar
enthusiasta n enthusiast
Hence: enthusiastic
enthusiastic adj enthusiastic, enthusiastical
-entia suffixo substantive [used with verbs in -er] -ence, -ency (= state or quality of or being ...ant)
Hence: adolescentia etc.; incandescentia etc.; omnipotentia etc.
entitate n entity
ento- adv [occurring in compounds] ento-, ent- (= within, inside)
Hence: entozoon etc.
entomo- n [occurring in compounds] entomo- (= insect)
Hence: entomologo etc.
entomologia (-ía) n entomology
entomologic adj entomological
entomologista n entomologist
entomologo (-mó-) n entomologist
Hence: entomologia-entomologista; entomologic
entozoon (-zó-) (pl entozoa) n entozoon
entranias npl entrails
entrar v to enter (= to go or come in);
entrar in to enter (into)
Hence: entrata
entrata n entrance, entry (1. act of entering; 2. door, passage, hall, etc. through which one enters);
al entrata del (hiberno, etc.) at the beginning of (winter, etc.)
entrée [F] n [Cooking] entree
entresol [F] n entresol, mezzanine
enuclear v to enucleate (1. to shell, husk, pod, etc.; 2. [Biol.]; 3. [Surg.]
Hence: enucleation
enucleation n enucleation
enumerar v to enumerate
Hence: enumeration; enumerative; enumerator
enumeration n enumeration
enumerative adj enumerative
enumerator n enumerator
enunciar v to enunciate (= to set forth)
Hence: enunciation; enunciative; enunciato
enunciation n enunciation (= statement)
enunciative adj enunciative
enunciato n formulation (of a problem)
enzyma n enzyme
[eo] adv 1. there; thither; 2. until, up to the time; 3. to that purpose, to that end; 4. therefore; 5. to that degree or extent
eo- n [occurring in derivatives and compounds] eo- (= dawn);
Eos npr [Gr. Mythol.] Eos
Hence: eoe; eosina-eosinophile etc.; eoanthropo etc.; eocen etc.
eoanthropo (-tró-) n [Paleontol.] Eoanthropus, Piltdown man
eocen [Geol.] adj Eocene
Hence: eoceno
eoceno n [Geol.] Eocene
eoe (-ó-) adj eoan (1. dawn; 2. oriental)
eohippo n [Paleontol.] Eohippus
eolic adj Aeolian (= of Aeolus)
eolie adj Aeolian (= of Aeolus);
harpa eolie aeolian harp
eolithic adj [Archeol.] eolithic
eolitho (-ó-) n [Archeol.] eolith
Hence: eolithic
Eolo (é-) npr [Mythol.] Aeolus
Hence: eolic; eolie
eos- see eo-
eosina n [Chem.] eosin
eosinophile (-nó-) adj [Biol.] eosinophile, eosinophilic, eosinophilous
Hence: eosinophilo-eosinophilia
eosinophilia (-ía) n [Pathol.] eosinophilia
eosinophilo (-nó-) n [Biol.] eosinophile
eozoic (-zó-) adj [Geol.] Eozoic
eozoon (-zó-) n [Geol.] eozoon
Hence: eozoic
ep- see epi-
epaulette [F] n epaulet, epaulette
ephedra n [Bot.] Ephedra
Hence: ephedrina
ephedrina n [Pharm.] ephedrine
ephelide (-fé-) n freckle
ephemere adj ephemeral
Hence: ephemeride; ephemero
ephemeride (-mé-) n 1. calendar, almanac, etc.; 2. [Astron.] ephemeris;
ephemerides ephemerides
ephemero (-fé-) n [Zool.] ephemeron, ephemerid;
ephemeros [Zool.] Ephemera, Ephemerida
epi- prefixo [ep- before -h- or vowel, used chiefly to form technical terms] epi-, ep- (= on, upon)
Hence: epigee etc.; epitaphio etc.; epizoon etc.; ephelide etc.; ephemere etc.
epic adj epic, epical;
(un) poema epic (an) epic
epicen adj [Gram.] epicene
epicuree (-ée) adj Epicurean; also: epicurean
epicureismo (-ízmo) n 1. [Philos.] Epicureanism; 2. epicurism
epicureo (-éo) n 1. Epicurean; 2. epicure, epicurean
epicurismo n 1. [Philos.] Epicureanism; 2. epicurism
Epicuro npr [Gr. Philos.] Epicurus
Hence: epicurismo; epicuree-epicureismo, epicureo
epidemia (-ía) n epidemic
Hence: epidemic
epidemic adj epidemic, epidemical
epidermis (-dér-) n [Anat., Bot.] epidermis
epigee (-gé-) adj [Bot.] epigeous (= growing upon the ground)
epiglottis (-gló-) n [Anat.] epiglottis
epigono (-pí-) n epigone (= one of a succeeding and less distinguished generation);
Epigonos [Gr. Myth.] Epigoni
epigramma [-ma/-mat-] n epigram
Hence: epigrammatic
epigrammat- see epigramma
epigrammatic adj epigrammatic
epilepsia (-ía) n epilepsy
epileptic adj epileptic (= having to do with epilepsy)
Hence: epileptico
epileptico n epileptic
epilogar v to epilogize
epilogo (-pí-) n epilogue
Hence: epilogar
-epipedo (-í-) n [occurring in compounds] -epiped (= plane surface)
epiphyto (-íphyto) n [Bot.] epiphyte
episcopal¹ adj episcopal;
ecclesia episcopal Episcopal Church
episcopal² n [Theol.] Episcopalian
episcopato n episcopate (1. office, territory, tenure, etc. of a bishop; 2. body of bishops)
episcopo (-pís-) n bishop
Hence: episcopato; episcopal; archiepiscopo etc.
episodic adj episodic, episodical
episodio n episode
Hence: episodic
epispastic adj [Med.] epispastic
epistola (-pís-) n 1. letter, epistle; 2. [Eccl.] Epistle
Hence: epistolari; epistolero; epistolographo etc.
epistolari adj epistolary
epistolero n letter writer
epistolographia (-ía) n epistolography
epistolographic adj epistolographic
epistolographo (-ló-) n epistolographer
Hence: epistolographia; epistolographic
epitaphio n epitaph
epithetic adj epithetic
epitheto (-íteto) n [Gram.] epithet
Hence: epithetic
epizoon (-zó-) (pl epizoa) n [Zool.] epizoon
epocha (é-) n epoch;
epocha glacial Ice Age;
facer epocha to be epoch-making
Hence: epochal
epochal adj epochal
epodo n epode
eponyme (-ó-) adj eponymous
Hence: eponymia; eponymo
eponymia (-ía) n eponymy
eponymo (-ó-) n eponym, eponymus
epopeia (-péya) n epic, epic poem
epos (é-) n epic, epic poem
Hence: epic; epopeia etc.
-epte see apte
equabile adj equable
equal adj 1. equal; 2. equable, even
Hence: equalitate; equalar-equalator; equalisar; inequal-inequalitate
equalar v 1. to equalize; 2. to equal (= to be equal to);
equalar se a un persona to consider oneself equal to someone
equalator n equalizer, equaller
equalisar v to equalize
equalitate n 1. equality; 2. equability, evenness
equalmente adv 1. equally; 2. likewise, also
equanime (equá-) adj even-tempered
Hence: equanimitate
equanimitate n equanimity
equar v to equate
Hence: equabile-inequabile; equation; equator &; adequar &
equation n equation (1. [Math.]; 2. [Astron.])
equator¹ n equator
Hence: equatorial
Equator² npr Ecuador
equatorial adj equatorial
eque adj equitable; fair, right
Hence: equitate; equal &; equar &; inique &; equilatere etc.; equivoc etc.; equidistante etc.; equinoctio etc.; equivaler etc.
-equer see sequer
equestre adj equestrian;
statua equestre equestrian statue
equidifferente adj equidifferent
equidistante adj equidistant
Hence: equidistantia
equidistantia n equidistance
equilateral adj equilateral, of equal sides
equilatere adj equilateral, of equal sides
Hence: equilateral
equilibrar v to balance (= to equilibrate);
(ben) equilibrate (well-)balanced
equilibre adj balanced, in equilibrium
Hence: equilibrio; equilibrar-equilibrista-equilibristic, disequilibrar-disequilibrate
equilibrio n equilibrium, balance;
equilibrio europee balance of power in Europe;
perder le equilibrio to lose one’s balance;
mantener le equilibrio to keep one’s balance
equilibrista n equilibrist
equilibristic adj equilibristic
equin adj equine;
pede equin clubfoot
equinoctial adj equinoctial (= pertaining to either equinox);
linea equinoctial equinoctial line, celestial equator
equinoctio n equinox;
precession del equinoctios precession of the equinoxes
Hence: equinoctial
equipa n [Sports] team
equipage (-aje) n 1. [Mil.] (field) equipment; 2. equipage, carriage (with or without horses); 3. [Naut.] crew
equipamento n equipment (1. action of equipping; 2. outfit)
equipar v to equip
Hence: equipa; equipage; equipamento
equiponderante adj of equal weight, equiponderant
equiponderantia n equality of weight, equiponderance
equiponderar v to equiponderate, counterbalance
Hence: equiponderante-equiponderantia
equitar v to ride on horseback
Hence: equitation
equitate n equity, fairness
equitation n equitation;
schola de equitation riding school
equite (é-) n [Rom. Hist.] eques;
equites [Rom. Hist.] equites
Hence: equitar &
equivalente¹ 1. ppr of equivaler; 2. adj equivalent
equivalente² n equivalent
equivalentia n equivalence
equivaler v to be equivalent (to), to be equal in value (to)
Hence: equivalente-equivalentia
equivoc adj equivocal (1. ambiguous; 2. questionable, suspicious)
Hence: equivocar-equivocation; equivoco
equivocar v to equivocate
equivocation n equivocation
equivoco (-í-) n ambiguity (= equivocal expression)
equo n horse (equus caballus)
Hence: equite &; equestre; equin
era¹ n era;
(le) era christian (the) Christian Era
[era]² past of esser was, were
(= esseva)
eradicar v to eradicate
Hence: eradication; eradicative; eradicator
eradication n eradication
eradicative adj eradicative
eradicator n eradicator
-ercer v [occurring in compounds]
Hence: coercer &; exercer &
erect- see eriger
erecte adj erect
erectile adj erectile
erectilitate n erectility
erection n 1. erection (of a building, statue, etc.; 2. establishment, foundation (of an office, etc.))
erector n erector (1. as in “erector of a cathedral, a kingdom, etc.”; 2. [Anat.])
eremita n hermit
Hence: eremitage; eremiteria; eremitic
eremitage (-aje) n hermitage (= secluded place, abode, etc.)
eremiteria (-ía) n hermitage (= hermit’s abode)
eremitic adj hermit’s (as in “a hermit’s life”)
erg n [Phys.] erg
[erga] prep 1. towards; 2. against; 3. in respect to
ergo adv consequently, accordingly, therefore, then
-eria (-ería) suffixo substantive [used with nouns] 1. -ery, -shop, -store (= place where ... is made, worked, kept, or sold); 2. -ery, -eering, -smithing, -work (= art, craft, trade, or practice of working with ...; also: the product of such work); 3. -ery, -age, -ism (= behavior of a ... or like that of a ...)
Hence: joieleria etc.; lacteria etc.; pastisseria etc.; drapperia etc.; diaboleria etc.; galanteria etc.
erica n Erica; heather, heath
Hence: ericaceas
ericaceas npl Ericaceae
ericiar v to bristle (= to set on end);
ericiar se to bristle (= to stand on end);
ericiate de bristling with
ericio n hedgehog
Hence: ericiar
eriger [-rig-/-rect-] v 1. to erect (= to build, set up); 2. to establish, set up;
eriger se in to pose as, set up for
Hence: erectile-erectilitate; erection; erector; erecte
-ero suffixo substantive [used with nouns] -er, -eer, -man (= one who works with or deals in ... or ...s)
Hence: -eria; branchero etc.; barbero etc.; ferrero etc; joielero etc.; speciero etc.
eroder [-rod-/-ros-] v to erode
Hence: erosion; erosive
erogar v to lay out, spend
Hence: supererogar &
Eros (é-) npr Eros
Hence: erotismo; erotic-eroticismo; erotomania etc.
eros- see eroder
erosion n erosion
erosive adj erosive
erot- see Eros
erotic adj erotic
eroticismo n eroticism
erotismo n [Psychiatry] erotism
erotomania (-ía) n [Pathol.] erotomania
errante adj errant (= traveling in quest of adventure);
cavallero errante knight errant
errar¹ v 1. to wander, roam; 2. to err
Hence: erronee; error; erratic; aberrar &; circumerrar
errar² v [occurring in derivatives]
Hence: errante
erratic adj erratic;
rocca erratic erratic block or boulder
erratum (pl errata) [NL] n erratum
erronee adj erroneous
error n error;
error de (grammatica, etc.) mistake in (grammar, etc.);
error typographic typographical error, misprint;
committer un error to make a mistake;
esser in error to be mistaken, at fault;
salvo error o omission errors and omissions excepted
erubescente 1. ppr of erubescer; 2. adj erubescent
erubescentia n erubescence
erubescer v to redden, grow red
Hence: erubescente-erubescentia
eruca n [Entom.] caterpillar; also: caterpillar chain, caterpillar tread;
tractor a erucas caterpillar tractor
eructar v to belch; also: to vomit forth
Hence: eructation
eructation n belching, eructation
erudir v to teach, instruct
Hence: erudition; erudite-erudito
erudite adj erudite
erudition n erudition
erudito n scholar, learned person
erumper [-rump-/-rupt-] v 1. to burst, sunder; 2. to break out, burst forth, erupt
Hence: eruption; eruptive-eruptivitate
erupt- see erumper
eruption n eruption
eruptive adj eruptive
eruptivitate n eruptivity
erysipela (-sí-) n [Pathol.] erysipelas
es pr of esser is, am, are
Esau (-áu) nprm Esau
-esc suffixo adjective [used with nouns] -esque (1. like, similar to, or characteristic of a ...; 2. [used with names of persons, nations, and peoples] in the manner or style of ... or the ...s)
Hence: gigantesc etc.; picaresc etc.; dantesc etc.; raphaelesc etc.; arabesc etc.
esca n 1. bait; lure; 2. tinder
Hence: escar
escaldar v to scald (= to burn accidentally or treat with boiling water, steam, etc.)
Hence: escaldatura
escaldatura n scald (1. scalding; 2. burn)
escamotar v [Conjuring] to whisk away, make disappear
escampar v to bolt, scamper (away)
escappada n escapade (= prankish adventure)
escappamento n 1. escape (= act of escaping); 2. [Clockmaking] escapement; 3. exhaust (of an engine)
escappar v to escape (= to get away, out, etc., as by flight, through a leak, etc.)
Hence: escappada; escappamento; escappatoria; escappata
escappata n escape (= act of escaping)
escappatoria n way out (of a difficulty)
escar v to bait (1. to furnish with bait; 2. to lure, entice)
eschat- adj [occurring in compounds] eschato- (= last)
Hence: eschatologo
eschatologia (-ía) n eschatology
eschatologic adj eschatological
eschatologo (-tó-) n eschatologist
Hence: eschatologia; eschatologic
eschimo (és-) n Eskimo
Eschylo (és-) npr Aeschylus
esclusa n 1. sluice, floodgate; 2. lock (of a canal, river, etc.)
escolamento n drainage (= process of draining, gradual flowing off)
escolar v to drain (= to cause to flow off slowly)
Hence: escolamento
escorta n escort (1. [Army, Navy]; 2. person or persons accompanying another for protection or as a matter of politeness)
Hence: escortar
escortar v to escort
escudo [P] n [Monet.] escudo
Esculapio npr [Gr. Mythol.] Aesculapius;
esculapio Aesculapian, physician
-ese suffixo substantive e adjective [used with names of places] -ese (I. [forming adjectives] 1. pertaining to ...; 2. native to, citizen of, or inhabiting ...; II. [forming nouns] 1. native, citizen, or inhabitant of ...; 2. language of ...)
Hence: anglese etc.; francese etc.; groenlandese etc.
esmeraldin adj emerald, emerald-green
esmeraldo n emerald;
le Insula de Esmeraldo the Emerald Isle
Hence: esmeraldin
eso- adv [occurring in compounds] eso- (= within, inside)
Hence: esophago etc.
esophagee (-ée) adj esophageal, oesophageal
esophago (-só-) n [Anat.] esophagus, oesophagus
Hence: esophagee
esopic adj Aesopian, Aesopic
Esopo npr [Gr. Lit.] Aesop
Hence: esopic
esoter- adj [occurring in derivatives] esoter- (= inner)
Hence: esoterismo; esoteric
esoteric adj esoteric
esoterismo n esoterism, esotericism
Espania npr Spain
Hence: espaniol-judeoespaniol etc.
espaniol¹ adj Spanish
espaniol² n 1. Spaniard; 2. Spanish (language); 3. spaniel
espaventaaves n scarecrow
espaventabile adj frightful (= dreadful, horrible, etc.)
espaventar v to frighten (= to fill with fright);
espaventar se to become frightened
Hence: espavento; espaventabile; espaventaaves etc.
espavento n fright
esperantismo n Esperantism
esperantista n [Interling.] Esperantist
esperanto [Esp.] n [Interling.] Esperanto
Hence: esperantismo; esperantista
esplanada n esplanade
esquadra n 1. square (as in “T square”); 2. squad; 3. [Navy] squadron
esquadrar v to square (= to form with right angles and straight lines)
Hence: esquadra-esquadron
esquadron n [Mil.] squadron
[esque] (éske) interr part -;
esque ille habe le libro? has he the book?
-essa¹ suffixo substantive [used with nouns] -ess (= female ..., wife of a ...)
Hence: abbatessa etc.; contessa etc.; duchessa etc.; tigressa etc.
-essa² suffixo substantive [used with adjectives] -ess, -ness (= state or quality of being ...)
Hence: delicatessa etc.; politessa etc.; prodessa etc.; ricchessa etc.
essamage (-aje) n 1. swarming; 2. swarming time
essamar v to swarm
essamatura n swarming
essame n swarm
Hence: essamar-essamage, essamatura
essayabile adj assayable
essayage (-aje) n trying on, fitting (of clothes)
essayar v I. to try (1. to test, essay; also: to try on garment, etc.; 2. to attempt, essay); II. to assay (“to assay an ore, a metal etc.”)
essayator n 1. assayer; 2. [Tail. etc.] fitter
essayista n essayist
essayo (-sá-) n 1. trial, test; 2. assay (= assayal); 3. attempt, essay; 4. essay (“literary essay”)
Hence: essayista; essayar-essayage, essayabile, essayator
[esse] dem adj this, that, these, those
Hence: esso
essentia n essence (1. absolute being; 2. intrinsic nature; 3. extract obtained by distillation)
Hence: essential-essentialitate; quintessentia etc.
essential¹ adj essential;
oleos essential essential oils
essential² n essential
essentialitate n essentiality
esser¹ v to be (1. to exist; 2. [grammatical functions]: a) copula; b) auxiliary forming the passive voice)
Hence: essentia &; absente &; presente &; ente &: [esque] etc.; esser²-ben-esser etc.; see verbal forms es, [so], [son], [somos], [sia], [era], [ser] &
esser² n being (1. existence; 2. person, organized entity, etc.);
le Esser Supreme the Supreme Being, God
[esso] dem pron this, that;
pro esso for this reason, for that reason, therefore
essugar v to dry, wipe, mop up, etc.
est n east;
(ir) al est (to go) east;
(vento) del est east (wind), easterly or eastern (wind)
Hence: Estfalia etc.; nord-est etc.
est- see estate
establimento n establishment (1. act of establishing, founding, or setting up; 2. institution, organization, business, etc.)
establir v to establish (1. to make firm or stable; 2. to found, set up; 3. as in “to establish someone in business”);
establir se to establish oneself, settle
Hence: establimento; establitor; preestablir; restablir-restablimento
establitor n establisher
estate n summer
Hence: estive-estivar-estivante
[este] adj this
(= iste)
Hence: esto
Estfalia npr Eastphalia
esthe- [occurring in derivatives]
Hence: esthesia &; esthetic-anesthetic-anesthetico, cinesthetic etc.; esthetica; estheta
esthesia (-ía) n esthesia
Hence: anesthesia-anesthesiar; esthesiologia etc.; cinesthesia etc.; pseudesthesia etc.
esthesiologia (-ía) n esthesiology
esthesiometro (-ó-) n esthesiometer
esthesioneurosis (-ósis) n esthesioneurosis
estheta n aesthete, esthete
esthetic adj aesthetic, esthetic
esthetica n aesthetics, esthetics
estima n 1. esteem; 2. [Naut.] reckoning
estimabile adj estimable
estimar v 1. to estimate (= to calculate approximately); 2. to esteem, hold in esteem
Hence: estima; estimabile-inestimabile; estimation; disestimar-disestima
estimation n estimation (1. act of estimating; 2. esteem)
estivante n summer resident
estivar v to summer
estive adj summer, estival
[esto] pron this (= this thing, reason, or idea)
(= isto)
Estonia npr Estonia
Hence: estonian-estoniano
estonian adj Estonian
estoniano n Estonian
estrade [F] n dais, platform, estrade
estraniamento n estrangement, alienation
estraniar v to estrange, alienate
estranie adj 1. foreign (as in “foreign countries”); also: alien; 2. strange (= queer, unfamiliar);
corpore estranie [Med.] foreign body;
estranie a foreign to
Hence: estraniero; estranitate; estraniar-estraniamento
estraniero n 1. foreigner, stranger; also: alien; 2. foreign parts, foreign lands;
al estraniero abroad
estranitate n strangeness
estuario n estuary
estufa n 1. sweating room; 2. hothouse; 3. stove (“stove for heating a room”)
Hence: estufar
estufar v to (let) simmer; to stew
esturdimento n daze
esturdir v to stun, daze
Hence: esturdimento; esturdite
esturdite 1. pp of esturdir; 2. adj harebrained
[et] conj 1. and; 2. also;
et ... et ... both ... and ...
(= e)
Hence: etsi etc.
-et- see etate; -itate
etage [F] n floor, story
etate n age (1. lapse of time; 2. period in life);
que etate habe vos? how old are you?;
etate de auro golden age
Hence: coetanee
-etate see -itate
et cetera, etc. (-cé-) and so on, and so forth, etc.
eternal adj eternal
eterne adj eternal
Hence: eternitate; eternal; eternisar; coeterne-coeternitate; sempiterne etc.
eternisar v to eternize (1. to make eternal; also: to immortalize; 2. to prolong indefinitely)
eternitate n eternity
eth- see ethere
ethano n [Chem.] ethane
ethere n ether (1. upper air, clear sky; 2. [Phys.]; 3. [Chem.])
Hence: etheree; etherificar-etherification; etherisar-etherisation; ethano; ethylo &
etheree adj ethereal
etherificar v to etherify
etherification n etherification
etherisar v to etherize (1. to mix or compound with ether; 2. to anesthetize with ether)
etherisation n etherization
ethic adj ethical (= treating of moral questions or of moral science)
ethica n ethics (= the science of morals)
ethico n ethicist, moralist
ethiope (-tí-) adj/n Ethiopian
Hence: Ethiopia-ethiopic
Ethiopia npr Ethiopia
ethiopic adj Ethiopic
ethn- n [occurring in derivatives and compounds]
Hence: ethnic; ethnographo etc.; ethnopsychologia etc.
ethnic adj ethnic (1. [Ch. Hist.] pagan; 2. ethnological)
ethnogenia (-ía) n ethnogeny
ethnographia (-ía) n ethnography
ethnographic adj ethnographic
ethnographo (-nó-) n ethnographer
Hence: ethnographia; ethnographic
ethnologia (-ía) n ethnology
ethnologic adj ethnological
ethnologista n ethnologist
ethnologo (-nó-) n ethnologist
Hence: ethnologia-ethnologista; ethnologic
ethnopsychologia (-ía) n ethnopsychology
ethologia (-ía) n [Sociol.] ethology
ethopeia (-péya) n [Rhet.] ethopoeia
ethos (é-) n [Philos., Rhet., etc.] ethos
Hence: ethic; ethico; ethica; ethologia etc.; ethopeia etc.; cacoethe etc.
ethylamino n [Chem.] ethylamine
ethyleno n [Chem.] ethylene
ethylic adj [Chem.] ethylic;
alcohol ethylic ethyl alcohol
ethylo n [Chem.] ethyl
Hence: ethyleno; ethylic; ethylamino etc.
etiam (é-) also, likewise, too; even, even yet; yet;
non solmente ... sed etiam ... not only ... but also ...
etiquetta (-ké-) n 1. label, tag, ticket; 2. etiquette
Hence: etiquettar
etiquettar (-ke-) v to label (= to put a label on)
Etna npr Etna, Aetna
-eto suffixo substantive [used with names of trees] -etum, grove (= grove of ... trees)
Hence: pineto etc.
Etruria npr Etruria
etrusc adj Etruscan
Hence: etrusco
etrusco n Etruscan (1. native of Etruria; 2. Etruscan language)
[etsi] conj 1. even if; 2. and yet; 3. though, although
-etta suffixo substantive [used mostly with nouns in -a] -ette (= little, small, minor)
Hence: hachetta etc.; cigarretta etc.; operetta etc.; furchetta etc.
-ette suffixo adjective -ish (= somewhat ..., pretty ...)
Hence: -etto; -etta; bellette etc.
-etto suffixo substantive [used with nouns] -et, -ette (= small, little, minor)
Hence: clarinetto etc.; panetto etc.; capretto etc
etui [F] n case (for eyeglasses, cigars, etc.), etui
etymo (é-) n etymon
Hence: etymologo etc.
etymologia (-ía) n etymology (1. origin or derivation of a word; 2. branch of philology concerned with etymologies)
etymologic adj etymologic, etymological
etymologisar v to etymologize
etymologista n etymologist
etymologo (-mó-) n etymologist
Hence: etymologia-etymologista, etymologic, etymologisar
eu- adj/adv [occurring in compounds] eu- (1. good, fine; 2. well; also: easy, easily, etc.)
Hence: eurhythmia etc.; euphone etc.; eupheme etc.; eudemon- etc.
eucharistia (-ía) n [Eccl.] Eucharist
Hence: eucharistic
eucharistic adj Eucharistic
Euclide npr Euclid [circa 300 B.C., Greek geometrician]
Hence: euclidian-non-euclidian
euclidian adj Euclidean
eudemon- adj [occurring in derivatives]
Hence: eudemonia; eudemonismo
eudemonia (-ía) n eudaemonia
eudemonismo n eudaemonism
eugenic adj eugenic
Hence: eugenica
eugenica n eugenics
eunucho n eunuch
eupheme- adj [occurring in derivatives] euphemious, euphemous
Hence: euphemia; euphemismo; euphemistic; euphemic
euphemia (-ía) n euphemism
euphemic adj euphemistic
euphemismo n [Rhet.] euphemism
euphemistic adj euphemistic
euphone adj euphonious, euphonic
Hence: euphonia-euphonic
euphonia (-ía) n euphony
euphonic adj euphonic, euphonious
Euphrate npr Euphrates
Eur- see Europa
Eurasia npr Eurasia
Hence: eurasiatic
eurasiatic adj Eurasiatic, Eurasian
eureka! [Gr] eureka!
eurhythmia (-ía) n eurhythmy
Hence: eurhythmic
eurhythmic adj eurhythmic
Europa npr 1. [Mythol.] Europa; 2. Europe
Hence: europium; europee-europeisar, indoeuropeo; Eurasia etc.
europee (-pée) adj European
europeisar v to Europeanize
europeo (-péo) n European
europium (-ró-) n [Chem.] europium
Eva nprf Eve
evacuante 1. ppr of evacuar; 2. adj/n [Med.] evacuant
evacuar v to evacuate; also: [Med.]
Hence: evacuante; evacuation; evacuative
evacuation n evacuation; also: [Med.]
evacuative adj [Med.] evacuant, evacuative
evader [-vad-/-vas-] v 1. to get away, escape; 2. to evade (= to practice evasion)
Hence: evasion; evasive
evaginar v to evaginate
Hence: evagination
evagination n evagination
evalutar v to evaluate; also: to estimate, assess, etc.
Hence: evalutation
evalutation n evaluation
evanescente 1. ppr of evanescer; 2. adj vanishing, evanescent
evanescentia n evanescence
evanescer v to vanish
Hence: evanescimento; evanescente-evanescentia
evanescimento n vanishment
evangelic adj evangelic, evangelical (1. of the Gospels; 2. as in “evangelical denomination”)
Evangelina nprf Evangeline
evangelio n gospel
evangelisar v to evangelize
evangelisation n evangelization
evangelisator n evangelizer
evangelismo n evangelism
evangelista n Evangelist; also: evangelist
evangelo (-áng-) n evangelist, evangel
Hence: Evangelina; evangelio; evangelic; evangelisar-evangelismo, evangelista, evangelisation, evangelisator
evaporabile adj evaporable, vaporizable
evaporar v to evaporate (1. to vaporize; 2. to be vaporized)
Hence: evaporabile; evaporation; evaporative; evaporatori
evaporation n evaporation
evaporative adj evaporative
evaporatori adj evaporating (as in “evaporating process, apparatus, etc.”)
evas- see evader
evasion n 1. escape, getaway; 2. evasion
evasive adj evasive
evect- see eveher
evection n [Astron.] evection
eveher [-veh-/-vect-] v [occurring in derivatives]
Hence: evection
evelia n awakening
eveliar v to wake up (= to arouse from sleep);
eveliar se to wake up (= to come out of sleep)
Hence: evelia; eveliator
eveliator n awakener
eveller [-vell-/-vuls-] v to evulse, tear out, pull out
Hence: evulsion
evenir [-ven-/-vent-] v to happen, come to pass
Hence: evento-eventual-eventualitate
event- see evenir
evento n event (= occurrence of some importance)
eventrar v to disembowel
Hence: eventration
eventration n 1. (act of) disemboweling; 2. [Pathol.] ventral hernia
eventual adj contingent, possible
eventualitate n 1. possibility, contingency; 2. eventuality
evers- see everter
eversion n 1. eversion (= act of everting); 2. destruction, ruin
everter [-vert-/-vers-] v to evert, turn inside out
Hence: eversion
evict- see evincer
eviction n [Law] eviction (1. recovery by legal process; 2. dispossession)
evidente adj evident
Hence: evidentia
evidentia n evidence (= quality or condition of being evident);
poner in evidentia to make evident
evincer [-vinc-/-vict-] v [Law] to evict (1. recover by legal process; 2. to dispossess)
Hence: eviction
evitabile adj evitable
evitar v to avoid, shun
Hence: evitabile-inevitabile; evitation
evitation n (act of) avoiding, shunning
evo n age (= long period of time)
Hence: medievo etc.; longeve etc.
evocabile adj evocable
evocar v to evoke, call forth;
evocar a un tribunal superior to remove to a higher tribunal
Hence: evocabile; evocation; evocatori
evocation n evocation
evocatori adj evocatory
evolut- see evolver
evolution n evolution (1. development; 2. [Biol.]; 3. [Mil., Naut.])
evolutionismo n evolutionism
evolutionista n evolutionist
evolutive adj evolutive
evolver [-volv-/-volut-] v I. to evolve, develop (1. to undergo an evolution or development; 2. to cause to evolve or develop); II. [Mil., Naut.] to evolute;
evolver un film (photographic) to develop a film
Hence: evolution-evolutionismo, evolutionista; evolutive
evuls- see eveller
evulsion n evulsion
ex prep out of, from
ex- prefixo [used with nouns] ex- (= former)
Hence: ex-presidente etc.; ex-marito etc.; ex-communista etc.
exacerbar v to exacerbate (= to increase the smart or bitterness of)
Hence: exacerbation
exacerbation n exacerbation (= state of being exacerbated)
exact- see exiger
exacte adj exact, accurate; also: punctual;
scientias exacte exact sciences
Hence: exactitude; inexacte-inexactitude
exaction n exaction (= action of exacting)
exactitude n 1. exactitude, accuracy; 2. punctuality
exactor n tax-collector; exactor; extorter
exaggerar v to exaggerate
Hence: exaggeration; exaggerative; exaggerator
exaggeration n exaggeration
exaggerative adj exaggerative
exaggerator n exaggerator
exaltar v to exalt (1. to raise in rank, honor, power, etc.; 2. to extol);
exaltar se to grow excited, grow enthusiastic
Hence: exaltation; exaltate
exaltate adj overexcited
exaltation n exaltation (1. act of raising to a superior rank or position; 2. act of praising, extoling; 3. overexcitement, rapture, etc.
examinabile adj examinable
examinante n examiner
examinar v to examine
examinator n examiner
examine n examination (1. investigation; 2. test);
examine de conscientia self-examination;
libere examine free inquiry
Hence: examinar-examinante, examinabile, examinator
exarch- v [occurring in derivatives] exarch-
Hence: exarcho-exarchato
exarchato n exarchate
exarcho n exarch (1. [Rom. Hist.]; 2. [Gr. Orth. Ch.])
exasperar v 1. to aggravate, make worse (a disease, pain, etc.); 2. to exasperate
Hence: exasperation
exasperation n 1. aggravation (of disease, pain, etc.); 2. exasperation
excambiabile adj exchangeable
excambiar v to exchange
Hence: excambio; excambiabile; excambiator
excambiator n exchanger;
excambiator thermic [Atomic Phys.] heat exchanger
excambio n exchange (= action of exchanging);
libere excambio free trade
ex cathedra [L] ex cathedra
excavar v to excavate (= to hollow out, dig)
excavation n excavation (= action or result of hollowing out)
excavator n excavator (1. one who excavates; 2. machine for digging out earth)
exceder [-ced-/-cess-] v to exceed
Hence: excessive; excesso
excellente 1. ppr of exceller; 2. adj excellent
excellentia n excellence, excellency;
per excellentia par excellence;
Vostre Excellentia Your Excellency
exceller [-cell-/-cels-] v to excel;
exceller in to excel in
Hence: excellente-excellentia; excelse
excels- see excell-
excelse adj elevated, sublime, lofty
except- see excip-
exceptar v to except (= to leave out, take out)
excepte prep except, excepting
exception n exception;
exception (peremptori, dilatori, etc.) [Law] (peremptory, dilatory, etc.) exception
exceptional adj exceptional
excern- [-cern-/-cret-] v [occurring in derivatives]
Hence: excretion; excretori; excretar
excess- see exceder
excessive adj excessive
excesso n excess (1. fact of exceeding in amount or degree; 2. amount by which one thing exceeds another; 3. as in “to commit excesses”)
excider [-cid-/-cis-] v to cut out or off, excide
Hence: excision; excisar
excip- [-cip-/-cept-] v [occurring in derivatives]
Hence: excipiente; exception-exceptional; excepte; exceptar
excipiente n [Pharm.] excipient
excis- see excider
excisar v [Surg.] to excise
excision n [Surg.] excision
excitabile adj excitable
excitabilitate n excitability
excitamento n excitation (= action of exciting)
excitante n excitant, stimulant
excitar v to excite
Hence: excitamento; excitante; excitabile-excitabilitate, inexcitabile; excitation; excitative; excitator; superexcitar-superexcitation
excitation n I. excitation (1. action of exciting; 2. [Elec.]); II. excitement (= state of being excited)
excitative adj exciting, stimulating
excitator n 1. exciter; 2. [Elec.] discharger
exclamar v to exclaim
Hence: exclamation; exclamative
exclamation n exclamation
exclamative adj exclamatory
exclaramento n (act of) lighting up
exclarar v to light up
Hence: exclaramento
excluder [-clud-/-clus-] v to exclude
Hence: exclusion; exclusive-exclusivismo, exclusivista, exclusivitate
exclus- see excluder
exclusion n exclusion;
al exclusion de to the exclusion of
exclusive adj exclusive (1. as in “exclusive right, exclusive terms”; 2. as in “an exclusive club”)
exclusivismo n exclusiveness, exclusivism
exclusivista n exclusivist
exclusivitate n exclusiveness (of rights, terms, etc.)
excogitar v to think out, excogitate
Hence: excogitation
excogitation n devising, contrivance, excogitation
excommunicar v to excommunicate
Hence: excommunication
excommunication n excommunication;
excommunication major, minor greater, lesser excommunication, major, minor excommunication
ex-communista n ex-communist, former communist
excoriar v to bark, graze, excoriate
Hence: excoriation
excoriation n excoriation (= abrasion of the skin)
excremental adj excremental
excrementicie adj excrementitious
excremento n excrement
Hence: excremental; excrementicie; excrementose
excrementose adj excremental
excrescentia n excrescence (= abnormal or disfiguring outgrowth)
excrescer v to grow out or forth
Hence: excrescentia
excret- see excern-
excretar v to excrete
excretion n excretion
excretori adj excretory
excurr- [-curr-/-curs-] v [occurring in derivatives]
Hence: excursion-excursionista
excurs- see excurr-
excursion n I. excursion (1. pleasure trip; 2. digression); II. [Mil.] sally, raid
excursionista n excursionist
excusa n excuse;
facer excusas to make excuses;
facer (su) excusas to make apologies, apologize
excusabile adj excusable
excusar v to excuse (= to clear of blame);
excusar se to excuse oneself, apologize
Hence: excusa; excusabile-inexcusabile; excusation; excusatori
excusation n excuse, excusing
excusatori adj apologetic (= making excuse or apology)
execrabile adj execrable
execrar v to execrate (1. to imprecate evil upon; 2. to abhor, detest)
Hence: execrabile; execration; execrator; execratori
execration n execration (1. imprecation, malediction; 2. abhorrence, detestation)
execrator n execrator
execratori adj execratory
execut- see exequer
executabile adj executable, practicable
executar v to execute (1. to carry out; 2. to put to death according to law)
execution n execution (1. act of carrying out; 2. act of putting to death according to law)
executive adj executive
executor n executor (= one who carries out);
executor testamentari executor (= person appointed to execute a will)
executori adj executory (as in “executory decree, law, etc.”);
judicio executori enforceable judgment
exegese n exegesis
exegeta n exegetist
exegetic adj exegetic
Hence: exegetica
exegetica n exegetics
exemplar¹ adj exemplary (1. being a good model or pattern; 2. serving as a warning to others)
exemplar² n 1. model, exemplar; 2. copy (specimen of a book, etc.)
exemplificar v to exemplify (= to show by example)
exemplification n exemplification (= act of showing by example)
exempli gratia, e. g. [L] exempli gratia, e.g., for example
exemplo n example (1. sample, specimen; 2. model, pattern; 3. instance serving to illustrate a rule or precept);
facer un exemplo de un persona to make an example of someone;
per exemplo for example, for instance;
sin exemplo unparalleled, without example;
dar un exemplo to set an example
Hence: exemplar; exemplificar-exemplification
exempt- see eximer
exemptar v to exempt
exempte adj exempt
exemption n exemption
exequer [-equ-/-ecut-] v to execute, carry out
Hence: exequias; execution-electrocution etc.: excecutive; executor; executori: executar-executabile-inexecutabile, electrocutar etc.
exequias npl funeral rites, exequies
exercer v to practice, carry on
Hence: exercitio; exercitar &
exercitar v to train, exercise, drill
Hence: exercitation
exercitation n 1. training, exercise, drill; 2. practice (as in “the practice of a profession”)
exercitio n I. exercise (1. as in “the exercise of virtues”; 2. as in “an exercise in grammar”); II. practice (as in “the practice of a profession”); III. [Mil.] drill
exfoliation n 1. fall of leaves; 2. exfoliation (= process of coming off in layers or scales, peeling off)
exhalar v to exhale (as in “to exhale odor”)
Hence: exhalation
exhalation n exhalation (1. exhaling, giving off as vapor, etc.; 2. that which is exhaled)
exhauribile adj exhaustible
exhaurir [-haur-/haust-] v to exhaust (1. to drain, use up, consume, etc.; 2. as in “to exhaust a subject”);
exhaurir se to exhaust oneself
Hence: exhauribile-inexhauribile; exhaustibile-inexhaustibile; exhaustion; exhauste-inexhauste
exhaust- see exhaurir
exhauste adj exhausted (= consumed, used up)
exhaustibile adj exhaustible
exhaustion n exhaustion (= action of draining, using up, consuming, etc.)
exheredar v to disinherit
Hence: exheredation
exheredation n disinheritance
exhibir v to exhibit
Hence: exhibition-exhibitionista, exhibitionismo; exhibitor; exbibitori
exhibition n exhibition; also: exhibit
exhibitionismo n exhibitionism (= tendency towards self-advertisement)
exhibitionista n exhibitionist (= ostentatious person)
exhibitor n exhibitor
exhibitori adj exhibitory
exhilarante 1. ppr of exhilarar; 2. adj exhilarant, exhilarating
exhilarar v to exhilarate
Hence: exhilarante; exhilaration
exhilaration n exhilaration
exhortar v to exhort
Hence: exhortation; exhortative; exhortator; exhortatori
exhortation n exhortation
exhortative adj exhortative
exhortator n exhorter
exhortatori adj exhortatory
exhumar v to exhume
Hence: exhumation
exhumation n exhumation
exigente adj exigent, exacting
exigentia n 1. demand; 2. exigency, requirement
exiger [-ig-/-act-] v to exact
Hence: exigente-exigentia; exigue &; exigibile-inexigibile; exaction; exactor; exacte &
exigibile adj claimable, exigible
exigue adj exiguous; scanty, scant
Hence: exiguitate
exiguitate n exiguity, scantiness
exiliar v to exile
exiliato n exile (= exiled person)
exilio n exile (= banishment)
Hence: exiliar-exiliato
eximer [-im-/-empt-] v to exempt
Hence: exemption; exempte-exemptar
exir v to go or come out
Hence: exito
existente adj existent, existing
existentia n existence
existential adj existential
existentialismo n existentialism
existentialista n existentialist
exister v to exist
Hence: existente-existentia-existential-existentialismo, existentialista, inexistente-inexistentia; preexister-preexistente-preexistentia
exito (éx-) n exit, way out
ex-libris n bookplate, ex libris
ex-marito n ex-husband, former husband
ex-ministro n [Pol.] ex-minister, former minister
exo- adv [occurring in derivatives and compounds] exo-, ex- (= without, outside)
Hence: exotic-esoticismo; exoskeleto etc.; exosmose etc.; exogame etc.
exodic adj exodic; also: [Physiol.] efferent
exodista n exodist (= one taking part in an exodus)
exodo (éx-) n exodus;
Exodo Exodus
Hence: exodista; exodic
exogame (-ógame) adj [Anthropol.] exogamous
Hence: exogamia
exogamia (-ía) n [Anthropol.] exogamy
exogene adj exogenous
exonerar v to exonerate (= to free from a burden, duty, obligation, etc.)
Hence: exoneration
exoneration n exoneration
exoperante n striker (= worker on strike)
exoperar v to strike, be on strike
Hence: exopero; exoperante
exopero (-ó-) n strike (as in “be on strike”)
exorabile adj easily moved, exorable
exorar v to move by entreaty
Hence: exorabile-inexorabile-inexorabilitate
exorbitante adj excessive; also: exorbitant
exorbitantia n excessiveness; also: exorbitance
exorbitar v to be excessive or exorbitant
Hence: exorbitante-exorbitantia
exorcisar v to exorcise
Hence: exorcismo; exorcista
exorcismo n exorcism
exorcista n exorcist
exordial adj exordial
exordio n exordium
exordir v to begin (a discourse)
Hence: exordio-exordial
exoskeleto (-ské-) n [Zool.] exoskeleton
exosm- see exosmose
exosmose n exosmosis
Hence: exosmotic
exosmotic adj exosmotic
exotic adj exotic
exoticismo n exoticism
expander [-pand-/-pans-] v to expand (= to cause to spread out, stretch out or unfold)
Hence: expansibile-expansibilitate; expansion; expansive
expans- see expander
expansibile adj expansible
expansibilitate n expansibility
expansion n 1. expansion; 2. expansiveness
expansive adj expansive (1. [Sci.]; 2. showing one’s feelings freely)
expatriar v to expatriate (= to make an exile of);
expatriar se to expatriate, emigrate
Hence: expatriation
expatriation n expatriation (1. banishment from one’s fatherland; 2. emigration)
expectante 1. ppr of expectar; 2. adj expectant
expectar v to expect (= to look for mentally)
Hence: expectante; expectation; espectative
expectation n expectation (1. state of expecting; 2. [Med.]
expectative adj expectative
expectorante¹ 1. ppr of expectorar; 2. adj [Med.] expectorant
expectorante² n [Med.] expectorant
expectorar v to expectorate
Hence: expectorante, expectoration
expectoration n expectoration
expedicular v to delouse
expediente¹ 1. ppr of expedir; 2. adj expedient, suitable, fit
expediente² n expedient
expedir v 1. to expedite; 2. to dispatch, despatch, send off
Hence: expediente; expedition; expeditive; expeditor; reexpedir-reexpedition
expedition n I. (action of) expediting; II. sending (of parcels, goods, etc.); III. expedition (1. promptness; 2. as in “an expedition to the North Pole”)
expeditive adj expeditious
expeditor n expeditor; also: sender, shipper
expeller [-pell-/-puls-] v to expel; also: to deport (as in “to deport an undesirable alien”)
Hence: expulsion; expulsive
expender [-pend-/-pens-] v to spend, expend (= to give out in payment)
Hence: expensa
expens- see expender
expensa n expense
experientia n experience (as in “teaching experience, etc.”)
Hence: inexperientia
experimental adj experimental;
scientia experimental experimental science
experimentar v to experiment
experimentate adj experienced
experimentation n experimentation
experimentator n experimenter
experimento n experiment
Hence: experimental; experimentar-experimentation, experimentator, experimentate-inexperimentate
experir [-per-/-pert-] v to try, put to the test
Hence: experimento &; experientia &; experte &
expert- see experir
experte adj expert
Hence: inexperte; experto
experto n expert
expiabile adj expiable
expiar v to expiate
Hence: expiabile-inexpiabile; expiation; expiator; expiatori; inexpiate
expiation n expiation
expiator n expiator
expiatori adj expiatory;
capro expiatori scapegoat
expirar v to expire (1. to breathe out; 2. to die)
Hence: expiration
expiration n expiration (1. breathing out; 2. termination, end)
explanar v 1. to level, smooth out; 2. to explain (= to expound, interpret)
Hence: explanation; explanator
explanation n 1. (action of) leveling, smoothing out; 2. explanation (= interpretation, expounding)
explanator 1. leveler; 2. explainer
expler v to fill, fill up
Hence: expletive
expletive adj expletive
explicabile adj explainable, explicable
explicar v to explain
Hence: explicabile-inexplicabile-inexplicabilitate; explication; explicative; explicator; explicite; inexplicate
explication n explanation
explicative adj explanatory
explicator n explainer, commentator
explicite (-plí-) adj explicit (= clearly expressed)
exploder [-plod-/-plos-] v to explode (= to go off, or to fly in pieces, with a loud report)
Hence: explosion; explosive-explosivo; exploditor
exploditor n exploder (= device for firing an explosive charge)
exploitabile adj exploitable
exploitar v to exploit (1. as in “to exploit a mine”; 2. to utilize for selfish purposes)
Hence: exploitabile; exploitation; exploitator
exploitation n exploitation
exploitator n exploiter
explorabile adj explorable
explorar v to explore (1. as in “to explore new countries”; 2. to investigate, examine; 3. [Surg.])
Hence: explorabile-inexplorabile; exploration; explorator; exploratori; inexplorate
exploration n exploration (1. as in “exploration of new countries”; 2. investigation; 3. [Surg.])
explorator n explorer
exploratori adj exploratory
explos- see exploder
explosion n explosion (1. blast; 2. sudden outbreak of emotion);
facer explosion to explode (= to go off, or to fly in pieces, with a loud report)
explosive adj explosive (1. tending to explode; 2. [Phonet.])
explosivo n explosive (= explosive substance)
exponente adj [Alg.] exponent
Hence: exponential
exponential adj [Math.] exponential
exponer [-pon-/-posit-] v I. to expose (1. to show openly, display; 2. to lay open (to danger, etc.)); II. to expound
Hence: exponente &; exposition; expositive; expositor
exportabile adj exportable
exportar v to export
Hence: exportabile; exportation; exportator; reexportar-reexportation
exportation n 1. exportation, export, exporting; 2. exports
exportator n exporter
exposit- see exponer
exposition n I. exposition (1. exhibition; 2. detailed explanation); II. exposure (1. laying open to view, action, influence, etc; 2. [Photog.]; 3. position in relation to sun, wind etc.)
expositive adj expository, expositive
expositor n 1. expositor, expounder, exponent; 2. exhibitor
ex-presidente n ex-president
express- see exprimer
expresse adj express (1. definite, explicit; 2. as in “express letter”);
traino expresse express train
expression n expression (1. action of pressing or squeezing out; 2. act or fact of giving expression to; 3. significant word or phrase)
expressionismo n expressionism
expressionista n expressionist
expressive adj expressive
expresso¹ n 1. express messenger; 2. express train
expresso² adv purposely
exprimer [-prim-/-press-] v 1. to press out, squeeze out; 2. to express
Hence: exprimibile-inexprimibile; expression-expressionismo, expressionista; expressive-inexpressive; expresse-expresso¹, expresso²
exprimibile adj expressible, utterable
expropriar v to expropriate, dispossess
Hence: expropriation; expropriator
expropriation n expropriation, dispossession
expropriator n expropriator, dispossessor
expugnabile adj stormable, pregnable
expugnar v to take by assault, storm
Hence: expugnabile-inexpugnabile
expulicar v to clean of fleas
expulicatorio n delousing station
expuls- see expeller
expulsion n expulsion; also: deportation (as in “deportation of an undesirable alien”)
expulsive adj expulsive
expunct- see expunger
expunction n expunction
expunger [-pung-/-punct-] v to expunge
Hence: expunction
expurgar v to expurgate
Hence: expurgation
expurgation n expurgation
exquir- [-quir-/ quisit-] v [occurring in derivatives]
Hence: exquisite-exquisitessa
exquisit- see exquir-
exquisite adj exquisite
exquisitessa n exquisiteness
exsangue adj exsanguine
exsiccar v to dry up, exsiccate (= to make quite dry)
Hence: exsiccation; exsiccative
exsiccation n exsiccation
exsiccative adj exsiccative
exspuer v to spit out
exspuition n spitting out, expectoration
exsuction n exsuction
exsudar v to exude (1. as in “sweat exudes from the pores”; 2. to cause to exude)
Hence: exsudation; exsudato
exsudation n exudation
exsudato n exudation, sweat
exsug- [-sug-/-suct-] v [occurring in derivatives]
extemporanee adj extemporaneous, extempore
extender [-tend-/-tens-] v I. to extend (1. to stretch out; 2. to increase in size or scope); II. to spread, spread out;
extender le mano to hold out one’s hand
Hence: extendibile; extensibile-extensibilitate, inextensibile; extension-inextension; extensive; extensor; extense
extendibile adj extendible, extensible
extens- see extender
extense adj extensive (= having extension)
extensibile adj extensible
extensibilitate n extensibility
extension n I. extension (1. stretching out; 2. increase in size or scope; 3. [Logic]); II. extent (= space or degree to which anything is extended); also: range
extensive adj extensive (as in “extensive agriculture”)
extensor n 1. extender (one who or that which extends); 2. [Anat.] extensor
extenuar v to emaciate, weaken, extenuate;
extenuar se to wear oneself out
Hence: extenuation
extenuation n emaciation, exhaustion
exter- see extra
extere adj foreign (as in “foreign countries”)
Hence: exterior &; extreme &; extero
exterior¹ adj exterior; also: outside, outer, etc.
Hence: exterioritate; exteriorisar-exteriorisation
exterior² n outside, exterior
exteriorisar v to externalize, make manifest
exteriorisation n externalization
exterioritate n exteriority
exterminar v to exterminate
Hence: extermination; exterminator
extermination n extermination
exterminator n exterminator
externe adj external; also: outside, outer, etc.;
angulo externe [Geom.] exterior angle;
discipulo externe day-pupil;
pro uso externe [Pharm.] for external application, for external use
extero (éx-) n foreign countries;
al extero abroad (as in “to go abroad; to live abroad”), in foreign parts
exterritorial adj exterritorial, extraterritorial
exterritorialitate n exterritoriality, extraterritoriality
extinct- see extinguer
extincte adj extinct (as in “an extinct animal”)
extinction n extinction
extinctive adj extinctive
extinctor n (fire) extinguisher
extinguer [-stingu-/-stinct-] v to extinguish;
extinguer un debita to extinguish or pay off a debt
Hence: extinguibile-inextinguibile; extinction; extinctive; extinctor; extincte
extinguibile adj extinguishable
extirpabile adj eradicable, extirpable
extirpar v to extirpate (1. as in “to extirpate noxious plants”; 2. as in “to extirpate a social evil”)
Hence: extirpabile-inextirpabile; extirpation; etirpator
extirpation n extirpation
extirpator n extirpator
extorquer [-torqu-/-tort-] v to extort; also: to get by blackmail
Hence: extortion
extort- see extorquer
extortion n extortion; also: blackmail, blackmailing
extr- see extere
extra I. adv 1. without, on the outside; 2. besides, in addition, extra; II. prep 1. outside of, without, beyond; 2. excepting, except; 3. besides, in addition to
Hence: extranee; externe
extra- prefixo extra- (1. outside ..., outside the scope of ...; 2. highly, unusually, very ...)
Hence: extradorso etc.; extramural etc.; extraordinari etc.; extravasar etc.; extravagar etc.; extrafin etc.
extract- see extraher
extraction n extraction (1. act of extracting; 2. descent, origin);
de basse extraction of low extraction
extracto n extract (1. extracted substance; 2. excerpt)
extractor n extractor; specif.: [Surg., Gun.]
extrader v to extradite
Hence: extradition
extradition n extradition
extradorso n [Arch.] extrados
extrafin adj superfine
extraher [-trah-/-tract-] v to extract
Hence: extraction; extractor; extracto
extramural adj extramural
extranee adj extraneous
extraordinari adj extraordinary (1. beyond the common order; 2. exceeding the common degree)
extraterritorial adj extraterritorial, exterritorial
extraterritorialitate n extraterritoriality, exterritoriality
extravagante 1. ppr of extravagar; 2. adj odd, strange, absurd; extravagant
extravagantia n oddness, strangeness, absurdity; extravagance
extravagar v to talk (think, act, etc.) extravagantly
Hence: extravagante-extravagantia
extravasar v [Anat.] to extravasate
Hence: extravasation
extravasation n [Anat.] extravasation
extreme adj extreme;
extreme unction last Sacrament, extreme unction
Hence: extremismo; extremista; extremitate; extremo
extremismo n extremism
extremista n extremist
extremitate n extremity (1. very end; 2. extreme degree; 3. extreme action);
extremitates extremities, hands and feet
extremo n extreme;
extremos [Math.] extremes;
ir de un extremo al altere to go from one extreme to the other;
le extremos se tocca extremes meet
extrinsec (-trín-) adj extrinsic (= not inherent or essential)
extrovers- see extroverter
extroversion n extroversion (1. [Med.] condition of being turned inside out; 2. [Psychol.])
extroverter [-vert-/-vers-] v to extrovert (1. to turn outwards; to turn inside out; 2. [Psychol.])
Hence: extroversion; extrovertite-estrovertito
extrovertite 1. pp of extroverter; 2. [Psychol.] extroverted, outgoing
extrovertito n [Psychol.] extrovert
exuberante I. ppr of exuberar; II. adj exuberant (1. growing luxuriantly; 2. overflowing, effusive)
exuberantia n exuberance (1. luxuriance; 2. effusiveness; overflowing spirits)
exuberar v 1. to be abundant, abound; 2. to be exuberant, exuberate
Hence: exuberante-exuberantia
exultante 1. ppr of exultar; 2. adj exultant
exultar v to exult
Hence: exultante; exultation
exultation n exultation
Ezekiel nprm Ezekiel
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