Romanica English Dictionary G
g abbr = gramma
gabardina n 1. [Hist.] gaberdine; 2. gabardine (= fabric “gabardine”)
gado n codfish, gade
gage [F] n wages, pay
Hence: ingagiar &
gai adj gay (= merry)
Hence: gaitate
gaio n [Ornith.] jay
gaitate n gaiety
gal- [gal-/galact-] n [occurring in compounds] gal- (= milk)
Hence: ornithogalo etc. ...
gala n gala;
habito de gala gala dress
galante adj gallant (= polite and attentive to the women)
Hence: galanteria; galantear
galantear v to court, woo
galanteria (-ía) n gallantry (= polite attention to the women)
galata (gá-) n Galatian;
epistola al galatas Epistle to the Galatians
Hence: Galatia-galatic
Galatia npr Galatia
galatic adj Galatian, Galatic
galea (-éa) n galley (1. as in “to condemn to the galleys”; 2. [Print.])
Hence: galeassa; galera &; galeon; galeota
galeassa n galleass
galeon n galleon
galeota n galiot
galera n galley (as in “to condemn to the galleys”)
Hence: galeriano
galeria (-ía) n gallery (1. covered passageway; 2. [Theat.]; 3. art museum)
galeriano n galley slave
Galicia npr Galicia (= former Austrian crownland)
Hence: galician-galiciano
galician adj Galician (= of the Austrian crownland of Galicia)
galiciano n Galician (= as in “Galician from Lwow”)
Galilea (-éa) n Galilee
Hence: galilee-galileo
galilee (-ée) adj Galilean (= of Galilee)
galileo (-éo) n Galilean
galimatias (-ías) n gibberish, jargon, galimatias
gall- see Galles
Gallecia npr Galicia (= province at the northwest corner of Spain)
gallecian adj Galician (= of Spanish province of Galicia)
galleciano n Galician, Gallegan, Gallego (1. native of Galicia in Spain; 2. Galician language)
galleco n Gallego, Gallegan, Galician (1. native of Galicia in Spain; 2. Galician language)
Hence: Gallecia-gallecian-galleciano
gallego [H] n Gallego, Gallegan, Galician (1. native of Galicia in Spain; 2. Galician language)
Galles (gál-) npr Wales;
Prince de Galles Prince of Wales
Hence: gallese
gallese¹ adj Welsh
gallese² n 1. Welshman, Welshwoman; 2. Welsh (language)
galletto n chicken, cockerel
Gallia npr (Gaul = the land of the Gauls)
galliarda n [Dancing] galliard
galliarde adj vigorous, hardy, hearty; lively, brisk, jolly, etc.
Hence: galliardia; galliardo; galliarda
galliardia (-ía) n vigor; liveliness, gaiety, etc.
galliardo n hefty fellow, jolly chap, blade, etc.
gallic adj Gallic (1. Gaulish; 2. French)
gallican adj [Eccl. Hist] Gallican
gallicanismo n [Eccl. Hist.] Gallicanism
gallicano n [Eccl. Hist.] Gallican
gallicismo n Gallicism
gallico n Gaulish (language)
gallina n 1. hen; 2. chicken (= domestic fowl, barnyard fowl);
gallina de India Turkey hen
Hence: gallinero; galliniera; gallinetta; gallinacee-gallinaceas; gallinicultura etc.
gallinaceas npl [Zool.] gallinaceans
gallinacee adj [Zool.] gallinaceous
gallinero n chicken farmer, poultry man
gallinetta n chicken, chick; pullet
gallinicultura n chicken breeding
galliniera n chicken coop
gallium (gál-) n [Chem.] gallium
gallo¹ n Gaul (= inhabitant of Gaul)
Hence: Gallia; gallic-gallicismo, gallican-gallicanismo; gallicano, gallico; gallium; gallomania etc.; gallophile etc.; galloroman etc.
gallo² n rooster, cock;
gallo de India Turkey cock
Hence: galletto; gallina &
gallomania (-ía) n Gallomania, Francomania
gallon [A] n gallon
gallophile adj Gallophile, Francophile
Hence: gallophilia; gallophilo
gallophilia (-ía) n Gallophilism, Francophilism
gallophilo (-ló-) n Gallophile, Francophile
gallophobe (-ló-) adj Gallophobe, Francophobe
Hence: gallophobia; gallophobo
gallophobia (-ía) n Gallophobia, Francophobia
gallophobo (-ló-) n Gallophobe, Francophobe
galloroman adj Gallo-Roman
galocha (-sha) n galosh, overshoe
galon n braid, galloon; also: [Mil.] chevron;
galones [Mil.] stripes
Hence: galonero; galonar
galonar v to braid (= to trim with braid)
galonero n braid or galloon maker
galopar v to gallop (= to go at a gallop);
phthisis galopante [Pathol.] galloping consumption
Hence: galopo
galopo n 1. gallop; 2. [Dancing] galop
galvan- see Galvani, Luigi
Galvani, Luigi npr [1737-1798; discoverer of galvanism]
Hence: galvanismo; galvanic; galvanisar-galvanisation; galvanometro etc.; galvanoplastia etc.
galvanic adj galvanic (as in “galvanic battery”)
galvanisar v to galvanize
galvanisation n galvanization
galvanismo n galvanism
galvanometro (-ó-) n galvanometer
galvanoplastia (-ía) n galvanoplastics, galvanoplasty
Hence: galvanoplastic-galvanoplastica
galvanoplastic adj galvanoplastic
galvanoplastica n galvanoplastics
gamba n [Anat.] leg;
(viola de) gamba [Mus.] (viola da) gamba
Hence: gambada &; gambiera; gambito; gambon
gambada n gambol
Hence: gambadar
gambadar v to gambol
gambiera n 1. legging; 2. jambeau (= armor for the leg)
gambito n [Chess] gambit
gambon n ham, gammon
gameta n [Biol.] gamete
gamma n I. gamma (= third letter of the Greek alphabet); II. gamut (1. [Mus.]: 2. as in “gamut of colors, emotions, etc.”);
radio gamma gamma ray
Hence: gammate; digamma etc.
gammate adj hooked (as in “hooked cross”);
cruce gammate hooked cross, gammadion, swastika
gamo- n [occurring in compounds] gamo- (= marriage)
Hence: gamomania etc.; bigame etc.; cryptogame etc.; endogame etc.; misogame etc.; monogame etc.; polygame etc.
gamomania (-ía) n [Psychol.] gamomania
Gange npr Ganges
Hence: gangetic
gangetic adj Gangetic
gangli- see ganglion
gangliforme adj gangliform
ganglioma n [Pathol.] ganglioma
ganglion (-ánglion) n ganglion
Hence: ganglionitis; ganglionar; ganglioma; gangliforme etc.
ganglionar adj ganglionary
ganglionitis (-ítis) n ganglionitis
gangrena n gangrene
Hence: gangrenose; gangrenar
gangrenar v to gangrene
gangrenose adj gangrenous
gangster [A] n gangster
ganiabile adj that can be won or gained
ganiar v 1. to win, gain; 2. to earn; 3. to win or gain over;
ganiar tempore to gain, or play for, time;
ganiar un loco to gain or reach a place
ganiator n winner, gainer
ganio n gain, profit
Hence: ganiar-ganiabile, ganiator, reganiar
garage [F] n garage
Hence: garagista
garagista (-jis-) n garagekeeper, garageman
garante n guarantor, guarantee
Hence: garantia; garantir
garantia (-ía) n guarantee, guaranty, warranty
garantir v to guarantee (1. “to guarantee the quality of”; 2. to warrant)
Garden, Alexander npr [1730-1791; American botanist]
Hence: gardenia
gardenia n gardenia
garden-party [A] n garden party
garnison [F] n garrison
garrettiera n garter;
ordine del garrettiera Order of the Garter
garretto n hollow of the knee
Hence: garrettiera
garrotar v to garrote (= to strangle with the garrote)
garrote [H] n garrote, garrotte (1. instrument used for garroting; 2. execution by means of the garrote)
Hence: garrotar
garrular v babble, prattle, chatter
garrule adj garrulous
Hence: garrulitate; garrular
garrulitate n garrulity
garson n lad, boy, young man, youth
gas n gas (= gaseous substance; specif.: gas for lighting or heating);
gas hilarante laughing gas;
gas lacrimogene tear gas
Hence: gasolina; gasose; gasificar-gasification; gasiforme etc.; gasometro etc.; gasogene etc.
gasificar v to gasify (= to make gascous)
gasification n gasification
gasiforme adj gasiform, in a gaseous state
gasogene adj gas-producing; aerating
Hence: gasogeno
gasogeno (-ó-) n gas producer
gasolina n gasoline, petrol
gaso-metro (-ó-) n gasometer
gasose adj gaseous
gastralgia (-ía) n [Med.] gastralgia
gastric adj gastric
gastritis (-ítis) n [Med.] gastritis
gastro n abdomen, belly, stomach
Hence: gastritis; gastrula; gastric; gastralgia etc.; gastroenteritis etc.; gastronome etc.; gastropode etc.; gastroenteric etc.; gastroscopio etc., gastrotomia etc.
gastroenteric adj gastroenteric
gastroenteritis (-ítis) n [Med.] gastroenteritis
gastronome (-tró) adj gastronomic
Hence: gastronomia-gastronomic; gastronomo
gastronomia (-ía) n gastronomy
gastonomic adj gastronomic
gastronomo (-tró-) n gastronome, gastronomist
gastropode (-ópode) adj gastropodous, gastropod
Hence: gastropodo
gastropodo (-ópodo) n [Zool.] gastropod, gasteropod;
gastropodos [Zool.] Gastropoda, Gasteropoda
gastroscopia (-ía) n gastroscopy
gastroscopio n [Med.] gastroscope
Hence: gastroscopia
gastrotomia (-ía) n [Surg.] gastrotomy
gastrula n [Embryol.] gastrula
gauder v to rejoice;
gauder de to enjoy
Hence: gaudio-gaudiose; gaudimento
gaudimento n enjoyment
gaudio n joy
gaudiose adj joyful, joyous
Gauss, Karl Friedrich npr [1777-1855; mathematician after whom the “gauss” is named];
logarithmos de Gauss Gaussian or Gauss’s logarithms
Hence: gauss
gauss n [Elec.] gauss
gaza n gauze
gazon n lawn (= ground covered with fine grass)
ge- n [occurring in compounds] geo- (= earth)
Hence: geode; apogee-apogeo; epigee; hypogee-hypogeo; perigee-perigeo; geographo etc.; geologo etc.; geometra etc.; georama etc.; geopolitica etc.; geocentric etc.; geodesia etc.; geogenia etc.
Gedeon npr Gideon
geisha [J] n geisha
gelar v to freeze (1. to cause to freeze; 2. to become ice)
gelatina n gelatin
Hence: gelatinose
gelatinose adj gelatinous
gelato n ice (= ice cream, sherbet, etc.)
gelatura n freezing, frost; also: chilblain
gelea (-éa) n jelly
gelo n frost (as in “night frost”)
Hence: gelar-gelea, gelatura, gelato-gelatina &, congelar &, disgelar &
gemer v to groan; to whine; to sigh; also: to coo
Hence: gemimento; gemito
gemimento n groaning, sighing; whine; also: cooing
geminar v to geminate
geminate 1. pp of geminar; 2. adj geminate
gemination n gemination
geminative n geminative
gemine adj 1. twin; 2. double, two-fold
Hence: geminar-gemination, geminative, geminate; gemino; trigemine etc.
gemino (gé-) n twin;
Geminos [Astron.] Gemini, Twins
gemito (gé-) n groan, whine
gemma n 1. gem (= precious stone, pearl, etc.); 2. [Bot.] gemma;
sal gemma rock salt
Hence: gemmula; gemmifere; gemmar-gemmation, gemmate; ingemmar
gemmar v 1. to gem, adorn with gems; 2. to gemmate, bud
gemmate 1. pp of gemmar; 2. adj gemmed, jeweled
gemmation n gemmation, budding
gemmifere adj gemmiferous
gemmula n [Bot.] gemmule
gen n [Biol.] gene
gen-¹ v [occurring in derivatives and compounds] gen- (as in “genitive,” “progenitor” etc.)
Hence: genitive &; genitor; genitura-primogenitura etc.; genite-genital, congenite, primogenite etc.; ingenue etc.; indigena; progen- &; terrigene etc.
gen-² v [occurring in derivatives and compounds] gen- (as in “genesis”, “genetic” etc.)
Hence: genese-anthropogenese etc.; palingenese etc.; genetic-biogenetic etc.; genetica; gasogene ete.; photogene etc.; vitelligene etc.; glycogene etc.; heterogene etc.; heterogenee etc.; exogene etc.; hydrogeno etc.; thallogeno etc.; ontogenia etc.
gena n [Anat.] cheek
Hence: genal
genal adj chin, genal
gendarme [F] n gendarme
genea- n [occurring in compounds] genea- (= descent)
Hence: genealogo etc.
genealogia (-ía) n genealogy (1. line of descent; 2. study of descent])
genealogic adj genealogical;
arbore genealogic genealogical tree, family tree
genealogista n genealogist
genealogo (-á-) n genealogist
Hence: genealogia-genealogista; genealogic
general¹ adj general;
in general in general
Hence: generalitate; generalisar-generalisabile, generalisation, generalisator; general²-generalato, generalissimo
general² n general
generalato n generalship (= office or tenure of a general)
generalisabile adj generalizable
generalisar v to generalize
generalisation n generalization (1. act of generalizing; 2. general inference)
generalisator n generalizer
generalissmo (-íssmo) n generalissimo
generalitate n generality (1. generalness; 2. greatest part, majority; 3. general statement)
generar v to generate (= to produce)
Hence: generation; generative; generator-turbogenerator etc.; degenerar &; ingenerar &; regenerar &
generation n generation (1. act of generating; 2. as in “three generations”);
generation spontanee spontaneous generation
generative adj generative
generator n [Mech., Elec.] generator; attrib. generating, generative
genere n 1. [Zool.; Bot.] genus; 2. kind, sort, type, etc.; 3. [Art, Lit.] genre; 4. [Gram.] gender
Hence: general &; generic; generose &; generar &
generic adj generic
generose adj I. of noble lineage, high-born; of good breed; II. generous (1. noble; 2. liberal)
Hence: generositate; ingenerose-ingenerositate
generositate n generosity (1. nobleness of mind; 2. liberality)
genese (gé-) n genesis;
Genese [Bib.] Genesis
genesis (gé-) n genesis;
Genesis [Bib.] Genesis
Hence: biogenesis etc.; palingenesis etc.
genetic adj genetic (1. of genesis; 2. of genetics)
genetica n genetics (= the science of genetics)
Geneva npr Geneva
Hence: genevese
genevese¹ adj Geneva, Genevan
genevese² n Genevan
genial adj of genius, inspired;
homine genial man of genius
genicular v to bend the knee, kneel (down)
geniculate adj geniculate (= bent abruptly at an angle)
geniculation n 1. (act of) bending the knee, kneeling (down); 2. geniculation
geniculiera n [Armor] genouillère
geniculo n knee
Hence: geniculiera; genicular-geniculation, geniculate
genio n genius (1. spirit; guardian spirit, elemental spirit, jinni, etc.; 2. innate character, disposition or aptitude; 3. man of genius)
Hence: genial-congenial &
genital adj genital
genite (gé-) adj begotten
genitival adj [Gram.] genitival
genitive adj 1. generative; 2. [Gram.] genitive, possessive
Hence: genitivo-genitival
genitivo n [Gram.] genitive
genitor n sire, begetter
genitura n 1. generation, begetting; 2. offspring
genocidio n genocide
genos [Gr.] n [Gr. Hist.] genos;
geno- geno- (1. kind, genus; 2. race; 3. offspring)
Hence: genotypo etc.; genocidio etc.
genotypo (-ó-) n genotype
Genoveva nprf Genevieve
gente n people (1. nation, national group; 2. persons, folk);
derecto del gentes law of nations
Hence: gentil &
gentiana n [Bot.] gentian
Hence: gentianacee-gentianaceas
gentianaceas npl [Bot.] Gentianaceae
gentianacee adj gentianaceous
gentil¹ adj 1. noble; 2. nice, pleasant; 3. [Ch. Hist.] gentile
Hence: gentilessa; gentilitate; gentilismo; gentilhomine etc.
gentil² n [Ch. Hist.] gentile
gentilessa n niceness, pleasantness
gentilhomine n 1. nobleman; 2. gentleman (as in “a real gentleman”)
gentilismo n [Ch. Hist.] gentilism
gentilitate n [Ch. Hist.] gentiledom
Gentius (gén-) npr [about 180 B.C.; King of Illyria who discovered the gentian according to Pliny]
Hence: gentiana &
gentleman [A] n gentleman (as in “a real gentleman”)
genu n knee
Hence: geniculo &: genuflecter etc.
Genua npr Genoa
Hence: genuese
genuese adj/n Genoese
genuflecter [flect-/-flex-] v to genuflect
Hence: genuflexion
genuflex- see genuflecter
genuflexion n genuflection, genuflexion
genuin adj genuine (1. purebred; 2. real, authentic)
Hence: genuinitate
genuinitate n genuineness
geocentric adj geocentric (= pertaining to or measured from the earth’s center)
geode n [Geol.] geode
geodesia (-ía) n geodesy
Hence: geodesic
geodesic adj geodetic
geodetic adj geodetic
geogenia (-ía) n geogeny
Hence: geogenic
geogenic adj geogenic
geognosia (-ía) n geognosy
geognosta n geognost (= one versed in geognosy)
Hence: geognostic
geognostic adj geognostic
geogonia (-ía) n geogony
geogonic adj geogonic
geographia (-ía) n geography;
geographia physic physical geography;
geographia economic economic geography;
geographia politic political geography
geographic adj geographical
geographo (-ó-) n geographer
Hence: geographia; geographic
geologia (-ía) n geology (1. science of geology; 2. geological features of a given area)
geologic adj geological
geologista n geologist
geologo (-ólogo) n geologist
Hence: geologia-geologista; geologic
geomante n geomancer, geomant
Hence: geomantia-geomantic
geomantia (-ía) n geomancy
geomantic adj geomantic
geometra (-ó-) n geometer, geometrician
Hence: geometria; geometric
geometria (-ía) n geometry;
geometria plan plane geometry
geometric adj geometric, geometrical
geophysic adj geophysical
Hence: geophysica
geophysica n geophysics
geopolitica n geopolitics
georama n georama
Georgia npr [Geog.] Georgia
georgian adj Georgian (1. pertaining to George; 2. pertaining to Georgia)
Georgio nprm George
Hence: Georgia; georgian
geotropic adj [Biol.] geotropic
geotropismo n [Biol.] geotropism
geranio n geranium
gerente n manager
gerentia n management
gerer [ger-/gest-] v to manage, administer
Hence: gerundio &; gerente-gerentia; gestion; gesto &; gesta; gestar &; congerer &; digerer &; ingerer &; suggerer &; belligerente etc.
german adj German
Hence: Germania; germanismo; germanista-germanistic, germanistica; germanium; germanisar; germano-germanic; germanophile etc.; judeogerman etc.; pangerman etc.
Germania n Germany
germanic adj Germanic
germanisar v to Germanize (= to make German)
germanismo n Germanism
germanista n Germanist (= scholar in Germanics)
germanistic adj Germanist, Germanistic
germanistica n Germanics
germanium (-má-) n [Chem.] germanium
germano n German (1. “German language”; 2. native of Germany)
germanophile adj Germanophile
Hence: germanophilo
germanophilo (-ó-) n Germanophile
germi- see germine
germicida n germicide (= substance that kills germs); attrib. germicidal
Hence: germicidal
germicidal adj germicidal
germinar v to germinate
germination n germination
germinative adj germinative
germine n germ;
germine pathogenic (disease) germ
Hence: germinar-germination, germinative; germicida etc.
geront- n [occurring in derivatives and compounds] geront-, geronto- (= old man)
Hence: gerontocratia etc. ...
gerontocratia (-ía) n gerontocracy
gerundio n [Gram.] gerund
Hence: gerundive-gerundivo
gerundive adj [Gram.] gerundive, gerundial
gerundivo n [Gram.] gerundive
gest- see gerer
gesta n exploit
Gestapo [G] n Gestapo (= secret state police in Nazi Germany)
gestar v to be with child or young
Hence: gestation; gestatori
gestation n gestation
gestatori adj gestatory
gesticular v to gesticulate
Hence: gesticulation; gesticulator
gesticulation n gesticulation
gesticulator n gesticulator
gestion n management, administration
gesto n gesture
Hence: gesticular &
Gethsemani (-sé-) npr Gethsemane
geyser (géi-) n geyser
ghetto (gét-) n ghetto
ghibellin (gi-) adj [Ital. Hist.] Ghibelline
Hence: ghibellino
ghibellino (gi-) n [Ital. Hist] Ghibelline
gibbo n hump, hunch
Hence: gibbose-gibbositate
gibbose adj hunched, humped, gibbous; specif.: humpbacked, hunchbacked
gibbositate n gibbousness, gibbosity
gigante n giant; giantess; attrib. giant, gigantic
Hence: gigantesc; gigantomachia etc.
gigantesc adj gigantic
gigantomachia (-ía) n gigantomachy
gilet [F] n vest, waistcoat
gin [A] n gin (= alcoholic beverage flavored with juniper berries, etc.)
gingibre (jinjíbre) n ginger
gingiva n [Anat.] gum
Hence: gingivitis; gingival
gingival adj gingival
gingivitis (-ítis) n gingivitis
ginseng (jínséng) n ginseng
girafa (jiráfa) n giraffe
girar v to gyrate, rotate
Hence: giration; giratori; girasol etc.
girasol n [Mineral.] girasol, girasole; fire opal
giration n gyration, rotation
giratori adj gyratory, gyrating
giro [I] n [Com.] Giro
gitarra n guitar
Hence: gitarrista
gitarrista n guitarist
glacé [F] adj glacé (1. having lustre; 2. coated with icing)
glacial n glacial (1. as in “glacial phenomena”; 2. icy, ice-cold);
zona glacial Frigid Zone;
epocha glacial, periodo glacial glacial epoch or period, ice age
glaciar v to freeze, ice, glaciate
glacie n ice;
rumper le glacie to break the ice;
glacie de sucro icing, frosting
Hence: glaciero; glaciera; glacial-preglacial, postglacial; glaciar; rumpeglacie etc.
glaciera n icehouse, icebox, etc.
glaciero n glacier
glacis [F] n [Fortif.] glacis
gladiator n gladiator
gladiatori adj gladiatorial
gladiatura n gladiatorial combat
gladio n sword
Hence: gladiolo; gladiator-gladiatori; gladiatura
gladiolo (-í-) n gladiolus, gladiola
glande n acorn
Hence: glandula &; glandifere; glandiforme etc.
glandifere adj glandiferous, bearing acorns
glandiforme adj glandiform, acorn-shaped
glandula n gland
Hence: glandular; glandulose
glandular adj glandular
glandulose adj glandulous
glauc adj blue-green, sea-green, glaucous
Hence: glaucoma
glaucoma n [Pathol.] glaucoma
glissar v to slide; also: to glide, etc.
-glob- see globulo
global adj 1. global, world-wide; 2. total, aggregate, inclusive, etc.
globe-trotter [A] n globetrotter
globo n globe (1. sphere, ball; 2. earth; 3. “celestial or terrestrial globe”; 4. “globe of a lamp”);
globo del oculo eyeball
Hence: globulo-globular, globulose, hemoglobina etc.; global; globoide; globose-globositate; inglobar
globoide n globoid
globose adj spherical, globe-shaped, globose
globositate n sphericity, globosity
globular adj globular, spherical
globulo n globule;
globulos de sanguine blood corpuscles
globulose adj globular (1. composed of globules; 2. spherical)
glomere n ball (of thread, yarn, etc)
Hence: glomerulo; agglomerar &; conglomerar &
glomerulo n 1. [Bot.] glomerule; 2. [Anat.] glomerulus, glomerule
gloria n I. glory (1. praise, fame, splendor, etc.; 2. [Relig. Art] as in “Christ in glory”); II. [R.C.Ch.] Gloria (as in “the Gloria Patri”)
Hence: gloriola; gloriose-ingloriose; glorificar-glorification, glorificator; vangloria etc.
glorificar v to glorify;
glorificar se de to glory in
glorification n glorification
glorificator n glorifier
gloriola (-í-) n petty vanity
gloriose adj 1. glorious; 2. vainglorious
glossa n gloss (= explanation, rendering, etc.);
gloss- [occurring in derivatives and compounds] gloss-, glosso- (= tongue)
Hence: glossitis; glossario; glossar-glossator; glossotomia etc.
glossar v to gloss (= to explain by glosses)
glossario n glossary
glossator n glossator, writer of glosses
glossitis (-ítis) n [Pathol.] glossitis
glossotomia (-ía) n [Med.] glossotomy, excision of the tongue
glotta n [Anat., Zool.] glottis;
glott- [occurring in derivatives and compounds] glott-, glotto- (= tongue)
Hence: glottic; polyglotte etc.
glottic adj glottic, glottal
gluc- adj [occurring in derivatives] gluc- (= sweet)
Hence: glucato; glucic; glucina-glucinum; glucosa-glucosido
glucato n [Chem.] glucate
glucic adj [Chem.] glucic;
acido glucic glucic acid
glucina n [Chem.] glucina
glucinum (-ín-) n [Chem.] glucinum
glucosa n [Chem.] glucose, glycose
glucosido n glucoside
gluma n [Bot.] glume, husk
Hence: glumacee-glumaceas; glumose
glumaceas npl [Bot.] Glumaceae
glumacee adj glumaceous
glumose adj glumous, glumose
glutinar v to glue
glutine n 1. glue; 2. gluten
Hence: glutinose-glutinositate; glutinar-agglutinar &, conglutinar &
glutinose adj sticky, glutinous
glutinositate n stickiness, glutinousness
glutir v to swallow, swallow down
Hence: deglutir &; inglutir &
glutte adj gluttonous
Hence: glutton &
glutton n glutton (1. gormandizer; 2. [Zool.] wolverine)
Hence: gluttonia; gluttonisar
gluttonia (-ía) n gluttony
gluttonisar v to gluttonize, gormandize
glyc- see glycerina
glycer-¹ adj [occurring in derivatives]
Hence: glyceria; glycerina &
glycer-² see glycerina
glyceral n [Chem.] glyceral
glycerato n [Chem.] glycerate
glyceria n [Bot.] manna grass; Glyceria
glyceric adj [Chem.] glyceric
glycerido n [Chem.] glyceride
glycerina n [Chem.] glycerin
Hence: glycerato; glycerido; glycerito; glycerol; glyceryl; glyceric; glycerophosphato etc.; glyceral etc.; glycerophosphoric etc.; glycido-glycidic; glycol
glycerito n [Chem.] glycerite
glycerol n [Chem.] glycerol
glycerophosphato n [Chcm.] glycerophosphate
glycerophosphoric adj [Chem.] glycerophosphoric;
acido glycerophosphoric glycerophosphoric acid
glyceryl n [Chem.] glyceryl
glycic adj [Chem.] glycic
glycidic adj [Chem.] glycidic
glycido n [Chem.] glycide
glycina n [Chem.] glycin
glycinia n [Bot.] wistaria
glycocolla n [Chem.] glycocoll
glycogene adj [Biochem.] glycogenous, glycogenic
Hence: glycogeno-glycogenic
glycogenic adj [Biochem.] glycogenic, glycogenous
glycogeno (-ó-) n [Biochem.] glycogen
glycol n [Chem.] glycol
glycy- adj [occurring in derivatives and compounds] glycy-, glyc-, glyco- (= sweet)
Hence: glycic; glycina; glycinia; glycyrrhiza etc.; glycocolla etc.; glycogene etc.
glycyrrhiza n licorice, glycyrrhiza
Hence: glycyrrhizina
glycyrrhizina n glycyrrhizin
glyph- n [occurring in derivatives and compounds] glyph- (= carving)
Hence: hieroglyphic etc. ...
-gnat- see nate
gneis [G] n gneiss
gno- [occurring in derivatives and compounds]
Hence: gnoma &; gnomone &; gnosis; gnostic &; diagno- &; progno- &; geognosia etc.; geognosta etc.
-gnobile see nobile
-gnom- see gnomone
gnoma n gnome, aphorism
Hence: gnomic; gnomologia etc.
gnomic adj gnomic, aphoristic
gnomo n gnome (= goblin)
gnomologia (-ía) n gnomology
Hence: gnomologista; gnomologic
gnomologic adj gnomologic
gnomologista n gnomologist
gnomone n gnomon (1. index rod on sundial; 2. [Geom.])
Hence: gnomonic-pathognomonic etc.; physiognomonia etc.; pathognomia etc.
gnomonic adj gnomonic
gnomonica n gnomonics (= the art of constructing sundials)
-gnoscer see nosc-
gnosis n [Metaph.] gnosis
gnostic adj 1. gnostic; 2. Gnostic
Hence: gnosticismo; agnostic &; gnostico
gnosticismo n Gnosticism
gnostico n Gnostic
gnu n gnu
goal [A] n [Sports] goal
goal-keeper [A] n [Sports] goalkeeper
golf [A] n golf;
percurso de golf golf course
golfo n gulf, bay;
currente del golfo Gulf Stream
Gomorrha npr Gomorrah, Gomorrha
-gon- see goni-
gondola (gón-) [I] n gondola
Hence: gondolero
gondolero n gondolier
gong n gong
goni- n [occurring in derivatives and compounds] gonio-, gon- (= angle)
Hence: diagonal; goniometro etc.; polygon etc.; hexagon etc.
-gonia (-ía) n [occurring in compounds] -gony (= generation, origin)
Hence: cosmogonia etc.
goniometria (-ía) n goniometry
goniometric adj goniometric
goniometro (-ó-) n goniometer
Hence: goniometria; goniometric
gonna n skirt
Hence: gonnella-subgonnella
gonnella n skirt
gono- n [occurring in compounds] gono-, gon- (= generation, offspring, semen, etc.)
Hence: gonorrhea etc.
gonorrhea (-éa) n [Pathol.] gonorrhea
gorga n throat, gullet, gorge
Hence: disgorgar &; ingorgar &
gorilla n gorilla
gothic adj Gothic (1. pertaining to the Goths; 2. [Arch., Art]; 3. [Typog.] blackletter)
gothico n Gothic (1. Gothic language; 2. [Arch., Art]; 3. [Typog.] black letter)
gotho n Goth
Hence: gothic-gothico
gourmand [F] n gourmand, epicure
gourmet [F] n gourmet, connoisseur (in food and drink)
governabile adj governable
governaculo n [Naut., Aviation] rudder
governamental adj govermental
governamento n government (1. rule, direction, control; 2. body of persons governing a State)
governante n governess
governar v 1. [Naut.] to steer; 2. to govern (= to rule, direct, control)
Hence: governaculo; governamento-governamental; governante; governabile-ingovernabile; governator
governator n governor
Graccho npr [Rom. Hist.] Gracchus
gracile adj slender, slim
Hence: gracilitate
gracilitate n slenderness, slimness
grad- [grad-/-gress-; -gred-/-gress] v [occurring in derivatives and compounds]
Hence: gradiente; aggreder &; congred- &; digreder &; egred- &; ingred- &; progreder &; regreder &; transgreder &; retrograd- &; plantigrade etc.; tardigrade etc.; saltigrade etc.
-grad [R] n [occurring in compounds] -grad (= town, city)
Hence: Leningrad etc.
gradation n 1. gradation (= gradual change); 2. [Rhet.] climax
gradiente n [Meteorol., Physiol., etc.] gradient
grado¹ n I. step, stair, rung; II. degree (1. stage, level, grade, etc.; 2. unit of measure for angles, temperature, etc.); III. [Mil., Acad. etc.] degree, rank;
a un alte grado to a high degree;
grado de comparation [Gram.] degree of comparison
Hence: gradual-gradualitate; graduar-graduation, graduator, graduate-graduato; gradation; degradar &; centigrade etc.
grado² n will, pleasure;
de bon grado willingly, with pleasure;
de mal grado unwillingly, in spite of oneself;
a grado at will
Hence: agradar-agradamento, agradabile, disagradar-disagradabile; malgrado etc.
gradu- see grado¹
gradual adj gradual
gradualitate n gradualness
graduar v to graduate (1. to mark with degrees for measuring; 2. to grade, arrange in gradations; 3. to confer an academic or professional degree upon)
graduate 1. pp of graduar; 2. adj graduate
graduation n graduation (1. gradation, arrangement in degrees or gradations; 2. division into degrees; 3. action of conferring or receiving an academic or professional degree)
graduato n graduate (1. one who has received an academic or professional degree; 2. graduated measuring cup, tube, etc.)
graduator n graduator, grader
graffar v [Hort.] to graft
graffator n [Hort.] grafter
graffo n [Hort.] graft (= shoot used in grafting)
Hence: graffar-graffator
gral n Grail;
Sancte Gral Holy Grail
gramma n gram
Hence: centigramma etc.; kilogramma etc.
-gramma [-ma/-mat-] n [occurring in derivatives and compounds] -gram
Hence: grammatic; grammatico; grammatica-grammatical; cablogramma etc; ideogramma etc.; roentgenogramma etc.; barogramma etc.; cryptogramma etc.; parallelogramma etc.; monogramma etc.; telegramma etc.
grammatic adj grammatical
grammatica n grammar
grammatical adj grammatical
grammatico n grammarian
grammophono (-ó-) n gramophone
gran- prefixo [used with nouns of kinship] grand-, great-, (as in “grandfather”, “great-aunt”)
Hence: granamita etc.; granfilio etc.; grannepta etc.; granpatre etc.
grana n seed (of plants)
Hence: granar; filigrana etc.
granamita (-ná-) n great-aunt
granar v to seed, grow to seed
granario n granary; also: barn
granata n 1. pomegranate (= fruit of the pomegranate); 2. [Mil.] grenade, shell
Hence: granatero
granatero n [Mil.] grenadier
granatifere adj garnetiferous
granato n [Mineral.] garnet
Hence: granatifere
grande¹ adj great (1. big, large, etc.; 2. as in “great man”, “great lord”, etc.);
in grande on a large scale
Hence: grandor; grandiose &; aggrandir &; grandiloquente etc; grandisone etc.
grande² n grandee
Grande Britannia npr Great Britain
grandi- see grande
grandiloquente adj grandiloquent
Hence: grandiloquentia
grandiloquentia n grandiloquence
grandinar v [Meterol.] to hail
grandine n [Meteorol.] hail
Hence: grandinar
grandiose adj grand, imposing; grandiose
Hence: grandiositate
grandiositate n grandeur
grandisone adj grandisonous, grandisonant
grandor n greatness (1. size; 2. grandeur)
granfilia n granddaughter;
granfilia secunde great-granddaughter;
granfilia tertie great-great-granddaughter
granfilio n grandson;
granfilio secunde great-grandson;
granfilio tertie great-great-grandson
graniforme adj graniform
granitic adj granitic
granito n granite
Hence: granitic; granitoide
granitoide adj granitoid, granitoidal
granivore adj granivorous
Hence: granivoro
granivoro (-í-) n granivore
granmatre n grandmother;
granmatre secunde great-grandmother;
granmatre tertie great-great-grandmother
grannepta n great-niece
grannepto n great-nephew
grano n I. grain, corn (1. seed of cereal grasses; 2. as in “grain market”, “corn exchange”, etc.); II. grain (1. as in “a grain of sand”; 2. [Meas.]); III. kernel, pit, etc. (= grainlike seed of any plant)
Hence: granario; granato &; granata &; granito &; granulo &; granose; disgranar &; graniforme etc; granivore etc; grana &
granoncle n great-uncle
granose adj grainy, granular
granpatre n grandfather;
granpatre secunde great-grandfather;
granpatre tertie great-great-grandfather
granular¹ adj granular
granular² v to granulate (as in “to granulate sugar”)
granulation n granulation
granulator n granulater, granulator
granulifere adj granuliferous
granuliforme adj granular, granuliform
granulite n [Mineral.] granulite
granulo n granule
Hence: granulite; granular¹; granulifere; granulose; granular²-granulation, granulator; granuliforme etc
granulose adj granular, granulose
graph- [occurring in derivatives]
Hence: -grapho &; graphia &; graphite &; graphic; graphico; graphica
graphia (-ía) n (system of) writing, script
Hence: paragraphia; ideographia etc; physiographia etc; orthographia etc.
graphic adj graphic (1. pertaining to writing, drawing, etc.; 2. pertaining to graphs)
graphica n graphic arts
graphico n graph
graphite n graphite
Hence: graphitic
graphitic adj graphitic
-grapho n [occurring in compounds] I. -graph (1. as in “epigraph”; 2. as in “seismograph”); II. -grapher (as in “geographer”)
Hence: autographo &; paragrapho; graphologo etc; bibliographo etc; biographo etc; mimeographo etc; phonographo etc; photographo etc.; seismographo etc; typographo etc.; calligrapho etc; cryptographo etc.; stenographo etc.; hectographo etc; monographo etc; microseismographo etc.
graphologia (-ía) n graphology (= study of handwriting)
graphologic adj graphological
graphologo (-phó-) n graphologist
Hence: graphologia; graphologic
grasse adj 1. fat (= consisting of fat); 2. fatty (= containing fat)
Hence: grassia-disgrassiar, ingrassiar; ingrassar
grassia n grease, fat
grate adj grateful, thankful
Hence: gratia &; gratitude; gratificar-gratification; ingrate-ingratitude
gratia n grace (1. gracefulness; 2. graciousness; 3. mercy, clemency); also: [Theol.];
gratias a thanks to, due or owing to;
colpo de gratia coup de grâce, finishing stroke;
render gratias a to give thanks to;
anno del gratia year of grace;
con bon (mal) gratia with a good (bad) grace;
cader del gratia de to fall out of grace with;
facer gratia a un persona de to spare someone something;
Gratia Grace;
gratias! (I) thank you! thanks!
Hence: gratiose-gratiositate, ingratiose, malgratiose etc.; gratiar-gratiabile; disgratia &; ingratiar; regratiar
gratiabile adj pardonable
gratiar v 1. to pardon (a criminal); 2. to grace
gratificar v 1. to give a gratuity to; 2. to gratify
gratification n 1. gratuity; 2. gratification
gratin [F] n [Cooking] gratin;
al gratin au gratin
gratiose adj 1. graceful; 2. gracious
gratiositate n graciousness
gratis (grá-) [L] adv gratis, free (of charge)
gratitude n gratitude
grattacelo n skyscraper
grattamento n scratching, scraping
grattar v to scratch, scrape
Hence: grattamento; grattator; grattacelo etc.
grattator n scratcher, scraper (= one who scratches, scrapes)
gratuite (-ú-) adj gratuitous (1. gratis, free; 2. uncalled for, unwarranted)
gratular v to express joy at (someone’s good fortune), congratulate
Hence: gratulation; gratulatori; congratular &
gratulation n good wishes, congratulation
gratulatori adj congratulatory;
littera gratulatori letter of congratulation or good wishes
gravamine n grievance, gravamen
gravar¹ v to engrave
Hence: gravator
gravar² v to burden, encumber
gravator n engraver
grave adj I. heavy; II. grave (1. solemn, important; 2. low-pitched, deep);
accento grave [Gram.] grave accent
Hence: gravitate &; gravide &; gravar-gravamine, aggravar &
gravide adj pregnant (= with child, gravid)
Hence: graviditate
graviditate n pregnancy, gravidity
gravit- see gravitate
gravitar v [Phys.] to gravitate
gravitate n gravity (1. [Phys.]; 2. seriousness, importance; 3. lowness of pitch);
gravitate specific specific gravity;
centro de gravitate center of gravity
Hence: gravitar-gravitation
gravitation n [Phys.] gravitation
gravure [F] n engraving, gravure (1. art of engraving; 2. print made from an engraved plate)
Hence: photogravure etc.; rotogravure etc.
grec adj Greek, Grecian;
i grec (the letter) y
greca n [Art] Greek fret, key pattern, meander
Grecia n Greece
grecisar v to Grecize, Hellenize
grecismo n Grecism, Hellenism (1. Grecian quality; 2. Greek idiom)
greco n Greck (1. Greek language; 2. inhabitant of Greece)
Hence: Grecia; grec-grecismo, grecisar, grecoroman etc., greco, greca
grecoroman adj Greco-Roman, Graeco-Roman
-gred- see grad-
-greder see grad-
gregar v to (collect into a) flock or herd
gregari adj 1. gregarious (= tending to flock or herd together); 2. belonging to the common herd
grege n flock, herd, drove, etc.; also: troop, band, crowd, etc.
Hence: gregari; gregar; aggregar &; congregar &; disgregar &; segregar &; egregie
gremial n [Eccl.] gremial
gremio n lap; also: bosom
Hence: gremial
grenadier [F] n [Mil.] grenadier
grenadina n grenadine (= sirup of pomegranates)
grillia n I. grate (1. grating; 2. frame of iron bars holding a fire); II. grill, gridiron; III. [Elec.] grid
Hence: grilliar-grilliada, grilliage
grilliada n 1. (action of) grilling; 2. grilled food
grilliage (-aje) n grating, lattice work; also: wire netting, etc.
grilliar v to grill
grillo n [Entom.] cricket
grimassar v to grimace, make (wry) faces
grimasse [F] n grimace, (wry) face
Hence: grimassar
grippe [F] n [Pathol.] grippe
gris adj/n gray, grey
Hence: grisalia
grisalia n grisaille
grisette [F] n grisette (= French girl of the working class)
grizzly [A] n grizzly (bear)
groenland- see Groenlandia
groenlandese¹ adj Greenland, Greenlandic
groenlandese² n Greenlander
Groenlandia npr Greenland
Hence: groenlandese
grog [A] n grog
groom [A] n groom (= manservant; specif.: stableman, stableboy)
grossa n gross (= unit consisting of twelve dozen)
grosse adj big, bulky, etc.;
mar grosse heavy sea
Hence: grossier; grosseria; grosso; grossa
grosseria (-ía) n coarseness, rudeness
grossier adj coarse (1. not fine; 2. rude, not refined)
grosso n bulk (= main mass);
le grosso del armea the main body of the army;
in grosso at wholesale
grossula n gooseberry
Hence: grossular
grossular adj gooseberry, grossular
grotta n grotto
Hence: grottesc &
grottesc adj grotesque
Hence: grottesco
grottesco n grotesque;
grottescos [Art] grotesques
grue n crane (1. [Zool.]; 2. [Mech.])
grumo n 1. clot; 2. lump
Hence: grumose
grumose adj 1. clotted; 2. lumpy
grunnimento n (action of) grunting, grunt
grunnir v to grunt
Hence: grunnimento; grunnitor
grunnitor n grunter (= one who or that which grunts)
gruppamento n 1. (act of) grouping; 2. group
gruppar v to group
gruppo n group
Hence: gruppar-gruppamento; aggruppar-aggruppamento
grypho n 1. [Gr. Mythol.] griffin; 2. griffon vulture
Hence: hippogrypho etc.
guai interj woe
guano n guano
guantar v to glove;
guantar se to put on one’s gloves
guanteria (-ía) n glove shop
guantero n glovemaker, glover
guanto n glove;
jectar le guanto to throw down the gauntlet
Hence: guantero; guanteria, guantar
guarda n guard (1. action of guarding; 2. one who guards; 3. group or body of guards; 4. as in “mudguard”, “guard of a sword”, etc.);
(folio de) guarda flyleaf
guardacostas n 1. coast guard(sman); 2. revenue cutter
guardafango n fender, mudguard
guardafoco n fender, fireguard
guardar v 1. to guard (= to defend, protect); 2. to keep (= not to let go of);
guardar se de un cosa to beware of something
Hence: guarda-guardiano, retroguarda, vanguarda, salveguarda etc.; guardator; reguardar &; guardacostas etc.; guardafango etc.
guardaroba n wardrobe (= room, closet or cupboard for holding clothes)
guardator n guardian, guard
guardiano n guardian, guard
guarita n 1. watchtower; 2. sentry box
guarnimento n (action of) trimming, decorating, garnishing
guarnir v to trim, decorate, garnish;
guarnir de to provide, supply, with
Hence: guarnimento; guarnition; guarnitura
guarnition n 1. trimming, garniture; 2. garrison
guarnitura n trimming, garniture
guastar v 1. to spoil, damage; 2. to waste, squander
Hence: guastator
guastator n 1. spoiler (of material, etc.); 2. waster, squanderer
guelfe adj [Hist.] Guelph
Hence: guelfo
guelfo n [Hist.] Guelph
guerra n war; also: warfare;
facer (le) guerra to wage or make war;
guerra frigide cold war
Hence: guerrero; guerrier; guerrear-guerreator; aguerrir &
guerrear v to war, make or wage war
guerreator n warrior
guerrero n warrior
guerrier adj warlike, martial
guerrilla [H] n 1. guerrilla warfare; 2. band or troup of guerrillas
Hence: guerrillero
guerrillero (-lyéro) n guerrilla, partisan
guida n guide (1. one who guides; 2. guidebook; 3. instrument or part of an instrument, a machine, etc., that controls a movement)
Hence: guidar
guidar v 1. to guide; 2. to drive (horses, a car, etc.)
Guillotin, Joseph Ignace npr [1738-1814; French physician]
Hence: guillotina-guillotinar-guillotinada, guillotinamento
guillotina (gi-) n guillotine
guillotinada (gi-) n mass guillotining
guillotinamento (gi-) n (act of) guillotining
guillotinar (gi-) v to guillotine
Guinea (ginéa) npr Guinea;
Golfo de Guinea Gulf of Guinea;
guinea [Monet.] guinea
Hence: Nove Guinea etc.
guirlanda (gir-) n garland
Hence: guirlandar; inguirlandar
guirlandar (gir-) v to festoon, garland
guisa n way, manner, wise
Hence: disguisar &
guitarra (gi-) n guitar
Hence: guitarrista
guitarrista (gi-) n guitarist
gulash (gú-) n goulash
gulf stream [A] n Gulf Stream
gumma n [Bot.] gum;
gumma arabic gum arabic;
gumma elastic (India) rubber, caoutchouc; also: eraser;
gumma resina gum resin;
gumma ammoniac gum ammoniac
Hence: gummiero; gummifere; gummose-gummositate; gummar, ingummar
gummar v to gum (= to treat, smear, etc., with gum)
gummiero n rubber tree
gummifere adj gummiferous
gummose adj gummous
gummositate n gummosity
gurgite (gúr-) n 1. abyss, whirlpool, gulf; 2. gullet, throat
Hence: ingurgitar &; regurgitar &
gurguliar v to gurgle
gustabile adj 1. tastable; 2. tasty (= having a pleasant taste)
gustar v 1. to taste (= to perceive by the sense of taste); 2. to enjoy, relish
Hence: gustabile; gustation; gustative
gustation n gustation, tasting
gustative adj gustative
gusto n taste (1. sense of taste; 2. flavor; 3. as in “to have a taste for”);
in le gusto de Vermeer in the manner of Vermeer;
de bon, mal gusto in good, bad taste;
prender gusto a (un cosa) to develop a taste for (something);
haber gusto pro to have a taste for
Hence: gustose; gustar &; degustar &; disgustar &
gustose adj tasty, savory
gutta¹ n I. drop (1. as in “a drop of rain”; 2. [Arch.] gutta); II. [Pathol.] gout;
gutta seren [Pathol.] amaurosis, gutta serena
Hence: guttiera; guttose; guttar
gutta² n [Chem.] gutta
Hence: guttifere-guttiferas; guttapercha etc.
guttapercha (-sha) n gutta-percha
guttar v to drip (as in “the tap is dripping”)
guttiera n gutter (“gutter at the eaves”)
guttiferas (-í-) npl [Bot.] Guttiferae
guttifere adj [Bot.] guttiferous
guttose adj gouty
guttural adj guttural
gutturalisar v to gutturalize
gutturalisation n gutturalization
gutture n throat, gullet
Hence: guttural-gutturalisar-gutturalisation
gymn- adj [oocurring in derivatives and compounds]
Hence: gymnic; gymnoto etc.; gymnosophista etc.; gymnosperme etc.
gymnas- [occurring in derivatives]
Hence: gymnasio &; gymnasta &
gymnasiarcha n [Gr. Antiq.] gymnasiarch
gymnasio n gymnasium (1. hall for gymnastic practice; 2. Gymnasium)
Hence: gymnasiarcha etc.
gymnasta n gymnast
Hence: gymnastic; gymnastica
gymnastic adj gymnastic, gymnastical
gymnastica n gymnastics
gymnic adj gymnastic
gymnoblaste adj [Zool.] gymnoblastic
gymnosophista n gymnosophist
gymnospermas npl [Bot.] gymospermae, gymnosperms
gymnosperme adj [Bot.] gymnospermous
gymnospore (-nó-) adj [Bot.] gymnosporous
gymnoto n [Zool.] gymnotus, electric eel
-gyn- see gyneco-
gyn- n [occurring in compounds] gyn-, gyno- (= pistil, ovary)
Hence: gynobase etc.; gynophoro etc.
gynandre adj gynandrous
Hence: gynandro
gynandro n [Bot.] gynander (= member of the class Gynandria)
gyneceo (-éo) n [Gr. and Rom. Antiq.] gynaeceum
gyneco- [occurring in derivatives and compounds] gyneco- (= woman)
Hence: gyneceo; gynecocratia etc.; gynecologo etc.; gynandre etc.; androgyne etc.; misogyne etc.
gynecocratia (-ía) n gynecocracy
gynecocratic adj gynecocratic, gynecocratical
gynecologia (-ía) n gynecology
gynecologic adj gynecologic
gynecologista n gynecologist
gynecologo (-có-) n gynecologist
Hence: gynecologia-gynecologista; gynecologic
gynobase n [Bot.] gynobase
gynophoro (-nó-) n [Bot.] gynophore
gypsero n 1. gypsum worker, dealer, etc.; 2. plasterer (= worker, dealer, etc., in plaster of Paris)
gypsiera n gypsum deposit or pit
gypsifere adj [Mineral.] gypsiferous
gypso n 1. [Mineral.] gypsum; 2. plaster (of Paris)
Hence: gypsero; gypsiera; gypsose; gypsifere; ingypsar
gypsose adj [Mineral.] gypsum, gypseous
gyro n 1. circle, turn (= circular course); gyre; 2. [Anat.] gyrus
Hence: autogyro; gyrometro etc.; gyroscopio etc.; gyrostato etc.; levogyr etc.; sinistrogyr etc.
gyrometro (-ró-) n gyrometer
gyroscopic adj gyroscopic
gyroscopio n gyroscope
Hence: gyroscopic
gyrostatic adj gyrostatic
gyrostato (-ró-) n gyrostat
Hence: gyrostatic
gabardina n 1. [Hist.] gaberdine; 2. gabardine (= fabric “gabardine”)
gado n codfish, gade
gage [F] n wages, pay
Hence: ingagiar &
gai adj gay (= merry)
Hence: gaitate
gaio n [Ornith.] jay
gaitate n gaiety
gal- [gal-/galact-] n [occurring in compounds] gal- (= milk)
Hence: ornithogalo etc. ...
gala n gala;
habito de gala gala dress
galante adj gallant (= polite and attentive to the women)
Hence: galanteria; galantear
galantear v to court, woo
galanteria (-ía) n gallantry (= polite attention to the women)
galata (gá-) n Galatian;
epistola al galatas Epistle to the Galatians
Hence: Galatia-galatic
Galatia npr Galatia
galatic adj Galatian, Galatic
galea (-éa) n galley (1. as in “to condemn to the galleys”; 2. [Print.])
Hence: galeassa; galera &; galeon; galeota
galeassa n galleass
galeon n galleon
galeota n galiot
galera n galley (as in “to condemn to the galleys”)
Hence: galeriano
galeria (-ía) n gallery (1. covered passageway; 2. [Theat.]; 3. art museum)
galeriano n galley slave
Galicia npr Galicia (= former Austrian crownland)
Hence: galician-galiciano
galician adj Galician (= of the Austrian crownland of Galicia)
galiciano n Galician (= as in “Galician from Lwow”)
Galilea (-éa) n Galilee
Hence: galilee-galileo
galilee (-ée) adj Galilean (= of Galilee)
galileo (-éo) n Galilean
galimatias (-ías) n gibberish, jargon, galimatias
gall- see Galles
Gallecia npr Galicia (= province at the northwest corner of Spain)
gallecian adj Galician (= of Spanish province of Galicia)
galleciano n Galician, Gallegan, Gallego (1. native of Galicia in Spain; 2. Galician language)
galleco n Gallego, Gallegan, Galician (1. native of Galicia in Spain; 2. Galician language)
Hence: Gallecia-gallecian-galleciano
gallego [H] n Gallego, Gallegan, Galician (1. native of Galicia in Spain; 2. Galician language)
Galles (gál-) npr Wales;
Prince de Galles Prince of Wales
Hence: gallese
gallese¹ adj Welsh
gallese² n 1. Welshman, Welshwoman; 2. Welsh (language)
galletto n chicken, cockerel
Gallia npr (Gaul = the land of the Gauls)
galliarda n [Dancing] galliard
galliarde adj vigorous, hardy, hearty; lively, brisk, jolly, etc.
Hence: galliardia; galliardo; galliarda
galliardia (-ía) n vigor; liveliness, gaiety, etc.
galliardo n hefty fellow, jolly chap, blade, etc.
gallic adj Gallic (1. Gaulish; 2. French)
gallican adj [Eccl. Hist] Gallican
gallicanismo n [Eccl. Hist.] Gallicanism
gallicano n [Eccl. Hist.] Gallican
gallicismo n Gallicism
gallico n Gaulish (language)
gallina n 1. hen; 2. chicken (= domestic fowl, barnyard fowl);
gallina de India Turkey hen
Hence: gallinero; galliniera; gallinetta; gallinacee-gallinaceas; gallinicultura etc.
gallinaceas npl [Zool.] gallinaceans
gallinacee adj [Zool.] gallinaceous
gallinero n chicken farmer, poultry man
gallinetta n chicken, chick; pullet
gallinicultura n chicken breeding
galliniera n chicken coop
gallium (gál-) n [Chem.] gallium
gallo¹ n Gaul (= inhabitant of Gaul)
Hence: Gallia; gallic-gallicismo, gallican-gallicanismo; gallicano, gallico; gallium; gallomania etc.; gallophile etc.; galloroman etc.
gallo² n rooster, cock;
gallo de India Turkey cock
Hence: galletto; gallina &
gallomania (-ía) n Gallomania, Francomania
gallon [A] n gallon
gallophile adj Gallophile, Francophile
Hence: gallophilia; gallophilo
gallophilia (-ía) n Gallophilism, Francophilism
gallophilo (-ló-) n Gallophile, Francophile
gallophobe (-ló-) adj Gallophobe, Francophobe
Hence: gallophobia; gallophobo
gallophobia (-ía) n Gallophobia, Francophobia
gallophobo (-ló-) n Gallophobe, Francophobe
galloroman adj Gallo-Roman
galocha (-sha) n galosh, overshoe
galon n braid, galloon; also: [Mil.] chevron;
galones [Mil.] stripes
Hence: galonero; galonar
galonar v to braid (= to trim with braid)
galonero n braid or galloon maker
galopar v to gallop (= to go at a gallop);
phthisis galopante [Pathol.] galloping consumption
Hence: galopo
galopo n 1. gallop; 2. [Dancing] galop
galvan- see Galvani, Luigi
Galvani, Luigi npr [1737-1798; discoverer of galvanism]
Hence: galvanismo; galvanic; galvanisar-galvanisation; galvanometro etc.; galvanoplastia etc.
galvanic adj galvanic (as in “galvanic battery”)
galvanisar v to galvanize
galvanisation n galvanization
galvanismo n galvanism
galvanometro (-ó-) n galvanometer
galvanoplastia (-ía) n galvanoplastics, galvanoplasty
Hence: galvanoplastic-galvanoplastica
galvanoplastic adj galvanoplastic
galvanoplastica n galvanoplastics
gamba n [Anat.] leg;
(viola de) gamba [Mus.] (viola da) gamba
Hence: gambada &; gambiera; gambito; gambon
gambada n gambol
Hence: gambadar
gambadar v to gambol
gambiera n 1. legging; 2. jambeau (= armor for the leg)
gambito n [Chess] gambit
gambon n ham, gammon
gameta n [Biol.] gamete
gamma n I. gamma (= third letter of the Greek alphabet); II. gamut (1. [Mus.]: 2. as in “gamut of colors, emotions, etc.”);
radio gamma gamma ray
Hence: gammate; digamma etc.
gammate adj hooked (as in “hooked cross”);
cruce gammate hooked cross, gammadion, swastika
gamo- n [occurring in compounds] gamo- (= marriage)
Hence: gamomania etc.; bigame etc.; cryptogame etc.; endogame etc.; misogame etc.; monogame etc.; polygame etc.
gamomania (-ía) n [Psychol.] gamomania
Gange npr Ganges
Hence: gangetic
gangetic adj Gangetic
gangli- see ganglion
gangliforme adj gangliform
ganglioma n [Pathol.] ganglioma
ganglion (-ánglion) n ganglion
Hence: ganglionitis; ganglionar; ganglioma; gangliforme etc.
ganglionar adj ganglionary
ganglionitis (-ítis) n ganglionitis
gangrena n gangrene
Hence: gangrenose; gangrenar
gangrenar v to gangrene
gangrenose adj gangrenous
gangster [A] n gangster
ganiabile adj that can be won or gained
ganiar v 1. to win, gain; 2. to earn; 3. to win or gain over;
ganiar tempore to gain, or play for, time;
ganiar un loco to gain or reach a place
ganiator n winner, gainer
ganio n gain, profit
Hence: ganiar-ganiabile, ganiator, reganiar
garage [F] n garage
Hence: garagista
garagista (-jis-) n garagekeeper, garageman
garante n guarantor, guarantee
Hence: garantia; garantir
garantia (-ía) n guarantee, guaranty, warranty
garantir v to guarantee (1. “to guarantee the quality of”; 2. to warrant)
Garden, Alexander npr [1730-1791; American botanist]
Hence: gardenia
gardenia n gardenia
garden-party [A] n garden party
garnison [F] n garrison
garrettiera n garter;
ordine del garrettiera Order of the Garter
garretto n hollow of the knee
Hence: garrettiera
garrotar v to garrote (= to strangle with the garrote)
garrote [H] n garrote, garrotte (1. instrument used for garroting; 2. execution by means of the garrote)
Hence: garrotar
garrular v babble, prattle, chatter
garrule adj garrulous
Hence: garrulitate; garrular
garrulitate n garrulity
garson n lad, boy, young man, youth
gas n gas (= gaseous substance; specif.: gas for lighting or heating);
gas hilarante laughing gas;
gas lacrimogene tear gas
Hence: gasolina; gasose; gasificar-gasification; gasiforme etc.; gasometro etc.; gasogene etc.
gasificar v to gasify (= to make gascous)
gasification n gasification
gasiforme adj gasiform, in a gaseous state
gasogene adj gas-producing; aerating
Hence: gasogeno
gasogeno (-ó-) n gas producer
gasolina n gasoline, petrol
gaso-metro (-ó-) n gasometer
gasose adj gaseous
gastralgia (-ía) n [Med.] gastralgia
gastric adj gastric
gastritis (-ítis) n [Med.] gastritis
gastro n abdomen, belly, stomach
Hence: gastritis; gastrula; gastric; gastralgia etc.; gastroenteritis etc.; gastronome etc.; gastropode etc.; gastroenteric etc.; gastroscopio etc., gastrotomia etc.
gastroenteric adj gastroenteric
gastroenteritis (-ítis) n [Med.] gastroenteritis
gastronome (-tró) adj gastronomic
Hence: gastronomia-gastronomic; gastronomo
gastronomia (-ía) n gastronomy
gastonomic adj gastronomic
gastronomo (-tró-) n gastronome, gastronomist
gastropode (-ópode) adj gastropodous, gastropod
Hence: gastropodo
gastropodo (-ópodo) n [Zool.] gastropod, gasteropod;
gastropodos [Zool.] Gastropoda, Gasteropoda
gastroscopia (-ía) n gastroscopy
gastroscopio n [Med.] gastroscope
Hence: gastroscopia
gastrotomia (-ía) n [Surg.] gastrotomy
gastrula n [Embryol.] gastrula
gauder v to rejoice;
gauder de to enjoy
Hence: gaudio-gaudiose; gaudimento
gaudimento n enjoyment
gaudio n joy
gaudiose adj joyful, joyous
Gauss, Karl Friedrich npr [1777-1855; mathematician after whom the “gauss” is named];
logarithmos de Gauss Gaussian or Gauss’s logarithms
Hence: gauss
gauss n [Elec.] gauss
gaza n gauze
gazon n lawn (= ground covered with fine grass)
ge- n [occurring in compounds] geo- (= earth)
Hence: geode; apogee-apogeo; epigee; hypogee-hypogeo; perigee-perigeo; geographo etc.; geologo etc.; geometra etc.; georama etc.; geopolitica etc.; geocentric etc.; geodesia etc.; geogenia etc.
Gedeon npr Gideon
geisha [J] n geisha
gelar v to freeze (1. to cause to freeze; 2. to become ice)
gelatina n gelatin
Hence: gelatinose
gelatinose adj gelatinous
gelato n ice (= ice cream, sherbet, etc.)
gelatura n freezing, frost; also: chilblain
gelea (-éa) n jelly
gelo n frost (as in “night frost”)
Hence: gelar-gelea, gelatura, gelato-gelatina &, congelar &, disgelar &
gemer v to groan; to whine; to sigh; also: to coo
Hence: gemimento; gemito
gemimento n groaning, sighing; whine; also: cooing
geminar v to geminate
geminate 1. pp of geminar; 2. adj geminate
gemination n gemination
geminative n geminative
gemine adj 1. twin; 2. double, two-fold
Hence: geminar-gemination, geminative, geminate; gemino; trigemine etc.
gemino (gé-) n twin;
Geminos [Astron.] Gemini, Twins
gemito (gé-) n groan, whine
gemma n 1. gem (= precious stone, pearl, etc.); 2. [Bot.] gemma;
sal gemma rock salt
Hence: gemmula; gemmifere; gemmar-gemmation, gemmate; ingemmar
gemmar v 1. to gem, adorn with gems; 2. to gemmate, bud
gemmate 1. pp of gemmar; 2. adj gemmed, jeweled
gemmation n gemmation, budding
gemmifere adj gemmiferous
gemmula n [Bot.] gemmule
gen n [Biol.] gene
gen-¹ v [occurring in derivatives and compounds] gen- (as in “genitive,” “progenitor” etc.)
Hence: genitive &; genitor; genitura-primogenitura etc.; genite-genital, congenite, primogenite etc.; ingenue etc.; indigena; progen- &; terrigene etc.
gen-² v [occurring in derivatives and compounds] gen- (as in “genesis”, “genetic” etc.)
Hence: genese-anthropogenese etc.; palingenese etc.; genetic-biogenetic etc.; genetica; gasogene ete.; photogene etc.; vitelligene etc.; glycogene etc.; heterogene etc.; heterogenee etc.; exogene etc.; hydrogeno etc.; thallogeno etc.; ontogenia etc.
gena n [Anat.] cheek
Hence: genal
genal adj chin, genal
gendarme [F] n gendarme
genea- n [occurring in compounds] genea- (= descent)
Hence: genealogo etc.
genealogia (-ía) n genealogy (1. line of descent; 2. study of descent])
genealogic adj genealogical;
arbore genealogic genealogical tree, family tree
genealogista n genealogist
genealogo (-á-) n genealogist
Hence: genealogia-genealogista; genealogic
general¹ adj general;
in general in general
Hence: generalitate; generalisar-generalisabile, generalisation, generalisator; general²-generalato, generalissimo
general² n general
generalato n generalship (= office or tenure of a general)
generalisabile adj generalizable
generalisar v to generalize
generalisation n generalization (1. act of generalizing; 2. general inference)
generalisator n generalizer
generalissmo (-íssmo) n generalissimo
generalitate n generality (1. generalness; 2. greatest part, majority; 3. general statement)
generar v to generate (= to produce)
Hence: generation; generative; generator-turbogenerator etc.; degenerar &; ingenerar &; regenerar &
generation n generation (1. act of generating; 2. as in “three generations”);
generation spontanee spontaneous generation
generative adj generative
generator n [Mech., Elec.] generator; attrib. generating, generative
genere n 1. [Zool.; Bot.] genus; 2. kind, sort, type, etc.; 3. [Art, Lit.] genre; 4. [Gram.] gender
Hence: general &; generic; generose &; generar &
generic adj generic
generose adj I. of noble lineage, high-born; of good breed; II. generous (1. noble; 2. liberal)
Hence: generositate; ingenerose-ingenerositate
generositate n generosity (1. nobleness of mind; 2. liberality)
genese (gé-) n genesis;
Genese [Bib.] Genesis
genesis (gé-) n genesis;
Genesis [Bib.] Genesis
Hence: biogenesis etc.; palingenesis etc.
genetic adj genetic (1. of genesis; 2. of genetics)
genetica n genetics (= the science of genetics)
Geneva npr Geneva
Hence: genevese
genevese¹ adj Geneva, Genevan
genevese² n Genevan
genial adj of genius, inspired;
homine genial man of genius
genicular v to bend the knee, kneel (down)
geniculate adj geniculate (= bent abruptly at an angle)
geniculation n 1. (act of) bending the knee, kneeling (down); 2. geniculation
geniculiera n [Armor] genouillère
geniculo n knee
Hence: geniculiera; genicular-geniculation, geniculate
genio n genius (1. spirit; guardian spirit, elemental spirit, jinni, etc.; 2. innate character, disposition or aptitude; 3. man of genius)
Hence: genial-congenial &
genital adj genital
genite (gé-) adj begotten
genitival adj [Gram.] genitival
genitive adj 1. generative; 2. [Gram.] genitive, possessive
Hence: genitivo-genitival
genitivo n [Gram.] genitive
genitor n sire, begetter
genitura n 1. generation, begetting; 2. offspring
genocidio n genocide
genos [Gr.] n [Gr. Hist.] genos;
geno- geno- (1. kind, genus; 2. race; 3. offspring)
Hence: genotypo etc.; genocidio etc.
genotypo (-ó-) n genotype
Genoveva nprf Genevieve
gente n people (1. nation, national group; 2. persons, folk);
derecto del gentes law of nations
Hence: gentil &
gentiana n [Bot.] gentian
Hence: gentianacee-gentianaceas
gentianaceas npl [Bot.] Gentianaceae
gentianacee adj gentianaceous
gentil¹ adj 1. noble; 2. nice, pleasant; 3. [Ch. Hist.] gentile
Hence: gentilessa; gentilitate; gentilismo; gentilhomine etc.
gentil² n [Ch. Hist.] gentile
gentilessa n niceness, pleasantness
gentilhomine n 1. nobleman; 2. gentleman (as in “a real gentleman”)
gentilismo n [Ch. Hist.] gentilism
gentilitate n [Ch. Hist.] gentiledom
Gentius (gén-) npr [about 180 B.C.; King of Illyria who discovered the gentian according to Pliny]
Hence: gentiana &
gentleman [A] n gentleman (as in “a real gentleman”)
genu n knee
Hence: geniculo &: genuflecter etc.
Genua npr Genoa
Hence: genuese
genuese adj/n Genoese
genuflecter [flect-/-flex-] v to genuflect
Hence: genuflexion
genuflex- see genuflecter
genuflexion n genuflection, genuflexion
genuin adj genuine (1. purebred; 2. real, authentic)
Hence: genuinitate
genuinitate n genuineness
geocentric adj geocentric (= pertaining to or measured from the earth’s center)
geode n [Geol.] geode
geodesia (-ía) n geodesy
Hence: geodesic
geodesic adj geodetic
geodetic adj geodetic
geogenia (-ía) n geogeny
Hence: geogenic
geogenic adj geogenic
geognosia (-ía) n geognosy
geognosta n geognost (= one versed in geognosy)
Hence: geognostic
geognostic adj geognostic
geogonia (-ía) n geogony
geogonic adj geogonic
geographia (-ía) n geography;
geographia physic physical geography;
geographia economic economic geography;
geographia politic political geography
geographic adj geographical
geographo (-ó-) n geographer
Hence: geographia; geographic
geologia (-ía) n geology (1. science of geology; 2. geological features of a given area)
geologic adj geological
geologista n geologist
geologo (-ólogo) n geologist
Hence: geologia-geologista; geologic
geomante n geomancer, geomant
Hence: geomantia-geomantic
geomantia (-ía) n geomancy
geomantic adj geomantic
geometra (-ó-) n geometer, geometrician
Hence: geometria; geometric
geometria (-ía) n geometry;
geometria plan plane geometry
geometric adj geometric, geometrical
geophysic adj geophysical
Hence: geophysica
geophysica n geophysics
geopolitica n geopolitics
georama n georama
Georgia npr [Geog.] Georgia
georgian adj Georgian (1. pertaining to George; 2. pertaining to Georgia)
Georgio nprm George
Hence: Georgia; georgian
geotropic adj [Biol.] geotropic
geotropismo n [Biol.] geotropism
geranio n geranium
gerente n manager
gerentia n management
gerer [ger-/gest-] v to manage, administer
Hence: gerundio &; gerente-gerentia; gestion; gesto &; gesta; gestar &; congerer &; digerer &; ingerer &; suggerer &; belligerente etc.
german adj German
Hence: Germania; germanismo; germanista-germanistic, germanistica; germanium; germanisar; germano-germanic; germanophile etc.; judeogerman etc.; pangerman etc.
Germania n Germany
germanic adj Germanic
germanisar v to Germanize (= to make German)
germanismo n Germanism
germanista n Germanist (= scholar in Germanics)
germanistic adj Germanist, Germanistic
germanistica n Germanics
germanium (-má-) n [Chem.] germanium
germano n German (1. “German language”; 2. native of Germany)
germanophile adj Germanophile
Hence: germanophilo
germanophilo (-ó-) n Germanophile
germi- see germine
germicida n germicide (= substance that kills germs); attrib. germicidal
Hence: germicidal
germicidal adj germicidal
germinar v to germinate
germination n germination
germinative adj germinative
germine n germ;
germine pathogenic (disease) germ
Hence: germinar-germination, germinative; germicida etc.
geront- n [occurring in derivatives and compounds] geront-, geronto- (= old man)
Hence: gerontocratia etc. ...
gerontocratia (-ía) n gerontocracy
gerundio n [Gram.] gerund
Hence: gerundive-gerundivo
gerundive adj [Gram.] gerundive, gerundial
gerundivo n [Gram.] gerundive
gest- see gerer
gesta n exploit
Gestapo [G] n Gestapo (= secret state police in Nazi Germany)
gestar v to be with child or young
Hence: gestation; gestatori
gestation n gestation
gestatori adj gestatory
gesticular v to gesticulate
Hence: gesticulation; gesticulator
gesticulation n gesticulation
gesticulator n gesticulator
gestion n management, administration
gesto n gesture
Hence: gesticular &
Gethsemani (-sé-) npr Gethsemane
geyser (géi-) n geyser
ghetto (gét-) n ghetto
ghibellin (gi-) adj [Ital. Hist.] Ghibelline
Hence: ghibellino
ghibellino (gi-) n [Ital. Hist] Ghibelline
gibbo n hump, hunch
Hence: gibbose-gibbositate
gibbose adj hunched, humped, gibbous; specif.: humpbacked, hunchbacked
gibbositate n gibbousness, gibbosity
gigante n giant; giantess; attrib. giant, gigantic
Hence: gigantesc; gigantomachia etc.
gigantesc adj gigantic
gigantomachia (-ía) n gigantomachy
gilet [F] n vest, waistcoat
gin [A] n gin (= alcoholic beverage flavored with juniper berries, etc.)
gingibre (jinjíbre) n ginger
gingiva n [Anat.] gum
Hence: gingivitis; gingival
gingival adj gingival
gingivitis (-ítis) n gingivitis
ginseng (jínséng) n ginseng
girafa (jiráfa) n giraffe
girar v to gyrate, rotate
Hence: giration; giratori; girasol etc.
girasol n [Mineral.] girasol, girasole; fire opal
giration n gyration, rotation
giratori adj gyratory, gyrating
giro [I] n [Com.] Giro
gitarra n guitar
Hence: gitarrista
gitarrista n guitarist
glacé [F] adj glacé (1. having lustre; 2. coated with icing)
glacial n glacial (1. as in “glacial phenomena”; 2. icy, ice-cold);
zona glacial Frigid Zone;
epocha glacial, periodo glacial glacial epoch or period, ice age
glaciar v to freeze, ice, glaciate
glacie n ice;
rumper le glacie to break the ice;
glacie de sucro icing, frosting
Hence: glaciero; glaciera; glacial-preglacial, postglacial; glaciar; rumpeglacie etc.
glaciera n icehouse, icebox, etc.
glaciero n glacier
glacis [F] n [Fortif.] glacis
gladiator n gladiator
gladiatori adj gladiatorial
gladiatura n gladiatorial combat
gladio n sword
Hence: gladiolo; gladiator-gladiatori; gladiatura
gladiolo (-í-) n gladiolus, gladiola
glande n acorn
Hence: glandula &; glandifere; glandiforme etc.
glandifere adj glandiferous, bearing acorns
glandiforme adj glandiform, acorn-shaped
glandula n gland
Hence: glandular; glandulose
glandular adj glandular
glandulose adj glandulous
glauc adj blue-green, sea-green, glaucous
Hence: glaucoma
glaucoma n [Pathol.] glaucoma
glissar v to slide; also: to glide, etc.
-glob- see globulo
global adj 1. global, world-wide; 2. total, aggregate, inclusive, etc.
globe-trotter [A] n globetrotter
globo n globe (1. sphere, ball; 2. earth; 3. “celestial or terrestrial globe”; 4. “globe of a lamp”);
globo del oculo eyeball
Hence: globulo-globular, globulose, hemoglobina etc.; global; globoide; globose-globositate; inglobar
globoide n globoid
globose adj spherical, globe-shaped, globose
globositate n sphericity, globosity
globular adj globular, spherical
globulo n globule;
globulos de sanguine blood corpuscles
globulose adj globular (1. composed of globules; 2. spherical)
glomere n ball (of thread, yarn, etc)
Hence: glomerulo; agglomerar &; conglomerar &
glomerulo n 1. [Bot.] glomerule; 2. [Anat.] glomerulus, glomerule
gloria n I. glory (1. praise, fame, splendor, etc.; 2. [Relig. Art] as in “Christ in glory”); II. [R.C.Ch.] Gloria (as in “the Gloria Patri”)
Hence: gloriola; gloriose-ingloriose; glorificar-glorification, glorificator; vangloria etc.
glorificar v to glorify;
glorificar se de to glory in
glorification n glorification
glorificator n glorifier
gloriola (-í-) n petty vanity
gloriose adj 1. glorious; 2. vainglorious
glossa n gloss (= explanation, rendering, etc.);
gloss- [occurring in derivatives and compounds] gloss-, glosso- (= tongue)
Hence: glossitis; glossario; glossar-glossator; glossotomia etc.
glossar v to gloss (= to explain by glosses)
glossario n glossary
glossator n glossator, writer of glosses
glossitis (-ítis) n [Pathol.] glossitis
glossotomia (-ía) n [Med.] glossotomy, excision of the tongue
glotta n [Anat., Zool.] glottis;
glott- [occurring in derivatives and compounds] glott-, glotto- (= tongue)
Hence: glottic; polyglotte etc.
glottic adj glottic, glottal
gluc- adj [occurring in derivatives] gluc- (= sweet)
Hence: glucato; glucic; glucina-glucinum; glucosa-glucosido
glucato n [Chem.] glucate
glucic adj [Chem.] glucic;
acido glucic glucic acid
glucina n [Chem.] glucina
glucinum (-ín-) n [Chem.] glucinum
glucosa n [Chem.] glucose, glycose
glucosido n glucoside
gluma n [Bot.] glume, husk
Hence: glumacee-glumaceas; glumose
glumaceas npl [Bot.] Glumaceae
glumacee adj glumaceous
glumose adj glumous, glumose
glutinar v to glue
glutine n 1. glue; 2. gluten
Hence: glutinose-glutinositate; glutinar-agglutinar &, conglutinar &
glutinose adj sticky, glutinous
glutinositate n stickiness, glutinousness
glutir v to swallow, swallow down
Hence: deglutir &; inglutir &
glutte adj gluttonous
Hence: glutton &
glutton n glutton (1. gormandizer; 2. [Zool.] wolverine)
Hence: gluttonia; gluttonisar
gluttonia (-ía) n gluttony
gluttonisar v to gluttonize, gormandize
glyc- see glycerina
glycer-¹ adj [occurring in derivatives]
Hence: glyceria; glycerina &
glycer-² see glycerina
glyceral n [Chem.] glyceral
glycerato n [Chem.] glycerate
glyceria n [Bot.] manna grass; Glyceria
glyceric adj [Chem.] glyceric
glycerido n [Chem.] glyceride
glycerina n [Chem.] glycerin
Hence: glycerato; glycerido; glycerito; glycerol; glyceryl; glyceric; glycerophosphato etc.; glyceral etc.; glycerophosphoric etc.; glycido-glycidic; glycol
glycerito n [Chem.] glycerite
glycerol n [Chem.] glycerol
glycerophosphato n [Chcm.] glycerophosphate
glycerophosphoric adj [Chem.] glycerophosphoric;
acido glycerophosphoric glycerophosphoric acid
glyceryl n [Chem.] glyceryl
glycic adj [Chem.] glycic
glycidic adj [Chem.] glycidic
glycido n [Chem.] glycide
glycina n [Chem.] glycin
glycinia n [Bot.] wistaria
glycocolla n [Chem.] glycocoll
glycogene adj [Biochem.] glycogenous, glycogenic
Hence: glycogeno-glycogenic
glycogenic adj [Biochem.] glycogenic, glycogenous
glycogeno (-ó-) n [Biochem.] glycogen
glycol n [Chem.] glycol
glycy- adj [occurring in derivatives and compounds] glycy-, glyc-, glyco- (= sweet)
Hence: glycic; glycina; glycinia; glycyrrhiza etc.; glycocolla etc.; glycogene etc.
glycyrrhiza n licorice, glycyrrhiza
Hence: glycyrrhizina
glycyrrhizina n glycyrrhizin
glyph- n [occurring in derivatives and compounds] glyph- (= carving)
Hence: hieroglyphic etc. ...
-gnat- see nate
gneis [G] n gneiss
gno- [occurring in derivatives and compounds]
Hence: gnoma &; gnomone &; gnosis; gnostic &; diagno- &; progno- &; geognosia etc.; geognosta etc.
-gnobile see nobile
-gnom- see gnomone
gnoma n gnome, aphorism
Hence: gnomic; gnomologia etc.
gnomic adj gnomic, aphoristic
gnomo n gnome (= goblin)
gnomologia (-ía) n gnomology
Hence: gnomologista; gnomologic
gnomologic adj gnomologic
gnomologista n gnomologist
gnomone n gnomon (1. index rod on sundial; 2. [Geom.])
Hence: gnomonic-pathognomonic etc.; physiognomonia etc.; pathognomia etc.
gnomonic adj gnomonic
gnomonica n gnomonics (= the art of constructing sundials)
-gnoscer see nosc-
gnosis n [Metaph.] gnosis
gnostic adj 1. gnostic; 2. Gnostic
Hence: gnosticismo; agnostic &; gnostico
gnosticismo n Gnosticism
gnostico n Gnostic
gnu n gnu
goal [A] n [Sports] goal
goal-keeper [A] n [Sports] goalkeeper
golf [A] n golf;
percurso de golf golf course
golfo n gulf, bay;
currente del golfo Gulf Stream
Gomorrha npr Gomorrah, Gomorrha
-gon- see goni-
gondola (gón-) [I] n gondola
Hence: gondolero
gondolero n gondolier
gong n gong
goni- n [occurring in derivatives and compounds] gonio-, gon- (= angle)
Hence: diagonal; goniometro etc.; polygon etc.; hexagon etc.
-gonia (-ía) n [occurring in compounds] -gony (= generation, origin)
Hence: cosmogonia etc.
goniometria (-ía) n goniometry
goniometric adj goniometric
goniometro (-ó-) n goniometer
Hence: goniometria; goniometric
gonna n skirt
Hence: gonnella-subgonnella
gonnella n skirt
gono- n [occurring in compounds] gono-, gon- (= generation, offspring, semen, etc.)
Hence: gonorrhea etc.
gonorrhea (-éa) n [Pathol.] gonorrhea
gorga n throat, gullet, gorge
Hence: disgorgar &; ingorgar &
gorilla n gorilla
gothic adj Gothic (1. pertaining to the Goths; 2. [Arch., Art]; 3. [Typog.] blackletter)
gothico n Gothic (1. Gothic language; 2. [Arch., Art]; 3. [Typog.] black letter)
gotho n Goth
Hence: gothic-gothico
gourmand [F] n gourmand, epicure
gourmet [F] n gourmet, connoisseur (in food and drink)
governabile adj governable
governaculo n [Naut., Aviation] rudder
governamental adj govermental
governamento n government (1. rule, direction, control; 2. body of persons governing a State)
governante n governess
governar v 1. [Naut.] to steer; 2. to govern (= to rule, direct, control)
Hence: governaculo; governamento-governamental; governante; governabile-ingovernabile; governator
governator n governor
Graccho npr [Rom. Hist.] Gracchus
gracile adj slender, slim
Hence: gracilitate
gracilitate n slenderness, slimness
grad- [grad-/-gress-; -gred-/-gress] v [occurring in derivatives and compounds]
Hence: gradiente; aggreder &; congred- &; digreder &; egred- &; ingred- &; progreder &; regreder &; transgreder &; retrograd- &; plantigrade etc.; tardigrade etc.; saltigrade etc.
-grad [R] n [occurring in compounds] -grad (= town, city)
Hence: Leningrad etc.
gradation n 1. gradation (= gradual change); 2. [Rhet.] climax
gradiente n [Meteorol., Physiol., etc.] gradient
grado¹ n I. step, stair, rung; II. degree (1. stage, level, grade, etc.; 2. unit of measure for angles, temperature, etc.); III. [Mil., Acad. etc.] degree, rank;
a un alte grado to a high degree;
grado de comparation [Gram.] degree of comparison
Hence: gradual-gradualitate; graduar-graduation, graduator, graduate-graduato; gradation; degradar &; centigrade etc.
grado² n will, pleasure;
de bon grado willingly, with pleasure;
de mal grado unwillingly, in spite of oneself;
a grado at will
Hence: agradar-agradamento, agradabile, disagradar-disagradabile; malgrado etc.
gradu- see grado¹
gradual adj gradual
gradualitate n gradualness
graduar v to graduate (1. to mark with degrees for measuring; 2. to grade, arrange in gradations; 3. to confer an academic or professional degree upon)
graduate 1. pp of graduar; 2. adj graduate
graduation n graduation (1. gradation, arrangement in degrees or gradations; 2. division into degrees; 3. action of conferring or receiving an academic or professional degree)
graduato n graduate (1. one who has received an academic or professional degree; 2. graduated measuring cup, tube, etc.)
graduator n graduator, grader
graffar v [Hort.] to graft
graffator n [Hort.] grafter
graffo n [Hort.] graft (= shoot used in grafting)
Hence: graffar-graffator
gral n Grail;
Sancte Gral Holy Grail
gramma n gram
Hence: centigramma etc.; kilogramma etc.
-gramma [-ma/-mat-] n [occurring in derivatives and compounds] -gram
Hence: grammatic; grammatico; grammatica-grammatical; cablogramma etc; ideogramma etc.; roentgenogramma etc.; barogramma etc.; cryptogramma etc.; parallelogramma etc.; monogramma etc.; telegramma etc.
grammatic adj grammatical
grammatica n grammar
grammatical adj grammatical
grammatico n grammarian
grammophono (-ó-) n gramophone
gran- prefixo [used with nouns of kinship] grand-, great-, (as in “grandfather”, “great-aunt”)
Hence: granamita etc.; granfilio etc.; grannepta etc.; granpatre etc.
grana n seed (of plants)
Hence: granar; filigrana etc.
granamita (-ná-) n great-aunt
granar v to seed, grow to seed
granario n granary; also: barn
granata n 1. pomegranate (= fruit of the pomegranate); 2. [Mil.] grenade, shell
Hence: granatero
granatero n [Mil.] grenadier
granatifere adj garnetiferous
granato n [Mineral.] garnet
Hence: granatifere
grande¹ adj great (1. big, large, etc.; 2. as in “great man”, “great lord”, etc.);
in grande on a large scale
Hence: grandor; grandiose &; aggrandir &; grandiloquente etc; grandisone etc.
grande² n grandee
Grande Britannia npr Great Britain
grandi- see grande
grandiloquente adj grandiloquent
Hence: grandiloquentia
grandiloquentia n grandiloquence
grandinar v [Meterol.] to hail
grandine n [Meteorol.] hail
Hence: grandinar
grandiose adj grand, imposing; grandiose
Hence: grandiositate
grandiositate n grandeur
grandisone adj grandisonous, grandisonant
grandor n greatness (1. size; 2. grandeur)
granfilia n granddaughter;
granfilia secunde great-granddaughter;
granfilia tertie great-great-granddaughter
granfilio n grandson;
granfilio secunde great-grandson;
granfilio tertie great-great-grandson
graniforme adj graniform
granitic adj granitic
granito n granite
Hence: granitic; granitoide
granitoide adj granitoid, granitoidal
granivore adj granivorous
Hence: granivoro
granivoro (-í-) n granivore
granmatre n grandmother;
granmatre secunde great-grandmother;
granmatre tertie great-great-grandmother
grannepta n great-niece
grannepto n great-nephew
grano n I. grain, corn (1. seed of cereal grasses; 2. as in “grain market”, “corn exchange”, etc.); II. grain (1. as in “a grain of sand”; 2. [Meas.]); III. kernel, pit, etc. (= grainlike seed of any plant)
Hence: granario; granato &; granata &; granito &; granulo &; granose; disgranar &; graniforme etc; granivore etc; grana &
granoncle n great-uncle
granose adj grainy, granular
granpatre n grandfather;
granpatre secunde great-grandfather;
granpatre tertie great-great-grandfather
granular¹ adj granular
granular² v to granulate (as in “to granulate sugar”)
granulation n granulation
granulator n granulater, granulator
granulifere adj granuliferous
granuliforme adj granular, granuliform
granulite n [Mineral.] granulite
granulo n granule
Hence: granulite; granular¹; granulifere; granulose; granular²-granulation, granulator; granuliforme etc
granulose adj granular, granulose
graph- [occurring in derivatives]
Hence: -grapho &; graphia &; graphite &; graphic; graphico; graphica
graphia (-ía) n (system of) writing, script
Hence: paragraphia; ideographia etc; physiographia etc; orthographia etc.
graphic adj graphic (1. pertaining to writing, drawing, etc.; 2. pertaining to graphs)
graphica n graphic arts
graphico n graph
graphite n graphite
Hence: graphitic
graphitic adj graphitic
-grapho n [occurring in compounds] I. -graph (1. as in “epigraph”; 2. as in “seismograph”); II. -grapher (as in “geographer”)
Hence: autographo &; paragrapho; graphologo etc; bibliographo etc; biographo etc; mimeographo etc; phonographo etc; photographo etc.; seismographo etc; typographo etc.; calligrapho etc; cryptographo etc.; stenographo etc.; hectographo etc; monographo etc; microseismographo etc.
graphologia (-ía) n graphology (= study of handwriting)
graphologic adj graphological
graphologo (-phó-) n graphologist
Hence: graphologia; graphologic
grasse adj 1. fat (= consisting of fat); 2. fatty (= containing fat)
Hence: grassia-disgrassiar, ingrassiar; ingrassar
grassia n grease, fat
grate adj grateful, thankful
Hence: gratia &; gratitude; gratificar-gratification; ingrate-ingratitude
gratia n grace (1. gracefulness; 2. graciousness; 3. mercy, clemency); also: [Theol.];
gratias a thanks to, due or owing to;
colpo de gratia coup de grâce, finishing stroke;
render gratias a to give thanks to;
anno del gratia year of grace;
con bon (mal) gratia with a good (bad) grace;
cader del gratia de to fall out of grace with;
facer gratia a un persona de to spare someone something;
Gratia Grace;
gratias! (I) thank you! thanks!
Hence: gratiose-gratiositate, ingratiose, malgratiose etc.; gratiar-gratiabile; disgratia &; ingratiar; regratiar
gratiabile adj pardonable
gratiar v 1. to pardon (a criminal); 2. to grace
gratificar v 1. to give a gratuity to; 2. to gratify
gratification n 1. gratuity; 2. gratification
gratin [F] n [Cooking] gratin;
al gratin au gratin
gratiose adj 1. graceful; 2. gracious
gratiositate n graciousness
gratis (grá-) [L] adv gratis, free (of charge)
gratitude n gratitude
grattacelo n skyscraper
grattamento n scratching, scraping
grattar v to scratch, scrape
Hence: grattamento; grattator; grattacelo etc.
grattator n scratcher, scraper (= one who scratches, scrapes)
gratuite (-ú-) adj gratuitous (1. gratis, free; 2. uncalled for, unwarranted)
gratular v to express joy at (someone’s good fortune), congratulate
Hence: gratulation; gratulatori; congratular &
gratulation n good wishes, congratulation
gratulatori adj congratulatory;
littera gratulatori letter of congratulation or good wishes
gravamine n grievance, gravamen
gravar¹ v to engrave
Hence: gravator
gravar² v to burden, encumber
gravator n engraver
grave adj I. heavy; II. grave (1. solemn, important; 2. low-pitched, deep);
accento grave [Gram.] grave accent
Hence: gravitate &; gravide &; gravar-gravamine, aggravar &
gravide adj pregnant (= with child, gravid)
Hence: graviditate
graviditate n pregnancy, gravidity
gravit- see gravitate
gravitar v [Phys.] to gravitate
gravitate n gravity (1. [Phys.]; 2. seriousness, importance; 3. lowness of pitch);
gravitate specific specific gravity;
centro de gravitate center of gravity
Hence: gravitar-gravitation
gravitation n [Phys.] gravitation
gravure [F] n engraving, gravure (1. art of engraving; 2. print made from an engraved plate)
Hence: photogravure etc.; rotogravure etc.
grec adj Greek, Grecian;
i grec (the letter) y
greca n [Art] Greek fret, key pattern, meander
Grecia n Greece
grecisar v to Grecize, Hellenize
grecismo n Grecism, Hellenism (1. Grecian quality; 2. Greek idiom)
greco n Greck (1. Greek language; 2. inhabitant of Greece)
Hence: Grecia; grec-grecismo, grecisar, grecoroman etc., greco, greca
grecoroman adj Greco-Roman, Graeco-Roman
-gred- see grad-
-greder see grad-
gregar v to (collect into a) flock or herd
gregari adj 1. gregarious (= tending to flock or herd together); 2. belonging to the common herd
grege n flock, herd, drove, etc.; also: troop, band, crowd, etc.
Hence: gregari; gregar; aggregar &; congregar &; disgregar &; segregar &; egregie
gremial n [Eccl.] gremial
gremio n lap; also: bosom
Hence: gremial
grenadier [F] n [Mil.] grenadier
grenadina n grenadine (= sirup of pomegranates)
grillia n I. grate (1. grating; 2. frame of iron bars holding a fire); II. grill, gridiron; III. [Elec.] grid
Hence: grilliar-grilliada, grilliage
grilliada n 1. (action of) grilling; 2. grilled food
grilliage (-aje) n grating, lattice work; also: wire netting, etc.
grilliar v to grill
grillo n [Entom.] cricket
grimassar v to grimace, make (wry) faces
grimasse [F] n grimace, (wry) face
Hence: grimassar
grippe [F] n [Pathol.] grippe
gris adj/n gray, grey
Hence: grisalia
grisalia n grisaille
grisette [F] n grisette (= French girl of the working class)
grizzly [A] n grizzly (bear)
groenland- see Groenlandia
groenlandese¹ adj Greenland, Greenlandic
groenlandese² n Greenlander
Groenlandia npr Greenland
Hence: groenlandese
grog [A] n grog
groom [A] n groom (= manservant; specif.: stableman, stableboy)
grossa n gross (= unit consisting of twelve dozen)
grosse adj big, bulky, etc.;
mar grosse heavy sea
Hence: grossier; grosseria; grosso; grossa
grosseria (-ía) n coarseness, rudeness
grossier adj coarse (1. not fine; 2. rude, not refined)
grosso n bulk (= main mass);
le grosso del armea the main body of the army;
in grosso at wholesale
grossula n gooseberry
Hence: grossular
grossular adj gooseberry, grossular
grotta n grotto
Hence: grottesc &
grottesc adj grotesque
Hence: grottesco
grottesco n grotesque;
grottescos [Art] grotesques
grue n crane (1. [Zool.]; 2. [Mech.])
grumo n 1. clot; 2. lump
Hence: grumose
grumose adj 1. clotted; 2. lumpy
grunnimento n (action of) grunting, grunt
grunnir v to grunt
Hence: grunnimento; grunnitor
grunnitor n grunter (= one who or that which grunts)
gruppamento n 1. (act of) grouping; 2. group
gruppar v to group
gruppo n group
Hence: gruppar-gruppamento; aggruppar-aggruppamento
grypho n 1. [Gr. Mythol.] griffin; 2. griffon vulture
Hence: hippogrypho etc.
guai interj woe
guano n guano
guantar v to glove;
guantar se to put on one’s gloves
guanteria (-ía) n glove shop
guantero n glovemaker, glover
guanto n glove;
jectar le guanto to throw down the gauntlet
Hence: guantero; guanteria, guantar
guarda n guard (1. action of guarding; 2. one who guards; 3. group or body of guards; 4. as in “mudguard”, “guard of a sword”, etc.);
(folio de) guarda flyleaf
guardacostas n 1. coast guard(sman); 2. revenue cutter
guardafango n fender, mudguard
guardafoco n fender, fireguard
guardar v 1. to guard (= to defend, protect); 2. to keep (= not to let go of);
guardar se de un cosa to beware of something
Hence: guarda-guardiano, retroguarda, vanguarda, salveguarda etc.; guardator; reguardar &; guardacostas etc.; guardafango etc.
guardaroba n wardrobe (= room, closet or cupboard for holding clothes)
guardator n guardian, guard
guardiano n guardian, guard
guarita n 1. watchtower; 2. sentry box
guarnimento n (action of) trimming, decorating, garnishing
guarnir v to trim, decorate, garnish;
guarnir de to provide, supply, with
Hence: guarnimento; guarnition; guarnitura
guarnition n 1. trimming, garniture; 2. garrison
guarnitura n trimming, garniture
guastar v 1. to spoil, damage; 2. to waste, squander
Hence: guastator
guastator n 1. spoiler (of material, etc.); 2. waster, squanderer
guelfe adj [Hist.] Guelph
Hence: guelfo
guelfo n [Hist.] Guelph
guerra n war; also: warfare;
facer (le) guerra to wage or make war;
guerra frigide cold war
Hence: guerrero; guerrier; guerrear-guerreator; aguerrir &
guerrear v to war, make or wage war
guerreator n warrior
guerrero n warrior
guerrier adj warlike, martial
guerrilla [H] n 1. guerrilla warfare; 2. band or troup of guerrillas
Hence: guerrillero
guerrillero (-lyéro) n guerrilla, partisan
guida n guide (1. one who guides; 2. guidebook; 3. instrument or part of an instrument, a machine, etc., that controls a movement)
Hence: guidar
guidar v 1. to guide; 2. to drive (horses, a car, etc.)
Guillotin, Joseph Ignace npr [1738-1814; French physician]
Hence: guillotina-guillotinar-guillotinada, guillotinamento
guillotina (gi-) n guillotine
guillotinada (gi-) n mass guillotining
guillotinamento (gi-) n (act of) guillotining
guillotinar (gi-) v to guillotine
Guinea (ginéa) npr Guinea;
Golfo de Guinea Gulf of Guinea;
guinea [Monet.] guinea
Hence: Nove Guinea etc.
guirlanda (gir-) n garland
Hence: guirlandar; inguirlandar
guirlandar (gir-) v to festoon, garland
guisa n way, manner, wise
Hence: disguisar &
guitarra (gi-) n guitar
Hence: guitarrista
guitarrista (gi-) n guitarist
gulash (gú-) n goulash
gulf stream [A] n Gulf Stream
gumma n [Bot.] gum;
gumma arabic gum arabic;
gumma elastic (India) rubber, caoutchouc; also: eraser;
gumma resina gum resin;
gumma ammoniac gum ammoniac
Hence: gummiero; gummifere; gummose-gummositate; gummar, ingummar
gummar v to gum (= to treat, smear, etc., with gum)
gummiero n rubber tree
gummifere adj gummiferous
gummose adj gummous
gummositate n gummosity
gurgite (gúr-) n 1. abyss, whirlpool, gulf; 2. gullet, throat
Hence: ingurgitar &; regurgitar &
gurguliar v to gurgle
gustabile adj 1. tastable; 2. tasty (= having a pleasant taste)
gustar v 1. to taste (= to perceive by the sense of taste); 2. to enjoy, relish
Hence: gustabile; gustation; gustative
gustation n gustation, tasting
gustative adj gustative
gusto n taste (1. sense of taste; 2. flavor; 3. as in “to have a taste for”);
in le gusto de Vermeer in the manner of Vermeer;
de bon, mal gusto in good, bad taste;
prender gusto a (un cosa) to develop a taste for (something);
haber gusto pro to have a taste for
Hence: gustose; gustar &; degustar &; disgustar &
gustose adj tasty, savory
gutta¹ n I. drop (1. as in “a drop of rain”; 2. [Arch.] gutta); II. [Pathol.] gout;
gutta seren [Pathol.] amaurosis, gutta serena
Hence: guttiera; guttose; guttar
gutta² n [Chem.] gutta
Hence: guttifere-guttiferas; guttapercha etc.
guttapercha (-sha) n gutta-percha
guttar v to drip (as in “the tap is dripping”)
guttiera n gutter (“gutter at the eaves”)
guttiferas (-í-) npl [Bot.] Guttiferae
guttifere adj [Bot.] guttiferous
guttose adj gouty
guttural adj guttural
gutturalisar v to gutturalize
gutturalisation n gutturalization
gutture n throat, gullet
Hence: guttural-gutturalisar-gutturalisation
gymn- adj [oocurring in derivatives and compounds]
Hence: gymnic; gymnoto etc.; gymnosophista etc.; gymnosperme etc.
gymnas- [occurring in derivatives]
Hence: gymnasio &; gymnasta &
gymnasiarcha n [Gr. Antiq.] gymnasiarch
gymnasio n gymnasium (1. hall for gymnastic practice; 2. Gymnasium)
Hence: gymnasiarcha etc.
gymnasta n gymnast
Hence: gymnastic; gymnastica
gymnastic adj gymnastic, gymnastical
gymnastica n gymnastics
gymnic adj gymnastic
gymnoblaste adj [Zool.] gymnoblastic
gymnosophista n gymnosophist
gymnospermas npl [Bot.] gymospermae, gymnosperms
gymnosperme adj [Bot.] gymnospermous
gymnospore (-nó-) adj [Bot.] gymnosporous
gymnoto n [Zool.] gymnotus, electric eel
-gyn- see gyneco-
gyn- n [occurring in compounds] gyn-, gyno- (= pistil, ovary)
Hence: gynobase etc.; gynophoro etc.
gynandre adj gynandrous
Hence: gynandro
gynandro n [Bot.] gynander (= member of the class Gynandria)
gyneceo (-éo) n [Gr. and Rom. Antiq.] gynaeceum
gyneco- [occurring in derivatives and compounds] gyneco- (= woman)
Hence: gyneceo; gynecocratia etc.; gynecologo etc.; gynandre etc.; androgyne etc.; misogyne etc.
gynecocratia (-ía) n gynecocracy
gynecocratic adj gynecocratic, gynecocratical
gynecologia (-ía) n gynecology
gynecologic adj gynecologic
gynecologista n gynecologist
gynecologo (-có-) n gynecologist
Hence: gynecologia-gynecologista; gynecologic
gynobase n [Bot.] gynobase
gynophoro (-nó-) n [Bot.] gynophore
gypsero n 1. gypsum worker, dealer, etc.; 2. plasterer (= worker, dealer, etc., in plaster of Paris)
gypsiera n gypsum deposit or pit
gypsifere adj [Mineral.] gypsiferous
gypso n 1. [Mineral.] gypsum; 2. plaster (of Paris)
Hence: gypsero; gypsiera; gypsose; gypsifere; ingypsar
gypsose adj [Mineral.] gypsum, gypseous
gyro n 1. circle, turn (= circular course); gyre; 2. [Anat.] gyrus
Hence: autogyro; gyrometro etc.; gyroscopio etc.; gyrostato etc.; levogyr etc.; sinistrogyr etc.
gyrometro (-ró-) n gyrometer
gyroscopic adj gyroscopic
gyroscopio n gyroscope
Hence: gyroscopic
gyrostatic adj gyrostatic
gyrostato (-ró-) n gyrostat
Hence: gyrostatic
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