Romanica English Dictionary M
m abbr = metro;
m² = metro quadrate;
m³ = metro cubic
[ma] conj but;
non solmente ... ma alsi not only ... but also
(= mais)
macabre adj gruesome, macabre;
dansa macabre dance of death, danse macabre
MacAdam, John London npr [1756-1836; Scottish engineer who invented macadam pavement]
Hence: macadam-macadamisar-macadamisation
macadam [A] n macadam
macadamisar v to macadamize
macadamisation n macadamization
macaron n macaroon
macaronea (-éa) n macaronic composition, macaronics
macaroni npl [Cookery] macaroni
Hence: macaronea; macaronic
macaronic adj macaronic (as in “macaronic verse”)
Maccabeos (-éos) nprpl Maccabees
macedone¹ n Macedonian (= inhabitant of Macedonia)
Hence: Macedonia; macedonie-macedonia
macedone² adj Macedonian (= pertaining to Macedonia)
Macedonia¹ npr Macedon, Macedonia
macedonia² n [Cookery] macédoine
macedonie adj Macedonian (= pertaining to Macedonia)
macellar v to butcher, slaughter
macelleria (-ía) n butchershop
macellero n butcher
macello n slaughterhouse
Hence: macellero; macelleria; macellar
mach- [occurring in compounds] mach- (= fight)
Hence: machopolypo etc.; logomache etc.; sciamachia etc.; tauromachia etc.; batrachomyomachia etc.
Machiavelli, Niccolo (níc-) npr [1469-1527; Florentine statesman]
Hence: machiavellismo; machiavellista; machiavellic
machiavellic adj Machiavellian
machiavellismo n Machiavellism
machiavellista n Machiavellian
machina (má-) n machine; also: engine;
machina infernal infernal machine;
machina (de scriber) typewriter;
machina de vapor (steam) engine
Hence: machinal; machineria; machinista; machinar &
machinal adj mechanical (1. as in “mechanical powers”; 2. as in “mechanical action”)
machinar v to machinate
Hence: machination, machinator
machination n machination
machinator n plotter, machinator
machineria (-ía) n machinery (= machines collectively)
machinista n 1. machinist (= one who invents, makes or controls machines); 2. engineman; 3. stagehand, scene shifter
machopolypo (-pó-) n [Zool.] machopolyp
macie n leanness, thinness
Hence: emaciar &
macr- adj [occurring in compounds] macro- (= long, large)
Hence: macrocosmo etc.; macroseismo etc.; macrocephale etc.; macroscopic etc.
macrocephale adj macrocephalic
Hence: macrocephalia
macrocephalia (-ía) n macrocephaly
macrocosmic adj macrocosmic
macrocosmo n macrocosm
Hence: macrocosmic
macrocyste n [Biol.; Bot.] macrocyst
macroscele adj macroscelous, long-legged
Hence: macroscelia
macroscelia (-ía) n macroscelia, long-leggedness
macro-scelide (-scé-) n [Zool.] elephant shrew, Macroscelides
macroscopic adj macroscopic
macroseismo (-séizmo) n macroseism, major earthquake
macula n stain, spot;
sin macula spotless, immaculate
Hence: macular-maculamento, maculabile, maculate-immaculate; dismacular-dismaculator, dismaculatura
maculabile adj spotting easily
maculamento n spotting, staining
macular v to stain, spot
maculate 1. pp of macular; 2. adj spotted, speckled, flecked
madonna n madonna
madrigal n [Poet., Mus.] madrigal
maestra n mistress (= female teacher)
maestrabile adj teachable
maestral adj masterly
maestramento n instruction, training
maestrar v 1. to master; 2. to instruct, train
maestrative adj instructive
maestria (-ía) n mastery (= skill, dexterity, worthy of a master)
maestro n master (1. lord, owner, etc.; 2. person possessing approved skill or mastery); attrib. master (= main);
maestro de ceremonias master of ceremonies;
maestro (carpentero, etc.) master (carpenter etc.);
maestro (de schola) (school)master
Hence: maestria; maestral; maestrar-maestramento, maestrabile, maestrative; burgomaestro etc.; maestra
maga n enchantress, sorceress; also: witch
magazin n 1. warehouse, storehouse; 2. store, shop; 3. [Mil.] magazine (of military supply); 4 magazine (= entertaining periodical for the general reader)
Hence: magazinero; immagazinar-immagazinage
magazine [A] n magazine (= entertaining periodical for the general reader)
magazinero n warehouseman
magia (-ía) n magic; also: witchcraft;
magia blanc white magic;
magia nigre black magic
magic adj magic, magical;
lanterna magic magic lantern
magico n magician
[magis] (má-) adv 1. more; 2. rather
magistral adj 1. magisterial (as in “magisterial air”); 2. [Pharm.] magistral
magistrato n magistrate
Hence: magistratura
magistratura n magistracy, magistrature (1. dignity or office of a magistrate; 2. magistrates collectively)
magistro n master (as in “master of arts”)
Hence: magistrato &; magistral
magnanime (-ná-) adj magnanimous
Hence: magnanimitate
magnanimitate n magnanimity
magnate n magnate (1. person of eminence or great influence; 2. [Hist.] member of the Upper House in the Diets of Hungary and Poland)
magne adj great, eminent
Hence: magnate; magnitude; magnific &; magnificar-magnification; magnamime etc.
magnesia n [Chem.] magnesia (= magnesium oxide)
Hence: magnesium; magnesian; magnesic
magnesian adj [Chem.] magnesian
magnesic adj [Chem.] magnesic
magnesium (-né-) n magnesium
magnete n magnet
Hence: magnetismo; magnetic; magnetisar; magnetron etc.; magneto-electric etc.; electromagnete etc.
magnetic adj magnetic
magnetisar v to magnetize (1. to charge with magnetic properties; 2. to mesmerize)
magnetismo n magnetism;
magnetismo animal animal magnetism, mesmerism
magneto n [Elec.] magneto
magneto-electric adj magneto-electric
magnetron n [Atomic Phys.] magnetron
magnific adj 1. magnificent; 2. munificent
Hence: magnificente-magnificentia
magnificar v to exalt, extol, magnify
magnification n exaltation (= act of exalting or extolling)
magnificente adj 1. magnificent; 2. munificent
magnificentia n 1. magnificence; 2. munificence
magnitude n magnitude (1. greatness; 2. [Astron.])
mago n 1. magus, mage; 2. magician, sorcerer;
le (tres) magos the (three) Magi
Hence: magic-magico; magia; maga
magre adj lean, thin, meager;
die magre [Eccl.] fast day
Hence: magressa; magrir
magressa n leanness, thinness
magrir v to become lean or thin, reduce
mahagoni (-há-) n mahogany
maharaja [Hind.] n maharaja
maharani [Hind.] n maharanee
mahatma n mahatma
mahdi (-dí) n Mahdi
Mahomet npr Mohammed
Hence: mahometismo; mahometista; mahometan-mahometano
mahometan adj Mohammedan, Mahometan
mahometano n Mohammedan, Mahometan
mahometismo n Mohammedanism, Mahometanism
mahometista n Mohammedan
maio n May
mais¹ (-ís) n (Indian) corn, maize
mais² (máis) conj but;
non solmente ... mais etiam not only ... but also
majest- see majestate
majestate n 1. majesty; 2. Majesty
Hence: majestose; majestatic
majestatic adj majestic
majestose adj majestic, majestical
major¹ adj major (1. greater in dimension, rank, age, etc.; 2. [Mus.]; 3. [Law] of full age);
fortia major force majeure;
le major parte del tempore most of the time;
stato major [Mil.] general staff
Hence: majoritate; majorar; major-majoria, majordomo etc.
major² n major (1. [Army]; 2. person who is of age);
major general major-general
majorar v to make greater
majordomo n major-domo
majoria (-ía) n majority (1. rank of an army major; 2. legal age of responsibility)
majoritate n majority (1. greater or greatest number; 2. legal age of responsibility; 3. rank of an army major)
majuscula n capital (= capital letter)
majuscule adj capital (as in “capital letter”)
Hence: majuscula
mal¹ adj bad, evil;
le mal oculo the evil eye
Hence: malitia &; malefic &: maligne &: malformation etc.; malgrado etc.; malodor etc.; malsan etc.; malevole etc.; malevolente etc.; malfamate etc.; maledicer etc.; maltractar etc.
mal² adv badly
mal³ n 1. evil, also: bad (= badness, that which is bad); 2. illness; 3. pain, ache;
mal caduc falling sickness, epilepsy;
mal de mar seasickness;
facer mal a un persona to hurt, injure, a person;
mal de capite headache;
mal del pais homesickness;
mal del aviatores airsickness
malaceas npl [Bot.] Malaceae
malacee adj [Bot.] malaceous
malade adj ill, sick
Hence: maladia
maladia (-ía) n illness, sickness
malaria [I] n [Pathol.] malaria
Hence: malaric
malaric adj malarial
malay¹ (-ái) n Malay (1. member of the Malayan Race; 2. Malay language)
Hence: Malaya
malay² (-ái) adj Malay, Malayan
Malaya npr Malaya, Malay Peninsula
malcontente adj dissatisfied; also: malcontent
maledicente adj slanderous
maledicentia n slander
maledicer [-dic-/-dict-] v to curse (= to utter a curse or curses against)
Hence: maledicente-maledicentia; malediction; maledicte
maledict- see maledicer
maledicte adj cursed, accursed
malediction n malediction, curse
malefic (-lé-) adj malefic, harmful
Hence: maleficio; maleficente-maleficentia
maleficente adj maleficent, evil-doing
maleficentia n maleficence, mischievousness
maleficio n evil deed, mischief
malevole adj malevolent
malevolente adj malevolent
Hence: malevolentia
malevolentia n malevolence
malfacer [-fac-/-fact-] v to do evil, wrong
Hence: malfaciente; malfactor
malfaciente adj maleficent, harmful
malfact- see malfacer
malfactor n malefactor
malfamate adj in bad repute
malformation n malformation
malgrado conj in spite of
malgratiose adj churlish, rude
[malgre] (-gré) prep in spite of
(= malgrado)
malia n 1. mesh (of a net); 2. stitch (in knitting, etc.); 3. mail-armor
Hence: maliar; inmaliar
maliar v to net (as in “to make a living by netting purses”)
malic adj malic;
acido malic malic acid
malignar v to be malignant
maligne adj malignant (1. malicious; 2. malign, harmful)
Hence: malignitate; malignar
malignitate n malignancy, malignity
malitia n malice
Hence: malitiose
malitiose adj malicious
malleabile adj malleable
malleabilitate n malleability
mallear v 1. to hammer, hammer out; 2. to thresh (grain), etc.
Hence: malleabile-malleabilitate
malleo n I. mall (1. mallet used in game of mall; 2. the game “mall”; 3. the alley in which mall was played); II. sledgehammer
Hence: mallette; mallear &
mallette n mallet
malo n apple
Hence: malacee-malaceas; malic
malodor adj malodorous
malsan adj unhealthy (1. not in good health; 2. unwholesome)
malsonante adj 1. ill-sounding; 2. offensive, scandalous
malt n malt
Hence: maltosa; maltar-maltator
maltar v to malt (= convert into malt)
maltator n malter, maltster
maltosa n [Chem.] maltose
maltractamento n maltreatment
maltractar v to maltreat
Hence: maltractamento
malversar v to be guilty of malversation or corruption in office
Hence: malversation
malversation n malversation (= corruption in office)
mam- see mamma
mamilla n [Anat.] mamma
Hence: mamillon; mamillari; mamillate; mamilliforme etc.
mamillari adj mamillary (1. pertaining to the breast; 2. mammiform)
mamillate adj mamillated, mamillary
mamilliforme adj mamillary, mamilliform
mamillon n [Geog.] mamelon
mamma n 1. [Anat.] mamma; 2. mama (= mother)
Hence: mammal &; mammari; mammifere &; mammiforme etc.; mamilla &
mammal n mammal
Hence: mammalogia etc.
mammalogia (-ía) n mammalogy
Hence: mammalogic
mammalogic adj mammalogical
mammari adj mammary
mammifere adj mammiferous
Hence: mammifero
mammifero (-í-) n mammal
mammiforme adj mammiform
mammona n [Bib.] mammon
mammut n mammoth
man-¹ [occurring in derivatives and compounds]
Hence: mania-maniac-maniaco, anglomania etc., bibliomania etc., megalomania etc.; bibliomane etc.; megalomane etc.; anglomano etc.; kleptomano etc.; theatromano etc.
man-² adj [occurring in compounds] mano- (1. rare, thin; 2. gaseous)
Hence: manometro etc.
manar v 1. to flow, trickle; 2. to emanate
Hence: emanar &
manata n handful
mancar v to be lacking (= to be deficient or missing)
manchette [F] n cuff (of a sleeve)
manchu¹ (-tchú, -djú) adj Manchu, Manchurian
Hence: Manchuria, Manchukuo etc.
manchu² (-tchú, -djú) n Manchu (1. Manchurian; 2. Manchu language)
Manchukuo (-tchúkwó, -djúkwó) npr Manchukuo
Manchuria (-tch-, -dj-) npr Manchuria
mancipar v to make over or deliver up as property
mancipe (mán-) n purchaser
Hence: mancipar-emancipar etc.
manco n lack, want
Hence: mancar
mand- v [occurring in derivatives]
Hence: mandibula &; manducar &
mandante n [Law] principal, mandator
mandar v 1. to order (= to have a person follow an order or instruction); 2. to send
Hence: mandante; mandato &; commandar &; contramandar; demandar &
mandarin n mandarin (= Chinese public official);
lingua mandarin Mandarin (language)
Hence: mandarinato; mandarinismo
mandarina n mandarin (= tangerine)
Hence: mandariniero
mandarinato n mandarinate
mandariniero n mandarin (tree)
mandarinismo n mandarinism
mandatario n mandatary, mandatory; also: attorney, agent, etc.
mandato n 1. order, command; 2. [Law, Pol.] mandate;
mandato postal (postal) money order
Hence: mandatario
mandibula n [Anat.] jaw; also: [Anat., Zool.] mandible
Hence: mandibular
mandibular adj mandibular
mandola [I] n mandola, mandora, pandora, pandore, bandore, etc. (= musical instrument similar to a mandolin, but larger)
mandolino [I] n mandolin
manducabile adj edible
manducar v to eat;
manducar (un persona) vive to eat (someone) alive;
manducar le parolas to mumble, chew one’s words
Hence: manducabile; manducation
manducation n (act of) eating
[mane] 1. n morning; 2. adv early in the morning
maneabile adj easy to handle; manageable
maneabilitate n wieldiness; manageability
maneamento n handling (of a tool, instrument, etc.)
manear v to handle (a tool, instrument); also: [Equit.] to manage; train, break in
Hence: maneo; maneamento; maneabile-maneabilitate, immaneabile
maneo (-éo) n I. stratagem, trick; II. manège (1. horsemanship; 2. riding school)
-maner v [occurring in derivatives and compounds]
Hence: immaner &; permaner &; remaner &
mangan- see manganese, manganic
manganato n [Chem.] manganate
manganese n [Chem.] manganese (= the metal “manganese”)
Hence: manganite; manganic-manganato, permanganic-permanganato; manganifere; manganose
manganic adj [Chem.] manganic
manganifere adj manganiferous
manganite n [Mineral.] manganite
manganose adj [Chem.] manganous
mangiabile (-já-) adj edible
mangiar¹ (-jár) v to eat
Hence: mangiabile; mangiator; mangiatoria
mangiar² (-jár) n food
mangiator (-ja-) n eater
mangiatoria (-ja-) n manger, crib
mania (-ía) n mania (1. [Pathol.]; 2. as in “sport mania”);
haber le mania de to have a mania for
maniac (-í-) adj maniac
maniaco (-í-) n maniac
manica n 1. [Clothing] sleeve; 2. hose (= flexibile tube for conveying water, etc.); 3. channel, strait; 4 handcuff; 5 gas-mantle;
in manicas de camisa in shirt sleeves;
haber le manica large to be lenient (in judging moral matters);
le Manica the (English) Channel
manich- see manico
manichetto n muff
manico n handle (of a hammer, broom, plow, etc.); neck (of a violin)
Hence: manichetta; dismanicar; immanicar
manicuro n manicurist
maniera n manner, way;
de maniera que so that;
manieras manners;
bon manieras good manners;
mal manieras bad manners
Hence: manierismo; manierista; manierose; manierar
manierar v to fill with mannerism, to make affected, to stylize
manierismo n mannerism
manierista n mannerist
manierose adj well-mannered, mannerly
manifestar v to manifest
manifestation n manifestation (1. act of manifesting; 2. public demonstration)
manifeste adj manifest
Hence: manifestar-manifestation; manifesto
manifesto n 1. manifesto; 2. manifest
manilla n 1. bracelet; 2. shackle
maniluvio n [Med.] maniluvium, bath for the hands
manipular v to manipulate
Hence: manipulation; manipulative; manipulator; manipulatori
manipulation n manipulation
manipulative adj manipulative
manipulator n manipulator
manipulatori adj manipulatory
manivella n [Mach.] crank
Hence: manivellar
manivellar v to crank, turn a crank
manna n manna (1. “Biblical manna”; 2. [Pharm.])
mannequin [F] n mannequin (1. figure of a person used by artists, tailors, etc.; 2. dressmaker’s live model)
mano n I. hand (1. hand of a person; 2. handwriting); II. quire (of paper);
sub mano in an underhanded way;
del mano al mano directly, without intermediary;
de prime mano first-hand;
dar le ultime mano a to give the final touch to;
un mano lava le altere you scratch my back, I scratch yours;
demandar le mano de un persona to ask for someone’s hand;
mano morte mortmain;
lavar se le manos de to wash one’s hands of;
venir al manos to come to blows;
de secunde mano second-hand
Hence: manata; manilla; manual; manico &; manica; manear &; manumitter etc.; manicuro etc.; quadrumane etc.; manufac- etc.; manuscripte etc.; manomorte etc.; manicuro etc.; maniluvio etc.; mantener etc.; mancipe etc.; sinistromane etc.; quadrumane etc.; lavamanos etc.
manographo (-ó-) n [Engin.] manograph
manometro (-ó-) n manometer
manomorte n [Law] mortmain
manovra n 1. operation (= act of putting and keeping in operation); 2. [R.R.] shunting; switching; 3. seamanship; 4 maneuver;
manovras 1. [Mil.] maneuvers; 2. [Naut.] rigging, tackle
Hence: manovrar-manovrabile-manovrabilitate, manovrator
manovrabile adj maneuverable
manovrabilitate n maneuverability
manovrar v 1. to operate (= to put and keep in operation); 2. to maneuver
manovrator n maneuverer
Mansard, François npr [1598-1666; French architect]
Hence: mansarda
mansarda n [Arch.] mansard (1. mansard roof; 2. mansard story or room); also: garret, attic
mansuete adj tame; also: gentle, mild, meek, etc.
Hence: mansuetude
mansuetude n tameness; also: gentleness, meekness, mildness, etc.
mante n [Zool.] mantis
-mante n [occurring in derivatives and compounds] -mancer (= prophet, seer)
Hence: -mantia-bibliomantia etc., hieromantia etc.; mantic-mantica; chiromante etc.; necromante etc.
mantelletto n mantelet (1. short mantle or cape; 2. [Fortif.])
mantello n coat, mantle, cloak, etc.
Hence: mantelletto; dismantellar &; portamantello etc.
mantenentia n maintenance (1. as in “maintenance of order”; 2. means of sustenance)
mantener v to maintain (1. to keep in the same position or status; 2. to adhere to an opinion)
Hence: mantenimento; mantenentia; mantenitor
mantenimento n maintenance (1. as in “maintenance of order”; 2. means of sustenance)
mantenitor n maintainer
-mantia (-ía) n [occurring in compounds] -mancy (= divination)
mantic adj mantic
mantica n manticism, mantic, divination
mantilla [H] n (Spanish) mantilla
manu- see mano
manual¹ adj manual
manual² n manual (= handbook)
manufac- [fac-/-fact-] v [occurring in derivatives]
Hence: manufactura-manufacturari, manufacturar
manufact- see manufac-
manufactura n 1. factory, manufactory; 2. manufacture, fabrication
manufacturar v to manufacture
manufacturari adj manufacturing (as in “manufacturing town”)
manumiss- see manumitter
manumission n manumission
manumitter [-mitt-/-miss-] v to manumit
Hence: manumission
manuscripte adj manuscript
Hence: manuscripto
manuscripto n manuscript
mappa n map
mappamundi [NL] n map of the world
maquerello (makeréllo) n mackerel
mar n sea (= large body of salt water);
un mar de (sanguine) a sea of (blood);
(in) alte mar (on) high seas;
homine de mar seaman, seafaring man;
mal de mar seasickness;
mar grosse heavy sea;
Mar Nigre Black Sea;
Mar Morte Dead Sea;
Mar del Nord North Sea
Hence: marea; marin &; maritime; amarar &; ultramar; verdemar etc.
marabu (-bú) n [Ornith.] marabou
marabut n marabout (= Mohammedan saint or hermit)
marasca [I] n marasca (cherry)
Hence: maraschino
marasch- see marasca
maraschino n maraschino
marca¹ n I. mark (1. trace, impression; 2. sign, indication; 3. stamp, brand, label, etc.); II. marker (= instrument for marking);
marca de fabrica trademark;
(de) marca (superior) (of a superior) brand;
(vino) de marca quality or choice (wine);
(persona) de marca (person) of mark
Hence: marcar-marcator, marcate, demarcar &, dismarcar, remarcar &; contramarca-contramarcar
marca² n marchland, march
Hence: marchese &
marcar v to mark (= to indicate, distinguish etc. by a mark or marks)
marcate 1. pp of marcar; 2. adj marked (as in “a marked difference”)
marcator n marker (= one who marks)
marcer v to wither, wilt
Hence: marcide; marcor; marcescer &
marcescente 1. ppr of marcescer; 2. adj [Bot.] marcescent
marcescentia n [Bot.] marcescence
marcescer v to wither, wilt
Hence: marcescente-marcescentia; marcescibile-immarcescibile
marcescibile adj withering, wilting (= liable to wither or wilt)
march- see marca
marcha (-sh-) n march (as in “military, processional, funeral, etc., march”);
marcha fortiate forced march;
marcha funebre funeral march;
poner se in marcha to start, get under way, etc.;
ordine de marcha order of march, marching order
marchar (-sh-) v to march
Hence: marcha-contramarcha-contramarchar
marchesa n marchioness, marquise
marchesato n marquisate
marchese n 1. marquess, marquis; 2. marchioness, marquise
Hence: marchesato; marchesa
marcide adj withered, wilted; also: languid, weak
marco¹ n mark (1. [Hist.] unit of weight for gold and silver; 2. [Fin.] monetary unit)
Marco² npr Mark
marcor n withering, wilting; decaying, decay; also: languishing
marea (-éa) n tide;
marea alte high water, high tide;
marea basse low water, low tide
marechal [F] n marshal, field marshal
Hence: marechalato; marechala
marechala (-sh-) n field marshal’s wife
marechalato (-sh-) n marshalship
maremma n fen, salt marsh, etc.; also: maremma
margar- n [occurring in derivatives]
Hence: margarina &; margarita; margaric
margaric adj [Chem.] margaric
margarina n margarine
Hence: oleomargarina etc.
margarita n 1. pearl; 2. daisy, marguerite;
jectar margaritas ante porcos to cast pearls before swine;
Margarita Margaret
marginal adj marginal;
nota marginal marginal note
marginar v 1. to leave a margin on; 2. to make marginal notes on
marginate 1. pp of marginar; 2. adj bordered, marginate
margine n margin (1. border, edge; 2. “margin of a printed or written page”)
Hence: marginal; marginose; marginar-marginate; emarginar &
marginose adj with a wide margin
Maria (-ía) npr Mary, Marie
Hence: marista; Marion; marian-marianismo; Marianna etc.
marian adj Marian
marianismo n Mariolatry (= excessive veneration of the Virgin Mary)
Marianna nprf Marian, Marianne;
Mariannas [Geog.] Marianas
marin adj marine (= of the sea);
millia marin nautical mile;
(planta) marin sea (plant)
Hence: marinar &; submarin &; ultramarin; aquamarin etc.; rosmarino etc.; marino; marina-marinero
marina n marine (1. as in “merchant marine”; 2. [Paint.]);
marina de guerra navy;
officiero de marina naval officer;
ministerio del marina admiralty;
infanteria de marina marines;
marina mercante merchant or mercantile marine
marinada n marinade
marinar v to marinade, marinate
Hence: marinada
marinero n sailor, seaman, mariner
marino n seaman
Mario nprm Marius
Marion npr Marion
marionette [F] n marionette, puppet;
theatro de marionettes puppet show
Hence: marionettista
marionettista n puppeteer
marisco n marsh, bog
marista n [R.C.Ch.] Marist
maritabile adj marriageable
maritage (-aje) n marriage
marital adj marital
maritar v to marry (= to unite in wedlock);
maritar se to marry (= to get married)
maritime (-rí-) adj maritime;
commercio maritime seaborne trade;
citate maritime seaside town;
assecurantia maritime marine insurance;
derecto maritime maritime law
marito n husband
Hence: marital; maritar-maritage, maritabile, remaritar; ex-marito
marmelada n jam, preserves;
marmelada (de oranges) (orange) marmelade
marmita n [Cookery] pot
marmorar v to marble, marbleize
marmorari adj marble
marmorator n marbler, marbleizer
marmore n marble (1. as in “Carrara marble”; 2. as in “to play marbles”)
Hence: marmorero; marmoreria; marmoriera; marmorari; marmorar-marmorator; marmorisar
marmoreria (-ía) n 1. marble cutting; 2. marble works
marmorero n 1. marble cutter, marble carver; 2. marble polisher
marmoriera n marble quarry
marmorisar v 1. to marmorize; 2. to marbleize, marble
marocch- see Marocco
marocchin¹ adj 1. Moroccan; 2. morocco
marocchin² n morocco (leather), maroquin
Hence: marocchinero; marocchineria; marocchinar
marocchinar v to dress (skin) like morocco
marocchineria (-ería) n 1. (action or process of) dressing morocco; 2. trade in morocco (leather)
marocchinero n 1. morocco dresser; 2. morocco dealer
marocchino n Moroccan
Marocco npr Morocco
Hence: marocchin¹-marocchino, marocchin² &
Marquesas [H] npr Marquesas (Islands)
marquis [F] n marquis
marquise [F] n 1. marquise, marchioness; 2. marquee
marron n chestnut (= edible nut of the sweet chestnut tree)
Hence: marroniero
marroniero n (sweet) chestnut tree
Marte npr Mars (1. [Rom. Relig.]; 2. [Astron.])
Hence: martial; martedi etc.
martedi (-dí) n Tuesday
martellar v to hammer
martellator n hammerer; hammer operator
martello n 1. hammer; 2. hammerhead (shark)
Hence: martellar-martellator
martial adj martial (1. pertaining to war; 2. warlike, eager to fight; 3. [Old Chem.] containing iron);
lege martial martial law;
corte martial court-martial
Martin nprm Martin;
martin piscator kingfisher
Martino nprm Martin
martio n March
martyre n martyr
Hence: martyrio; martyrisar; martyrologio etc.; protomartyre etc.
martyrio n martyrdom
martyrisar v to martyr, martyrize
martyrologio n martyrology (= register of martyrs; also: histories of martyrs collectively)
Marx, Karl npr [1818-1883; German socialist]
Hence: marxismo; marxista
marxismo n Marxism
marxista n/adj Marxist, Marxian
Maryland [A] npr Maryland
marzapane [I] n marzipan, marchpane
masca n mask (1. cover for the face, used for disguise; 2. person wearing a mask, masker; 3. as in “death mask”)
Hence: mascar-dismascar
mascar v to mask;
mascar se to put on, assume, etc., a mask
mascara (más-) n mask (1. cover for the face, used for disguise; 2. person wearing a mask, masker; 3. as in “death mask”)
Hence: mascarar-mascarada
mascarada n masquerade
mascarar v to mask
mascotte [F] n mascot
mascule adj male
Hence: masculin-masculinitate, masculinisar; emascular &; masculo
masculin adj masculine (1. male, manly; 2. [Gram.])
masculinisar v 1. to make manly; 2. [Gram.] to make masculine
masculinitate n masculinity
masculo (más-) n male
mason n 1. mason; 2. Mason, Freemason
Hence: masoneria; francmason etc.
masoneria (-ía) n masonry (1. work of a mason; 2. Freemasonry)
massa¹ n I. mace (1. herald’s staff; 2. club); II. sledge hammer, mallet, beetle, ram, etc.
Hence: massero; massetta; massar
massa² n mass (= coherent body of matter or of individual objects);
in massa in a body;
le massa (de un patrimonio) the (total) estate;
le massas the masses
Hence: massive; massar; amassar &
massacrar v to massacre
massacrator n massacrer
massacro n massacre
Hence: massacrar-massacrator
massage (-aje) n massage
massar¹ v 1. to beat (with a club), to cudgel, thump; 2. to ram (= to drive with a ram)
massar² v to mass, group together
massar³ v to massage
Hence: massage
massero n mace-bearer
massetta n small mallet
masseur [F] n masseur
masseuse [F] n masseuse
massive adj massive
mast n [Naut.] mast;
a medie mast at half-mast
masticar¹ v to chew, masticate
Hence: mastication; masticator; masticatori; remasticar
masticar² v to cement, putty, etc.
mastication n mastication
masticator¹ n chewer
masticator² adj masticatory
mastico (más-) n mastic (1. resin exuding from the mastic tree; 2. any of various pasty cements; also: putty)
Hence: masticar
masto- n [occurring in compounds] masto-, mast- (= breast)
Hence: mastoide-mastoiditis; mastodonte etc.
mastodonte n mastodon
mastoide adj mastoid
mastoiditis (-ítis) n [Pathol.] mastoiditis
mat adj 1. checkmated; 2. dull, mat;
chaco mat checkmate
Hence: matar
matador [H] n matador
matar v 1. to checkmate, mate; 2. to dull, mat (metals, etc.)
match [A] n [Sports] match
mater- see matre
materia n matter (1. physical substance; 2. material of thought);
materia prime raw material;
tabula del materias table of contents
Hence: material &
material¹ adj material
Hence: materialitate; materialismo; materialista-materialistic; materialisar-materialisation; immaterial-immaterialitate
material² n 1. material; 2. matériel
materialisar v to materialize (= to render material)
materialisation n materialization
materialismo n materialism
materialista n materialist
materialistic adj materialistic
materialitate n materiality
maternal adj maternal (1. pertaining to the mother; 2. characteristic of a mother; motherly)
materne adj maternal (1. pertaining to the mother; 2. characteristic of a mother, motherly)
Hence: maternitate; maternal
maternitate n 1. motherhood, maternity; 2. maternity hospital
mathematic adj mathematical
Hence: mathematico; mathematica
mathematica n mathematics
mathematico n mathematician
Mathusala (-tú-) npr Methuselah
matinal adj 1. morning; 2. rising early
matinas npl [Eccl.] matins
matinata n morning (= morning’s duration)
matinee [F] n 1. woman’s negligee; 2. [Theat.] matinee
matinero n early riser
matino n morning
Hence: matinata; matinero; matinal; matinas
matras (-ás) n mattress
Hence: matrassero
matrass- see matras
matrassero n mattress maker
matrastra n stepmother
matre n mother;
lingua matre parent language;
matre vite [Mech.] nut;
matre affin mother-in-law
Hence: matrastra; matrice &; matrina; matrimonio &; matrona &; materne &; commatre &; granmatre &; matriarcha etc.; matreperla etc.; matricida etc.; matricidio etc.
matreperla n mother-of-pearl
matriarcha n matriarch
Hence: matriarchato; matriarchal
matriarchal adj matriarchal
matriarchato n matriarchate
matrice n matrix (1. [Anat.]; 2. [Technol.])
Hence: matricula &
matricida n matricide (= one who kills his mother)
matricidio n matricide (= act of killing one’s mother)
matricula n roll, register, list (of members), etc.
Hence: matricular¹; matricular²-matriculation
matricular¹ adj pertaining to registration or enrollment
matricular² v to register, enroll (someone); also: to matriculate (a student);
matricular se to matriculate (as a student)
matriculation n matriculation
matrimonial adj matrimonial
matrimonio n matrimony
Hence: matrimonial
matrina n godmother
matrona n matron (= elderly wife or widow)
Hence: matronal
matronal adj matronly
matta n 1. mat (as in “door mat”); 2. [Foundry] matte
Hence: mattar
mattar v to lay with a mat
Mattheo (-éo) nprm Matthew
matthiol- see Mattioli, P. A.
matthiola n gillyflower, stock
Mattioli, P. A. npr [1500-1577; Italian physician]
Hence: matthiola
matur adj ripe; mature
Hence: maturitate; maturar-maturation, maturative; immatur-immaturitate; prematur-prematuritate
maturar v 1. to ripen; to mature; 2. [Med.] to ripen (1. to bring to a head; 2. to maturate)
maturation n maturation
maturative adj maturative
maturitate n ripeness, maturity
matutin adj morning
Hence: matutino-matutinal; matutinas
matutinal adj 1. matutinal; 2. rising early
matutinas (-tí-) npl [Eccl.] matins
matutino n morning
maure adj Moorish
Hence: mauro-mauresc-hispanomauresc etc., mauresca, Mauritania
mauresc adj Moresque, Moorish
mauresca n morris (dance)
Mauritania npr 1. [Hist.] Mauritania, Mauretania (= ancient district of North Africa); 2. Mauritania (= French colony of Mauritania)
Mauritio npr 1. Maurice, Mauritius; 2. [Geog.] Mauritius
mauro n Moor
mauser [G] n Mauser (rifle)
mausoleo (-éo) n mausoleum
Mausolo npr [Anc. Hist.] Mausolus
Hence: mausoleo
mauve [F] adj/n mauve
maxilla n jawbone, jaw
Hence: maxillar-intermaxillar, submaxillar; maxilliforme etc.
maxillar adj maxillary;
osso maxillar maxillary bone
maxilliforme adj maxilliform
maxim [A] n maxim (gun), machine gun
maxima (máx-) n maxim
maximal adj maximal
maxime¹ (máx-) adj greatest, highest, maximal;
precio maxime maximum price, ceiling price
Hence: maximo-maximal; maxima
[maxime]² (máx-) adv 1. most; 2. especially, principally; 3. exceedingly, very; 4. certainly
maximo (máx-) n maximum
mayonnaise [F] n mayonnaise
mazurka [Polish] n [Dancing] mazurka
me pron 1. pers me; 2. refl myself (as in “I hurt myself”, “I said to myself”)
mear v to go, pass
Hence: meato; commear &; permear &
meato n [Anat.] meatus
mechan- n [occurring in derivatives and compounds]
Hence: mechanic; mechanico; mechanica-telemechanica etc.; mechanismo; mechanisar-mechanisation; mechanotherapia etc.
mechanic adj mechanical;
ingeniero mechanic mechanical engineer
mechanica n mechanics
mechanico n mechanic
mechanisar v to mechanize
mechanisation n mechanization
mechanismo n mechanism
mechanotherapia (-ía) n [Med.] mechanotherapy
medalia n medal
Hence: medaliario; medalista; medalion
medaliario n 1. collection of medals; 2. medal cabinet
medalion n I. medallion (1. large medal; 2. round, flat ornament or portrait); II. locket
medalista n medalist (1. maker of medals; 2. one skilled in medals)
mede adj Median
media¹ n average, mean;
media arithmetic arthimetical mean;
media geometric geometrical mean
Media² npr Media
medial adj [Philol.] medial
median adj median, medium;
de etate median middle-aged;
nervo median median nerve
mediana n [Geom.] median
mediante n [Mus.] mediant
mediar v to mediate (1. to form a connecting link between; 2. to act as an intermediary)
mediastino n [Anat.] mediastinum
mediate 1. pp of mediar; 2. adj mediate (as in “a mediate cause”)
mediation n mediation
mediator n mediator
medic (mé-) adj medical
Hence: medicina &; medicar-medicamento-medicamentose, medicamentar, medicabile-immedicabile, medication; medico-medicastro, medical
medicabile adj medicable
medical adj medical
medicamentar v to treat with medicaments
medicamento n medicament, medication, medicine
medicamentose adj medicinal
medicar v to medicate; to treat (medically)
medicastro n medicaster, quack
medication n medication (= act or process of medicating)
medicina n medicine (1. medical science or art; 2. substance or compound taken internally to cure disease);
doctor in medicina doctor of medicine;
medicina legal forensic medicine
Hence: medicinal, medicinar
medicinal adj medicinal
medicinar v to give or administer medicine to
medico (mé-) n physician, doctor
medie adj 1. half; 2. middle; 3. average, mean;
termino medie [Philos.] middle term;
medie hora half an hour;
medie fratre half-brother;
medie etate Middle Ages
Hence: medietate; mediar-mediante, mediation, mediator, mediate-immediate; mediastino; intermedie &; mediterranee etc.; mediedie etc.; medievo etc.; medio¹ &; medio²
mediedie (-díe) n 1. noon; 2. south
medienocte n midnight
medietate n half;
le medietate del (mundo) half the (world);
a medietate half (= to half the full amount or degree);
a medietate del cammino halfway;
(mi) car medietate (my) better half, wife
medieval adj medieval
medievo n Middle Ages
Hence: medieval
medio¹ adv half
medio² n 1. middle, also: midst; 2. mean, medium; 3. means (= agent or instrument by which an end is attained);
per medio de by means of;
medios means (= pecuniary resources)
Hence: medial; median-mediana; media
mediocre adj mediocre
Hence: mediocritate
mediocritate n mediocrity (1. quality or state of being mediocre; 2. mediocre person)
meditar v I. to meditate (1. to be engaged in meditation; 2. to plan, contemplate); II. to think of, ponder;
meditar super to meditate upon
Hence: meditation; meditative; meditator; premeditar-premeditation, premeditate-impremeditate
meditation n meditation
meditative adj meditative
meditator n meditator
mediterranee adj 1. inland; 2. Mediterranean
Hence: mediterraneo
mediterraneo n inland sea;
Mediterraneo Mediterranean
medium [L] n medium (as in “a spiritualistic medium”)
Hence: mediumnic
mediumnic (-úm-) adj [Spiritualism] mediumistic
medo n 1. Mede, Median; 2. Median (language), Medic
Hence: Media; mede
medulla n 1. marrow; 2. pith;
medulla spinal spinal cord
Hence: medullar; medullose
medullar adj medullary (= containing, consisting of, or resembling, marrow)
medullose adj 1. marrowy; 2. pithy
Medusa npr [Gr. Mythol.] Medusa;
medusa [Zool.] medusa
meeting [A] n (political) meeting
mega- [occurring in compounds] mega- (= great, extended; a million times)
Hence: megametro etc.; megaphono etc.; megalopole etc.; megalosauro etc.; megalomania etc.; megalocephale etc.; megalomane etc.
megal- see mega-
megalocephale adj megalocephalic
megalomane adj megalomanical
Hence: megalomano
megalomania (-ía) n megalomania
megalomano (-ó-) n megalomaniac
megalopole n megalopolis
megalosauro n [Paleontol.] megalosaurus, megalosaur
megametro (-gá-) n megameter
megaphono (-gá-) n megaphone
melancholia (-ía) n melancholy; also: [Pathol.] melancholia
Hence: melancholic
melancholic adj melancholy
melassa n molasses
melic adj melic (= of song; meant to be sung)
melio adv better;
tanto melio so much the better
melior adj better;
(le) melior (the) best
Hence: meliorismo; meliorar-melioration, meliorator
meliorar v to improve, ameliorate
melioration n improvement, amelioration
meliorator n improver, ameliorator
meliorismo n meliorism
mellar v to make honey, to honey
mellate adj 1. honey, honeyed; 2. honeycolored
melle n honey;
luna de melle honeymoon
Hence: mellero; mellate; mellifere; mellose; mellar; mellificar-mellification; melliflue etc.
mellero n honey dealer
mellifere adj melliferous
mellificar v to make honey (as in “bees making honey”)
mellification n honey making
melliflue adj mellifluous
Hence: mellifluitate
mellifluitate n mellifluence, mellifluousness
mellose adj honeyed, honeylike
melo- n [occurring in compounds] melo-, mel- (= song)
Hence: melic; melodrama etc.; melomania etc.; melodia etc.; melomane etc.; melopeia etc.
melodia (-ía) n melody
Hence: melodista; melodic; melodiose
melodic adj melodic
melodiose adj melodious
melodista n melodist (= composer of melodies)
melodrama [-ma-/-mat-] n melodrama
Hence: melodramatic
melodramat- see melodrama
melodramatic adj melodramatic
melomane (-ó-) n melomaniac
melomania (-ía) n melomania
melon n melon;
melon de aqua watermelon
Hence: meloniera
meloniera n melon bed
melopeia (-péya) n [Antiq.] melopoeia (1. composition of melodies; 2. chanting of verses)
membrana n membrane;
membrana mucose mucous membrane;
membrana false [Pathol.] false membrane
Hence: membranacee; membranose
membranacee adj membranous, membranaceous
membranose adj membranous (= consisting of membranes)
membratura n (human) frame
membro n I. member (1. constituent part of a whole; 2. “member of a social group, organization, etc.”); II. limb (of animal or human body);
membro del parlamento member of Parliament
Hence: membrana &; membratura; membrute; dismembrar &
membrute adj stout-limbed
memorabile adj memorable
memorandum (-án-) n I. memorandum (1. note, record of events, etc.; 2. informal communication or report); II. memorandum book
memorar v to remember (= to recollect, recall; bear in mind)
Hence: memorabile-immemorabile; memorative; commemorar &; rememorar
memorative adj commemorative
memore adj mindful (of a person or a thing)
Hence: memoria &; memorar &
memoria n I. memory (1. faculty of remembering; 2. remembrance, recollection); II. memoir (memorandum, record, etc.); III. [Law] factum (= memorial);
memorias memoirs (1. autobiographical record; 2. transactions of a learned society);
de memoria from memory, by heart;
in memoria de in memory of;
facer memoria de to commemorate;
de memoria de homine within living memory
Hence: memorial-memorialista; immemorial
memorial n I. memorials; II. memorial (= statement of facts in form of a petition)
memorialista n memorialist (= a writer of memoirs)
menacia n menace, threat
Hence: menaciar
menaciar v to menace, threaten
menage [F] n household, ménage
menagerie [F] n menagerie
menar v to lead, guide, conduct
Hence: promenar &
menchev- see menchevico
menchevico (menshevíco) n menshevik, menshevist
Hence: menchevismo; menchevista
menchevismo (-sh-) n menshevism
menchevista (-sh-) n menshevist, menshevik; attrib. menshevist, menshevistic
menda n 1. defect, blemish; 2. fault, error
Hence: mendose; emendar &
mendace adj mendacious (1. lying, untruthful; 2. false, untrue)
mendacio n lie (= falsehood);
mendacio officiose white lie
mendic (-díc) adj beggarly
Hence: mendicitate; mendicar-mendicante, mendication; mendico
mendicante n beggar, mendicant; specif: [Eccl.] mendicant friar
mendicar v to beg; to go begging
mendication n (action of) begging
mendicitate n mendicity
mendico (-íco) n beggar
mendose adj 1. defective, faulty; 2. erroneous
menestrel n minstrel
meninge n [Anat.] meninx;
meninges meninges
Hence: meningitis
meningitis (-ítis) n [Pathol.] meningitis;
meningitis cerebro-spinal cerebrospinal meningitis
[meno] adv (= minus)
mens- see metir
mense n 1. month; 2. monthly salary
Hence: mensual-mensualitate; menstruo &; bimestre etc.; semestre etc.
mensor n measurer; also: gauge
menstrual adj menstrual (= pertaining to the menses)
menstruar v to menstruate
menstruation n menstruation
menstruo n menstruation
Hence: menstrual; menstruar-menstruation
mensual adj monthly
mensualitate n monthly payment
mensura n measure
Hence: mensurar-mensurabile-mensurabilitate, immensurabile-immensurabilitate, mensuration, mensurator, mensurate-dismensurate, commensurar &; agrimensura etc.
mensurabile adj measurable, mensurable
mensurabilitate n measurability, mensurability
mensurar v to measure
mensurate 1. pp of mensurar; 2. adj moderate, temperate
mensuration n measuring, measurement, mensuration
mensurator n measurer
mental adj mental;
restriction mental mental reservation
mentalitate n mentality
mente n mind (= intellectual powers, mental force)
Hence: mental-mentalitate; demente &; mentecapte etc.
mentecapte adj feeble-minded
mentha n [Bot.] mint;
mentha piperate peppermint
Hence: menthol &
menthol n menthol
Hence: mentholate
mentholate adj mentholated
mention n mention;
facer mention de to make mention of, to mention;
mention honorabile honorable mention
Hence: mentionar-mentionabile-immentionabile
mentionabile adj mentionable
mentionar v to mention
mentir v to lie, tell lies
Hence: mentitor; mentita; dismentir
mentita n lie, falsehood
mentitor n liar
mento n chin
menu [F] n menu, bill of fare
menuet n minuet
meravilia n marvel (= that which excites wonder)
Hence: meraviliose; meraviliar
meraviliar v to marvel
meraviliose adj marvelous
mercabile adj merchantable
mercante n merchant, dealer
mercantia n 1. trade, traffic; 2. merchandise, ware
mercantil adj 1. mercantile; 2. mercenary, grasping
mercantilismo n mercantilism (1. commercialism, mercenary spirit; 2. theory and practice of the mercantile system)
mercar v to trade, deal (= to do business)
mercato n market (1. market place; 2. as in “cattle market”; 3. [Econ., Com.]);
a bon mercato at a low rate, cheap(ly);
mercato nigre black market
mercator n merchant, dealer, marketer
merce n merchandise;
traino de merces freight train
Hence: mercero; merceria; mercar-mercante, mercantia, mercantil-mercantilismo; mercabile, mercator, mercato; commercio &
mercede n grace, mercy, clemency, etc.;
esser al mercede de to be at the mercy of
mercenari adj mercenary
Hence: mercenario
mercenario n 1. hired worker; 2. mercenary
Mercer, John npr [1791-1866; inventor of mercerizing process]
Hence: mercerisar-mercerisage, mercerisation, mercerisate
merceria (-ía) n 1. notions, small ware; notion or small-ware trade or store
mercerisage (-aje) n mercerizing, mercerization
mercerisar v to mercerize
mercerisate 1. pp of mercerisar; 2. adj mercerized
mercerisation n mercerizing, mercerization
mercero n dealer in notions, small-ware dealer
mercurial adj I. mercurial (1. as in “mercurial temperament”; 2. as in “mercurial barometer”); II. Mercurial
mercuric adj [Chem.] mercuric
mercuridi (-dí) n Wednesday;
mercuridi del cineres Ash Wednesday
Mercurio¹ npr Mercury (1. [Mythol.]; 2. [Astron.])
Hence: mercurial; mercuridi etc.; mercurio &
mercurio² n mercury, quicksilver
Hence: mercurial; mercuric; mercuriose
mercuriose adj [Chem.] mercurous
merer v to merit, deserve
Hence: meretrice &; meritori; merito-meritar; demer- &; emer- &
meretrice n prostitute
Hence: meretricie
meretricie adj meretricious (= of a prostitute)
merger [merg-/mers-] v to plunge (into), sink (in)
Hence: emerger &; immerger &; submerger &
meridian adj meridian
meridiano n meridian;
meridiano magnetic magnetic meridian
meridie (-rí-) n 1. noon; 2. south;
a meridie at noon;
ante meridie in the forenoon
Hence: meridian-meridiano; meridional; antemeridian; postmeridie-postmeridian
meridional¹ adj southern, meridional
meridional² n southerner, meridional
meringue [F] n meringue (1. mixture of beaten egg whites and sugar; 2. thin case of meringue filled with whipped cream)
merino n merino
meritar v to merit, deserve
merito (mé-) n merit
meritori adj meritorious
merla n blackbird, merl
mero- n [occurring in compounds] mero-, mer- (= part)
Hence: metamere-metameria, metamero; meropia etc.; isomere etc.; polymere etc.; pentamere etc.
meropia (-ía) n [Med.] meropia, partial blindness
-mes- see mense
mes- adj [occurring in compounds] mes-, meso- (= middle)
Hence: mesenterio etc.; Mesopotamia etc.; mesocarpio etc.; mesozoic etc.; mesocephale etc.; mesolabio etc.
mésalliance [F] n misalliance, mésalliance
meschin adj mean, paltry, shabby
Hence: meschineria
meschineria (-ía) n meanness, shabbiness
mesenteric adj mesenteric
mesenterio n [Anat.] mesentery
Hence: mesenteritis; mesenteric
mesenteritis (-ítis) n [Pathol.] mesenteritis
mesme 1. same; 2. myself, yourself, himself, etc. (as in “the king himself”)
Hence: mesmo
Mesmer, Friedrich Anton npr [1734-1815; Austrian doctor]
Hence: mesmerismo; mesmerista; mesmerian; mesmerisar
mesmerian adj mesmeric, mesmerian
mesmerisar v to mesmerize; also: to magnetize
mesmerismo n mesmerism; also: animal magnetism
mesmerista n mesmerist; also: animal magnetist
mesmo adv 1. likewise; 2. even;
hodie mesmo this very day;
ora mesmo right now
mesocarpio n [Bot.] mesocarp
mesocephale adj mesocephalic
Hence: mesocephalo
mesocephalo n mesocephal
mesolabio n mesolabe
Mesopotamia npr Mesopotamia
Hence: mesopotamian
mesopotamian adj Mesopotamian
mesozoic adj [Geol.] Mesozoic
message (-aje) n message
Hence: messagero; messageria
messageria (-ajería) n shipping office, shipping service
messagero (-ajéro) n messenger
messe n harvest, crop(s)
Hence: messidor etc.
Messia (-ía) n Messiah
Hence: messianismo; messianic
messianic adj Messianic
messianismo n Messianism
messidor n [French Revolutionary Calendar] Messidor
mesticiage (aje) n (action or process of) cross breeding
mesticiar v to cross (= to cause to interbreed)
mesticio n half-breed, mestizo
Hence: mesticiar-mesticiage
mestiero n craft, trade
mesura n measure (1. size, extent, dimension, etc.; also: measurement; 2. standard of measure; also: system of measure units, measurement; 3. [Mus.; Pros.]; 4 degree, proportion; 5 as in “drastic measure(s)”);
bon mesura good or ample measure;
medie mesura half measure;
a mesura que (in proportion) as;
prender le mesuras de to take measurements of;
prender su mesuras to take steps or measures
Hence: mesurar-mesurabile-mesurabilitate, immesurabile-immesurabilitate, mesuration, mesurator, mesurate-dismesurate
mesurabile adj measurable, mensurable
mesurabilitate n measurability, mensurability
mesurar v to measure (1. to ascertain the size, capacity, extent, measurements, etc., of; 2. to be of a certain measurement);
mesurar su parolas to weigh one’s words;
mesurar se con (un persona) to measure one’s strength against (someone);
passo mesurate measured tread
mesurate 1. pp of mesurar; 2. adj moderate, temperate
mesuration n measuring, measurement, mensuration
mesurator n measurer
met- see meta-
meta- prefixo [met- before vowels and -h-; used chiefly to form technical terms] meta-, met- (1. behind; 2. beyond, transcending, higher; 3. changed, transferred, transformed)
Hence: metastase etc.; metempsychose etc.; metaphysic etc.; metamorphe etc.; methodo etc.
metabole n [Rhet.] antimetabole
Hence: metabolismo
metabolismo n [Biol.] metabolism
metacarpal adj [Anat.] metacarpal
metacarpo n [Anat.] metacarpus
metallic adj metallic;
reserva metallic [Fin.] bullion reserve
metallifere adj metalliferous
metallin adj metalline
metallisar v to metallize
metallisation n metallization
metallo n metal (as in “gold is a metal”);
metallo blanc white metal, babbitt
Hence: metallic; metallifere; metallin; metalloide-metalloidic; metallisar-metallisation; metallographia etc.; metallurgo etc.; bimetallismo etc.; monometallista etc.
metallographia (-ía) n metallography (1. study of metals; 2. [Print.])
Hence: metallographic
metallographic adj metallographic
metalloide n metalloid
metalloidic adj metalloidal
metallotherapia (-ía) n metallotherapy
metallurgia (-ía) n metallurgy
metallurgic adj metallurgical, metallurgic
metallurgista n metallurgist
metallurgo n metallurgist
Hence: metallurgia-metallurgista; metallurgic
metamere adj metamerous, metameric (1. [Zool.]; 2. [Chem.])
metameria (-ía) n metamerism, metamery (1. [Zool.]; 2. [Chem.])
metamero (-tá-) n [Zool.] metamere
metamorphe adj metamorphic, metamorphous
metamorphic adj metamorphic; also: [Geol.]
metamorphismo n metamorphism (1. metamorphosis; 2. [Geol.])
metamorphosar v to metamorphose, transform (= to cause to change form)
metamorphose n metamorphosis
Hence: metamorphosar
metaphora (-tá-) n metaphor
Hence: metaphoric; metaphorisar
metaphoric adj metaphorical, metaphoric
metaphorisar v to metaphorize
metaphras- v [occurring in derivatives]
Hence: metaphrase-metaphrasar; metaphraste; metaphrastic
metaphrasar v to metaphrase
metaphrase (-tá-) n metaphrase
metaphraste n metaphrast
metaphrastic adj metaphrastic
metaphysic adj metaphysical
metaphysica n metaphysics
metaphysico n metaphysician
metastase (-tástase) n [Pathol.] metastasis
metathese (-átese) n [Gram.] metathesis
metempsychose n metempsychosis
meteoric adj meteoric
meteorite n meteorite
meteoro n meteor (1. atmospheric phenomenon; 2. shooting star)
Hence: meteorite; meteoric; meteorologo etc.
meteorologia (-ía) n meteorology
meteorologic adj meteorologic, meteorological
meteorologista n meteorologist
meteorologo (-ró-) n meterorologist
Hence: meteorologia-meteorologista; meteorologic
meth- see methy-; methyleno
methano n [Chem.] methane, swamp gas
methodic adj methodical
methodisar v to methodize
methodismo n Methodism
methodista n Methodist
methodo (mé-) n method
Hence: methodismo; methodista; methodic; methodisar; methodologia etc.
methodologia (-ía) n methodology
methy- n [occurring in derivatives and compounds] methy- (= wine)
Hence: methyleno &; amethysto
methyl- see methyleno
methylamino n [Chem.] methylamine
methyleno n methylene (1. wood alcohol, methyl alcohol; 2. [Chem.] methyl)
Hence: methylo-methylic, methano, methylamino etc.
methylic adj [Chem.] methylic;
alcohol methylic methyl alcohol, methylic alcohol, wood alcohol
methylo n [Chem.] methyl, methylene
meticulose adj meticulous
Hence: meticulositate
meticulositate n meticulosity, meticulousness
metir [met-/mens-] v to measure; also: to scan (verses); to survey (lands);
metir se to be moderate, practice moderation
Hence: mensor-agrimensor etc.; mensura &; immense &; dimetir &
metonymia (-ía) n [Rhet.] metonymy
Hence: metonymic
metonymic adj metonymical
metr- n [occurring in compounds] metro- (= mother)
Hence: metropole etc.
-metra n [occurring in compounds] -meter (= one occupied in -metry)
Hence: -metria &; geometra etc.
metrage (-aje) n measurement (in meters), metrage
metrar v to meter (= to measure by the meter)
-metria (-ía) [occurring in compounds] -metry
Hence: stereometria etc.
metric adj 1. metric (= pertaining to that system of measures of which the meter is the unit); 2. metrical (= relating to measurement); 3. [Poet.] metric, metrical
metrica n metrics
metro n I. meter (1. one forty millionth part of the terrestrial meridian; 2. [Poet.]); II. tape measure, tapeline
Hence: metric-metrica, isometric etc.; metrar-metrage; diametro etc.; perimetro; symmetr- &; metronomo etc.; metrologia etc.; alcalimetro etc.; thermometro etc.; centimetro etc.; kilometro etc.; hexametre etc.; -metra &
metrologia (-ía) n metrology
metronomo (-tró-) n metronome
metropole n metropolis (1. parent state of a colony; 2. [Eccl.]; 3. chief town or city of a country or state)
Hence: metropolita-metropolitan-metropolitano
metropolita n [Gr. Church] metropolite
metropolitan adj metropolitan (1. belonging to the parent state of a colony; 2. [Eccl.]; 3. belonging to the chief town or city of a country or state);
ecclesia metropolitan metropolitan church
metropolitano n 1. [Eccl.] metropolitan; 2. urban railway; also: subway, underground (railway)
mexican adj Mexican
mexicano n Mexican (= native of Mexico)
Mexico (méx-) n Mexico
Hence: mexican-mexicano
mezzanin n 1. mezzanine (floor or story); 2. mezzanine window
mezzosoprano [I] n [Mus.] mezzo-soprano
mi¹ n 1. [Mus.] mi; 2. [Mus.] (the note) E
Hence: solmisar etc.
mi² adj poss my
Hence: mie
[mi] pron me
(= me)
mi- adj [occurring in compounds] mi-, mio- (= less)
Hence: miocen etc.
miasma [-ma/-mat-] n miasma
Hence: miasmatic
miasmat- see miasma
miasmatic adj miasmatic
miau (-áu) interj/n miaow, meow
Hence: miaular
miaular v to miaow, meow, mew
mica n 1. crumb (= small piece of bread, cake, etc., rubbed or broken off); 2. [Mineral.] mica
Hence: micacee; micar; micaschisto etc.
micacee adj [Mineral.] micaceous
micar v to crumble (= to cause to crumble)
micaschisto n [Mineral.] mica schist
micca n 1. wick; 2. [Artil.; Min.; etc.] fuse, match
Michael nprm Michael
micr- adj [occurring in compounds] micro-, micr- (1. small; 2. [Metric System, etc.] millionth part)
Hence: microbio etc.; microcosmo etc.; microfarad etc.; microfilm etc.; Micronesia etc.; microphotographia etc.; microscopio etc.; microtomo etc.; microcephale etc.
microbicida n microbicide
microbio n microbe
Hence: microbiologo etc.; microbicida etc.
microbiologia (-ía) n microbiology
microbiologo (-ólogo) n microbiologist
Hence: microbiologia
microcephale adj microcephalic
Hence: microcephalia
microcephalia (-ía) n microcephaly
microcosmic adj microcosmic
microcosmo n microcosm
Hence: microcosmic
microcyste n [Bot.] microcyst
microfarad n [Elec.] microfarad
microfilm n microfilm
micrometro (-cró-) n micrometer
micron (míc-) n micron (= one thousandth millimeter)
Micronesia npr Micronesia
Hence: micronesian-micronesiano
micronesian adj Micronesian
micronesiano n Micronesian
microphono (-ró-) n microphone
microphotographia (-ía) n 1. microphotography; 2. microphotograph
microscopia (-ía) n microscopy
microscopic adj microscopic
microscopio n microscope
Hence: microscopia; microscopista; microscopic
microscopista n microscopist
microseismo (-séi-) n microseism (= feeble earth tremor)
Hence: microseismographo
microseismographo (-mó-) n microseismograph
microtomo (-ró-) n microtome
mie pron poss mine;
le mie e le tue mine and thine;
le mios my people or family
migraine [F] n migraine (= headache)
Hence: migrainose
migrainose (-grenóse) adj migrainous
migrante adj migratory, migrant
migrar v to migrate
Hence: migrante; migration; migrator; migratori; emigrar &; immigrar &
migration n migration
migrator n migrant; attrib. migratory;
aves migratores migratory birds
migratori adj migratory (= pertaining to migrations)
mikado [J] n mikado
mildew [A] n (vine) mildew, (grape) mildew
milieu [F] n milieu, environment
militante adj militant;
Ecclesia militante Church militant
militantia n militancy
militar¹ adj military
militar² n military man, soldier;
militares military
militar³ v to fight (= to take part in a fight);
militar in favor de to tell in favor of;
militar contra to tell or militate against
militarisar v to militarize
militarisation n militarization
militarismo n militarism
militarista n militarist (= supporter of militarism)
milite (mí-) n soldier, warrior
Hence: militia &; militar¹-militarismo, militarista, militarisar-militarisation, dismilitarisar-dismilitarisation; militar³-militante-militantia
militia n militia
Hence: militiano
militiano n militiaman
mille n/adj (a, one) thousand
Hence: milliardo &; millia-milliari; million &; millesime; millennio etc.; millimetro etc.; millepedes etc.
milleflores n mille-fleurs (perfume)
millennio n millennium
mille-pedes (-pé-) n centipede, millepede
millesime (-ésime) adj thousandth;
le millesime parte, le millesimo the thousandth part, the thousandth
milli- see mille
millia n mile;
millia marin nautical or sea mile
milliardario n billionaire, milliardaire
milliardesime (-ésime) adj billionth (= thousand millionth)
milliardo n billion, milliard
Hence: milliardario; milliardesime
milliari adj mile, milliary;
petra milliari, columna milliari milestone
milligramma n milligram
millilitro (-ílitro) n milliliter
millimetro (-ímetro) n millimeter
million n million;
(duo) milliones de (homines) (two) million (men)
Hence: millionari; millionario-multimillionario etc.; millionesime
millionari adj millionaire
millionario n millionaire
millionesime (-ésime) adj millionth;
le millionesime parte, le millionesimo the millionth part, the millionth
mimar v to mimic
mime- v [occurring in derivatives and compounds] mime (= to imitate)
Hence: mimese etc.; mimetic-mimetismo; mimeographo etc.
mimeographar v to mimeograph
mimeographo (-ógrapho) n mimeograph
Hence: mimeographar
mimese n [Rhet.] mimesis, mimicry
mimet- see mimetic
mimetic adj mimetic, mimic, imitative
mimetismo n [Biol.] mimicry
mimic adj mimic (1. of a mime; 2. imitative)
mimica n gesticulation, use of gestures; also: mimetic expression; specif: facial expression
mimo n mime (1. [Antiq.] farce; 2. actor in a mime; 3. mimic, person skilled in mimicry)
Hence: mimic: mimica; mimose &; mimar; mimologo etc.; pantomime etc.
mimodrama n mimodrama, pantomime
mimographo (-ó-) n mimographer, writer of mimes
mimologia (-ía) n [Rhet.] mimesis, mimicry
mimologo (-mó-) n 1. mimologist (= reciter of mimes); 2. mimic, imitator
Hence: mimologia
mimosa n [Bot.] mimosa, sensitive plant
mimosaceas npl [Bot.] Mimosaceae
mimosacee adj [Bot.] mimosaceous
mimose adj sensitive (as in “sensitive plant”)
Hence: mimosa-mimosacee-mimosaceas
min-¹ [Chinese] n/adj [occurring in compounds] min- (= people; people’s, popular)
Hence: Kuomintang etc.
min-² see also minus
-min- v [occurring in compounds]
Hence: emin- &; immin- &; promin- &
mina n mine (1. as in “coal mine”); 2. [Mil.])
Hence: minar-minator; dragaminas etc.; poneminas etc.
minar v I. to undermine; II. to mine (1. as in “to mine a bridge”; 2. to dig for ore or metal)
minaret n [Arch.] minaret
minator n miner (1. as in “coal miner”; 2. [Mil.])
mineral¹ adj mineral;
regno mineral mineral kingdom;
aqua mineral mineral water;
oleo mineral mineral oil
Hence: mineralisar-mineralisation, mineralisator; vegetomineral etc.; mineral²-mineralogo etc.
mineral² n 1. mineral; 2. ore (as in “iron ore”)
mineralisar v to mineralize (= to transform into a mineral)
mineralisation n mineralization
mineralisator n mineralizer (as in “sulphur is a mineralizer”)
mineralogia (-ía) n mineralogy
mineralogic adj mineralogical
mineralogista n mineralogist
mineralogo (-ólogo) n mineralogist
Hence: mineralogia-mineralogista; mineralogic
Minerva npr [Rom. Relig.] Minerva
Hence: minerval
minerval adj Minervic, Minervan
miniar v I. to miniate (1. to paint with red lead; 2. to illuminate pages, manuscripts, etc.); II. to miniature, paint miniatures
miniatura n miniature (1. an illumination; 2. miniature portrait; 3. miniature representation, model, etc.);
in miniatura in miniature
miniaturar v to miniature; to paint, embellish with, miniatures
miniaturista n miniaturist
minima (mí-) n [Mus.] minim
minime¹ (mí-) adj 1. least, smallest, minimal; 2. very small, tiny;
precio minime minimum price
Hence: minimo; minima
[minime]² (mí-) adv 1. least; 2. very little; 3. by no means, not in the least, no!
minimo (mí-) n minimum;
Minimo [R.C.Ch.] Minim;
reducer al minimo to reduce to a minimum
minio n minium, red lead
Hence: miniar-miniatura-miniaturista, miniaturar
minister- see ministro
ministerial adj [Gov.] ministerial
ministerio n 1. office, function; 2. [Gov.] ministry, department
ministrar v to minister (1. to attend, be in attendance, serve; 2. to perform the function of a minister of the church)
ministro n I. agent, representative; II. minister (1. [Gov.]; 2. [Dipl.]; 3. [Prot. Churches]);
prime ministro Prime Minister;
ministro sin portafolio minister without portfolio
Hence: ministerio-ministerial; ministrar-administrar &, subministrar; ex-ministro
minoan adj Minoan
minoano n Minoan
minor adj minor (1. lesser, smaller; 2. [Law] under age; 3. [Mus.]);
Asia Minor Asia Minor;
le ordines minor [Eccl.] the minor orders
Hence: minoritate; Minorita
Minorita n [R.C.Ch.] Minorite
minoritate n minority (1. smaller number or part; 2. [Law]);
esser in minoritate to be in the minority
Minos (mí-) npr [Mythol.] Minos
Hence: minoan-minoano; minotauro etc.
minotauro n [Mythol.] Minotaur
minuendo n [Arith.] minuend
minuer [minu-/minut-] v to diminish, lessen
Hence: minuendo; minute &; diminuer &
minus (mí-) adv less;
minus belle (que) less beautiful (than);
le minus belle the least beautiful;
plus o minus more or less;
minus de (dece annos) less than (ten years);
a minus que unless;
al minus at least;
(le) minus (the) least (as in “what pleases me (the) least”);
minus (de) (moneta, etc.) less (money, etc.);
(quatro) minus (tres) (four) minus (three);
(totos) minus (ille) (all) except, but (him)
Hence: minuscule &; minime &; minuspreciar etc.
minuscula n 1. small or lower case letter; 2. minuscule
minuscule adj tiny, minute;
littera minuscule small or lower case letter
Hence: minuscula
minuspreciar v to despise
Hence: minusprecio
minusprecio n contempt, scorn
minuta n 1. draft (“the draft of a contract, etc.”); 2. minute (= the sixtieth part of an hour or of a geometric degree)
Hence: minutar
minutar v to draft (= to make a draft of)
minute adj minute (1. diminutive; 2. as in “a minute investigation”)
Hence: minutia-minutiose, minutiar; minuta &
minutia n minutia (= trifling detail);
minutias minutiae
minutiar v to mince (= to cut or chop into small pieces)
minutiose adj 1. meticulous, particular; 2. detailed, thorough
miocen adj [Geol.] Miocene
Hence: mioceno
mioceno n [Geol.] Miocene
mir- adj [occurring in derivatives and compounds]
Hence: mirific; mirar &
mira n 1. aim (as in “take aim,” “good aim,” etc.); 2. sight (= device on a firearm)
mirabile dictu [L] mirabile dictu, wonderful to relate
miraculo n miracle
Hence: miraculose
miraculose adj miraculous
mirage (-aje) n mirage
mirar v 1. to look at (searchingly); 2. to (take) aim at
Hence: mira; miraculo &; mirage; admirar &
mirific adj marvelous
mis- prefixo mis- (1. badly, wrongly; 2. not)
Hence: miscontente etc.; miscredente etc.; misinterpretar etc.; misusar etc.
misanthrope adj misanthropic
Hence: misanthropia; misanthropo-misanthropic
misanthropia (-ía) n misanthropy
misanthropic adj misanthropic
misanthropo n misanthrope, misanthropist
miscellanea n miscellany; also: miscellanies
miscellanee adj miscellaneous
Hence: miscellanea
miscer [misc-/mixt-] v to mix, blend
Hence: miscibile-miscibilitate; mixtion; mixtura; mixte-mixtilinee etc.; admiscer &; commiscer &; immiscer &; promiscue &
miscibile adj miscible, mixable
miscibilitate n miscibility, mixability
miscontente adj discontent
miscredente¹ adj miscreant, unbelieving
miscredente² n miscreant, unbeliever
miscredentia n miscreance
mise en scène [F] n mise en scène, staging; also: stage setting
miserabile adj miserable (1. wretched; 2. vile, base)
miserar v to deplore, bewail;
miserar se to lament, moan
misere adj miserable, wretched
Hence: miseria; miserar-miserabile, commiserar &; misericorde etc.
miserere (-rére) n [Eccl.] Miserere (1. the 50th Psalm in the Vulgate; 2. musical setting of this Psalm)
miseria n 1. misery, wretchedness; 2. need, penury
misericorde adj merciful, compassionate, sympathizing
Hence: misericordia-misericordiose
misericordia n I. mercy, compassion, pity; II. misericord (1. [R.C.Ch.] dispensation from fasting, etc.; 2. [Eccl. Arch.] miserere; 3. dagger for giving the coup de grâce);
misericordia! mercy! gracious! etc.
misericordiose adj merciful, full of pity
misinterpretar v to misinterpret
misinterpretation n misinterpretation
miso- [occurring in compounds] miso-, mis- (= hatred, hating)
Hence: misogame etc.; misanthrope etc.; misoneismo etc.
misogame (-ó-) adj misogamic
misogamia (-ía) n misogamy
misogamo (-ó-) n misogamist
misogyne adj misogynic
misogynia (-ía) n misogyny, misogynism
misogyno (-ó-) n misogynist, misogyne
misoneismo (-ízmo) n misoneism (= hatred of the new)
misoneista (-ísta) n misoneist
misplaciar v to misplace, mislay
miss- see mitter
missa n [R.C.Ch.] Mass;
missa basse Low Mass;
missa solemne Solemn Mass, High Mass
Hence: missal
missal n missal
mission n mission (1. duty on which a person is sent; 2. body of persons sent out)
Hence: missionario
missionario n missionary
Mississippi npr Mississippi (1. Mississippi River; 2. State of Mississippi)
missiva n missive
misusage (-aje) n misusage
misusar v to misuse, also: to abuse
misuso n misuse; also: abuse
mitigar v to mitigate (= to make milder or gentler)
Hence: mitigation
mitigation n mitigation
miton n 1. mitten; 2. mitt
mitra n miter
Hence: mitrar
mitralia n mitraille; also: grape shot; canister shot
Hence: mitraliar-mitraliator, mitraliatrice
mitraliar v 1. to fire at with mitraille; 2. to machine-gun
mitraliator n machine gunner
mitraliatrice n machine gun
mitrar v to miter (= to invest with a miter)
mitter [mitt-/miss-] v -;
mitter in to put or place in or into;
mitter le naso in un cosa to poke one’s nose into something
Hence: mission &; missiva; admitter &; committer &; dimitter &; emitter &; intermitter &; intromitter &; omitter &; permitter &; premitter &; pretermitter &; promitter &; remitter &; submitter &; transmitter &; manumitter etc.
mixt- see miscer
mixte adj mixed;
traino mixte mixed train
mixtilinee adj [Geom.] mixtilineal, mixtilinear
mixtion n mixture (1. act of mixing; 2. something mixed)
mixtura n mixture (= something mixed)
mm abbr = millimetro;
mm² = millimetro quadrate;
mm³ = millimetro cubic
mnemo- n [occurring in compounds] mnemo- (= memory)
Hence: mnemogenese etc.; mnemotechnic etc.
mnemogenese (-gé-) n mnemogenesis
mnemogenesis (-gé-) n mnemogenesis
mnemonic adj mnemonic
Hence: mnemonica
mnemonica n mnemonics, mnemotechny
mnemotechnia (-ía) n mnemotechny, mnemonics
mnemotechnic adj mnemonic
Hence: mnemotechnica
mnemotechnica n mnemotechny, mnemonics
mnes- n [occurring in derivatives and compounds] mnes- (= memory)
Hence: mnesic; amnesia &; cryptomnesia etc.
-mnesia see amnesia
mnesic adj mnesic (= pertaining to memory)
-mo see -ismo
mo- see mover; mon-
mobilar v to furnish (as in “to furnish a room”);
domo mobilate rooming or lodging house
mobile¹ adj mobile;
festas mobile movable feasts;
benes mobile personal estate, movables
Hence: mobilitate; mobiliari-immobiliari; mobilisar &; automobile &; immobile-immobilitate, immobilisar-immobilisation; locomobilo etc.; mobile² &
mobile² n piece of furniture;
mobiles furniture
Hence: mobiliario; mobilar-dismobilar
mobili- see mobile
mobiliari adj -;
benes mobiliari personal estate, movables
mobiliario n (set of) furniture
mobilisabile adj mobilizable
mobilisar v to mobilize (1. as in “to mobilize resources, wealth, etc.”; 2. to put troops on a war footing)
Hence: mobilisabile; mobilisation; demobilisar-demobilisation
mobilisation n [Mil.] mobilization
mobilitate n mobility
mocassin (móc-) n moccasin (as in “buckskin moccasins”)
moda n mode (= prevailing fashion);
modas women’s apparel;
al moda alamode, fashionable;
esser de moda to be in fashion;
passate de moda out of fashion
Hence: modista
modal adj modal (1. [Philos.]; 2. [Gram.]; 3. [Mus.])
modalitate n [Philos.] modality
modellar v to model (“to model in clay, etc.”);
modellar (se) super to model (oneself) on, upon
modellator n modeler
modello n model (1. thing, person, etc. to be copied; 2. mannequin); attrib. model (as in “a model marriage”)
Hence: modellar-modellator
moderante adj 1. ppr of moderar; 2. adj moderate (= inclined to compromise)
moderantismo n [Pol.] moderantism
moderantista n [Pol.] moderantist
moderar v to moderate;
moderar (un pena) to mitigate (a penalty)
Hence: moderante-moderantismo, moderantista; moderation-immoderation; moderator; moderate-moderatessa, immoderate-immoderatessa
moderate 1. pp of moderar; 2. adj moderate
moderatessa n moderateness
moderation n moderation
moderator n moderator (1. one who or that which renders moderate; 2. [Mech.])
moderne adj modern;
(construer) al moderne (to build) in modern style
Hence: modernismo; modernista; modernitate; modernisar-modernisation
modernisar v to modernize
modernisation n modernization
modernismo n modernism
modernista n modernist
modernitate n modernness, modernity
modeste adj modest
Hence: modestia, immodeste-immodestia
modestia n modesty
modic adj moderate;
precio modic reasonable price
Hence: modicitate
modicitate n moderateness;
modicitate de precios reasonableness of prices
modificabile adj modifiable
modificar v to modify; also: [Gram.]
Hence: modificabile; modification; modificative; modificator
modification n modification
modificative adj modificatory, modifying
modificator n modifier
modio n 1. modius (= Roman corn measure); 2. [Bib.] bushel
Hence: modiolo
modiolo (-dí-) n hub (of a wheel)
modista n milliner
modo n I. mode (1. [Mus.]; 2. way, manner); II. [Gram.] mood;
in modo ... -ly;
in modo special especially
Hence: modal-modalitate; modic &; modulo &; modificar &; omnimode etc.
modular v I. to mold, mould (a statue, etc.); II. to cast (a statue, etc.); III. to modulate (1. as in “to modulate one’s voice”; 2. [Mus.] to pass from one key into another)
modulation n modulation (1. act of modulating tone, inflection, or pitch; 2. [Mus.])
modulator n 1. molder, moulder; 2. modulator
modulatura n [Arch.] molding, moulding
modulo n I. mold, mould (1. as in “to cast in a mold”; 2. model); II. [Arch.] module
Hence: modular-modulation; modulator; modulatura
mohair [A] n mohair
Mohammed (-hám-) npr Mohammed
Hence: mohammedan-mohammedanismo, mohammedano
mohammedan adj Mohammedan
mohammedanismo n Mohammedanism
mohammedano n Mohammedan
mola n 1. millstone; 2. grindstone
molar¹ adj molar;
dente molar molar (tooth)
molar² n molar
mole n 1. mass, pile; 2. [Naut.] mole
Hence: molecula &; demolir &
molecula n molecule
Hence: molecular
molecular adj molecular
moler v to grind (as in “to grind coffee”)
Hence: mola-moletta, molar, molino &
molestar v to molest
molestation n molestation
moleste adj troublesome, irksome, annoying
Hence: molestia; molestar-molestation
molestia n trouble, annoyance
moletta n knurling tool
Molina, Luis npr [1535-1600; Spanish Jesuit and theologian]
Hence: molinismo, molinista
molinar v to mill (= to subject to the operation of a mill)
molinero n miller (= one who works a mill)
molinismo n Molinism (= the doctrine of Luis Molina)
molinista n Molinist (= a follower of Luis Molina)
molino n mill (= machine for grinding grain, etc.);
molino de vento, aqua, caffe, etc. windmill, water mill, coffee mill, etc.;
combatter le molinos de vento to tilt at or fight windmills
Hence: molinero; molinar
Molinos, Miguel de npr [1640-1697; Spanish priest and mystic, one of the chief exponents of Christian Quietism]
Hence: molinosismo; molinosista
molinosismo n Molinism (= the Quietistic doctrine of Miguel de Molinos)
molinosista n Molinist (= a follower of Miguel de Molinos)
molle adj soft (= not hard; also: not hardy)
Hence: mollessa; mollusco; mollir-amollir &; emollir &; mollificar &
mollessa n softness (= absence or lack of hardness; also: absence or lack of hardiness)
molliamento n moistening, wetting
molliar v to moisten, wet
Hence: molliamento; molliatura
molliatura n moistening, wetting; also: moisture, wetness
mollificar v to mollify
Hence: mollification
mollification n mollification
mollir v to soften (= to become soft)
mollusco n mollusk
momentanee adj momentary
momento n moment (1. instant; 2. [Mech.]);
de grande (parve) momento of great (little) moment;
momento de un fortia moment of a force;
momento de inertia moment of inertia;
le moda del momento the fashion of the moment;
le momento psychologic the psychological moment
Hence: momentanee; momentose
momentose adj momentous
mon- adj [occurring in derivatives and compounds] mon-, mono- (= only, single, alone)
Hence: monade &; monismo; monista-monistic; monoculo etc.; monadelphe etc.; monatomic; monarch-; monographo etc.; monolitho etc.; monologo etc.; monoplano etc.; monometallismo etc.; monophysita etc.; monotheista etc.; monochordo etc.; monochromatic etc.; monosyllabe etc.; monogame etc.; monomie etc.; monopolio etc.
monacha (mó-) n nun
monachal adj monkish, monachal
monachato n monkdom
monachismo n monachism
monacho (-mó-) n monk
Hence: monachismo; monachato; monachal; monacha
monade (mó-) n monad; also: [Philos.; Zool.; etc.]
Hence: monadismo; monadic; monadologia etc.
monadelphe adj [Bot.] monadelphous
Hence: monadelphia
monadelphia (-ía) n [Bot.] monadelphy
monadic adj monadic
monadismo n monadism
monadologia (-ía) n monadology
monandre adj monandrous
Hence: monandria
monandria (-ía) n monandry (1. [Anthropol.]; 2. [Bot.])
monarch- [occurring in derivatives] monarch- (1. to rule as monarch; 2. monarchic)
Hence: monarcha; monarchia-monarchismo, monarchista, monarchic
monarcha n monarch (= head of a monarchy)
monarchia (-ía) n monarchy
monarchic adj monarchic, monarchical; also: monarchistic
monarchismo n monarchism
monarchista n monarchist; also: attrib.
monas- v [occurring in derivatives] monas- (= to live alone)
Hence: monasterio &; monastic &
monasterial adj monasterial
monasterio n monastery
Hence: monasterial
monastic adj monastic, monasterial
Hence: monasticismo
monasticismo n monasticism
monatomic adj [Chem.] monatomic
moner v to admonish, advise
Hence: monition; monitor; monitori; monitorio; admoner &; premoner &; admonestar &
Moneta npr [Rom. Relig.] Moneta (as in “Juno Moneta”);
moneta 1. mint (= place where money is coined); 2. (current) coin; 3. money;
batter moneta to coin or mint money;
papiro moneta paper money;
moneta false counterfeit money;
moneta de tasca pocket money, pin money
Hence: monetari; monetero; monetar-monetage; monetisar-dismonetisar-dismonetisation; portamoneta etc.
monetage (-aje) n 1. minting, coining; 2. [Hist.] moneyage (= fee paid for minting privilege)
monetar v to mint (= to stamp and make into money)
monetari adj monetary
monetero n minter
monetisar v to monetize
mongol adj/n 1. Mongol, Mongolian (= native of Mongolia); 2. Mongolian, Mongolic
Hence: Mongolia; mongolismo; mongolic-mongolico; mongoloide
Mongolia npr Mongolia
mongolic adj Mongolian, Mongolic
mongolico n Mongolian (1. Mongol; 2. Mongolian language, Mongolic; 3. member of the Mongolian race)
mongolismo n [Pathol.] Mongolism
mongoloide adj Mongoloid
monismo n [Philos.] monism
monista n monist
monistic adj monistic
monition n admonition
monitor n monitor, admonisher
monitori adj monitory, admonitory
monitorio n monitory (letter)
monochordo n monochord
monochromatic adj monochromatic
monochrome adj monochrome
monoculo (-nó-) n monocle
monogame (-nó-) adj monogamous
Hence: monogamia-monogamic; monogamo
monogamia (-ía) n monogamy
monogamic adj monogamic
monogamo (-nó-) n monogamist
monogramma n monogram
monographia (-ía) n monograph
monographic adj monographic
monographo (-ógrapho) n monographer
Hence: monographia; monographic
monolithic adj monolithic
monolitho (-ólito) n monolith
Hence: monolithic
monologar v to deliver a monologue, monologize
monologo (-ólogo) n monolog(ue)
Hence: monologar
monometallismo n monometallism
monometallista n monometallist
monometric adj monometric
monometro (-ómetro) n monometer
Hence: monometric
monomie adj [Alg.] monomial
Hence: monomio
monomio n [Alg.] monomial
monophysita n [Theol.] Monophysite
monoplano n monoplane
monopolio n monopoly
Hence: monopolismo; monopolista; monopolisar-monopolisation
monopolisar v to monopolize
monopolisation n monopolization
monopolismo n monopolism
monopolista n monopolist
monosticho (-nó-) n [Pros.] monostich
monosyllabe (-sí-) adj monosyllabic
Hence: monosyllabo
monosyllabo (-sí-) n monosyllable
monotheismo (-ízmo) n monotheism
monotheista¹ (-ísta) n monotheist
Hence: monotheistic
monotheista² (-ísta) adj monotheistic
monotheistic (-ístic) adj monotheistic
monotone adj monotonous
Hence: monotonia
monotonia (-ía) n monotony
monotypo n [Print.] monotype
monstra n 1. show, display; 2. show window, display window; 3. sample;
facer monstra de (corage, etc.) to show, display (courage, etc.)
monstrabile adj fit to be seen, presentable
monstrar v to show; also: to display, point out, etc.
Hence: monstra; monstrabile; monstrator; demonstrar &; remonstrar &; monstravento etc.
monstrator n one who shows; also: demonstrator (= one who makes evident)
monstravento n weather vane
monstro n monster; attrib. monster
Hence: monstruose-monstruositate
monstruose adj monstrous
monstruositate n monstrosity
montacargas (-cár-) n hoist, lift (= lifting apparatus)
montage (-aje) n (action of) mounting (a jewel, picture, gun, etc.); also: montage
montan adj montane (1. mountainous; 2. mountain)
Hence: cismontan; transmontan; ultramontan &
montania n mountain;
montanias russe [Amusements] roller coaster, switchback railway;
catena de montanias chain of mountains, mountain range
Hence: montaniero; montaniose
montaniero n mountaineer
montaniose adj mountainous
montar v I. to mount (1. to ascend; 2. to fix in a setting, backing, support; etc.); II. [Breeding] to cover, serve;
montar un cavallo to mount a horse;
montar a pilo to ride bareback
Hence: montage-photomontage etc.; montatura; montata; dismontar &; remontar &; surmontar &; montacargas etc.
montata n climb, ascent; also: upward slope
montatura n (action of) mounting (a jewel, picture, gun, etc.); also: montage
monte n mountain, mount;
monte de pietate pawnshop;
a monte uphill
Hence: monticulo; montania &; montan &; montuose; amontar &; pedemonte etc.
monticulo n (small mountain), hill, monticule
montuose adj mountainous; also: hilly
monumental adj monumental
monumento n monument
Hence: monumental
mora¹ n 1. delay; 2. [Pros.] mora
Hence: morose-morositate; morar-moratori, moratorio, demorar &; remorar &
mora² n mulberry (= fruit of the mulberry)
moral¹ adj moral (1. as in “moral conduct”; 2. as in “moral victory”)
Hence: moralismo; moralista; moralitate; moralisar-moralisation, moralisator, dismoralisar &; amoral &; immoral &
moral² n 1. morals; 2. moral; 3. morale (as in “the morale of an army”)
moralisar v to moralize (1. to improve the morals of; 2. to study moral problems)
moralisation n moralization (1. action of improving the morals; 2. moral reflection)
moralisator n moralizer
moralismo n moralism (= moral practice, attitude, etc.)
moralista n moralist
moralitate n morality
morar v to delay, tarry, linger
moratori adj moratory
moratorio n moratorium
morbide adj 1. morbid; 2. [Art] delicately tinted, soft
morbiditate n morbidity
morbifere adj morbiferous
morbific adj morbific
morbo n disease, illness
Hence: morbide-morbiditate; morbifere; morbific
mordace adj biting (as in “biting sarcasm”), mordacious
Hence: mordacitate
mordacia n gag (= something thrust into a person’s mouth to prevent him from speaking)
mordacitate n mordacity
mordente¹ I. ppr of morder; II. adj mordant (1. corrosive; 2. biting, caustic)
mordente¹ n 1. [Dyeing] mordant; 2. [Mus.] mordent
morder [mord-/mors-] v to bite;
morder le pulvere to bite the dust
Hence: mordacia; mordace &; mordente; morsura; morso &; remorder &
more n manner, custom, usage;
mores mores
Hence: moral &
morena n [Geol.] moraine
morgue [F] n morgue (= place where bodies are kept for identification)
moribunde adj moribund, dying
moriente 1. ppr of morir; 2. adj dying
morir [mor-/mort-] v to die;
morir se to be dying slowly
Hence: moribunde; moriente; morte-amortir &, amortisar &, manomorte etc.; semimorte etc., morto; mortuari
Mormon n Mormon (as in “the Book of Mormon”);
mormon Mormon (= member of the Mormon Church)
Hence: mormonismo; mormonic
mormonic adj Mormon
mormonismo n Mormonism
moro n mulberry (= mulberry tree)
Hence: mora²
morose adj tardy, dilatory, lingering
morositate n slowness, tardiness
morph-¹ n [occurring in derivatives and compounds] morph-, morpho- (= form)
Hence: Morpheo &; amorphe-amorphia, amorphismo; metamorphe-metamorphismo, metamorphic; morphologo etc.; anthropomorphe etc.; isomorphe etc.; dimorphe etc.
morph-² see Morpheo
Morpheo (-éo) npr [Gr. Mythol.] Morpheus
Hence: morphina &
morphina n morphine
Hence: morphinismo; morphinomania etc.; morphinomano etc.
morphinismo n [Med.] morphinism
morphinomania (-ía) n morphinomania
morphinomano (-ómano) n morphinomaniac
morphologia (-ía) n morphology
morphologic adj morphological
morphologista n morphologist
morphologo (-ólogo) n morphologist
Hence: morphologia-morphologista; morphologic
mors- see morder
Morse, Samuel Finely Breese npr [1791-1872; American inventor and artist];
(alphabeto) Morse Morse (alphabet), Morse (code)
morsellar v to morsel
morsello n morsel (1. small bite; 2. piece, fragment)
Hence: morsellar
morso n bit (= part of the bridle that goes in a horse’s mouth)
Hence: morsello &
morsura n bite (1. act of biting; 2. wound caused by biting)
mort- see morir
mortal¹ adj mortal (1. destined to die; 2. fatal);
inimico mortal mortal foe;
peccato mortal mortal sin
mortal² n mortal
mortalitate n mortality (1. mortal nature; 2. death rate);
tabulas de mortalitate mortality tables
morte¹ n death;
morte civil civil death;
condemnar a morte to sentence (someone) to death;
poner a morte to put to death
Hence: mortal-mortalitate, immortal-immortalitate, immortalisar; mortifere; mortificar &
morte² adj dead;
natura morte still life;
aqua morte still, stagnant, water;
littera morte [Law] dead letter;
moneta morte dead capital;
puncto morte dead point, dead center
mortero n mortar (1. as in “mortar and pestle”; 2. [Mil.]; 3. as in “to plaster with mortar”)
mortifere adj deadly, fatal, death-bearing
mortificar v I. to mortify (1. [Eccl.]; 2. to cause to feel humiliated); II. [Pathol.] to cause to mortify
Hence: mortification-immortification; mortificator; mortificate-immortificate
mortificate 1. pp of mortificar; 2. adj mortified
mortification n mortification (1. [Eccl.]; 2. humiliation, shame; 3. [Pathol.])
mortificator n mortifier
morto n dead man or person, deceased
mortuari adj mortuary;
(camera, etc.) mortuari death (chamber, etc.)
mosaic (-áic) adj Mosaic
mosaico (-áico) n mosaic
mosaismo (-ízmo) n Mosaism
moschea (-éa) n mosque
Moscova npr 1. Moscow; 2. Moskva, Moscow River
Hence: Moscovia; moscovita
Moscovia npr Muscovy
moscovita n Muscovite
Moses (mó-) npr Moses
Hence: mosaismo, mosaic
moslem (mó-) n/adj Moslem, Mussulman
mosquitiera n mosquito net
mosquito [H] n mosquito; also: gnat
Hence: mosquitiera
mot- see mover
motin n mutiny
Hence: motinero; motinose; motinar
motinar v to cause to mutiny;
motinar se to mutiny
motinero n mutineer
motinose adj mutinous
motion n motion (1. movement; 2. [Parl.])
Hence: locomotion etc.
motivar v 1. to state the reason for; 2. to motivate
motivation n motivation
motive adj motive
Hence: locomotive etc.; motivo-motivar-motivation
motivo n 1. motive; 2. motif
moto- see motor
motocultura n mechanized agriculture
motocycletta n motorcycle
motocyclista n motorcyclist
motocyclo n motorcycle
Hence: motocycletta; motocyclista
motor n motor (as in “an electric motor”); attrib. motor, motive;
fortia motor motive power or force;
nervos, musculos motor motor or motory nerves, muscles;
motor Diesel Diesel motor or engine
Hence: motorisar-motorisation; motorcyclo etc.; locomotor etc.; electromotor etc.; motocultura etc.
motorcyclista n motorcyclist
motorcyclo n motorcycle
Hence: motorcyclista
motorisar v to motorize
motorisation n motorization
mottetto n [Mus.] motet
motto n motto
Hence: mottetto
mover [mov-/mot-] v to move (1. to cause to move; 2. to affect with emotion, stir up)
Hence: movimento; mobile &; movibile; motion &; motive &; motor &; amover &; commover &; emover &; promover &; remover &
movibile adj movable
movimento n movement (1. action or process of moving; 2. as in “popular movement, youth movement, etc.”);
movimento perpetue perpetual motion
Moyse (-sé) npr Moses
[mox] adv soon, at once, directly
mozarabe [H] n Mozarab (= member of the Christian population of Spain under the Arabs)
Hence: mozarabic
mozarabic adj Mozarabic;
rito mozarabic Mozarabic rite
mucer v 1. to be moldy; to be musty
Hence: mucide; mucor
mucide adj moldy, musty; mucid
mucilagine n [Bot.] mucilage (= mucilaginous sap)
Hence: mucilaginose
mucilaginose adj mucilaginous (as in “mucilaginous glands”)
mucina n [Biochem.] mucin
mucipare adj muciparous
muco n mucus
Hence: mucilagine &; mucina; mucose-mucositate, mucosa; mucipare etc.
mucor n 1. mold, moldiness; mustiness; 2. [Bot.] Mucor
mucosa n [Anat.] mucosa; mucous membrane
mucose adj mucous;
membrana mucose mucous membrane
mucositate n mucosity, mucousness
muezzin n muezzin
mufti n mufti (= official expounder of Mohammedan law)
mugir v 1. to bellow (= to roar as the bull does); 2. to low, moo;
le vento mugi the wind howls
mula n she-mule
mulatto n mulatto
mulcta n fine (as in “fine of ten dollars”), mulct
Hence: mulctar
mulctar v to fine, mulct
mulero n muleteer, mule driver
mulger [mulg-/muls-] v to milk (cows, goats, etc.)
Hence: mulsion; mulgitor; mulgitura; emulger &
mulgitor n one who milks, milker
mulgitura n (action of) milking
mullah (-lá) n [Moham.] mullah
mulo n [Zool.] mule; specif: he-mule
Hence: mulero; mula
muls- see mulger
mulsion n (action of) milking
multarticulate adj [Zool.] multarticulate, multiarticulate
multe adj 1. much; 2. many
Hence: multitude; [permulte] &; multimillionario etc.: multiforme etc.; multicolor etc.; multicellular etc.; multiloque etc.; multiloquente etc.; multiple etc.; multiplice etc.; multungule etc.; multo
multiarticulate adj [Zool.] multarticulate, multiarticulate
multicapsular adj multicapsular
multicaule (-cáu-) adj [Bot.] multicauline, having several stems
multicellular adj multicellular
multicolor adj multicolored
multicuspide (-cús-) adj [Bot.] multicuspid, multicuspidate
multifide (-tí-) adj multifid (= cleft severally)
multi-flor adj multiflowered
multiforme adj multiform
Hence: multiformitate
multiformitate n multiformity
multilatere adj many-sided, multilateral
multilobate adj [Bot., Zool.] multilobate, multilobed, multilobar
multilobe (-tí-) adj [Bot., Zool.] multilobar, multilobed, multilobate
multilocular adj [Bot., Zool.] multilocular
multiloque (-tí-) adj multiloquous, talkative
multiloquente adj multiloquent, talkative
Hence: multiloquentia
multiloquentia n multiloquence, talkativeness
multimillionario n multimillionaire
multinomie adj [Math.] multinominal, polynomial
Hence: multinomio
multinomio n [Math.] multinominal, polynominal
multipara (-tí-) n multipara
multipare adj multiparous
Hence: multiparitate, multipara
multiparitate n multiparity
multipartite adj multipartite
multipede (-tí-) adj multiped, multipede
multiple (múl-) adj multiple (1. manifold, multiplex; 2. [Math.])
Hence: multiplo
multiplicabile adj multiplicable, multipliable
multiplicando n multiplicand
multiplicar v to multiply (1. to make more numerous; 2. [Math.]);
multiplicar se 1. to multiply (= to become more numerous); 2. to be half a dozen places at once
multiplication n multiplication;
tabula de multiplication multiplication table
multiplicative adj multiplicative
multiplicator n [Math.] multiplier;
multiplicator de frequentia [Elec.] frequency multiplier
multiplice (-tí-) adj multiple (1. manifold, multiplex; 2. [Math.])
Hence: multiplicitate, multiplicar-multiplicando, multiplicabile, multiplication, multiplicative, multiplicator
multiplicitate n multiplicity
multiplo (múl-) n [Math.] multiple;
le minime commun multiplo the least common multiple, LCM
multipolar adj [Anat., Elec.] multipolar
multisense adj multisensual, multivocal (= having many meanings)
multisone adj multisonous, multisonant
multitubular adj multitubular
multitude n multitude (1. large number; 2. crowd, throng)
multivage (-tí-) adj multivagant, muchwandering
multivalve adj [Bot., Zool.] multivalve, multivalved
multivalvular [Bot., Zool.] multivalvular
multivie (-tí-) adj multivious (= having many roads)
multo adv 1. very; 2. much
multungulate adj [Zool.] multungulate
multungule adj [Zool.] multungulate
mumia n mummy
Hence: mumificar-mumification
mumificar v to mummify (= to embalm as a mummy)
mumification n mummification
-mun adj [occurring in compounds]
Hence: immun &; commun &
München [G] npl Munich, München
mundadentes (-dén-) n toothpick
mundan adj 1. mundane, worldly; 2. society (attrib.), of the world
mundanitate n 1. worldliness; 2. fashionableness
mundar v to cleanse; also: to clean (= to make clean)
munde adj clean
Hence: munditia; mundar-mundadentes etc.; mundificar-mundification; immunde-immunditia
mundial adj world-wide;
guerra mundial World War
mundificar v to cleanse, purify
mundification n cleansing, purification
munditia n cleanness, cleanliness
mundo n world (1. Universe; 2. earth; 3. society);
tote le mundo everybody;
le vetule mundo the Old World;
le nove mundo the New World;
le mundo literari the literary world
Hence: mundial; mundan-mundanitate, supermundan
munerar v to present, give
Hence: remunerar &
muni- [occurring in compounds]
Hence: municipe etc.; munificente etc.
Munich (mú-) npr Munich
municipal adj municipal;
consilio municipal city or town council
municipalisar v to municipalize
municipalitate n 1. municipality (= town, city, etc., having local self-government); 2. town or city council, municipality; 3. town or city hall
municipe (-ní-) n townsman
Hence: municipio; municipal-municipalitate, municipalisar
municipio n 1. [Rom. Hist.] municipium; 2. town district
munificente adj munificent
Hence: munificentia
munificentia n munificence
munir v 1. to fortify (as in “to fortify a city”); 2. to provide with, furnish
Hence: munition-munitionero, munitionar; premunir
munition n 1. military supplies, munitions; 2. ammunition;
pan de munition [Mil.] ration bread
munitionar v to munition, supply with munitions
munitionero n munitioner, munitioneer
mural adj mural;
pictura mural mural (painting);
(mappa) mural wall (map)
muralia n [Fortif.] wall
murar v 1. to wall in, surround with a wall; 2. to wall up
mure n mouse
Hence: murides
muria n brine
Hence: muriato; muriate; muriatic; salmuria etc.
muriate adj muriated (= impregnated with chloride)
muriatic adj muriatic;
acido muriatic muriatic acid, hydrochloric acid
muriato n muriate, chloride
murides (múr-) n [Zool.] Muridae
murmurar v to murmur; also: to mutter, mumble, grumble, babble etc.
murmuration n (action of) murmuring; also: muttering, mumbling, grumbling, babbling, babble, etc.
murmurator n murmurer; also: mutterer, mumbler, grumbler, etc.
murmure n murmur; also: muttering, mumbling, grumbling, etc.
Hence: murmurose; murmurar-murmuration, murmurator; murmurear
murmurear v to murmur; also: to mutter, mumble, grumble, etc.
murmurose adj murmurous (= filled with, or making, murmurs)
muro n wall (= upright structure of masonry, etc.)
Hence: muralia; mural-antemural, extramural, intramural; murar
mus n mouse
Hence: musaranea etc.
musa n Muse, muse
Hence: museo; music; musico; musica &
musaranea n [Zool.] shrew
musca n 1. [Entom.] fly; 2. tuft of hair (on lower lip); 3. beauty spot, patch;
muscas volante [Pathol.] muscae volitantes;
musca de Hispania Spanish fly, blister beetle;
musca artificial [Angling] fly
Hence: muscides
muscate adj -;
bove muscate musk ox;
ratto muscate muskrat;
nuce muscate nutmeg;
rosa muscate musk rose
muscatello n muscatel (1. muscat grape; 2. muscatel wine)
muscato n muscat (1. muscat grape; 2. muscatel wine)
muschettero n musketeer
muschetto n musket, rifle
Hence: muschettero
muscides (mús-) npl [Zool.] Muscidae
musco¹ n moss
Hence: muscose; muscologia etc.
musco² n musk (1. musk deer; 2. “musk substance or perfume”)
Hence: muscate-muscato-muscatello
muscologia (-ía) n bryology, muscology (= science af mosses)
muscose adj mossy
muscular adj muscular (as in “muscular energy”)
musculate adj muscled, muscular
musculatura n muscular system, musculature
musculina n [Biochem.] musculin
musculo¹ (mús-) n muscle
Hence: musculatura; muscular; musculate; musculina; musculose-musculositate
musculo² (mús-) n mussel; also: clam
musculose adj muscular (as in “muscular man”)
musculositate n muscularity
musellar v to muzzle
musello n muzzle (as in “a dog wearing a muzzle”)
Hence: musellar
museo (-éo) n museum
music adj 1. artistic, disposed for the fine arts; 2. musical (= of or pertaining to music)
musica n music;
poner in musica to set to music
Hence: musichetta; musical; musicar-musicante; musicologo etc.
musical adj musical (as in “musical arrangement”);
aure musical musical ear
musicante n musician
musicar v to play, make music
musich- see musica
musichetta n easy unpretentious music
musico n musician
musicologia (-ía) n musicology
musicologo (-có-) n musicologist
Hence: musicologia
musicomania (-ía) n musicomania
musicomano (-có-) n musicomaniac
Hence: musicomania
muso n snout, muzzle
Hence: musello &
musselina n muslin
mustachio n moustache
mustang [A] n mustang
mustarda n mustard
Hence: mustardero; mustardiera
mustardero n mustard maker, mustard seller
mustardiera n mustard jar, mustard pot
mustela n weasel
musto n must (= new wine, sweet cider)
Hence: mustarda &
musulman n Mussulman, Moslem
muta n molt (= process of molting)
mutabile adj changeable, mutable
mutabilitate n mutability
mutar v 1. to change (= to make or become different); 2. to molt
Hence: muta; mutue &; mutabile-mutabilitate, immutabile-immutabilitate; mutation; commutar &; permutar &; transmutar &
mutation n mutation (1. change; 2. [Biol.])
mutatis mutandis [L] mutatis mutandis
mute adj mute, dumb, silent;
littera mute [Phonet.] mute or silent letter
Hence: mutismo; mutescer; surdemute etc.
mutescer v to grow mute, grow silent
mutilar v to mutilate
mutilate 1. pp of mutilar; 2. adj wounded (as in “wounded soldier”)
mutilation n mutilation
mutilato n wounded (soldier);
mutilatos de guerra wounded (soldiers)
mutilator n mutilator
mutile adj maimed, mutilated
Hence: mutilar-mutilation, mutilator, mutilate-mutilato
mutismo n muteness, dumbness, mutism
mutual adj mutual, reciprocal
mutualitate n mutuality, reciprocity
mutue adj mutual, reciprocal
Hence: mutual-mutualitate
muzhik [R] n muzhik
my- v [occurring in compounds] my- (= to shut the eyes, blink)
Hence: myope etc.
myope adj short-sighted, near-sighted, myopic
Hence: myopia
myopia (-ía) n short-sightedness, near-sightedness, myopia
myosotis (-só-) n [Bot.] forget-me-not, myosotis
myri- adj [occurring in derivatives and compounds] myria-, myri- (1. countless; 2. ten thousand)
Hence: myriade; myriagramma etc.; myriapode etc.
myriade (-íade) n myriad (1. ten thousand; 2. indefinitely large number)
myriagramma n myriagram
myriametro (-á-) n myriameter
myriapode (-á-) adj myriapod
Hence: myriapodo
myriapodo (-á-) n myriapod;
myriapodos [Zool.] Myriapoda
myrrha n myrrh (= gum resin produced by the myrrh tree)
Hence: myrrhic; myrrhar
myrrhar v to perfume with myrrh
myrrhic adj myrrhic
myrtaceas npl [Bot.] Myrtaceae
myrtacee adj myrtaceous
myrtiforme adj myrtiform
myrtillo n whortleberry, blueberry
myrto n myrtle
Hence: myrtacee-myrtaceas; myrtiforme etc.
mysta n [Gr. Relig.] mystes (= an initiate in the mysteries)
Hence: mysterio &; mystic &; mystico; mystica; mystificar &; mystagogo etc.
mystagogia (-ía) n mystagogy
mystagogo n mystagogue
Hence: mystagogia
mysterio n mystery (1. as in “the Eleusinian mysteries”; 2. [Eccl.]; 3. secret, obscure fact or force, motive, etc.; 4 mystery play)
Hence: mysteriose
mysteriose adj mysterious
mystic adj mystic, mystical
Hence: mysticismo; mysticitate
mystica n mystical theology, mysticism
mysticismo n mysticism
mysticitate n mysticalness
mystico n mystic
mystificar v to mystify, hoax
Hence: mystification; mystificator
mystification n mystification, hoax
mystificator n mystifier, hoaxer
mythic adj mythical
mytho n myth
Hence: mythic; mythographo etc.; mythologo etc.; stichomythia etc.
mythographia (-ía) n mythography
mythographo (-tó-) mythographer
Hence: mythographia
mythologia (-ía) n mythology
mythologic adj mythological
mythologista n mythologist
mythologo (-tó-) n mythologist
Hence: mythologia-mythologic; mythologista
m² = metro quadrate;
m³ = metro cubic
[ma] conj but;
non solmente ... ma alsi not only ... but also
(= mais)
macabre adj gruesome, macabre;
dansa macabre dance of death, danse macabre
MacAdam, John London npr [1756-1836; Scottish engineer who invented macadam pavement]
Hence: macadam-macadamisar-macadamisation
macadam [A] n macadam
macadamisar v to macadamize
macadamisation n macadamization
macaron n macaroon
macaronea (-éa) n macaronic composition, macaronics
macaroni npl [Cookery] macaroni
Hence: macaronea; macaronic
macaronic adj macaronic (as in “macaronic verse”)
Maccabeos (-éos) nprpl Maccabees
macedone¹ n Macedonian (= inhabitant of Macedonia)
Hence: Macedonia; macedonie-macedonia
macedone² adj Macedonian (= pertaining to Macedonia)
Macedonia¹ npr Macedon, Macedonia
macedonia² n [Cookery] macédoine
macedonie adj Macedonian (= pertaining to Macedonia)
macellar v to butcher, slaughter
macelleria (-ía) n butchershop
macellero n butcher
macello n slaughterhouse
Hence: macellero; macelleria; macellar
mach- [occurring in compounds] mach- (= fight)
Hence: machopolypo etc.; logomache etc.; sciamachia etc.; tauromachia etc.; batrachomyomachia etc.
Machiavelli, Niccolo (níc-) npr [1469-1527; Florentine statesman]
Hence: machiavellismo; machiavellista; machiavellic
machiavellic adj Machiavellian
machiavellismo n Machiavellism
machiavellista n Machiavellian
machina (má-) n machine; also: engine;
machina infernal infernal machine;
machina (de scriber) typewriter;
machina de vapor (steam) engine
Hence: machinal; machineria; machinista; machinar &
machinal adj mechanical (1. as in “mechanical powers”; 2. as in “mechanical action”)
machinar v to machinate
Hence: machination, machinator
machination n machination
machinator n plotter, machinator
machineria (-ía) n machinery (= machines collectively)
machinista n 1. machinist (= one who invents, makes or controls machines); 2. engineman; 3. stagehand, scene shifter
machopolypo (-pó-) n [Zool.] machopolyp
macie n leanness, thinness
Hence: emaciar &
macr- adj [occurring in compounds] macro- (= long, large)
Hence: macrocosmo etc.; macroseismo etc.; macrocephale etc.; macroscopic etc.
macrocephale adj macrocephalic
Hence: macrocephalia
macrocephalia (-ía) n macrocephaly
macrocosmic adj macrocosmic
macrocosmo n macrocosm
Hence: macrocosmic
macrocyste n [Biol.; Bot.] macrocyst
macroscele adj macroscelous, long-legged
Hence: macroscelia
macroscelia (-ía) n macroscelia, long-leggedness
macro-scelide (-scé-) n [Zool.] elephant shrew, Macroscelides
macroscopic adj macroscopic
macroseismo (-séizmo) n macroseism, major earthquake
macula n stain, spot;
sin macula spotless, immaculate
Hence: macular-maculamento, maculabile, maculate-immaculate; dismacular-dismaculator, dismaculatura
maculabile adj spotting easily
maculamento n spotting, staining
macular v to stain, spot
maculate 1. pp of macular; 2. adj spotted, speckled, flecked
madonna n madonna
madrigal n [Poet., Mus.] madrigal
maestra n mistress (= female teacher)
maestrabile adj teachable
maestral adj masterly
maestramento n instruction, training
maestrar v 1. to master; 2. to instruct, train
maestrative adj instructive
maestria (-ía) n mastery (= skill, dexterity, worthy of a master)
maestro n master (1. lord, owner, etc.; 2. person possessing approved skill or mastery); attrib. master (= main);
maestro de ceremonias master of ceremonies;
maestro (carpentero, etc.) master (carpenter etc.);
maestro (de schola) (school)master
Hence: maestria; maestral; maestrar-maestramento, maestrabile, maestrative; burgomaestro etc.; maestra
maga n enchantress, sorceress; also: witch
magazin n 1. warehouse, storehouse; 2. store, shop; 3. [Mil.] magazine (of military supply); 4 magazine (= entertaining periodical for the general reader)
Hence: magazinero; immagazinar-immagazinage
magazine [A] n magazine (= entertaining periodical for the general reader)
magazinero n warehouseman
magia (-ía) n magic; also: witchcraft;
magia blanc white magic;
magia nigre black magic
magic adj magic, magical;
lanterna magic magic lantern
magico n magician
[magis] (má-) adv 1. more; 2. rather
magistral adj 1. magisterial (as in “magisterial air”); 2. [Pharm.] magistral
magistrato n magistrate
Hence: magistratura
magistratura n magistracy, magistrature (1. dignity or office of a magistrate; 2. magistrates collectively)
magistro n master (as in “master of arts”)
Hence: magistrato &; magistral
magnanime (-ná-) adj magnanimous
Hence: magnanimitate
magnanimitate n magnanimity
magnate n magnate (1. person of eminence or great influence; 2. [Hist.] member of the Upper House in the Diets of Hungary and Poland)
magne adj great, eminent
Hence: magnate; magnitude; magnific &; magnificar-magnification; magnamime etc.
magnesia n [Chem.] magnesia (= magnesium oxide)
Hence: magnesium; magnesian; magnesic
magnesian adj [Chem.] magnesian
magnesic adj [Chem.] magnesic
magnesium (-né-) n magnesium
magnete n magnet
Hence: magnetismo; magnetic; magnetisar; magnetron etc.; magneto-electric etc.; electromagnete etc.
magnetic adj magnetic
magnetisar v to magnetize (1. to charge with magnetic properties; 2. to mesmerize)
magnetismo n magnetism;
magnetismo animal animal magnetism, mesmerism
magneto n [Elec.] magneto
magneto-electric adj magneto-electric
magnetron n [Atomic Phys.] magnetron
magnific adj 1. magnificent; 2. munificent
Hence: magnificente-magnificentia
magnificar v to exalt, extol, magnify
magnification n exaltation (= act of exalting or extolling)
magnificente adj 1. magnificent; 2. munificent
magnificentia n 1. magnificence; 2. munificence
magnitude n magnitude (1. greatness; 2. [Astron.])
mago n 1. magus, mage; 2. magician, sorcerer;
le (tres) magos the (three) Magi
Hence: magic-magico; magia; maga
magre adj lean, thin, meager;
die magre [Eccl.] fast day
Hence: magressa; magrir
magressa n leanness, thinness
magrir v to become lean or thin, reduce
mahagoni (-há-) n mahogany
maharaja [Hind.] n maharaja
maharani [Hind.] n maharanee
mahatma n mahatma
mahdi (-dí) n Mahdi
Mahomet npr Mohammed
Hence: mahometismo; mahometista; mahometan-mahometano
mahometan adj Mohammedan, Mahometan
mahometano n Mohammedan, Mahometan
mahometismo n Mohammedanism, Mahometanism
mahometista n Mohammedan
maio n May
mais¹ (-ís) n (Indian) corn, maize
mais² (máis) conj but;
non solmente ... mais etiam not only ... but also
majest- see majestate
majestate n 1. majesty; 2. Majesty
Hence: majestose; majestatic
majestatic adj majestic
majestose adj majestic, majestical
major¹ adj major (1. greater in dimension, rank, age, etc.; 2. [Mus.]; 3. [Law] of full age);
fortia major force majeure;
le major parte del tempore most of the time;
stato major [Mil.] general staff
Hence: majoritate; majorar; major-majoria, majordomo etc.
major² n major (1. [Army]; 2. person who is of age);
major general major-general
majorar v to make greater
majordomo n major-domo
majoria (-ía) n majority (1. rank of an army major; 2. legal age of responsibility)
majoritate n majority (1. greater or greatest number; 2. legal age of responsibility; 3. rank of an army major)
majuscula n capital (= capital letter)
majuscule adj capital (as in “capital letter”)
Hence: majuscula
mal¹ adj bad, evil;
le mal oculo the evil eye
Hence: malitia &; malefic &: maligne &: malformation etc.; malgrado etc.; malodor etc.; malsan etc.; malevole etc.; malevolente etc.; malfamate etc.; maledicer etc.; maltractar etc.
mal² adv badly
mal³ n 1. evil, also: bad (= badness, that which is bad); 2. illness; 3. pain, ache;
mal caduc falling sickness, epilepsy;
mal de mar seasickness;
facer mal a un persona to hurt, injure, a person;
mal de capite headache;
mal del pais homesickness;
mal del aviatores airsickness
malaceas npl [Bot.] Malaceae
malacee adj [Bot.] malaceous
malade adj ill, sick
Hence: maladia
maladia (-ía) n illness, sickness
malaria [I] n [Pathol.] malaria
Hence: malaric
malaric adj malarial
malay¹ (-ái) n Malay (1. member of the Malayan Race; 2. Malay language)
Hence: Malaya
malay² (-ái) adj Malay, Malayan
Malaya npr Malaya, Malay Peninsula
malcontente adj dissatisfied; also: malcontent
maledicente adj slanderous
maledicentia n slander
maledicer [-dic-/-dict-] v to curse (= to utter a curse or curses against)
Hence: maledicente-maledicentia; malediction; maledicte
maledict- see maledicer
maledicte adj cursed, accursed
malediction n malediction, curse
malefic (-lé-) adj malefic, harmful
Hence: maleficio; maleficente-maleficentia
maleficente adj maleficent, evil-doing
maleficentia n maleficence, mischievousness
maleficio n evil deed, mischief
malevole adj malevolent
malevolente adj malevolent
Hence: malevolentia
malevolentia n malevolence
malfacer [-fac-/-fact-] v to do evil, wrong
Hence: malfaciente; malfactor
malfaciente adj maleficent, harmful
malfact- see malfacer
malfactor n malefactor
malfamate adj in bad repute
malformation n malformation
malgrado conj in spite of
malgratiose adj churlish, rude
[malgre] (-gré) prep in spite of
(= malgrado)
malia n 1. mesh (of a net); 2. stitch (in knitting, etc.); 3. mail-armor
Hence: maliar; inmaliar
maliar v to net (as in “to make a living by netting purses”)
malic adj malic;
acido malic malic acid
malignar v to be malignant
maligne adj malignant (1. malicious; 2. malign, harmful)
Hence: malignitate; malignar
malignitate n malignancy, malignity
malitia n malice
Hence: malitiose
malitiose adj malicious
malleabile adj malleable
malleabilitate n malleability
mallear v 1. to hammer, hammer out; 2. to thresh (grain), etc.
Hence: malleabile-malleabilitate
malleo n I. mall (1. mallet used in game of mall; 2. the game “mall”; 3. the alley in which mall was played); II. sledgehammer
Hence: mallette; mallear &
mallette n mallet
malo n apple
Hence: malacee-malaceas; malic
malodor adj malodorous
malsan adj unhealthy (1. not in good health; 2. unwholesome)
malsonante adj 1. ill-sounding; 2. offensive, scandalous
malt n malt
Hence: maltosa; maltar-maltator
maltar v to malt (= convert into malt)
maltator n malter, maltster
maltosa n [Chem.] maltose
maltractamento n maltreatment
maltractar v to maltreat
Hence: maltractamento
malversar v to be guilty of malversation or corruption in office
Hence: malversation
malversation n malversation (= corruption in office)
mam- see mamma
mamilla n [Anat.] mamma
Hence: mamillon; mamillari; mamillate; mamilliforme etc.
mamillari adj mamillary (1. pertaining to the breast; 2. mammiform)
mamillate adj mamillated, mamillary
mamilliforme adj mamillary, mamilliform
mamillon n [Geog.] mamelon
mamma n 1. [Anat.] mamma; 2. mama (= mother)
Hence: mammal &; mammari; mammifere &; mammiforme etc.; mamilla &
mammal n mammal
Hence: mammalogia etc.
mammalogia (-ía) n mammalogy
Hence: mammalogic
mammalogic adj mammalogical
mammari adj mammary
mammifere adj mammiferous
Hence: mammifero
mammifero (-í-) n mammal
mammiforme adj mammiform
mammona n [Bib.] mammon
mammut n mammoth
man-¹ [occurring in derivatives and compounds]
Hence: mania-maniac-maniaco, anglomania etc., bibliomania etc., megalomania etc.; bibliomane etc.; megalomane etc.; anglomano etc.; kleptomano etc.; theatromano etc.
man-² adj [occurring in compounds] mano- (1. rare, thin; 2. gaseous)
Hence: manometro etc.
manar v 1. to flow, trickle; 2. to emanate
Hence: emanar &
manata n handful
mancar v to be lacking (= to be deficient or missing)
manchette [F] n cuff (of a sleeve)
manchu¹ (-tchú, -djú) adj Manchu, Manchurian
Hence: Manchuria, Manchukuo etc.
manchu² (-tchú, -djú) n Manchu (1. Manchurian; 2. Manchu language)
Manchukuo (-tchúkwó, -djúkwó) npr Manchukuo
Manchuria (-tch-, -dj-) npr Manchuria
mancipar v to make over or deliver up as property
mancipe (mán-) n purchaser
Hence: mancipar-emancipar etc.
manco n lack, want
Hence: mancar
mand- v [occurring in derivatives]
Hence: mandibula &; manducar &
mandante n [Law] principal, mandator
mandar v 1. to order (= to have a person follow an order or instruction); 2. to send
Hence: mandante; mandato &; commandar &; contramandar; demandar &
mandarin n mandarin (= Chinese public official);
lingua mandarin Mandarin (language)
Hence: mandarinato; mandarinismo
mandarina n mandarin (= tangerine)
Hence: mandariniero
mandarinato n mandarinate
mandariniero n mandarin (tree)
mandarinismo n mandarinism
mandatario n mandatary, mandatory; also: attorney, agent, etc.
mandato n 1. order, command; 2. [Law, Pol.] mandate;
mandato postal (postal) money order
Hence: mandatario
mandibula n [Anat.] jaw; also: [Anat., Zool.] mandible
Hence: mandibular
mandibular adj mandibular
mandola [I] n mandola, mandora, pandora, pandore, bandore, etc. (= musical instrument similar to a mandolin, but larger)
mandolino [I] n mandolin
manducabile adj edible
manducar v to eat;
manducar (un persona) vive to eat (someone) alive;
manducar le parolas to mumble, chew one’s words
Hence: manducabile; manducation
manducation n (act of) eating
[mane] 1. n morning; 2. adv early in the morning
maneabile adj easy to handle; manageable
maneabilitate n wieldiness; manageability
maneamento n handling (of a tool, instrument, etc.)
manear v to handle (a tool, instrument); also: [Equit.] to manage; train, break in
Hence: maneo; maneamento; maneabile-maneabilitate, immaneabile
maneo (-éo) n I. stratagem, trick; II. manège (1. horsemanship; 2. riding school)
-maner v [occurring in derivatives and compounds]
Hence: immaner &; permaner &; remaner &
mangan- see manganese, manganic
manganato n [Chem.] manganate
manganese n [Chem.] manganese (= the metal “manganese”)
Hence: manganite; manganic-manganato, permanganic-permanganato; manganifere; manganose
manganic adj [Chem.] manganic
manganifere adj manganiferous
manganite n [Mineral.] manganite
manganose adj [Chem.] manganous
mangiabile (-já-) adj edible
mangiar¹ (-jár) v to eat
Hence: mangiabile; mangiator; mangiatoria
mangiar² (-jár) n food
mangiator (-ja-) n eater
mangiatoria (-ja-) n manger, crib
mania (-ía) n mania (1. [Pathol.]; 2. as in “sport mania”);
haber le mania de to have a mania for
maniac (-í-) adj maniac
maniaco (-í-) n maniac
manica n 1. [Clothing] sleeve; 2. hose (= flexibile tube for conveying water, etc.); 3. channel, strait; 4 handcuff; 5 gas-mantle;
in manicas de camisa in shirt sleeves;
haber le manica large to be lenient (in judging moral matters);
le Manica the (English) Channel
manich- see manico
manichetto n muff
manico n handle (of a hammer, broom, plow, etc.); neck (of a violin)
Hence: manichetta; dismanicar; immanicar
manicuro n manicurist
maniera n manner, way;
de maniera que so that;
manieras manners;
bon manieras good manners;
mal manieras bad manners
Hence: manierismo; manierista; manierose; manierar
manierar v to fill with mannerism, to make affected, to stylize
manierismo n mannerism
manierista n mannerist
manierose adj well-mannered, mannerly
manifestar v to manifest
manifestation n manifestation (1. act of manifesting; 2. public demonstration)
manifeste adj manifest
Hence: manifestar-manifestation; manifesto
manifesto n 1. manifesto; 2. manifest
manilla n 1. bracelet; 2. shackle
maniluvio n [Med.] maniluvium, bath for the hands
manipular v to manipulate
Hence: manipulation; manipulative; manipulator; manipulatori
manipulation n manipulation
manipulative adj manipulative
manipulator n manipulator
manipulatori adj manipulatory
manivella n [Mach.] crank
Hence: manivellar
manivellar v to crank, turn a crank
manna n manna (1. “Biblical manna”; 2. [Pharm.])
mannequin [F] n mannequin (1. figure of a person used by artists, tailors, etc.; 2. dressmaker’s live model)
mano n I. hand (1. hand of a person; 2. handwriting); II. quire (of paper);
sub mano in an underhanded way;
del mano al mano directly, without intermediary;
de prime mano first-hand;
dar le ultime mano a to give the final touch to;
un mano lava le altere you scratch my back, I scratch yours;
demandar le mano de un persona to ask for someone’s hand;
mano morte mortmain;
lavar se le manos de to wash one’s hands of;
venir al manos to come to blows;
de secunde mano second-hand
Hence: manata; manilla; manual; manico &; manica; manear &; manumitter etc.; manicuro etc.; quadrumane etc.; manufac- etc.; manuscripte etc.; manomorte etc.; manicuro etc.; maniluvio etc.; mantener etc.; mancipe etc.; sinistromane etc.; quadrumane etc.; lavamanos etc.
manographo (-ó-) n [Engin.] manograph
manometro (-ó-) n manometer
manomorte n [Law] mortmain
manovra n 1. operation (= act of putting and keeping in operation); 2. [R.R.] shunting; switching; 3. seamanship; 4 maneuver;
manovras 1. [Mil.] maneuvers; 2. [Naut.] rigging, tackle
Hence: manovrar-manovrabile-manovrabilitate, manovrator
manovrabile adj maneuverable
manovrabilitate n maneuverability
manovrar v 1. to operate (= to put and keep in operation); 2. to maneuver
manovrator n maneuverer
Mansard, François npr [1598-1666; French architect]
Hence: mansarda
mansarda n [Arch.] mansard (1. mansard roof; 2. mansard story or room); also: garret, attic
mansuete adj tame; also: gentle, mild, meek, etc.
Hence: mansuetude
mansuetude n tameness; also: gentleness, meekness, mildness, etc.
mante n [Zool.] mantis
-mante n [occurring in derivatives and compounds] -mancer (= prophet, seer)
Hence: -mantia-bibliomantia etc., hieromantia etc.; mantic-mantica; chiromante etc.; necromante etc.
mantelletto n mantelet (1. short mantle or cape; 2. [Fortif.])
mantello n coat, mantle, cloak, etc.
Hence: mantelletto; dismantellar &; portamantello etc.
mantenentia n maintenance (1. as in “maintenance of order”; 2. means of sustenance)
mantener v to maintain (1. to keep in the same position or status; 2. to adhere to an opinion)
Hence: mantenimento; mantenentia; mantenitor
mantenimento n maintenance (1. as in “maintenance of order”; 2. means of sustenance)
mantenitor n maintainer
-mantia (-ía) n [occurring in compounds] -mancy (= divination)
mantic adj mantic
mantica n manticism, mantic, divination
mantilla [H] n (Spanish) mantilla
manu- see mano
manual¹ adj manual
manual² n manual (= handbook)
manufac- [fac-/-fact-] v [occurring in derivatives]
Hence: manufactura-manufacturari, manufacturar
manufact- see manufac-
manufactura n 1. factory, manufactory; 2. manufacture, fabrication
manufacturar v to manufacture
manufacturari adj manufacturing (as in “manufacturing town”)
manumiss- see manumitter
manumission n manumission
manumitter [-mitt-/-miss-] v to manumit
Hence: manumission
manuscripte adj manuscript
Hence: manuscripto
manuscripto n manuscript
mappa n map
mappamundi [NL] n map of the world
maquerello (makeréllo) n mackerel
mar n sea (= large body of salt water);
un mar de (sanguine) a sea of (blood);
(in) alte mar (on) high seas;
homine de mar seaman, seafaring man;
mal de mar seasickness;
mar grosse heavy sea;
Mar Nigre Black Sea;
Mar Morte Dead Sea;
Mar del Nord North Sea
Hence: marea; marin &; maritime; amarar &; ultramar; verdemar etc.
marabu (-bú) n [Ornith.] marabou
marabut n marabout (= Mohammedan saint or hermit)
marasca [I] n marasca (cherry)
Hence: maraschino
marasch- see marasca
maraschino n maraschino
marca¹ n I. mark (1. trace, impression; 2. sign, indication; 3. stamp, brand, label, etc.); II. marker (= instrument for marking);
marca de fabrica trademark;
(de) marca (superior) (of a superior) brand;
(vino) de marca quality or choice (wine);
(persona) de marca (person) of mark
Hence: marcar-marcator, marcate, demarcar &, dismarcar, remarcar &; contramarca-contramarcar
marca² n marchland, march
Hence: marchese &
marcar v to mark (= to indicate, distinguish etc. by a mark or marks)
marcate 1. pp of marcar; 2. adj marked (as in “a marked difference”)
marcator n marker (= one who marks)
marcer v to wither, wilt
Hence: marcide; marcor; marcescer &
marcescente 1. ppr of marcescer; 2. adj [Bot.] marcescent
marcescentia n [Bot.] marcescence
marcescer v to wither, wilt
Hence: marcescente-marcescentia; marcescibile-immarcescibile
marcescibile adj withering, wilting (= liable to wither or wilt)
march- see marca
marcha (-sh-) n march (as in “military, processional, funeral, etc., march”);
marcha fortiate forced march;
marcha funebre funeral march;
poner se in marcha to start, get under way, etc.;
ordine de marcha order of march, marching order
marchar (-sh-) v to march
Hence: marcha-contramarcha-contramarchar
marchesa n marchioness, marquise
marchesato n marquisate
marchese n 1. marquess, marquis; 2. marchioness, marquise
Hence: marchesato; marchesa
marcide adj withered, wilted; also: languid, weak
marco¹ n mark (1. [Hist.] unit of weight for gold and silver; 2. [Fin.] monetary unit)
Marco² npr Mark
marcor n withering, wilting; decaying, decay; also: languishing
marea (-éa) n tide;
marea alte high water, high tide;
marea basse low water, low tide
marechal [F] n marshal, field marshal
Hence: marechalato; marechala
marechala (-sh-) n field marshal’s wife
marechalato (-sh-) n marshalship
maremma n fen, salt marsh, etc.; also: maremma
margar- n [occurring in derivatives]
Hence: margarina &; margarita; margaric
margaric adj [Chem.] margaric
margarina n margarine
Hence: oleomargarina etc.
margarita n 1. pearl; 2. daisy, marguerite;
jectar margaritas ante porcos to cast pearls before swine;
Margarita Margaret
marginal adj marginal;
nota marginal marginal note
marginar v 1. to leave a margin on; 2. to make marginal notes on
marginate 1. pp of marginar; 2. adj bordered, marginate
margine n margin (1. border, edge; 2. “margin of a printed or written page”)
Hence: marginal; marginose; marginar-marginate; emarginar &
marginose adj with a wide margin
Maria (-ía) npr Mary, Marie
Hence: marista; Marion; marian-marianismo; Marianna etc.
marian adj Marian
marianismo n Mariolatry (= excessive veneration of the Virgin Mary)
Marianna nprf Marian, Marianne;
Mariannas [Geog.] Marianas
marin adj marine (= of the sea);
millia marin nautical mile;
(planta) marin sea (plant)
Hence: marinar &; submarin &; ultramarin; aquamarin etc.; rosmarino etc.; marino; marina-marinero
marina n marine (1. as in “merchant marine”; 2. [Paint.]);
marina de guerra navy;
officiero de marina naval officer;
ministerio del marina admiralty;
infanteria de marina marines;
marina mercante merchant or mercantile marine
marinada n marinade
marinar v to marinade, marinate
Hence: marinada
marinero n sailor, seaman, mariner
marino n seaman
Mario nprm Marius
Marion npr Marion
marionette [F] n marionette, puppet;
theatro de marionettes puppet show
Hence: marionettista
marionettista n puppeteer
marisco n marsh, bog
marista n [R.C.Ch.] Marist
maritabile adj marriageable
maritage (-aje) n marriage
marital adj marital
maritar v to marry (= to unite in wedlock);
maritar se to marry (= to get married)
maritime (-rí-) adj maritime;
commercio maritime seaborne trade;
citate maritime seaside town;
assecurantia maritime marine insurance;
derecto maritime maritime law
marito n husband
Hence: marital; maritar-maritage, maritabile, remaritar; ex-marito
marmelada n jam, preserves;
marmelada (de oranges) (orange) marmelade
marmita n [Cookery] pot
marmorar v to marble, marbleize
marmorari adj marble
marmorator n marbler, marbleizer
marmore n marble (1. as in “Carrara marble”; 2. as in “to play marbles”)
Hence: marmorero; marmoreria; marmoriera; marmorari; marmorar-marmorator; marmorisar
marmoreria (-ía) n 1. marble cutting; 2. marble works
marmorero n 1. marble cutter, marble carver; 2. marble polisher
marmoriera n marble quarry
marmorisar v 1. to marmorize; 2. to marbleize, marble
marocch- see Marocco
marocchin¹ adj 1. Moroccan; 2. morocco
marocchin² n morocco (leather), maroquin
Hence: marocchinero; marocchineria; marocchinar
marocchinar v to dress (skin) like morocco
marocchineria (-ería) n 1. (action or process of) dressing morocco; 2. trade in morocco (leather)
marocchinero n 1. morocco dresser; 2. morocco dealer
marocchino n Moroccan
Marocco npr Morocco
Hence: marocchin¹-marocchino, marocchin² &
Marquesas [H] npr Marquesas (Islands)
marquis [F] n marquis
marquise [F] n 1. marquise, marchioness; 2. marquee
marron n chestnut (= edible nut of the sweet chestnut tree)
Hence: marroniero
marroniero n (sweet) chestnut tree
Marte npr Mars (1. [Rom. Relig.]; 2. [Astron.])
Hence: martial; martedi etc.
martedi (-dí) n Tuesday
martellar v to hammer
martellator n hammerer; hammer operator
martello n 1. hammer; 2. hammerhead (shark)
Hence: martellar-martellator
martial adj martial (1. pertaining to war; 2. warlike, eager to fight; 3. [Old Chem.] containing iron);
lege martial martial law;
corte martial court-martial
Martin nprm Martin;
martin piscator kingfisher
Martino nprm Martin
martio n March
martyre n martyr
Hence: martyrio; martyrisar; martyrologio etc.; protomartyre etc.
martyrio n martyrdom
martyrisar v to martyr, martyrize
martyrologio n martyrology (= register of martyrs; also: histories of martyrs collectively)
Marx, Karl npr [1818-1883; German socialist]
Hence: marxismo; marxista
marxismo n Marxism
marxista n/adj Marxist, Marxian
Maryland [A] npr Maryland
marzapane [I] n marzipan, marchpane
masca n mask (1. cover for the face, used for disguise; 2. person wearing a mask, masker; 3. as in “death mask”)
Hence: mascar-dismascar
mascar v to mask;
mascar se to put on, assume, etc., a mask
mascara (más-) n mask (1. cover for the face, used for disguise; 2. person wearing a mask, masker; 3. as in “death mask”)
Hence: mascarar-mascarada
mascarada n masquerade
mascarar v to mask
mascotte [F] n mascot
mascule adj male
Hence: masculin-masculinitate, masculinisar; emascular &; masculo
masculin adj masculine (1. male, manly; 2. [Gram.])
masculinisar v 1. to make manly; 2. [Gram.] to make masculine
masculinitate n masculinity
masculo (más-) n male
mason n 1. mason; 2. Mason, Freemason
Hence: masoneria; francmason etc.
masoneria (-ía) n masonry (1. work of a mason; 2. Freemasonry)
massa¹ n I. mace (1. herald’s staff; 2. club); II. sledge hammer, mallet, beetle, ram, etc.
Hence: massero; massetta; massar
massa² n mass (= coherent body of matter or of individual objects);
in massa in a body;
le massa (de un patrimonio) the (total) estate;
le massas the masses
Hence: massive; massar; amassar &
massacrar v to massacre
massacrator n massacrer
massacro n massacre
Hence: massacrar-massacrator
massage (-aje) n massage
massar¹ v 1. to beat (with a club), to cudgel, thump; 2. to ram (= to drive with a ram)
massar² v to mass, group together
massar³ v to massage
Hence: massage
massero n mace-bearer
massetta n small mallet
masseur [F] n masseur
masseuse [F] n masseuse
massive adj massive
mast n [Naut.] mast;
a medie mast at half-mast
masticar¹ v to chew, masticate
Hence: mastication; masticator; masticatori; remasticar
masticar² v to cement, putty, etc.
mastication n mastication
masticator¹ n chewer
masticator² adj masticatory
mastico (más-) n mastic (1. resin exuding from the mastic tree; 2. any of various pasty cements; also: putty)
Hence: masticar
masto- n [occurring in compounds] masto-, mast- (= breast)
Hence: mastoide-mastoiditis; mastodonte etc.
mastodonte n mastodon
mastoide adj mastoid
mastoiditis (-ítis) n [Pathol.] mastoiditis
mat adj 1. checkmated; 2. dull, mat;
chaco mat checkmate
Hence: matar
matador [H] n matador
matar v 1. to checkmate, mate; 2. to dull, mat (metals, etc.)
match [A] n [Sports] match
mater- see matre
materia n matter (1. physical substance; 2. material of thought);
materia prime raw material;
tabula del materias table of contents
Hence: material &
material¹ adj material
Hence: materialitate; materialismo; materialista-materialistic; materialisar-materialisation; immaterial-immaterialitate
material² n 1. material; 2. matériel
materialisar v to materialize (= to render material)
materialisation n materialization
materialismo n materialism
materialista n materialist
materialistic adj materialistic
materialitate n materiality
maternal adj maternal (1. pertaining to the mother; 2. characteristic of a mother; motherly)
materne adj maternal (1. pertaining to the mother; 2. characteristic of a mother, motherly)
Hence: maternitate; maternal
maternitate n 1. motherhood, maternity; 2. maternity hospital
mathematic adj mathematical
Hence: mathematico; mathematica
mathematica n mathematics
mathematico n mathematician
Mathusala (-tú-) npr Methuselah
matinal adj 1. morning; 2. rising early
matinas npl [Eccl.] matins
matinata n morning (= morning’s duration)
matinee [F] n 1. woman’s negligee; 2. [Theat.] matinee
matinero n early riser
matino n morning
Hence: matinata; matinero; matinal; matinas
matras (-ás) n mattress
Hence: matrassero
matrass- see matras
matrassero n mattress maker
matrastra n stepmother
matre n mother;
lingua matre parent language;
matre vite [Mech.] nut;
matre affin mother-in-law
Hence: matrastra; matrice &; matrina; matrimonio &; matrona &; materne &; commatre &; granmatre &; matriarcha etc.; matreperla etc.; matricida etc.; matricidio etc.
matreperla n mother-of-pearl
matriarcha n matriarch
Hence: matriarchato; matriarchal
matriarchal adj matriarchal
matriarchato n matriarchate
matrice n matrix (1. [Anat.]; 2. [Technol.])
Hence: matricula &
matricida n matricide (= one who kills his mother)
matricidio n matricide (= act of killing one’s mother)
matricula n roll, register, list (of members), etc.
Hence: matricular¹; matricular²-matriculation
matricular¹ adj pertaining to registration or enrollment
matricular² v to register, enroll (someone); also: to matriculate (a student);
matricular se to matriculate (as a student)
matriculation n matriculation
matrimonial adj matrimonial
matrimonio n matrimony
Hence: matrimonial
matrina n godmother
matrona n matron (= elderly wife or widow)
Hence: matronal
matronal adj matronly
matta n 1. mat (as in “door mat”); 2. [Foundry] matte
Hence: mattar
mattar v to lay with a mat
Mattheo (-éo) nprm Matthew
matthiol- see Mattioli, P. A.
matthiola n gillyflower, stock
Mattioli, P. A. npr [1500-1577; Italian physician]
Hence: matthiola
matur adj ripe; mature
Hence: maturitate; maturar-maturation, maturative; immatur-immaturitate; prematur-prematuritate
maturar v 1. to ripen; to mature; 2. [Med.] to ripen (1. to bring to a head; 2. to maturate)
maturation n maturation
maturative adj maturative
maturitate n ripeness, maturity
matutin adj morning
Hence: matutino-matutinal; matutinas
matutinal adj 1. matutinal; 2. rising early
matutinas (-tí-) npl [Eccl.] matins
matutino n morning
maure adj Moorish
Hence: mauro-mauresc-hispanomauresc etc., mauresca, Mauritania
mauresc adj Moresque, Moorish
mauresca n morris (dance)
Mauritania npr 1. [Hist.] Mauritania, Mauretania (= ancient district of North Africa); 2. Mauritania (= French colony of Mauritania)
Mauritio npr 1. Maurice, Mauritius; 2. [Geog.] Mauritius
mauro n Moor
mauser [G] n Mauser (rifle)
mausoleo (-éo) n mausoleum
Mausolo npr [Anc. Hist.] Mausolus
Hence: mausoleo
mauve [F] adj/n mauve
maxilla n jawbone, jaw
Hence: maxillar-intermaxillar, submaxillar; maxilliforme etc.
maxillar adj maxillary;
osso maxillar maxillary bone
maxilliforme adj maxilliform
maxim [A] n maxim (gun), machine gun
maxima (máx-) n maxim
maximal adj maximal
maxime¹ (máx-) adj greatest, highest, maximal;
precio maxime maximum price, ceiling price
Hence: maximo-maximal; maxima
[maxime]² (máx-) adv 1. most; 2. especially, principally; 3. exceedingly, very; 4. certainly
maximo (máx-) n maximum
mayonnaise [F] n mayonnaise
mazurka [Polish] n [Dancing] mazurka
me pron 1. pers me; 2. refl myself (as in “I hurt myself”, “I said to myself”)
mear v to go, pass
Hence: meato; commear &; permear &
meato n [Anat.] meatus
mechan- n [occurring in derivatives and compounds]
Hence: mechanic; mechanico; mechanica-telemechanica etc.; mechanismo; mechanisar-mechanisation; mechanotherapia etc.
mechanic adj mechanical;
ingeniero mechanic mechanical engineer
mechanica n mechanics
mechanico n mechanic
mechanisar v to mechanize
mechanisation n mechanization
mechanismo n mechanism
mechanotherapia (-ía) n [Med.] mechanotherapy
medalia n medal
Hence: medaliario; medalista; medalion
medaliario n 1. collection of medals; 2. medal cabinet
medalion n I. medallion (1. large medal; 2. round, flat ornament or portrait); II. locket
medalista n medalist (1. maker of medals; 2. one skilled in medals)
mede adj Median
media¹ n average, mean;
media arithmetic arthimetical mean;
media geometric geometrical mean
Media² npr Media
medial adj [Philol.] medial
median adj median, medium;
de etate median middle-aged;
nervo median median nerve
mediana n [Geom.] median
mediante n [Mus.] mediant
mediar v to mediate (1. to form a connecting link between; 2. to act as an intermediary)
mediastino n [Anat.] mediastinum
mediate 1. pp of mediar; 2. adj mediate (as in “a mediate cause”)
mediation n mediation
mediator n mediator
medic (mé-) adj medical
Hence: medicina &; medicar-medicamento-medicamentose, medicamentar, medicabile-immedicabile, medication; medico-medicastro, medical
medicabile adj medicable
medical adj medical
medicamentar v to treat with medicaments
medicamento n medicament, medication, medicine
medicamentose adj medicinal
medicar v to medicate; to treat (medically)
medicastro n medicaster, quack
medication n medication (= act or process of medicating)
medicina n medicine (1. medical science or art; 2. substance or compound taken internally to cure disease);
doctor in medicina doctor of medicine;
medicina legal forensic medicine
Hence: medicinal, medicinar
medicinal adj medicinal
medicinar v to give or administer medicine to
medico (mé-) n physician, doctor
medie adj 1. half; 2. middle; 3. average, mean;
termino medie [Philos.] middle term;
medie hora half an hour;
medie fratre half-brother;
medie etate Middle Ages
Hence: medietate; mediar-mediante, mediation, mediator, mediate-immediate; mediastino; intermedie &; mediterranee etc.; mediedie etc.; medievo etc.; medio¹ &; medio²
mediedie (-díe) n 1. noon; 2. south
medienocte n midnight
medietate n half;
le medietate del (mundo) half the (world);
a medietate half (= to half the full amount or degree);
a medietate del cammino halfway;
(mi) car medietate (my) better half, wife
medieval adj medieval
medievo n Middle Ages
Hence: medieval
medio¹ adv half
medio² n 1. middle, also: midst; 2. mean, medium; 3. means (= agent or instrument by which an end is attained);
per medio de by means of;
medios means (= pecuniary resources)
Hence: medial; median-mediana; media
mediocre adj mediocre
Hence: mediocritate
mediocritate n mediocrity (1. quality or state of being mediocre; 2. mediocre person)
meditar v I. to meditate (1. to be engaged in meditation; 2. to plan, contemplate); II. to think of, ponder;
meditar super to meditate upon
Hence: meditation; meditative; meditator; premeditar-premeditation, premeditate-impremeditate
meditation n meditation
meditative adj meditative
meditator n meditator
mediterranee adj 1. inland; 2. Mediterranean
Hence: mediterraneo
mediterraneo n inland sea;
Mediterraneo Mediterranean
medium [L] n medium (as in “a spiritualistic medium”)
Hence: mediumnic
mediumnic (-úm-) adj [Spiritualism] mediumistic
medo n 1. Mede, Median; 2. Median (language), Medic
Hence: Media; mede
medulla n 1. marrow; 2. pith;
medulla spinal spinal cord
Hence: medullar; medullose
medullar adj medullary (= containing, consisting of, or resembling, marrow)
medullose adj 1. marrowy; 2. pithy
Medusa npr [Gr. Mythol.] Medusa;
medusa [Zool.] medusa
meeting [A] n (political) meeting
mega- [occurring in compounds] mega- (= great, extended; a million times)
Hence: megametro etc.; megaphono etc.; megalopole etc.; megalosauro etc.; megalomania etc.; megalocephale etc.; megalomane etc.
megal- see mega-
megalocephale adj megalocephalic
megalomane adj megalomanical
Hence: megalomano
megalomania (-ía) n megalomania
megalomano (-ó-) n megalomaniac
megalopole n megalopolis
megalosauro n [Paleontol.] megalosaurus, megalosaur
megametro (-gá-) n megameter
megaphono (-gá-) n megaphone
melancholia (-ía) n melancholy; also: [Pathol.] melancholia
Hence: melancholic
melancholic adj melancholy
melassa n molasses
melic adj melic (= of song; meant to be sung)
melio adv better;
tanto melio so much the better
melior adj better;
(le) melior (the) best
Hence: meliorismo; meliorar-melioration, meliorator
meliorar v to improve, ameliorate
melioration n improvement, amelioration
meliorator n improver, ameliorator
meliorismo n meliorism
mellar v to make honey, to honey
mellate adj 1. honey, honeyed; 2. honeycolored
melle n honey;
luna de melle honeymoon
Hence: mellero; mellate; mellifere; mellose; mellar; mellificar-mellification; melliflue etc.
mellero n honey dealer
mellifere adj melliferous
mellificar v to make honey (as in “bees making honey”)
mellification n honey making
melliflue adj mellifluous
Hence: mellifluitate
mellifluitate n mellifluence, mellifluousness
mellose adj honeyed, honeylike
melo- n [occurring in compounds] melo-, mel- (= song)
Hence: melic; melodrama etc.; melomania etc.; melodia etc.; melomane etc.; melopeia etc.
melodia (-ía) n melody
Hence: melodista; melodic; melodiose
melodic adj melodic
melodiose adj melodious
melodista n melodist (= composer of melodies)
melodrama [-ma-/-mat-] n melodrama
Hence: melodramatic
melodramat- see melodrama
melodramatic adj melodramatic
melomane (-ó-) n melomaniac
melomania (-ía) n melomania
melon n melon;
melon de aqua watermelon
Hence: meloniera
meloniera n melon bed
melopeia (-péya) n [Antiq.] melopoeia (1. composition of melodies; 2. chanting of verses)
membrana n membrane;
membrana mucose mucous membrane;
membrana false [Pathol.] false membrane
Hence: membranacee; membranose
membranacee adj membranous, membranaceous
membranose adj membranous (= consisting of membranes)
membratura n (human) frame
membro n I. member (1. constituent part of a whole; 2. “member of a social group, organization, etc.”); II. limb (of animal or human body);
membro del parlamento member of Parliament
Hence: membrana &; membratura; membrute; dismembrar &
membrute adj stout-limbed
memorabile adj memorable
memorandum (-án-) n I. memorandum (1. note, record of events, etc.; 2. informal communication or report); II. memorandum book
memorar v to remember (= to recollect, recall; bear in mind)
Hence: memorabile-immemorabile; memorative; commemorar &; rememorar
memorative adj commemorative
memore adj mindful (of a person or a thing)
Hence: memoria &; memorar &
memoria n I. memory (1. faculty of remembering; 2. remembrance, recollection); II. memoir (memorandum, record, etc.); III. [Law] factum (= memorial);
memorias memoirs (1. autobiographical record; 2. transactions of a learned society);
de memoria from memory, by heart;
in memoria de in memory of;
facer memoria de to commemorate;
de memoria de homine within living memory
Hence: memorial-memorialista; immemorial
memorial n I. memorials; II. memorial (= statement of facts in form of a petition)
memorialista n memorialist (= a writer of memoirs)
menacia n menace, threat
Hence: menaciar
menaciar v to menace, threaten
menage [F] n household, ménage
menagerie [F] n menagerie
menar v to lead, guide, conduct
Hence: promenar &
menchev- see menchevico
menchevico (menshevíco) n menshevik, menshevist
Hence: menchevismo; menchevista
menchevismo (-sh-) n menshevism
menchevista (-sh-) n menshevist, menshevik; attrib. menshevist, menshevistic
menda n 1. defect, blemish; 2. fault, error
Hence: mendose; emendar &
mendace adj mendacious (1. lying, untruthful; 2. false, untrue)
mendacio n lie (= falsehood);
mendacio officiose white lie
mendic (-díc) adj beggarly
Hence: mendicitate; mendicar-mendicante, mendication; mendico
mendicante n beggar, mendicant; specif: [Eccl.] mendicant friar
mendicar v to beg; to go begging
mendication n (action of) begging
mendicitate n mendicity
mendico (-íco) n beggar
mendose adj 1. defective, faulty; 2. erroneous
menestrel n minstrel
meninge n [Anat.] meninx;
meninges meninges
Hence: meningitis
meningitis (-ítis) n [Pathol.] meningitis;
meningitis cerebro-spinal cerebrospinal meningitis
[meno] adv (= minus)
mens- see metir
mense n 1. month; 2. monthly salary
Hence: mensual-mensualitate; menstruo &; bimestre etc.; semestre etc.
mensor n measurer; also: gauge
menstrual adj menstrual (= pertaining to the menses)
menstruar v to menstruate
menstruation n menstruation
menstruo n menstruation
Hence: menstrual; menstruar-menstruation
mensual adj monthly
mensualitate n monthly payment
mensura n measure
Hence: mensurar-mensurabile-mensurabilitate, immensurabile-immensurabilitate, mensuration, mensurator, mensurate-dismensurate, commensurar &; agrimensura etc.
mensurabile adj measurable, mensurable
mensurabilitate n measurability, mensurability
mensurar v to measure
mensurate 1. pp of mensurar; 2. adj moderate, temperate
mensuration n measuring, measurement, mensuration
mensurator n measurer
mental adj mental;
restriction mental mental reservation
mentalitate n mentality
mente n mind (= intellectual powers, mental force)
Hence: mental-mentalitate; demente &; mentecapte etc.
mentecapte adj feeble-minded
mentha n [Bot.] mint;
mentha piperate peppermint
Hence: menthol &
menthol n menthol
Hence: mentholate
mentholate adj mentholated
mention n mention;
facer mention de to make mention of, to mention;
mention honorabile honorable mention
Hence: mentionar-mentionabile-immentionabile
mentionabile adj mentionable
mentionar v to mention
mentir v to lie, tell lies
Hence: mentitor; mentita; dismentir
mentita n lie, falsehood
mentitor n liar
mento n chin
menu [F] n menu, bill of fare
menuet n minuet
meravilia n marvel (= that which excites wonder)
Hence: meraviliose; meraviliar
meraviliar v to marvel
meraviliose adj marvelous
mercabile adj merchantable
mercante n merchant, dealer
mercantia n 1. trade, traffic; 2. merchandise, ware
mercantil adj 1. mercantile; 2. mercenary, grasping
mercantilismo n mercantilism (1. commercialism, mercenary spirit; 2. theory and practice of the mercantile system)
mercar v to trade, deal (= to do business)
mercato n market (1. market place; 2. as in “cattle market”; 3. [Econ., Com.]);
a bon mercato at a low rate, cheap(ly);
mercato nigre black market
mercator n merchant, dealer, marketer
merce n merchandise;
traino de merces freight train
Hence: mercero; merceria; mercar-mercante, mercantia, mercantil-mercantilismo; mercabile, mercator, mercato; commercio &
mercede n grace, mercy, clemency, etc.;
esser al mercede de to be at the mercy of
mercenari adj mercenary
Hence: mercenario
mercenario n 1. hired worker; 2. mercenary
Mercer, John npr [1791-1866; inventor of mercerizing process]
Hence: mercerisar-mercerisage, mercerisation, mercerisate
merceria (-ía) n 1. notions, small ware; notion or small-ware trade or store
mercerisage (-aje) n mercerizing, mercerization
mercerisar v to mercerize
mercerisate 1. pp of mercerisar; 2. adj mercerized
mercerisation n mercerizing, mercerization
mercero n dealer in notions, small-ware dealer
mercurial adj I. mercurial (1. as in “mercurial temperament”; 2. as in “mercurial barometer”); II. Mercurial
mercuric adj [Chem.] mercuric
mercuridi (-dí) n Wednesday;
mercuridi del cineres Ash Wednesday
Mercurio¹ npr Mercury (1. [Mythol.]; 2. [Astron.])
Hence: mercurial; mercuridi etc.; mercurio &
mercurio² n mercury, quicksilver
Hence: mercurial; mercuric; mercuriose
mercuriose adj [Chem.] mercurous
merer v to merit, deserve
Hence: meretrice &; meritori; merito-meritar; demer- &; emer- &
meretrice n prostitute
Hence: meretricie
meretricie adj meretricious (= of a prostitute)
merger [merg-/mers-] v to plunge (into), sink (in)
Hence: emerger &; immerger &; submerger &
meridian adj meridian
meridiano n meridian;
meridiano magnetic magnetic meridian
meridie (-rí-) n 1. noon; 2. south;
a meridie at noon;
ante meridie in the forenoon
Hence: meridian-meridiano; meridional; antemeridian; postmeridie-postmeridian
meridional¹ adj southern, meridional
meridional² n southerner, meridional
meringue [F] n meringue (1. mixture of beaten egg whites and sugar; 2. thin case of meringue filled with whipped cream)
merino n merino
meritar v to merit, deserve
merito (mé-) n merit
meritori adj meritorious
merla n blackbird, merl
mero- n [occurring in compounds] mero-, mer- (= part)
Hence: metamere-metameria, metamero; meropia etc.; isomere etc.; polymere etc.; pentamere etc.
meropia (-ía) n [Med.] meropia, partial blindness
-mes- see mense
mes- adj [occurring in compounds] mes-, meso- (= middle)
Hence: mesenterio etc.; Mesopotamia etc.; mesocarpio etc.; mesozoic etc.; mesocephale etc.; mesolabio etc.
mésalliance [F] n misalliance, mésalliance
meschin adj mean, paltry, shabby
Hence: meschineria
meschineria (-ía) n meanness, shabbiness
mesenteric adj mesenteric
mesenterio n [Anat.] mesentery
Hence: mesenteritis; mesenteric
mesenteritis (-ítis) n [Pathol.] mesenteritis
mesme 1. same; 2. myself, yourself, himself, etc. (as in “the king himself”)
Hence: mesmo
Mesmer, Friedrich Anton npr [1734-1815; Austrian doctor]
Hence: mesmerismo; mesmerista; mesmerian; mesmerisar
mesmerian adj mesmeric, mesmerian
mesmerisar v to mesmerize; also: to magnetize
mesmerismo n mesmerism; also: animal magnetism
mesmerista n mesmerist; also: animal magnetist
mesmo adv 1. likewise; 2. even;
hodie mesmo this very day;
ora mesmo right now
mesocarpio n [Bot.] mesocarp
mesocephale adj mesocephalic
Hence: mesocephalo
mesocephalo n mesocephal
mesolabio n mesolabe
Mesopotamia npr Mesopotamia
Hence: mesopotamian
mesopotamian adj Mesopotamian
mesozoic adj [Geol.] Mesozoic
message (-aje) n message
Hence: messagero; messageria
messageria (-ajería) n shipping office, shipping service
messagero (-ajéro) n messenger
messe n harvest, crop(s)
Hence: messidor etc.
Messia (-ía) n Messiah
Hence: messianismo; messianic
messianic adj Messianic
messianismo n Messianism
messidor n [French Revolutionary Calendar] Messidor
mesticiage (aje) n (action or process of) cross breeding
mesticiar v to cross (= to cause to interbreed)
mesticio n half-breed, mestizo
Hence: mesticiar-mesticiage
mestiero n craft, trade
mesura n measure (1. size, extent, dimension, etc.; also: measurement; 2. standard of measure; also: system of measure units, measurement; 3. [Mus.; Pros.]; 4 degree, proportion; 5 as in “drastic measure(s)”);
bon mesura good or ample measure;
medie mesura half measure;
a mesura que (in proportion) as;
prender le mesuras de to take measurements of;
prender su mesuras to take steps or measures
Hence: mesurar-mesurabile-mesurabilitate, immesurabile-immesurabilitate, mesuration, mesurator, mesurate-dismesurate
mesurabile adj measurable, mensurable
mesurabilitate n measurability, mensurability
mesurar v to measure (1. to ascertain the size, capacity, extent, measurements, etc., of; 2. to be of a certain measurement);
mesurar su parolas to weigh one’s words;
mesurar se con (un persona) to measure one’s strength against (someone);
passo mesurate measured tread
mesurate 1. pp of mesurar; 2. adj moderate, temperate
mesuration n measuring, measurement, mensuration
mesurator n measurer
met- see meta-
meta- prefixo [met- before vowels and -h-; used chiefly to form technical terms] meta-, met- (1. behind; 2. beyond, transcending, higher; 3. changed, transferred, transformed)
Hence: metastase etc.; metempsychose etc.; metaphysic etc.; metamorphe etc.; methodo etc.
metabole n [Rhet.] antimetabole
Hence: metabolismo
metabolismo n [Biol.] metabolism
metacarpal adj [Anat.] metacarpal
metacarpo n [Anat.] metacarpus
metallic adj metallic;
reserva metallic [Fin.] bullion reserve
metallifere adj metalliferous
metallin adj metalline
metallisar v to metallize
metallisation n metallization
metallo n metal (as in “gold is a metal”);
metallo blanc white metal, babbitt
Hence: metallic; metallifere; metallin; metalloide-metalloidic; metallisar-metallisation; metallographia etc.; metallurgo etc.; bimetallismo etc.; monometallista etc.
metallographia (-ía) n metallography (1. study of metals; 2. [Print.])
Hence: metallographic
metallographic adj metallographic
metalloide n metalloid
metalloidic adj metalloidal
metallotherapia (-ía) n metallotherapy
metallurgia (-ía) n metallurgy
metallurgic adj metallurgical, metallurgic
metallurgista n metallurgist
metallurgo n metallurgist
Hence: metallurgia-metallurgista; metallurgic
metamere adj metamerous, metameric (1. [Zool.]; 2. [Chem.])
metameria (-ía) n metamerism, metamery (1. [Zool.]; 2. [Chem.])
metamero (-tá-) n [Zool.] metamere
metamorphe adj metamorphic, metamorphous
metamorphic adj metamorphic; also: [Geol.]
metamorphismo n metamorphism (1. metamorphosis; 2. [Geol.])
metamorphosar v to metamorphose, transform (= to cause to change form)
metamorphose n metamorphosis
Hence: metamorphosar
metaphora (-tá-) n metaphor
Hence: metaphoric; metaphorisar
metaphoric adj metaphorical, metaphoric
metaphorisar v to metaphorize
metaphras- v [occurring in derivatives]
Hence: metaphrase-metaphrasar; metaphraste; metaphrastic
metaphrasar v to metaphrase
metaphrase (-tá-) n metaphrase
metaphraste n metaphrast
metaphrastic adj metaphrastic
metaphysic adj metaphysical
metaphysica n metaphysics
metaphysico n metaphysician
metastase (-tástase) n [Pathol.] metastasis
metathese (-átese) n [Gram.] metathesis
metempsychose n metempsychosis
meteoric adj meteoric
meteorite n meteorite
meteoro n meteor (1. atmospheric phenomenon; 2. shooting star)
Hence: meteorite; meteoric; meteorologo etc.
meteorologia (-ía) n meteorology
meteorologic adj meteorologic, meteorological
meteorologista n meteorologist
meteorologo (-ró-) n meterorologist
Hence: meteorologia-meteorologista; meteorologic
meth- see methy-; methyleno
methano n [Chem.] methane, swamp gas
methodic adj methodical
methodisar v to methodize
methodismo n Methodism
methodista n Methodist
methodo (mé-) n method
Hence: methodismo; methodista; methodic; methodisar; methodologia etc.
methodologia (-ía) n methodology
methy- n [occurring in derivatives and compounds] methy- (= wine)
Hence: methyleno &; amethysto
methyl- see methyleno
methylamino n [Chem.] methylamine
methyleno n methylene (1. wood alcohol, methyl alcohol; 2. [Chem.] methyl)
Hence: methylo-methylic, methano, methylamino etc.
methylic adj [Chem.] methylic;
alcohol methylic methyl alcohol, methylic alcohol, wood alcohol
methylo n [Chem.] methyl, methylene
meticulose adj meticulous
Hence: meticulositate
meticulositate n meticulosity, meticulousness
metir [met-/mens-] v to measure; also: to scan (verses); to survey (lands);
metir se to be moderate, practice moderation
Hence: mensor-agrimensor etc.; mensura &; immense &; dimetir &
metonymia (-ía) n [Rhet.] metonymy
Hence: metonymic
metonymic adj metonymical
metr- n [occurring in compounds] metro- (= mother)
Hence: metropole etc.
-metra n [occurring in compounds] -meter (= one occupied in -metry)
Hence: -metria &; geometra etc.
metrage (-aje) n measurement (in meters), metrage
metrar v to meter (= to measure by the meter)
-metria (-ía) [occurring in compounds] -metry
Hence: stereometria etc.
metric adj 1. metric (= pertaining to that system of measures of which the meter is the unit); 2. metrical (= relating to measurement); 3. [Poet.] metric, metrical
metrica n metrics
metro n I. meter (1. one forty millionth part of the terrestrial meridian; 2. [Poet.]); II. tape measure, tapeline
Hence: metric-metrica, isometric etc.; metrar-metrage; diametro etc.; perimetro; symmetr- &; metronomo etc.; metrologia etc.; alcalimetro etc.; thermometro etc.; centimetro etc.; kilometro etc.; hexametre etc.; -metra &
metrologia (-ía) n metrology
metronomo (-tró-) n metronome
metropole n metropolis (1. parent state of a colony; 2. [Eccl.]; 3. chief town or city of a country or state)
Hence: metropolita-metropolitan-metropolitano
metropolita n [Gr. Church] metropolite
metropolitan adj metropolitan (1. belonging to the parent state of a colony; 2. [Eccl.]; 3. belonging to the chief town or city of a country or state);
ecclesia metropolitan metropolitan church
metropolitano n 1. [Eccl.] metropolitan; 2. urban railway; also: subway, underground (railway)
mexican adj Mexican
mexicano n Mexican (= native of Mexico)
Mexico (méx-) n Mexico
Hence: mexican-mexicano
mezzanin n 1. mezzanine (floor or story); 2. mezzanine window
mezzosoprano [I] n [Mus.] mezzo-soprano
mi¹ n 1. [Mus.] mi; 2. [Mus.] (the note) E
Hence: solmisar etc.
mi² adj poss my
Hence: mie
[mi] pron me
(= me)
mi- adj [occurring in compounds] mi-, mio- (= less)
Hence: miocen etc.
miasma [-ma/-mat-] n miasma
Hence: miasmatic
miasmat- see miasma
miasmatic adj miasmatic
miau (-áu) interj/n miaow, meow
Hence: miaular
miaular v to miaow, meow, mew
mica n 1. crumb (= small piece of bread, cake, etc., rubbed or broken off); 2. [Mineral.] mica
Hence: micacee; micar; micaschisto etc.
micacee adj [Mineral.] micaceous
micar v to crumble (= to cause to crumble)
micaschisto n [Mineral.] mica schist
micca n 1. wick; 2. [Artil.; Min.; etc.] fuse, match
Michael nprm Michael
micr- adj [occurring in compounds] micro-, micr- (1. small; 2. [Metric System, etc.] millionth part)
Hence: microbio etc.; microcosmo etc.; microfarad etc.; microfilm etc.; Micronesia etc.; microphotographia etc.; microscopio etc.; microtomo etc.; microcephale etc.
microbicida n microbicide
microbio n microbe
Hence: microbiologo etc.; microbicida etc.
microbiologia (-ía) n microbiology
microbiologo (-ólogo) n microbiologist
Hence: microbiologia
microcephale adj microcephalic
Hence: microcephalia
microcephalia (-ía) n microcephaly
microcosmic adj microcosmic
microcosmo n microcosm
Hence: microcosmic
microcyste n [Bot.] microcyst
microfarad n [Elec.] microfarad
microfilm n microfilm
micrometro (-cró-) n micrometer
micron (míc-) n micron (= one thousandth millimeter)
Micronesia npr Micronesia
Hence: micronesian-micronesiano
micronesian adj Micronesian
micronesiano n Micronesian
microphono (-ró-) n microphone
microphotographia (-ía) n 1. microphotography; 2. microphotograph
microscopia (-ía) n microscopy
microscopic adj microscopic
microscopio n microscope
Hence: microscopia; microscopista; microscopic
microscopista n microscopist
microseismo (-séi-) n microseism (= feeble earth tremor)
Hence: microseismographo
microseismographo (-mó-) n microseismograph
microtomo (-ró-) n microtome
mie pron poss mine;
le mie e le tue mine and thine;
le mios my people or family
migraine [F] n migraine (= headache)
Hence: migrainose
migrainose (-grenóse) adj migrainous
migrante adj migratory, migrant
migrar v to migrate
Hence: migrante; migration; migrator; migratori; emigrar &; immigrar &
migration n migration
migrator n migrant; attrib. migratory;
aves migratores migratory birds
migratori adj migratory (= pertaining to migrations)
mikado [J] n mikado
mildew [A] n (vine) mildew, (grape) mildew
milieu [F] n milieu, environment
militante adj militant;
Ecclesia militante Church militant
militantia n militancy
militar¹ adj military
militar² n military man, soldier;
militares military
militar³ v to fight (= to take part in a fight);
militar in favor de to tell in favor of;
militar contra to tell or militate against
militarisar v to militarize
militarisation n militarization
militarismo n militarism
militarista n militarist (= supporter of militarism)
milite (mí-) n soldier, warrior
Hence: militia &; militar¹-militarismo, militarista, militarisar-militarisation, dismilitarisar-dismilitarisation; militar³-militante-militantia
militia n militia
Hence: militiano
militiano n militiaman
mille n/adj (a, one) thousand
Hence: milliardo &; millia-milliari; million &; millesime; millennio etc.; millimetro etc.; millepedes etc.
milleflores n mille-fleurs (perfume)
millennio n millennium
mille-pedes (-pé-) n centipede, millepede
millesime (-ésime) adj thousandth;
le millesime parte, le millesimo the thousandth part, the thousandth
milli- see mille
millia n mile;
millia marin nautical or sea mile
milliardario n billionaire, milliardaire
milliardesime (-ésime) adj billionth (= thousand millionth)
milliardo n billion, milliard
Hence: milliardario; milliardesime
milliari adj mile, milliary;
petra milliari, columna milliari milestone
milligramma n milligram
millilitro (-ílitro) n milliliter
millimetro (-ímetro) n millimeter
million n million;
(duo) milliones de (homines) (two) million (men)
Hence: millionari; millionario-multimillionario etc.; millionesime
millionari adj millionaire
millionario n millionaire
millionesime (-ésime) adj millionth;
le millionesime parte, le millionesimo the millionth part, the millionth
mimar v to mimic
mime- v [occurring in derivatives and compounds] mime (= to imitate)
Hence: mimese etc.; mimetic-mimetismo; mimeographo etc.
mimeographar v to mimeograph
mimeographo (-ógrapho) n mimeograph
Hence: mimeographar
mimese n [Rhet.] mimesis, mimicry
mimet- see mimetic
mimetic adj mimetic, mimic, imitative
mimetismo n [Biol.] mimicry
mimic adj mimic (1. of a mime; 2. imitative)
mimica n gesticulation, use of gestures; also: mimetic expression; specif: facial expression
mimo n mime (1. [Antiq.] farce; 2. actor in a mime; 3. mimic, person skilled in mimicry)
Hence: mimic: mimica; mimose &; mimar; mimologo etc.; pantomime etc.
mimodrama n mimodrama, pantomime
mimographo (-ó-) n mimographer, writer of mimes
mimologia (-ía) n [Rhet.] mimesis, mimicry
mimologo (-mó-) n 1. mimologist (= reciter of mimes); 2. mimic, imitator
Hence: mimologia
mimosa n [Bot.] mimosa, sensitive plant
mimosaceas npl [Bot.] Mimosaceae
mimosacee adj [Bot.] mimosaceous
mimose adj sensitive (as in “sensitive plant”)
Hence: mimosa-mimosacee-mimosaceas
min-¹ [Chinese] n/adj [occurring in compounds] min- (= people; people’s, popular)
Hence: Kuomintang etc.
min-² see also minus
-min- v [occurring in compounds]
Hence: emin- &; immin- &; promin- &
mina n mine (1. as in “coal mine”); 2. [Mil.])
Hence: minar-minator; dragaminas etc.; poneminas etc.
minar v I. to undermine; II. to mine (1. as in “to mine a bridge”; 2. to dig for ore or metal)
minaret n [Arch.] minaret
minator n miner (1. as in “coal miner”; 2. [Mil.])
mineral¹ adj mineral;
regno mineral mineral kingdom;
aqua mineral mineral water;
oleo mineral mineral oil
Hence: mineralisar-mineralisation, mineralisator; vegetomineral etc.; mineral²-mineralogo etc.
mineral² n 1. mineral; 2. ore (as in “iron ore”)
mineralisar v to mineralize (= to transform into a mineral)
mineralisation n mineralization
mineralisator n mineralizer (as in “sulphur is a mineralizer”)
mineralogia (-ía) n mineralogy
mineralogic adj mineralogical
mineralogista n mineralogist
mineralogo (-ólogo) n mineralogist
Hence: mineralogia-mineralogista; mineralogic
Minerva npr [Rom. Relig.] Minerva
Hence: minerval
minerval adj Minervic, Minervan
miniar v I. to miniate (1. to paint with red lead; 2. to illuminate pages, manuscripts, etc.); II. to miniature, paint miniatures
miniatura n miniature (1. an illumination; 2. miniature portrait; 3. miniature representation, model, etc.);
in miniatura in miniature
miniaturar v to miniature; to paint, embellish with, miniatures
miniaturista n miniaturist
minima (mí-) n [Mus.] minim
minime¹ (mí-) adj 1. least, smallest, minimal; 2. very small, tiny;
precio minime minimum price
Hence: minimo; minima
[minime]² (mí-) adv 1. least; 2. very little; 3. by no means, not in the least, no!
minimo (mí-) n minimum;
Minimo [R.C.Ch.] Minim;
reducer al minimo to reduce to a minimum
minio n minium, red lead
Hence: miniar-miniatura-miniaturista, miniaturar
minister- see ministro
ministerial adj [Gov.] ministerial
ministerio n 1. office, function; 2. [Gov.] ministry, department
ministrar v to minister (1. to attend, be in attendance, serve; 2. to perform the function of a minister of the church)
ministro n I. agent, representative; II. minister (1. [Gov.]; 2. [Dipl.]; 3. [Prot. Churches]);
prime ministro Prime Minister;
ministro sin portafolio minister without portfolio
Hence: ministerio-ministerial; ministrar-administrar &, subministrar; ex-ministro
minoan adj Minoan
minoano n Minoan
minor adj minor (1. lesser, smaller; 2. [Law] under age; 3. [Mus.]);
Asia Minor Asia Minor;
le ordines minor [Eccl.] the minor orders
Hence: minoritate; Minorita
Minorita n [R.C.Ch.] Minorite
minoritate n minority (1. smaller number or part; 2. [Law]);
esser in minoritate to be in the minority
Minos (mí-) npr [Mythol.] Minos
Hence: minoan-minoano; minotauro etc.
minotauro n [Mythol.] Minotaur
minuendo n [Arith.] minuend
minuer [minu-/minut-] v to diminish, lessen
Hence: minuendo; minute &; diminuer &
minus (mí-) adv less;
minus belle (que) less beautiful (than);
le minus belle the least beautiful;
plus o minus more or less;
minus de (dece annos) less than (ten years);
a minus que unless;
al minus at least;
(le) minus (the) least (as in “what pleases me (the) least”);
minus (de) (moneta, etc.) less (money, etc.);
(quatro) minus (tres) (four) minus (three);
(totos) minus (ille) (all) except, but (him)
Hence: minuscule &; minime &; minuspreciar etc.
minuscula n 1. small or lower case letter; 2. minuscule
minuscule adj tiny, minute;
littera minuscule small or lower case letter
Hence: minuscula
minuspreciar v to despise
Hence: minusprecio
minusprecio n contempt, scorn
minuta n 1. draft (“the draft of a contract, etc.”); 2. minute (= the sixtieth part of an hour or of a geometric degree)
Hence: minutar
minutar v to draft (= to make a draft of)
minute adj minute (1. diminutive; 2. as in “a minute investigation”)
Hence: minutia-minutiose, minutiar; minuta &
minutia n minutia (= trifling detail);
minutias minutiae
minutiar v to mince (= to cut or chop into small pieces)
minutiose adj 1. meticulous, particular; 2. detailed, thorough
miocen adj [Geol.] Miocene
Hence: mioceno
mioceno n [Geol.] Miocene
mir- adj [occurring in derivatives and compounds]
Hence: mirific; mirar &
mira n 1. aim (as in “take aim,” “good aim,” etc.); 2. sight (= device on a firearm)
mirabile dictu [L] mirabile dictu, wonderful to relate
miraculo n miracle
Hence: miraculose
miraculose adj miraculous
mirage (-aje) n mirage
mirar v 1. to look at (searchingly); 2. to (take) aim at
Hence: mira; miraculo &; mirage; admirar &
mirific adj marvelous
mis- prefixo mis- (1. badly, wrongly; 2. not)
Hence: miscontente etc.; miscredente etc.; misinterpretar etc.; misusar etc.
misanthrope adj misanthropic
Hence: misanthropia; misanthropo-misanthropic
misanthropia (-ía) n misanthropy
misanthropic adj misanthropic
misanthropo n misanthrope, misanthropist
miscellanea n miscellany; also: miscellanies
miscellanee adj miscellaneous
Hence: miscellanea
miscer [misc-/mixt-] v to mix, blend
Hence: miscibile-miscibilitate; mixtion; mixtura; mixte-mixtilinee etc.; admiscer &; commiscer &; immiscer &; promiscue &
miscibile adj miscible, mixable
miscibilitate n miscibility, mixability
miscontente adj discontent
miscredente¹ adj miscreant, unbelieving
miscredente² n miscreant, unbeliever
miscredentia n miscreance
mise en scène [F] n mise en scène, staging; also: stage setting
miserabile adj miserable (1. wretched; 2. vile, base)
miserar v to deplore, bewail;
miserar se to lament, moan
misere adj miserable, wretched
Hence: miseria; miserar-miserabile, commiserar &; misericorde etc.
miserere (-rére) n [Eccl.] Miserere (1. the 50th Psalm in the Vulgate; 2. musical setting of this Psalm)
miseria n 1. misery, wretchedness; 2. need, penury
misericorde adj merciful, compassionate, sympathizing
Hence: misericordia-misericordiose
misericordia n I. mercy, compassion, pity; II. misericord (1. [R.C.Ch.] dispensation from fasting, etc.; 2. [Eccl. Arch.] miserere; 3. dagger for giving the coup de grâce);
misericordia! mercy! gracious! etc.
misericordiose adj merciful, full of pity
misinterpretar v to misinterpret
misinterpretation n misinterpretation
miso- [occurring in compounds] miso-, mis- (= hatred, hating)
Hence: misogame etc.; misanthrope etc.; misoneismo etc.
misogame (-ó-) adj misogamic
misogamia (-ía) n misogamy
misogamo (-ó-) n misogamist
misogyne adj misogynic
misogynia (-ía) n misogyny, misogynism
misogyno (-ó-) n misogynist, misogyne
misoneismo (-ízmo) n misoneism (= hatred of the new)
misoneista (-ísta) n misoneist
misplaciar v to misplace, mislay
miss- see mitter
missa n [R.C.Ch.] Mass;
missa basse Low Mass;
missa solemne Solemn Mass, High Mass
Hence: missal
missal n missal
mission n mission (1. duty on which a person is sent; 2. body of persons sent out)
Hence: missionario
missionario n missionary
Mississippi npr Mississippi (1. Mississippi River; 2. State of Mississippi)
missiva n missive
misusage (-aje) n misusage
misusar v to misuse, also: to abuse
misuso n misuse; also: abuse
mitigar v to mitigate (= to make milder or gentler)
Hence: mitigation
mitigation n mitigation
miton n 1. mitten; 2. mitt
mitra n miter
Hence: mitrar
mitralia n mitraille; also: grape shot; canister shot
Hence: mitraliar-mitraliator, mitraliatrice
mitraliar v 1. to fire at with mitraille; 2. to machine-gun
mitraliator n machine gunner
mitraliatrice n machine gun
mitrar v to miter (= to invest with a miter)
mitter [mitt-/miss-] v -;
mitter in to put or place in or into;
mitter le naso in un cosa to poke one’s nose into something
Hence: mission &; missiva; admitter &; committer &; dimitter &; emitter &; intermitter &; intromitter &; omitter &; permitter &; premitter &; pretermitter &; promitter &; remitter &; submitter &; transmitter &; manumitter etc.
mixt- see miscer
mixte adj mixed;
traino mixte mixed train
mixtilinee adj [Geom.] mixtilineal, mixtilinear
mixtion n mixture (1. act of mixing; 2. something mixed)
mixtura n mixture (= something mixed)
mm abbr = millimetro;
mm² = millimetro quadrate;
mm³ = millimetro cubic
mnemo- n [occurring in compounds] mnemo- (= memory)
Hence: mnemogenese etc.; mnemotechnic etc.
mnemogenese (-gé-) n mnemogenesis
mnemogenesis (-gé-) n mnemogenesis
mnemonic adj mnemonic
Hence: mnemonica
mnemonica n mnemonics, mnemotechny
mnemotechnia (-ía) n mnemotechny, mnemonics
mnemotechnic adj mnemonic
Hence: mnemotechnica
mnemotechnica n mnemotechny, mnemonics
mnes- n [occurring in derivatives and compounds] mnes- (= memory)
Hence: mnesic; amnesia &; cryptomnesia etc.
-mnesia see amnesia
mnesic adj mnesic (= pertaining to memory)
-mo see -ismo
mo- see mover; mon-
mobilar v to furnish (as in “to furnish a room”);
domo mobilate rooming or lodging house
mobile¹ adj mobile;
festas mobile movable feasts;
benes mobile personal estate, movables
Hence: mobilitate; mobiliari-immobiliari; mobilisar &; automobile &; immobile-immobilitate, immobilisar-immobilisation; locomobilo etc.; mobile² &
mobile² n piece of furniture;
mobiles furniture
Hence: mobiliario; mobilar-dismobilar
mobili- see mobile
mobiliari adj -;
benes mobiliari personal estate, movables
mobiliario n (set of) furniture
mobilisabile adj mobilizable
mobilisar v to mobilize (1. as in “to mobilize resources, wealth, etc.”; 2. to put troops on a war footing)
Hence: mobilisabile; mobilisation; demobilisar-demobilisation
mobilisation n [Mil.] mobilization
mobilitate n mobility
mocassin (móc-) n moccasin (as in “buckskin moccasins”)
moda n mode (= prevailing fashion);
modas women’s apparel;
al moda alamode, fashionable;
esser de moda to be in fashion;
passate de moda out of fashion
Hence: modista
modal adj modal (1. [Philos.]; 2. [Gram.]; 3. [Mus.])
modalitate n [Philos.] modality
modellar v to model (“to model in clay, etc.”);
modellar (se) super to model (oneself) on, upon
modellator n modeler
modello n model (1. thing, person, etc. to be copied; 2. mannequin); attrib. model (as in “a model marriage”)
Hence: modellar-modellator
moderante adj 1. ppr of moderar; 2. adj moderate (= inclined to compromise)
moderantismo n [Pol.] moderantism
moderantista n [Pol.] moderantist
moderar v to moderate;
moderar (un pena) to mitigate (a penalty)
Hence: moderante-moderantismo, moderantista; moderation-immoderation; moderator; moderate-moderatessa, immoderate-immoderatessa
moderate 1. pp of moderar; 2. adj moderate
moderatessa n moderateness
moderation n moderation
moderator n moderator (1. one who or that which renders moderate; 2. [Mech.])
moderne adj modern;
(construer) al moderne (to build) in modern style
Hence: modernismo; modernista; modernitate; modernisar-modernisation
modernisar v to modernize
modernisation n modernization
modernismo n modernism
modernista n modernist
modernitate n modernness, modernity
modeste adj modest
Hence: modestia, immodeste-immodestia
modestia n modesty
modic adj moderate;
precio modic reasonable price
Hence: modicitate
modicitate n moderateness;
modicitate de precios reasonableness of prices
modificabile adj modifiable
modificar v to modify; also: [Gram.]
Hence: modificabile; modification; modificative; modificator
modification n modification
modificative adj modificatory, modifying
modificator n modifier
modio n 1. modius (= Roman corn measure); 2. [Bib.] bushel
Hence: modiolo
modiolo (-dí-) n hub (of a wheel)
modista n milliner
modo n I. mode (1. [Mus.]; 2. way, manner); II. [Gram.] mood;
in modo ... -ly;
in modo special especially
Hence: modal-modalitate; modic &; modulo &; modificar &; omnimode etc.
modular v I. to mold, mould (a statue, etc.); II. to cast (a statue, etc.); III. to modulate (1. as in “to modulate one’s voice”; 2. [Mus.] to pass from one key into another)
modulation n modulation (1. act of modulating tone, inflection, or pitch; 2. [Mus.])
modulator n 1. molder, moulder; 2. modulator
modulatura n [Arch.] molding, moulding
modulo n I. mold, mould (1. as in “to cast in a mold”; 2. model); II. [Arch.] module
Hence: modular-modulation; modulator; modulatura
mohair [A] n mohair
Mohammed (-hám-) npr Mohammed
Hence: mohammedan-mohammedanismo, mohammedano
mohammedan adj Mohammedan
mohammedanismo n Mohammedanism
mohammedano n Mohammedan
mola n 1. millstone; 2. grindstone
molar¹ adj molar;
dente molar molar (tooth)
molar² n molar
mole n 1. mass, pile; 2. [Naut.] mole
Hence: molecula &; demolir &
molecula n molecule
Hence: molecular
molecular adj molecular
moler v to grind (as in “to grind coffee”)
Hence: mola-moletta, molar, molino &
molestar v to molest
molestation n molestation
moleste adj troublesome, irksome, annoying
Hence: molestia; molestar-molestation
molestia n trouble, annoyance
moletta n knurling tool
Molina, Luis npr [1535-1600; Spanish Jesuit and theologian]
Hence: molinismo, molinista
molinar v to mill (= to subject to the operation of a mill)
molinero n miller (= one who works a mill)
molinismo n Molinism (= the doctrine of Luis Molina)
molinista n Molinist (= a follower of Luis Molina)
molino n mill (= machine for grinding grain, etc.);
molino de vento, aqua, caffe, etc. windmill, water mill, coffee mill, etc.;
combatter le molinos de vento to tilt at or fight windmills
Hence: molinero; molinar
Molinos, Miguel de npr [1640-1697; Spanish priest and mystic, one of the chief exponents of Christian Quietism]
Hence: molinosismo; molinosista
molinosismo n Molinism (= the Quietistic doctrine of Miguel de Molinos)
molinosista n Molinist (= a follower of Miguel de Molinos)
molle adj soft (= not hard; also: not hardy)
Hence: mollessa; mollusco; mollir-amollir &; emollir &; mollificar &
mollessa n softness (= absence or lack of hardness; also: absence or lack of hardiness)
molliamento n moistening, wetting
molliar v to moisten, wet
Hence: molliamento; molliatura
molliatura n moistening, wetting; also: moisture, wetness
mollificar v to mollify
Hence: mollification
mollification n mollification
mollir v to soften (= to become soft)
mollusco n mollusk
momentanee adj momentary
momento n moment (1. instant; 2. [Mech.]);
de grande (parve) momento of great (little) moment;
momento de un fortia moment of a force;
momento de inertia moment of inertia;
le moda del momento the fashion of the moment;
le momento psychologic the psychological moment
Hence: momentanee; momentose
momentose adj momentous
mon- adj [occurring in derivatives and compounds] mon-, mono- (= only, single, alone)
Hence: monade &; monismo; monista-monistic; monoculo etc.; monadelphe etc.; monatomic; monarch-; monographo etc.; monolitho etc.; monologo etc.; monoplano etc.; monometallismo etc.; monophysita etc.; monotheista etc.; monochordo etc.; monochromatic etc.; monosyllabe etc.; monogame etc.; monomie etc.; monopolio etc.
monacha (mó-) n nun
monachal adj monkish, monachal
monachato n monkdom
monachismo n monachism
monacho (-mó-) n monk
Hence: monachismo; monachato; monachal; monacha
monade (mó-) n monad; also: [Philos.; Zool.; etc.]
Hence: monadismo; monadic; monadologia etc.
monadelphe adj [Bot.] monadelphous
Hence: monadelphia
monadelphia (-ía) n [Bot.] monadelphy
monadic adj monadic
monadismo n monadism
monadologia (-ía) n monadology
monandre adj monandrous
Hence: monandria
monandria (-ía) n monandry (1. [Anthropol.]; 2. [Bot.])
monarch- [occurring in derivatives] monarch- (1. to rule as monarch; 2. monarchic)
Hence: monarcha; monarchia-monarchismo, monarchista, monarchic
monarcha n monarch (= head of a monarchy)
monarchia (-ía) n monarchy
monarchic adj monarchic, monarchical; also: monarchistic
monarchismo n monarchism
monarchista n monarchist; also: attrib.
monas- v [occurring in derivatives] monas- (= to live alone)
Hence: monasterio &; monastic &
monasterial adj monasterial
monasterio n monastery
Hence: monasterial
monastic adj monastic, monasterial
Hence: monasticismo
monasticismo n monasticism
monatomic adj [Chem.] monatomic
moner v to admonish, advise
Hence: monition; monitor; monitori; monitorio; admoner &; premoner &; admonestar &
Moneta npr [Rom. Relig.] Moneta (as in “Juno Moneta”);
moneta 1. mint (= place where money is coined); 2. (current) coin; 3. money;
batter moneta to coin or mint money;
papiro moneta paper money;
moneta false counterfeit money;
moneta de tasca pocket money, pin money
Hence: monetari; monetero; monetar-monetage; monetisar-dismonetisar-dismonetisation; portamoneta etc.
monetage (-aje) n 1. minting, coining; 2. [Hist.] moneyage (= fee paid for minting privilege)
monetar v to mint (= to stamp and make into money)
monetari adj monetary
monetero n minter
monetisar v to monetize
mongol adj/n 1. Mongol, Mongolian (= native of Mongolia); 2. Mongolian, Mongolic
Hence: Mongolia; mongolismo; mongolic-mongolico; mongoloide
Mongolia npr Mongolia
mongolic adj Mongolian, Mongolic
mongolico n Mongolian (1. Mongol; 2. Mongolian language, Mongolic; 3. member of the Mongolian race)
mongolismo n [Pathol.] Mongolism
mongoloide adj Mongoloid
monismo n [Philos.] monism
monista n monist
monistic adj monistic
monition n admonition
monitor n monitor, admonisher
monitori adj monitory, admonitory
monitorio n monitory (letter)
monochordo n monochord
monochromatic adj monochromatic
monochrome adj monochrome
monoculo (-nó-) n monocle
monogame (-nó-) adj monogamous
Hence: monogamia-monogamic; monogamo
monogamia (-ía) n monogamy
monogamic adj monogamic
monogamo (-nó-) n monogamist
monogramma n monogram
monographia (-ía) n monograph
monographic adj monographic
monographo (-ógrapho) n monographer
Hence: monographia; monographic
monolithic adj monolithic
monolitho (-ólito) n monolith
Hence: monolithic
monologar v to deliver a monologue, monologize
monologo (-ólogo) n monolog(ue)
Hence: monologar
monometallismo n monometallism
monometallista n monometallist
monometric adj monometric
monometro (-ómetro) n monometer
Hence: monometric
monomie adj [Alg.] monomial
Hence: monomio
monomio n [Alg.] monomial
monophysita n [Theol.] Monophysite
monoplano n monoplane
monopolio n monopoly
Hence: monopolismo; monopolista; monopolisar-monopolisation
monopolisar v to monopolize
monopolisation n monopolization
monopolismo n monopolism
monopolista n monopolist
monosticho (-nó-) n [Pros.] monostich
monosyllabe (-sí-) adj monosyllabic
Hence: monosyllabo
monosyllabo (-sí-) n monosyllable
monotheismo (-ízmo) n monotheism
monotheista¹ (-ísta) n monotheist
Hence: monotheistic
monotheista² (-ísta) adj monotheistic
monotheistic (-ístic) adj monotheistic
monotone adj monotonous
Hence: monotonia
monotonia (-ía) n monotony
monotypo n [Print.] monotype
monstra n 1. show, display; 2. show window, display window; 3. sample;
facer monstra de (corage, etc.) to show, display (courage, etc.)
monstrabile adj fit to be seen, presentable
monstrar v to show; also: to display, point out, etc.
Hence: monstra; monstrabile; monstrator; demonstrar &; remonstrar &; monstravento etc.
monstrator n one who shows; also: demonstrator (= one who makes evident)
monstravento n weather vane
monstro n monster; attrib. monster
Hence: monstruose-monstruositate
monstruose adj monstrous
monstruositate n monstrosity
montacargas (-cár-) n hoist, lift (= lifting apparatus)
montage (-aje) n (action of) mounting (a jewel, picture, gun, etc.); also: montage
montan adj montane (1. mountainous; 2. mountain)
Hence: cismontan; transmontan; ultramontan &
montania n mountain;
montanias russe [Amusements] roller coaster, switchback railway;
catena de montanias chain of mountains, mountain range
Hence: montaniero; montaniose
montaniero n mountaineer
montaniose adj mountainous
montar v I. to mount (1. to ascend; 2. to fix in a setting, backing, support; etc.); II. [Breeding] to cover, serve;
montar un cavallo to mount a horse;
montar a pilo to ride bareback
Hence: montage-photomontage etc.; montatura; montata; dismontar &; remontar &; surmontar &; montacargas etc.
montata n climb, ascent; also: upward slope
montatura n (action of) mounting (a jewel, picture, gun, etc.); also: montage
monte n mountain, mount;
monte de pietate pawnshop;
a monte uphill
Hence: monticulo; montania &; montan &; montuose; amontar &; pedemonte etc.
monticulo n (small mountain), hill, monticule
montuose adj mountainous; also: hilly
monumental adj monumental
monumento n monument
Hence: monumental
mora¹ n 1. delay; 2. [Pros.] mora
Hence: morose-morositate; morar-moratori, moratorio, demorar &; remorar &
mora² n mulberry (= fruit of the mulberry)
moral¹ adj moral (1. as in “moral conduct”; 2. as in “moral victory”)
Hence: moralismo; moralista; moralitate; moralisar-moralisation, moralisator, dismoralisar &; amoral &; immoral &
moral² n 1. morals; 2. moral; 3. morale (as in “the morale of an army”)
moralisar v to moralize (1. to improve the morals of; 2. to study moral problems)
moralisation n moralization (1. action of improving the morals; 2. moral reflection)
moralisator n moralizer
moralismo n moralism (= moral practice, attitude, etc.)
moralista n moralist
moralitate n morality
morar v to delay, tarry, linger
moratori adj moratory
moratorio n moratorium
morbide adj 1. morbid; 2. [Art] delicately tinted, soft
morbiditate n morbidity
morbifere adj morbiferous
morbific adj morbific
morbo n disease, illness
Hence: morbide-morbiditate; morbifere; morbific
mordace adj biting (as in “biting sarcasm”), mordacious
Hence: mordacitate
mordacia n gag (= something thrust into a person’s mouth to prevent him from speaking)
mordacitate n mordacity
mordente¹ I. ppr of morder; II. adj mordant (1. corrosive; 2. biting, caustic)
mordente¹ n 1. [Dyeing] mordant; 2. [Mus.] mordent
morder [mord-/mors-] v to bite;
morder le pulvere to bite the dust
Hence: mordacia; mordace &; mordente; morsura; morso &; remorder &
more n manner, custom, usage;
mores mores
Hence: moral &
morena n [Geol.] moraine
morgue [F] n morgue (= place where bodies are kept for identification)
moribunde adj moribund, dying
moriente 1. ppr of morir; 2. adj dying
morir [mor-/mort-] v to die;
morir se to be dying slowly
Hence: moribunde; moriente; morte-amortir &, amortisar &, manomorte etc.; semimorte etc., morto; mortuari
Mormon n Mormon (as in “the Book of Mormon”);
mormon Mormon (= member of the Mormon Church)
Hence: mormonismo; mormonic
mormonic adj Mormon
mormonismo n Mormonism
moro n mulberry (= mulberry tree)
Hence: mora²
morose adj tardy, dilatory, lingering
morositate n slowness, tardiness
morph-¹ n [occurring in derivatives and compounds] morph-, morpho- (= form)
Hence: Morpheo &; amorphe-amorphia, amorphismo; metamorphe-metamorphismo, metamorphic; morphologo etc.; anthropomorphe etc.; isomorphe etc.; dimorphe etc.
morph-² see Morpheo
Morpheo (-éo) npr [Gr. Mythol.] Morpheus
Hence: morphina &
morphina n morphine
Hence: morphinismo; morphinomania etc.; morphinomano etc.
morphinismo n [Med.] morphinism
morphinomania (-ía) n morphinomania
morphinomano (-ómano) n morphinomaniac
morphologia (-ía) n morphology
morphologic adj morphological
morphologista n morphologist
morphologo (-ólogo) n morphologist
Hence: morphologia-morphologista; morphologic
mors- see morder
Morse, Samuel Finely Breese npr [1791-1872; American inventor and artist];
(alphabeto) Morse Morse (alphabet), Morse (code)
morsellar v to morsel
morsello n morsel (1. small bite; 2. piece, fragment)
Hence: morsellar
morso n bit (= part of the bridle that goes in a horse’s mouth)
Hence: morsello &
morsura n bite (1. act of biting; 2. wound caused by biting)
mort- see morir
mortal¹ adj mortal (1. destined to die; 2. fatal);
inimico mortal mortal foe;
peccato mortal mortal sin
mortal² n mortal
mortalitate n mortality (1. mortal nature; 2. death rate);
tabulas de mortalitate mortality tables
morte¹ n death;
morte civil civil death;
condemnar a morte to sentence (someone) to death;
poner a morte to put to death
Hence: mortal-mortalitate, immortal-immortalitate, immortalisar; mortifere; mortificar &
morte² adj dead;
natura morte still life;
aqua morte still, stagnant, water;
littera morte [Law] dead letter;
moneta morte dead capital;
puncto morte dead point, dead center
mortero n mortar (1. as in “mortar and pestle”; 2. [Mil.]; 3. as in “to plaster with mortar”)
mortifere adj deadly, fatal, death-bearing
mortificar v I. to mortify (1. [Eccl.]; 2. to cause to feel humiliated); II. [Pathol.] to cause to mortify
Hence: mortification-immortification; mortificator; mortificate-immortificate
mortificate 1. pp of mortificar; 2. adj mortified
mortification n mortification (1. [Eccl.]; 2. humiliation, shame; 3. [Pathol.])
mortificator n mortifier
morto n dead man or person, deceased
mortuari adj mortuary;
(camera, etc.) mortuari death (chamber, etc.)
mosaic (-áic) adj Mosaic
mosaico (-áico) n mosaic
mosaismo (-ízmo) n Mosaism
moschea (-éa) n mosque
Moscova npr 1. Moscow; 2. Moskva, Moscow River
Hence: Moscovia; moscovita
Moscovia npr Muscovy
moscovita n Muscovite
Moses (mó-) npr Moses
Hence: mosaismo, mosaic
moslem (mó-) n/adj Moslem, Mussulman
mosquitiera n mosquito net
mosquito [H] n mosquito; also: gnat
Hence: mosquitiera
mot- see mover
motin n mutiny
Hence: motinero; motinose; motinar
motinar v to cause to mutiny;
motinar se to mutiny
motinero n mutineer
motinose adj mutinous
motion n motion (1. movement; 2. [Parl.])
Hence: locomotion etc.
motivar v 1. to state the reason for; 2. to motivate
motivation n motivation
motive adj motive
Hence: locomotive etc.; motivo-motivar-motivation
motivo n 1. motive; 2. motif
moto- see motor
motocultura n mechanized agriculture
motocycletta n motorcycle
motocyclista n motorcyclist
motocyclo n motorcycle
Hence: motocycletta; motocyclista
motor n motor (as in “an electric motor”); attrib. motor, motive;
fortia motor motive power or force;
nervos, musculos motor motor or motory nerves, muscles;
motor Diesel Diesel motor or engine
Hence: motorisar-motorisation; motorcyclo etc.; locomotor etc.; electromotor etc.; motocultura etc.
motorcyclista n motorcyclist
motorcyclo n motorcycle
Hence: motorcyclista
motorisar v to motorize
motorisation n motorization
mottetto n [Mus.] motet
motto n motto
Hence: mottetto
mover [mov-/mot-] v to move (1. to cause to move; 2. to affect with emotion, stir up)
Hence: movimento; mobile &; movibile; motion &; motive &; motor &; amover &; commover &; emover &; promover &; remover &
movibile adj movable
movimento n movement (1. action or process of moving; 2. as in “popular movement, youth movement, etc.”);
movimento perpetue perpetual motion
Moyse (-sé) npr Moses
[mox] adv soon, at once, directly
mozarabe [H] n Mozarab (= member of the Christian population of Spain under the Arabs)
Hence: mozarabic
mozarabic adj Mozarabic;
rito mozarabic Mozarabic rite
mucer v 1. to be moldy; to be musty
Hence: mucide; mucor
mucide adj moldy, musty; mucid
mucilagine n [Bot.] mucilage (= mucilaginous sap)
Hence: mucilaginose
mucilaginose adj mucilaginous (as in “mucilaginous glands”)
mucina n [Biochem.] mucin
mucipare adj muciparous
muco n mucus
Hence: mucilagine &; mucina; mucose-mucositate, mucosa; mucipare etc.
mucor n 1. mold, moldiness; mustiness; 2. [Bot.] Mucor
mucosa n [Anat.] mucosa; mucous membrane
mucose adj mucous;
membrana mucose mucous membrane
mucositate n mucosity, mucousness
muezzin n muezzin
mufti n mufti (= official expounder of Mohammedan law)
mugir v 1. to bellow (= to roar as the bull does); 2. to low, moo;
le vento mugi the wind howls
mula n she-mule
mulatto n mulatto
mulcta n fine (as in “fine of ten dollars”), mulct
Hence: mulctar
mulctar v to fine, mulct
mulero n muleteer, mule driver
mulger [mulg-/muls-] v to milk (cows, goats, etc.)
Hence: mulsion; mulgitor; mulgitura; emulger &
mulgitor n one who milks, milker
mulgitura n (action of) milking
mullah (-lá) n [Moham.] mullah
mulo n [Zool.] mule; specif: he-mule
Hence: mulero; mula
muls- see mulger
mulsion n (action of) milking
multarticulate adj [Zool.] multarticulate, multiarticulate
multe adj 1. much; 2. many
Hence: multitude; [permulte] &; multimillionario etc.: multiforme etc.; multicolor etc.; multicellular etc.; multiloque etc.; multiloquente etc.; multiple etc.; multiplice etc.; multungule etc.; multo
multiarticulate adj [Zool.] multarticulate, multiarticulate
multicapsular adj multicapsular
multicaule (-cáu-) adj [Bot.] multicauline, having several stems
multicellular adj multicellular
multicolor adj multicolored
multicuspide (-cús-) adj [Bot.] multicuspid, multicuspidate
multifide (-tí-) adj multifid (= cleft severally)
multi-flor adj multiflowered
multiforme adj multiform
Hence: multiformitate
multiformitate n multiformity
multilatere adj many-sided, multilateral
multilobate adj [Bot., Zool.] multilobate, multilobed, multilobar
multilobe (-tí-) adj [Bot., Zool.] multilobar, multilobed, multilobate
multilocular adj [Bot., Zool.] multilocular
multiloque (-tí-) adj multiloquous, talkative
multiloquente adj multiloquent, talkative
Hence: multiloquentia
multiloquentia n multiloquence, talkativeness
multimillionario n multimillionaire
multinomie adj [Math.] multinominal, polynomial
Hence: multinomio
multinomio n [Math.] multinominal, polynominal
multipara (-tí-) n multipara
multipare adj multiparous
Hence: multiparitate, multipara
multiparitate n multiparity
multipartite adj multipartite
multipede (-tí-) adj multiped, multipede
multiple (múl-) adj multiple (1. manifold, multiplex; 2. [Math.])
Hence: multiplo
multiplicabile adj multiplicable, multipliable
multiplicando n multiplicand
multiplicar v to multiply (1. to make more numerous; 2. [Math.]);
multiplicar se 1. to multiply (= to become more numerous); 2. to be half a dozen places at once
multiplication n multiplication;
tabula de multiplication multiplication table
multiplicative adj multiplicative
multiplicator n [Math.] multiplier;
multiplicator de frequentia [Elec.] frequency multiplier
multiplice (-tí-) adj multiple (1. manifold, multiplex; 2. [Math.])
Hence: multiplicitate, multiplicar-multiplicando, multiplicabile, multiplication, multiplicative, multiplicator
multiplicitate n multiplicity
multiplo (múl-) n [Math.] multiple;
le minime commun multiplo the least common multiple, LCM
multipolar adj [Anat., Elec.] multipolar
multisense adj multisensual, multivocal (= having many meanings)
multisone adj multisonous, multisonant
multitubular adj multitubular
multitude n multitude (1. large number; 2. crowd, throng)
multivage (-tí-) adj multivagant, muchwandering
multivalve adj [Bot., Zool.] multivalve, multivalved
multivalvular [Bot., Zool.] multivalvular
multivie (-tí-) adj multivious (= having many roads)
multo adv 1. very; 2. much
multungulate adj [Zool.] multungulate
multungule adj [Zool.] multungulate
mumia n mummy
Hence: mumificar-mumification
mumificar v to mummify (= to embalm as a mummy)
mumification n mummification
-mun adj [occurring in compounds]
Hence: immun &; commun &
München [G] npl Munich, München
mundadentes (-dén-) n toothpick
mundan adj 1. mundane, worldly; 2. society (attrib.), of the world
mundanitate n 1. worldliness; 2. fashionableness
mundar v to cleanse; also: to clean (= to make clean)
munde adj clean
Hence: munditia; mundar-mundadentes etc.; mundificar-mundification; immunde-immunditia
mundial adj world-wide;
guerra mundial World War
mundificar v to cleanse, purify
mundification n cleansing, purification
munditia n cleanness, cleanliness
mundo n world (1. Universe; 2. earth; 3. society);
tote le mundo everybody;
le vetule mundo the Old World;
le nove mundo the New World;
le mundo literari the literary world
Hence: mundial; mundan-mundanitate, supermundan
munerar v to present, give
Hence: remunerar &
muni- [occurring in compounds]
Hence: municipe etc.; munificente etc.
Munich (mú-) npr Munich
municipal adj municipal;
consilio municipal city or town council
municipalisar v to municipalize
municipalitate n 1. municipality (= town, city, etc., having local self-government); 2. town or city council, municipality; 3. town or city hall
municipe (-ní-) n townsman
Hence: municipio; municipal-municipalitate, municipalisar
municipio n 1. [Rom. Hist.] municipium; 2. town district
munificente adj munificent
Hence: munificentia
munificentia n munificence
munir v 1. to fortify (as in “to fortify a city”); 2. to provide with, furnish
Hence: munition-munitionero, munitionar; premunir
munition n 1. military supplies, munitions; 2. ammunition;
pan de munition [Mil.] ration bread
munitionar v to munition, supply with munitions
munitionero n munitioner, munitioneer
mural adj mural;
pictura mural mural (painting);
(mappa) mural wall (map)
muralia n [Fortif.] wall
murar v 1. to wall in, surround with a wall; 2. to wall up
mure n mouse
Hence: murides
muria n brine
Hence: muriato; muriate; muriatic; salmuria etc.
muriate adj muriated (= impregnated with chloride)
muriatic adj muriatic;
acido muriatic muriatic acid, hydrochloric acid
muriato n muriate, chloride
murides (múr-) n [Zool.] Muridae
murmurar v to murmur; also: to mutter, mumble, grumble, babble etc.
murmuration n (action of) murmuring; also: muttering, mumbling, grumbling, babbling, babble, etc.
murmurator n murmurer; also: mutterer, mumbler, grumbler, etc.
murmure n murmur; also: muttering, mumbling, grumbling, etc.
Hence: murmurose; murmurar-murmuration, murmurator; murmurear
murmurear v to murmur; also: to mutter, mumble, grumble, etc.
murmurose adj murmurous (= filled with, or making, murmurs)
muro n wall (= upright structure of masonry, etc.)
Hence: muralia; mural-antemural, extramural, intramural; murar
mus n mouse
Hence: musaranea etc.
musa n Muse, muse
Hence: museo; music; musico; musica &
musaranea n [Zool.] shrew
musca n 1. [Entom.] fly; 2. tuft of hair (on lower lip); 3. beauty spot, patch;
muscas volante [Pathol.] muscae volitantes;
musca de Hispania Spanish fly, blister beetle;
musca artificial [Angling] fly
Hence: muscides
muscate adj -;
bove muscate musk ox;
ratto muscate muskrat;
nuce muscate nutmeg;
rosa muscate musk rose
muscatello n muscatel (1. muscat grape; 2. muscatel wine)
muscato n muscat (1. muscat grape; 2. muscatel wine)
muschettero n musketeer
muschetto n musket, rifle
Hence: muschettero
muscides (mús-) npl [Zool.] Muscidae
musco¹ n moss
Hence: muscose; muscologia etc.
musco² n musk (1. musk deer; 2. “musk substance or perfume”)
Hence: muscate-muscato-muscatello
muscologia (-ía) n bryology, muscology (= science af mosses)
muscose adj mossy
muscular adj muscular (as in “muscular energy”)
musculate adj muscled, muscular
musculatura n muscular system, musculature
musculina n [Biochem.] musculin
musculo¹ (mús-) n muscle
Hence: musculatura; muscular; musculate; musculina; musculose-musculositate
musculo² (mús-) n mussel; also: clam
musculose adj muscular (as in “muscular man”)
musculositate n muscularity
musellar v to muzzle
musello n muzzle (as in “a dog wearing a muzzle”)
Hence: musellar
museo (-éo) n museum
music adj 1. artistic, disposed for the fine arts; 2. musical (= of or pertaining to music)
musica n music;
poner in musica to set to music
Hence: musichetta; musical; musicar-musicante; musicologo etc.
musical adj musical (as in “musical arrangement”);
aure musical musical ear
musicante n musician
musicar v to play, make music
musich- see musica
musichetta n easy unpretentious music
musico n musician
musicologia (-ía) n musicology
musicologo (-có-) n musicologist
Hence: musicologia
musicomania (-ía) n musicomania
musicomano (-có-) n musicomaniac
Hence: musicomania
muso n snout, muzzle
Hence: musello &
musselina n muslin
mustachio n moustache
mustang [A] n mustang
mustarda n mustard
Hence: mustardero; mustardiera
mustardero n mustard maker, mustard seller
mustardiera n mustard jar, mustard pot
mustela n weasel
musto n must (= new wine, sweet cider)
Hence: mustarda &
musulman n Mussulman, Moslem
muta n molt (= process of molting)
mutabile adj changeable, mutable
mutabilitate n mutability
mutar v 1. to change (= to make or become different); 2. to molt
Hence: muta; mutue &; mutabile-mutabilitate, immutabile-immutabilitate; mutation; commutar &; permutar &; transmutar &
mutation n mutation (1. change; 2. [Biol.])
mutatis mutandis [L] mutatis mutandis
mute adj mute, dumb, silent;
littera mute [Phonet.] mute or silent letter
Hence: mutismo; mutescer; surdemute etc.
mutescer v to grow mute, grow silent
mutilar v to mutilate
mutilate 1. pp of mutilar; 2. adj wounded (as in “wounded soldier”)
mutilation n mutilation
mutilato n wounded (soldier);
mutilatos de guerra wounded (soldiers)
mutilator n mutilator
mutile adj maimed, mutilated
Hence: mutilar-mutilation, mutilator, mutilate-mutilato
mutismo n muteness, dumbness, mutism
mutual adj mutual, reciprocal
mutualitate n mutuality, reciprocity
mutue adj mutual, reciprocal
Hence: mutual-mutualitate
muzhik [R] n muzhik
my- v [occurring in compounds] my- (= to shut the eyes, blink)
Hence: myope etc.
myope adj short-sighted, near-sighted, myopic
Hence: myopia
myopia (-ía) n short-sightedness, near-sightedness, myopia
myosotis (-só-) n [Bot.] forget-me-not, myosotis
myri- adj [occurring in derivatives and compounds] myria-, myri- (1. countless; 2. ten thousand)
Hence: myriade; myriagramma etc.; myriapode etc.
myriade (-íade) n myriad (1. ten thousand; 2. indefinitely large number)
myriagramma n myriagram
myriametro (-á-) n myriameter
myriapode (-á-) adj myriapod
Hence: myriapodo
myriapodo (-á-) n myriapod;
myriapodos [Zool.] Myriapoda
myrrha n myrrh (= gum resin produced by the myrrh tree)
Hence: myrrhic; myrrhar
myrrhar v to perfume with myrrh
myrrhic adj myrrhic
myrtaceas npl [Bot.] Myrtaceae
myrtacee adj myrtaceous
myrtiforme adj myrtiform
myrtillo n whortleberry, blueberry
myrto n myrtle
Hence: myrtacee-myrtaceas; myrtiforme etc.
mysta n [Gr. Relig.] mystes (= an initiate in the mysteries)
Hence: mysterio &; mystic &; mystico; mystica; mystificar &; mystagogo etc.
mystagogia (-ía) n mystagogy
mystagogo n mystagogue
Hence: mystagogia
mysterio n mystery (1. as in “the Eleusinian mysteries”; 2. [Eccl.]; 3. secret, obscure fact or force, motive, etc.; 4 mystery play)
Hence: mysteriose
mysteriose adj mysterious
mystic adj mystic, mystical
Hence: mysticismo; mysticitate
mystica n mystical theology, mysticism
mysticismo n mysticism
mysticitate n mysticalness
mystico n mystic
mystificar v to mystify, hoax
Hence: mystification; mystificator
mystification n mystification, hoax
mystificator n mystifier, hoaxer
mythic adj mythical
mytho n myth
Hence: mythic; mythographo etc.; mythologo etc.; stichomythia etc.
mythographia (-ía) n mythography
mythographo (-tó-) mythographer
Hence: mythographia
mythologia (-ía) n mythology
mythologic adj mythological
mythologista n mythologist
mythologo (-tó-) n mythologist
Hence: mythologia-mythologic; mythologista
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