Romanica English Dictionary D
da capo [I] [Mus.] da capo
dactylic adj dactylic
dactylo (dác-) n 1. date (= fruit of the date palm); 2. [Pros.] dactyl
Hence: dactylic; dactylographo etc.; dactyloscopia etc.; tetradactyle etc.; pterodactylo etc.
dactylographar v to typewrite, type
dactylographia (-ía) n typewriting, typing
dactylographic adj (pertaining to a) typewriter
dactylographo (-ó-) n 1. typewriter (= typing machine); 2. typist
Hence: dactylographia; dactylographic; dactylographar
dactylologia (-ía) n dactylology
dactyloscopia (-ía) n dactyloscopy, fingerprint identification
daga n dagger
Hence: dagar
dagar v to stab (with a dagger)
Dahl, A. npr [Swedish botanist]
Hence: dahlia
dahlia (dál-) n [Bot.] dahlia
Dalton, John npr [1766-1844; chemist, who was color-blind]
Hence: daltonismo; daltonian
daltonian adj Daltonian; also: color-blind
daltonismo n Daltonism; also: color blindness
dama n 1. lady; 2. [Checkers] king;
dama de honor lady-in-waiting;
joco de damas (game of) checkers;
jocar a damas to play checkers
damascar v to damask (= to weave or adorn with damask ornamentation)
damascen adj Damascene (= of Damascus)
damascenage (-aje) n damascene (work)
damascenar v to damascene
damascenator n damascener
damasceno n 1. Damascene (= inhabitant of Damascus); 2. damson
Damasco npr Damascus;
damasco damask (= damask silk)
Hence: damascen-damascenar-damascenage, damascenator, damasceno; damascar
damnabile adj damnable (= deserving damnation)
damnar v [Theol.] to damn
Hence: damnabile; damnation; condemnar &
damnation n [Theol.] damnation
damnificar v to damage, damnify
damno n harm, damage; injury, loss
Hence: damnose-damnositate; damnar &; damnificar; indemne &
damnose adj harmful, injurious
damnositate n harmfulness, injuriousness
dan adj Danish
Hence: dano-danese; Danmark etc.
danese¹ adj Danish
danese² n 1. Danish (language); 2. Dane (= native of Denmark); 3. (great) Dane
Daniel nprm Daniel
Danmark npr Denmark
dano n 1. Dane (= native of Denmark); 2. (great) Dane
dansa n dance (1. dancing; 2. [Mus.]);
dansa macabre danse macabre, dance of Death
dansar v to dance
Hence: dansa-contradansa; dansator
dansator n dancer
danubian adj Danubian
Danubio npr Danube
Hence: danubian
dar v to give;
dar super to overlook (as in “the window overlooks the garden”)
Hence: dative-dativo; dator; dato; data &; adder &; eder &; perder &; render &
dardane adj Dardanian, Trojan
Dardanellos nprpl Dardanelles
Dardania npr Dardania
Dardano¹ (dár-) npr [Mythol.] Dardanus
Hence: Dardanellos; Dardania; dardane-dardano
dardano² (dár-) n Dardanian, Trojan
darsena (dár-) n dock, wet dock
Darwin, Charles npr [1809-1882; English naturalist, proponent of the theory of evolution bearing his name]
Hence: darwinismo; darwinista; darwinian
darwinian adj Darwinian
darwinismo n Darwinism
darwinista n Darwinist, Darwinian
data n date (“date according to the calendar”)
Hence: datario; dataria; datar-antedatar, postdatar; antedata
datar v to date (= to mark with a date);
datar de to date from
dataria n [Eccl.] datary, dataria
datario n [Eccl.] datary (= head of the datary)
dative adj [Law] dative
dativo n dative
dato n 1. die (= one of a pair of dice); 2. datum;
datos 1. dice; 2. data
dator n giver
dattilo (dá-) n date (= fruit of the date palm)
David nprm David
de prep I. from; also: since; II. of (1. belonging or pertaining to; 2. made of); III. with, by means of;
de (+ inf) to; for;
de nove, de nocte, pensar de, etc. cf. nove, nocte, pensar, etc.
Hence: [deinde] etc.
-de- [occurring in compounds] -de- (= to divide)
Hence: geodesia etc.; geodetic etc.
dea n goddess
dead heat [A] n [Horse Racing] dead heat
deambular v to ambulate; to stroll about, saunter
deambulation n deambulation, stroll
deambulatori adj deambulatory, sauntering
debatter v to debate;
debatter se to struggle
Hence: debatto; debattibile
debattibile adj debatable
debatto n debate
deber¹ v 1. to have to, be supposed to, etc. (must, shall, ought); 2. to owe
Hence: debitor; debite-debito-debitar; debita-indebitar
deber² n 1. duty (= obligation); 2. [School] assignment
debile adj weakly, feeble, debile
Hence: debilitate-debilitar-debilitation
debilitar v to debilitate, weaken, enfeeble
debilitate n debility
debilitation n debilitation
debita (dé-) n debt;
debita de honor debt of honor;
debita flottante floating debt
debitar v to debit
debite (dé-) 1. pp of deber; 2. adj due, owing
debitemente adv duly, properly
debito (dé-) n 1. debit; 2. due (= that which is due legally or morally)
debitor n debtor
début [F] n debut (= first public appearance of an actor, singer, etc.)
débutant [F] n debutant
débutante [F] n debutante
debutar v to make one’s debut
deca- adj [occurring in derivatives and compounds] dec-, deca- (= ten)
Hence: decade; decalogo etc.; decametro etc.; decapode etc.; decagon etc.; decasyllabe etc.
decade (dé-) n decade (1. period of ten days; 2. division of a book consisting of ten parts)
decadente adj decadent
decadentia n decadence
decader v to decline, decay, become decadent
Hence: decadente-decadentia
decagon adj decagonal, decagon
Hence: decagono
decagono n [Geom.] decagon
decagramma n decagram
decahedro n [Geom.] decahedron
decalitro (-á-) n decaliter
decalogo (-á-) n Decalog(ue)
decametro (-á-) n decameter (1. [Pros.]; 2. [Meas.])
decanato n deanship, deanery
decano n dean (1. head of a cathedral chapter; 2. senior member of a faculty or any other body)
Hence: decanato
decapitar v to behead, decapitate
Hence: decapitation
decapitation n beheading, decapitation
decapode (-á-) adj decapod, decapodous
Hence: decapodo
decapodo (-á-) n [Zool.] decapod;
decapodos Decapoda
decastereo n [Metric System] decastere
decasyllabe (-sí-) adj decasyllabic
Hence: decasyllabo
decasyllabo (-sí-) n decasyllable, decasyllabic
dece adj ten
Hence: decime &; decennio etc.; dece-cinque etc.; duodeco etc.; dece-prime etc.; decigramma etc.; decemviro etc.; decuple etc.; decuplicar etc.
dece-cinque adj fifteen
deceder [-ced-/-cess-] v 1. to depart, withdraw; 2. to die, decease
Hence: decesso; predecessor
dece-duo (-dú-) adj twelve
decembre n December
decemviral adj decemviral
decemvirato n decemvirate
decemviro (-cém-) n [Rom. Antiq.] decemvir
Hence: decemvirato; decemviral
decennio n decade (= period of ten years)
dece-non- see dece-nove
dece-none (-nó-) adj nineteenth;
le dece-none parte, le dece-nono the nineteenth part, the nineteenth
dece-nove adj nineteen
Hence: dece-none; dece-novesime
dece-novesime (-ésime) adj nineteenth
decente adj decent (1. in accordance with propriety or good taste; 2. respectable)
Hence: decentia; indecente-indecentia
decentia n decency
dece-octesime (-ésime) adj eighteenth
dece-octo adj eighteen
Hence: dece-octesime
dece-prime adj eleventh;
le dece-prime parte, le dece-primo the eleventh part, the eleventh
decept- see deciper
deception n deception, deceit
deceptor n deceiver
dece-quarte adj fourteenth
dece-quatro adj fourteen
dece-quinte adj fifteenth
decerner [-cern-/-cret-] v to decree
Hence: decretori; decreto-decretal-decretalista, decretar
dece-secunde adj twelfth;
le dece-secunde parte, le dece-secundo the twelfth part, the twelfth
dece-septe adj seventeen
Hence: dece-septime
dece-septim- see dece-septe
dece-septime (-sép-) adj seventeenth;
le dece-septime parte, le dece-septimo the seventeenth part, the seventeenth
dece-sex adj sixteen
dece-sexte adj sixteenth
decess- see deceder
decesso n death, decease
dece-tertie adj thirteenth
dece-tres (-trés) adj thirteen
dece-un adj eleven
deciar n deciare (= one tenth part of an are)
decider [-cid-/-cis-] v to decide (1. to determine, settle; 2. to cause to reach a decision);
decider se to decide, make up one’s mind;
decider de un cosa to decide, determine something
Hence: decision-indecision; decisive; decise-indecise
decifrabile adj decipherable
deciframento n (act of) deciphering
decifrar v to decipher
Hence: deciframento; decifrabile-indecifrabile; decifrator
decifrator n decipherer
decigramma n decigram
decilitro (-cí-) n deciliter
decim- see dece
decima (dé-) n tithe
decimal adj decimal
decimar v 1. to decimate; 2. to levy tithes on
decimation n 1. decimation; 2. tithing
decimator n 1. decimator; 2. tithe collector, tithe man
decime (dé-) adj tenth;
le decime parte, le decimo the tenth part, tenth
Hence: decimal; decima-decimar-decimation, decimator
decimetro (-cí-) n decimeter
deciper [-cip/-cept-] v to deceive (= to cause to believe the false, or disbelieve the truth)
Hence: deception; deceptor
decis- see decider
decise adj decided (1. firm, resolute; 2. clear, definite)
decision n decision (1. act of deciding; 2. firmness, resolution)
decisive adj decisive (= settling something beyond question)
decistereo n [Metric System] decistere
declamar v to declaim (1. to recite; 2. to speak in an impassioned manner);
declamar contra (un cosa) to declaim against (a thing)
Hence: declamation; declamator; declamatori
declamation n declamation, declaiming
declamator n declaimer, one who recites
declamatori adj declamatory (= or pertaining to rhetorical declaiming)
declarar v to declare (1. to proclaim; 2. “to declare dutiable goods”);
(un epidemia, revolution, etc.) se declarava (an epidemic, a revolution, etc.) broke out
Hence: declaration; declarative; declaratori
declaration n declaration (= formal announcement, strong statement)
declarative adj declarative
declaratori adj [Law] declaratory
declinabile adj declinable (1. rejectable; 2. [Gram.])
declinar v I. to decline (1. to fall, sink; 2. to refuse, reject; 3. [Gram.]); II. [Astron., Magnet.] to deviate (1. to have declination or latitude; 2. to vary from the true magnetic meridian)
Hence: declino; declinabile-indeclinabile; declination; declinator; declinatori; declinometro etc.
declination n I. declination (1. downward bend, slope; 2. [Astron., Magnet.]); II. [Gram.] declension; III. decline (= process of sinking into a lower or inferior position)
declinator n decliner (= one who declines, rejects)
declinatori adj declinatory
declino n decline; also: sinking, wane
declinometro (-ó-) n declinometer
decocer [-coc-/-coct-] v to decoct
Hence: decoction
decoct- see decocer
decoction n decoction (= action of decocting)
decollar v to behead, decollate
Hence: decollation
decollation n beheading, decollation
decomponer [-pon-/-posit-] v to decompose (= to cause to decompose); also: to rot (= to cause to rot or decay)
Hence: decomponibile; decomposition
decomponibile adj decomposable
decomposit- see decomponer
decomposition n decomposition; also: rot, decay
decorar v to decorate (1. to adorn; 2. to confer a medal, ribbon, etc., on)
Hence: decoration; decorative; decorator; decorato
decoration n decoration (1. action of decorating; 2. ornament; 3. medal, cross, ribbon, etc.);
decoration (de theatro) stage setting
decorative adj decorative
decorato n one decorated (as for bravery, etc.)
decorator n decorator
decorose adj decorous
decorticar v to strip the bark from
decortication n barking, decortication
decorum (-có-) n decorum
Hence: decorose-indecorose; decorar &
decrepitar v to crackle, decrepitate
Hence: decrepitation
decrepitation n decrepitation
decrepite (-cré-) adj decrepit
Hence: decrepitude
decrepitude n decrepitude
decrescendo [I] n [Mus.] decrescendo
decrescentia n decrease
decrescer v to decrease;
le riviera decresce the river is falling, going down
Hence: decrescimento; decrescentia
decrescimento n decrease
decret- see decerner
decretal n [Eccl.] decretal
decretalista n [Eccl.] decretist
decretar v to decree
decreto n decree
decretori adj 1. decretory; 2. decisive
-decta n [occurring in compounds] -dect- (= receiver)
Hence: pandectas etc.
decu- see dece
decuplar v to decuple
decuple (dé-) adj decuple, tenfold
Hence: decuplar
decuplicar v to decuple
decurr- v [occurring in derivatives]
Hence: decurrente
decurrente adj [Bot.] decurrent
dedicar v to dedicate (1. to set apart for a sacred or solemn purpose; 2. to inscribe, address as a mark of gratitude, esteem, etc.);
dedicar se a to dedicate or devote oneself to
Hence: dedication; dedicatori
dedication n dedication (1. act of dedicating to a sacred or solemn purpose; 2. dedicatory inscription)
dedicatori adj dedicatory (= as in “dedicatory epistle”)
deducer [-duc-/-duct-] v 1. to deduce, infer; 2. to deduct
Hence: deducibile; deductibile; deduction; deductive
deducibile adj deducible
deduct- see deducer
deductibile adj deductible
deduction n deduction (1. inference; 2. subtraction)
deductive adj deductive
de facto [L] [Dipl.] de facto
defaite [F] n defeat (= loss of a contest)
Hence: defaitismo; defaitista
defaitismo n defeatism
defaitista n defeatist
defalcar v to cut off, lop off
Hence: defalcation
defalcation n cutting or lopping off, reduction
defecar v to defecate (1. to purify from scum and sediment; 2. to excrete)
Hence: defecation; defecator
defecation n defecation (1. purification from scum and sediment; 2. excretion)
defecator n [Sugar Manuf.] defecator, purification tank
defect- see defic-
defectibile adj defectible
defectibilitate n defectibility
defection n defection (= desertion, backsliding)
defective adj defective (1. having a defect or defects; 2. [Gram.])
defecto n defect
defectuose adj defective (= having a defect or defects)
defender [-fend-/-fens-] v to defend (1. to guard from attack or harm; 2. [Law])
Hence: defendibile-indefendibile; defensibile-indefensibile; defensive-defensiva; defensor; defensa; defenditor
defendibile adj defensible
defenditor n defender
defenestrar v to throw out of the window
defenestration n defenestration
defens- see defender
defensa n I. defense, defence (1. act of defending or protecting; 2. [Law]); II. [Zool.] tusk
defensibile adj defensible
defensiva n defensive (= position or attitude of defense);
super le defensiva on the defensive
defensive adj defensive;
alliantia defensive defensive alliance;
armas defensive arms of defense (defence)
defensor n 1. defender; 2. [Law] counsel for the defense (defence)
deferente adj 1. [Physiol.] deferent; 2. deferential;
canal deferente [Anat.] vas deferens
deferentia n deference
deferer v to inform against;
deferer a to defer to
Hence: deferente-deferentia
defia (-fía) n challenge
defiantia n defiance
defiar v to defy (1. to challenge to combat or competition; 2. to brave)
Hence: defia; defiantia
defic- [-fic-/-fect-] v [occurring in derivatives]
Hence: deficiente-deficientia; defectibile-defectibilitate, indefectibile-indefectibilitate; defection; defective; defecto-defectuose
deficiente adj deficient
deficientia n deficiency (= quality of being deficient)
deficit (dé-) n deficit
Hence: deficitari
deficitari adj showing a deficit
defilar v [Mil.] to defile, file off
definibile adj definable
definibilitate n definability
definir v to define (= to give a definition of)
Hence: definibile-indefinibile-indefinibilitate; definition; definitive; definitor; definite-indefinite; predefinir-predefinition
definite 1. pp of definir; 2. adj [Gram., Bot., Math., etc.] definite
definition n definition (as in “definition of a word”)
definitive adj definitive (= conclusive, final)
definitor n definer
deflagrar v to blaze up, deflagrate
Hence: deflagration; deflagrator
deflagration n deflagration, conflagration
deflagrator n deflagrator
deflar v to deflate
Hence: deflation
deflation n deflation; also: [Econ.]
deflorar v to deflower (= to deprive of virginity)
Hence: defloration
defloration n defloration
defluente 1. ppr of defluer; 2. adj decurrent, defluent
defluer v to flow down
Hence: defluente
deforestar v to deforest
deformar v to deform (= to spoil the form of)
Hence: deformation
deformation n deformation
deforme adj deformed
Hence: deformitate
deformitate n deformity
defraudar v to defraud;
defraudar de to defraud of
Hence: defraudation; defraudator
defraudation n defraudation
defraudator n defrauder
defunct- see defung-
defuncte adj deceased, defunct
defuncto n deceased, defunct
defung- [-fung-/-funct-] v [occurring in derivatives]
Hence: defuncte-defuncto
degenerar v to degenerate
Hence: degeneration; degenerative; degenerate
degenerate adj degenerate
degeneration n degeneration (1. process of degenerating; 2. degeneracy)
degenerative adj degenerative
deglutir v to swallow (down)
Hence: deglutition
deglutition n (act of) swallowing, deglutition
degradante adj degrading, debasing
degradar v I. to degrade (1. to reduce in rank; 2. to debase); II. [Art] to grade, grade off (color)
Hence: degradante; degradation
degradation n I. degradation (1. reduction in rank; 2. degraded existence); II. shading off, graduation (of colors, etc.)
degustar v to taste, sample (wines, tea, etc.)
Hence: degustation; degustator
degustation n tasting (of wines, tea, etc.)
degustator n taster (of wines, tea, etc.)
dehumanisar v to dehumanize
deicida n deicide (= one who kills a god)
deicidio n deicide (= act of killing a god)
deific (-ífic) adj deific
deificar v to deify
deification n deification
[deinde] (déin-) adv I. thereafter, next; II. afterwards, then (1. following in time; 2. next in order)
deismo (-íz-) n deism
deista (-ís-) n deist
deitate n deity
deject- see dejic-
dejection n [Physiol.] dejection (1. discharge of excrement; 2. excrement);
dejectiones ejecta (of a volcano)
dejic- [-jic-/-ject-] v [occurring in derivatives]
Hence: dejection
de jure [L] [Dipl.] de jure
dele [L] [Print.] dele, omit
delectabile adj delightful, delectable
delectabilitate n delectability
delectar v to delight (= to cause delight to);
delectar se in to delight, take delight, in
Hence: delecto; delectabile-delectabilitate; delectation
delectation n delectation
delecto n delight, joy
delegar v to delegate (1. to send as a delegate; 2. to entrust to the care or management of)
Hence: delegation; delegatori; delegato; subdelegar-subdelegation
delegation n I. delegation (1. action of sending as a delegate; 2. as in “delegation of authority”; 3. group of delegates); II. charge or commission given to a delegate
delegato n delegate
delegatori adj delegate’s; delegated
deler [del-/delet-] v 1. to destroy; 2. to delete
Hence: delibile-indelibile-indelibilitate; deletion
delet- see deler
deletion n 1. destruction; 2. deletion
deliberar v to deliberate;
deliberar super to deliberate upon
Hence: deliberation; deliberative; deliberator; deliberate
deliberate adj deliberate
deliberation n 1. deliberation (= action of deliberating); 2. resolution, decision
deliberative adj deliberative
deliberator n deliberator
delibile adj delible
delicate adj delicate (1. exquisite, fine, delicious, etc.; 2. finely sensitive, easily affected, etc.);
puncto delicate delicate or ticklish point;
sanitate delicate delicate or frail health
Hence: delicatessa; indelicate-indelicatessa
delicatessa n delicacy (1. exquisite fineness of substance, texture, constitution, etc.; 2. sensitiveness, fineness of feeling, etc.)
delicia n joy, pleasure, delight
Hence: deliciose
deliciose adj delicious (1. delightful; 2. pleasing to taste or smell)
delict- see delinquer
delicto n (criminal) offense, misdemeanor;
corpore del delicto [Law] corpus delicti
delimitar v to delimit
Hence: delimitation
delimitation n delimitation
delineamento n delineation (= action of tracing in outline)
delinear v to trace the outline of
Hence: delineation; delineator; delineamento
delineation n delineation (= action of tracing in outline)
delineator n delineator
delinquente¹ adj delinquent (= guilty of a misdeed or offense)
delinquente² n delinquent
delinquentia n delinquency
delinquer [-linqu-/-lict-] v to transgress, commit a wrong
Hence: delinquente-delinquentia; delicto-quasidelicto etc.
deliquescente 1. ppr of deliquescer; 2. adj [Chem.] deliquescent
deliquescentia n [Chem.] deliquescence
deliquescer v [Chem.] to deliquesce
Hence: deliquescente-deliquescentia
delirante 1. ppr of delirar; 2. adj delirious
delirar v to be delirious
Hence: delirio; delirante
delirio n delirium
delirium tremens [NL] delirium tremens
delitesc- v [occurring in derivatives]
Hence: delitescente-delitescentia
delitescente adj delitescent
delitescentia n delitescence
delivrantia n 1. deliverance (= liberation); 2. [Med.] delivery
delivrar v to deliver (1. to set free; 2. [Med.])
Hence: delivrantia
delphinium (-phí-) n [Bot.] delphinium
delphino n 1. dolphin (= Delphinus delphis); 2. [Fr. Hist.] dauphin
delta n delta (1. fourth letter of the Greek alphabet; 2. [Geog.])
Hence: deltaic; deltoide¹-deltoide²-deltoidee; deltation
deltaic (-áic) adj deltaic
deltation n [Geog.] deltification, deltation
deltoide¹ adj deltoid, delta-shaped
deltoide² n [Anat.] deltoid (muscle)
deltoidee (-ée) adj deltoid (= pertaining to the deltoid muscle)
deluder [-lud-/-lus-] v to delude
Hence: deludimento; delusion; delusori
deludimento n (act of) deluding, delusion
delus- see deluder
delusion n delusion
delusori adj delusory, delusive
demagogeria (-ía) n demagoguery, demagogy
demagogia (-ía) n demagogy
demagogic adj demagogic
demagogismo n demagogism, demagogy
demagogo n demagogue; also: [Hist.]
Hence: demagogia; demagogismo; demagogeria; demagogic
deman adv tomorrow;
deman matino tomorrow morning;
deman vespere tomorrow night
demanda n I. request; II. demand (1. [Law]; 2. [Econ.]);
le offerta e le demanda supply and demand
demandar v to ask; also: to ask for (1. to inquire about; 2. to request)
Hence: demanda; demandator
demandator n demandant, plaintiff
demarcar v to demarcate
Hence: demarcation
demarcation n demarcation
dementar v to dement
demente adj insane, demented
Hence: dementia; dementar
dementia n insanity, dementia, dementedness;
dementia precoce dementia praecox
demer- v [occurring in derivatives]
Hence: demeritori; demerito-demeritar
demeritar v to merit blame
demerito (-mé-) n demerit
demeritori adj blameworthy
demiurgo n demiurge (1. [Philos.]; 2. [Gr. Antiq.])
-demn- see damno, damnar
demo n [Gr. Antiq.] demos (1. people or commons, especially of a Greek state; 2. deme, township of Attica)
Hence: demotic; endemia &; epidemia &; demagogo etc.; democrate etc.; democratia etc.; demographo etc.; democratic etc.; pandemia etc.
demobilisar v [Mil.] to demobilize
demobilisation n [Mil.] demobilization
democrate (-ó-) n democrat
democratia (-ía) n democracy
democratic adj democratic
demographia (-ía) n demography
demographic adj demographic
demographo (-ó-) n demographer
Hence: demographia; demographic
demolir v to demolish, wreck
Hence: demolition; demolitor
demolition n demolition
demolitor n demolisher
demone n 1. [Gr. Relig.] daemon; 2. demon (= evil spirit)
Hence: demonio-demoniac; demonolatra etc.; demonologia etc.: cacodemone etc.; eudemon- etc.; pandemonio etc.
demoniac (-í-) adj demoniac, demoniacal (1. pertaining to an evil spirit or evil spirits; 2. possessed by an evil spirit)
demonio n demon, evil spirit
demonolatra (-nó-) n demonolater
Hence: demonolatria
demonolatria (-ía) n demonolatry
demonologia (-ía) n demonology
demonomania (-ía) n demonomania
demonstrabile adj demonstrable
demonstrabilitate n demonstrability
demonstrar v to demonstrate (= to show, make evident)
Hence: demonstrabile-demonstrabilitate, indemonstrabile; demonstration; demonstrative; demonstrator
demonstration n demonstration
demonstrative adj demonstrative (1. showing clearly, conclusive; 2. [Gram.])
demonstrator n demonstrator (1. one who shows, makes evident; 2. one who takes part in a public demonstration)
demora n 1. delay; 2. residence (= “place of residence”)
demorar v 1. to remain, stay; 2. to live, reside
Hence: demora
demotic adj [Egypt. Archaeol.] demotic
denaturar v to denature (= to render unfit for eating or drinking)
dendrite n [Mineral.] dendrite
dendritic adj dendritic
dendro- n [occurring in derivatives and compounds] dendr-, dendro- (= tree)
Hence: dendrite-dendritic; dendrologia etc.; rhododendro etc.
dendrologia (-ía) n dendrology
denegar v to deny
Hence: denegation
denegation n denial (as in “affirmation or denial”)
denigrar v to defame, denigrate
Hence: denigration; denigrator
denigration n defamation, denigration
denigrator n slanderer, denigrator
Denis [F] nprm Denis, Dennis
denominar v to name, designate, denominate
Hence: denomination; denominative; denominator
denomination n denomination (= characteristic name given to a thing or class of things)
denominative adj denominative (= conferring a denomination or name)
denominator n denominator (1. person or thing that names; 2. [Math.])
denotar v to denote (= to signify by a visible sign)
Hence: denotation; denotative
denotation n denotation, indication
denotative adj denotative
dense adj dense (= close, thick)
Hence: densitate; condensar &
densitate n density (1. closeness, thickness; 2. [Physics])
dental¹ adj dental; also: [Phonet.]
dental² n [Phonet.] dental
dentar v 1. to tooth, indent; 2. [Physiol.] to teethe
dentari adj dental (= pertaining to the teeth or to dentistry)
dentate adj toothed (1. [Zool., Bot.] dentate; 2. [Mech.] cogged)
dentation n 1. dentation (= state of being dentate); 2. teething, dentition
dentatura n set of teeth, denture
dente n tooth;
dente incisive incisor;
dente molar molar;
dente de lacte milk tooth;
dente (de un pectine, de un serra, etc.) tooth (of a comb, a saw, etc.);
armate al dentes armed to the teeth;
monstrar le dentes to show one’s teeth;
dente de leon [Bot.] dandelion
Hence: dentatura; dentella; denticulo &; dentina; dentista-dentisteria; dental-labiodental etc.; dentari; dentate; dentar-dentation; indentar &; redente; dentifricio etc.; dentirostre etc.; bidente etc.; mundadentes etc.
dentella n lace (as in “Brussels lace”);
dentellas lace (as in “Brussels lace”)
denticulate adj denticulate
denticulo n [Arch.] denticle, dentil
Hence: denticulate
dentifricio n dentifrice
dentina n dentine, ivory
dentirostre adj [Zool.] dentirostral (= having a toothed bill)
Hence: dentirostros
dentirostros npl [Zool.] Dentirostres
dentista n dentist
dentisteria (-ía) n dentistry
denudar v to bare, denude
Hence: denudation
denudation n denudation
denunciar v 1. to proclaim, publish solemnly; 2. to denounce, inform against;
denunciar un tractato to denounce a treaty
Hence: denunciation; denunciative; denunciator
denunciation n 1. proclamation, official notice; 2. denunciation (= act of informing against)
denunciative adj denunciative
denunciator n denouncer
deo n god;
Deo God
Hence: deismo; deista; deitate; deific; deificar-deification; adeo; deicida etc.: deicidio etc.; semideo etc.; dea-semidea etc.
departimental adj departmental
departimento n department (= administrative division)
departir v to divide into parts
Hence: departimento-departimental
depauperar v to impoverish
depauperation n impoverishment
depeche [F] n dispatch, message; also: telegram
dependente adj dependent, depending;
dependente de dependent on, depending on
dependentia n dependence, dependency;
dependentia de dependence on
depender v to depend;
depender de to depend on, be dependent on
Hence: dependente-dependentia, independente-independentia
deperimento n wasting away
deperir v to waste away
Hence: deperimento
depict- see depinger
depiction n depiction
depilar v to remove the hair from, depilate
depilation n depilation
depilatori adj depilatory
depilatorio n depilatory
depinger [-ping-/-pict-] v to depict
Hence: depiction
depler v to deplete
Hence: depletion; depletive
depletion n [Med.] depletion
depletive adj [Med.] depletive
deplorabile adj deplorable
deplorar v to deplore
Hence: deplorabile; deploration
deploration n lamentation, deploration
[depois] (-póis) adv afterwards, later;
depois que since (from the time that)
(= depost)
deponente n [Gram.] deponent
deponer [-pon-/-posit-] v I. to depose (1. to remove from a position of dignity; 2. to depone, testify); II. to deposit (1. to lay down; 2. to put in a place for safekeeping);
deponer un summa super un cosa to bet a sum on something
Hence: deponente; deposition; deposito &
depopular v to depopulate
Hence: depopulation
depopulation n depopulation
deportar v to deport (= to exile)
Hence: deportation
deportation n deportation (= banishment)
deposit- see deponer
depositar v to deposit (1. to put in a place for safekeeping; 2. to lay down as sediment)
depositario n depositary (= one who receives a deposit)
deposition n deposition (1. removal from position of dignity; 2. testimony);
le Deposition del cruce [Art] the Deposition from the Cross
deposito (-pó-) n I. deposition (= depositing for safekeeping); II. deposit (1. thing deposited for safekeeping; 2. depository, depot; 3. sediment);
in deposito in trust;
deposito de munition ammunition dump
Hence: depositario; depositar
depost I. adv afterwards, later;
depost que since (= from the time that);
II. prep after, since
depravar v to deprave, make depraved
Hence: depravation; depravator; depravate
depravate 1. pp of depravar; 2. adj corrupt, depraved
depravation n depravity, depravation
depravator n depraver
deprecar v to deprecate (= to seek to avert by prayer)
Hence: deprecation; deprecative; deprecator; deprecatori
deprecation n deprecation (= prayer that an evil may be prevented)
deprecative adj deprecative, deprecatory
deprecator n deprecator
deprecatori adj deprecatory, deprecative
depreciar v to depreciate (= to lessen the value of)
Hence: depreciation; depreciator
depreciation n depreciation (= lessening in value)
depreciator n depreciator
depredar v to plunder, pillage, depredate
Hence: depredation; depredator
depredation n depredation
depredator n plunderer, depredator
depress- see deprimer
depresse adj depressed (= gloomy, in low spirits)
depression n depression (1. act of pressing down; 2. gloominess, low spirits)
depressive adj 1. bearing down (= tending to press or force down); 2. (morally) depressing
depressor n [Anat.] depressor, depressor muscle
deprimer [-prim-/-press-] v to depress (1. to press down; 2. to make sad or gloomy)
Hence: depression; depressive; depressor; depresse
de profundis [L] de profundis, out of the depths (of sorrow and desolation)
depurar v to cleanse, clear, depurate
Hence: depuration; depurative-depurativo
depuration n cleansing, clearing, depuration
depurative adj [Med.] depurative
depurativo n [Med] blood-cleanser, depurative
deputar v to depute, deputize
Hence: deputation; deputato
deputation n I. deputation (1. appointment as a deputy; 2. group of deputies); II. deputyship
deputato n deputy
-der see dar
derailamento (-rél-) n derailment (= act of leaving the tracks)
derailar (-rél-) v to derail, leave the tracks
deramar v -;
deramar se to branch off
Derby [A] npr [Geog.] Derby;
derby [Horse Racing] Derby
derecta n right hand;
a/al derecta (to the) right
derecte adj right (1. conformable to justice, according with duty; 2. not left)
Hence: derecto; derecta
derecto n I. right (1. what is right; 2. as in “right to life, liberty, etc.”); II. duty, custom, fee, etc.; III. law (= body of laws);
derecto de autor copyright;
derectos de autor royalties;
de derecto by right(s);
derecto del gentes law of nations;
derecto international international law;
derecto criminal criminal law;
derecto civil civil law;
derecto costumari common law (= customary law)
derelict- see derelinquer
derelicte adj abandoned, derelict
derelinquer [-linqu-/-lict-] v to forsake, abandon
Hence: derelicte
derider [-rid-/-ris-] v to deride
Hence: derision; derisori
deris- see derider
derision n derision
derisori adj derisive, derisory
derivabile adj derivable
derivar v I. to divert the course of; II. to derive (1. to obtain (from a source); 2. to be derived)
Hence: derivabile; derivation; derivative-derivativo
derivation n I. diversion of a water-course; II. derivation (1. [Med.]; 2. [Gram.]); III. [Elec.] shunt
derivative adj derivative (1. [Med.]; 2. derived)
derivativo n [Med.] derivative
derma [-ma/-mat-] n [Anat., Zool.] derma
Hence: dermatitis; dermatoide; hypodermatic; dermatologo etc.; echinoderme etc.; pachyderme etc.; blastoderma etc.; taxidermia etc.; ectoderma etc.
dermat- see derma
dermatitis (-ítis) n [Med.] dermatitis
dermatoide n dermatoid
dermatologia (-ía) n dermatology
dermatologo (-tó-) n dermatologist
Hence: dermatologia
derogar v -;
derogar al lege to depart from the law;
derogar a un principio to waive a principle;
derogar a su dignitate to derogate from one’s dignity
Hence: derogation; derogatori
derogation n derogation (1. act of limiting the application of a law, rule, etc.; 2. disparagement, depreciation)
derogatori adj derogatory (as in “derogatory remark”);
clausula derogatori [Law] derogatory clause
deroutar v [Mil.] to rout
deroute [F] n [Mil.] rout
Hence: deroutar
dervich (-sh) n dervish
descendente n descendant
descendentia n 1. descent, descendance (“descent from a particular ancestor”); 2. descendants
descender [-scend-/-scens-] v to descend
Hence: descendente-descendentia; descension; descendita; condescender &; redescender
descendita (-cén-) n descent (= action of descending)
descens- see descender
descension n descent (= action of descending)
describer [-scrib-/-script-] v to describe (1. “to describe a view, a person, etc.”; 2. “to describe a curve”)
Hence: descriptibile-indescriptibile; description; descriptor; descriptive
descript- see describer
descriptibile adj describable
description n description
descriptive adj descriptive;
geometria descriptive descriptive geometry
descriptor n describer
[desde] prep since, from
deserer [-ser-/-sert-] v to desert, abandon
Hence: desertion; desertor; deserte-desertar, deserto-desertic
desert- see deserer
desertar v to desert
deserte adj desert (as in “desert region”)
desertic adj desert (as in “desert region”)
desertion n desertion
deserto n desert;
predicar in le deserto to preach in the wilderness, talk to deaf ears
desertor n deserter
déshabillé [F] n dishabille, deshabille
desiccar v to dry up, desiccate
Hence: desiccation; desiccative
desiccation n desiccation
desiccative adj desiccative
desiderabile adj desirable
desiderar v to desire, wish, wish for;
lassar (multo) a desiderar to leave (much) to be desired, leave room for improvement
Hence: desiderose; desiderio; desiderabile-indesiderabile; desiderative
desiderative adj 1. desirous; 2. [Gram.] desiderative
desideratum (pl desiderata) [L] n desideratum
desiderio n desire, wish
desiderose adj desirous;
desiderose de desirous of
designar v 1. to designate; 2. to draw, sketch; 3. to design, intend
Hence: designo; designation; designative; designator
designation n designation
designative adj designative
designator n sketcher, drawer
designo n I. design (= scheme, plan); II. drawing (1. art of drawing or sketching; 2. as in “a drawing hanging on the wall)
desin- v [occurring in derivatives]
Hence: desinentia-desinential
desinentia n [Gram.] ending, desinence
desinential adj terminal, desinential
desirabile adj desirable
desirar v to desire, wish, wish for;
lassar (multo) a desirar to leave (much) to be desired, leave room for improvement
Hence: desiro-desirose; desirabile-indesirabile
desiro n desire, wish
desirose adj desirous;
desirose de desirous of
desistentia n desistance
desister v to desist;
desister de to desist from
Hence: desistentia
desolar v to desolate (1. to devastate; 2. to afflict, distress)
Hence: desolation; desolator; desolate
desolate 1. pp of desolar; 2. adj desolate, distressed
desolation n desolation (1. devastation; 2. dreary barrenness; 3. affliction)
desolator n desolater
despect- see despicer
despectar v to spite, mortify, treat (someone) with spite
despecto n resentment, spite, despite; also: grudge;
in despecto de in spite of, despite
despectose adj spiteful; despiteful
desperantia n despair, hopelessness
desperar v 1. to despair; 2. to drive to despair
Hence: despero; desperantia; desperation; desperate
desperate adj 1. in despair; 2. desperate
desperation n desperation, desperateness
despero n 1. despair; 2. desperation
despicer [-spic-/-spect-] v to despise
Hence: despecto-despectose, despectar
despoliamento n despoliation, spoliation
despoliar v to despoil, spoliate
Hence: despoliamento
despota (dés-) n despot
Hence: despotismo; despotic; despotisar
despotic adj despotic
despotisar v to despotize, tyrannize
despotismo n despotism
dessert [F] n dessert
destinar v to destine (= to set apart for a particular purpose or use);
destinate a destined or intended for
Hence: destino; destination; destinatario; predestinar-predestination
destinatario n addressee
destination n destination (1. action of destining; 2. place of destination)
destino n destiny (= one’s lot or fortune)
destituer [-stitu-/-stitut-] v 1. to render destitute; 2. to displace, discharge, dismiss (from office)
Hence: destitution; destitute
destitut- see destituer
destitute adj destitute (1. deprived, lacking; 2. in great need or want)
destitution n 1. destitution (= state of being destitute); 2. discharge, dismissal (from office)
destruct- see destruer
destructibile adj destructible
destructibilitate n destructibility
destruction n destruction
destructive adj destructive
destructor n destroyer (= one who or that which destroys)
destruer [-stru-/-struct-] v to destroy
Hence: destructibile-destructibilitate, indestructibile-indestructibilitate; destruction; destructive; destructor
desuete adj disused; also: obsolete, deadletter, etc.
Hence: desuetude
desuetude n desuetude
detaliar v to detail (= to tell in detail)
Hence: detalio
detalio n 1. detail (= individual item, particular); 2. [Com.] retail;
in detalio in detail, fully;
vender al detalio to retail, sell at retail
detect- see deteger
detective [A] n detective
detector n [Elec., Radio] detector
deteger [-teg-/-tect-] v to detect, uncover
Hence: detector
detener [-ten-/-tent-] v 1. to hold (= to have, own); 2. to detain (= to keep in custody, confine)
Hence: detenimento; detention; detentor
detenimento n detention, imprisonment, confinement
detent- see detener
detention n 1. holding, possession (of a thing); 2. detention, imprisonment, confinement;
detention preventive preliminary detention
detentor n 1. holder (of rights, titles, etc.); 2. detainer (= one who detains)
deter- [-ter-/-trit-] v [occurring in derivatives]
Hence: detrimento-detrimentose; detrito
deteriorar v to impair (= to cause to deteriorate);
deteriorar se to deteriorate
Hence: deterioration
deterioration n deterioration
determinabile adj determinable
determinabilitate n determinability
determinante n [Math.] determinant
determinar v to determine (1. to be the deciding factor in settling the form, function, etc. of; 2. to fix precisely);
determinar se a facer un cosa to determine on doing or to do something
Hence: determinismo-indeterminismo; determinista-indeterminista; determinante; determinabile-determinabilitate; determination-indetermination; determinative; determinator; determinate-indeterminate; predeterminar-predetermination
determinate I. pp of determinar; II. adj 1. determined (= resolute); 2. definite (= clear)
determination n determination (1. act of fixing precisely; 2. fixed intention, resolution; 3. resoluteness);
prender un determination to resolve, make up one’s mind
determinative adj determinative
determinator n determiner
determinismo n determinism
determinista n determinist
detestabile adj detestable
detestar v to detest
Hence: detestabile; detestation
detestation n detestation
detonar v to detonate (= to explode)
Hence: detonation; detonator
detonation n detonation
detonator n detonator
detr- see deter-
[detra] 1. adv behind, back, backwards; 2. prep behind
detract- see detraher
detraction n detraction
detractor n detractor
detraher [-trah-/-tract-] v to detract, detract from
Hence: detraction, detractor
detrimento n detriment;
al detrimento de to the detriment of
detrimentose adj detrimental
detrit- see deter-
detrito n detritus
deus ex machina [L] deus ex machina
deut- see deuter-
deuter- adj [occurring in derivatives and compounds] deuter-, deutero- (= second)
Hence: deuterium; deuteron; Deuteronomio etc.: deuton; deutoxydo etc.
deuterium (-té-) n [Phys., Chem.] deuterium, heavy hydrogen
deuteron n [Phys., Chem.] deuteron
Deuteronomio n [Bib.] Deuteronomy
deuton n [Phys., Chem.] deuton
deutoxydo (-tó-) n [Chem.] deutoxide
devalutar v to devaluate
devalutation n devaluation
devastar v to devastate
Hence: devastation; devastator
devastation n devastation (= act of devastating)
devastator n devastator
devenir v to become (= to come to be)
deviar v to deviate (as in “his statement deviates from the truth”)
deviation n 1. deviation; 2. detour, roundabout way;
deviation del bussola deviation of the compass
devie adj devious
Hence: deviar-deviation
devisa n device (1. [Her.]; 2. motto);
devisa (estranier) (foreign) bill of exchange
devolut- see devolver
devolution n devolution (as in “the devolution of the crown”)
devolutive adj causing to devolve or transfer by devolution
devolver [-volv-/-volut-] v to devolve (= to transfer)
Hence: devolution; devolutive
devorante 1. ppr of devorar; 2. adj ravenous
devorar v to devour;
devorar le via to eat up the miles
Hence: devorante; devorator
devorator n devourer
devot- see devov-
devotar v to devote (= to dedicate, consecrate)
devote adj 1. devout; 2. devotional;
devote a devoted to
devotion n devotion (1. [Relig.]; 2. “devotion to a person, cause, etc.”);
devotiones devotions
devoto n devout person, devotee; also: votary
devov- [-vov-/-vot-] v [occurring in derivatives]
Hence: devotion-indevotion; devote-indevote, devoto; devotar
dextera, dextra (déx-) n right hand
dextere, dextre adj 1. right (= not left); 2. dexterous
Hence: dexteritate; ambidextere; dextrina; dexteromane etc.; dextrogyr etc.; dextera
dexteritate n dexterity
dexteromane, dextromane adj righthanded (= using the right hand more easily and readily than the left)
[dextra] prep on the right of
dextrina n dextrin
dextrogyr adj dextrogyrous
di-¹ [occurring in compounds] di- (= twice)
Hence: digamma etc.; dilemma etc.; dimetro etc.; dimorphe etc.; diphthonge etc.
di-² see also dia-; Zeus
dia- prefixo [di- before vowels, used chiefly to form technical terms] dia-, di- (1. through; 2. away, apart)
Hence: diametro etc.; diastase etc.; diapositiva etc.; diacaustic etc.; diagno- etc.; diorama etc.
diabete n diabetes
Hence: diabetic-diabetico
diabetic adj diabetic
diabetico n diabetic
diaboleria (-ía) n deviltry, devilry (= devilish mischief)
diabolessa n she-devil
diabolic adj diabolic, diabolical, devilish
diabolo (-á-) n 1. devil (= spirit of evil); 2. [Game] diabolo;
povre diabolo poor devil;
advocato del diabolo devil’s advocate
Hence: diaboleria; diabolessa; diabolic; indiabolar-indiabolate
diacaustic adj [Math.] diacaustic
diaconal adj diaconal
diaconato n diaconate
diaconessa n deaconess (1. [Early Chr. Ch.]; 2. member of a Protestant sisterhood devoted to works of charity and religion)
diacono (-á-) n deacon (= member of the order of clergy immediately below that of priest)
Hence: diaconato; diaconessa; diaconal; archidiacono etc.
diadema n diadem
diagno- [occurring in derivatives]
Hence: diagnose; diagnostic &
diagnose n diagnosis (1. [Med.]; 2. [Biol.])
diagnostic adj diagnostic
Hence: diagnosticar; diagnostico
diagnosticar v to diagnose
diagnostico n diagnostics, diagnosis
diagonal¹ adj diagonal
diagonal² n diagonal
diagramma [-ma/-mat-] n diagram
Hence: diagrammatic
diagrammat- see diagramma
diagrammatic adj diagrammatic
dialectal adj dialectal
dialectic adj dialectic, dialectical
Hence: dialectico; dialectica
dialectica n dialectics, dialectic
dialectico n dialectician
dialecto n dialect (as in “Scottish dialect”)
Hence: dialectal; dialectic &
dialogar v to dialogue
dialogic adj in form of a dialogue, dialogic
dialogisar v to dialogize
dialogismo n dialogism
dialogista n dialogist
dialogo (-á-) n dialogue, dialog
Hence: dialogismo; dialogista; dialogic; dialogar; dialogisar
diamante n diamond
diametral adj diametrical, diametric
diametric adj diametric
diametro (-á-) n diameter
Hence: diametral; diametric-isodiametric etc.; semidiametro etc.
Diana¹ npr [Rom. Relig.] Diana
diana² n reveille
diantho n [Bot.] pink; also: carnation
diapason (-pá) n 1. range (as in “range of a singing voice”; “range of an instrument”); 2. tuning fork
diaphane adj diaphanous
Hence: diaphaneitate; semidiaphane etc.
diaphaneitate n diaphaneity
diaphragma [-ma/-mat-] diaphragm (1. midriff; 2. [Photog., Phys.; etc.])
Hence: diaphragmatic
diaphragmat- see diaphragma
diaphragmatic adj diaphragmatic
diapositiva n [Photog.] transparent positive, transparency, diapositive
diario n diary
diarrhea (-éa) n diarrhea
Hence: diarrheic
diarrheic (-éic) adj diarrheal, diarrheic
diaspora (-ás-) n Diaspora, Dispersion
diastase (diás-) n 1. diastasis; 2. [Chem.] diastase
diastole n [Physiol.] diastole
Hence: diastolic
diastolic adj [Physiol.] diastolic
diathermia (-ía) n [Med.] diathermy
Hence: diathermic
diathermic adj [Med.] diathermic
diatonic adj [Mus.] diatonic;
scala diatonic, gamma diatonic diatonic scale
dica n 1. dike (= embankment built to prevent inundations); 2. dam, weir
-dicar v [occurring in derivatives]
Hence: abdicar &; dedicar &; predicar &
-dice n [occurring in compounds]
Hence: indice &; judice etc.; vindice etc.
dicer [dic-/dict-] v to say; also: to tell;
dicer le missa to say mass;
dicer le bon ventura to tell fortunes;
pro si dicer so to say;
voler dicer 1. to mean, signify; 2. to mean (to say)
Hence: indicibile; diction &; dicto &; dictar &; contradicer &; disdicer &; edic- &; indicer &; interdicer &; predicer &; benedicer etc.; juridic etc.
dict- see dicer
dictamine n dictate, dictamen
dictar v to dictate (1. as in “to dictate a letter”; 2. to prescribe authoritatively)
Hence: dictamine; dictator-dictatorial; dictatura; dictato
dictato n dictation (as in “take down dictation”)
dictator n dictator
dictatorial adj dictatorial (= pertaining to a dictator)
dictatura n dictatorship
diction n diction (1. choice of words to express ideas; 2. enunciation, elocution)
Hence: dictionario; jurisdiction etc.
dictionario n dictionary
dicto n saying (as in “an old saying”)
Hence: verdicto etc.
didact- see didasc-
didactic adj didactic
didactica n didactics
didasc- v [occurring in derivatives and compounds] didasc-, didact- (= to teach someone or something)
Hence: didascalia-didascalic; didactic; didactica; autodidacte-autodidacto-autodidactic
didascalia (-ía) n [Antiq.] stage directions
didascalic adj didascalic, didactic
Didon npr [Gr. Mythol.] Dido
die n day (1. “day” as opposed to “night”; also: daylight; 2. period of twenty-four hours);
de die in die from day to day;
die utile [Law] lawful day;
die feriate holiday;
un die one day, sometime;
le die sequente the next day, the following day
Hence: diario; diurne; quotidian etc.; mediedie etc.; lunedi etc.; martedi etc.
diese (dí-) [Mus.] sharp
Diesel, Rudolf npr [1858-1913; inventor of Diesel motor]
Hence: diesel
diesel n Diesel engine or motor, Diesel;
motor Diesel Diesel engine, Diesel motor;
oleo Diesel Diesel oil
dies irae [L] dies irae, day of wrath
dieta¹ n [Med.] diet;
dieta lactee milk diet;
dieta absolute starvation diet;
esser a dieta to be on a diet;
poner a dieta to put on a diet
Hence: dietetic; dietetica; dietar
dieta² n [Hist., Pol.] diet
dietar v to diet
dietetic adj dietetic
dietetica n dietetics
diffamar v to defame
Hence: diffamation; diffamatori
diffamation n defamation
diffamatori adj defamatory
differente adj different
differentia n difference;
il non face differentia it makes no difference
differential¹ adj differential;
calculo differential differential calculus
differential² n differential (1. [Math.]; 2. “differential of an automobile etc.”)
differentiar v to differentiate (1. to distinguish; 2. [Math.])
differentiation n [Math.] differentiation
differer [-fer-/-lat-] v 1. to defer, delay; 2. to differ (= be different)
Hence: differente-differentia-differential, differentiar-differentiation, indifferente &, equidifferente etc.; dilatori
difficile adj difficult
Hence: difficultate
difficul- see difficile
difficultate n difficulty
diffidente adj distrustful
diffidentia n distrust
diffider v to be distrustful;
diffider de un persona to distrust, mistrust someone
Hence: diffidente-diffidentia
diffract- see diffranger
diffractar v to diffract
diffraction n diffraction
diffranger [-frang-/-fract-] v to diffract
Hence: diffraction; diffractar
diffunder [-fund-/-fus-] v to diffuse (= to spread widely); also: = radiodiffunder
Hence: diffusibile-diffusibilitate; diffusion; diffusive; diffuse; radiodiffunder etc.
diffus- see diffunder
diffuse adj diffuse (1. spread out, diffused; 2. verbose, not concise)
diffusibile adj diffusible
diffusibilitate n diffusibility
diffusion n diffusion (1. dispersion, wide distribution; 2. diffuseness, wordiness; 3. [Phys.] intermingling of fluids); also: = radiodiffusion
diffusive adj diffusive
digamma n digamma
digerer [-ger-/-gest-] v to digest (1. “to digest food”; 2. to absorb mentally; 3. [Chem.]);
non poter digerer un cosa to be unable to stomach or swallow something
Hence: digestibile-digestibilitate, indigestibile-indigestibilitate; digestion-indigestion; digestive; digestor; digeste-indigeste, digesto
digest- see digerer
digeste adj digested
digestibile adj digestible
digestibilitate n digestibility
digestion n digestion (1. Physiol.]; 2. [Chem.]);
de facile, difficile, digestion easy, hard, of digestion
digestive adj digestive (1. pertaining to digestion; 2. helping digestion);
apparato digestive digestive apparatus
digesto n [Law] digest, Pandects
digestor n [Physiol; Chem.] digester
digital¹ adj digital
digital² n 1. thimble; 2. [Bot.] digitalis, foxglove
Hence: digitalina
digitalina n [Chem.] digitalin
digitate adj digitate (= having fingers or digits; also: [Bot.])
digitiforme adj digitiform, finger-shaped
digitigrade (-tí-) adj [Zool.] digitigrade
Hence: digitigrado
digitigrado (-tí-) n digitigrade
digito (-dí-) n digit (1. finger; toe; 2. [Arith.]);
(digito) indice forefinger, index finger;
digito medie middle finger;
(digito) anular ring finger;
(digito) auricular little finger
Hence: digital¹-interdigital, cubitodigital etc.; digital² &; digitate; digitiforme etc.; digitigrade etc.; prestidigitar etc.
dignar v to deign
digne adj 1. worthy, deserving; 2. dignified (= showing or expressing dignity);
digne de (laude) worthy (of praise), (praise)worthy
Hence: dignitate-dignitario; dignar-disdignar &; dignificar; indigne-indignitate, indignar &; condigne
dignificar v to dignify, make worthy
dignitario n dignitary
dignitate n dignity (1. intrinsic worth, stateliness; 2. high office, rank, or title)
digreder [-gred-/-gress-] v to digress (= to deviate from the main subject)
Hence: digression; digressive
digress- see digreder
digression n digression (1. deviation from the subject in discourse or writing; 2. [Astron.]);
perder se in un digression or in digressiones to lose oneself in a digression or in digressions
digressive adj digressive
dihedre adj [Math.] dihedral
Hence: dihedro
dihedro n [Math.] dihedron
dilapidar v to squander, dilapidate
Hence: dilapidation; dilapidator
dilapidation n squandering, waste
dilapidator n squanderer, wastrel, spendthrift
dilat- see differer
dilatabile adj dilatable
dilatabilitate n dilatability
dilatar v to dilate (= to make larger or wider)
Hence: dilatabile-dilatabilitate; dilatation; dilatator
dilatation n dilatation, dilation
dilatator n dilator (1. one who or that which dilates; 2. [Surg.])
dilatori adj dilatory (= tending to delay)
dilect- see dilig-
dilection n affection, love
dilemma n dilemma
dilettante [I] n lover of the arts, amateur, dilettante
Hence: dilettantismo
dilettantismo n dilettantism
dilig- [-lig-/-lect-] v [occurring in derivatives]
Hence: diligente-diligentia; dilection-predilection
diligente adj diligent
diligentia n diligence (1. assiduity; 2. public stage coach)
diluer [-lu-/-lut-] v to dilute (as in “to dilute wine”)
Hence: dilution; diluvio &
dilut- see diluer
dilution n dilution
diluv- see diluer
diluvial adj diluvial, diluvian
diluvian adj diluvian, diluvial
diluviar v to rain heavily, pour
diluvio n 1. deluge; 2. [Geol.] diluvium
Hence: diluvial; diluvian-antediluvian, postdiluvian; diluviar
dimens- see dimetir
dimension n dimension (1. as in “the three dimensions”; 2. size, magnitude, extent);
dimensiones critic [Phys.] critical size
Hence: dimensional-bidimensional etc.
dimensional adj dimensional
dimere adj [Bot., Zool.] dimerous
dimetir [-met-/-mens-] v [occurring in derivatives]
Hence: dimension &
dimetro (dí-) n dimeter
diminuendo n [Mus.] diminuendo
diminuer v to diminish, lessen;
diminuer le precio to reduce the price;
diminuer de valor to diminish in value;
columna diminuite diminished, tapering column
Hence: diminuendo; diminution; diminutive-diminutivo
diminution n diminution
diminutive adj [Gram.] diminutive
diminutivo n [Gram.] diminutive
dimiss- see dimitter
dimission n 1. dismissal; 2. demission, resignation
dimitter [-mitt-/-miss-] v to dismiss, discharge
Hence: dimission
dimorphe adj dimorphic
Hence: dimorphismo
dimorphismo n dimorphism (1. [Biol., Bot., etc.]; 2. [Cryst.])
din- adj [occurring in compounds] dino-, din- (= fearful, terrible)
Hence: dinosauro etc. ...
dinar¹ v to dine, to take dinner
Hence: dinator
dinar² n dinner, dining
dinator n diner (= one who dines)
dinosauro n [Paleontol.] dinosaur
diocesan adj diocesan
diocesano n diocesan
diocese n diocese (1. [Rom. Hist.]; 2. [Eccl.])
Hence: diocesan-diocesano
dionysia [L] npl [Gr. Relig.] Dionysia
Hence: dionysiac
dionysiac (-íac) adj Dionysiac
Dionysio npr [Anc. Hist.] Dionysius
Dionyso npr [Gr. Relig.] Dionysus, Dionysos
diorama n diorama
Dioscuros npl [Mythol.] Dioscuri, Dioscuroi, Castor and Pollux
dipetale adj [Bot.] dipetalous
diphtheria (-ía) n diphtheria
Hence: diphtheric
diphtheric adj diphtheritic, diphtheric
diphthongar v to diphthongize
diphthonge adj diphthongal, diphthonged
Hence: diphthongo-diphthongar
diphthongo n diphthong (= union of two vowels pronounced in one syllable)
diplo- adj [occurring in compounds] diplo- (= twofold, double)
Hence: diplopia etc. ...
diploma [-ma/-mat-] n diploma
Hence: diplomatic; diplomatica; diplomar-diplomate
diplomar v to grant a diploma to
diplomat- see diploma
diplomate¹ adj certified (= having been granted a diploma, license, etc.)
diplomate² n diplomat, diplomatist
Hence: diplomatia; diplomatic-diplomatico
diplomatia (-ía) n diplomacy
diplomatic¹ adj diplomatic (= pertaining to the science of diplomatics or diplomas)
diplomatic² adj diplomatic (1. belonging to diplomacy; 2. characterized by diplomacy);
corpore diplomatic diplomatic corps
diplomatica n diplomatics (= science of diplomatics or of diplomas)
diplomatico n diplomat, diplomatist
diplopia (-ía) n diplopia
Hence: diplopic
diplopic adj diplopic
dips- n [occurring in derivatives and compounds] dips- (= thirst)
Hence: dipsomania etc. ...
dipsomane adj dipsomaniacal
Hence: dipsomano
dipsomania (-ía) n dipsomania
dipsomano (-só-) n dipsomaniac
diptere adj 1. [Arch.] dipteral; 2. [Entom.] dipterous
Hence: dipteros
dipteros (díp-) npl [Entom.] Diptera
direct- see diriger
directe adj 1. straight (= in a line); 2. direct (= without deviation or interruption);
(ir, ambular, etc.) directe (to go, walk, etc.) straight
direction n direction (1. action of directing; 2. as in “to move in a certain direction”)
directiva n directive
directive adj directive
director n director; also: manager, principal, editor-in-chief, etc.;
director de orchestra [Mus.] conductor
directorato n directorate (= function of a director)
directori adj directory
directorial adj directorial (1. pertaining to a director; 2. pertaining to a directorate, or to the French Directory)
directorio n 1. directorate, board of directors; 2. [Fr. Hist.] Directory
directrice n 1. directress, also: head-mistress, etc.; 2. [Geom.] directrix
directura n uprightness, rectitude, straightforwardness
diriger [-rig-/-rect-] v to direct (1. to guide, control, manage; 2. to cause to turn in a particular direction);
diriger se verso (un loco) to turn towards (a place);
diriger (un orchestra) to conduct (an orchestra);
diriger (un littera) a (un persona) to direct (a letter) to (someone)
Hence: dirigibile; direction; directive-directiva; director-directorato, directorial; directori; directorio-directorial; directrice; directura; directe-indirecte
dirigibile¹ adj dirigible
dirigibile² n dirigible
dirimente adj 1. ppr of dirimer; 2. annuling, nullifying, diriment;
impedimento dirimente [Law] diriment impediment
dirimer v to annul, invalidate
Hence: dirimente
dis- prefixo dis-, de-, un- (1. [expressing separation, deprivation, division, and the like]; 2. [expressing the negative, contrary, opposite])
Hence: disaffection etc.; disillusion etc.; discontinue etc.; discontente etc.; dissone etc.; disapprobar etc.; disarmar etc.; disinfectar etc.; disrumper etc.
disabusar v to disabuse
disaccopular v to separate (a couple)
disaccordar v to disaccord, disagree
disaccordo n 1. disaccord, disagreement; 2. [Mus.] discord
disaccostumar v to disaccustom
disaffection n disaffection
disaffectionar v to disaffect
disaggregar v to disaggregate
disaggregation n disaggregation
disagradabile adj disagreeable, unpleasant
disagradar v -;
disagradar a to displease
disancorar v to weigh anchor
disanimar v to dishearten, dispirit
disanimate 1. pp of disanimar; 2. adj discouraged, dispirited
disannidar v to take out of the nest
disapprender v to forget, unlearn
disapprobar v to disapprove, disapprove of
disapprobation n disapproval, disapprobation
disapprobator n disapprover
disappunctamento n disappointment (= state of being disappointed)
disappunctar v to disappoint (= to fail to realize the expectations of)
Hence: disappunctamento
disaquamento n draining
disaquar v to drain, dry, etc.
disargentar v to desilver, remove the silver from
disarmamento n disarmament
disarmar v to disarm (1. to deprive of weapons; 2. to reduce the size of the army, navy, etc.)
disarticular v to disarticulate
disarticulation n disarticulation
disassimilar v [Physiol.] to cause disassimilation
Hence: disassimilation
disassimilation n [Physiol.] disassimilation
disassociar v dissociate, disassociate
disastro n disaster
Hence: disastrose
disastrose adj disastrous
disaurar v to ungild
disavantage (-aje) n disadvantage
disavantagiose (-jo-) adj disadvantageous, unfavorable
disbandamento n disbanding; disbandment
disbandar v to disband;
disbandar se to disband, break ranks
Hence: disbandamento
disbarbar v to shave
disbarbate adj beardless
disbarcamento n debarkation, disembarkation;
testa de disbarcamento beachhead;
ponte de disbarcamento gangplank
disbarcar v to disembark (1. to put ashore from a ship; 2. to go ashore from a ship)
disbarcatorio n wharf, landing pier; also: gangplank
disblocar v to raise the blockade of
disbordamento n overflow, inundation (= flowing over the banks, the brim, etc.)
disbordar v to overflow (= to flow over the brim, banks, etc.)
Hence: disbordamento
disbridar v 1. to unbridle; 2. [Surg.] to debride
disbuccamento n (action of) debouching, issuing forth
disbuccar v to debouch, issue forth
Hence: disbuccamento
disbuclar v to uncurl (= to cause to uncurl)
disbursamento n disbursament
disbursar v to disburse, pay out
Hence: disbursamento
disbuttonar v to unbutton (a coat, etc.)
disbutyrar v to skim (milk)
discalceamento n (act of) taking off (one’s or someone’s) shoes, stockings, etc.
discalcear v 1. to take off (shoes, stockings, etc. from someone’s feet); 2. to uncover, expose the foot or roots (of a tree, tooth, etc.);
discalcear se to take off one’s shoes, stockings, etc.
discalceate 1. pp of discalcear; 2. adj barefooted
discalceator n bootjack
discamminar v to lead astray
discampamento n decampment
discampar v to decamp (1. to break up a camp; 2. to depart quickly)
Hence: discampamento
discantar v [Mus.] to descant (= to sing a descant or counterpoint above the plain song)
discanto n [Mus.] descant (1. counterpoint above the plain song; 2. upper part in part music)
Hence: discantar
discapillar v to tousle, dishevel
discapillate adj disheveled
discarbonatar v to decarbonize, decarbonate
discarburar v to decarbonize
discarburation n decarbonization
discardinar v to unhinge
discarga n I. (act of) unloading, unlading; also: dumping; II. discharge (1. firing off a fire-arm; 2. “electric discharge”; 3. [Arch.]); III. unburdening, relief, etc.
discargamento n unloading, unlading
discargar v I. to unload, unlade; also: to dump; II. to discharge (1. to fire, fire off; to rid of an electric charge); III. to unburden, relieve, etc.;
discargar un persona de (un obligation, etc.) to discharge, release, exonerate someone from (an obligation, etc.)
discargator n unloader; also: longshoreman
discargatorio n 1. unloading place, wharf; 2. dump, dumping place
discarnar v to take off flesh; also: to make thin
discarnate 1. pp of discarnar; 2. adj fleshless; also: lean, gaunt
discassage (-aje) n (action of) unpacking or unboxing
discassamento n 1. (action of) unpacking or unboxing; 2. (action of) paying out (cash)
discassar v 1. to unpack, unbox; 2. to pay out (cash)
discentralisar v to decentralize
discentralisation n decentralization
discerner [-cern-/-cret-] v to discern
Hence: discernimento; discernibile-indiscernibile; discretion-discretional, discretionari, indiscretion; discretive; discrete-indiscrete; discernitor
discernibile adj discernible
discernimento n discernment
discernitor n discerner
discinct- see discinger
discincte adj ungirded, ungirt
discinger [-cing-/-cinct-] v to ungirdle
Hence: discincte
disciplina n discipline (1. as in “school discipline”, “military discipline”, etc.; 2. branch of instruction; 3. [Eccl.] scourge)
Hence: disciplinari; disciplinar
disciplinar v to discipline (1. to subject to discipline; 2. [Eccl.] to scourge)
disciplinari adj disciplinary
discipulo (-cí-) n disciple
disclavar v to unnail, remove the nails from
disco n 1. disk; 2. discus; 3. (phonograph) record
discollar v to unglue
discolorar v to discolor (= to deprive of color or coloring)
discompletar v to render incomplete
disconcertamento n disconcertment; also: bafflement
disconcertar v to disconcert (1. to spoil, upset; 2. to embarrass greatly; also: to baffle)
Hence: disconcertate; disconcertamento
disconcertate 1. pp of disconcertar; 2. adj disconcerted; also: baffled
disconsolate adj disconsolate, unconsoled
discontabile adj discountable
discontaminar v decontaminate
discontamination n decontamination;
discontamination de plutonium [Atomic Phys.] decontamination of plutonium
discontar v to discount (1. [Com.]; 2. to deduct, leave out of account)
Hence: disconto; discontabile; discontator
discontator n discounter
discontentamento n discontentment, discontent
discontentar v to discontent; to dissatisfy
discontente adj discontent, discontented
discontento n discontent
discontinuar v to discontinue (= to cause to cease)
discontinuation n discontinuation
discontinue adj discontinuous
discontinuitate n discontinuity
disconto n [(Com.] discount;
banca de disconto discount bank;
disconto bancari bank discount
disconvenientia n disparity, disproportion
disconvenir v to disagree, be in disagreement;
disconvenir a to be unsuited to, unsuitable for
discoperir [-per-/-pert-] v 1. to uncover; 2. to discover;
discoperir se to uncover (= to take off one’s hat)
Hence: discoperta; discoperitor
discoperitor n discoverer
discopert- see discoperir
discoperta n discovery
discoragiamento (-aja-) n discouragement
discoragiar (-ajar) v to discourage, dishearten
discorcar v to uncork
discordante 1. ppr of discordar; 2. adj discordant, disagreeing
discordantia n discordance (1. disagreement; 2. discord)
discordar v to disagree
discorde adj discordant
Hence: discordia; discordar-discordo, discordante-discordantia
discordia n discord;
le pomo de(l) discordia the apple of discord
discordo n disagreement, discord
discornar v to dehorn
discoronar v to uncrown, dethrone
discortese adj discourteous
discortesia (-ía) n discourtesy
discreditar v to discredit (= to injure the credit of)
discredito (-cré-) n discredit (= loss of good name or standing);
cader in discredito to fall into discredit
discrepante 1. ppr of discrepar; 2. adj discrepant
discrepantia n discrepancy
discrepar v to be discrepant, be at variance
Hence: discrepante-discrepantia
discrescer v to decrease
discret- see discerner
discrete adj 1. discrete (= consisting of distinct parts); 2. discreet
discretion n discretion (= quality of being discreet);
etate del discretion age or years of discretion;
a discretion at discretion
discretional adj discretionary, discretional
discretionari adj discretionary
discretive adj discriminative, distinguishing
discriminar v to discriminate (= to perceive or note the difference in or between)
Hence: discrimination
discrimination n discrimination (= act or faculty of perceiving or noting differences and distinctions)
disculpar v to free from blame, exculpate;
disculpar (de) exonerate (from)
discurrer [-curr-/-curs-] v to discourse (= to speak formally)
Hence: discursive; discurso
discurs- see discurrer
discursive adj discursive (1. proceeding by reasoning, not intuitive; 2. rambling)
discurso n discourse (1. formal speech; 2. treatise);
pronunciar un discurso to deliver a speech;
le partes del discurso the parts of speech
discuss- see discuter
discussion n discussion
discuter [-cut-/-cuss-] v to discuss
Hence: discutibile-indiscutible; discussion
discutibile adj debatable
disdicer v to deny, contradict;
disdicer se to retract, recant
Hence: disdicimento
disdicimento n retraction, withdrawal (from a contract or agreement)
disdignar v to disdain, scorn
Hence: disdigno; disdignose
disdigno n disdain, scorn
disdignose adj disdainful
disduplamento n (action of) undoubling, unfolding
disduplar v to undouble, unfold
disembarassar v to disentangle, disembarrass;
disembarassar se de to get rid of
disequilibrar v to unbalance, throw out of balance
disequilibrate 1. pp of disequilibrar; 2. adj unbalanced (= unsteady, unstable)
disestima n disesteem
disestimar v to disesteem
disfacer [-fac-/-fact-] v I. to undo (1. to unfasten; 2. to destroy); II. to defeat;
disfacer se de to get rid of
Hence: disfacte; disfacta
disfact- see disfacer
disfacta n undoing; also: defeat
disfacte adj discomposed (as in “discomposed features”)
disfalsar v to true, straighten
disfavor n disfavor
disfavorabile adj unfavorable
disfavorar v to disfavor
disferrar v to unshoe (a horse);
un cavallo disferra se a horse loses a shoe
disfigurar v to disfigure
Hence: disfiguration
disfiguration n disfigurement, disfiguration
disfloramento n defloration
disflorar v to deflower (1. to strip of flowers; 2. to deprive of virginity)
Hence: disfloramento
disfoliar v to defoliate (= to strip, deprive, of leaves)
disfoliation n defoliation (= act of depriving of leaves)
disfoliator n defoliator
disfrenar v to unbridle (a horse, etc.); also: to unleash
disfructar v to pick fruit
disgelar v to unfreeze (1. to cause to thaw or melt; 2. to thaw, become melted)
Hence: disgelo
disgelo n thaw
disgorgamento n disgorgement
disgorgar v to disgorge
Hence: disgorgamento
disgranamento n (act of) threshing, flailing, shelling, etc.
disgranar v to thresh, thrash, flail, shell, etc.
Hence: disgranamento; disgranator
disgranator n I. thresher (1. one who threshes; 2. threshing machine); II. sheller (= one who or that which shells)
disgrassiar v to remove the fat from (the carcass of an animal, etc.)
disgratia n I. disgrace (1. disfavor; 2. public dishonor); II. misfortune; III. lack of grace; also: ungraciousness; awkwardness;
cader in disgratia to fall into disgrace
Hence: disgratiose; disgratiar
disgratiar v to disgrace (1. to dismiss from favor; 2. to reflect dishonor upon)
disgratiose adj lacking grace; also: ungracious, awkward
disgregar v to disintegrate; also: [Chem.] to disgregate
Hence: disgregation
disgregation n disintegration; also: [Chem.] disgregation
disguisamento n disguise
disguisar v to disguise (= to change the dress and appearance of so as to conceal identity)
Hence: disguisamento
disgustar v to disgust
Hence: disgusto-disgustose
disgusto n disgust
disgustose adj disgusting
dishabituar v to disaccustom, make (someone) lose a habit;
dishabituar se to lose, overcome a habit
disharmonia (-ía) n disharmony
disharmonic adj disharmonic
disharmoniose adj unharmonious, disharmonious
disharmonisar v to disharmonize
disherbar v to weed (= to clear of weeds)
dishereditar v to disinherit
dishonestate n 1. dishonesty; 2. impropriety, indecency
dishoneste adj 1. dishonest; 2. improper, immodest
dishonestitate n 1. dishonesty; 2. impropriety, indecency
dishonor n dishonor (1. loss of honor, disgrace; 2. cause or source of disgrace)
dishonorabile adj dishonorable
dishonorante adj dishonoring, dishonorable
dishonorar v to dishonor, disgrace;
dishonorar un puera to dishonor a girl
dishydrator v to dehydrate
disillusion n disillusion
disillusionamento n disillusionment
disillusionar v to disillusion
disimballar v to unpack
disimbarcar v to disembark
disimbarcation n debarkation, disembarkation
disincantamento n disenchantment
disincantar v to disenchant (1. to free from a spell; 2. to disillusion)
disincantator n disenchanter; attrib. disenchanting
disincarcerar v to release from prison or confinement
disincarceration n release from prison or confinement
disincassamento n unpacking, unboxing
disincassar v to unpack, unbox
disinfamar v to free from stigma
disinfectante¹ adj disinfectant
disinfectante² n disinfectant
disinfectar v to disinfect
disinfectator n disinfector
disinfection n disinfection
disinflammar v to remove the inflammation from
disinflar v 1. to reduce the swelling of; 2. to become less swollen; 3. to deflate
disingranar v to disengage, ungear
disinraucamento n (action of) freeing from hoarseness
disinraucar v to free from hoarseness
disintegrar v to disintegrate (= to cause disintegration)
disintegration n disintegration
disinteressar v 1. to make uninterested or indifferent; 2. to buy out, indemnify;
disinteressar se de to lose one’s interest in, become indifferent to
disinteressate adj 1. disinterested; 2. uninterested (= not having an interest in a thing)
disinteresse n 1. disinterestedness; 2. uninterestedness (= state of not having an interest in a thing)
disinveloppar v to unwrap
disinvolt- see disinvolver
disinvolte adj easy, unconstrained, free in speech or manner
disinvoltura n ease, unconstraint, freedom in speech or manner
disinvolver [-volv-/-volt-] v to disentangle
Hence: disinvolte-disinvoltura
disjejunar v to break the fast, stop fasting
disjunct- see disjunger
disjunction n disjunction
disjunctive adj disjunctive (1. tending to disjoin; involving disjunction; 2. [Gram.])
disjunger [-jung-/-junct-] v to disjoin
Hence: disjunction; disjunctive
dislactar v to wean
disligamento n (act of) unbinding
disligar v to unbind
Hence: disligamento
dislocar v 1. to displace, shift from its place; 2. to dislocate, put out of joint
Hence: dislocation
dislocation n dislocation (1. displacement of a bone at a joint; 2. [Geol.])
disloyal adj disloyal
disloyalitate n disloyalty
dismacular v to remove the stains from, clean
dismaculator n cleaner (1. professional cleaner; 2. spot remover, cleaning fluid)
dismaculatura n cleaning, removal of spots
dismanicar v to remove the handle of
dismantellamento n dismantling, dismantlement (as in “the dismantling or dismantlement of a fortress, vessel, etc.”)
dismantellar v to dismantle (= to strip of equipment, fortifications, rigging, etc.)
Hence: dismantellamento
dismarcar v to remove markers or identification marks from
dismascar v to unmask (= to strip of a mask)
dismembramento n dismemberment
dismembrar v to dismember
Hence: dismembramento
dismensurate adj beyond measure, immeasurable
dismentir v 1. to give the lie to; 2. to deny, disown; also: to belie
dismesurate adj beyond measure, immeasurable
dismilitarisar v demilitarize
dismilitarisation n demilitarization
dismobilar v to strip of furniture
dismonetisar v to demonetize
dismonetisation n demonetization
dismontabile adj dismountable (= that can be taken apart or dismounted)
dismontage (-aje) n [Mech.] (action of) dismounting; also: dismantling
dismontar v to dismount (1. to alight, alight from; 2. to unhorse; 3. [Mech.] to take down from a mounted or assembled condition)
Hence: dismontage; dismontabile
dismoralisar v to demoralize (= to destroy the morals or morale of)
Hence: dismoralisation; dismoralisator
dismoralisation n demoralization (= act of demoralizing or state of being demoralized)
dismoralisator n demoralizer
disnationalisar v to denationalize
disnationalisation n denationalization
disnaturante adj/n denaturant
disnaturar v to denature (= to alter the nature of)
disnaturation n denaturation
disnazificar v denazify
disnazification n denazification
disnodar v to unknot; untie
disnodose adj smooth, knotless, without gnarls
disobediente 1. ppr of disobedir; 2. adj disobedient
disobedientia n disobedience
disobedir v to disobey;
disobedir a (un persona) to disobey (somebody)
disobligante v disobliging
disobligar v to disoblige (= to offend)
disoccupar v to vacate, evacuate, empty;
disoccupar se to give up work
disoccupate adj unoccupied, idle
disoccupation n idleness
disodorante adj deodorant
disordinar v to disorder (= to destroy the order of)
disordinate 1. pp of disordinar; 2. adj disorderly (= in disorder)
disordine n disorder (1. lack of order; 2. public disturbance);
in disordine in disorder, disorderly
disorganisar v to disorganize
disorganisation n disorganization
disorganisator n disorganizer
disorientar v to disorientate; to cause to lose one’s bearings;
disorientar se to lose one’s bearings
disorientation n disorientation
disossar v to bone (= to remove bones from)
disoxydar v to deoxidize
disoxydation n deoxidization
dispacchettar v to unpack, unwrap
dispaisar v to displace (someone) from his country;
dispaisar se to emigrate
dispaisate adj displaced (as in “displaced persons”)
disparate adj disparate
dispare adj unlike, dissimilar
Hence: disparitate; disparate
disparer v to disappear
Hence: disparition
disparitate n disparity
disparition n disappearance
dispeciamento n (act of) breaking into pieces, fracturing
dispeciar v to break into pieces, fracture
dispender [-pend-/-pens-] v 1. to spend, expend (= to give out in payment); 2. to squander, waste
Hence: dispendio-dispendiose; dispensa¹-dispensero; dispensar-dispensa²-dispensario, dispensabile-indispensabile-indispensabilitate, dispensation, dispensative, dispensator; dispenditor
dispendio n great expense
dispendiose adj expensive, costly
dispenditor n spender, spendthrift
dispens- see dispender
dispensa¹ n 1. expenditure, outlay (of money); 2. pantry
dispensa² n dispensation, exemption
dispensabile adj dispensable (1. capable of being dispensed with; 2. [Eccl.] admitting of release, dispensation, etc.)
dispensar v to dispense (1. to give out; 2. to release, exempt)
dispensario n dispensary (= place where medicines are dispensed)
dispensation n dispensation (1. act of dispensing or giving out; 2. exemption)
dispensative adj dispensatory, dispensative
dispensator n dispenser (= one who dispenses, deals out)
dispensero n butler, steward
disperger [-sperg-/-spers-] v to disperse (= to cause to disperse or scatter)
Hence: dispersion; dispersive; dispersar
dispers- see disperger
dispersar v to disperse, scatter
dispersion n dispersal, dispersion
dispersive adj dispersive
displacente adj unpleasant
displacentia n displeasure
displacer¹ v to displease;
displacer a un persona to displease somebody
displacer² n displeasure
displaciamento n displacement (1. action of displacing; 2. [Naut.])
displaciar v to displace (1. to shift something from its place; 2. to remove someone from a position or office)
Hence: displaciamento
displantar v to root up, uproot
displicamento n deployment, deploy
displicar v 1. to unfold, open (something); also: to unfurl (a flag, etc.); 2. to deploy (troops, etc.);
displicar se to unfold (as in “buds unfold in the sun”);
displicar zelo to display zeal
Hence: displicamento
displumar v to pluck (poultry)
dispolarisar v to depolarize
dispolarisation n depolarization
dispolir v to remove the polish from
disponer [-pon-/-posit-] v to dispose (1. to arrange; 2. to fit, prepare; 3. to determine the course of events);
disponer de 1. to dispose of, have at one’s disposal; 2. [Law] to dispone, alienate;
homine propone e Deo dispone [Proverb] man proposes but God disposes
Hence: disponibile-disponibilitate; disposition; dispositor; dispositive; disposite; indisponer &; predisponer &
disponibile adj available, disposable
disponibilitate n availability
dispopulamento n depopulation (= act of depopulating)
dispopular v to depopulate
Hence: dispopulamento
disposit- see disponer
disposite (-pó-) adj disposed, inclined;
disposite a facer un cosa disposed to do something
disposition n I. disposition (1. arrangement; 2. disposal; 3. as in “a natural disposition for music”); II. state or frame of mind; also: inclination, mood, etc.
dispositive adj dispositive (= pertaining to the disposal or disposition of something)
dispositor n disposer (= one who disposes)
disposseder [-sed-/-sess-] v to dispossess
Hence: dispossession
dispossess- see disposseder
dispossession n dispossession
disproportion n lack of proportion, disproportion
disproportionar v to disproportion
disproportionate 1. pp of disproportionar; 2. adj disproportionate
disprovider v to deprive of what is necessary
disproviste adj destitute (= not possessing the necessities of life);
disproviste de destitute of, devoid of
dispulverar v to dust (= to free from powder, dust, etc.)
disputa n dispute
disputabile adj disputable
disputante n disputant
disputar v to dispute (1. to discuss, argue; 2. to contend for)
Hence: disputa; disputante; disputabile-indisputabile; disputation; disputative; disputator
disputation n disputation
disputative adj disputatious
disputator n disputer
disqualificar v to disqualify
disqualification n disqualification
disquir- [-quir-/-quisit-] v [occurring in derivatives]
Hence: disquisition
disquisit- see disquir-
disquisition n disquisition
disrangiamento (-ja-) n disarrangement, derangement
disrangiar (-jar) v to disarrange, disorder, derange
Hence: disrangiamento
disrationabile adj unreasonable, irrational (= not conformable to reason)
disregulamento n 1. disorder, disordered state; 2. dissoluteness, profligacy
disregular v to upset, put out of order;
disregular se to engage in dissipation
Hence: disregulamento
disrumper [-rump-/-rupt-] v to disrupt, disrump
Hence: disruption; disruptive; disruptor
disrupt- see disrumper
disruption n disruption
disruptive adj disruptive
disruptor n disrupter
dissecar [-sec-/-sect-] v to dissect
Hence: dissection; dissector
dissect- see dissecar
dissection n dissection
dissector n dissector
dissellar v to unsaddle
disseminar v to disseminate
Hence: dissemination; disseminator
dissemination n dissemination
disseminator n disseminator
dissens- see dissentir
dissension n dissension
dissentimento n dissent
dissentir [-sent-/-sens-] v to dissent;
dissentir de to dissent from
Hence: dissentimento; dissension
disserer [-ser-/-sert-] v to discuss, dissertate
Hence: dissertar-dissertation, dissertator
disserrar v 1. to unlock; 2. to (cause to) loosen or slacken
dissert- see disserer
dissertar v to discuss, dissertate
dissertation n dissertation
dissertator n dissertator
disservicio n disservice
disservir v to render a disservice
dissidente¹ adj dissident
dissidente² n dissident, dissentient, dissenter
dissidentia n dissent, dissidence
dissider v to dissent, hold a dissident view
Hence: dissidente-dissidentia
dissigillar v to unseal
dissimilantia n dissimilarity
dissimilar¹ adj dissimilar
dissimilar² v to render dissimilar
Hence: dissimilantia; dissimilation
dissimilation n [Phonet.] dissimilation
dissimile adj dissimilar
Hence: dissimilitude; dissimilar
dissimilitude n dissimilitude, dissimilarity
dissimular v to dissemble, dissimulate
Hence: dissimulation; dissimulator; dissimulate
dissimulate 1. pp of dissimular; 2. adj dissimulative
dissimulation n dissimulation
dissimulator n dissimulator
dissipabile adj capable of being dissipated, dissipable
dissipar v to dissipate (1. to scatter, disperse; 2. to waste, squander)
Hence: dissipabile; dissipation; dissipator; dissipate
dissipate 1. pp of dissipar; 2. adj dissipated, unrestrained
dissipation n dissipation (1. scattering, dispersion; 2. waste, squandering; 3. dissipated living)
dissipator n dissipator, dissipater
dissociabile adj dissociable, separable
dissociabilitate n dissociability
dissociar v dissociate (= to cause to dissociate)
Hence: dissociabile-dissociabilitate; dissociation
dissociation n dissociation
dissoldar v to unsolder
dissolu- see dissolver
dissolubile adj dissoluble
dissolubilitate n dissolubility
dissolut- see dissolver
dissolute adj dissolute
dissolution n 1. dissolution; 2. dissoluteness
dissolutive adj dissolutive
dissolvente¹ 1. ppr of dissolver; 2. adj dissolvent, solvent
dissolvente² n dissolvent, solvent
dissolver [-solv-/-solut-] v to dissolve (= to cause to dissolve)
Hence: dissolvente; dissolubile-dissolubilitate, indissolubile-indissolubilitate; dissolution; dissolutive; dissolute
dissonante 1. ppr of dissonar; 2. adj dissonant
dissonantia n dissonance
dissonar v [Mus.] to be dissonant
Hence: dissonante-dissonantia
dissone adj dissonant
dissuader [-suad-/-suas-] v to dissuade
Hence: dissuasion; dissuasive; dissuasor
dissuas- see dissuader
dissuasion n dissuasion
dissuasive adj dissuasive
dissuasor n dissuader
distaccabile adj detachable
distaccamento n detachment (1. act of unfastening and separating; 2. [Mil.])
distaccar v I. to detach (1. to unfasten and separate; 2. [Mil.]); II. [Paint.] to make stand out
Hence: distaccamento; distaccabile
distante adj distant
distantia n distance;
a distantia at a distance;
tener un persona a distantia to keep someone at a distance
distantiar v to outdistance
distar v to be distant
Hence: distante-distantia-distantiar, equidistante etc.
distemperar v 1. to distemper, derange; 2. [Metal.] to anneal, soften
distemperate 1. pp of distemperar; 2. adj intemperate (as in “intemperate speech”)
distender [-tend-/-tens-] v to distend (= to dilate by stretching)
Hence: distension
distens- see distender
distension n distention, distension
disthronamento n dethronement
disthronar v to dethrone
disticho (dí-) n [Pros.] distich; also: couplet
distillabile adj distillable
distillar v to distill (1. to fall or give out in drops; 2. to subject to the process of distillation)
Hence: distillabile; distilleria; distillation; distillator; distillatori
distillation n distillation
distillator n distiller
distillatori adj distillatory
distilleria (-ía) n distillery
distinct- see distinguer
distincte adj distinct (1. different; 2. clearly perceptible)
Hence: indistincte
distinction n distinction (1. act of distinguishing; 2. condition of being distinguished or outstanding among others)
distinctive adj distinctive
distinger v to take the color out of, fade
distinguer [-stingu-/-stinct-] v to distinguish;
distinguer se to distinguish oneself
Hence: distinguibile-indistinguibile; distinction-indistinction; distinctive; distincte &; distinguitor; distinguite
distinguibile adj distinguishable
distinguite 1. pp of distinguer; 2. adj distinguished (= possessing distinction)
distinguitor n distinguisher
distorquer [-torqu-/-tort-] v 1. to distort; 2. to untwist
Hence: distortion
distort- see distorquer
distortion n I. distortion (1. action of distorting; 2. contortion); II. (act of) untwisting
distract- see distraher
distracte adj absent-minded
distraction n 1. absent-mindedness; 2. distraction, amusement
distractive adj distractive
distraher [-trah-/-tract-] v to divert (1. to distract; 2. to entertain, amuse)
Hence: distraction; distractive; distracte
distribuer [-tribu-/-tribut-] v to distribute (1. to allot to each as his share; 2. to allocate to distinct places; 3. [Print.])
Hence: distribution; distributive; distributor
distribut- see distribuer
distribution n distribution (1. apportionment, allotment; 2. allocation to distinct places; 3. [Print.])
distributive adj distributive (1. serving to distribute; 2. [Gram.])
distributor n distributor, distributer
districto n [Admin.] district
disturbar v to disturb (= to break up a state of order, calm and quiet)
Hence: disturbator
disturbator n disturber
disunion n disunion (1. rupture of union, severance; 2. disunity)
disunir v to disunite
disunitate n disunity
disusar v to disuse
disuso n disuse
disvainar v to unsheathe, draw (a sword, etc.)
disvelar v to unveil
disveloppamental adj developmental
disveloppamento n 1. development; 2. [Photog.] (act of) developing
disveloppar v to develop; also: [Photog.]
Hence: disveloppamento-disveloppamental; disveloppator
disveloppator n [Photog.] developer
disvestir v to undress (a person)
disviar v to turn aside, cause to deviate;
disviar se to go astray, lose one’s way
disyllabe (-sí-) adj dissyllabic, disyllabic
Hence: disyllabo
disyllabo (-sí-) n dissyllable, disyllable
ditto ditto;
signo de ditto ditto marks
diurne adj I. diurnal (1. daily; 2. relating to daytime); II. lasting one day
divagar v 1. to wander about, ramble; 2. to divagate, digress
Hence: divagation
divagation n 1. (act of) wandering about, rambling; 2. divagation, digression
divan n divan
dive adj divine
Hence: divo-divin &
diveller [-vell-/-vuls-] v to tear apart, rend
Hence: divulsion
divergente 1. ppr of diverger; 2. adj divergent
divergentia n divergence, divergency
diverger v to diverge
Hence: divergente-divergentia
divers- see diverter
diverse adj diverse
diversificar v to diversify (= to make diverse)
diversion n diversion (1. entertainment, pastime; 2. [Mil.])
diversitate n diversity
diverter [-vert-/-vers-] v to divert (1. to turn aside; 2. to amuse, entertain)
Hence: divertimento; diversion; diverse-diversitate; diversificar
divertimento n diversion, amusement
dividendo n dividend (1. [Arith.]; 2. [Com.])
divider [-vid-/-vis-] v to divide (1. to separate into parts; 2. [Arith.])
Hence: dividendo; divisibile-divisibilitate, indivisibile-indivisibilitate; division-divisional, indivision; divisive; divisor; indivise; individuo &; subdivider-subdivisibile, subdivision
divin adj divine
Hence: divinitate; divinisar-divinisation; divino &
divinar v to divine, guess
divination n divination
divinator n diviner
divinatori adj divinatory
divinisar v to deify
divinisation n deification
divinitate n divinity (= divine nature or being)
divino n soothsayer; guesser
Hence: divinar-divination, divinator, divinatori
divis- see divider
divisibile adj divisible
divisibilitate n divisibility
division n division (1. act of dividing; 2. [special: Arith., Mil., Biol., etc.]);
division del labor division of labor
divisional adj divisional
divisive adj divisive (= indicating division)
divisor n [Arith.] divisor;
(maxime) commun divisor (greatest) common divisor
divo n deity
divorciar v to divorce
divorcio n divorce
Hence: divorciar
divulgar v to divulge, divulgate
Hence: divulgation; divulgator
divulgation n divulgement, divulgation
divulgator n divulger
divuls- see diveller
divulsion n divulsion
dl abbr = decilitro
dm abbr = decimetro;
dm² = decimetro quadrate;
dm³ = decimetro cubic
do n 1. [Mus.] do; 2. [Mus.] (the note) C
doana n I. (1. customs administration or system; 2. duty); II. customhouse
Hence: doanero
doanero n customhouse officer
docer [doc-/doct-] v to teach, instruct
Hence: docile &; doctor &; doctrina &; docte
docile adj docile
Hence: docilitate; indocile-indocilitate
docilitate n docility
doct- see docer
docte adj learned
doctor n I. teacher, scholar, learned man; II. doctor (1. as in “doctor of philosophy”; 2. doctor of medicine, physician);
doctor del Ecclesia Doctor of the Church
Hence: doctorato; doctoressa; doctoral; doctorar-doctorando
doctoral adj doctoral
doctorando n candidate for the doctor’s degree
doctorar v to confer the degree of Doctor upon
doctorato n doctorate
doctoressa n woman doctor
doctrina n doctrine
Hence: doctrinal; doctrinari-doctrinarismo; doctrinario
doctrinal adj doctrinal (as in “doctrinal observation or clauses”)
doctrinari adj doctrinary, doctrinaire
doctrinario n doctrinaire
doctrinarismo n doctrinalism, doctrinism, doctrinairism
documental adj documentary
documentar v to document
documentari adj documentary
documentation n documentation
documento n document
Hence: documental; documentari; documentar-documentation
dodeca- adj [occurring in compounds] dodeca-, dodec- (= twelve)
Hence: dodecahedro etc.; Dodecaneso etc.; dodecagon etc.; dodecapetale etc.; dodecasyllabe etc.
dodecagon adj dodecagonal
Hence: dodecagono-dodecagonal
dodecagonal adj dodecagonal
dodecagono n dodecagon
dodecahedr- [occurring in derivatives]
Hence: dodecahedro-dodecahedric
dodecahedric adj dodecahedral
dodecahedro n [Math.] dodecahedron
Dodecaneso npr Dodecanese Islands
dodecapetale adj [Bot.] dodecapetalous
dodecasyllabe (-sílabe) adj dodecasyllabic
Hence: dodecasyllabo
dodecasyllabo (-sílabo) n [Pros.] dodecasyllable
dogma [-ma/-mat-] n dogma
Hence: dogmatic; dogmatica; dogmatisar-dogmatismo, dogmatista, dogmatisation, dogmatisator
dogmat- see dogma
dogmatic adj dogmatic, dogmatical
dogmatica n dogmatics
dogmatisar v to dogmatize
dogmatisation n dogmatization
dogmatisator n dogmatizer
dogmatismo n dogmatism
dogmatista n dogmatist
doler v to hurt, be aching;
(le capite me) dole (my head) aches;
doler se de to be sorry for
Hence: dolo; indolente &; dolor-dolorose; indoler; condoler &
dolich- adj [occurring in compounds] dolicho-, dolich- (= long)
Hence: dolichocephale etc. ...
dolichocephale adj [Anthropometry] dolichocephalic
dollar [A] n [Monet.] dollar
dolo n grief, sorrow
dolor n pain (1. ache; 2. grief);
dolor de dentes toothache
dolorose adj 1. painful (= causing pain); 2. sorrowful, dolorous
domabile adj tamable
domar v to tame (= to make tame)
Hence: domabile-indomabile-indomabilitate; domator; indomate
domator n tamer (of wild beasts)
domestic (-més-) adj domestic (= of or belonging to the household, home, family);
animal domestic domestic animal;
aves domestic poultry
Hence: domesticitate; domesticar-domestication, domesticator; domestico
domesticar v to domesticate, tame
domestication n domestication
domesticator n domesticator
domesticitate n 1. domesticity; 2. (state of) dependence
domestico (-més-) n domestic
domiciliar v to domicile, domiciliate (= to establish or set up at a given residence)
domiciliari adj domiciliary
domicilio n domicile;
franc a domicilio delivery free, carriage paid
Hence: domiciliari; domiciliar
domina n mistress (“mistress of a household, etc.”)
dominante¹ adj dominant (1. controlling, most influential; 2. rising high above its surroundings)
dominante² n [Mus.] dominant
dominantia n dominance
dominar v to dominate (1. to exercise control over; 2. to rise high above)
Hence: dominante¹-dominantia, dominante²-subdominante; domination; dominator; predominar &
domination n domination
dominator n dominator
dominial adj pertaining to a domain, domainal; dominial
dominica n Sunday;
Dominica del Palmas Palm Sunday
dominical adj dominical
dominican adj Dominican (1. pertaining to St. Dominic, or to the order of preaching friars founded by him; 2. pertaining to the Dominican Republic);
Republica Dominican Dominican Republic
dominicano n Dominican (1. Dominican friar; 2. native or citizen of the Dominican Republic)
Dominico (-mí-) nprm Dominic
Hence: dominican-dominicano
dominio n 1. (absolute) ownership, dominion, dominium; 2. dominion (= rule control, supreme authority; 3. domain;
dominio eminente [Law] eminent domain;
dominio public [Law] public domain;
dominio de energias [Atomic Phys.] energy range
Hence: dominial; condominio
domino (dó-) n I. master (lord, owner, etc.); II. domino (1. long, loose robe worn at masquerades; 2. [Games] “domino piece”; also: (game of) dominoes)
Hence: dominio &; Dominico &; dominica-dominical; dominar &; domina
domo¹ n house;
domo de Deo house of God;
a domo home, homewards; at home;
in domo de at the house of
Hence: domicilio &; domino &; domestic &; majordomo etc.
domo² n dome (= cupola)
donar v to give, donate
donation n donation
donativo n donation, donative
donator n donor, donator
donatorio n [Law] donatory
[donec] (dó-) conj 1. while, as long as; 2. until, up to the time that
donjon n dungeon, donjon
donna n donna, dame
dono n gift (1. present; 2. natural ability)
Hence: donar-donation, donativo, donator, donatorio, pardonar &
Don Quixote (kishóte, kihóte) npr Don Quixote
Hence: quixoteria; quixotismo; quixotic
dormir v to sleep
Hence: dormitive-dormitivo; dormitorio; addormir-addormite
dormitive adj soporific (= causing sleep)
dormitivo n sleeping pill or potion, soporific
dormitorio n dormitory (= sleeping room)
doro- n [occurring in compounds] doro-, -dor (= gift)
Hence: Dorothea etc.; Pandora etc.; thermidor etc.; fructidor etc.
Dorothea (-éa) nprf Dorothy
dorsal adj dorsal
dorso n back (1. “back of a person or animal”; 2. as in “the back of the hand”; 3. “back of a chair or couch”)
Hence: dorsal; adorsar; indorsar &; extradorso; intradorso
dosage (-aje) n dosing, dosage
dosar v 1. to divide into doses; 2. to proportion (the constituents of a compound); 3. to dose (= to give out in doses)
dose n dose
Hence: dosar-dosage
dossier [F] n dossier
dotal adj dotal
dotar v 1. to dower (= to give a dowry to); 2. to endow
dotation n endowment, dotation
dote n dowry
Hence: dotal; dotar-dotation
dova n stave (of a cask)
dox- n [occurring in compounds] dox-, -dox- (1. opinion; as in “heterodox”; 2. glory; as in “doxology”)
Hence: paradoxe &; doxologia etc.; heterodoxe etc.; orthodoxe etc.
doxologia (-ía) n doxology
dozena n dozen
drachma n 1. drachma; 2. [Weights] dram
dracon¹ n 1. dragon (1. [Mythol.]; 2. [Zool.] lizard of the genus Draco; 3. [Bot.])
Dracon² npr [Gr. Hist.] Draco
Hence: draconian
draconian adj Draconian;
lege(s) draconian Draconian law(s)
draga n [Technol.] dredge (1. dredger; 2. dragnet)
Hence: dragar-dragaminas etc.
dragaminas (-mí-) n mine sweeper
dragar v [Technol.] to dredge
drama [-ma/-mat-] n drama
Hence: dramatic; dramatisar; dramaturgo etc.; melodrama etc.
dramat- see drama
dramatic adj dramatic
dramatisar v to dramatize
dramaturgia (-ía) n dramaturgy
dramaturgo n dramatist, playwright
Hence: dramaturgia
drappar v to drape, hang with a drapery
drapperia (-ía) n drapery (1. business of selling cloth; 2. clothing or hangings arranged in graceful folds)
drappero n draper (= dealer in cloth)
drappo n cloth (= fabric, material)
Hence: drappero; drapperia; drappar
drastic adj drastic
dreadnought [A] n dreadnought
droga n drug
Hence: drogeria; drogista; drogar
drogar v to drug (= to administer a drug or drugs to)
drogeria (-ía) n drugstore
drogista n druggist
dromedario n dromedary
-dromo n [occurring in compounds] -drome (1. running; 2. racecourse)
Hence: aerodromo etc.; autodromo etc.; hippodromo etc.; velodromo etc.; palindromo etc.
druida (drú-) n druid
Hence: druidessa; druidismo; druidic
druidessa n druidess
druidic (-íd-) adj druidic, druidical
druidismo n druidism
dual adj dual
dualismo n dualism
dualista n dualist
dualistic adj dualistic
dualitate n duality
dubita (dú-) n doubt;
esser in dubita to be in doubt;
sin dubita without doubt, doubtless;
foris de dubita beyond doubt;
poner (un cosa) in dubita to cast doubt on (something)
dubitabile adj doubtful, questionable
dubitar v to doubt, be in doubt;
dubitar de (un cosa) to doubt (something)
Hence: dubita-dubitose; dubitabile-indubitabile; dubitation; dubitative; dubitator; indubitate
dubitation n doubt (1. as in “in doubt”, “without doubt”; 2. [Rhet.] dubitatio)
dubitative adj dubitative
dubitator n doubter
dubitose adj dubious, doubtful (1. in doubt; 2. causing doubt)
ducal adj ducal
ducato n I. dukedom (1. duchy; 2. title or rank of a duke); II. ducat
Hence: ducaton
ducaton n ducatoon
duce n duke
Hence: ducato &; duchessa; ducal; archiduce etc.
ducer [duc-/duct-] v to conduct (1. to lead, guide; 2. to direct, manage)
Hence: ductile &; ducto &; abducer &; adducer &; conducer &; deducer &; inducer &; introducer &; producer &; reducer &; seducer &; traducer &
duch- see duce
ducha (-sh-) n 1. douche (= jet of water for therapeutic purposes); 2. shower, shower bath
Hence: duchar
duchar (-sh-) v 1. to douche (= to give a douche); 2. to give a shower, a shower bath
duchessa n duchess
duct- see ducer
ductile adj ductile
Hence: ductilitate
ductilitate n ductility
ducto n [Anat.] duct
Hence: aqueducto etc.; oviducto etc.; viaducto etc.
duellar v to duel
duellista n duelist
duello n duel
Hence: duellista; duellar
duettista n duettist
duetto n duet
dulce adj sweet (1. “sweet to the taste”; 2. pleasant, soft, gentle, etc.);
aqua dulce fresh water;
(metallo) dulce soft, malleable (metal)
Hence: dulcor-edulcorar-edulcoration; adulciar-adulciamento; dulcificar-dulcification
dulci- see dulce
dulcificar v to dulcify
dulcification n dulcification
dulcor n sweetness (1. “sweetness to the taste”; 2. quality of being pleasant, soft, mild, gentle, etc.)
dulo- n [occurring in derivatives and compounds] dul- (= slave)
Hence: hierodulo etc. ...
dum conj 1. while, as long as; 2. until; 3. provided that, if only
Hence: [interdum] etc.
duma [R] n duma
dumdum [A] n dumdum (bullet)
dumping [A] n [Com.] dumping
-dun [Icel.] n [occurring in compounds] -down
Hence: eiderdun etc.
duna n dune, down
Dunkerque [F] npr Dunkirk
Dunkirken (dún-) npr Dunkirk
[dunque] conj therefore
duo¹ adj two;
divider in duo to divide in two; also: to halve;
le duo the two;
tote (le) duo both
Hence: dual-dualismo, dualista-dualistic, dualitate; duo²-duetto-duettista; duodece etc.; deceduo etc.; duple etc.; duplice etc.; duumviro etc.
duo² n duet
duode- see duodece
duodece (-ó-) adj twelve
Hence: duodecime-duodecimal; duodeno-duodenal, duodenitis
duodecim- see duodece
duodecimal adj duodecimal
duodecime (-dé-) adj twelfth
duodenal adj duodenal
duodenitis (-ítis) n duodenitis
duodeno n [Anat.] duodenum
dupar v to dupe
dupator n duper
dupe n dupe
Hence: dupar-dupator
duplamento n (action of) doubling
duplar v to double (1. to make double; 2. [Naut.] to sail round)
duple adj double, twofold;
partita duple [Bookkeeping] double entry;
duple v (the letter) w
Hence: dupletto; duplar-duplamento, disduplar-disduplamento, reduplar-reduplamento; semiduple etc.
dupletto n doublet (1. identical piece; also: [Philol., Jewelry, etc.]; 2. combination of two)
duplicar v to double, make double
duplication n duplication
duplicative adj duplicative
duplicato n duplicate
duplicator n duplicator
duplicatura n duplicature; also: [Anat.]
duplice (dú-) adj double, twofold
Hence: duplicitate; duplicar-duplication, duplicative, duplicator, duplicatura, duplicato, reduplicar-reduplication, reduplicative
duplicitate n 1. doubleness, duplexity; 2. duplicity, double-dealing
dur adj hard (= not soft); also: harsh
Hence: duressa; durar &
durabile adj durable, lasting
durabilitate n durability
durante prep during;
durante que while, whilst
durar v to last, endure
Hence: durante; durabile-durabilitate; duration; indurar &; perdurar &
duration n duration (1. continuance in time; 2. period of time during which a thing lasts)
duressa n hardness; also: harshness, duress
duumviral adj duumviral
duumvirato n duumvirate
duumviro (-úm-) n [Rom. Antiq.] duumvir
Hence: duumvirato; duumviral
dyn- see dynam-
dyna n [Phys.] dyne
dynam- n [occurring in derivatives and compounds]
Hence: dynamismo; dynamista; dynamite &; dynamic-aerodynamic etc.; isodynamic etc.; dynamica-electrodynamica etc; adyname &; dynamometro etc.; dynamoelectric etc.; heterodyne etc.
dynamic adj dynamic, dynamical
dynamica n [Phys.] dynamics
dynamismo n [Philos.] dynamism
dynamista n dynamist
dynamitar v to dynamite
dynamite n dynamite
Hence: dynamitero; dynamitic; dynamitar
dynamitero n dynamiter
dynamitic adj dynamite, dynamitic
dynamo (dí-) n [Elec.] dynamo
Hence: turbodynamo etc.
dynamoelectric adj dynamoelectric;
machina dynamoelectric dynamoclectric machine, dynamo
dynamometro (-mó-) n dynamometer
dynasta n dynast
Hence: dynastia; dynastic
dynastia (-ía) n dynasty
dynastic adj dynastic
dys- prefixo [used chiefly to form technical terms] dys- (1. bad, badly; 2. difficult, with difficulty; 3. disordered)
Hence: dysenteria etc.; dyspepsia etc.; dyspeptic etc.
dysenteria (-ía) n [Pathol.] dysentery
Hence: dysenteric
dysenteric adj dysenteric
dyspepsia (-ía) n [Pathol.] dyspepsia
dyspeptic adj dyspeptic
dysphasia (-ía) n [Med.] dysphasia
dactylic adj dactylic
dactylo (dác-) n 1. date (= fruit of the date palm); 2. [Pros.] dactyl
Hence: dactylic; dactylographo etc.; dactyloscopia etc.; tetradactyle etc.; pterodactylo etc.
dactylographar v to typewrite, type
dactylographia (-ía) n typewriting, typing
dactylographic adj (pertaining to a) typewriter
dactylographo (-ó-) n 1. typewriter (= typing machine); 2. typist
Hence: dactylographia; dactylographic; dactylographar
dactylologia (-ía) n dactylology
dactyloscopia (-ía) n dactyloscopy, fingerprint identification
daga n dagger
Hence: dagar
dagar v to stab (with a dagger)
Dahl, A. npr [Swedish botanist]
Hence: dahlia
dahlia (dál-) n [Bot.] dahlia
Dalton, John npr [1766-1844; chemist, who was color-blind]
Hence: daltonismo; daltonian
daltonian adj Daltonian; also: color-blind
daltonismo n Daltonism; also: color blindness
dama n 1. lady; 2. [Checkers] king;
dama de honor lady-in-waiting;
joco de damas (game of) checkers;
jocar a damas to play checkers
damascar v to damask (= to weave or adorn with damask ornamentation)
damascen adj Damascene (= of Damascus)
damascenage (-aje) n damascene (work)
damascenar v to damascene
damascenator n damascener
damasceno n 1. Damascene (= inhabitant of Damascus); 2. damson
Damasco npr Damascus;
damasco damask (= damask silk)
Hence: damascen-damascenar-damascenage, damascenator, damasceno; damascar
damnabile adj damnable (= deserving damnation)
damnar v [Theol.] to damn
Hence: damnabile; damnation; condemnar &
damnation n [Theol.] damnation
damnificar v to damage, damnify
damno n harm, damage; injury, loss
Hence: damnose-damnositate; damnar &; damnificar; indemne &
damnose adj harmful, injurious
damnositate n harmfulness, injuriousness
dan adj Danish
Hence: dano-danese; Danmark etc.
danese¹ adj Danish
danese² n 1. Danish (language); 2. Dane (= native of Denmark); 3. (great) Dane
Daniel nprm Daniel
Danmark npr Denmark
dano n 1. Dane (= native of Denmark); 2. (great) Dane
dansa n dance (1. dancing; 2. [Mus.]);
dansa macabre danse macabre, dance of Death
dansar v to dance
Hence: dansa-contradansa; dansator
dansator n dancer
danubian adj Danubian
Danubio npr Danube
Hence: danubian
dar v to give;
dar super to overlook (as in “the window overlooks the garden”)
Hence: dative-dativo; dator; dato; data &; adder &; eder &; perder &; render &
dardane adj Dardanian, Trojan
Dardanellos nprpl Dardanelles
Dardania npr Dardania
Dardano¹ (dár-) npr [Mythol.] Dardanus
Hence: Dardanellos; Dardania; dardane-dardano
dardano² (dár-) n Dardanian, Trojan
darsena (dár-) n dock, wet dock
Darwin, Charles npr [1809-1882; English naturalist, proponent of the theory of evolution bearing his name]
Hence: darwinismo; darwinista; darwinian
darwinian adj Darwinian
darwinismo n Darwinism
darwinista n Darwinist, Darwinian
data n date (“date according to the calendar”)
Hence: datario; dataria; datar-antedatar, postdatar; antedata
datar v to date (= to mark with a date);
datar de to date from
dataria n [Eccl.] datary, dataria
datario n [Eccl.] datary (= head of the datary)
dative adj [Law] dative
dativo n dative
dato n 1. die (= one of a pair of dice); 2. datum;
datos 1. dice; 2. data
dator n giver
dattilo (dá-) n date (= fruit of the date palm)
David nprm David
de prep I. from; also: since; II. of (1. belonging or pertaining to; 2. made of); III. with, by means of;
de (+ inf) to; for;
de nove, de nocte, pensar de, etc. cf. nove, nocte, pensar, etc.
Hence: [deinde] etc.
-de- [occurring in compounds] -de- (= to divide)
Hence: geodesia etc.; geodetic etc.
dea n goddess
dead heat [A] n [Horse Racing] dead heat
deambular v to ambulate; to stroll about, saunter
deambulation n deambulation, stroll
deambulatori adj deambulatory, sauntering
debatter v to debate;
debatter se to struggle
Hence: debatto; debattibile
debattibile adj debatable
debatto n debate
deber¹ v 1. to have to, be supposed to, etc. (must, shall, ought); 2. to owe
Hence: debitor; debite-debito-debitar; debita-indebitar
deber² n 1. duty (= obligation); 2. [School] assignment
debile adj weakly, feeble, debile
Hence: debilitate-debilitar-debilitation
debilitar v to debilitate, weaken, enfeeble
debilitate n debility
debilitation n debilitation
debita (dé-) n debt;
debita de honor debt of honor;
debita flottante floating debt
debitar v to debit
debite (dé-) 1. pp of deber; 2. adj due, owing
debitemente adv duly, properly
debito (dé-) n 1. debit; 2. due (= that which is due legally or morally)
debitor n debtor
début [F] n debut (= first public appearance of an actor, singer, etc.)
débutant [F] n debutant
débutante [F] n debutante
debutar v to make one’s debut
deca- adj [occurring in derivatives and compounds] dec-, deca- (= ten)
Hence: decade; decalogo etc.; decametro etc.; decapode etc.; decagon etc.; decasyllabe etc.
decade (dé-) n decade (1. period of ten days; 2. division of a book consisting of ten parts)
decadente adj decadent
decadentia n decadence
decader v to decline, decay, become decadent
Hence: decadente-decadentia
decagon adj decagonal, decagon
Hence: decagono
decagono n [Geom.] decagon
decagramma n decagram
decahedro n [Geom.] decahedron
decalitro (-á-) n decaliter
decalogo (-á-) n Decalog(ue)
decametro (-á-) n decameter (1. [Pros.]; 2. [Meas.])
decanato n deanship, deanery
decano n dean (1. head of a cathedral chapter; 2. senior member of a faculty or any other body)
Hence: decanato
decapitar v to behead, decapitate
Hence: decapitation
decapitation n beheading, decapitation
decapode (-á-) adj decapod, decapodous
Hence: decapodo
decapodo (-á-) n [Zool.] decapod;
decapodos Decapoda
decastereo n [Metric System] decastere
decasyllabe (-sí-) adj decasyllabic
Hence: decasyllabo
decasyllabo (-sí-) n decasyllable, decasyllabic
dece adj ten
Hence: decime &; decennio etc.; dece-cinque etc.; duodeco etc.; dece-prime etc.; decigramma etc.; decemviro etc.; decuple etc.; decuplicar etc.
dece-cinque adj fifteen
deceder [-ced-/-cess-] v 1. to depart, withdraw; 2. to die, decease
Hence: decesso; predecessor
dece-duo (-dú-) adj twelve
decembre n December
decemviral adj decemviral
decemvirato n decemvirate
decemviro (-cém-) n [Rom. Antiq.] decemvir
Hence: decemvirato; decemviral
decennio n decade (= period of ten years)
dece-non- see dece-nove
dece-none (-nó-) adj nineteenth;
le dece-none parte, le dece-nono the nineteenth part, the nineteenth
dece-nove adj nineteen
Hence: dece-none; dece-novesime
dece-novesime (-ésime) adj nineteenth
decente adj decent (1. in accordance with propriety or good taste; 2. respectable)
Hence: decentia; indecente-indecentia
decentia n decency
dece-octesime (-ésime) adj eighteenth
dece-octo adj eighteen
Hence: dece-octesime
dece-prime adj eleventh;
le dece-prime parte, le dece-primo the eleventh part, the eleventh
decept- see deciper
deception n deception, deceit
deceptor n deceiver
dece-quarte adj fourteenth
dece-quatro adj fourteen
dece-quinte adj fifteenth
decerner [-cern-/-cret-] v to decree
Hence: decretori; decreto-decretal-decretalista, decretar
dece-secunde adj twelfth;
le dece-secunde parte, le dece-secundo the twelfth part, the twelfth
dece-septe adj seventeen
Hence: dece-septime
dece-septim- see dece-septe
dece-septime (-sép-) adj seventeenth;
le dece-septime parte, le dece-septimo the seventeenth part, the seventeenth
dece-sex adj sixteen
dece-sexte adj sixteenth
decess- see deceder
decesso n death, decease
dece-tertie adj thirteenth
dece-tres (-trés) adj thirteen
dece-un adj eleven
deciar n deciare (= one tenth part of an are)
decider [-cid-/-cis-] v to decide (1. to determine, settle; 2. to cause to reach a decision);
decider se to decide, make up one’s mind;
decider de un cosa to decide, determine something
Hence: decision-indecision; decisive; decise-indecise
decifrabile adj decipherable
deciframento n (act of) deciphering
decifrar v to decipher
Hence: deciframento; decifrabile-indecifrabile; decifrator
decifrator n decipherer
decigramma n decigram
decilitro (-cí-) n deciliter
decim- see dece
decima (dé-) n tithe
decimal adj decimal
decimar v 1. to decimate; 2. to levy tithes on
decimation n 1. decimation; 2. tithing
decimator n 1. decimator; 2. tithe collector, tithe man
decime (dé-) adj tenth;
le decime parte, le decimo the tenth part, tenth
Hence: decimal; decima-decimar-decimation, decimator
decimetro (-cí-) n decimeter
deciper [-cip/-cept-] v to deceive (= to cause to believe the false, or disbelieve the truth)
Hence: deception; deceptor
decis- see decider
decise adj decided (1. firm, resolute; 2. clear, definite)
decision n decision (1. act of deciding; 2. firmness, resolution)
decisive adj decisive (= settling something beyond question)
decistereo n [Metric System] decistere
declamar v to declaim (1. to recite; 2. to speak in an impassioned manner);
declamar contra (un cosa) to declaim against (a thing)
Hence: declamation; declamator; declamatori
declamation n declamation, declaiming
declamator n declaimer, one who recites
declamatori adj declamatory (= or pertaining to rhetorical declaiming)
declarar v to declare (1. to proclaim; 2. “to declare dutiable goods”);
(un epidemia, revolution, etc.) se declarava (an epidemic, a revolution, etc.) broke out
Hence: declaration; declarative; declaratori
declaration n declaration (= formal announcement, strong statement)
declarative adj declarative
declaratori adj [Law] declaratory
declinabile adj declinable (1. rejectable; 2. [Gram.])
declinar v I. to decline (1. to fall, sink; 2. to refuse, reject; 3. [Gram.]); II. [Astron., Magnet.] to deviate (1. to have declination or latitude; 2. to vary from the true magnetic meridian)
Hence: declino; declinabile-indeclinabile; declination; declinator; declinatori; declinometro etc.
declination n I. declination (1. downward bend, slope; 2. [Astron., Magnet.]); II. [Gram.] declension; III. decline (= process of sinking into a lower or inferior position)
declinator n decliner (= one who declines, rejects)
declinatori adj declinatory
declino n decline; also: sinking, wane
declinometro (-ó-) n declinometer
decocer [-coc-/-coct-] v to decoct
Hence: decoction
decoct- see decocer
decoction n decoction (= action of decocting)
decollar v to behead, decollate
Hence: decollation
decollation n beheading, decollation
decomponer [-pon-/-posit-] v to decompose (= to cause to decompose); also: to rot (= to cause to rot or decay)
Hence: decomponibile; decomposition
decomponibile adj decomposable
decomposit- see decomponer
decomposition n decomposition; also: rot, decay
decorar v to decorate (1. to adorn; 2. to confer a medal, ribbon, etc., on)
Hence: decoration; decorative; decorator; decorato
decoration n decoration (1. action of decorating; 2. ornament; 3. medal, cross, ribbon, etc.);
decoration (de theatro) stage setting
decorative adj decorative
decorato n one decorated (as for bravery, etc.)
decorator n decorator
decorose adj decorous
decorticar v to strip the bark from
decortication n barking, decortication
decorum (-có-) n decorum
Hence: decorose-indecorose; decorar &
decrepitar v to crackle, decrepitate
Hence: decrepitation
decrepitation n decrepitation
decrepite (-cré-) adj decrepit
Hence: decrepitude
decrepitude n decrepitude
decrescendo [I] n [Mus.] decrescendo
decrescentia n decrease
decrescer v to decrease;
le riviera decresce the river is falling, going down
Hence: decrescimento; decrescentia
decrescimento n decrease
decret- see decerner
decretal n [Eccl.] decretal
decretalista n [Eccl.] decretist
decretar v to decree
decreto n decree
decretori adj 1. decretory; 2. decisive
-decta n [occurring in compounds] -dect- (= receiver)
Hence: pandectas etc.
decu- see dece
decuplar v to decuple
decuple (dé-) adj decuple, tenfold
Hence: decuplar
decuplicar v to decuple
decurr- v [occurring in derivatives]
Hence: decurrente
decurrente adj [Bot.] decurrent
dedicar v to dedicate (1. to set apart for a sacred or solemn purpose; 2. to inscribe, address as a mark of gratitude, esteem, etc.);
dedicar se a to dedicate or devote oneself to
Hence: dedication; dedicatori
dedication n dedication (1. act of dedicating to a sacred or solemn purpose; 2. dedicatory inscription)
dedicatori adj dedicatory (= as in “dedicatory epistle”)
deducer [-duc-/-duct-] v 1. to deduce, infer; 2. to deduct
Hence: deducibile; deductibile; deduction; deductive
deducibile adj deducible
deduct- see deducer
deductibile adj deductible
deduction n deduction (1. inference; 2. subtraction)
deductive adj deductive
de facto [L] [Dipl.] de facto
defaite [F] n defeat (= loss of a contest)
Hence: defaitismo; defaitista
defaitismo n defeatism
defaitista n defeatist
defalcar v to cut off, lop off
Hence: defalcation
defalcation n cutting or lopping off, reduction
defecar v to defecate (1. to purify from scum and sediment; 2. to excrete)
Hence: defecation; defecator
defecation n defecation (1. purification from scum and sediment; 2. excretion)
defecator n [Sugar Manuf.] defecator, purification tank
defect- see defic-
defectibile adj defectible
defectibilitate n defectibility
defection n defection (= desertion, backsliding)
defective adj defective (1. having a defect or defects; 2. [Gram.])
defecto n defect
defectuose adj defective (= having a defect or defects)
defender [-fend-/-fens-] v to defend (1. to guard from attack or harm; 2. [Law])
Hence: defendibile-indefendibile; defensibile-indefensibile; defensive-defensiva; defensor; defensa; defenditor
defendibile adj defensible
defenditor n defender
defenestrar v to throw out of the window
defenestration n defenestration
defens- see defender
defensa n I. defense, defence (1. act of defending or protecting; 2. [Law]); II. [Zool.] tusk
defensibile adj defensible
defensiva n defensive (= position or attitude of defense);
super le defensiva on the defensive
defensive adj defensive;
alliantia defensive defensive alliance;
armas defensive arms of defense (defence)
defensor n 1. defender; 2. [Law] counsel for the defense (defence)
deferente adj 1. [Physiol.] deferent; 2. deferential;
canal deferente [Anat.] vas deferens
deferentia n deference
deferer v to inform against;
deferer a to defer to
Hence: deferente-deferentia
defia (-fía) n challenge
defiantia n defiance
defiar v to defy (1. to challenge to combat or competition; 2. to brave)
Hence: defia; defiantia
defic- [-fic-/-fect-] v [occurring in derivatives]
Hence: deficiente-deficientia; defectibile-defectibilitate, indefectibile-indefectibilitate; defection; defective; defecto-defectuose
deficiente adj deficient
deficientia n deficiency (= quality of being deficient)
deficit (dé-) n deficit
Hence: deficitari
deficitari adj showing a deficit
defilar v [Mil.] to defile, file off
definibile adj definable
definibilitate n definability
definir v to define (= to give a definition of)
Hence: definibile-indefinibile-indefinibilitate; definition; definitive; definitor; definite-indefinite; predefinir-predefinition
definite 1. pp of definir; 2. adj [Gram., Bot., Math., etc.] definite
definition n definition (as in “definition of a word”)
definitive adj definitive (= conclusive, final)
definitor n definer
deflagrar v to blaze up, deflagrate
Hence: deflagration; deflagrator
deflagration n deflagration, conflagration
deflagrator n deflagrator
deflar v to deflate
Hence: deflation
deflation n deflation; also: [Econ.]
deflorar v to deflower (= to deprive of virginity)
Hence: defloration
defloration n defloration
defluente 1. ppr of defluer; 2. adj decurrent, defluent
defluer v to flow down
Hence: defluente
deforestar v to deforest
deformar v to deform (= to spoil the form of)
Hence: deformation
deformation n deformation
deforme adj deformed
Hence: deformitate
deformitate n deformity
defraudar v to defraud;
defraudar de to defraud of
Hence: defraudation; defraudator
defraudation n defraudation
defraudator n defrauder
defunct- see defung-
defuncte adj deceased, defunct
defuncto n deceased, defunct
defung- [-fung-/-funct-] v [occurring in derivatives]
Hence: defuncte-defuncto
degenerar v to degenerate
Hence: degeneration; degenerative; degenerate
degenerate adj degenerate
degeneration n degeneration (1. process of degenerating; 2. degeneracy)
degenerative adj degenerative
deglutir v to swallow (down)
Hence: deglutition
deglutition n (act of) swallowing, deglutition
degradante adj degrading, debasing
degradar v I. to degrade (1. to reduce in rank; 2. to debase); II. [Art] to grade, grade off (color)
Hence: degradante; degradation
degradation n I. degradation (1. reduction in rank; 2. degraded existence); II. shading off, graduation (of colors, etc.)
degustar v to taste, sample (wines, tea, etc.)
Hence: degustation; degustator
degustation n tasting (of wines, tea, etc.)
degustator n taster (of wines, tea, etc.)
dehumanisar v to dehumanize
deicida n deicide (= one who kills a god)
deicidio n deicide (= act of killing a god)
deific (-ífic) adj deific
deificar v to deify
deification n deification
[deinde] (déin-) adv I. thereafter, next; II. afterwards, then (1. following in time; 2. next in order)
deismo (-íz-) n deism
deista (-ís-) n deist
deitate n deity
deject- see dejic-
dejection n [Physiol.] dejection (1. discharge of excrement; 2. excrement);
dejectiones ejecta (of a volcano)
dejic- [-jic-/-ject-] v [occurring in derivatives]
Hence: dejection
de jure [L] [Dipl.] de jure
dele [L] [Print.] dele, omit
delectabile adj delightful, delectable
delectabilitate n delectability
delectar v to delight (= to cause delight to);
delectar se in to delight, take delight, in
Hence: delecto; delectabile-delectabilitate; delectation
delectation n delectation
delecto n delight, joy
delegar v to delegate (1. to send as a delegate; 2. to entrust to the care or management of)
Hence: delegation; delegatori; delegato; subdelegar-subdelegation
delegation n I. delegation (1. action of sending as a delegate; 2. as in “delegation of authority”; 3. group of delegates); II. charge or commission given to a delegate
delegato n delegate
delegatori adj delegate’s; delegated
deler [del-/delet-] v 1. to destroy; 2. to delete
Hence: delibile-indelibile-indelibilitate; deletion
delet- see deler
deletion n 1. destruction; 2. deletion
deliberar v to deliberate;
deliberar super to deliberate upon
Hence: deliberation; deliberative; deliberator; deliberate
deliberate adj deliberate
deliberation n 1. deliberation (= action of deliberating); 2. resolution, decision
deliberative adj deliberative
deliberator n deliberator
delibile adj delible
delicate adj delicate (1. exquisite, fine, delicious, etc.; 2. finely sensitive, easily affected, etc.);
puncto delicate delicate or ticklish point;
sanitate delicate delicate or frail health
Hence: delicatessa; indelicate-indelicatessa
delicatessa n delicacy (1. exquisite fineness of substance, texture, constitution, etc.; 2. sensitiveness, fineness of feeling, etc.)
delicia n joy, pleasure, delight
Hence: deliciose
deliciose adj delicious (1. delightful; 2. pleasing to taste or smell)
delict- see delinquer
delicto n (criminal) offense, misdemeanor;
corpore del delicto [Law] corpus delicti
delimitar v to delimit
Hence: delimitation
delimitation n delimitation
delineamento n delineation (= action of tracing in outline)
delinear v to trace the outline of
Hence: delineation; delineator; delineamento
delineation n delineation (= action of tracing in outline)
delineator n delineator
delinquente¹ adj delinquent (= guilty of a misdeed or offense)
delinquente² n delinquent
delinquentia n delinquency
delinquer [-linqu-/-lict-] v to transgress, commit a wrong
Hence: delinquente-delinquentia; delicto-quasidelicto etc.
deliquescente 1. ppr of deliquescer; 2. adj [Chem.] deliquescent
deliquescentia n [Chem.] deliquescence
deliquescer v [Chem.] to deliquesce
Hence: deliquescente-deliquescentia
delirante 1. ppr of delirar; 2. adj delirious
delirar v to be delirious
Hence: delirio; delirante
delirio n delirium
delirium tremens [NL] delirium tremens
delitesc- v [occurring in derivatives]
Hence: delitescente-delitescentia
delitescente adj delitescent
delitescentia n delitescence
delivrantia n 1. deliverance (= liberation); 2. [Med.] delivery
delivrar v to deliver (1. to set free; 2. [Med.])
Hence: delivrantia
delphinium (-phí-) n [Bot.] delphinium
delphino n 1. dolphin (= Delphinus delphis); 2. [Fr. Hist.] dauphin
delta n delta (1. fourth letter of the Greek alphabet; 2. [Geog.])
Hence: deltaic; deltoide¹-deltoide²-deltoidee; deltation
deltaic (-áic) adj deltaic
deltation n [Geog.] deltification, deltation
deltoide¹ adj deltoid, delta-shaped
deltoide² n [Anat.] deltoid (muscle)
deltoidee (-ée) adj deltoid (= pertaining to the deltoid muscle)
deluder [-lud-/-lus-] v to delude
Hence: deludimento; delusion; delusori
deludimento n (act of) deluding, delusion
delus- see deluder
delusion n delusion
delusori adj delusory, delusive
demagogeria (-ía) n demagoguery, demagogy
demagogia (-ía) n demagogy
demagogic adj demagogic
demagogismo n demagogism, demagogy
demagogo n demagogue; also: [Hist.]
Hence: demagogia; demagogismo; demagogeria; demagogic
deman adv tomorrow;
deman matino tomorrow morning;
deman vespere tomorrow night
demanda n I. request; II. demand (1. [Law]; 2. [Econ.]);
le offerta e le demanda supply and demand
demandar v to ask; also: to ask for (1. to inquire about; 2. to request)
Hence: demanda; demandator
demandator n demandant, plaintiff
demarcar v to demarcate
Hence: demarcation
demarcation n demarcation
dementar v to dement
demente adj insane, demented
Hence: dementia; dementar
dementia n insanity, dementia, dementedness;
dementia precoce dementia praecox
demer- v [occurring in derivatives]
Hence: demeritori; demerito-demeritar
demeritar v to merit blame
demerito (-mé-) n demerit
demeritori adj blameworthy
demiurgo n demiurge (1. [Philos.]; 2. [Gr. Antiq.])
-demn- see damno, damnar
demo n [Gr. Antiq.] demos (1. people or commons, especially of a Greek state; 2. deme, township of Attica)
Hence: demotic; endemia &; epidemia &; demagogo etc.; democrate etc.; democratia etc.; demographo etc.; democratic etc.; pandemia etc.
demobilisar v [Mil.] to demobilize
demobilisation n [Mil.] demobilization
democrate (-ó-) n democrat
democratia (-ía) n democracy
democratic adj democratic
demographia (-ía) n demography
demographic adj demographic
demographo (-ó-) n demographer
Hence: demographia; demographic
demolir v to demolish, wreck
Hence: demolition; demolitor
demolition n demolition
demolitor n demolisher
demone n 1. [Gr. Relig.] daemon; 2. demon (= evil spirit)
Hence: demonio-demoniac; demonolatra etc.; demonologia etc.: cacodemone etc.; eudemon- etc.; pandemonio etc.
demoniac (-í-) adj demoniac, demoniacal (1. pertaining to an evil spirit or evil spirits; 2. possessed by an evil spirit)
demonio n demon, evil spirit
demonolatra (-nó-) n demonolater
Hence: demonolatria
demonolatria (-ía) n demonolatry
demonologia (-ía) n demonology
demonomania (-ía) n demonomania
demonstrabile adj demonstrable
demonstrabilitate n demonstrability
demonstrar v to demonstrate (= to show, make evident)
Hence: demonstrabile-demonstrabilitate, indemonstrabile; demonstration; demonstrative; demonstrator
demonstration n demonstration
demonstrative adj demonstrative (1. showing clearly, conclusive; 2. [Gram.])
demonstrator n demonstrator (1. one who shows, makes evident; 2. one who takes part in a public demonstration)
demora n 1. delay; 2. residence (= “place of residence”)
demorar v 1. to remain, stay; 2. to live, reside
Hence: demora
demotic adj [Egypt. Archaeol.] demotic
denaturar v to denature (= to render unfit for eating or drinking)
dendrite n [Mineral.] dendrite
dendritic adj dendritic
dendro- n [occurring in derivatives and compounds] dendr-, dendro- (= tree)
Hence: dendrite-dendritic; dendrologia etc.; rhododendro etc.
dendrologia (-ía) n dendrology
denegar v to deny
Hence: denegation
denegation n denial (as in “affirmation or denial”)
denigrar v to defame, denigrate
Hence: denigration; denigrator
denigration n defamation, denigration
denigrator n slanderer, denigrator
Denis [F] nprm Denis, Dennis
denominar v to name, designate, denominate
Hence: denomination; denominative; denominator
denomination n denomination (= characteristic name given to a thing or class of things)
denominative adj denominative (= conferring a denomination or name)
denominator n denominator (1. person or thing that names; 2. [Math.])
denotar v to denote (= to signify by a visible sign)
Hence: denotation; denotative
denotation n denotation, indication
denotative adj denotative
dense adj dense (= close, thick)
Hence: densitate; condensar &
densitate n density (1. closeness, thickness; 2. [Physics])
dental¹ adj dental; also: [Phonet.]
dental² n [Phonet.] dental
dentar v 1. to tooth, indent; 2. [Physiol.] to teethe
dentari adj dental (= pertaining to the teeth or to dentistry)
dentate adj toothed (1. [Zool., Bot.] dentate; 2. [Mech.] cogged)
dentation n 1. dentation (= state of being dentate); 2. teething, dentition
dentatura n set of teeth, denture
dente n tooth;
dente incisive incisor;
dente molar molar;
dente de lacte milk tooth;
dente (de un pectine, de un serra, etc.) tooth (of a comb, a saw, etc.);
armate al dentes armed to the teeth;
monstrar le dentes to show one’s teeth;
dente de leon [Bot.] dandelion
Hence: dentatura; dentella; denticulo &; dentina; dentista-dentisteria; dental-labiodental etc.; dentari; dentate; dentar-dentation; indentar &; redente; dentifricio etc.; dentirostre etc.; bidente etc.; mundadentes etc.
dentella n lace (as in “Brussels lace”);
dentellas lace (as in “Brussels lace”)
denticulate adj denticulate
denticulo n [Arch.] denticle, dentil
Hence: denticulate
dentifricio n dentifrice
dentina n dentine, ivory
dentirostre adj [Zool.] dentirostral (= having a toothed bill)
Hence: dentirostros
dentirostros npl [Zool.] Dentirostres
dentista n dentist
dentisteria (-ía) n dentistry
denudar v to bare, denude
Hence: denudation
denudation n denudation
denunciar v 1. to proclaim, publish solemnly; 2. to denounce, inform against;
denunciar un tractato to denounce a treaty
Hence: denunciation; denunciative; denunciator
denunciation n 1. proclamation, official notice; 2. denunciation (= act of informing against)
denunciative adj denunciative
denunciator n denouncer
deo n god;
Deo God
Hence: deismo; deista; deitate; deific; deificar-deification; adeo; deicida etc.: deicidio etc.; semideo etc.; dea-semidea etc.
departimental adj departmental
departimento n department (= administrative division)
departir v to divide into parts
Hence: departimento-departimental
depauperar v to impoverish
depauperation n impoverishment
depeche [F] n dispatch, message; also: telegram
dependente adj dependent, depending;
dependente de dependent on, depending on
dependentia n dependence, dependency;
dependentia de dependence on
depender v to depend;
depender de to depend on, be dependent on
Hence: dependente-dependentia, independente-independentia
deperimento n wasting away
deperir v to waste away
Hence: deperimento
depict- see depinger
depiction n depiction
depilar v to remove the hair from, depilate
depilation n depilation
depilatori adj depilatory
depilatorio n depilatory
depinger [-ping-/-pict-] v to depict
Hence: depiction
depler v to deplete
Hence: depletion; depletive
depletion n [Med.] depletion
depletive adj [Med.] depletive
deplorabile adj deplorable
deplorar v to deplore
Hence: deplorabile; deploration
deploration n lamentation, deploration
[depois] (-póis) adv afterwards, later;
depois que since (from the time that)
(= depost)
deponente n [Gram.] deponent
deponer [-pon-/-posit-] v I. to depose (1. to remove from a position of dignity; 2. to depone, testify); II. to deposit (1. to lay down; 2. to put in a place for safekeeping);
deponer un summa super un cosa to bet a sum on something
Hence: deponente; deposition; deposito &
depopular v to depopulate
Hence: depopulation
depopulation n depopulation
deportar v to deport (= to exile)
Hence: deportation
deportation n deportation (= banishment)
deposit- see deponer
depositar v to deposit (1. to put in a place for safekeeping; 2. to lay down as sediment)
depositario n depositary (= one who receives a deposit)
deposition n deposition (1. removal from position of dignity; 2. testimony);
le Deposition del cruce [Art] the Deposition from the Cross
deposito (-pó-) n I. deposition (= depositing for safekeeping); II. deposit (1. thing deposited for safekeeping; 2. depository, depot; 3. sediment);
in deposito in trust;
deposito de munition ammunition dump
Hence: depositario; depositar
depost I. adv afterwards, later;
depost que since (= from the time that);
II. prep after, since
depravar v to deprave, make depraved
Hence: depravation; depravator; depravate
depravate 1. pp of depravar; 2. adj corrupt, depraved
depravation n depravity, depravation
depravator n depraver
deprecar v to deprecate (= to seek to avert by prayer)
Hence: deprecation; deprecative; deprecator; deprecatori
deprecation n deprecation (= prayer that an evil may be prevented)
deprecative adj deprecative, deprecatory
deprecator n deprecator
deprecatori adj deprecatory, deprecative
depreciar v to depreciate (= to lessen the value of)
Hence: depreciation; depreciator
depreciation n depreciation (= lessening in value)
depreciator n depreciator
depredar v to plunder, pillage, depredate
Hence: depredation; depredator
depredation n depredation
depredator n plunderer, depredator
depress- see deprimer
depresse adj depressed (= gloomy, in low spirits)
depression n depression (1. act of pressing down; 2. gloominess, low spirits)
depressive adj 1. bearing down (= tending to press or force down); 2. (morally) depressing
depressor n [Anat.] depressor, depressor muscle
deprimer [-prim-/-press-] v to depress (1. to press down; 2. to make sad or gloomy)
Hence: depression; depressive; depressor; depresse
de profundis [L] de profundis, out of the depths (of sorrow and desolation)
depurar v to cleanse, clear, depurate
Hence: depuration; depurative-depurativo
depuration n cleansing, clearing, depuration
depurative adj [Med.] depurative
depurativo n [Med] blood-cleanser, depurative
deputar v to depute, deputize
Hence: deputation; deputato
deputation n I. deputation (1. appointment as a deputy; 2. group of deputies); II. deputyship
deputato n deputy
-der see dar
derailamento (-rél-) n derailment (= act of leaving the tracks)
derailar (-rél-) v to derail, leave the tracks
deramar v -;
deramar se to branch off
Derby [A] npr [Geog.] Derby;
derby [Horse Racing] Derby
derecta n right hand;
a/al derecta (to the) right
derecte adj right (1. conformable to justice, according with duty; 2. not left)
Hence: derecto; derecta
derecto n I. right (1. what is right; 2. as in “right to life, liberty, etc.”); II. duty, custom, fee, etc.; III. law (= body of laws);
derecto de autor copyright;
derectos de autor royalties;
de derecto by right(s);
derecto del gentes law of nations;
derecto international international law;
derecto criminal criminal law;
derecto civil civil law;
derecto costumari common law (= customary law)
derelict- see derelinquer
derelicte adj abandoned, derelict
derelinquer [-linqu-/-lict-] v to forsake, abandon
Hence: derelicte
derider [-rid-/-ris-] v to deride
Hence: derision; derisori
deris- see derider
derision n derision
derisori adj derisive, derisory
derivabile adj derivable
derivar v I. to divert the course of; II. to derive (1. to obtain (from a source); 2. to be derived)
Hence: derivabile; derivation; derivative-derivativo
derivation n I. diversion of a water-course; II. derivation (1. [Med.]; 2. [Gram.]); III. [Elec.] shunt
derivative adj derivative (1. [Med.]; 2. derived)
derivativo n [Med.] derivative
derma [-ma/-mat-] n [Anat., Zool.] derma
Hence: dermatitis; dermatoide; hypodermatic; dermatologo etc.; echinoderme etc.; pachyderme etc.; blastoderma etc.; taxidermia etc.; ectoderma etc.
dermat- see derma
dermatitis (-ítis) n [Med.] dermatitis
dermatoide n dermatoid
dermatologia (-ía) n dermatology
dermatologo (-tó-) n dermatologist
Hence: dermatologia
derogar v -;
derogar al lege to depart from the law;
derogar a un principio to waive a principle;
derogar a su dignitate to derogate from one’s dignity
Hence: derogation; derogatori
derogation n derogation (1. act of limiting the application of a law, rule, etc.; 2. disparagement, depreciation)
derogatori adj derogatory (as in “derogatory remark”);
clausula derogatori [Law] derogatory clause
deroutar v [Mil.] to rout
deroute [F] n [Mil.] rout
Hence: deroutar
dervich (-sh) n dervish
descendente n descendant
descendentia n 1. descent, descendance (“descent from a particular ancestor”); 2. descendants
descender [-scend-/-scens-] v to descend
Hence: descendente-descendentia; descension; descendita; condescender &; redescender
descendita (-cén-) n descent (= action of descending)
descens- see descender
descension n descent (= action of descending)
describer [-scrib-/-script-] v to describe (1. “to describe a view, a person, etc.”; 2. “to describe a curve”)
Hence: descriptibile-indescriptibile; description; descriptor; descriptive
descript- see describer
descriptibile adj describable
description n description
descriptive adj descriptive;
geometria descriptive descriptive geometry
descriptor n describer
[desde] prep since, from
deserer [-ser-/-sert-] v to desert, abandon
Hence: desertion; desertor; deserte-desertar, deserto-desertic
desert- see deserer
desertar v to desert
deserte adj desert (as in “desert region”)
desertic adj desert (as in “desert region”)
desertion n desertion
deserto n desert;
predicar in le deserto to preach in the wilderness, talk to deaf ears
desertor n deserter
déshabillé [F] n dishabille, deshabille
desiccar v to dry up, desiccate
Hence: desiccation; desiccative
desiccation n desiccation
desiccative adj desiccative
desiderabile adj desirable
desiderar v to desire, wish, wish for;
lassar (multo) a desiderar to leave (much) to be desired, leave room for improvement
Hence: desiderose; desiderio; desiderabile-indesiderabile; desiderative
desiderative adj 1. desirous; 2. [Gram.] desiderative
desideratum (pl desiderata) [L] n desideratum
desiderio n desire, wish
desiderose adj desirous;
desiderose de desirous of
designar v 1. to designate; 2. to draw, sketch; 3. to design, intend
Hence: designo; designation; designative; designator
designation n designation
designative adj designative
designator n sketcher, drawer
designo n I. design (= scheme, plan); II. drawing (1. art of drawing or sketching; 2. as in “a drawing hanging on the wall)
desin- v [occurring in derivatives]
Hence: desinentia-desinential
desinentia n [Gram.] ending, desinence
desinential adj terminal, desinential
desirabile adj desirable
desirar v to desire, wish, wish for;
lassar (multo) a desirar to leave (much) to be desired, leave room for improvement
Hence: desiro-desirose; desirabile-indesirabile
desiro n desire, wish
desirose adj desirous;
desirose de desirous of
desistentia n desistance
desister v to desist;
desister de to desist from
Hence: desistentia
desolar v to desolate (1. to devastate; 2. to afflict, distress)
Hence: desolation; desolator; desolate
desolate 1. pp of desolar; 2. adj desolate, distressed
desolation n desolation (1. devastation; 2. dreary barrenness; 3. affliction)
desolator n desolater
despect- see despicer
despectar v to spite, mortify, treat (someone) with spite
despecto n resentment, spite, despite; also: grudge;
in despecto de in spite of, despite
despectose adj spiteful; despiteful
desperantia n despair, hopelessness
desperar v 1. to despair; 2. to drive to despair
Hence: despero; desperantia; desperation; desperate
desperate adj 1. in despair; 2. desperate
desperation n desperation, desperateness
despero n 1. despair; 2. desperation
despicer [-spic-/-spect-] v to despise
Hence: despecto-despectose, despectar
despoliamento n despoliation, spoliation
despoliar v to despoil, spoliate
Hence: despoliamento
despota (dés-) n despot
Hence: despotismo; despotic; despotisar
despotic adj despotic
despotisar v to despotize, tyrannize
despotismo n despotism
dessert [F] n dessert
destinar v to destine (= to set apart for a particular purpose or use);
destinate a destined or intended for
Hence: destino; destination; destinatario; predestinar-predestination
destinatario n addressee
destination n destination (1. action of destining; 2. place of destination)
destino n destiny (= one’s lot or fortune)
destituer [-stitu-/-stitut-] v 1. to render destitute; 2. to displace, discharge, dismiss (from office)
Hence: destitution; destitute
destitut- see destituer
destitute adj destitute (1. deprived, lacking; 2. in great need or want)
destitution n 1. destitution (= state of being destitute); 2. discharge, dismissal (from office)
destruct- see destruer
destructibile adj destructible
destructibilitate n destructibility
destruction n destruction
destructive adj destructive
destructor n destroyer (= one who or that which destroys)
destruer [-stru-/-struct-] v to destroy
Hence: destructibile-destructibilitate, indestructibile-indestructibilitate; destruction; destructive; destructor
desuete adj disused; also: obsolete, deadletter, etc.
Hence: desuetude
desuetude n desuetude
detaliar v to detail (= to tell in detail)
Hence: detalio
detalio n 1. detail (= individual item, particular); 2. [Com.] retail;
in detalio in detail, fully;
vender al detalio to retail, sell at retail
detect- see deteger
detective [A] n detective
detector n [Elec., Radio] detector
deteger [-teg-/-tect-] v to detect, uncover
Hence: detector
detener [-ten-/-tent-] v 1. to hold (= to have, own); 2. to detain (= to keep in custody, confine)
Hence: detenimento; detention; detentor
detenimento n detention, imprisonment, confinement
detent- see detener
detention n 1. holding, possession (of a thing); 2. detention, imprisonment, confinement;
detention preventive preliminary detention
detentor n 1. holder (of rights, titles, etc.); 2. detainer (= one who detains)
deter- [-ter-/-trit-] v [occurring in derivatives]
Hence: detrimento-detrimentose; detrito
deteriorar v to impair (= to cause to deteriorate);
deteriorar se to deteriorate
Hence: deterioration
deterioration n deterioration
determinabile adj determinable
determinabilitate n determinability
determinante n [Math.] determinant
determinar v to determine (1. to be the deciding factor in settling the form, function, etc. of; 2. to fix precisely);
determinar se a facer un cosa to determine on doing or to do something
Hence: determinismo-indeterminismo; determinista-indeterminista; determinante; determinabile-determinabilitate; determination-indetermination; determinative; determinator; determinate-indeterminate; predeterminar-predetermination
determinate I. pp of determinar; II. adj 1. determined (= resolute); 2. definite (= clear)
determination n determination (1. act of fixing precisely; 2. fixed intention, resolution; 3. resoluteness);
prender un determination to resolve, make up one’s mind
determinative adj determinative
determinator n determiner
determinismo n determinism
determinista n determinist
detestabile adj detestable
detestar v to detest
Hence: detestabile; detestation
detestation n detestation
detonar v to detonate (= to explode)
Hence: detonation; detonator
detonation n detonation
detonator n detonator
detr- see deter-
[detra] 1. adv behind, back, backwards; 2. prep behind
detract- see detraher
detraction n detraction
detractor n detractor
detraher [-trah-/-tract-] v to detract, detract from
Hence: detraction, detractor
detrimento n detriment;
al detrimento de to the detriment of
detrimentose adj detrimental
detrit- see deter-
detrito n detritus
deus ex machina [L] deus ex machina
deut- see deuter-
deuter- adj [occurring in derivatives and compounds] deuter-, deutero- (= second)
Hence: deuterium; deuteron; Deuteronomio etc.: deuton; deutoxydo etc.
deuterium (-té-) n [Phys., Chem.] deuterium, heavy hydrogen
deuteron n [Phys., Chem.] deuteron
Deuteronomio n [Bib.] Deuteronomy
deuton n [Phys., Chem.] deuton
deutoxydo (-tó-) n [Chem.] deutoxide
devalutar v to devaluate
devalutation n devaluation
devastar v to devastate
Hence: devastation; devastator
devastation n devastation (= act of devastating)
devastator n devastator
devenir v to become (= to come to be)
deviar v to deviate (as in “his statement deviates from the truth”)
deviation n 1. deviation; 2. detour, roundabout way;
deviation del bussola deviation of the compass
devie adj devious
Hence: deviar-deviation
devisa n device (1. [Her.]; 2. motto);
devisa (estranier) (foreign) bill of exchange
devolut- see devolver
devolution n devolution (as in “the devolution of the crown”)
devolutive adj causing to devolve or transfer by devolution
devolver [-volv-/-volut-] v to devolve (= to transfer)
Hence: devolution; devolutive
devorante 1. ppr of devorar; 2. adj ravenous
devorar v to devour;
devorar le via to eat up the miles
Hence: devorante; devorator
devorator n devourer
devot- see devov-
devotar v to devote (= to dedicate, consecrate)
devote adj 1. devout; 2. devotional;
devote a devoted to
devotion n devotion (1. [Relig.]; 2. “devotion to a person, cause, etc.”);
devotiones devotions
devoto n devout person, devotee; also: votary
devov- [-vov-/-vot-] v [occurring in derivatives]
Hence: devotion-indevotion; devote-indevote, devoto; devotar
dextera, dextra (déx-) n right hand
dextere, dextre adj 1. right (= not left); 2. dexterous
Hence: dexteritate; ambidextere; dextrina; dexteromane etc.; dextrogyr etc.; dextera
dexteritate n dexterity
dexteromane, dextromane adj righthanded (= using the right hand more easily and readily than the left)
[dextra] prep on the right of
dextrina n dextrin
dextrogyr adj dextrogyrous
di-¹ [occurring in compounds] di- (= twice)
Hence: digamma etc.; dilemma etc.; dimetro etc.; dimorphe etc.; diphthonge etc.
di-² see also dia-; Zeus
dia- prefixo [di- before vowels, used chiefly to form technical terms] dia-, di- (1. through; 2. away, apart)
Hence: diametro etc.; diastase etc.; diapositiva etc.; diacaustic etc.; diagno- etc.; diorama etc.
diabete n diabetes
Hence: diabetic-diabetico
diabetic adj diabetic
diabetico n diabetic
diaboleria (-ía) n deviltry, devilry (= devilish mischief)
diabolessa n she-devil
diabolic adj diabolic, diabolical, devilish
diabolo (-á-) n 1. devil (= spirit of evil); 2. [Game] diabolo;
povre diabolo poor devil;
advocato del diabolo devil’s advocate
Hence: diaboleria; diabolessa; diabolic; indiabolar-indiabolate
diacaustic adj [Math.] diacaustic
diaconal adj diaconal
diaconato n diaconate
diaconessa n deaconess (1. [Early Chr. Ch.]; 2. member of a Protestant sisterhood devoted to works of charity and religion)
diacono (-á-) n deacon (= member of the order of clergy immediately below that of priest)
Hence: diaconato; diaconessa; diaconal; archidiacono etc.
diadema n diadem
diagno- [occurring in derivatives]
Hence: diagnose; diagnostic &
diagnose n diagnosis (1. [Med.]; 2. [Biol.])
diagnostic adj diagnostic
Hence: diagnosticar; diagnostico
diagnosticar v to diagnose
diagnostico n diagnostics, diagnosis
diagonal¹ adj diagonal
diagonal² n diagonal
diagramma [-ma/-mat-] n diagram
Hence: diagrammatic
diagrammat- see diagramma
diagrammatic adj diagrammatic
dialectal adj dialectal
dialectic adj dialectic, dialectical
Hence: dialectico; dialectica
dialectica n dialectics, dialectic
dialectico n dialectician
dialecto n dialect (as in “Scottish dialect”)
Hence: dialectal; dialectic &
dialogar v to dialogue
dialogic adj in form of a dialogue, dialogic
dialogisar v to dialogize
dialogismo n dialogism
dialogista n dialogist
dialogo (-á-) n dialogue, dialog
Hence: dialogismo; dialogista; dialogic; dialogar; dialogisar
diamante n diamond
diametral adj diametrical, diametric
diametric adj diametric
diametro (-á-) n diameter
Hence: diametral; diametric-isodiametric etc.; semidiametro etc.
Diana¹ npr [Rom. Relig.] Diana
diana² n reveille
diantho n [Bot.] pink; also: carnation
diapason (-pá) n 1. range (as in “range of a singing voice”; “range of an instrument”); 2. tuning fork
diaphane adj diaphanous
Hence: diaphaneitate; semidiaphane etc.
diaphaneitate n diaphaneity
diaphragma [-ma/-mat-] diaphragm (1. midriff; 2. [Photog., Phys.; etc.])
Hence: diaphragmatic
diaphragmat- see diaphragma
diaphragmatic adj diaphragmatic
diapositiva n [Photog.] transparent positive, transparency, diapositive
diario n diary
diarrhea (-éa) n diarrhea
Hence: diarrheic
diarrheic (-éic) adj diarrheal, diarrheic
diaspora (-ás-) n Diaspora, Dispersion
diastase (diás-) n 1. diastasis; 2. [Chem.] diastase
diastole n [Physiol.] diastole
Hence: diastolic
diastolic adj [Physiol.] diastolic
diathermia (-ía) n [Med.] diathermy
Hence: diathermic
diathermic adj [Med.] diathermic
diatonic adj [Mus.] diatonic;
scala diatonic, gamma diatonic diatonic scale
dica n 1. dike (= embankment built to prevent inundations); 2. dam, weir
-dicar v [occurring in derivatives]
Hence: abdicar &; dedicar &; predicar &
-dice n [occurring in compounds]
Hence: indice &; judice etc.; vindice etc.
dicer [dic-/dict-] v to say; also: to tell;
dicer le missa to say mass;
dicer le bon ventura to tell fortunes;
pro si dicer so to say;
voler dicer 1. to mean, signify; 2. to mean (to say)
Hence: indicibile; diction &; dicto &; dictar &; contradicer &; disdicer &; edic- &; indicer &; interdicer &; predicer &; benedicer etc.; juridic etc.
dict- see dicer
dictamine n dictate, dictamen
dictar v to dictate (1. as in “to dictate a letter”; 2. to prescribe authoritatively)
Hence: dictamine; dictator-dictatorial; dictatura; dictato
dictato n dictation (as in “take down dictation”)
dictator n dictator
dictatorial adj dictatorial (= pertaining to a dictator)
dictatura n dictatorship
diction n diction (1. choice of words to express ideas; 2. enunciation, elocution)
Hence: dictionario; jurisdiction etc.
dictionario n dictionary
dicto n saying (as in “an old saying”)
Hence: verdicto etc.
didact- see didasc-
didactic adj didactic
didactica n didactics
didasc- v [occurring in derivatives and compounds] didasc-, didact- (= to teach someone or something)
Hence: didascalia-didascalic; didactic; didactica; autodidacte-autodidacto-autodidactic
didascalia (-ía) n [Antiq.] stage directions
didascalic adj didascalic, didactic
Didon npr [Gr. Mythol.] Dido
die n day (1. “day” as opposed to “night”; also: daylight; 2. period of twenty-four hours);
de die in die from day to day;
die utile [Law] lawful day;
die feriate holiday;
un die one day, sometime;
le die sequente the next day, the following day
Hence: diario; diurne; quotidian etc.; mediedie etc.; lunedi etc.; martedi etc.
diese (dí-) [Mus.] sharp
Diesel, Rudolf npr [1858-1913; inventor of Diesel motor]
Hence: diesel
diesel n Diesel engine or motor, Diesel;
motor Diesel Diesel engine, Diesel motor;
oleo Diesel Diesel oil
dies irae [L] dies irae, day of wrath
dieta¹ n [Med.] diet;
dieta lactee milk diet;
dieta absolute starvation diet;
esser a dieta to be on a diet;
poner a dieta to put on a diet
Hence: dietetic; dietetica; dietar
dieta² n [Hist., Pol.] diet
dietar v to diet
dietetic adj dietetic
dietetica n dietetics
diffamar v to defame
Hence: diffamation; diffamatori
diffamation n defamation
diffamatori adj defamatory
differente adj different
differentia n difference;
il non face differentia it makes no difference
differential¹ adj differential;
calculo differential differential calculus
differential² n differential (1. [Math.]; 2. “differential of an automobile etc.”)
differentiar v to differentiate (1. to distinguish; 2. [Math.])
differentiation n [Math.] differentiation
differer [-fer-/-lat-] v 1. to defer, delay; 2. to differ (= be different)
Hence: differente-differentia-differential, differentiar-differentiation, indifferente &, equidifferente etc.; dilatori
difficile adj difficult
Hence: difficultate
difficul- see difficile
difficultate n difficulty
diffidente adj distrustful
diffidentia n distrust
diffider v to be distrustful;
diffider de un persona to distrust, mistrust someone
Hence: diffidente-diffidentia
diffract- see diffranger
diffractar v to diffract
diffraction n diffraction
diffranger [-frang-/-fract-] v to diffract
Hence: diffraction; diffractar
diffunder [-fund-/-fus-] v to diffuse (= to spread widely); also: = radiodiffunder
Hence: diffusibile-diffusibilitate; diffusion; diffusive; diffuse; radiodiffunder etc.
diffus- see diffunder
diffuse adj diffuse (1. spread out, diffused; 2. verbose, not concise)
diffusibile adj diffusible
diffusibilitate n diffusibility
diffusion n diffusion (1. dispersion, wide distribution; 2. diffuseness, wordiness; 3. [Phys.] intermingling of fluids); also: = radiodiffusion
diffusive adj diffusive
digamma n digamma
digerer [-ger-/-gest-] v to digest (1. “to digest food”; 2. to absorb mentally; 3. [Chem.]);
non poter digerer un cosa to be unable to stomach or swallow something
Hence: digestibile-digestibilitate, indigestibile-indigestibilitate; digestion-indigestion; digestive; digestor; digeste-indigeste, digesto
digest- see digerer
digeste adj digested
digestibile adj digestible
digestibilitate n digestibility
digestion n digestion (1. Physiol.]; 2. [Chem.]);
de facile, difficile, digestion easy, hard, of digestion
digestive adj digestive (1. pertaining to digestion; 2. helping digestion);
apparato digestive digestive apparatus
digesto n [Law] digest, Pandects
digestor n [Physiol; Chem.] digester
digital¹ adj digital
digital² n 1. thimble; 2. [Bot.] digitalis, foxglove
Hence: digitalina
digitalina n [Chem.] digitalin
digitate adj digitate (= having fingers or digits; also: [Bot.])
digitiforme adj digitiform, finger-shaped
digitigrade (-tí-) adj [Zool.] digitigrade
Hence: digitigrado
digitigrado (-tí-) n digitigrade
digito (-dí-) n digit (1. finger; toe; 2. [Arith.]);
(digito) indice forefinger, index finger;
digito medie middle finger;
(digito) anular ring finger;
(digito) auricular little finger
Hence: digital¹-interdigital, cubitodigital etc.; digital² &; digitate; digitiforme etc.; digitigrade etc.; prestidigitar etc.
dignar v to deign
digne adj 1. worthy, deserving; 2. dignified (= showing or expressing dignity);
digne de (laude) worthy (of praise), (praise)worthy
Hence: dignitate-dignitario; dignar-disdignar &; dignificar; indigne-indignitate, indignar &; condigne
dignificar v to dignify, make worthy
dignitario n dignitary
dignitate n dignity (1. intrinsic worth, stateliness; 2. high office, rank, or title)
digreder [-gred-/-gress-] v to digress (= to deviate from the main subject)
Hence: digression; digressive
digress- see digreder
digression n digression (1. deviation from the subject in discourse or writing; 2. [Astron.]);
perder se in un digression or in digressiones to lose oneself in a digression or in digressions
digressive adj digressive
dihedre adj [Math.] dihedral
Hence: dihedro
dihedro n [Math.] dihedron
dilapidar v to squander, dilapidate
Hence: dilapidation; dilapidator
dilapidation n squandering, waste
dilapidator n squanderer, wastrel, spendthrift
dilat- see differer
dilatabile adj dilatable
dilatabilitate n dilatability
dilatar v to dilate (= to make larger or wider)
Hence: dilatabile-dilatabilitate; dilatation; dilatator
dilatation n dilatation, dilation
dilatator n dilator (1. one who or that which dilates; 2. [Surg.])
dilatori adj dilatory (= tending to delay)
dilect- see dilig-
dilection n affection, love
dilemma n dilemma
dilettante [I] n lover of the arts, amateur, dilettante
Hence: dilettantismo
dilettantismo n dilettantism
dilig- [-lig-/-lect-] v [occurring in derivatives]
Hence: diligente-diligentia; dilection-predilection
diligente adj diligent
diligentia n diligence (1. assiduity; 2. public stage coach)
diluer [-lu-/-lut-] v to dilute (as in “to dilute wine”)
Hence: dilution; diluvio &
dilut- see diluer
dilution n dilution
diluv- see diluer
diluvial adj diluvial, diluvian
diluvian adj diluvian, diluvial
diluviar v to rain heavily, pour
diluvio n 1. deluge; 2. [Geol.] diluvium
Hence: diluvial; diluvian-antediluvian, postdiluvian; diluviar
dimens- see dimetir
dimension n dimension (1. as in “the three dimensions”; 2. size, magnitude, extent);
dimensiones critic [Phys.] critical size
Hence: dimensional-bidimensional etc.
dimensional adj dimensional
dimere adj [Bot., Zool.] dimerous
dimetir [-met-/-mens-] v [occurring in derivatives]
Hence: dimension &
dimetro (dí-) n dimeter
diminuendo n [Mus.] diminuendo
diminuer v to diminish, lessen;
diminuer le precio to reduce the price;
diminuer de valor to diminish in value;
columna diminuite diminished, tapering column
Hence: diminuendo; diminution; diminutive-diminutivo
diminution n diminution
diminutive adj [Gram.] diminutive
diminutivo n [Gram.] diminutive
dimiss- see dimitter
dimission n 1. dismissal; 2. demission, resignation
dimitter [-mitt-/-miss-] v to dismiss, discharge
Hence: dimission
dimorphe adj dimorphic
Hence: dimorphismo
dimorphismo n dimorphism (1. [Biol., Bot., etc.]; 2. [Cryst.])
din- adj [occurring in compounds] dino-, din- (= fearful, terrible)
Hence: dinosauro etc. ...
dinar¹ v to dine, to take dinner
Hence: dinator
dinar² n dinner, dining
dinator n diner (= one who dines)
dinosauro n [Paleontol.] dinosaur
diocesan adj diocesan
diocesano n diocesan
diocese n diocese (1. [Rom. Hist.]; 2. [Eccl.])
Hence: diocesan-diocesano
dionysia [L] npl [Gr. Relig.] Dionysia
Hence: dionysiac
dionysiac (-íac) adj Dionysiac
Dionysio npr [Anc. Hist.] Dionysius
Dionyso npr [Gr. Relig.] Dionysus, Dionysos
diorama n diorama
Dioscuros npl [Mythol.] Dioscuri, Dioscuroi, Castor and Pollux
dipetale adj [Bot.] dipetalous
diphtheria (-ía) n diphtheria
Hence: diphtheric
diphtheric adj diphtheritic, diphtheric
diphthongar v to diphthongize
diphthonge adj diphthongal, diphthonged
Hence: diphthongo-diphthongar
diphthongo n diphthong (= union of two vowels pronounced in one syllable)
diplo- adj [occurring in compounds] diplo- (= twofold, double)
Hence: diplopia etc. ...
diploma [-ma/-mat-] n diploma
Hence: diplomatic; diplomatica; diplomar-diplomate
diplomar v to grant a diploma to
diplomat- see diploma
diplomate¹ adj certified (= having been granted a diploma, license, etc.)
diplomate² n diplomat, diplomatist
Hence: diplomatia; diplomatic-diplomatico
diplomatia (-ía) n diplomacy
diplomatic¹ adj diplomatic (= pertaining to the science of diplomatics or diplomas)
diplomatic² adj diplomatic (1. belonging to diplomacy; 2. characterized by diplomacy);
corpore diplomatic diplomatic corps
diplomatica n diplomatics (= science of diplomatics or of diplomas)
diplomatico n diplomat, diplomatist
diplopia (-ía) n diplopia
Hence: diplopic
diplopic adj diplopic
dips- n [occurring in derivatives and compounds] dips- (= thirst)
Hence: dipsomania etc. ...
dipsomane adj dipsomaniacal
Hence: dipsomano
dipsomania (-ía) n dipsomania
dipsomano (-só-) n dipsomaniac
diptere adj 1. [Arch.] dipteral; 2. [Entom.] dipterous
Hence: dipteros
dipteros (díp-) npl [Entom.] Diptera
direct- see diriger
directe adj 1. straight (= in a line); 2. direct (= without deviation or interruption);
(ir, ambular, etc.) directe (to go, walk, etc.) straight
direction n direction (1. action of directing; 2. as in “to move in a certain direction”)
directiva n directive
directive adj directive
director n director; also: manager, principal, editor-in-chief, etc.;
director de orchestra [Mus.] conductor
directorato n directorate (= function of a director)
directori adj directory
directorial adj directorial (1. pertaining to a director; 2. pertaining to a directorate, or to the French Directory)
directorio n 1. directorate, board of directors; 2. [Fr. Hist.] Directory
directrice n 1. directress, also: head-mistress, etc.; 2. [Geom.] directrix
directura n uprightness, rectitude, straightforwardness
diriger [-rig-/-rect-] v to direct (1. to guide, control, manage; 2. to cause to turn in a particular direction);
diriger se verso (un loco) to turn towards (a place);
diriger (un orchestra) to conduct (an orchestra);
diriger (un littera) a (un persona) to direct (a letter) to (someone)
Hence: dirigibile; direction; directive-directiva; director-directorato, directorial; directori; directorio-directorial; directrice; directura; directe-indirecte
dirigibile¹ adj dirigible
dirigibile² n dirigible
dirimente adj 1. ppr of dirimer; 2. annuling, nullifying, diriment;
impedimento dirimente [Law] diriment impediment
dirimer v to annul, invalidate
Hence: dirimente
dis- prefixo dis-, de-, un- (1. [expressing separation, deprivation, division, and the like]; 2. [expressing the negative, contrary, opposite])
Hence: disaffection etc.; disillusion etc.; discontinue etc.; discontente etc.; dissone etc.; disapprobar etc.; disarmar etc.; disinfectar etc.; disrumper etc.
disabusar v to disabuse
disaccopular v to separate (a couple)
disaccordar v to disaccord, disagree
disaccordo n 1. disaccord, disagreement; 2. [Mus.] discord
disaccostumar v to disaccustom
disaffection n disaffection
disaffectionar v to disaffect
disaggregar v to disaggregate
disaggregation n disaggregation
disagradabile adj disagreeable, unpleasant
disagradar v -;
disagradar a to displease
disancorar v to weigh anchor
disanimar v to dishearten, dispirit
disanimate 1. pp of disanimar; 2. adj discouraged, dispirited
disannidar v to take out of the nest
disapprender v to forget, unlearn
disapprobar v to disapprove, disapprove of
disapprobation n disapproval, disapprobation
disapprobator n disapprover
disappunctamento n disappointment (= state of being disappointed)
disappunctar v to disappoint (= to fail to realize the expectations of)
Hence: disappunctamento
disaquamento n draining
disaquar v to drain, dry, etc.
disargentar v to desilver, remove the silver from
disarmamento n disarmament
disarmar v to disarm (1. to deprive of weapons; 2. to reduce the size of the army, navy, etc.)
disarticular v to disarticulate
disarticulation n disarticulation
disassimilar v [Physiol.] to cause disassimilation
Hence: disassimilation
disassimilation n [Physiol.] disassimilation
disassociar v dissociate, disassociate
disastro n disaster
Hence: disastrose
disastrose adj disastrous
disaurar v to ungild
disavantage (-aje) n disadvantage
disavantagiose (-jo-) adj disadvantageous, unfavorable
disbandamento n disbanding; disbandment
disbandar v to disband;
disbandar se to disband, break ranks
Hence: disbandamento
disbarbar v to shave
disbarbate adj beardless
disbarcamento n debarkation, disembarkation;
testa de disbarcamento beachhead;
ponte de disbarcamento gangplank
disbarcar v to disembark (1. to put ashore from a ship; 2. to go ashore from a ship)
disbarcatorio n wharf, landing pier; also: gangplank
disblocar v to raise the blockade of
disbordamento n overflow, inundation (= flowing over the banks, the brim, etc.)
disbordar v to overflow (= to flow over the brim, banks, etc.)
Hence: disbordamento
disbridar v 1. to unbridle; 2. [Surg.] to debride
disbuccamento n (action of) debouching, issuing forth
disbuccar v to debouch, issue forth
Hence: disbuccamento
disbuclar v to uncurl (= to cause to uncurl)
disbursamento n disbursament
disbursar v to disburse, pay out
Hence: disbursamento
disbuttonar v to unbutton (a coat, etc.)
disbutyrar v to skim (milk)
discalceamento n (act of) taking off (one’s or someone’s) shoes, stockings, etc.
discalcear v 1. to take off (shoes, stockings, etc. from someone’s feet); 2. to uncover, expose the foot or roots (of a tree, tooth, etc.);
discalcear se to take off one’s shoes, stockings, etc.
discalceate 1. pp of discalcear; 2. adj barefooted
discalceator n bootjack
discamminar v to lead astray
discampamento n decampment
discampar v to decamp (1. to break up a camp; 2. to depart quickly)
Hence: discampamento
discantar v [Mus.] to descant (= to sing a descant or counterpoint above the plain song)
discanto n [Mus.] descant (1. counterpoint above the plain song; 2. upper part in part music)
Hence: discantar
discapillar v to tousle, dishevel
discapillate adj disheveled
discarbonatar v to decarbonize, decarbonate
discarburar v to decarbonize
discarburation n decarbonization
discardinar v to unhinge
discarga n I. (act of) unloading, unlading; also: dumping; II. discharge (1. firing off a fire-arm; 2. “electric discharge”; 3. [Arch.]); III. unburdening, relief, etc.
discargamento n unloading, unlading
discargar v I. to unload, unlade; also: to dump; II. to discharge (1. to fire, fire off; to rid of an electric charge); III. to unburden, relieve, etc.;
discargar un persona de (un obligation, etc.) to discharge, release, exonerate someone from (an obligation, etc.)
discargator n unloader; also: longshoreman
discargatorio n 1. unloading place, wharf; 2. dump, dumping place
discarnar v to take off flesh; also: to make thin
discarnate 1. pp of discarnar; 2. adj fleshless; also: lean, gaunt
discassage (-aje) n (action of) unpacking or unboxing
discassamento n 1. (action of) unpacking or unboxing; 2. (action of) paying out (cash)
discassar v 1. to unpack, unbox; 2. to pay out (cash)
discentralisar v to decentralize
discentralisation n decentralization
discerner [-cern-/-cret-] v to discern
Hence: discernimento; discernibile-indiscernibile; discretion-discretional, discretionari, indiscretion; discretive; discrete-indiscrete; discernitor
discernibile adj discernible
discernimento n discernment
discernitor n discerner
discinct- see discinger
discincte adj ungirded, ungirt
discinger [-cing-/-cinct-] v to ungirdle
Hence: discincte
disciplina n discipline (1. as in “school discipline”, “military discipline”, etc.; 2. branch of instruction; 3. [Eccl.] scourge)
Hence: disciplinari; disciplinar
disciplinar v to discipline (1. to subject to discipline; 2. [Eccl.] to scourge)
disciplinari adj disciplinary
discipulo (-cí-) n disciple
disclavar v to unnail, remove the nails from
disco n 1. disk; 2. discus; 3. (phonograph) record
discollar v to unglue
discolorar v to discolor (= to deprive of color or coloring)
discompletar v to render incomplete
disconcertamento n disconcertment; also: bafflement
disconcertar v to disconcert (1. to spoil, upset; 2. to embarrass greatly; also: to baffle)
Hence: disconcertate; disconcertamento
disconcertate 1. pp of disconcertar; 2. adj disconcerted; also: baffled
disconsolate adj disconsolate, unconsoled
discontabile adj discountable
discontaminar v decontaminate
discontamination n decontamination;
discontamination de plutonium [Atomic Phys.] decontamination of plutonium
discontar v to discount (1. [Com.]; 2. to deduct, leave out of account)
Hence: disconto; discontabile; discontator
discontator n discounter
discontentamento n discontentment, discontent
discontentar v to discontent; to dissatisfy
discontente adj discontent, discontented
discontento n discontent
discontinuar v to discontinue (= to cause to cease)
discontinuation n discontinuation
discontinue adj discontinuous
discontinuitate n discontinuity
disconto n [(Com.] discount;
banca de disconto discount bank;
disconto bancari bank discount
disconvenientia n disparity, disproportion
disconvenir v to disagree, be in disagreement;
disconvenir a to be unsuited to, unsuitable for
discoperir [-per-/-pert-] v 1. to uncover; 2. to discover;
discoperir se to uncover (= to take off one’s hat)
Hence: discoperta; discoperitor
discoperitor n discoverer
discopert- see discoperir
discoperta n discovery
discoragiamento (-aja-) n discouragement
discoragiar (-ajar) v to discourage, dishearten
discorcar v to uncork
discordante 1. ppr of discordar; 2. adj discordant, disagreeing
discordantia n discordance (1. disagreement; 2. discord)
discordar v to disagree
discorde adj discordant
Hence: discordia; discordar-discordo, discordante-discordantia
discordia n discord;
le pomo de(l) discordia the apple of discord
discordo n disagreement, discord
discornar v to dehorn
discoronar v to uncrown, dethrone
discortese adj discourteous
discortesia (-ía) n discourtesy
discreditar v to discredit (= to injure the credit of)
discredito (-cré-) n discredit (= loss of good name or standing);
cader in discredito to fall into discredit
discrepante 1. ppr of discrepar; 2. adj discrepant
discrepantia n discrepancy
discrepar v to be discrepant, be at variance
Hence: discrepante-discrepantia
discrescer v to decrease
discret- see discerner
discrete adj 1. discrete (= consisting of distinct parts); 2. discreet
discretion n discretion (= quality of being discreet);
etate del discretion age or years of discretion;
a discretion at discretion
discretional adj discretionary, discretional
discretionari adj discretionary
discretive adj discriminative, distinguishing
discriminar v to discriminate (= to perceive or note the difference in or between)
Hence: discrimination
discrimination n discrimination (= act or faculty of perceiving or noting differences and distinctions)
disculpar v to free from blame, exculpate;
disculpar (de) exonerate (from)
discurrer [-curr-/-curs-] v to discourse (= to speak formally)
Hence: discursive; discurso
discurs- see discurrer
discursive adj discursive (1. proceeding by reasoning, not intuitive; 2. rambling)
discurso n discourse (1. formal speech; 2. treatise);
pronunciar un discurso to deliver a speech;
le partes del discurso the parts of speech
discuss- see discuter
discussion n discussion
discuter [-cut-/-cuss-] v to discuss
Hence: discutibile-indiscutible; discussion
discutibile adj debatable
disdicer v to deny, contradict;
disdicer se to retract, recant
Hence: disdicimento
disdicimento n retraction, withdrawal (from a contract or agreement)
disdignar v to disdain, scorn
Hence: disdigno; disdignose
disdigno n disdain, scorn
disdignose adj disdainful
disduplamento n (action of) undoubling, unfolding
disduplar v to undouble, unfold
disembarassar v to disentangle, disembarrass;
disembarassar se de to get rid of
disequilibrar v to unbalance, throw out of balance
disequilibrate 1. pp of disequilibrar; 2. adj unbalanced (= unsteady, unstable)
disestima n disesteem
disestimar v to disesteem
disfacer [-fac-/-fact-] v I. to undo (1. to unfasten; 2. to destroy); II. to defeat;
disfacer se de to get rid of
Hence: disfacte; disfacta
disfact- see disfacer
disfacta n undoing; also: defeat
disfacte adj discomposed (as in “discomposed features”)
disfalsar v to true, straighten
disfavor n disfavor
disfavorabile adj unfavorable
disfavorar v to disfavor
disferrar v to unshoe (a horse);
un cavallo disferra se a horse loses a shoe
disfigurar v to disfigure
Hence: disfiguration
disfiguration n disfigurement, disfiguration
disfloramento n defloration
disflorar v to deflower (1. to strip of flowers; 2. to deprive of virginity)
Hence: disfloramento
disfoliar v to defoliate (= to strip, deprive, of leaves)
disfoliation n defoliation (= act of depriving of leaves)
disfoliator n defoliator
disfrenar v to unbridle (a horse, etc.); also: to unleash
disfructar v to pick fruit
disgelar v to unfreeze (1. to cause to thaw or melt; 2. to thaw, become melted)
Hence: disgelo
disgelo n thaw
disgorgamento n disgorgement
disgorgar v to disgorge
Hence: disgorgamento
disgranamento n (act of) threshing, flailing, shelling, etc.
disgranar v to thresh, thrash, flail, shell, etc.
Hence: disgranamento; disgranator
disgranator n I. thresher (1. one who threshes; 2. threshing machine); II. sheller (= one who or that which shells)
disgrassiar v to remove the fat from (the carcass of an animal, etc.)
disgratia n I. disgrace (1. disfavor; 2. public dishonor); II. misfortune; III. lack of grace; also: ungraciousness; awkwardness;
cader in disgratia to fall into disgrace
Hence: disgratiose; disgratiar
disgratiar v to disgrace (1. to dismiss from favor; 2. to reflect dishonor upon)
disgratiose adj lacking grace; also: ungracious, awkward
disgregar v to disintegrate; also: [Chem.] to disgregate
Hence: disgregation
disgregation n disintegration; also: [Chem.] disgregation
disguisamento n disguise
disguisar v to disguise (= to change the dress and appearance of so as to conceal identity)
Hence: disguisamento
disgustar v to disgust
Hence: disgusto-disgustose
disgusto n disgust
disgustose adj disgusting
dishabituar v to disaccustom, make (someone) lose a habit;
dishabituar se to lose, overcome a habit
disharmonia (-ía) n disharmony
disharmonic adj disharmonic
disharmoniose adj unharmonious, disharmonious
disharmonisar v to disharmonize
disherbar v to weed (= to clear of weeds)
dishereditar v to disinherit
dishonestate n 1. dishonesty; 2. impropriety, indecency
dishoneste adj 1. dishonest; 2. improper, immodest
dishonestitate n 1. dishonesty; 2. impropriety, indecency
dishonor n dishonor (1. loss of honor, disgrace; 2. cause or source of disgrace)
dishonorabile adj dishonorable
dishonorante adj dishonoring, dishonorable
dishonorar v to dishonor, disgrace;
dishonorar un puera to dishonor a girl
dishydrator v to dehydrate
disillusion n disillusion
disillusionamento n disillusionment
disillusionar v to disillusion
disimballar v to unpack
disimbarcar v to disembark
disimbarcation n debarkation, disembarkation
disincantamento n disenchantment
disincantar v to disenchant (1. to free from a spell; 2. to disillusion)
disincantator n disenchanter; attrib. disenchanting
disincarcerar v to release from prison or confinement
disincarceration n release from prison or confinement
disincassamento n unpacking, unboxing
disincassar v to unpack, unbox
disinfamar v to free from stigma
disinfectante¹ adj disinfectant
disinfectante² n disinfectant
disinfectar v to disinfect
disinfectator n disinfector
disinfection n disinfection
disinflammar v to remove the inflammation from
disinflar v 1. to reduce the swelling of; 2. to become less swollen; 3. to deflate
disingranar v to disengage, ungear
disinraucamento n (action of) freeing from hoarseness
disinraucar v to free from hoarseness
disintegrar v to disintegrate (= to cause disintegration)
disintegration n disintegration
disinteressar v 1. to make uninterested or indifferent; 2. to buy out, indemnify;
disinteressar se de to lose one’s interest in, become indifferent to
disinteressate adj 1. disinterested; 2. uninterested (= not having an interest in a thing)
disinteresse n 1. disinterestedness; 2. uninterestedness (= state of not having an interest in a thing)
disinveloppar v to unwrap
disinvolt- see disinvolver
disinvolte adj easy, unconstrained, free in speech or manner
disinvoltura n ease, unconstraint, freedom in speech or manner
disinvolver [-volv-/-volt-] v to disentangle
Hence: disinvolte-disinvoltura
disjejunar v to break the fast, stop fasting
disjunct- see disjunger
disjunction n disjunction
disjunctive adj disjunctive (1. tending to disjoin; involving disjunction; 2. [Gram.])
disjunger [-jung-/-junct-] v to disjoin
Hence: disjunction; disjunctive
dislactar v to wean
disligamento n (act of) unbinding
disligar v to unbind
Hence: disligamento
dislocar v 1. to displace, shift from its place; 2. to dislocate, put out of joint
Hence: dislocation
dislocation n dislocation (1. displacement of a bone at a joint; 2. [Geol.])
disloyal adj disloyal
disloyalitate n disloyalty
dismacular v to remove the stains from, clean
dismaculator n cleaner (1. professional cleaner; 2. spot remover, cleaning fluid)
dismaculatura n cleaning, removal of spots
dismanicar v to remove the handle of
dismantellamento n dismantling, dismantlement (as in “the dismantling or dismantlement of a fortress, vessel, etc.”)
dismantellar v to dismantle (= to strip of equipment, fortifications, rigging, etc.)
Hence: dismantellamento
dismarcar v to remove markers or identification marks from
dismascar v to unmask (= to strip of a mask)
dismembramento n dismemberment
dismembrar v to dismember
Hence: dismembramento
dismensurate adj beyond measure, immeasurable
dismentir v 1. to give the lie to; 2. to deny, disown; also: to belie
dismesurate adj beyond measure, immeasurable
dismilitarisar v demilitarize
dismilitarisation n demilitarization
dismobilar v to strip of furniture
dismonetisar v to demonetize
dismonetisation n demonetization
dismontabile adj dismountable (= that can be taken apart or dismounted)
dismontage (-aje) n [Mech.] (action of) dismounting; also: dismantling
dismontar v to dismount (1. to alight, alight from; 2. to unhorse; 3. [Mech.] to take down from a mounted or assembled condition)
Hence: dismontage; dismontabile
dismoralisar v to demoralize (= to destroy the morals or morale of)
Hence: dismoralisation; dismoralisator
dismoralisation n demoralization (= act of demoralizing or state of being demoralized)
dismoralisator n demoralizer
disnationalisar v to denationalize
disnationalisation n denationalization
disnaturante adj/n denaturant
disnaturar v to denature (= to alter the nature of)
disnaturation n denaturation
disnazificar v denazify
disnazification n denazification
disnodar v to unknot; untie
disnodose adj smooth, knotless, without gnarls
disobediente 1. ppr of disobedir; 2. adj disobedient
disobedientia n disobedience
disobedir v to disobey;
disobedir a (un persona) to disobey (somebody)
disobligante v disobliging
disobligar v to disoblige (= to offend)
disoccupar v to vacate, evacuate, empty;
disoccupar se to give up work
disoccupate adj unoccupied, idle
disoccupation n idleness
disodorante adj deodorant
disordinar v to disorder (= to destroy the order of)
disordinate 1. pp of disordinar; 2. adj disorderly (= in disorder)
disordine n disorder (1. lack of order; 2. public disturbance);
in disordine in disorder, disorderly
disorganisar v to disorganize
disorganisation n disorganization
disorganisator n disorganizer
disorientar v to disorientate; to cause to lose one’s bearings;
disorientar se to lose one’s bearings
disorientation n disorientation
disossar v to bone (= to remove bones from)
disoxydar v to deoxidize
disoxydation n deoxidization
dispacchettar v to unpack, unwrap
dispaisar v to displace (someone) from his country;
dispaisar se to emigrate
dispaisate adj displaced (as in “displaced persons”)
disparate adj disparate
dispare adj unlike, dissimilar
Hence: disparitate; disparate
disparer v to disappear
Hence: disparition
disparitate n disparity
disparition n disappearance
dispeciamento n (act of) breaking into pieces, fracturing
dispeciar v to break into pieces, fracture
dispender [-pend-/-pens-] v 1. to spend, expend (= to give out in payment); 2. to squander, waste
Hence: dispendio-dispendiose; dispensa¹-dispensero; dispensar-dispensa²-dispensario, dispensabile-indispensabile-indispensabilitate, dispensation, dispensative, dispensator; dispenditor
dispendio n great expense
dispendiose adj expensive, costly
dispenditor n spender, spendthrift
dispens- see dispender
dispensa¹ n 1. expenditure, outlay (of money); 2. pantry
dispensa² n dispensation, exemption
dispensabile adj dispensable (1. capable of being dispensed with; 2. [Eccl.] admitting of release, dispensation, etc.)
dispensar v to dispense (1. to give out; 2. to release, exempt)
dispensario n dispensary (= place where medicines are dispensed)
dispensation n dispensation (1. act of dispensing or giving out; 2. exemption)
dispensative adj dispensatory, dispensative
dispensator n dispenser (= one who dispenses, deals out)
dispensero n butler, steward
disperger [-sperg-/-spers-] v to disperse (= to cause to disperse or scatter)
Hence: dispersion; dispersive; dispersar
dispers- see disperger
dispersar v to disperse, scatter
dispersion n dispersal, dispersion
dispersive adj dispersive
displacente adj unpleasant
displacentia n displeasure
displacer¹ v to displease;
displacer a un persona to displease somebody
displacer² n displeasure
displaciamento n displacement (1. action of displacing; 2. [Naut.])
displaciar v to displace (1. to shift something from its place; 2. to remove someone from a position or office)
Hence: displaciamento
displantar v to root up, uproot
displicamento n deployment, deploy
displicar v 1. to unfold, open (something); also: to unfurl (a flag, etc.); 2. to deploy (troops, etc.);
displicar se to unfold (as in “buds unfold in the sun”);
displicar zelo to display zeal
Hence: displicamento
displumar v to pluck (poultry)
dispolarisar v to depolarize
dispolarisation n depolarization
dispolir v to remove the polish from
disponer [-pon-/-posit-] v to dispose (1. to arrange; 2. to fit, prepare; 3. to determine the course of events);
disponer de 1. to dispose of, have at one’s disposal; 2. [Law] to dispone, alienate;
homine propone e Deo dispone [Proverb] man proposes but God disposes
Hence: disponibile-disponibilitate; disposition; dispositor; dispositive; disposite; indisponer &; predisponer &
disponibile adj available, disposable
disponibilitate n availability
dispopulamento n depopulation (= act of depopulating)
dispopular v to depopulate
Hence: dispopulamento
disposit- see disponer
disposite (-pó-) adj disposed, inclined;
disposite a facer un cosa disposed to do something
disposition n I. disposition (1. arrangement; 2. disposal; 3. as in “a natural disposition for music”); II. state or frame of mind; also: inclination, mood, etc.
dispositive adj dispositive (= pertaining to the disposal or disposition of something)
dispositor n disposer (= one who disposes)
disposseder [-sed-/-sess-] v to dispossess
Hence: dispossession
dispossess- see disposseder
dispossession n dispossession
disproportion n lack of proportion, disproportion
disproportionar v to disproportion
disproportionate 1. pp of disproportionar; 2. adj disproportionate
disprovider v to deprive of what is necessary
disproviste adj destitute (= not possessing the necessities of life);
disproviste de destitute of, devoid of
dispulverar v to dust (= to free from powder, dust, etc.)
disputa n dispute
disputabile adj disputable
disputante n disputant
disputar v to dispute (1. to discuss, argue; 2. to contend for)
Hence: disputa; disputante; disputabile-indisputabile; disputation; disputative; disputator
disputation n disputation
disputative adj disputatious
disputator n disputer
disqualificar v to disqualify
disqualification n disqualification
disquir- [-quir-/-quisit-] v [occurring in derivatives]
Hence: disquisition
disquisit- see disquir-
disquisition n disquisition
disrangiamento (-ja-) n disarrangement, derangement
disrangiar (-jar) v to disarrange, disorder, derange
Hence: disrangiamento
disrationabile adj unreasonable, irrational (= not conformable to reason)
disregulamento n 1. disorder, disordered state; 2. dissoluteness, profligacy
disregular v to upset, put out of order;
disregular se to engage in dissipation
Hence: disregulamento
disrumper [-rump-/-rupt-] v to disrupt, disrump
Hence: disruption; disruptive; disruptor
disrupt- see disrumper
disruption n disruption
disruptive adj disruptive
disruptor n disrupter
dissecar [-sec-/-sect-] v to dissect
Hence: dissection; dissector
dissect- see dissecar
dissection n dissection
dissector n dissector
dissellar v to unsaddle
disseminar v to disseminate
Hence: dissemination; disseminator
dissemination n dissemination
disseminator n disseminator
dissens- see dissentir
dissension n dissension
dissentimento n dissent
dissentir [-sent-/-sens-] v to dissent;
dissentir de to dissent from
Hence: dissentimento; dissension
disserer [-ser-/-sert-] v to discuss, dissertate
Hence: dissertar-dissertation, dissertator
disserrar v 1. to unlock; 2. to (cause to) loosen or slacken
dissert- see disserer
dissertar v to discuss, dissertate
dissertation n dissertation
dissertator n dissertator
disservicio n disservice
disservir v to render a disservice
dissidente¹ adj dissident
dissidente² n dissident, dissentient, dissenter
dissidentia n dissent, dissidence
dissider v to dissent, hold a dissident view
Hence: dissidente-dissidentia
dissigillar v to unseal
dissimilantia n dissimilarity
dissimilar¹ adj dissimilar
dissimilar² v to render dissimilar
Hence: dissimilantia; dissimilation
dissimilation n [Phonet.] dissimilation
dissimile adj dissimilar
Hence: dissimilitude; dissimilar
dissimilitude n dissimilitude, dissimilarity
dissimular v to dissemble, dissimulate
Hence: dissimulation; dissimulator; dissimulate
dissimulate 1. pp of dissimular; 2. adj dissimulative
dissimulation n dissimulation
dissimulator n dissimulator
dissipabile adj capable of being dissipated, dissipable
dissipar v to dissipate (1. to scatter, disperse; 2. to waste, squander)
Hence: dissipabile; dissipation; dissipator; dissipate
dissipate 1. pp of dissipar; 2. adj dissipated, unrestrained
dissipation n dissipation (1. scattering, dispersion; 2. waste, squandering; 3. dissipated living)
dissipator n dissipator, dissipater
dissociabile adj dissociable, separable
dissociabilitate n dissociability
dissociar v dissociate (= to cause to dissociate)
Hence: dissociabile-dissociabilitate; dissociation
dissociation n dissociation
dissoldar v to unsolder
dissolu- see dissolver
dissolubile adj dissoluble
dissolubilitate n dissolubility
dissolut- see dissolver
dissolute adj dissolute
dissolution n 1. dissolution; 2. dissoluteness
dissolutive adj dissolutive
dissolvente¹ 1. ppr of dissolver; 2. adj dissolvent, solvent
dissolvente² n dissolvent, solvent
dissolver [-solv-/-solut-] v to dissolve (= to cause to dissolve)
Hence: dissolvente; dissolubile-dissolubilitate, indissolubile-indissolubilitate; dissolution; dissolutive; dissolute
dissonante 1. ppr of dissonar; 2. adj dissonant
dissonantia n dissonance
dissonar v [Mus.] to be dissonant
Hence: dissonante-dissonantia
dissone adj dissonant
dissuader [-suad-/-suas-] v to dissuade
Hence: dissuasion; dissuasive; dissuasor
dissuas- see dissuader
dissuasion n dissuasion
dissuasive adj dissuasive
dissuasor n dissuader
distaccabile adj detachable
distaccamento n detachment (1. act of unfastening and separating; 2. [Mil.])
distaccar v I. to detach (1. to unfasten and separate; 2. [Mil.]); II. [Paint.] to make stand out
Hence: distaccamento; distaccabile
distante adj distant
distantia n distance;
a distantia at a distance;
tener un persona a distantia to keep someone at a distance
distantiar v to outdistance
distar v to be distant
Hence: distante-distantia-distantiar, equidistante etc.
distemperar v 1. to distemper, derange; 2. [Metal.] to anneal, soften
distemperate 1. pp of distemperar; 2. adj intemperate (as in “intemperate speech”)
distender [-tend-/-tens-] v to distend (= to dilate by stretching)
Hence: distension
distens- see distender
distension n distention, distension
disthronamento n dethronement
disthronar v to dethrone
disticho (dí-) n [Pros.] distich; also: couplet
distillabile adj distillable
distillar v to distill (1. to fall or give out in drops; 2. to subject to the process of distillation)
Hence: distillabile; distilleria; distillation; distillator; distillatori
distillation n distillation
distillator n distiller
distillatori adj distillatory
distilleria (-ía) n distillery
distinct- see distinguer
distincte adj distinct (1. different; 2. clearly perceptible)
Hence: indistincte
distinction n distinction (1. act of distinguishing; 2. condition of being distinguished or outstanding among others)
distinctive adj distinctive
distinger v to take the color out of, fade
distinguer [-stingu-/-stinct-] v to distinguish;
distinguer se to distinguish oneself
Hence: distinguibile-indistinguibile; distinction-indistinction; distinctive; distincte &; distinguitor; distinguite
distinguibile adj distinguishable
distinguite 1. pp of distinguer; 2. adj distinguished (= possessing distinction)
distinguitor n distinguisher
distorquer [-torqu-/-tort-] v 1. to distort; 2. to untwist
Hence: distortion
distort- see distorquer
distortion n I. distortion (1. action of distorting; 2. contortion); II. (act of) untwisting
distract- see distraher
distracte adj absent-minded
distraction n 1. absent-mindedness; 2. distraction, amusement
distractive adj distractive
distraher [-trah-/-tract-] v to divert (1. to distract; 2. to entertain, amuse)
Hence: distraction; distractive; distracte
distribuer [-tribu-/-tribut-] v to distribute (1. to allot to each as his share; 2. to allocate to distinct places; 3. [Print.])
Hence: distribution; distributive; distributor
distribut- see distribuer
distribution n distribution (1. apportionment, allotment; 2. allocation to distinct places; 3. [Print.])
distributive adj distributive (1. serving to distribute; 2. [Gram.])
distributor n distributor, distributer
districto n [Admin.] district
disturbar v to disturb (= to break up a state of order, calm and quiet)
Hence: disturbator
disturbator n disturber
disunion n disunion (1. rupture of union, severance; 2. disunity)
disunir v to disunite
disunitate n disunity
disusar v to disuse
disuso n disuse
disvainar v to unsheathe, draw (a sword, etc.)
disvelar v to unveil
disveloppamental adj developmental
disveloppamento n 1. development; 2. [Photog.] (act of) developing
disveloppar v to develop; also: [Photog.]
Hence: disveloppamento-disveloppamental; disveloppator
disveloppator n [Photog.] developer
disvestir v to undress (a person)
disviar v to turn aside, cause to deviate;
disviar se to go astray, lose one’s way
disyllabe (-sí-) adj dissyllabic, disyllabic
Hence: disyllabo
disyllabo (-sí-) n dissyllable, disyllable
ditto ditto;
signo de ditto ditto marks
diurne adj I. diurnal (1. daily; 2. relating to daytime); II. lasting one day
divagar v 1. to wander about, ramble; 2. to divagate, digress
Hence: divagation
divagation n 1. (act of) wandering about, rambling; 2. divagation, digression
divan n divan
dive adj divine
Hence: divo-divin &
diveller [-vell-/-vuls-] v to tear apart, rend
Hence: divulsion
divergente 1. ppr of diverger; 2. adj divergent
divergentia n divergence, divergency
diverger v to diverge
Hence: divergente-divergentia
divers- see diverter
diverse adj diverse
diversificar v to diversify (= to make diverse)
diversion n diversion (1. entertainment, pastime; 2. [Mil.])
diversitate n diversity
diverter [-vert-/-vers-] v to divert (1. to turn aside; 2. to amuse, entertain)
Hence: divertimento; diversion; diverse-diversitate; diversificar
divertimento n diversion, amusement
dividendo n dividend (1. [Arith.]; 2. [Com.])
divider [-vid-/-vis-] v to divide (1. to separate into parts; 2. [Arith.])
Hence: dividendo; divisibile-divisibilitate, indivisibile-indivisibilitate; division-divisional, indivision; divisive; divisor; indivise; individuo &; subdivider-subdivisibile, subdivision
divin adj divine
Hence: divinitate; divinisar-divinisation; divino &
divinar v to divine, guess
divination n divination
divinator n diviner
divinatori adj divinatory
divinisar v to deify
divinisation n deification
divinitate n divinity (= divine nature or being)
divino n soothsayer; guesser
Hence: divinar-divination, divinator, divinatori
divis- see divider
divisibile adj divisible
divisibilitate n divisibility
division n division (1. act of dividing; 2. [special: Arith., Mil., Biol., etc.]);
division del labor division of labor
divisional adj divisional
divisive adj divisive (= indicating division)
divisor n [Arith.] divisor;
(maxime) commun divisor (greatest) common divisor
divo n deity
divorciar v to divorce
divorcio n divorce
Hence: divorciar
divulgar v to divulge, divulgate
Hence: divulgation; divulgator
divulgation n divulgement, divulgation
divulgator n divulger
divuls- see diveller
divulsion n divulsion
dl abbr = decilitro
dm abbr = decimetro;
dm² = decimetro quadrate;
dm³ = decimetro cubic
do n 1. [Mus.] do; 2. [Mus.] (the note) C
doana n I. (1. customs administration or system; 2. duty); II. customhouse
Hence: doanero
doanero n customhouse officer
docer [doc-/doct-] v to teach, instruct
Hence: docile &; doctor &; doctrina &; docte
docile adj docile
Hence: docilitate; indocile-indocilitate
docilitate n docility
doct- see docer
docte adj learned
doctor n I. teacher, scholar, learned man; II. doctor (1. as in “doctor of philosophy”; 2. doctor of medicine, physician);
doctor del Ecclesia Doctor of the Church
Hence: doctorato; doctoressa; doctoral; doctorar-doctorando
doctoral adj doctoral
doctorando n candidate for the doctor’s degree
doctorar v to confer the degree of Doctor upon
doctorato n doctorate
doctoressa n woman doctor
doctrina n doctrine
Hence: doctrinal; doctrinari-doctrinarismo; doctrinario
doctrinal adj doctrinal (as in “doctrinal observation or clauses”)
doctrinari adj doctrinary, doctrinaire
doctrinario n doctrinaire
doctrinarismo n doctrinalism, doctrinism, doctrinairism
documental adj documentary
documentar v to document
documentari adj documentary
documentation n documentation
documento n document
Hence: documental; documentari; documentar-documentation
dodeca- adj [occurring in compounds] dodeca-, dodec- (= twelve)
Hence: dodecahedro etc.; Dodecaneso etc.; dodecagon etc.; dodecapetale etc.; dodecasyllabe etc.
dodecagon adj dodecagonal
Hence: dodecagono-dodecagonal
dodecagonal adj dodecagonal
dodecagono n dodecagon
dodecahedr- [occurring in derivatives]
Hence: dodecahedro-dodecahedric
dodecahedric adj dodecahedral
dodecahedro n [Math.] dodecahedron
Dodecaneso npr Dodecanese Islands
dodecapetale adj [Bot.] dodecapetalous
dodecasyllabe (-sílabe) adj dodecasyllabic
Hence: dodecasyllabo
dodecasyllabo (-sílabo) n [Pros.] dodecasyllable
dogma [-ma/-mat-] n dogma
Hence: dogmatic; dogmatica; dogmatisar-dogmatismo, dogmatista, dogmatisation, dogmatisator
dogmat- see dogma
dogmatic adj dogmatic, dogmatical
dogmatica n dogmatics
dogmatisar v to dogmatize
dogmatisation n dogmatization
dogmatisator n dogmatizer
dogmatismo n dogmatism
dogmatista n dogmatist
doler v to hurt, be aching;
(le capite me) dole (my head) aches;
doler se de to be sorry for
Hence: dolo; indolente &; dolor-dolorose; indoler; condoler &
dolich- adj [occurring in compounds] dolicho-, dolich- (= long)
Hence: dolichocephale etc. ...
dolichocephale adj [Anthropometry] dolichocephalic
dollar [A] n [Monet.] dollar
dolo n grief, sorrow
dolor n pain (1. ache; 2. grief);
dolor de dentes toothache
dolorose adj 1. painful (= causing pain); 2. sorrowful, dolorous
domabile adj tamable
domar v to tame (= to make tame)
Hence: domabile-indomabile-indomabilitate; domator; indomate
domator n tamer (of wild beasts)
domestic (-més-) adj domestic (= of or belonging to the household, home, family);
animal domestic domestic animal;
aves domestic poultry
Hence: domesticitate; domesticar-domestication, domesticator; domestico
domesticar v to domesticate, tame
domestication n domestication
domesticator n domesticator
domesticitate n 1. domesticity; 2. (state of) dependence
domestico (-més-) n domestic
domiciliar v to domicile, domiciliate (= to establish or set up at a given residence)
domiciliari adj domiciliary
domicilio n domicile;
franc a domicilio delivery free, carriage paid
Hence: domiciliari; domiciliar
domina n mistress (“mistress of a household, etc.”)
dominante¹ adj dominant (1. controlling, most influential; 2. rising high above its surroundings)
dominante² n [Mus.] dominant
dominantia n dominance
dominar v to dominate (1. to exercise control over; 2. to rise high above)
Hence: dominante¹-dominantia, dominante²-subdominante; domination; dominator; predominar &
domination n domination
dominator n dominator
dominial adj pertaining to a domain, domainal; dominial
dominica n Sunday;
Dominica del Palmas Palm Sunday
dominical adj dominical
dominican adj Dominican (1. pertaining to St. Dominic, or to the order of preaching friars founded by him; 2. pertaining to the Dominican Republic);
Republica Dominican Dominican Republic
dominicano n Dominican (1. Dominican friar; 2. native or citizen of the Dominican Republic)
Dominico (-mí-) nprm Dominic
Hence: dominican-dominicano
dominio n 1. (absolute) ownership, dominion, dominium; 2. dominion (= rule control, supreme authority; 3. domain;
dominio eminente [Law] eminent domain;
dominio public [Law] public domain;
dominio de energias [Atomic Phys.] energy range
Hence: dominial; condominio
domino (dó-) n I. master (lord, owner, etc.); II. domino (1. long, loose robe worn at masquerades; 2. [Games] “domino piece”; also: (game of) dominoes)
Hence: dominio &; Dominico &; dominica-dominical; dominar &; domina
domo¹ n house;
domo de Deo house of God;
a domo home, homewards; at home;
in domo de at the house of
Hence: domicilio &; domino &; domestic &; majordomo etc.
domo² n dome (= cupola)
donar v to give, donate
donation n donation
donativo n donation, donative
donator n donor, donator
donatorio n [Law] donatory
[donec] (dó-) conj 1. while, as long as; 2. until, up to the time that
donjon n dungeon, donjon
donna n donna, dame
dono n gift (1. present; 2. natural ability)
Hence: donar-donation, donativo, donator, donatorio, pardonar &
Don Quixote (kishóte, kihóte) npr Don Quixote
Hence: quixoteria; quixotismo; quixotic
dormir v to sleep
Hence: dormitive-dormitivo; dormitorio; addormir-addormite
dormitive adj soporific (= causing sleep)
dormitivo n sleeping pill or potion, soporific
dormitorio n dormitory (= sleeping room)
doro- n [occurring in compounds] doro-, -dor (= gift)
Hence: Dorothea etc.; Pandora etc.; thermidor etc.; fructidor etc.
Dorothea (-éa) nprf Dorothy
dorsal adj dorsal
dorso n back (1. “back of a person or animal”; 2. as in “the back of the hand”; 3. “back of a chair or couch”)
Hence: dorsal; adorsar; indorsar &; extradorso; intradorso
dosage (-aje) n dosing, dosage
dosar v 1. to divide into doses; 2. to proportion (the constituents of a compound); 3. to dose (= to give out in doses)
dose n dose
Hence: dosar-dosage
dossier [F] n dossier
dotal adj dotal
dotar v 1. to dower (= to give a dowry to); 2. to endow
dotation n endowment, dotation
dote n dowry
Hence: dotal; dotar-dotation
dova n stave (of a cask)
dox- n [occurring in compounds] dox-, -dox- (1. opinion; as in “heterodox”; 2. glory; as in “doxology”)
Hence: paradoxe &; doxologia etc.; heterodoxe etc.; orthodoxe etc.
doxologia (-ía) n doxology
dozena n dozen
drachma n 1. drachma; 2. [Weights] dram
dracon¹ n 1. dragon (1. [Mythol.]; 2. [Zool.] lizard of the genus Draco; 3. [Bot.])
Dracon² npr [Gr. Hist.] Draco
Hence: draconian
draconian adj Draconian;
lege(s) draconian Draconian law(s)
draga n [Technol.] dredge (1. dredger; 2. dragnet)
Hence: dragar-dragaminas etc.
dragaminas (-mí-) n mine sweeper
dragar v [Technol.] to dredge
drama [-ma/-mat-] n drama
Hence: dramatic; dramatisar; dramaturgo etc.; melodrama etc.
dramat- see drama
dramatic adj dramatic
dramatisar v to dramatize
dramaturgia (-ía) n dramaturgy
dramaturgo n dramatist, playwright
Hence: dramaturgia
drappar v to drape, hang with a drapery
drapperia (-ía) n drapery (1. business of selling cloth; 2. clothing or hangings arranged in graceful folds)
drappero n draper (= dealer in cloth)
drappo n cloth (= fabric, material)
Hence: drappero; drapperia; drappar
drastic adj drastic
dreadnought [A] n dreadnought
droga n drug
Hence: drogeria; drogista; drogar
drogar v to drug (= to administer a drug or drugs to)
drogeria (-ía) n drugstore
drogista n druggist
dromedario n dromedary
-dromo n [occurring in compounds] -drome (1. running; 2. racecourse)
Hence: aerodromo etc.; autodromo etc.; hippodromo etc.; velodromo etc.; palindromo etc.
druida (drú-) n druid
Hence: druidessa; druidismo; druidic
druidessa n druidess
druidic (-íd-) adj druidic, druidical
druidismo n druidism
dual adj dual
dualismo n dualism
dualista n dualist
dualistic adj dualistic
dualitate n duality
dubita (dú-) n doubt;
esser in dubita to be in doubt;
sin dubita without doubt, doubtless;
foris de dubita beyond doubt;
poner (un cosa) in dubita to cast doubt on (something)
dubitabile adj doubtful, questionable
dubitar v to doubt, be in doubt;
dubitar de (un cosa) to doubt (something)
Hence: dubita-dubitose; dubitabile-indubitabile; dubitation; dubitative; dubitator; indubitate
dubitation n doubt (1. as in “in doubt”, “without doubt”; 2. [Rhet.] dubitatio)
dubitative adj dubitative
dubitator n doubter
dubitose adj dubious, doubtful (1. in doubt; 2. causing doubt)
ducal adj ducal
ducato n I. dukedom (1. duchy; 2. title or rank of a duke); II. ducat
Hence: ducaton
ducaton n ducatoon
duce n duke
Hence: ducato &; duchessa; ducal; archiduce etc.
ducer [duc-/duct-] v to conduct (1. to lead, guide; 2. to direct, manage)
Hence: ductile &; ducto &; abducer &; adducer &; conducer &; deducer &; inducer &; introducer &; producer &; reducer &; seducer &; traducer &
duch- see duce
ducha (-sh-) n 1. douche (= jet of water for therapeutic purposes); 2. shower, shower bath
Hence: duchar
duchar (-sh-) v 1. to douche (= to give a douche); 2. to give a shower, a shower bath
duchessa n duchess
duct- see ducer
ductile adj ductile
Hence: ductilitate
ductilitate n ductility
ducto n [Anat.] duct
Hence: aqueducto etc.; oviducto etc.; viaducto etc.
duellar v to duel
duellista n duelist
duello n duel
Hence: duellista; duellar
duettista n duettist
duetto n duet
dulce adj sweet (1. “sweet to the taste”; 2. pleasant, soft, gentle, etc.);
aqua dulce fresh water;
(metallo) dulce soft, malleable (metal)
Hence: dulcor-edulcorar-edulcoration; adulciar-adulciamento; dulcificar-dulcification
dulci- see dulce
dulcificar v to dulcify
dulcification n dulcification
dulcor n sweetness (1. “sweetness to the taste”; 2. quality of being pleasant, soft, mild, gentle, etc.)
dulo- n [occurring in derivatives and compounds] dul- (= slave)
Hence: hierodulo etc. ...
dum conj 1. while, as long as; 2. until; 3. provided that, if only
Hence: [interdum] etc.
duma [R] n duma
dumdum [A] n dumdum (bullet)
dumping [A] n [Com.] dumping
-dun [Icel.] n [occurring in compounds] -down
Hence: eiderdun etc.
duna n dune, down
Dunkerque [F] npr Dunkirk
Dunkirken (dún-) npr Dunkirk
[dunque] conj therefore
duo¹ adj two;
divider in duo to divide in two; also: to halve;
le duo the two;
tote (le) duo both
Hence: dual-dualismo, dualista-dualistic, dualitate; duo²-duetto-duettista; duodece etc.; deceduo etc.; duple etc.; duplice etc.; duumviro etc.
duo² n duet
duode- see duodece
duodece (-ó-) adj twelve
Hence: duodecime-duodecimal; duodeno-duodenal, duodenitis
duodecim- see duodece
duodecimal adj duodecimal
duodecime (-dé-) adj twelfth
duodenal adj duodenal
duodenitis (-ítis) n duodenitis
duodeno n [Anat.] duodenum
dupar v to dupe
dupator n duper
dupe n dupe
Hence: dupar-dupator
duplamento n (action of) doubling
duplar v to double (1. to make double; 2. [Naut.] to sail round)
duple adj double, twofold;
partita duple [Bookkeeping] double entry;
duple v (the letter) w
Hence: dupletto; duplar-duplamento, disduplar-disduplamento, reduplar-reduplamento; semiduple etc.
dupletto n doublet (1. identical piece; also: [Philol., Jewelry, etc.]; 2. combination of two)
duplicar v to double, make double
duplication n duplication
duplicative adj duplicative
duplicato n duplicate
duplicator n duplicator
duplicatura n duplicature; also: [Anat.]
duplice (dú-) adj double, twofold
Hence: duplicitate; duplicar-duplication, duplicative, duplicator, duplicatura, duplicato, reduplicar-reduplication, reduplicative
duplicitate n 1. doubleness, duplexity; 2. duplicity, double-dealing
dur adj hard (= not soft); also: harsh
Hence: duressa; durar &
durabile adj durable, lasting
durabilitate n durability
durante prep during;
durante que while, whilst
durar v to last, endure
Hence: durante; durabile-durabilitate; duration; indurar &; perdurar &
duration n duration (1. continuance in time; 2. period of time during which a thing lasts)
duressa n hardness; also: harshness, duress
duumviral adj duumviral
duumvirato n duumvirate
duumviro (-úm-) n [Rom. Antiq.] duumvir
Hence: duumvirato; duumviral
dyn- see dynam-
dyna n [Phys.] dyne
dynam- n [occurring in derivatives and compounds]
Hence: dynamismo; dynamista; dynamite &; dynamic-aerodynamic etc.; isodynamic etc.; dynamica-electrodynamica etc; adyname &; dynamometro etc.; dynamoelectric etc.; heterodyne etc.
dynamic adj dynamic, dynamical
dynamica n [Phys.] dynamics
dynamismo n [Philos.] dynamism
dynamista n dynamist
dynamitar v to dynamite
dynamite n dynamite
Hence: dynamitero; dynamitic; dynamitar
dynamitero n dynamiter
dynamitic adj dynamite, dynamitic
dynamo (dí-) n [Elec.] dynamo
Hence: turbodynamo etc.
dynamoelectric adj dynamoelectric;
machina dynamoelectric dynamoclectric machine, dynamo
dynamometro (-mó-) n dynamometer
dynasta n dynast
Hence: dynastia; dynastic
dynastia (-ía) n dynasty
dynastic adj dynastic
dys- prefixo [used chiefly to form technical terms] dys- (1. bad, badly; 2. difficult, with difficulty; 3. disordered)
Hence: dysenteria etc.; dyspepsia etc.; dyspeptic etc.
dysenteria (-ía) n [Pathol.] dysentery
Hence: dysenteric
dysenteric adj dysenteric
dyspepsia (-ía) n [Pathol.] dyspepsia
dyspeptic adj dyspeptic
dysphasia (-ía) n [Med.] dysphasia
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