Romanica English Dictionary S
-s- see esser
sabbatario n Sabbatarian
sabbatarismo n Sabbatarianism
sabbatic adj Sabbatic(al), Sabbatarian
sabbato n 1. Sabbath; 2. Saturday
Hence: sabbatario-sabbatarismo; sabbatic
sabin adj Sabine
Hence: sabino; Sabino; Sabina
Sabina nprf Sabina
sabino¹ n Sabine;
le rapto del sabinas the rape of the Sabines
Sabino² nprm [Rom. Hist.] Sabinus
sabla n saber, sabre
Hence: sablar
sablar¹ v to sand (= to sprinkle or cover with sand)
sablar² v to saber, slash
sabliera n 1. sand pit; 2. sand box, sand sprayer, etc.
sabliero n hourglass, sandglass
sablo n sand
Hence: sabliera; sabliero; sablose; sablar; insablar-insablamento
sablose adj sandy
sabotage (-aje) n sabotage
sabotar v to sabotage
Hence: sabotage; sabotator
sabotator n saboteur
saboteur [F] n saboteur
saccata n sackful, bagful
sacch- see sacco
saccharar v to sugar, sweeten
saccharate 1. pp of saccharar; 2. adj sweet, sugary
saccharato n [Chem.] saccharate
saccharifere adj sacchariferous
saccharificar v to saccharify
saccharification n saccharification
saccharin adj saccharine
saccharina n [Chem.] saccharin
saccharo (sác-) n sugar
Hence: saccharato; saccharifere; saccharin-saccharina; saccharoide; saccharose-saccharosa; saccharar-saccharate; saccharificar-saccharification; saccharometro etc.
saccharoide adj saccharoid
saccharometro (-ómetro) n saccharometer
saccharosa n [Chem.] saccharose
saccharose adj saccharic
saccheamento n pillage, sacking
sacchear v to sack, pillage
saccheator n pillager
saccheo (-éo) n pillage, sacking
sacchetto n small bag
sacco¹ n 1. sack, bag; 2. [Anat., Bot., Zool.] sac;
sacco de terra sandbag;
sacco lacrimal tearpit, tear sac;
sacco a mano handbag
Hence: saccata; sacchetto; insaccar
sacco² n sack (= sacking, plundering);
mitter a sacco to sack, put to sack
Hence: sacchear-saccheo, saccheamento, saccheator
sacer- see sacro
sacerdotal adj sacerdotal
sacerdote n priest
Hence: sacerdotio; sacerdotal
sacerdotio n priesthood, sacerdocy
sacramental adj sacramental
sacramentario n [R.C.Ch.] Sacramentary
sacramento n [Eccl.] sacrament
Hence: sacramental; sacramentario
sacrar v to consecrate (as in “to consecrate a church”)
sacrate 1. pp of sacrar; 2. adj holy, sacred
sacre adj holy, sacred;
ordines sacre Holy orders
Hence: sacrista &; sacrar-sacramento &, sacrate, consecrar &, execrar &, obsecrar &; sacro &
sacrificar v to sacrifice
Hence: sacrificator
sacrificator n sacrificer
sacrificio n sacrifice (1. as in “sacrifice to the gods”; 2. as in “sacrifice of one’s life”)
sacrilege (-í-) adj sacrilegious
sacrilegio n sacrilege
sacrista n sexton, sacristan
Hence: sacristia; sacristano
sacristano n sexton, sacristan
sacristia (-ía) n sacristy, vestry
sacro n sacred rite; also: sacrifice
Hence: sacrilege etc.; sacrificio etc.; sacrilegio etc; sacrificar etc.; sacrosancte etc.; sacerdote etc.
sacrosancte adj sacrosanct
Sade, Donatien Alphonse François, Marquis de npr [1740-1814; French writer]
Hence: sadismo, sadista
sadismo n sadism
sadista n sadist; also: attrib. sadistic, sadist
[saepe] (sái-) adv often, frequently
sag- adj [occurring in derivatives and compounds]
Hence: sagace &; presage &
saga n saga (= medieval story of an Icelandic hero or family)
sagace adj sagacious
Hence: sagacitate
sagacitate n sagacity
sage (sáje) adj sage, wise
Hence: sagessa; sagio
sagessa (-j-) n wisdom, sageness
sagio (sajo) n sage, wise man
sagitta n arrow
Hence: sagittari; sagittario; sagittaria; sagittal; sagittate; sagittiforme etc.
sagittal adj sagittal (1. of or like an arrow; 2. [Anat.])
sagittari adj arrow, sagittary
sagittaria n [Bot.] Sagittaria
sagittario n archer, bowman;
Sagittario [Astron.] Sagittarius, Archer
sagittate adj sagittate (= shaped like an arrowhead)
sagittiforme adj sagittiform, arrowshaped
sago n sago
Sahara (sá-) npr Sahara
saison [F] n season (as in “the social season”)
sal n salt (1. common salt; 2. [Chem.])
Hence: saliera; salifere; salin-salinero, salinitate; salar-salator, salatura, salate-salata &; salificar-salificabile, salification; insalar; salmuria etc.; salnitro etc.
sala n hall (= large room)
Hence: salon
salace adj salacious
Hence: salacitate
salacitate n salaciousness
salamandra n salamander (1. fire spirit; 2. [Zool.])
salami n salami
salar v to salt (= to add salt to, season with salt)
salariar v to pay a salary to
salariato n class or body of employees, salariat
salario n salary
Hence: salariato; salariar
salata n salad
Hence: salatiera
salate 1. pp of salar; 2. adj salty
salatiera n salad bowl
salator n salter (= one who salts meat, fish, etc.)
salatura n (operation of) salting
saldar v [Com.] to balance, settle
saldo [I] n [Com.] (cash) balance, settlement
Hence: saldar
salice (sá-) n willow
Hence: saliceto; salicyl &; salicina; salicinee-salicineas
saliceto n willow grove
salicina n [Chem.] salicin
salicineas npl [Bot.] Salicaceae
salicinee adj [Bot.] salicaceous
salicyl n [Chem.] salicyl
Hence: salicylato; salicylol; salicylic; salicylose
salicylato n [Chem.] salicylate
salicylic adj [Chem.] salicylic
salicylol n [Chem.] salicylol
salicylose adj [Chem.] salicylous
saliente¹ 1. ppr of salir; 2. adj salient (1. jutting out; 2. conspicuous)
saliente² n [Fortif.] salient
saliera n saltcellar, salt shaker
salifere adj saliferous
salificabile adj [Chem.] salifiable
salificar v to salify
salification n [Chem.] salification
salin adj saline (1. consisting of or containing salt; 2. briny)
salinero n salt maker; salt dealer
salinitate n salinity
salir [sal-/salt-] v 1. to jump, leap, bound; 2. to be salient
Hence: salace &; saliente; salto-saltigrade etc.; saltar &; assalir &
saliva n saliva, spittle
Hence: salivari, salivar-salivation
salivar v to water, salivate
salivari adj salivary
salivation n watering, salivation
salmon n salmon (1. Salmo salar, the fish “salmon”; 2. the color “salmon”)
Hence: salmonide-salmonidos
salmonide adj [Zool.] salmonid
salmonidos (-ídos) npl [Zool.] Salmonidae
salmuria n pickling brine
Hence: salmuriar
salmuriar v to salt down, brine, pickle (in brine)
salnitrero n saltpeter worker or dealer
salnitriera n saltpeter works; saltpeter bed
salnitro n niter, saltpeter
Hence: salnitrero; salnitriera; salnitrose
salnitrose adj nitrous, saltpetrous
Salomon npr Solomon;
templo de Salomon Solomon’s temple;
sigillo de Salomon 1. Solomon’s seal (= six-pointed star consisting of two interlaced triangles); 2. [Bot.] Solomon’s-seal;
Insulas Salomon Solomon Islands
Hence: salomonic; salomonian-salomoniano
salomonian adj (of the) Solomon Islands; (of the) Solomon Islanders
salomoniano n Solomon Islander
salomonic adj Solomonic, Solomon’s
salon n salon (1. parlor, reception room; also: living room, drawing room; 2. place used to exhibit works of art);
wagon salon parlor car
salpetra n saltpeter, niter
Hence: salpetrero; salpetriera; salpetrose; salpetrar
salpetrar v to cover with saltpeter
salpetrero n saltpeter worker or dealer
salpetriera n saltpeter works; saltpeter bed
salpetrose adj saltpetrous, nitrous
salsicia n sausage
Hence: salsiciero, salsicieria
salsicieria (-ía) n sausage shop
salsiciero n sausage maker or dealer
salt- see salir
saltante 1. ppr of saltar; 2. adj saltant, jumping
saltar v I. to jump (1. to leap, bound; 2. to leap over); II. to blow up (= to fly in pieces with a loud report); III. to skip, leave out
Hence: saltante; saltation; saltator
saltation n saltation, jumping
saltator n 1. jumper (= one who jumps); 2. grasshopper
saltigrade (-í-) adj [Zool.] saltigrade
salto n 1. jump, leap, bound; 2. waterfall, rapids;
salto mortal somersault, breakneck leap
salubre adj salubrious, healthy, healthful
Hence: salubritate; insalubre-insalubritate
salubritate n salubrity, health, healthfulness
salutar¹ adj salutary, wholesome
salutar² v to greet, salute
salutation n salutation, greeting;
salutation angelic Hail Mary
salutator n greeter, saluter
salute n 1. salvation; 2. greeting, salute;
salute! hail!, greetings!
Hence: salutista; salutar¹; salutar²-salutation, salutator
salutista n Salvationist
salva n 1. [Mil.] salvo; 2. volley (as in “to fire a volley”);
tirar un salva to fire or discharge a volley
salvabile adj salvable
salvage (-aje) adj savage, wild
Hence: salvageria; semisalvage etc.
salvageria (-ajería) n savagery, savageness
salvamento n saving, rescue; also: salvaging;
cinctura de salvamento life belt;
barca or lancha de salvamento lifeboat
salvar v to save, rescue; also: to salve, salvage;
salvar le apparentias to save appearances;
salvar se to escape
salvation n salvation, rescue; also: salvage
salvator n savior (1. rescuer; 2. redeemer); also: salvager;
Salvator Saviour
salve adj safe (= unhurt);
san e salve safe and sound
Hence: salvia; salvar-salva, salvabile, salvamento, salvation, salvator; salveconducto etc.; salveguarda etc.; salvo
salveconducto n safe-conduct
salveguarda n 1. safekeeping, protection; 2. safeguard, safe-conduct
Hence: salveguardar
salveguardar v to safeguard, keep safe
salvia n 1. [Bot.] Salvia; 2. [Bot.] sage (= half-shrubby mint)
salvo prep save, but; also: save or but for;
salvo que save or but that;
salvo error e omission errors and omissions excepted
Samaria npr Samaria
Hence: samaritan-samaritano
samaritan adj Samaritan (1. pertaining to Samaria; 2. pertaining to the good Samaritan)
samaritano n Samaritan (1. inhabitant of Samaria; 2. good Samaritan; 3. Samaritan language);
bon samaritano good Samaritan
sambuco n elder, elderberry
samovar [R] n samovar
Sampson npr Samson, Sampson
Samson npr Samson, Sampson;
Samson e Delila Samson and Delilah
Samuel npr Samuel
samum [Ar.] n simoon
samurai [J] n samurai
san adj I. healthy (1. in good health; 2. healthful, wholesome); II. sane (= mentally sound);
san e salve safe and sound
Hence: sanicula; sanitate-sanitari; sanar-sanabile-insanabile-insanabilitate, sanative, sanatorio; insan &; malsan etc.
sanabile adj curable
sanar v to cure, to heal
sanative adj curative, healing
sanatorio n sanatorium, sanitarium
sancir [sanc-/sanct-] v to establish, confirm, sanction
Hence: sanction-sanctionar; sancte &
sanct- see sancir
sancta nf saint
sancte adj holy, saintly, saint;
(le) spirito sancte (the) Holy Ghost;
(le) septimana sancte Holy Week;
(le) ecclesia sancte (the) Holy Church;
(le) patre sancte (the) Holy Father;
(le) terra sancte (the) Holy Land;
sancte sede Holy See
Hence: sanctitate; sanctificar-sanctification, sanctificator; sacrosancte etc.; sancto-sanctuario; sancta
sanctificar v to hallow, sanctify;
sanctificar (un die de festa) to keep or observe (a holiday)
sanctification n sanctification
sanctificator n sanctifier
sanction n sanction (1. solemn or ceremonious ratification; 2. [Law]; 3. approbation, assent)
sanctionar v to sanction (1. to give sanction to; 2. to approve of)
sanctitate n holiness, sanctity, sacredness
sancto nm saint;
(die de) omne sanctos All Saints’ Day;
vigilia de omne sanctos Halloween
sanctuario n sanctuary (1. sacred space around the altar of a church; 2. place of refuge or protection)
sanctum sanctorum [L] sanctum sanctorum, holy of holies
sandalia n sandal (as in “Greek sandals”)
sandwich [A] n sandwich
sangu- see sanguine
sanguifere adj sanguiferous
sanguificar v to produce blood (from)
sanguification n sanguification
sanguilente adj bloody, sanguinary (= accompanied by much bloodshed)
sanguinar v to bleed (= to lose blood)
sanguinari adj bloody, sanguinary (1. blood-thirsty; 2. accompanied by much bloodshed)
sanguine n blood;
sanguine frigide sangfroid, composure;
animales de sanguine frigide, (calde) cold-blooded (warm-blooded) animals;
haber le sanguine calde to be hot-blooded;
prince del sanguine prince of the blood;
sanguine azur blue blood
Hence: sanguinari; sanguinee; sanguinolente; sanguinose; sanguinar; consanguinitate; consanguinee; insanguinar; sanguifere; sanguilente; sanguificar-sanguification; exsangue; sanguisorba etc.
sanguinee adj I. sanguineous (1. of or containing blood; 2. abounding with blood); II. sanguine (as in “sanguine temperament”)
sanguinolente adj sanguinolent
sanguinose adj bloody, bloodstained
sanguisorba n [Bot.] sanguisorba
sanguisuga n [Zool.] leech, bloodsucker
Sanhedrin n Sanhedrin
sanicula n [Bot.] sanicle
sanitari adj sanitary;
policia sanitari health police
sanitate n 1. (state of) health; 2. (good) health;
officio de sanitate board of health;
sanitate mental sanity, mental health;
patente de sanitate bill of health
saper¹ v to know, have knowledge of;
saper (facer un cosa) to know how (to do something);
qui sape! who knows!;
facer saper (un cosa a un persona) to let (someone) know (something), acquaint (someone with something);
a saper to wit, namely
Hence: sapide &; sapiente &; sapor &
saper² n knowledge, learning
sapide adj sapid, saporous
Hence: sapiditate; insipide &
sapiditate n sapidity
sapiente adj wise, discerning, sapient
Hence: sapientia-sapiential; insipiente &
sapientia n wisdom
sapiential adj sapiential
sapon n soap
Hence: saponaria; saponero; saponeria; saponiera; saponetta; saponacee; saponina; saponose; saponar; saponificar-saponification
saponacee adj saponaceous
saponar v to soap
saponaria n [Bot.] Fuller’s herb, bouncing Bet, soapwort
saponeria (-ía) n soap factory
saponero n soap maker
saponetta n 1. (scented) toilet soap; 2. hunting-case watch
saponiera n soap dish
saponificar v to saponify
saponification n saponification
saponina n [Chem.] saponin
saponose adj soapy
sapor n flavor, taste, savor
Hence: saporose; saporar
saporar v to savor (= to taste with pleasure)
saporose adj savory, savorous
sappa n [Mil.] sap
Hence: sappar-sappamento, sappator
sappamento n sapping, undermining
sappar v to sap, undermine
sappator n sapper
sapphirina n [Mineral.] sapphirine
sapphiro n [Mineral.] sapphire
Hence: sapphirina
sapr- adj [occurring in compounds]
Hence: saprophyto etc. ...
saprophyto (-óphyto) n [Biol.] saprophyte
saracen adj Saracen, Saracenic;
grano saracen buckwheat, sarrazin
Hence: saraceno-saracenic
saracenic adj Saracenic, Saracen
saraceno n saracen
sarcasmo n sarcasm
sarcastic adj sarcastic
sarcir [sarc-/sart-] v to mend, repair; also: to patch; to darn
Hence: sartor &
sarcophago (-ó-) n 1. sarcophagus; 2. coffin
sarcular v to hoe (= to clear of weeds with a hoe)
Hence: sarcular
sarde adj Sard, Sardinian
Hence: Sardinia; sardo
sardina n [Ichthyol.] sardine
Hence: sardinero; sardineria
sardineria (-ía) n sardine industry
sardinero n 1. sardine fisherman; 2. sardine dealer
Sardinia npr Sardinia
sardo n Sardinian
sardonic adj sardonic
sart- see sarcir
sartor n tailor, dressmaker
Hence: sartoreria; sartorial
sartoreria (-ía) n tailor’s shop
sartorial adj sartorial (= pertaining to a tailor)
sasibile adj seizable
sasir v to seize (= to grasp);
sasir le occasion to seize the opportunity
Hence: sasibile
sassafras (-frás) n sassafras (1. sassafras tree; 2. sassafras bark)
satellite (-tél-) n satellite; also: henchman
sati- see satis
satiabile adj satiable
satiar v to satiate, sate
Hence: satiabile-insatiabile-insatiabilitate; satiate-insatiate
satiate 1. pp of satiar; 2. adj satiate, satiated
satietate n satiety
satin [F] n 1. satin; 2. sateen
Hence: satinetta; satinar-satinate
satinar v to glaze, gloss, satin
satinate 1. pp of satinar; 2. adj satiny, lustrous
satinetta n satinette, satinet
satira (sá-) n satire
Hence: satiric-satirico; satirisar
satiric adj satiric, satirical
satirico n satirist
satirisar v to satirize
satis (sá-) adv 1. enough; 2. rather, somewhat;
esser satis to be enough;
haber satis to have enough;
satis de (tempore, etc.) enough (time, etc.), (time, etc.) enough
Hence: satietate; satiar &; assatis; satisfacer etc.
satisfacente 1. ppr of satisfacer; 2. adj satisfactory
satisfacer [-fac-/-fact-] v to satisfy
Hence: satisfacente; satisfaction; satisfactori; satisfacte
satisfacte adj satisfied, content
satisfaction n satisfaction;
dar satisfaction to give satisfaction
satisfactori adj satisfactory; also: [Theol.]
saturabile adj saturable
saturabilitate n saturability
saturar v to saturate
saturate 1. pp of saturar; 2. adj saturate
saturation n saturation
sature adj saturated, sated
Hence: saturar-saturabile-saturabilitate; insaturabile, saturation, saturate, supersaturar-supersaturation
saturnal adj Saturnian
saturnales npl [Rom. Relig.] Saturnalia
saturnia n [Zool.] Saturnia
saturnie adj Saturnian
saturnin adj saturnine (1. heavy, gloomy; 2. [Med.])
saturnismo n lead poisoning, saturnism
Saturno npr Saturn (1. [Rom. Relig.]; 2. [Astron.]; 3. [Alchem.] lead)
Hence: saturnismo; saturnal; saturnie-saturnia; saturnin
satyro (sá-) n satyr (1. [Gr. Mythol.]; 2. [Entom.])
sauce [F] n sauce, gravy
Hence: sauciera
sauciera n sauceboat
sauerkraut [G] n sauerkraut
sauro n saurian
Hence: ichthyosauro etc.; dinosauro etc.; megalosauro etc.
sauté [F] adj [Cooking] sauté
savanna n savanna, savannah
Sax, Antoine Joseph npr [1814-1894; Belgian maker and inventor of musical instruments]
Hence: saxophono etc.; saxhorn etc.; saxtuba etc.
saxcornetta [Mus.] saxcornet
saxcorno n [Mus.] saxhorn
saxee adj stone (= made of stone)
saxeto n stony ground
saxhorn n [Mus.] saxhorn
saxicola (-í-) n [Ornith.] Saxicola
saxicole (-í-) adj [Bot., Zool.] saxicolous, saxicoline (= growing on, or inhabiting rocks)
Hence: saxicola
saxifraga (-í-) n [Bot.] saxifrage
saxifragaceas npl [Bot.] Saxifragaceae
saxifragacee adj [Bot.] saxifragaceous
saxifrage (-í-) adj saxifragous (= breaking or dissolving stone)
Hence: saxifraga-saxifragacee-saxifragaceas
saxo n stone, rock
Hence: saxeto; saxee; saxose; saxicole etc.; saxifrage etc.
saxone n/adj Saxon
Hence: Saxonia; anglosaxone etc.
Saxonia npr Saxony (1. [Anc. Hist.] land of the Saxons; 2. former Kingdom of Saxony; 3. Prussian Saxony)
saxophono n saxophone
saxose adj rocky, stony (= abounding in stones)
saxtuba n [Mus.] saxtuba, bass saxhorn
scabello n 1. stool; also: footstool; 2. [Rom. Antiq.] scabellum
scabie n scabies, mange
Hence: scabiose-scabiosa
scabiosa n [Bot.] scabious
scabiose adj scabious, mangy
scafolt n scaffold (= place of execution)
scala n 1. ladder; II. staircase; III. scale (1. [Mus.]; 2. as in “scale of a thermometer, a map, etc.”); IV. port of call;
scala mobile 1. escalator, moving staircase; 2. sliding scale;
reducer (augmentar) secundo le scala to scale down (up)
Hence: scalon &; scalar-scalada
scalada n [Mil.] escalade
scalar v [Mil.] to scale
scalia n I. scale (1. [Zool., Bot., Med., etc.]; 2. [Metal.]); II. [Zool., Bot.] shell; also: husk, hull, etc.
Hence: scaliose; scaliar-scaliage
scaliage (-aje) n scaling, husking; peeling, chipping off, etc.
scaliar v I. to scale (1. to remove the scales from; 2. to cover with scales); II. to shell, husk, hull, etc.
scaliose adj scaly, scalelike
scalon n 1. rung, step; 2. [Mil.] echelon
Hence: scalonar
scalonar v to echelon
scalp [A n scalp (as in “to take scalps”)
Hence: scalpar
scalpar v to scalp (= to deprive of the scalp)
scand- see scandinave
scandalisar v 1. to offend (as in “if thy right eye offend thee”; 2. to scandalize)
scandalo (scán-) n 1. offense, scandalous example; 2. scandal (as in “political scandal”);
petra de scandalo stumbling block
Hence: scandalose; scandalisar
scandalose adj 1. giving offence; also: setting a bad example; 2. scandalous (as in “scandalous affair”)
scander [scand-/scans-;-scend-/-scens-] v 1. to climb; 2. to scan (“to scan verse”)
Hence: scansion, ascender &; descender &; transcender &
scandinave adj Scandinavian
Hence: Scandinavia; scandinavo; scandium
Scandinavia npr Scandinavia
scandinavo n Scandinavian
scandium (scán-) n [Chem.] scandium
scans- see scander
scansion n [Metrics] scansion
scapula (scá-) n shoulder blade, scapula
Hence: scapular; scapulario; scapulohumeral etc.
scapular adj scapular
scapulario n [Eccl.] scapular (1. a sleeveless cloak; 2. a badge of membership in certain orders, consisting of two pieces of cloth and worn under the clothing)
scapulohumeral adj [Anat.] scapulohumeral
scarabeo (-éo) n I. scarabaeus (1. [Entom.]; 2. [Egyptol.] scarab); II. [Entom.] beetle
scaramucia n skirmish
Hence: scaramuciar-scaramuciator
scaramuciar v to skirmish
scaramuciator n skirmisher
scarlatin adj scarlet;
febre scarlatin scarlet fever
Hence: scarlatina
scarlatina n scarlet fever, scarlatina
scarlato n scarlet (1. color scarlet; 2. scarlet cloth or clothes)
Hence: scarlatin &
scarpa n 1. shoe; 2. slope, scarp (= face of a hill, etc.); 3. [Mil.] scarp, escarp
Hence: scarpero, scarpino, scarpar-scarpamento, scarpate; contrascarpa; superscarpa; lustrascarpas etc.
scarpamento n [Mil.] escarpment
scarpar v 1. to slope (= to cause to slope); 2. [Mil.] to escarp
scarpate 1. pp of scarpar; 2. adj steep, scarped
scarpero n shoemaker, bootmaker
scarpino n dancing pump
scelalgia (-ía) n [Pathol.] scelalgia, pain in the legs
sceler- n [occurring in derivatives]
Hence: scelerate-sceleratessa, scelerato
scelerate adj scoundrelly, villainous
sceleratessa n villainy, wickedness
scelerato n scoundrel, wretch, villain, etc.
scelides npl [Zool.] scelides, hind legs
scelo- n [occurring in derivatives and compounds] scelo-, scel- (= leg)
Hence: scelides-macroscelide etc.; scelalgia etc.; isoscele etc.; macroscele etc.
scena n I. stage (1. “stage of a theater”; 2. theater, art of the theater); II. scene (1. unit of dramatic action; 2. place of action; also: setting; 3. as in “to make a scene”);
poner in scena to stage, put on the stage
Hence: scenario; scenic; inscenar &; hyposcenio; proscenio; scenographo etc.; scenopegia etc.
scenario n scenario
scenic adj scenic, scenical (= of or pertaining to the scenes of dramatic action)
scenographia (-ía) scenography
scenographic adj scenographic
scenographo (-ógrapho) n scenographer
Hence: scenographia; scenographic
scenopegia (-ía) n [Jewish Relig.] Sukkoth, Feast of Tabernacles
sceptic adj skeptic, sceptic, skeptical, sceptical
Hence: scepticismo, sceptico
scepticismo n skepticism, scepticism
sceptico n 1. skeptic, sceptic; 2. [Philos.] Skeptic, Sceptic
sceptro n scepter
scheda n slip of paper
Hence: schedula
schedula n 1. slip of paper (containing writing); 2. promissory note
schema [-ma/-mat-] n I. schema; II. scheme (1. as in “the metrical scheme of a sonnet”; 2. plan in tabulated form)
Hence: schematic; schematisar-schematismo
schemat- see schema
schematic adj schematic
schematisar v to schematize
schematismo n schematism
scherma n fencing, fence (= art of fencing)
Hence: schermir-schermitor
schermir v to fence (= to practice fencing)
schermitor n fencer (= one who practices fencing)
scherzo [I] n scherzo
schisma [-ma/-mat-] n schism (1. division, separation; 2. [Eccl.])
Hence: schismatic-schismatico
schismat- see schisma
schismatic adj schismatic, schismatical
schismatico n schismatic
schisto n [Petrography] schist
Hence: schistose; micaschisto etc.
schistose adj [Petrography] schistose, schistous
schizo- [occurring in compounds] schizo- (= split)
Hence: schizophrenia etc.; schizophyto etc.; schizopode etc.
schizophrenia (-ía) n [Psychiatry] schizophrenia
Hence: schizophrenic-schizophrenico
schizophrenic adj schizophrenic
schizophrenico n schizophrenic, schizophrene
schizophyto (-óphyto) n [Bot.] schizophyte
schizopode (-ó-) adj schizopod, schizopodous
Hence: schizopodo
schizopodo (-ópodo) n [Zool.] schizopod
schizzar (-tsar) v to sketch (1. to make a draft or sketch of; 2. to make a sketch or sketches)
schizzo [I] n [Lit., Art] sketch
Hence: schizzar
schola n school;
tener schola to keep school
Hence: scholar
scholar¹ adj school
scholar² n school child, pupil
scholastic adj scholastic
Hence: scholasticismo; scholastico
scholasticismo n scholasticism
scholastico n scholastic
schooner [A] n [Naut.] schooner
schottisch [G] n [Dancing] schottische
scia- n [occurring in compounds] scia- (= shadow)
Hence: antiscios; sciamachia etc.
sciamachia (-ía) n sciamachy, sham fight, shadow boxing
sciatic adj sciatic (1. pertaining to the hip); 2. pertaining to sciatica);
nervo sciatic sciatic nerve
Hence: scistics
sciatica n [Med.] sciatica
sciente adj learned, (well-)informed
Hence: scientia &; consciente &; insciente &; omnisciente etc.
scientia n 1. knowledge, learning; 2. science;
homine de scientia man of science, scientist
Hence: scientista; scientific
scientific adj scientific
scientista n scientist
scimitarra n scimitar
scinder [scind-/sciss-] v to split
Hence: scissile; scission; abscinder &; rescinder &; scissipare etc.
scintilla n spark (= particle of fire)
Hence: scintillar-scintillation
scintillar v to sparkle, glitter, scintillate; also: to twinkle
scintillation n scintillation; also: twinkling
Scipion npr [Rom. Hist.] Scipio
scir v [occurring in derivatives and compounds]
Hence: sciente &; conscie; nescie &; prescir &; plebiscito etc.
sciss- see scinder
scissile adj scissile; also: fissile
scission n scission
scissipare adj [Biol.] scissiparous
Hence: scissiparitate
scissiparitate n [Biol.] scissiparity, schizogenesis
sciuro n squirrel
sclave adj slave, slave’s: (= characteristic of a slave)
Hence: sclavitude; sclavo
sclavitude n slavery (= state of being a slave)
sclavo n slave
sclerantho n [Bot.] scleranth; Scleranthus
sclerenchyma (-én-) n sclerenchyma (1. [Bot.]; 2. [Zool.])
sclero- [occurring in derivatives and compounds] sclero-, scler- (1. hard; 2. to harden)
Hence: sclerose; scleroma; sclerosis-arteriosclerosis etc.; sclerotic-sclerotica; sclerantho etc.; sclerophthalmia etc.
scleroma n [Med.] scleroma
sclerophthalmia (-ía) n [Pathol.] sclerophthalmia
sclerose adj [Biol., Med.] sclerous (= hard, indurated)
sclerosis (-ósis) n [Med., Bot.] sclerosis (= hardening, induration)
sclerotic adj sclerotic (1. sclerous, hard; 2. affected with sclerosis)
sclerotica n [Anat., Zool.] sclerotic (= sclerotic coat of the eye)
scolio n reef (= chain of rocks lying near the surface of the water)
Hence: scoliose
scoliose adj full of reefs
-scop- [occurring in derivatives]
Hence: -scopo &; -scopia &; -scopio &; -scopic &
scopa n broom
Hence: scopar-scopator, scopatrice, scopatura
scopar v to sweep (with a broom)
scopator n sweeper (= one who or that which sweeps)
scopatrice n (woman) sweeper
scopatura n sweepings
-scopia (-ía) [occurring in compounds] -scopy (= examination, observation)
Hence: necroscopia etc.
-scopic [occurring in compounds] -scopic (= seeing)
Hence: necroscopic etc.; macroscopic etc.
-scopio n [occurring in compounds] -scope (= instrument for watching, ohserving, examining, etc.)
Hence: periscopio &; telescopio &; polariscopio etc.; laryngoscopio etc.; kaleidoscopio etc.; microscopio etc.; stereoscopio etc.; gyroscopio etc.
scopo n 1. target, mark; 2. object, aim
-scopo n [occurring in compounds] 1. -scope (as in “horoscope”); 2. -scopist (as in “cranioscopist”)
Hence: horoscopo etc.; cranioscopo etc.
scorbutic adj scorbutic
scorbuto n [Pathol.] scurvy, scorbutus
Hence: scorbutic-antiscorbutic
scoria n scoria (I. [Metal.] slag, dross; 2. [Geol.] slaggy lava)
Hence: scorificar-scorification
scorificar v to scorify
scorification n scorification
scorpion n [Zool.] scorpion;
Scorpion [Astron.] Scorpio, Scorpion
Hence: scorpionide
scorpionide n [Zool.] scorpionid;
scorpionides Scorpionidae
scote adj Scotch, Scottish
Hence: scoto-Scotia, scotic
Scotia npr Scotland;
Nove Scotia Nova Scotia
scotic adj Scotch, Scottish
scoto n Scot
scriba n scribe (I. [Jewish Hist.]; 2. copyist)
scriber [scrib-/script-] v to write
Hence: scriba; scriptor; scriptorio; scriptura &; scripte-manuscripte etc., scripto; ascriber &; circumscriber &; conscriber &; describer &; inscriber &; postscrib- &; prescriber &; proscriber &; rescriber &, subscriber &; transcriber &
script- see scriber
scripte adj written, in writing
scripto n writing (“piece of writing”);
per scripto in writing
scriptor n writer (= author, journalist etc.)
scriptorio n desk, writing desk
scriptura n 1. writing, handwriting, script; 2. [Law, Com., etc.] paper, document etc.; 3. [Relig.] Scripture
Hence: scriptural
scriptural adj [Eccl.] scriptural
scrofula (scró-) n [Pathol.] scrofula
Hence: scrofulosis; scrofulose
scrofulose adj scrofulous
scrofulosis (-ósis) n [Med.] scrofulosis
scrupulo (scrú-) n scruple (1. [Pharm.]; 2. as in “conscientious scruples”)
Hence: scrupulose-scrupulositate, inscrupulose
scrupulose adj scrupulous
scrupulositate n scrupulousness
scrutabile adj scrutable
scrutar v scan, scrutinize, examine, etc.
Hence: scrutinio &; scrutabile-inscrutabile-inscrutabilitate; perscrutar &
scrutiniar v 1. to scrutinize; 2. to vote by ballot
scrutinio n 1. scrutiny; 2. poll, ballot
Hence: scrutiniar
sculper [sculp-/sculpt-] v to sculpture (= to carve, cut, grave, chisel, etc.)
Hence: sculptor; sculptrice; sculptura-sculptural, sculpturesc; sculpte
sculpt- see sculper
sculpte adj sculptured, graven, carved
sculptor n sculptor
sculptrice n sculptress
sculptura n sculpture
sculptural adj sculptural
sculpturesc adj sculpturesque, sculptural
scuma n foam, scum;
scuma (de sapon) lather (= froth or foam from soap and water)
Hence: scumose; scumar-scumatoria
scumar v 1. to foam (= to form or gather foam); 2. to skim (= to clear from scum)
scumatoria n skimmer (= utensil used for skimming)
scumose adj foaming, scummy
scuriolo n squirrel
scutella n small bowl, deep dish
Hence: scutellaria
scutellaria n [Bot.] Scutellaria
scutero n squire; also: shield-bearer
scutiforme adj scutiform
scuto n 1. shield, buckler; 2. escutcheon, coat of arms
Hence: scutero; scutiforme etc.
Scylla npr Scylla
scytha n Scyth, Scythian
Hence: Scythia; scythic-scythico
Scythia npr Scythia
scythic adj Scythian
scytho n Scythian (1. Scyth; 2. Scythian language)
se rel pron himself; herself; itself; themselves
se- see sex
-sec [occurring in compounds]
Hence: extrinsec; intrinsec
secabile adj capable of being cut, divisible
secale n [Bot.] rye;
pan de secale rye bread
secante¹ 1. ppr of secar; 2. adj secant (as in “a secant line”)
Hence: secante²-cosecante
secante² n [Geom.] secant
secapapiro n paper cutter, paper knife
secar [sec-/sect-] v to cut (= to divide, sever or reduce by cutting)
Hence: secante &; secabile-insecabile; section &; sector; sectura; dissecar &; insecar &; resecar &; trisecar etc.; secapapiro etc.
secerner [-cern-/-cret-] v 1. to separate; 2. [Physiol.] to secern
Hence: secretion; secretori; secrete &; secretar
-secr- see sacre
secret- see secern-
secreta n [Eccl.] secret, secreta
secretar v [Physiol. & Biol.] to secrete
secretariato n secrctariate; also: secretaryship
secretario n secretary (= confidential clerk)
Hence: secretariato
secrete adj 1. secret; 2. secretive, close
Hence: secreto-secretario &; secreta
secretion n [Physiol. & Biol.] secretion
secreto n 1. secret; 2. secret drawer; secret spring;
in secreto in secret or secrecy;
esser in le secreto to be in the secret;
secreto de Policinella open secret, secret of Polichinelle
secretori adj [Physiol.] secretory
sect- see secar
secta n sect
Hence: sectari; sectario
sectari adj sectarian
sectario n sectarian
section n I. (act of) cutting; also: [Surg.] section; II. section (1. separation by cutting; 2. portion, division, subdivision; also: [Nat. Hist., Mil., etc.]; 3. [Geom., Drawing, etc.]);
section transverse crosssection
Hence: sectionar; intersection; vivisection etc.
sectionar v to section (= to cut or divide into sections)
sector n sector (1. [Geom.]; 2. [Mil.])
sectura n cut (= wound or opening made by cutting)
secular¹ adj secular (1. occurring once in a century; 2. existing for centuries; 3. worldly)
Hence: secularismo; secularista; secularitate; secularisar-secularisation
secular² n secular, layman
secularisar v to secularize
secularisation n secularization
secularismo n secularism
secularista n secularist
secularitate n secularity (1. secular extent; 2. worldliness)
seculo (sé-) n 1. century (= period of 100 years); 2. world (= things mundane)
Hence: secular &
[secun] prep 1. (following) after; 2. along, by; 3. according to
(= secundo)
secunda n second (1. 1/60 of a minute; 2. 1/3600 of a degree of an angle; 3. [Mus.])
secundar v to second (= to support)
secundari adj secondary;
schola secundari high school, secondary school
secunde adj second
Hence: secundinas, secundari; secundar; secundo¹; secunda; dece-secunde etc.; secundo²
secundinas npl secundines, after-birth
secundo¹ n second (in a duel, etc.)
secundo² prep 1. (following) after; 2. along, by; 3. according to;
secundo que according as
secur adj I. secure, safe; II. sure, certain (1. not doubting; 2. not doubtful)
Hence: securitate; assecurar &; insecur-insecuritate
securitate n I. security (1. safety; 2. as in “to leave something as a security”); II. sureness, certainty
sed conj but
sedar v to allay, soothe, appease
Hence: sedation; sedative-sedativo
sedation n [Med.] sedation
sedative adj sedative; also: [Med.]
sedativo n [Med.] sedative
sede n (1. accommodation for sitting; 2. principal place where anything takes place or is carried on); II. [Eccl.] see;
sancte sede Holy See, Apostolic See
se-dece (sé-) adj sixteen
sedentari adj sedentary
sedente adj seated, sitting; also: sedent
seder [sed-/-sess-;-sid-/-sess-] v to sit (1. to be sitting or seated; 2. as in “to sit in court, in council, etc.”; 3. to fit);
esser sedite to sit, be sitting or seated;
seder se to seat oneself, sit down
Hence: sede; sedimento &; sedente-sedentari; sessile; session; assider &; dissider &; insid- &; presider &; resider &; subsider &; obseder &; posseder &
sedimentar v to sediment (= to deposit as sediment)
sedimentari adj sedimentary
sedimentation n sedimentation
sedimento n sediment (1. lees, dregs; 2. [Geol.])
Hence: sedimentari; sedimentar-sedimentation
sedition n sedition
Hence: seditiose; seditionar
seditionar v to sedition, incite to sedition
seditiose adj ceditious
seducer [-duc-/-duct-] v to seduce
Hence: seducimento; seducibile; seduction; seductive; seductor
seducibile adj seducible
seducimento n seducement
seduct- see seducer
seduction n seduction (1. act of seducing; 2. that which seduces)
seductive adj seductive
seductor n seducer
segmentar v to segment, separate into segments
segmentari adj segmentary, segmental
segmentation n segmentation
segmento n [Geom.] segment
Hence: segmentari; segmentar-segmentation
segregar v to segregate
Hence: segregation; segregative
segregation n segregation
segregative adj segregative
seismal adj seismal, seismic
seismic (séiz-) adj seismic
seismo (séizmo) n earthquake, seism
Hence: seismal; seismic; seismographo etc.; seismologo etc.; macroseismo etc.; microseismo etc.
seismographia (-ía) seismography
seismographic adj seismographic
seismographo (-ógrapho) n seismograph
Hence: seismographia; seismographic
seismologia (-ía) n seismology
seismologic adj seismologic, seismological
seismologo (-ólogo) n seismologist
Hence: seismologia; seismologic
select- see seliger
selecte adj select, choice
selection n selection;
selection natural [Biol.] natural selection
selectionar v to select
selective adj selective
selen- n [occurring in derivatives and compounds] seleno-, selen- (= moon);
Selena [Gr. Relig.] Selene
Hence: selenium &; selenita; selenite; selenographo etc.
seleniato n [Chem.] selenate
selenic adj [Chem.] selenic
seleniose adj [Chem.] selenious
selenita n Selenite, inhabitant of the moon
selenite n [Mineral.] selenite
selenito n [Chem.] selenite
selenium (-lé-) n [Chem.] selenium
Hence: seleniato; selenito; selenic; seleniose
selenographia (-ía) n selenography
selenographo (-ó-) n 1. selenograph; 2. selenographer
Hence: selenographia
seleri (sé-) n celery
seliger [-lig-/-lect-] v to select
Hence: selection-selectionar; selective; selecte
sella n saddle
Hence: sellero; selleria; sellar-dissellar; insellar-insellate
sellar v to saddle (= to put a saddle upon)
selleria (-ía) n saddlery
sellero n saddler
Sem npr Shem
Hence: semita-antisemita-antisemitismo, antisemitic, prosemita-prosemitismo, prosemitic, semitismo, semitic
sema- [-ma/-mat-] n [occurring in compounds] sema- (= sign, signal)
Hence: semaphoro etc.; sematographia etc.
semantic adj semantic
Hence: semantica-semanticista
semantica n [Philol.] semantics, semasiology
semanticista n semanticist, semasiologist
semaphoro (-má-) n semaphore
semasi- n [occurring in compounds] semasi- (= signification)
Hence: semasiologo etc.
semasiologia (-ía) n [Philol.] semasiology, semantics
semasiologic adj semasiological
semasiologo (-ólogo) n semasiologist, semanticist
Hence: semasiologia-semasiologic
semat- see sema-
sematographia (-ía) n sematography, sign-writing
semblante n semblance, appearance
semblantia n semblance, appearance; also: seeming
semblar v to seem, appear;
il me sembla it seems to me
Hence: semblante; semblantia
semeio- n [occurring in compounds] semeio (= sign)
Hence: semeiotic; semeiotica; semeiologia etc.
semeiologia (-ía) n [Med.] semeiology
Hence: semeiologic
semeiologic adj semeiologic, semeiological
semeiotic adj [Med.] semeiotic, semeiologic
semeiotica n [Med.] semeiotics, semeiologic
[semel] adv 1. once; 2. firstly
semestral adj semestral (= occurring every six months)
semestre n semester
Hence: semestral
semi- [occurring in compounds] semi- (= half)
Hence: semicirculo etc.; semiflosculo etc.; semicupio etc.; semifluide etc.; semipelagian etc.; semisomne etc.; sincipite etc.
semibarbare adj semibarbarous, semibarbaric
semibreve n [Mus.] semibreve
semicircular adj semicircular;
canales semicircular [Anat., Zool.] semicircular canals
semicirculo (-cir-) n semicircle (1. half of a circle; 2. semicircular measuring instrument, graphometer)
Hence: semicircular
semicircumferentia n [Geom.] semicircumference
semiconsonante n [Phonet.] semiconsonant
semicupio n semicupium, sitz bath
semicylindric adj semicylindric, semicylindrical
semicylindro n semicylinder
Hence: semicylindric
semidea (-éa) n demigoddess
semideo (-éo) n demigod
semidiametro (-ámetro) n [Math.] semidiameter
semidiaphane adj semidiaphanous
semiduple adj semidouble (1. [Liturgy]; 2. [Bot.])
semiflosculo (-flós-) n [Bot.] semifloscule, semifloret
Hence: semiflosculose
semiflosculose adj [Bot.] semifloscular, semiflosculose, semiflosculous
semifluide (-flú-) adj semifluid
semilunar¹ adj [Anat., Biol.] semilunar
semilunar² n [Anat.] semilunar (bone), lunatum
semimorte adj half-dead
seminal adj seminal (= pertaining to seed or semen)
seminar v to sow (seeds, etc.)
seminario n 1. [Hort.] seedbed; nursery; 2. (institution for the training of candidates for the priesthood, ministry, etc.) seminary, seminar, etc.
Hence: seminarista
seminarista n seminarist
semination n semination
seminator n sower
seminatorio n seeder, sowing-machine
semine n seed; also: milk, roe, spawn, semen, etc.
Hence: seminario &; seminal; seminifere; seminar-semination, seminator, seminatorio, disseminar &, inseminar &, reseminar, superseminar
seminifere adj seminiferous
seminude adj seminude, half-naked
semiofficial adj semiofficial
semipelagian adj [Theol.] Semi-Pelagian
Hence: semipelagianismo; semipelagiano
semipelagianismo n [Theol.] Semi-Pelagianism
semipelagiano n [Theol.] Semi-Pelagian
semiprova n [Law] semiproof
semisalvage (-aje) adj semisavage, half-savage
semisomne adj semisomnous, half-asleep
semita¹ n Semite
semita² (sé-) n 1. path; 2. [Zool.] semita, fasciole
Hence: semital
semital adj [Zool.] semital
semitic adj Semitic;
linguas semitic Semitic languages
semitismo n Semitism
semitono n [Mus.] semitone, halftone
semitransparente adj semitransparent
Hence: semitransparentia
semitransparentia n semitransparency
semitropical adj semitropical
semiuncial adj semiuncial
semivive adj half-alive
semivocal n semivowel
semp- see semper
semper (sém-) adv always
Hence: semperverde etc.; sempiterne etc.
semperverde¹ adj evergreen
semperverde² n evergreen
sempiterne adj everlasting, eternal, sempiternal
[sempre] adv always
(= semper)
sen- adj [occurring in derivatives and compounds]
Hence: senato &; senectute; senil &; senior¹-senior² &
senato n senate
Hence: senator-senatorial; senatoconsulto etc.
senatoconsulto n [Rom. Hist.] senatus consultum, senatusconsult
senator n senator
senatorial adj senatorial (= pertaining to a senator or senate)
senectute n old age
Senegal npr Senegal
Hence: senegalese
senegalese adj/n Senegalese
senil adj senile (= belonging to old age);
debilitate senil senile weakness
Hence: senilitate
senilitate n senility
senior¹ adj senior, older
senior² n 1. senior, elder; 2. lord; 3. sir;
Senior Lord (= Lord God);
Nostre Senior Our Lord;
senior X. Mr. X.
Hence: senioria; seniorial; seniora-senioretta
seniora n lady;
seniora X. Mrs. X.
senioretta n miss;
senioretta X. Miss X.
senioria (-ía) n 1. [Hist.] seigniory; 2. lordship; also: as in “your lordship”
seniorial adj [Hist.] seignorial
sens- see sentir
sensar v to sense, sensate
sensate adj sensible (= possessing common sense)
sensation n sensation (1. as in “a sensation of cold”; 2. as in “to create a sensation”)
Hence: sensational-sensationalismo
sensational adj sensational (as in “sensational revelations”)
sensationalismo n sensationalism (as in “sensationalism of the yellow press”)
sensibile adj I. perceptible, sensible; II. sensitive (1. that receives sense impressions; 2. highly susceptible)
Hence: sensibilitate; insensibile-insensibilitate; suprasensibile
sensibilitate n sensibility (1. ability to receive sense impressions; 2. sensitiveness)
sensitiva n sensitive plant
sensitive adj sensitive, sensory
senso n I. sense (1. as in “the sense of hearing”; 2. discrimination, judgment; 3. meaning); II. direction (= way, course);
senso commun common sense;
perder le sensos to lose consciousness;
in senso inverse in the opposite direction
Hence: sensate-insensate; sensar-sensation &; sensual &; contrasenso; nonsenso etc.; multisense etc.
sensorial adj sensorial
sensorio n sensorium
Hence: sensorial
sensu- see senso
sensual adj sensual (as in “sensual pleasures”)
Hence: sensualismo; sensualista; sensualitate; sensualisar
sensualisar v to sensualize (= to make sensual)
sensualismo n sensualism (1. addiction to sensual indulgence; 2. [Philos.] sensationalism)
sensualista n [Philos.] sensualist, sensationalist
sensualitate n sensuality
sententia n 1. [Law] sentence; 2. (sententious) saying, aphorism
Hence: sententiose; sententiar
sententiar v [Law] to sentence
sententiose adj sententious
sentiente adj sentient
sentiero n path;
le sentiero del virtute the path of virtue
sentimental adj sentimental
sentimentalismo n sentimentalism
sentimentalitate n sentimentality
sentimento n feeling (1. act or fact of feeling; 2. sentiment, emotion)
Hence: sentimental-sentimentalismo, sentimentalitate
sentir [sent-/sens-] v to feel (something);
sentir se (ben, mal, etc.) to feel (well, ill, etc.)
Hence: sentimento &; sentiente; sensibile &; sensitive-sensitiva; sensorio &; senso &; assentir &; consentir &; dissentir &; presentir &; resentir &
separabile adj separable
separar v to separate (= to put or keep apart)
Hence: separabile-inseparabile-inseparabilitate; separation; separative; separator; separate-separatismo, separatista
separate 1. pp of separar; 2. adj separate
separation n separation;
separation de benes separate maintenance;
separation del Ecclesia e del Stato disestablishment of the Church
separatismo n separatism
separatista n separatist
separative adj separative
separator n 1. separater, one who separates; 2. separator
sepe n hedge;
rege del sepe wren
sepsis (sép-) n [Med.] sepsis
Hence: asepsis; antisepsis
septagesime (-ésime) adj seventieth;
le septagesime parte, le septagesimo the seventieth part, the seventieth
septanta adj seventy
septantesime (-ésime) adj seventieth;
le septantesime parte, le septantesimo the seventieth part, the seventieth
septe adj seven
Hence: septanta-septantesime; septagesime; septime &; septentrion &; dece-septe etc.; septuple etc.; septuplicar etc.; septemviro etc.
septem- see septe
septembre n September
septemviral adj septemviral
septemvirato n septemvirate
septemviro (-tém-) n [Rom. Antiq.] septemvir
Hence: septemvirato; septemviral
septen- see septe
septentrion n [Astron.] Septentrion, the Dipper
Hence: septentrional
septentrional adj northern
septic adj septic
Hence: septicitate; aseptic-aseptico; antiseptic-antiseptico; septicemia etc.; septico
septicemia (-ía) n [Med.] septicemia, septicaemia
Hence: septicemic
septicemic adj septicemic, septicaemic
septicitate n septicity
septico n septic
septim- see septe
septima (sép-) n [Mus.] seventh
septimana n week;
fin de septimana week end
Hence: septimanal
septimanal adj weekly
septime (sép-) adj seventh
Hence: septimana &; septima
septu- see septe
septuplar v to septuple (= to multiply by seven)
septuple (sép-) adj septuple, sevenfold
Hence: septupar
septuplicar v to septuple
sequente 1. ppr of sequer; 2. adj following, next;
le die sequente the next day, the following day
sequentia n sequence (1. “sequence of things, events, etc.”; 2. [Eccl.])
sequer [sequ-/secut-] v to follow
Hence: sequente-sequentia; consequer &; exequer &; obsequer &; persequer &; prosequer &; subsequer &
sequestrar v 1. [Law] to sequester; 2. to confine illegally, put under illegal restraint
sequestration n 1. [Law] sequestration (of goods); 2. illegal confinement or restraint
sequestro n 1. [Law] sequestration; 2. [Med.] sequestrum
Hence: sequestrar-sequestration
sequoia (-quóia) n sequoia;
sequoia gigante giant sequoia, big tree;
sequoia sempervivente redwood
[ser] v to be
(= esser)
Hence: [sera]; [serea]
ser- [ser-/sert-] v [occurring in derivatives and compounds]
Hence: serie &; asserer &; deserer &; disserer &; inserer
[sera] (-rá) fut of ser will be, shall be
(= essera)
seralio n seraglio, serail
Hence: caravanseralio etc.
serbe adj Serb, Serbian
Serbia npr Serbia
serbo n Serb, Serbian
Hence: Serbia; serbocroate etc.; serbe
serbocroate adj Serbo-Croatian, Serbo-Croat
Hence: serbocroato
serbocroato n Serbo-Croatian, Serbo-Croat (1. Serbo-Croatian language; 2. native speaker of Serbo-Croatian)
[serea] (-éa) cond of ser would be, should be
(= esserea)
seren adj serene
Hence: serenitate; serenissimo; serenar-serenada
serenada n serenade
serenar v to make serene
serenissimo (-íssimo) n serenissimo
serenitate n serenity
sergente (-j-) n [Mil.] sergeant
serial adj serial
seriar v to arrange in series, to seriate
serie¹ n series; also: [Elec.];
in serie in series
Hence: serial; seriar
serie² adj serious (1. earnest; 2. as in “serious in implications”)
Hence: serio-seriose
serio n seriousness, earnestness
seriose adj serious (1. earnest; 2. as in “serious in implications”)
sermon n sermon
Hence: sermonar-sermonator; sermonisar
sermonar v to preach, sermonize
sermonator n preacher; sermonizer
sermonisar v to sermonize, harangue
sero¹ n 1. whey (of milk); 2. serum; specif.: blood serum
Hence: serose-serositate; serologia etc.; serotherapia etc.
[sero]² adv late
serologia (-ía) n serology
serose adj serous
serositate n serosity (= serous quality)
serotherapia (-ía) n serotherapy
serpentar v to wind, meander
serpentaria n 1. [Bot.] serpentaria, snakeroot; 2. serpent eater, secretary bird
serpente n snake, serpent;
Serpente [Astron.] Serpent
Hence: serpentaria; serpentin-serpentino; serpentar; serpentiforme etc.
serpentiforme adj serpentiform
serpentin adj serpentine (1. of a snake; 2. tortuous, winding)
serpentino n I. serpentine (1. [Hist., Ordn.]; 2. [Mineral.]; 3. coil of a still); II. paper streamer, serpentin
serper v to glide, wriggle
Hence: serpigine &; serpente &
serpigine n [Pathol.] serpigo; also: ringworm
Hence: serpiginose
serpiginose adj serpiginous
serra n 1. saw (= tool for sawing); 2. sierra
Hence: serrar-serreria, serration, serrator, serrate-serratula
serramento n 1. locking (of a door, etc.); 2. (action of) fastening, tightening
serrar¹ v to saw
serrar² v 1. to lock (= to fasten with a lock); 2. to lock up, lock away (something); 3. to close tightly (together)
Hence: serramento; serratura; disserrar
serrate 1. pp of serrar; 2. adj serrate, serrated
serration n (action of) sawing
serrator n sawyer
serratula n [Bot.] sawwort
serratura n lock (of a door, etc.);
serratura fulmine zip fastener, zipper
serreria (-ía) n sawmill
serva n (female) slave
servage (-aje) n slavery, bondage, serfdom
servar v to conserve (1. to preserve from harm; 2. to keep, retain)
Hence: conservar &; observar &; preservar &; reservar &
serve adj 1. subject to servitude; 2. slavish, servile
Hence: servicio &; servitude; servir &; servo &; serva
servibile adj serviceable, useful
servicial adj serviceable, diligent, ready to be of service
servicio n service (1. duties done or required; 2. helpful act or acts; 3. set of dishes, etc.);
servicio militar military service;
servicio divin church service, divine service
Hence: servicial; disservicio
serviente n 1. servant; 2. [Mil.] gunner
servietta n napkin (= table napkin)
servil adj servile (1. pertaining to slaves; 2. mean, base);
imitation servil slavish, servile imitation
Hence: servilismo; servilitate
servilismo n servileness, servilism
servilitate n servility
servir v to serve;
servir un persona to serve someone;
servir de to serve as;
servir a to be useful for;
servir se de to make use of
Hence: serviente; servibile; servitor; disservir; reservir
servitor n 1. servant (= person employed by another); 2. waiter (= one who waits at table)
servitude n 1. servitude (= slavery, bondage); 2. [Law] easement
servo n serf, slave
Hence: servage; servil &
sesqui- adv [occurring in compounds] sesqui- (= more by one half)
Hence: sesquioxydo etc.; sesquiplano etc.; sesquialtere etc.; sesquiped- etc.
sesquialtera (-ál-) n [Mus.] sesquialtera
sesquialtere adj sesquialteral, sesquialter (= one and a half times as great as another)
Hence: sesquialtera
sesquioxydo (-óx-) n [Chem.] sesquioxide
sesquiped- n [occurring in derivatives] sesquiped- (= foot and a half)
Hence: sesquipedal
sesquipedal adj sesquipedalian, sesquipedal
sesquiplano n biplane with short underplane
sess- see seder
sessile adj [Bot.] sessile
session n 1. sitting; sitting down; 2. session (“session of a court, etc.”)
seta n 1. bristle (= short, stiff hair of hogs, etc.); 2. silk;
seta artificial rayon
Hence: setasso &; seteria; seton; setacee; setifere; setose; setiforme etc.
setacee adj setaceous, bristly
setassar v to bolt (= to sift flour, etc. through a bolter)
setasso n bolter (= sifter for bolting flour, etc.)
Hence: setassar
sete n thirst;
haber sete to be thirsty;
appaciar su sete to quench one’s thirst
Hence: assetar-assetate
seteria (-ría) n 1. silk factory or store; 2. silk (ware)
setifere adj bristle-bearing, setiferous
setiforme adj bristle-shaped, setiform
seton n [Surg.] seton
setose adj silky, silken
setter [A] n [Dogs] setter
sever adj severe (1. not lenient; 2. as in “severe style”)
Hence: severitate; asseverar &; perseverar &
severitate n severity, severeness
Sèvres [F] npr Sèvres;
sèvres Sèvres (porcelain)
sex adj six
Hence: sexanta-sexantesime; sexagesime &; sexte &; semestre etc.; sedece etc.; dece-sex etc.
sexagesimal adj sexagesimal
sexagesime (-ésime) adj sixtieth;
le sexagesime parte, le sexagesimo the sixtieth part, the sixtieth
Hence: sexagesimal
sexanta adj sixty
sexantesime (-ésime) adj sixtieth;
le sexantesime parte, le sexantesimo the sixtieth part, the sixtieth
sexo n sex;
le sexo belle the fair sex
Hence: sexual-sexualitate, asexual, bisexual etc., homosexual etc.
sexta n 1. [Eccl.] Sext; 2. [Mus.] sixth
sextante n sextant
sexte adj sixth;
le sexte parte, le sexto the sixth part, the sixth
Hence: sextante; sextetto; sextuple etc.; sextuplicar etc; sexta
sextetto n [Mus.] sextet
sextu- see sexte
sextuplar v to sextuple
sextuple (séx-) adj sextuple, sixfold
Hence: sextuplar
sextuplicar v to sextuple (= to multply by six)
sexu- see sexo
sexual adj sexual (= pertaining to the functions of sex)
sexualitate n sexuality
shako n shako
shampooing [A] n shampooing, shampoo
shilling [A] n shilling
shocking! [A] shocking!
shogun [J] n shogun
shophar [Heb.] n shofar, shophar
shrapnel [A] n shrapnel
shunt [A] n [Elec.] shunt
si¹ adv 1. thus, so; 2. yes;
si ... como as ... as, (not) so ... as
Hence: si-nominate etc.; [assi] etc.
si² conj if (1. supposing that; 2. whether);
si non 1. if not; 2. except, unless it be
Hence: [sinon] etc.; [nisi] etc.; [etsi] etc.
si³ n 1. [Mus.] ti, si; 2. [Mus.] (the note) B
sia pr subj of esser be, may be, let there be;
sia ... sia ... be (it) ... or be (it) ...; whether ... or ...
sialagoge adj sialagogue, sialagogic, saliva-producing
Hence: sialagogo
sialagogo n [Med.] sialagogue
sialo- n [occurring in derivatives and compounds] sialo-, sial- (= saliva)
Hence: sialagoge etc. ...
Siam npr Siam
Hence: siamese
siamese adj/n Siamese;
catto siamese Siamese cat;
geminos siamese Siamese twins
sibilante¹ 1. ppr of sibilar; 2. adj sibilant
sibilante² n [Phonet.] sibilant
sibilar v 1. to whistle; 2. to hiss, sibilate
sibilation n sibilation
sibilator n whistler (= one who whistles)
sibilo (sí-) n I. whistle (1. whistling; 2. instrument for whistling); II. hiss, hissing
Hence: sibilar-sibilante, sibilation, sibilator
Sibiria npr Siberia
Hence: sibirian-sibiriano; sibiric
sibirian adj Siberian
sibiriano n Siberian
sibiric adj Siberian; Sibiric;
abiete sibiric Siberian fir
sibylla n [Gr. and Rom. Mythol.] sibyl
Hence: sibyllin
sibyllin adj sibylline;
libros sibyllin Sibylline Books
sic¹ adj dry;
vino sic dry wine
Hence: siccitate; siccar-sicca, siccante, siccative, siccatorio, desiccar &; exsiccar &
[sic]² adv 1. thus, so; 2. yes
(= si)
Hence: sicut etc.
sicc- see sic
sicca n shelf, sandbank
siccante 1. ppr of siccar; 2. adj drying;
papiro siccante blotting paper, blotter
siccar v to dry (1. to make dry; 2. to become dry)
siccative adj siccative
siccatorio n drying-place, drying-room, drying-loft, etc.
siccitate n 1. dryness; 2. drought, drouth
Sicilia npr Sicily
Hence: sicilian-siciliano, siciliana
sicilian adj Sicilian;
Vesperas Sicilian [Hist.] Sicilian Vespers
siciliana n [Dancing] Siciliana
siciliano n Sicilian
[sicut] (sí-) adv so as, just as, as
sider- n [occurring in derivatives and compounds]
Hence: sideral; siderar &; considerar &; desiderar &; siderostato etc.
-sider see seder
sideral adj [Astron.] sidereal
siderar v to strike (by lightning)
Hence: sideration
sideration n sudden stroke (of apoplexy); sudden paralysis
siderite n [Mineral.] siderite (= native ferrous carbonate)
sidero- n [occurring in derivatives and compounds] sidero-, sider- (= iron)
Hence: siderite; siderographia etc.; siderolitho etc.; sideroscopio etc.; siderurgia etc.
siderographia (-ía) n siderography
siderolitho (-ólito) n siderolite
sideroscopio n sideroscope
siderostato (-ó-) n siderostat
siderurgia (-ía) n metallurgy or working of iron, siderurgy
Hence: siderurgic
siderurgic adj iron (as in “iron ore”), siderurgical
siesta n siesta
sigillar v to seal (1. as in “to seal a deed”; 2. to fasten, make fast; 3. as in “this sealed his fate”)
sigillator v sealer
sigillo n seal (1. instrument for sealing; 2. impression made by a seal); also: signet
Hence: sigillar-sigillator, dissigillar
signal n signal
Hence: signalar-signalamento, signalator, signalate
signalamento n (act of) signaling
signalar v 1. to signal (= to make known by a signal or signals); 2. to signalize (= to make notable); 3. to point (out);
signalar se to distinguish oneself, make oneself notable
signalate 1. pp of signalar; 2. adj remarkable, signal
signalator n signaler
signar v to sign (= to affix one’s name to);
signar se to cross oneself
signator n signer
signatura n signature (1. act of signing one’s name; 2. [Print.])
significante 1. ppr of significar; 2. adj significant
significantia n significance (= meaning, import)
significar v to signify (1. to make known, intimate; 2. to mean);
iste significa nihil that does not mean anything
Hence: significante-significantia, insignificante-insignificantia; signification; significative; significator; significato
signification n signification (1. act of signifying or making known; 2. meaning)
significative adj significant, significative;
cifra significative significant figure
significato n meaning, significate
significator n signifier; attrib. signifying, significant
signo n sign (1. symbol, mark; 2. indication; 3. gesture, motion);
facer signo to motion; also: to beckon;
signo de exclamation, de interrogation exclamation, question mark
Hence: signal &; signar-signator, signatura; assignar &; consignar &; contrasignar &; designar &; resignar &; significar &; insigne &
silente adj silent (1. quiet, noiseless; 2. saying little or nothing)
Hence: silentio-silentiario, silentiose, silentiar-silentiator
silentiar v to silence
silentiario n [Hist.; Relig.] silentiary
silentiator n [Technol.] silencer
silentio n silence (1. noiselessness; 2. forbearance from speech)
silentiose adj silent (1. quiet, noiseless; 2. saying little or nothing)
Silesia npr Silesia;
Alte (Basse) Silesia Upper (Lower) Silesia
Hence: silesian-silesiano
silesian adj Silesian; Silesia
silesiano n Silesian
silhouettar v to silhouette (= to show, represent, etc., in silhouette)
silhouette [F] n silhouette
Hence: silhouettar
silic- see siliqua
silicato n silicate
silice (sí-) n 1. flint; 2. silex, silica
Hence: silicato-tungstosilicato etc.; silicium; silicosis; silicee; silicic; silicificar-silicification; silicifluoric etc.
silicee adj siliceous
silicic adj silicic;
acido silicic silicic acid
silicificar v to silicify (= to convert into silica)
silicification n silicification
silicifluoric (-óric) adj silicifluoric
silicium (-lí-) n silicon, silicium
silicosis (-ósis) n [Pathol.] silicosis
silicula n [Bot.] silicle, silicula
siliculose adj [Bot.] siliculose
siliqua (sí-) n [Bot.] pod; silique
Hence: silicula-siliculose; siliquifere; siliquose
siliquifere adj pod-bearing; siliquiferous
siliquose adj [Bot.] siliquose
silo [H] n silo
siluro n 1. [Zool.] silurus, sheatfish; 2. [Zool.] Silurus
silva n wood, forest; grove
Hence: silvan-silvanite, transsilvan-transsilvano, Transsilvania, Pennsylvania etc., Silvano; silvatic; silvestre; silvose; silvicultor etc.; silvicultura etc.
silvan adj sylvan
silvanite n [Mineral.] sylvanite
Silvano npr [Mythol.] Silvanus
silvatic adj forest, sylvatic
silvestre adj forest, wood
silvicultor n forester, silviculturist
silvicultura n forestry, silviculture
silvose adj wooded
sim- [occurring in compounds]
Hence: simple etc.; simplice etc.
simia n monkey, ape
Hence: simian; simieria; simiesc; simiar
simian adj simian
simiar v to ape
simieria (-ía) n monkey business, monkeyshine
simiesc adj simian
similabile adj similar
similante n semblance, appearance
similantia n semblance (1. resemblance, similarity; 2. image, likeness)
similar¹ adj similar
Hence: similaritate
similar² v 1. to resemble; 2. to seem, appear
Hence: similante-similantia, verosimilante etc.; similabile; assimilar &; dissimilar &; resimilar &
similaritate n similarity
similauro n similor, imitation gold
simile¹ adj like, resembling, similar
Hence: similitude; similar¹ &; simular &; similar² &; dissimile &; similauro etc.; facsimile etc.; verisimile etc.; simul
simile² n [Rhet.] simile
similitude n 1. likeness, resemblance, similitude; 2. [Rhet.] simile;
similitude (de triangulos) similarity (of triangles)
Simon nprm Simon;
Simon le Mago Simon Magus
Hence: simonia-simonista, simonisar
simonia (-ía) n simony
simonisar v to practice simony
simonista n simonist (= one practicing simony)
simple adj simple (1. not double or manifold; 2. not complicated)
Hence: simplismo; simplificar-simplificabile, simplification, simplificator
simplice (sím-) adj simple (1. not double, not manifold; 2. not complicated)
Hence: simplicitate
simplices (sím-) npl simples, medicinal herbs
simplicitate n simplicity
simplificabile adj capable of being simplified
simplificar v to simplify
simplification n simplification
simplificator n simplifier
simplismo n oversimplification, simplism
simul (sí-) adv at once, at the same time, together
Hence: simultanee &; insimul
simul- see simile
simulacro n simulacrum (1. image; 2. mock appearance, sham)
simular v to simulate (= to feign)
Hence: simulacro; simulation; simulator; simulate; dissimular &
simulate 1. pp of simular; 2. adj simulate
simulation n simulation
simulator n simulator
simultanee adj simultaneous
Hence: simultaneitate
simultaneitate n simultaneity
sin prep without
Hence: sinecura etc.
Sin-¹ npr [occurring in compounds] Sin-, Sino- (= China)
Hence: sinologo etc.; sino-japonese etc.
sin-² [-sin-/sit-] v [occurring in derivatives and compounds]
Hence: site; sito &; desin- &
sin-³ see semi-
Sinai npr Sinai;
le monte Sinai Mount Sinai;
le peninsula del Sinai Sinai Peninsula
sincer adj sincere (1. honest; 2. frank; 3. real, true)
Hence: sinceritate; insincer-insinceritate
sinceritate n sincerity
sincipital adj [Anat.] sincipital
sincipite (-cíp-) n [Anat.] sinciput
Hence: sincipital
sinecura n sinecure
Hence: sinecurismo, sinecurista
sinecurismo n sinecurism
sinecurista n sinecurist
sine die [L] sine die
sine qua non [L] sine qua non
singular adj singular (1. relating to a single person or thing; 2. unusual, uncommon, strange, etc.);
(numero) singular [Gram.] singular (number)
singularisar v to singularize, make distinct
singularitate n singularity
singule adj single, separate, alone
Hence: singular-singularitate, singularisar
singultar v 1. to sob; 2. to hiccup
singulto n 1. sob; 2. hiccup, hiccough, singultus
Hence: singultar
sinistre adj 1. left (= not right); 2. sinister (= threatening, evil)
Hence: sinistromane etc.; sinistrorse etc.; sinistrogyr etc.
sinistrogyr adj sinistrogyrate
sinistromane adj left-handed (using the left hand more easily than the right)
sinistrorse adj [Bot.] sinistrorse
sinn fein [Ir.] n Sinn Fein
sino n 1. bosom; 2. womb; 3. [Anat.] sinus; 4. [Math.] sine;
sinos breasts;
in le sino del familia in the bosom of the family
Hence: sinuate; sinuose-sinuositate; insinuar &
sinojaponese adj Sino-Japanese
sinologia (-ía) n Sinology
sinologo (-ólogo) n Sinologue, Sinologist
Hence: sinologia
si-nominate adj so-called
[sinon] conj otherwise, else; except, save, if not, unless
(= si non)
sinu- see sino
sinuate adj [Bot.] sinuate, sinuated
sinuose adj sinuous
sinuositate n sinuosity
sinus (si-) n 1. [Math.] sine; 2. [Anat.] sinus
Hence: sinusitis; sinusoide-sinusoital; cosinus
sinusitis (-ítis) n [Pathol.] sinusitis, sinus trouble
sinusoidal adj [Math.] sinusoidal
sinusoide n [Math.] sinusoid
Sion (sí-) npr Zion (1. hill near Jerusalem; 2. Jerusalem; 3. the Church)
Hence: sionismo; sionista; sionita
sionismo n Zionism
sionista n Zionist; also: attrib.
sionita n [Eccl. Hist.] Ronsdorfer, Zionite
siphon n siphon (1. bent tube for transferring a liquid; 2. siphon bottle; 3. [Zool.])
Hence: siphonostome etc.; siphonophoro etc.
siphonophoro (-nó-) n [Zool.] siphonophore
siphonostome (-nó-) adj [Zoo].] siphonostomatous, siphonostomous
-sipide see sapide
-sipiente see sapiente
sirena n siren (1. [Mythol.]; 2. as in “the ship’s siren”)
Hence: sirenie-sirenios; lepidosirena etc.
sirenie adj sirenian, siren, sirenical
sirenios npl [Zool.] Sirenia
sirocco n sirocco
sirop n syrup
Hence: siropose
siropose adj syrupy
-sister v [occurring in compounds]
Hence: assister &; consister &; desister &; exister &; insister &; persister &; resister &; subsister &
sistro n [Antiq.] sistrum
sit- see sin-
site adj situated, placed
sito n site
Hence: situar-situation
sito- n [occurring in compounds] sito-, sit- (= food)
Hence: parasite &; sitomania etc.
sitomania (-ía) n [Psychol.] sitomania
sitophobia (-ía) n [Psychol.] sitophobia
situ- see sito
situar v to situate; to place, locate
situation n I. situation (1. location, place; 2. condition, circumstance); II. posture; also: position, attitude (of the body)
situla (sí-) n buckct, pail
Hence: situlata
situlata n bucketful, pailful
[sive] conj or if, or;
sive ... sive ... if ... or if
skeletic adj I. [Anat.] skeletal; II. skeleton (1. as in “skeleton crew”; 2. emaciated)
skeleto (ské-) n skeleton (1. [Anat.]; 2. framework (of a house, ship, etc.); 3. outline, sketch)
Hence: skeletic; skeletologia etc.; endoskeleto etc.
skeletologia (-ía) n skeletology
ski [Nor.] n ski
Hence: skiar-skiator
skiar v to ski
skiator n skier
skunk [A] n skunk (1. [Zool.]; 2. fur of the skunk)
slave adj Slav, Slavic, Slavonic;
linguas slave Slavonic languages
Hence: slavo-slavismo, slavista, slavon &, slavophile etc., panslavismo etc., balto-slavo etc.; yugoslave etc.
slavismo n 1. Slavicism; 2. Panslavism
slavista n Slavist
slavo n Slav
slavon adj Slavonian, Slavonic
Hence: slavono-Slavonia
Slavonia npr Slavonia
slavono n 1. Slavonian (= inhabitant of Slavonia); 2. Slavonic (language)
slavophile adj Slavophile
Hence: slavophilo
slavophilo (-ó-) n Slavophile
sleeping-car [A] n [R.R.] sleeping car
slitta n drag, dray, road sledge; also: sled, sleigh
slogan [A] n slogan
sloop [A] n [Naut.] sloop
slovac adj Slovak
Hence: Slovachia; slovaco; checoslovac etc.
slovach- see slovac
Slovachia (-ákia) npr Slovakia
slovaco n Slovak
sloven adj Slovene, Slovenian
Hence: Slovenia; sloveno
Slovenia npr Slovenia
sloveno n 1. Slovene; 2. Slovenian
smalt n enamel
Hence: smaltar
smaltar v 1. to enamel; 2. to glaze (as in to “glaze earthenware”)
smaragdin adj emerald, smaragdine
smaragdite n [Mineral.] smaragdite
smaragdo n emerald, smaragd
Hence: smaragdite; smaragdin
smerilio n emery
Hence: papiro-smerilio etc.
-smo see -ismo
smoking [A] n tuxedo, dinner jacket or coat
snob [A] n snob
Hence: snobismo
snobismo n snobbishness
[so] pr 1me pers sing of esser (I) am
(= (io) es)
so- v [occurring in compounds] so-, sozo- (= to save)
Hence: creosoto etc.
sobrie adj sober (= temperate, not given to excesses or extremes)
Hence: sobrietate; insobrie-insobrietate
sobrietate n soberness, sobriety, temperateness
socco n [Gr. & Rom. Theat.] sock
Hence: socculo
socculo n socle, pedestal, stand
sociabile adj sociable
Hence: sociabilitate, insociabile-insociabilitate
sociabilitate n sociability
social adj 1. social (= pertaining to human society); 2. pertaining to a commercial society;
ration social name (of a firm);
capital social registered capital, joint stock;
anno social fiscal year of a firm
Hence: socialismo; socialista; socialisar &; antisocial
socialisar v to socialize
Hence: socialisation
socialisation n socialization
socialismo n socialism
socialista¹ n socialist
socialista² adj socialist, socialistic
sociar v to join or unite (one thing with another)
Hence: sociabile &; associar &; consociar &; dissociar &
societate n society;
le Societate del Nationes the League of Nations;
societate per actiones joint-stock company;
societate de succursos mutual mutual benefit society;
societate in commandita sleeping partnership;
joco de societate parlor game;
societate anonyme corporation (= incorporated company)
socio n partner, associate
Hence: societate; social &; sociar &; sociologo etc.
sociologia (-ía) n sociology
sociologic adj sociologic, sociologica
sociologo (-ólogo) n sociologist
Hence: sociologia; sociologic
Socrates (só-) npr Socrates
Hence: socratic; socratico
socratic adj Socratic
socratico n Socratic
soda n soda (1. sodium oxide; 2. as in “washing soda”, “baking soda”, “caustic soda”; 3. soda water)
Hence: sodium
sodium (só-) n sodium
Sodoma (só-) npr Sodom
Hence: sodomia; sodomita-sodomitic
sodomia (-mía) n sodomy
sodomita n 1. Sodomite (= inhabitant of Sodom); 2. sodomite (= one guilty of sodomy)
sodomitic adj Sodomitic
sofa n sofa
soirée [F] n (evening) party
soja (sóya) n [Bot.] soy, soybean, soya
sojornar v to stay, sojourn
Hence: sojorno
sojorno n stay, sojourn
sol¹ n 1. [Mus.] sol; 2. [Mus.] (the note) G
Hence: solmisar etc.
sol² n sun (1. the heavenly body “sun”; 2. sunlight, sunshine);
il face sol the sun is shining, it is sunny;
prender le sol to take a sun bath, to bask in the sun;
colpo de sol sunstroke
Hence: solano &; solar; solario; insolar &; solstitio etc.; parasol etc.; tornasol etc.
sol³ adj sole (1. without companions, alone; 2. only);
mi sol preoccupation my only preoccupation;
viver sol to live alone;
sentir se sol to feel lonesome, lonely
Hence: solitate-solitari &; solitude; desolar &; solipede etc.; soliloquio etc.; solo¹-solista
solanaceas npl [Bot.] Solanaceae
solanacee adj solanaceous
solano n [Bot.] nightshade
Hence: solanacee-solanaceas
solar adj solar
-solar v [occurring in compounds]
Hence: consolar &
solario n solarium
soldar¹ v to have in (one’s) pay
soldar² v 1. to solder (= to join by solder); 2. to weld (as in “to weld pieces of metal”)
Hence: soldator; soldatura; dissoldar
soldatesc adj 1. soldierly; 2. barrack-room (as in “barrack-room language”)
soldatesca n 1. soldiery; 2. undisciplined troops
soldato n soldier
Hence: soldatesc-soldatesca
soldator n 1. solderer; 2. welder
soldatura n 1. (act of) soldering; 2. solder; 3. (act of) welding
soldo n 1. [Fin.] sou; 2. (soldier’s) pay
Hence: soldar-soldato &
solea n 1. sole (of a shoe, etc.); 2. [Zool.] sole
Hence: solear
solear v to sole (= to furnish with a sole)
solemne adj solemn
Hence: solemnitate; solemnisar-solemnisation
solemnisar v to solemnize (= to render solemn by ceremony or due formality)
solemnisation n solemnization
solemnitate n solemnity (1. state or quality of being solemn; 2. solemn observance)
soler v to be wont do (do), have the custom of (doing)
Hence: solite-insolite; insolente &; obsolescer &
solfeggiar (-fedjár) v [Mus.] to sol-fa, practice solfeggios
solfeggio [I] n [Mus.] solfeggio (= exercise in scales, using sol-fa syllables)
Hence: solfeggiar
soli- see solide
solidar v to make solid or firm
solidari adj solidary
Hence: solidaritate; solidarisar
solidarisar v to render jointly liable or responsible;
solidarisar se to make common cause
solidaritate n solidarity
solide (só-) adj solid (1. not liquid, fluid, or gaseous; 2. firmly or strongly built; 3. of sound, sterling character)
Hence: soliditate; solidari &; solidar-consolidar &; solidificar-solidification
solidificar v to solidify (= to make solid)
solidification n solidification
soliditate n solidity (1. state of being not liquid, fluid, or gaseous; 2. state of being firmly or strongly built; 3. moral, mental, or financial soundness)
soliloquio n soliloquy
solipede¹ (-í-) adj [Zool.] soliped
solipede² (-í-) n [Zool.] soliped
solista n soloist
solitari adj solitary
Hence: solitario
solitario n I. solitary; II. solitaire (1. diamond set by itself; 2. card game played by one person)
solitate n loneliness, solitude
solite (só-) adj wonted, accustomed; also: wont
solitude n solitude (1. loneliness; 2. lonely place)
sollicitante n solicitant, petitioner
sollicitar v 1. to solicit (= to entreat); 2. to apply for (as in “to apply for a position”)
sollicitation n 1. solicitation (= entreaty); 2. application (“application for a position, etc.”)
sollicitator n 1. solicitor (= person who entreats); 2. applicant
sollicite (-lí-) adj solicitous (= concerned)
Hence: sollicitude; sollicitar-sollicitante, sollicitation, sollicitator
sollicitude n solicitude
solmente adv only, merely;
non solmente ... sed etiam not only ... but also
solmisar v [Mus.] to sol-fa, practice solfeggios
Hence: solmisation
solmisation n [Mus.] solmization (1. sol-fa notation; 2. solfeggio)
solo¹ n solo
solo² n 1. soil, earth; 2. floor (= “the floor of a room”)
Hence: solea &
solstitial adj solstitial
solstitio n [Astron.] solstice
Hence: solstitial
solu- see solver
solubile adj soluble (1. that can be dissolved; 2. that can be solved)
solubilitate n solubility (1. capacity of being dissolved; 2. capacity of being solved)
solut- see solver
solute adj 1. solved; 2. dissolved
solution n solution (1. act of dissolving; 2. liquid in which a substance has been dissolved; 3. act of solving; 4. as in “to find the solution of the problem”)
solvente¹ adj solvent (1. able to dissolve; 2. [Com.])
solvente² n [Chem.] solvent
solventia n [Com.] solvency
solver [solv-/solut-] v to resolve, dissolve; also: to solve
Hence: solvente-solventia, insolvente-insolventia; solubile-solubilitate, insolubile-insolubilitate; solution; solute; absolver &; dissolver &; resolver &
soma¹ [-ma/-mat-] n [Biol.] soma
Hence: somatic; somatologia etc.; chromosoma etc.
soma² n [Hindu Relig.] soma
somatic adj somatic
somatologia (-ía) n somatology
Hence: somatologic
somatologic adj somatologic
somnambule adj somnambulistic
Hence: somnambulismo; somnambulo
somnambulismo n somnambulism, noctambulism
somnambulo (-ám-) n sleepwalker, somnambulist
somnifere adj soporific, somniferous
somnifero (-ní-) n sleeping tablet, soporific
somniloque (-ní-) adj somniloquous
Hence: somniloquista
somniloquio n somniloquy
somniloquista n somniloquist
somno n sleep;
haber somno to be sleepy;
morbo del somno sleeping sickness
Hence: somnifere-somnifero; somnolente &; insomne &; somniloquio etc.; somniloque etc.; semisomne etc.
somnolente adj somnolent, sleepy, drowsy
Hence: somnolentia
somnolentia n somnolence, sleepiness, drowsiness
[somos] (só-) pr 1me pers pl of esser (we) are
(= (nos) es)
[son] pr pl of esser are
(= (nos, vos, illes, illas, illos) es)
sonalia n cattle bell
sonante 1. ppr of sonar; 2. adj sonant; also: [Phonet.]
sonar v I. to sound (1. to make a sound; also: to strike, ring, toll; 2. to cause to sound; also: to ring); II. to play (an instrument)
Hence: sonalia; sonante-altisonante etc.; malsonante etc.; sonator; sonata &; assonar &; consonar &; dissonar &; resonar
sonata n sonata
Hence: sonatina
sonatina n sonatina
sonator n 1. sounder (= one who or that which sounds); 2. player (of an instrument)
sonda n 1. [Naut.] lead, plummet; 2. [Surg.] sound, probe; 3. [Mining] borer, drill
Hence: sondar-sondage, sondator
sondage (-aje) n I. sounding (1. [Naut.]; 2. probing; 3. [Surg.]); II. [Mining] boring, drilling;
turre de sondage derrick (as in “oil derrick”)
sondar v I. to sound (1. [Naut.]; 2. to probe; 3. [Surg.]); II. [Mining] to bore, drill
sondator n 1. [Naut.] leadsman; 2. [Naut.] sounder, sounding apparatus; 3. [Mining] borer, driller
sonettar v to compose sonnets
sonettero n sonneteer
sonetto n sonnet
Hence: sonettero; sonettar
soniar v to dream
soniator n dreamer
sonio n dream
Hence: soniar-soniator
sono n sound (as in “the sound of a bell”)
Hence: sonetto &; sonar &; dissone; sonometro etc.; undisone etc.; altisone etc.; multisone etc.; unisone etc.; horrisone etc.
sonometro (-nó-) n sonometer (= soundmeasuring instrument)
sonor adj sonorous, resonant
Hence: sonoritate
sonoritate n sonority
soph- adj [occurring in derivatives and compounds] soph- (= wise, learned)
Hence: sophia-sophic; sophis--sophismo, sophista-sophistic-sophistica, sophisticar-sophistication; philosopho etc.; theosophia etc.; gymnosophista etc.
sophia¹ (-ía) n sophia, wisdom
Sophia² (-ía) nprf Sophia
sophic adj sophic
sophis- v [occurring in derivatives]
sophismo n sophism
sophista n 1. [Gr. Philos.] Sophist; 2. sophist; also: attrib.
sophistic adj sophistic
sophistica n 1. sophistics 2. sophistry
sophisticar v to sophisticate (= to falsify, pervert, adulterate etc.)
sophistication n sophistication (= falsifying, falsification, adulteration)
Sophocles (só-) npr Sophocles
sopir v to put to sleep; also: to lull, quiet, etc.
Hence: sopor &
sopor n sopor, profound sleep
Hence: soporifere; soporific-soporifico; soporose
soporifere adj soporific, soporiferous
soporific adj soporific, soporiferous
soporifico n soporific, sleeping tablet
soporose adj soporific (as in “soporific symptoms”)
sopranista n sopranist
soprano [I] n soprano
Hence: sopranista
sorber [sorb-/sorpt-] v to sup, sip; to drink down, swallow
Hence: absorber &; resorber &; sanguisorba etc.
soror n sister; also: [Eccl.];
soror affin sister-in-law
Hence: sororastra; sororal
sororal adj sisterly
sororastra n stepsister
sorta n sort (= kind, class);
de sorta que so that
Hence: assortir &
sorte n 1. lot, destiny; 2. chance, luck;
tirar al sorte to draw lots
Hence: consorte; sortilegio etc.
sortilegio n (piece of) sorcery; also: spell, charm
sortir v to go or come out
Hence: sortita; resortir
sortita n 1. [Mil.] sortie, sally; 2. [Clothing] wrap, robe, etc.;
sortita de banio bathrobe
S O S [A] n [Naut.] S O S
Sosia npr sosia;
sosia (someone’s) double
sottana n cassock
soufflé [F] n soufflé
soup- see souper
soupar v to sup, have supper
souper [F] n supper
Hence: soupar
souvenir [F] n souvenir
[sovente] adv repeatedly, frequently, often; from time to time
(= subinde)
soveran adj sovereign (1. supreme; 2. possessing supreme power);
remedio soveran sovereign remedy
Hence: soveranitate; soverano
soveranitate n sovereignty
soverano n sovereign (1. monarch; 2. gold coin in Great Britain)
soviet [R] n soviet
Hence: sovietismo; sovietista; sovietic; sovietisar; sovietisation
sovietic adj soviet, sovietic;
Union del Republicas Sovietic Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, Soviet Union
sovietisar v to sovietize
sovietisation n sovietization
sovietismo n sovietism
sovietista n sovietist
spada n 1. sword; 2. [Cards] spade;
pisce spada swordfish
Hence: spadero; spadon
spadero n swordmaker, swordsmith
spadon n (large) sword
spaghetti [I] npl spaghetti
spalier n trellis, espalier
sparadrapo n adhesive plaster, sticking plaster
sparger [sparg-/spars-;-sperg-/-spers-] v to sprinkle
Hence: sparse; spargitor; asperger &; disperger &
spargitor n sprinkler
sparniar v I. to spare (1. to show mercy to; 2. to protect from, save); II. to save (as in “to save money, time, etc.”)
Hence: sparnio
sparnio n saving; thrift;
sparnios savings
spars- see sparger
sparse adj sparse
Sparta npr Sparta
Hence: spartan-spartano
spartan adj Spartan
spartano n Spartan
spasmo n [Med.] spasm
Hence: spasmodic-antispasmodic
spasmodic adj [Med.] spasmodic
spastic adj [Med.] spastic
spatha n [Bot.] spathe
Hence: spathacee
spathacee adj [Bot.] spathaceous
spatial adj spatial
spatiamento n (act of) spacing
spatiar v to space
spatio n space
Hence: spatial; spatiose-spatiositate; spatiar-spatiamento
spatiose adj spacious
spatiositate n spaciousness
spatula (spá-) n 1. [Anat.] shoulder; 2. spatula; 3. [Zool.] spoonbill
spec- [spec-/spect-;-spic-/-spect-] v [occurring in derivatives and compounds]
Hence: perspicace &; conspicue &; perspicue &; spectar &; aspic- &; circumspic- &; despicer &; inspicer &; introspicer &; perspicer &; prospicer &; respicer &; retrospic- &; suspic- &; frontispicio etc.
special adj special, especial
Hence: specialista; specialitate; specialisar-specialisation
specialisar v to specialize;
specialisar se to specialize (in a certain field)
specialisation n specialization
specialista n specialist
specialitate n specialty, speciality
specie¹ n I. species (1. kind, sort; 2. group, class; especially: [Bot., Zool.]; 3. [Eccl.]); II. specie;
in specie in specie
Hence: special &; specific &; speciose &; specificar &; subspecie
specie² n spice;
pan de specie ginger bread, spice cake
Hence: speciero; specieria
specieria (-ía) n 1. groceries (collectively); 2. grocery (store)
speciero n grocer
specific adj specific (1. special, definite; 2. [Bot., Zool.]);
peso specific specific gravity;
remedio specific specific remedy
Hence: specificitate
specificar v to specify
Hence: specification
specification n specification (= act of specifying)
specificitate n specificity, specificness
specimen [L] n specimen
speciose adj specious
Hence: speciositate
speciositate n speciousness
spect- see spec-
spectaculo n I. spectacle (1. sight; 2. public show or display); II. [Theat.] play, show
spectar v to look at
Hence: spectaculo; spectator
spectator n spectator
spectral adj spectral (1. ghostly; 2. pertaining to the spectrum);
analyse spectral spectral colors
spectro n 1. ghost, specter; 2. spectrum
Hence: spectral; spectroscopio etc.
spectroscopia (-ía) n spectroscopy
spectroscopic adj spectroscopic
spectroscopio n spectroscope
Hence: spectroscopia; spectroscopista; spectroscopic
spectroscopista n spectroscopist
specular¹ adj specular; also: [Med.]
specular² v to speculate (1. to engage in thought or reflection; 2. [Com.]);
specular super 1. to speculate on or about; 2. to speculate in
Hence: speculation; speculative; speculator
speculation n speculation (1. thought, reflection; 2. [Com.])
speculative adj speculative (1. pertaining to thought or reflection; 2. involving risks)
speculator n speculator
speculo (spé-) n mirror; also: speculum
Hence: specular¹; specular² &
speech [A] n speech (= public talk)
sperabile adj to be hoped (for)
sperantia n hope;
fundar su sperantia super to found one’s hopes on;
plen de sperantia full of hope, hopeful
sperantiose adj hopeful (= full of hope)
sperar v to hope (for)
Hence: spero; sperantia-sperantiose; sperabile-insperabile; insperate; desperar &
-sperger see sparger
sperma [-ma/-mat-] n sperm
Hence: spermatic; spermatozoon etc.; spermophilo etc.; endosperma etc.; angiosperme etc.
spermaceti n spermaceti
spermat- see sperma
spermatic adj spermatic
spermatozoon (-zó-) n [Zool.] spermatozoon
spermophilo (-mó-) n gopher, spermophile
spero n hope
sphera n sphere (1. [Geom., Astron.]; 2. as in “sphere of action”);
sphera celeste celestial sphere;
sphera armillar armillary sphere
Hence: spheric-sphericitate; spheroide-spheroidal; spherometro etc.; atmosphera etc.; stratosphera etc.; planispherio etc.; hemispherio etc.
spheric adj spherical
sphericitate n sphericity
spheroidal adj spheroidal
spheroide n spheroid
spherometro (-ómetro) n [Phys.] spherometer
sphinge n sphinx (1. [Archaeol.]; 2. [Entom.])
spia n spy
Hence: spiar
spiar v to spy, spy upon
-spic- see spec-
spica n ear (of grain), spike
Hence: spicula-spiculate; spicate; spicifere; spicar; spiciforme etc.; spicilegio etc.; spicanardo etc.
spicanardo n spikenard
spicar v to ear (= to form, be formed, into ears or spikes)
spicate adj spiky, eared, spicate
spicifere adj [Bot.] spiciferous, bearing ears (of grain)
spiciforme adj spiciform, ear-shaped
spicilegio n gleaning; gleanings; specif.: spicilege (= collection, anthology)
spicula n [Bot.] spikelet, spicule
spiculate adj [Bot.] spiculate
spina n 1. spine, thorn; 2. fishbone;
spina (dorsal) spine, backbone;
esser super le spinas to be on thorns, on pins and needles
Hence: spinello; spineto; spinula; spinal-cerebro-spinal etc.; spinifere; spinose-spinositate; porcospino etc.; spino
spinace n spinach
Hence: spinacia
spinacia n spinach
spinal adj [Anat.] spinal
spinello n [Mineral.] spinel (ruby)
spineto n thicket of thorns; brambles
spinetta n [Mus.] spinet
spinifere adj spiniferous
spino n thorn, thornbush; bramble;
spino albe, spino blanc hawthorn
spinose adj thorny (1. full of thorns; 2. as in “a thorny question”)
spinositate n thorniness
spinula n pin (for fastening together parts of clothing, etc.);
spinula de securitate safety pin
spion n spy
Hence: spionar-spionage-contraspionage
spionage (-aje) n spying, espionage
spionar v to spy
spira n 1. whorl (of a spiral); 2. [Geom.] spiral; also: coil, etc.
Hence: spiral; spiroide-spiroidal; spirocheta etc.
spiral¹ adj spiral
spiral² n 1. spiral; 2. hairspring
spirante adj/n [Phonet.] spirant
spirar v to breathe (= to respire; also: to be alive)
Hence: spirante; spiration; aspirar &; conspirar &; expirar &; inspirar &; respirar &; suspirar &; transpirar &; spirometro etc.
spiration n [Theol.] spiration
spiritismo n spiritualism, spiritism
spiritista n spiritualist, spiritist
spiritistic adj spiritistic
spirito (spí-) n spirit (1. as in “spirit of ammonia”; 2. “spirit as opposed to body or matter”; 3. as in “to believe in spirits”; also: sprite);
Spirito Sancte Holy Ghost;
spirito maligne evil spirit;
spirito forte freethinker;
spirito de corpore esprit de corps
Hence: spiritual-spiritualismo, spiritualista, spiritualitate, spiritualisar-spiritualisation; spirituose-spirituositate; spiritismo; spiritista-spiritistic
spiritu- see spirito
spiritual adj spiritual (1. pertaining to spirit, mind, intellect; 2. devoid of body, incorporeal)
spiritualisar v spiritualize (= to render spiritual)
spiritualisation n spiritualization
spiritualismo n [Philos., Relig.] spiritualism
spiritualista n [Philos., Relig.] spiritualist
spiritualitate n spirituality (1. incorporeal quality or state; 2. spiritual-mindedness)
spirituose adj 1. spirited (= full of spirit); 2. spirituous (= alcoholic)
spirituositate n 1. spiritedness; spirituousness, spirituosity
spirocheta n [Bacteriol.] spirochete
spiroidal adj spiroid, spiroidal
spiroide adj spiroid, spiroidal
spirometria (-ía) n spirometry
spirometric adj spirometric
spirometro (-ómetro) n spirometer
Hence: spirometria; spirometric
spissar v to thicken (= to make thicker or denser)
spisse adj thick (1. as in “a thick board”, “two inches thick”; 2. dense)
Hence: spissitate; spissor; spissar-inspissar-inspissation
spissitate n thickness (1. as in “thickness of a board”; 2. density)
spissor n thickness (1. as in “thickness of a board”; 2. density)
splen n [Anat.] spleen, milt
Hence: splenitis; splenic; asplenio; splenologia etc.; splenopathia etc.
splendente 1. ppr of splender; 2. adj splendent
splender v to shine, be resplendent
Hence: splendide; splendor; splendente; resplender &
splendide adj 1. bright, resplendent; 2. splendid
splendor n splendor
splenic adj [Anat.] splenic
splenitis (-ítis) n [Med.] splenitis
splenologia (-ía) n splenology
splenopathia (-ía) n splenopathy
spolia n 1. slough, cast skin (of a serpent etc.); 2. spoil, booty;
spolias spoils, loot
Hence: spoliar-spoliamento, spoliation, spoliator; despoliar &
spoliamento n 1. casting (of the skin of a serpent, etc.); 2. despoiling, stripping
spoliar v 1. to skin, remove the skin (of an animal); 2. to despoil, strip;
spoliar se to cast off the skin
spoliation n spoliation, looting
spoliator n spoliator, looter
spond- see spondeo
spondaic (-áic) adj [Pros.] spondaic, spondaical
spondeo (-éo) n [Pros.] spondee
Hence: spondaic
sponder [spond-/spons-] v 1. to promise (solemnly); 2. to pledge; also: to bet
Hence: sponsion; spons- &; responder &
spongia n sponge
Hence: spongite; spongiose-spongiositate; spongiar
spongiar v to sponge (= to cleanse or wipe with a sponge)
spongiose adj spongy (= of the nature of a sponge)
spongiositate n sponginess
spongite n [Mineral.] spongite
spons-¹ adj [occurring in derivatives]
Hence: sponsar-sponsate; sponso-sponsal, sponsalias; sponsa
spons-² see also: sponder
sponsa n 1. newly wed; also: bride; 2. wife; also: spouse
sponsal adj nuptial, matrimonial
sponsalias npl wedding ceremony, espousals
sponsar v 1. to marry (= to take in marriage); 2. to espouse (a cause, etc.);
sponsar se to marry (= to get married)
sponsate 1. pp of sponsar; 2. adj married
sponsion n bet;
facer un sponsion to make a bet, bet
sponso n 1. newly wed; also: bridegroom; 2. husband; also: spouse;
le sponsos the married couple, husband and wife
spontanee adj spontaneous;
generation spontanee spontaneous generation;
combustion spontanee spontaneous combustion
spontaneitate n spontaneity, spontaneousness
sponte adv voluntarily, willingly
Hence: spontanee-spontaneitate
spora n spore
Hence: sporidio; sporangio etc.; zoospora etc.
sporadic adj sporadic
Hence: sporadicitate
sporadicitate n sporadicalness
sporangio n [Bot.] sporangium
sporidio n [Bot.] sporidium
sporon n spur (1. “rider’s spur”; 2. stimulus; 3. spine on a cock’s leg; 4. [Bot.])
Hence: sporonero; sporonar-sporonamento
sporonamento n (act of) spurring
sporonar v to spur (1. to prick with spurs; 2. to incite, stimulate)
sporonero n spurrier
sport [A] n sport (= physical exercise)
Hence: sportive
sportive adj sport (as in “sport clothes”)
sportsman [A] n sportsman
sportswoman [A] n sportswoman
sposa n 1. newlywed; also: bride; 2. wife; also: spouse
sposalias npl wedding ceremony, espousals
sposar v 1. to marry (= to take in marriage); 2. to espouse (a cause, etc.);
sposar se to marry (= to get married)
sposate 1. pp of sposar; 2. adj married
sposo n 1. newlywed; also: bridegroom; 2. husband; also: spouse;
le sposos the married couple, husband and wife
Hence: sposalias; sposar-sposate, resposar; sposa
S.P.Q.R [L] S.P.Q.R. (= senatus populusque romanus)
spuer [spu-/sput-] v to spit; also: to spew
Hence: sputo-sputiera, sputar-sputation; conspuer; exspuer-exspuition
spuma n foam, froth
Hence: spumifere; spumose-spumositate; spumar
spumar v to foam, froth (= to form or gather foam or froth), to spume
spumifere adj spumiferous, foamy
spumose adj foamy, foaming
spumositate n foaminess
sput- see spuer
sputar v to spit, expectorate
sputation n spitting, expectoration
sputiera n spittoon, cuspidor
sputo n spit, spittle; also: sputum
squaliforme adj [Zool.] squaliform
squalo n [Ichthyol.] Squalus; also: shark
Hence: squaloide; squaliforme etc.; squalodonte etc.
squalodonte n [Paleontol.] Squalodon
squaloide adj [Zool.] squaloid
squama n scale (as in “scale of a fish”, “scale of dead outer skin”, etc.)
Hence: squamose; squamar
squamar v to scale, remove the scales from
squamose adj scaly
sta- [occurring in derivatives]
Hence: stase &; -stato &; static &
-sta see -ista
stabile adj stable;
equilibrio stabile stable equilibrium
Hence: stabilitate; stabilir &; stabilisar-stabilisation, stabilisator; instabile-instabilitate
stabilimento n establishment (1. act of establishing, founding, or setting up; 2. institution, organization, business, etc.)
stabilir v to establish (1. to make firm or stable; 2. to found, set up; 3. as in “to establish someone in business”);
stabilir se to establish oneself, settle
Hence: stabilimento; stabilitor; prestabilir; restabilir-restabilimento
stabilisar n to stabilize
stabilisation n stabilization
stabilisator n stabilizer (1. one who stabilizes; 2. [Aeronaut.])
stabilitate n stability
stabilitor n establisher
stabular v to stable
stabulation n stabling (of cattle, horses etc.)
stabulo (stá-) n stable, cattle barn, sty, etc.
Hence: stabular-stabulation
staccato [I] [Mus.] staccato
stadio n 1. [Sports] stadium; 2. stage (of development, etc.)
staffa n stirrup
Hence: staffetta; staffero
staffero n groom; footman
staffetta n staffette, estafette; mounted courier
stagnante 1. ppr of stagnar; 2. adj stagnant
stagnar v to stagnate, be stagnant
stagnation n stagnation
stagno n pond, pool, standing water
Hence: stagnar-stagnante stagnation
stalactite n [Geol.] stalactite;
stalactita de glacie icicle
Hence: stalactitic
stalactitic adj stalactitic, stalactitical
stalagmite n [Geol.] stalagmite
Hence: stalagmitic
stalagmitic adj stalagmitic, stalagmitical
stallo n stall (= “choir stall”)
Hence: installar &; pedestallo etc.
stallon n stallion
staminal adj [Bot.] staminal, stamineal
staminate adj [Bot.] staminate
stamine n 1. worsted yarn; 2. [Bot.] stamen
Hence: staminal; staminate; staminifere
staminifere adj [Bot.] staminiferous
stampa n print (= engraving, woodcut, etc.)
stampage (-aje) n stamping, impressing, imprinting
stampar v to stamp (= to impress or imprint with some mark)
Hence: stampa; stampage; stampator
stampator n stamper (= one who or that which stamps)
stand [A] n stand (1. grandstand; 2. as in “refreshment stand”)
standard [A] n standard (= norm of comparison);
standard de vita living standard
Hence: standardisar-standardisation
standardisar v to standardize
standardisation n standardization
standardo n standard, banner
stannar v to tin (= to plate with tin)
stannato n [Chem.] stannate
stannator n tin plater
stannatura n tinning, tin-plating
stannero n tinsmith
stannic adj [Chem.] stannic;
acido stannic stannic acid
stannifere adj stanniferous, stannic
stanno n tin;
folio de stanno tin foil
Hence: stannato; stannero; stannic; stannifere; stannar-stannator, stannatura
stanza [I] n [Pros.] stanza
star v to stand (= to be standing)
Hence: stabile &; station &; statura; stato &; circumstar &; constar &; contrastar &; distar &; instar &; obstar &; restar &
starter [A] n [Sports] starter (= official who gives the signal to start)
stase n [Pathol.] stasis (= stagnation of the blood in a blood vessel)
Hence: antiperistase; apostasia; diastase; ecstase &; metastase; hypostase; hemostase etc.; iconostase etc.
static adj static; also: [Elec.]
Hence: statica; ecstatic; hypostatic; hemostatic etc.; hydrostatic etc.
statica n statics
station n I. (action of) standing; II. station (1. stop, stopping place; 2. station building, depot);
stationes del Cruce Stations of the Cross;
station del anno season (= one of the four divisions of the year);
station de gasolina gas station, filling station
Hence: stationari; stationar
stationar v to halt, stop (= to cease to go on or move)
stationari adj stationary (= fixed in a certain station, place, course)
statista n statesman
statistic adj statistical
Hence: statistico; statistica
statistica n statistics (“science of statistics”)
statistico n statistician
stato n I. state (1. condition or manner of existence; 2. commonwealth); II. [Pol.] estate; III. status (= legal standing, position);
stato de cosas state of things, circumstances;
esser in stato de (facer un cosa) to be in a position to (do something);
stato civil civil status;
homine de stato statesman;
colpo de stato coup d’état;
Statos Unite (de America) United States (of America)
Hence: statista-statistic &
-stato [occurring in compounds]
Hence: aerostato etc.; gyrostato etc.; hemostato etc.; heliostato etc.
statua n statue
Hence: statuari; statuario; statuaria; statuetta
statuari adj statuary
statuaria n statuary (= art of making statues)
statuario n statue maker, statuary
statuer [statu-/statut-;-stitu-/-stitut-] v to decree, ordain
Hence: statuto-statutari; constituer &, destituer &; instituer &; prostituer &; restituer &; substistuer &
statuetta n statuette
statura n stature (= bodily height)
statut- see statuer
statutari adj statutory
statuto n 1. bylaw, ordinance, regulation; 2. statute (as in “statute of occupation”)
-staurar v [occurring in compounds]
Hence: instaurar &; restaurar &
steamer [A] n steamer, steamship
stear [-ar/-at-] n tallow, suet
Hence: stearato; stearina; stearic; steatite; steatoma; steatosis
stearato n [Chem.] stearate
stearic (-á-) adj [Chem.] stearic
stearina n stearin
steat- see stear
steatite n steatite, soapstone; also: French chalk
steatoma n [Med.] steatoma
steatosis (-ósis) n [Med.] fatty degeneration, steatosis
steeplechase [A] n [Horse Racing] steeplechase
stella n I. star (1. heavenly body; 2. as in “to be born under a lucky star”); II. blaze (on horse);
stella (de cinema, de opera, etc.) (film, operatic, etc.) star;
stella polar North Star, Polaris;
stella del matino morning star;
stella del vespere evening star
Hence: stellar-interstellar; stellate; stellifere; stellar-constellar &
stellar¹ adj stellar
stellar² v to star, stud with stars
stellate adj starry, starred;
(le) bandiera stellate (the) Star-Spangled Banner
stellifere adj stelliferous
sten- adj [occurring in compounds] steno- (= narrow)
Hence: stenographo etc.
stencil [A] n (mimeographing) stencil
stenographia (-ía) n stenography, shorthand
stenographiar v to stenograph, write shorthand
stenographic adj stenographic
stenographista n stenographist, stenographer
stenographo (-ógrapho) n stenographer
Hence: stenographia-stenographista, stenographiar; stenographic
Stentore npr [Gr. Antiq.] Stentor;
stentore stentor (1. person with a loud voice; 2. [Biol.])
Hence: stentoree
stentoree adj stentorian
Stephano (sté-) npr Stephen
steppa n steppe
sterbordo n [Naut.] starboard
stercoral adj stercoral
stercorar v to manure, dung
stercorari adj stercoral
stercorario n dunghill
stercore n manure, dung
Hence: stercoral; stercorari; stercorario; stercorar
stere- adj [occurring in derivatives and compounds] stere-, stereo- (= solid)
Hence: stereotypo etc.; stereometria etc.; stereoscopio etc.; stereo-decistereo etc., decastereo etc.
stereo n [Metric System] stere, cubic meter
stereographia (-ía) n stereography
Hence: stereographic
stereographic adj stereographic
stereometria (-ía) n stereometry
stereoscopia (-ía) n stereoscopy
stereoscopic adj stereoscopic
stereoscopio n stereoscope
Hence: stereoscopia; stereoscopic
stereotomia (-ía) n stereotomy
Hence: stereotomic
stereotomic adj stereotomic
stereotypar v to stereotype (1. to make into stereos; 2. to make stereotyped)
stereotype (-ó-) adj 1. [Print.] stereotype, stereotypical; 2. stereotyped
stereotypia (-ía) n stereotyping; stereotype, stereotypy
stereotypic adj stereotype, stereotypic
stereotypo (-ó-) n stereo, stereotype (= stereotype plate)
Hence: stereotypia; stereotypic; stereotypar; stereotype
sterile adj sterile, barren
Hence: sterilitate; sterilisar-sterilisation, sterilisator, sterilisate
sterilisar v to sterilize (1. to deprive of fecundity; 2. to free from bacteria)
sterilisate 1. pp of sterilisar; 2. adj sterile (= free from bacteria)
sterilisation n sterilization
sterilisator n sterilizer
sterilitate n sterility, barrenness
stern- [stern-/strat-] v [occurring in derivatives and compounds]
Hence: strato &; strata-autostrata etc.; prosterner &
sternal adj [Anat.] sternal
sternalgia (-ía) n [Med.] sternalgia
-sternar v [occurring in compounds]
Hence: consternar &; prosternar &
sterno n breastbone, sternum
Hence: sternal; sternalgia etc., sternocostal etc.
sternocostal adj [Anat.] sternocostal
sternutamento n 1. (act of) sneezing; 2. sneeze
sternutar v to sneeze
Hence: sternutamento; sternutation; sternatatori
sternutation n sternutation, sneezing
sternutatori adj sternutatory
stetho- n [occurring in compounds] stetho- (= breast, chest)
Hence: stethoscopio etc.
stethoscopia (-ía) n stethoscopy
stethoscopic adj stethoscopic
stethoscopio n stethoscope
Hence: stethoscopia; stethoscopic
steward [A] n [Naut., etc.] steward
sthenic adj [Pathol.] sthenic
stheno- n [occurring in derivatives and compounds] sthen-, stheno (= strength)
Hence: sthenic, asthen--asthenia-asthenic-asthenico
sticho n [Pros.] stich, stichos
Hence: stichomythia etc.; disticho etc.; acrostichio etc.; hemistichio etc.
stichomythia (-ía) n [Gr. Lit.] stichomythy
stigma [-ma/-mat-] n stigma (1. brand; 2. [Pathol.]; 3. [Bot.]; 4. [Zool.] spiracle)
Hence: stigmatisar-stigmatisation; astigmatismo; astigmatic
stigmat- see stigma
stigmata (stí-) npl [Theol.] stigmata
stigmatisar v to stigmatize (1. [Theol.]: 2. to brand, stamp with infamy)
stigmatisation n stigmatization
stiletto n stiletto, stylet
stilisar v to stylize, conventionalize
stilisation n stylization
stilista n stylist (as in “prose stylist”)
stilistic adj stylistic, stylistical
stilistica n stylistics, stylistic
stilla n drop
Hence: stillar-stillation, distillar &, instillar &
stillar v to drip
stillation n dripping
stilo n style (1. [Antiq.] stylus; 2. manner of writing, speaking, making, etc.);
haber stilo to have style;
stilo (de graphite) (lead) pencil;
stilo de carmino lipstick
Hence: stiletto; stilista-stilistic, stilistica; stilisar-stilisation
stimulante¹ 1. ppr of stimular; 2. adj stimulating
stimulante² n stimulant
stimular v 1. to stimulate; 2. to goad
stimulation n 1. stimulation; 2. (action of) goading
stimulative adj stimulative
stimulator n stimulator
stimulo (stí-) n 1. stimulus; 2. goad
Hence: stimular-stimulante, stimulation, stimulative, stimulator
-stinar v [occurring in compounds]
Hence: destinar &; obstinar &
stipar v to stuff, fill up
Hence: constipar &
stipendiar v to pay a stipend to
stipendiari adj stipendiary (= receiving a stipend)
stipendiario n stipendiary (= one who receives a stipend)
stipendio n stipend
Hence: stipendiari; stipendiario; stipendiar
stipular v to stipulate
Hence: stipulation
stipulation n stipulation
stirpe n stock (1. stem, trunk, etc.; 2. as in “of old English stock”); also: stirps
Hence: extirpar &
-stitio n [occurring in compounds]
Hence: interstitio &; armistitio etc.; solstitio etc.
-stituer see statuer
stivage (-aje) n estivage
stivar v to steeve, stow in the ship’s hold
Hence: stivage; stivator
stivator n steever (= one who steeves); specif.: stevedore
stoa n [Gr. Antiq.] stoa (= portico; specif.: the Stoa at Athens where the philosopher Zeno lectured)
Hence: stoic-stoicismo, stoico
stock [A] n [Com.] stock, supply
Hence: stockar
stockar v to stock, lay in a stock of
stoffa n 1. material, fabric; 2. stuff (= substance, essence)
stoic (stóic) adj stoic, stoical (1. [Philos.]; 2. indifferent to pleasure and pain)
stoicismo n stoicism (1. [Philos.]; 2. repression of the emotions; indifference to pleasure and pain)
stoico (stóico) n stoic (1. [Philos.]; 2. one who practices stoicism)
stola n [Eccl.] stole
stoma [-ma/-mat-] n [Bot.] stoma;
stomas [Bot.] stomata
Hence: stomatitis; stomatoscopio etc.; siphonostome etc.
stomachal adj stomachic
stomacho (stó-) n stomach
Hence: stomachal
stomat- see stoma
stomatitis (-ítis) n [Pathol.] stomatitis
stomatoscopio n stomatoscope
stop! [A] interj [Naut., etc.] stop!; also: [Teleg.]
stoppa n tow; oakum
Hence: stoppose; stoppar-stoppator
stoppar v I. to stop up (with tow or oakum); II. to stop (1. to bring a motor a car, etc. to a halt; 2. to come to a halt)
stoppator n caulker
stoppose adj tow, towy
strabe adj cross-eyed, squinting;
esser strabe to squint, be squint-eyed
Hence: strabismo; strabotomia etc.
strabismo n strabismus, squinting
strabotomia (-ía) n [Surg.] strabotomy
strangular v 1. to strangle; 2. [Med.] to strangulate
Hence: strangulation; strangulator; strangulate
strangulate 1. pp of strangular; 2. adj [Med.] strangulated;
hernia strangulate strangulated hernia
strangulation n strangulation
strangulator n strangler;
le strangulatores [Hist.] the Thugs
strat- see stern-
strata n (paved) road, highway, street
stratagema [-ma/-mat-] n stratagem
Hence: stratagematic
stratagemat- see stratagema
stratagematic adj stratagemic, stratagematic
strategia (-ía) n strategy
strategic adj strategic
strategista n strategist
stratego n 1. leader (of an army, etc.); 2. strategist
Hence: strategia-strategista; strategic
stratificar v [Geol.] to stratify (= to deposit in strata)
stratification n [Geol.] stratification
strato n layer, stratum
Hence: stratificar-stratification; substrato; stratosphera etc.
stratosphera n stratosphere
Hence: stratospheric
stratospheric adj stratospheric, stratospherical
streper v to rattle, rumble, din
Hence: strepito-strepitose; strepitar
strepitar v to make a (great) noise, din, rattling
strepito (stré-) n noise, din
strepitose adj noisy
strept- adj [occurring in compounds] strepto- (= twisted)
Hence: streptococco etc.
streptococco n [Bacteriol.] streptococcus
strict- see stringer
stricte adj I. narrow (= of little breadth); II. tight (= fitting closely); III. strict (1. precise; 2. severe)
strictessa n 1. narrowness; 2. tightness; 3. closeness
stricto n straits, narrows; also: sound
strictura n (act of) binding tightly, tightening, stricture
stridente 1. ppr of strider; 2. adj strident
stridentia n stridence, stridency
strider v to make a harsh, shrill, noise; to creak, grate, shrill, whir, etc.
Hence: stridente-stridentia; stridor; stridule &
stridor n stridor (= shrill, shrieking sound)
stridulante adj stridulant, stridulent
stridular v to stridulate; specif.: [Zool.]; also: to squeak
stridulation n stridulation; specif.: [Zool.]
stridulator n stridulator
stridulatori adj stridulatory
stridule adj stridulous, creaking, squeaky
Hence: stridular-stridulante; stridulation; stridulator; stridulatori
strige n [Zool.] Strix
Hence: strigides
strigides (strí-) npl [Zool.] Strigidae
stringer [string-/strict-] v to enfold tightly, compress
Hence: strictura; stricte-strictessa, stricto; astringer &; constringer &; restringer &
stronti- see Strontian
Strontian npr Strontian (= parish of Strontian)
Hence: strontiana-strontianite; strontium
strontiana n [Chem.] strontia
strontianite n [Mineral.] strontianite, strontian
strontium [strón-] n [Chem.] strontium
strophe n strophe (1. [Gr. Lit.]; 2. [Pros.] stanza)
Hence: strophic; apostrophe &
strophic adj strophic, strophical
stropiar v to maim, cripple, lame, etc.
Hence: stropiato
stropiato n cripple, maimed person, etc.
struct- see struer
structura n structure
structural adj structural
strudel [G] n strudel
struer [stru-/struct-] v 1. to arrange, put in order; to prepare; 2. to build, construct
Hence: structura-structural, infrastructura, substructura, superstructura; construer &; destruer &; instruer &; obstruer &; substruer &
struma n struma (1. scrofulous tumor; 2. goiter)
Hence: strumose
strumose adj strumous (= affected with struma); also: affected with goiter
struthio n ostrich;
haber un stomacho de struthio to have the digestion of an ostrich
Hence: avestruthio etc.
strychnic adj strychnic
strychnina n [Chem.] strychnine
strychninismo n [Med.] strychninism
strychno n [Bot.] Strychnos
Hence: strychnic; strychnina-strychninismo
stuccar v to stucco, overlay with stucco
stuccator n stuccoer, stuccoworker
stuccatura n stuccowork
stucco [I] n stucco
Hence: stuccar-stuccator, stuccatura
studente n student
studer v to study
Hence: studente; studio-studiose, studiar-studiante
studiante n student
studiar v to study
studio n I. study (1. act or process of studying; 2. room devoted to study; 3. [Art, Lit.]; 4. [Mus.] étude); II. studio
studiose adj studious (= assiduous in study)
stupefacer [-fac-/-fact-] v to stupefy (1. to make torpid, benumb; 2. to amaze)
Hence: stupefaciente; stupefaction; stupefactive
stupefaciente¹ adj stupefying, stupefacient
stupefaciente² n narcotic, stupefacient
stupefact- see stupefacer
stupefaction n stupefaction (1. torpor; 2. amazement)
stupefactive adj stupefying, stupefactive
stupende adj amazing, stupendous
stuper v to be stunned, amazed, etc.
Hence: stupide &; stupende; stupor; stupefacer etc.
stupide adj 1. stunned, amazed; 2. stupid
Hence: stupiditate
stupiditate n stupidity
stupor n stupor
stupula (stú-) n stubble (= the stumps of wheat, corn, grass, etc. left in the ground after reaping)
sturion n [Ichthyol.] sturgeon
sturno n starling
Hence: stygie
stygie adj Stygian
Styge npr [Gr. Mythol.] Styx
Hence: stygie
su adj poss his; her; its
Hence: sue; [sui]; suicida etc.; suicidio etc.
suabe adj Swabian
Hence: suabo-Suabia
Suabia npr Swabia
suabo n Swabian (1. inhabitant of Swabia; 2. Swabian dialect)
suader [suad-/suas-] v to advise, urge, persuade
Hence: suasibile; suasion; suasive; dissuader &; persuader &
suas- see suader
suasibile adj suasible, persuadable
suasion n suasion
suasive adj suasive, suasory
suave adj sweet, pleasing, suave
Hence: suavitate; suaviloquente etc.
suaviloquente adj mild-spoken
suavitate n sweetness, mildness
sub prep under, below, beneath
sub- prefixo [subject to assimilation before -c-, -f-, -g-, -m-, -p-, -r-; sometimes sus- before -c-, -p-, -t-] sub-, suc-, suf- , sug-, sum-, sup-, sur-, sus- (1. under, underneath; 2. subordinate; subdivision of; 3. slightly; 4. up, upwards)
Hence: subclavio etc.; sublingual etc.; sublinear etc.; suburbio etc.; subalimentar etc.; subbullir etc.; sublevar etc.; succurrer etc.; suffumigar etc.; supportar etc.; supprimer etc.; suspender etc.; sustener etc.
subalimentar v to undernourish
subalimentation n undernourishment; also: malnutrition
subalterne adj subaltern, subordinate
subbullimento n simmering
subbullir v to simmer
subcamisa n undershirt
subclavio n [Anat.] subclavius
subconsciente¹ adj subconscious
subconsciente² n [Psychol.] subconscious
subconscientia n subconsciousness
subcontrari adj [Philos.] subcontrary
subcuppa n saucer
subcutanee adj subcutaneous
subdelegar v subdelegate
subdelegation n subdelegation
subdivider [-vid-/-vis-] v to subdivide
subdivisibile adj subdivisible
subdivision n subdivision
subdominante n [Mus.] subdominant
subgonnella n petticoat, slip, underskirt
subhuman adj subhuman
subinde adv 1. immediately after, just after, forthwith; 2. repeatedly, frequently; from time to time
subitanee adj sudden
Hence: subitaneitate
subitaneitate n suddenness
subite (sú-) adj sudden
Hence: subitanee &; subito
subito (sú-) adv suddenly, unexpectedly
subjacente adj subjacent
subjacer v -;
subjacer a (un cosa) to lie under (something)
Hence: subjacente
subject- see subjic-
subjectar v to subject, subjugate
subjecte adj subject (1. being under the domination of another; 2. as in “subject to temptation”; 3. as in “a treaty subject to ratification”)
subjection n subjection (= action of subjecting or subjugating)
subjective adj subjective (1. pertaining to a subject; 2. as in “a subjective judgment”; 3. [Philos.]; 4. [Psychol.])
subjectivismo n [Philos.] subjectivism
subjectivista v subjectivist
subjectivitate n subjectiveness, subjectivity
subjecto n I. subject (1. matter, theme, topic; 2. [Gram.]; 3. [Philos.]; 4. as in “British subject”); II. individual, fellow, chap
subjic- [-jic-/-ject-] v [occurring in derivatives]
Hence: subjection; subjective-subjectivismo, subjectivista, subjectivitate; subjecte; subjecto; subjectar
subjugar v to subjugate
Hence: subjugation; subjugator
subjugation n subjugation
subjugator n subjugator
subjunct- see subjunger
subjunctive adj 1. conjunctive, connective; 2. [Gram.] subjunctive
subjunctivo n [Gram.] subjunctive (mood)
subjunger [-jung-/-junct-] v to subjoin, annex, append
Hence: subjunctive-subjunctivo
sublevamento n 1. (act of) raising, lifting up; 2. revolt, insurrection
sublevar v 1. to raise, lift up; 2. to incite to revolt;
sublevar se to rise, revolt
Hence: sublevamento; sublevation
sublevation n sublevation (1. (act of) raising, lifting up; 2. revolt, insurrection)
sublimar v to sublimate (1. to exalt; to sublime, make sublime; 2. [Chem.; Phychoanalysis, etc.])
sublimation n sublimation
sublimato n [Chem.] sublimate
sublime adj/n sublime;
Porta Sublime Sublime Porte
Hence: sublimitate; sublimar-sublimation, sublimato
subliminal adj [Psychol.] subliminal
sublimitate n sublimity
sublinear v to underline
sublingual adj [Anat.] sublingual
sublobular adj sublobular
sublocar v to sublet
Hence: sublocation
sublocation n (act of) subletting
sublocotenente n [Mil.] sublieutenant
sublunar adj sublunary, sublunar
submarin adj submarine
Hence: submarino
submarino n submarine (torpedo boat)
submaxillar adj [Anat.] submaxillary
submerger [-merg-/-mers-] v to submerge
Hence: submergibile; submersibile-insubmersibile; submersion; submerse
submergibile adj submersible
submers- see submerger
submerse adj submerged, submersed
submersibile¹ adj submersible
submersibile² n submarine boat
submersion n submersion
subministrar v to furnish, supply
submiss- see submitter
submisse adj submissive
submission n submission
submissive adj submissive
submitter [-mitt-/-miss-] v 1. to subdue, subject; 2. to submit (as in “to submit for approval”);
submitter se to submit, yield
Hence: submission-insubmission; submissive; submisse
subnavigar v to cruise under water
subnegar v to conceal, hold back, withhold (information required by law)
Hence: subnegation
subnegation n concealment, withholding (information required by law)
subordinar v to subordinate
subordinate 1. pp of subordinar; 2. adj subordinate;
subordinate a subordinate to;
proposition subordinate subordinate clause
subordination n subordination
subordinato n subordinate
subornar v to suborn
Hence: subornation; subornator
subornation n subornation
subornator n suborner
subprefecto n subprefect
subprefectura n subprefecture
subprior n subprior
subpriora n subprioress
subproducto n by-product
subrogar v to surrogate, subrogate
Hence: subrogation; subrogate
subrogate adj surrogated
subrogation n subrogation
subscriber [-scrib-/-script-] v to subscribe (1. to sign one’s name to; 2. to promise over one’s signature; 3. as in “to subscribe to a periodical or other installment publication”)
Hence: subscription; subscriptor
subscript- see subscriber
subscription n subscription (1. act of signing one’s name to; 2. as in “subscription for a periodical, etc.”)
subscriptor n subscriber
subsequente adj subsequent
subsequentia n subsequence
subsequer v to follow next
Hence: subsequente-subsequentia
subsider v to abate, settle down, subside
Hence: subsidio &
subsidiar v to subsidize (= to grant a subsidy to)
subsidiari adj subsidiary, supplementary
subsidio n subsidy
Hence: subsidiari; subsidiar
subsistente adj subsistent (= existing)
subsistentia n subsistence;
medios de subsistentia means of subsistence, livelihood
subsister v to subsist (1. to continue to exist; 2. to keep oneself alive)
Hence: subsistente-subsistentia
subspecie n [Biol.] subspecies
substantia n substance (1. [Philos.]; 2. matter, material, stuff; 3. material possessions, property; 4. as in “the substance of what he said”);
in substantia in substance
Hence: substantial-substantialitate, consubstantial &, insubstantial-insubstantialitate; substantive &; consubstantiation; transsubstantiar &
substantial adj substantial (1. [Philos.]; 2. having substance)
substantialitate n substantiality
substantive adj substantive (= independent and self-subsistent);
le verbo substantive ‘esser’ the substantive verb ‘to be’
Hence: substantivo
substantivo n substantive, noun
substituer [-stitu-/-stitut-] v to substitute (= to put in the place of another person or thing)
Hence: substitution; substituto
substitut- see substituer
substitution n substitution
substituto n substitute
substrato n substratum; also: [Metaph.]
substruct- see substruer
substruction n [Arch.] substruction
substructura n substructure
substruer [-stru-/-struct-] v [Arch.] to substruct
Hence: substruction
subtangente n [Math.] subtangent
subtender [-tend-/-tens-] v [Geom.] to subtend
Hence: subtensa
subtens- see subtender
subtensa n [Geom.] subtense
subterfugio n subterfuge
subterfugir v to make use of subterfuges
Hence: subterfugio
subterranee adj subterranean
subterraneo n basement, underground passage or room, etc.
subtil adj subtle, subtile
Hence: subtilitate; subtilisar-subtilisation
subtilisar v 1. to rarefy, refine; 2. to subtilize (= to make subtle distinctions)
subtilisation n 1. rarefaction; 2. subtilization (= drawing of subtle distinctions)
subtilitate n subtlety, subtility
subtitulo (-tí-) n subtitle
subtract- see subtraher
subtraction n 1. withdrawal, removal; 2. [Math.] subtraction
subtraher [-trah-/-tract-] v 1. to withdraw, take away; 2. [Math.] to subtract;
subtraher se a to elude, escape from
Hence: subtraction
subtropical adj subtropical
subtus (súb-) adv below, beneath, underneath
subula (sú-) n awl
Hence: subulate
subulate adj subulate, awl-shaped
suburban adj suburban
suburbicari adj [Eccl.] suburbicarian, suburbicary
suburbio n suburb
subvenir [-ven-/-vent-] v to assist, aid
Hence: subvention-subventionar
subvent- see subvenir
subvention n subvention
subventionar v to subsidize, endow
subvers- see subverter
subversion n subversion (= overthrow)
subversive adj subversive
subversor n subverter
subverter [-vert-/-vers-] v to overthrow, subvert
Hence: subversion; subversive; subversor
subvestimentos npl underwear, underclothes
suc- see sub-
succedanee adj substitute, succedaneous
Hence: succedaneo
succedaneo n substitute, succedaneum
succeder [-ced-/-cess-] v to succeed (1. to follow; 2. to be successful)
Hence: succedanee &; succession; successive; successor; successo-insuccesso; succedite
succedite 1. pp of succeder; 2. adj successful
success- see succeder
succession n succession (1. the coming of one thing or person after another; 2. “succession as heir”)
successive adj successive
successivemente adv successively, in succession
successo n 1. outcome; 2. success;
con (bon) successo successfully
successor n successor
succinato n [Chem.] succinate
succinct- see succinger
succincte adj succinct
succinger [-cing-/-cinct-] v to gird up
Hence: succincte
succinic adj [Chem.] succinic
succino n yellow amber, succin, succinite
Hence: succinato; succinic
succo n 1. juice, sap, etc.; 2. pith, quintessence (of a book, poem, etc.);
succo gastric gastric juice;
succo pancreatic pancreatic juice
Hence: succino &; succulente &; succose
succose adj juicy
succubar v to lie below (= not to lie on top)
Hence: succubo
succubo (súc-) n succubus
succulente adj succulent
Hence: succulentia
succulentia n succulence
succumber v to succumb
succurrer [-curr-/-curs-] v to succor, help
Hence: succurribile; succurso-succursal
succurribile adj succorable
succurs- see succurrer
succursal¹ adj subsidiary, succursal
succursal² n branch, branch office
succurso n succor, help
succuss- see succuter
succussa n shake, shaking; also: quake
succussion n [Med.] succussion
succuter [-cut-/-cuss-] v 1. to shake (as in “to shake a tree”); 2. to shake off
Hence: succussion; succusa
sucrage (-áje) n sugaring, sweetening
sucrar v to sugar, sweeten
sucrate 1. pp of sucrar; 2. adj sweet, sugary
sucreria (-ía) n sugarworks
sucrero n sugar maker
sucriera n sugar bowl
sucro n sugar
Hence: sucrero; sucreria; sucriera; sucrosa; sucrar-sucrage, sucrate
sucrosa n [Chem.] sucrose
suct- see suger
suction n suction (= act of sucking)
sud n south;
(ir) al sud (to go) south;
(vento) del sud south (wind);
polo sud South Pole;
le cruce del sud [Astron.] the Southern Cross
Hence: sud-west etc.; sud-sud-est etc.
Sudan npr Sudan
Hence: sudanese
sudanese adj/n Sudanese
sudar v to sweat, perspire;
sudar sanguine to sweat blood
Hence: sudario; sudor &; sudation; sudatori; exsudar &; transsudar &
sudario n sudary, sudarium
sudation n (excessive) perspiration
sudatori adj sudatory
sud-est n southeast
sudor n sweat, perspiration;
in le sudor de su fronte by the sweat of one’s brow
Hence: sudorifere; sudorific-sudorifico; sudoripare etc.
sudorifere adj sudoriferous
sudorific adj sudorific
sudorifico n [Pharm.] sudorific
sudoripare adj sudoriferous, sudoriparous;
glandula sudoripare sweat gland
sud-sud-est n South-Southeast
sud-west n Southwest
sue pron poss his; hers; its
suer [su-/sut-] v 1. to sew; 2. to stitch;
machina a suer sewing machine
Hence: subula &; sutura-sutural
suf- see sub-
sufficer v to suffice, be sufficient
Hence: sufficiente-sufficientia, insufficiente-insufficientia
sufficiente adj sufficient
sufficientia n 1. sufficiency (= sufficient quantity, supply, etc.); 2. (adequate) qualification, ability, competence
suffig- [-fig-/-fix-] v [occurring in derivatives]
Hence: suffixo-suffixar
suffix- see suffig-
suffixar v to suffix
suffixo n [Gram.] suffix
sufflar v I. to blow (1. to send out a strong current of air; 2. as in “the wind blows”); II. to prompt (an actor, etc.); III. [Checkers] to blow, huff;
sufflar al aures de un persona to whisper into somebody’s ear
Hence: sufflo; suffletto; sufflator; insufflar &
sufflator n 1. blower (= one who or that which blows); 2. [Theat.] prompter
suffletto n bellows (as in “hand bellows”)
sufflo n 1. breath, breathing; 2. breeze, waft
suffocante adj choking, stifling
suffocar v 1. to suffocate, choke (someone or something); 2. to become suffocated or choked
Hence: suffocante; suffocation
suffocation n suffocation
suffraganee adj [Eccl.] suffragan;
episcopo suffraganee suffragan bishop
suffragar v 1. to vote (for); 2. to help, support; 3. [Eccl.] to intercede (for)
Hence: suffraganee; suffragio-suffragista
suffragette [A] n suffragette
suffragio n 1. suffrage, vote; 2. help, support; 3. [Eccl.] suffrage;
suffragio universal universal suffrage
suffragista n suffragist
suffrentia n suffering, pain
suffrer v to suffer (1. to undergo, endure; 2. to bear with, tolerate; 3. to experience mental or physical pain; 4. to be injured, harmed, impaired).
Hence: suffrentia; suffribile-insuffribile; suffritor
suffribile adj bearable, tolerable, sufferable
suffritor n sufferer (= one who suffers pain, etc.)
suffumigar v to suffumigate
Hence: suffumigation
suffumigation n suffumigation
sug- see sub-
suger [sug-/suct-] v to suck (as in “to suck blood”)
Hence: suction; exsug--exsuction; sanguisuga etc.
suggerer [-ger-/-gest-] v to suggest (= to prompt, put into one’s mind); also: [Hypnot.]
Hence: suggestibile-suggestibilitate; suggestion-suggestionar; suggestive
suggest- see suggerer
suggestibile adj suggestible (1. easily influenced by suggestion, esp. hypnotic suggestion; 2. that may be suggested)
suggestibilitate n suggestibility
suggestion n suggestion (= prompting); also: [Hypnot.]
suggestionar v to suggest (= to prompt, put into one’s mind); also: [Hypnot.]
suggestive adj suggestive (= tending to suggest)
[sui] pron/adj poss his, her, hers, its
(= su, sue)
suicida n suicide (= one who commits suicide)
Hence: suicidal; suicidar
suicidal adj suicidal
suicidar v -;
suicidar se to commit suicide
suicidio n suicide, self-murder
suite [F] n suite (1. following, retinue; 2. [Mus.])
sulcar v to furrow, plow
sulco n 1. furrow; 2. wake (of a ship)
Hence: sulcar
sulf- see sulfure
sulfato n [Chem.] sulphate
sulfhydric adj sulphydric;
acido sulfhydric sulphydric acid
sulfhydro n sulphydrate
sulfido n [Chem.] sulphide
sulfito n [Chem.] sulphite
sulfon n [Chem.] sulphone
sulfonal n [Med.] sulphonal
sulfurar v to sulphurize, sulphur
sulfuration n sulphurization, sulphuration
sulfurator n sulphurator
sulfure n [Chem.] sulphur;
flor de sulfure [Chem.] flowers of sulphur
Hence: sulfuriera; sulfuree; sulfuric; sulfurose-hyposulfurose; sulfurar-sulfuration, sulfurator; sulfato-hyposulfato, arseniosulfato etc.; sulfido-oxysulfido etc.; sulfito-hyposulfito; sulfon-sulfonal; sulfhydrato etc.; sulfhydric etc.
sulfuree adj sulphurous, sulphureous
sulfuric adj sulphuric
sulfuriera n sulphur mine
sulfurose adj sulphurous (as in “sulphurous acid”)
sulky [A] n sulky (= light, two-wheeled horse-drawn vehicle)
sultan n sultan (= ruler of a Mohammedan state)
Hence: sultanato; sultana
sultana n 1. sultana, sultaness; 2. [Hist.] sultane (= long gown in Turkish style)
sultanato n sultanate
sum- see sub-
sumer [sum-/sumpt-] v to take, lay hold of
Hence: sumpto &; assumer &; consumer &; presumer &; resumer &
summa n sum (1. [Math.]; 2. amount of money; 3. summary, epitome);
facer le summa (de) to add up;
summa total sum total;
in summa in short
Hence: summista; summari &; summar-summator; consummar &
summar v [Math.] to add up
summari adj summary (1. expounded briefly; 2. [Law])
Hence: summario-summarisar-summarisation
summario n summary
summarisar v to summarize
summarisation n summarization
summator n one who does sums
summe adj highest, topmost
Hence: summitate; summa &
summista n summist
summitate n 1. summit, top; 2. leading or outstanding person
sumpt- see sumer
sumpto n expense, cost
Hence: sumptuari; sumptuose-sumptuositate
sumptu- see sumpto
sumptuari adj sumptuary;
lege sumptuari sumptuary law
sumptuose adj sumptuous
sumptuositate n sumptuousness
sup- see sub-
super (sú-) I. prep 1. on, upon; on top of; above, over; 2. about, concerning, on; II. adv above, on top;
super toto above all
Hence: superbe &; supere-superior &, superar-superabile-insuperabile
super- prefixo super-, over- (1. over, above; 2. very; excessively, too much)
Hence: supercarga etc.; supertaxa etc.; supertoto etc.; superhuman etc.; superflue etc.; superabundar etc.; superpagar etc.; superponer etc.
superabile adj surmountable, superable
superabundante adj superabundant
superabundantia n superabundance
superabundar v to superabound
superalimentar v to overfeed
superalimentation n overfeeding
superar v 1. to overcome, vanquish, surmount; 2. to surpass, excel, exceed
superbe adj 1. arrogant, overbearing; 2. superb
Hence: superbia
superbia n arrogance, haughtiness
supercarga n surcharge (1. overload; 2. “surcharge on a postage stamp”)
supercargar v to overload, overburden
superciliari adj superciliary
supercilio n (eye)brow
superciliose adj beetle-browed, beetling; also: supercilious
supercingula (-cíng-) n surcingle
supercostal adj [Anat.] supracostal
supere adj higher, upper
supereminente adj supereminent
supereminentia n supereminence
supererogar v tc supererogate
Hence: supererogation; supererogatori
supererogation n supererogation
supererogatori adj supererogatory (as in “supererogatory fasts”)
superexcitar v to overexcite; overstimulate
superexcitation n overexcitement; surexcitation
superfacie n surface (1. exterior of an object, superficial area)
superfetation n superfetation (1. [Physiol.]; 2. redundance, superfluity)
superficial adj superficial
superficialitate n superficiality
superficie n surface (= superficial area)
Hence: supeficial-supeficialitate
superfin adj superfine
superflue adj superfluous
Hence: superfluitate
superfluitate n superfluity
superhomine n superman
superhuman adj superhuman
superintendente n superintendent
superintendentia n supervision, superintendence
superintender v to superintend
Hence: superintendente-superintendentia
superior¹ adj 1. higher, upper; 2. superior
Hence: superioritate
superior² n superior; also: [Eccl.];
matre superior mother superior
superioritate n superiority
superlative adj superlative (1. supreme; 2. [Gram.])
Hence: superlativo
superlativo n [Gram.] superlative
supermundan adj supermundane, supernatural
supernatural adj supernatural
supernavigar v to sail above; to float or sail on (top of)
supernominar v to surname; also: to nickname, give a nickname to
supernomine n surname; also: nickname
Hence: supernominar
supernumerari adj supernumerary, extra
superpaga n overpayment
superpagar v to overpay
superpassar v to surpass (1. to excel; 2. to exceed)
superponer [-pon-/-posit-] v to superpose, superimpose
Hence: superposition
superposit- see superponer
superposition n superposition, superimposition
superproduction n overproduction
supersaturar v to supersaturate
supersaturation n supersaturation
superscarpa n overshoe
superseminar v to sow over (ground already sown)
superstition n superstition
Hence: superstitiose
superstitiose adj superstitious
superstructura n superstructure
supertaxa n surtax
supertoto n 1. overcoat, surtout; 2. topcoat; 3. overalls
supervenientia n supervenience
supervenir v to happen, supervene
Hence: supervenientia
supervivente n survivor
superviventia n survival (as in “survival of the fittest”)
superviver v to survive (= to continue to exist);
superviver a to survive (= to outlive, outlast)
Hence: supervivente-superviventia
suppa n soup
Hence: suppiera
suppiera n tureen
supplantar v to supplant, supersede
Hence: supplantation; supplantator
supplantation n supplantation
supplantator n supplanter
supplementar v to supplement
supplementari adj supplementary;
angulos supplementari supplemental angles
supplementation n supplementation
supplemento n supplement (1. addition; 2. [Math.])
Hence: supplementari; supplementar-supplementation
suppler v 1. to supply, provide, furnish; 2. to substitute, to supply for (someone); 3. to be a substitute or replacement
Hence: supplemento &; suppletion; suppletive; suppletor; suppletori
suppletion n [Gram.] suppletion
suppletive adj supplementary, suppletive
suppletor n 1. supplier, provider; 2. substitute, deputy
suppletori adj supplementary, suppletory
supplica (súp-) n request, prayer, petition
supplicante n supplicant, suppliant
supplicar v to entreat, supplicate
supplication n entreaty, supplication
supplicator n suppliant, supplicator
supplicatori adj supplicatory
supplice (súp-) adj supplicant
Hence: supplicio &; supplicar-supplica, supplicante, supplication, supplicator, supplicatori
suppliciar v 1. to execute, put to death; 2. to torture
suppliciato n 1. executed person; 2. person under torture
supplicio n punishment; torture; execution
Hence: suppliciar-suppliciato
supponer [-pon-/-posit-] v to suppose
Hence: suppositicie; supposition; suppositive; suppositorio; presupponer &
supportabile adj supportable, bearable
supportar v to support (1. to sustain, carry; 2. to endure, suffer)
Hence: supporto; supportabile-insupportabile
supporto n support (= anything that supports or holds up)
supposit- see supponer
suppositicie adj supposititious, spurious
supposition n supposition
suppositive adj suppositive
suppositorio n [Med.] suppository
suppress- see supprimer
suppression n suppression; also: [Med.]
suppressive adj suppressive
supprimer [-prim-/-press-] v to suppress (as in “to suppress newspapers, a smile, etc.”)
Hence: suppression; suppressive
suppurante¹ 1. ppr of suppurar; 2. adj suppurant, suppurative
suppurante² n suppurative
suppurar v to suppurate (= to form or secrete pus)
Hence: suppurante; suppuration; suppurative
suppuration n suppuration
suppurative adj suppurative
supra I. prep above, over; II. adv on the top, above
suprarenal adj [Anat.] suprarenal, adrenal;
capsulas, glandulas, suprarenal adrenal glands
suprasensibile adj [Philos.] supersensible; spec.: spiritual
suprematia (-ía) n supremacy
supreme adj 1. supreme; 2. last, final;
le hora supreme the last hour, the hour of death;
in le supreme grado in the highest degree;
corte supreme Supreme Court
Hence: suprematia
[sur] prep on, upon; on top of
(= super)
sur- see sub-
sura n calf (of the leg)
Hence: sural
sural adj sural (= pertaining to the calf of the leg)
surde adj 1. deaf; 2. surd, dull, muffled
Hence: surdina; surditate; assurdar; surdemute etc.
surdemute adj deaf and dumb, deaf-mute
surdina n [Mus.] mute, sordine
surditate n deafness
surgente 1. ppr of surger; 2. adj surgent
surger [surg-/surrect-] v to rise, arise; also: to loom, emerge
Hence: surgente; insurger &; resurger &
surmontabile adj surmountable
surmontar v to surmount (1. to rise above; 2. to be above or on top of; 3. to overcome)
Hence: surmontabile-insurmontabile
surplicio n [Eccl.] surplice
surplus [F] n surplus
surprendente adj surprising
surprender [-prend-/-pris-] v to surprise (1. to take unawares; 2. to astonish)
Hence: surprendente; surprisa
surpris- see surprender
surprisa n surprise (1. unexpected act, event, etc.; 2. “feeling of surprise”);
per surprisa by surprise
surrealismo n surrealism
surrealista n surrealist
surrep- [-rep-/-rept-] v [occurring in derivatives]
Hence: surreption; surrepticie
surrept- see surrep-
surrepticie adj surreptitious
surreption n surreptitious action or manner; surreption
surrider [-rid-/-ris-] v to smile (= to be smiling)
Hence: surriso
surris- see surrider
surriso n smile
surrogar v to substitute for, replace
Hence: surrogato
surrogato n substitute (as in “substitute for coffee”), surrogate
sursum corda [L] sursum corda, lift up your hearts!
surtout [F] n overcoat
surveliante n supervisor, superintendent, watcher
surveliantia n supervision, superintendence, watch
surveliar v to supervise, superintend, watch
Hence: surveliante-surveliantia
sus- see sub-
suscept- see suscip-
susceptibile adj susceptible (= very sensitive); also: touchy;
susceptible de (amelioration) susceptible or capable of (improvement)
susceptibilitate n susceptibility; susceptibleness; also: touchiness
susception n -; [Eccl.]
susception del ordines sacre susception of holy orders
susceptive adj susceptive
suscip- [-cip-/-cept-] [occurring in derivatives]
Hence: susceptibile-susceptibilitate; susception-intussusception etc.; susceptive
suscitar v to raise up, bring into being; give rise to; stir up, instigate
Hence: suscitation; resuscitar &
suscitation n (action of) raising up; provocation; instigation
suspect- see suspic-
suspectar v to suspect
suspecte adj suspicious, suspect
suspender [-pend-/-pens-] v to suspend (1. to hang, hang up; 2. as in “to suspend sentence, publication, etc.”; 3. to remove temporarily from office, function, etc.)
Hence: suspension; suspensive; suspensor; suspensorio; suspense
suspens- see suspender
suspense adj in suspense, in suspension
suspension n suspension (= act of suspending)
suspensive adj suspending, suspensive
suspensor n suspender (= one who or that which suspends or allows to suspend);
suspensores [Clothing] suspenders
suspensorio n [Med.] suspensory
suspic- [-spic-/-spect-] v [occurring in derivatives]
Hence: suspicion-suspiciose; suspecte; suspectar
suspicion n suspicion
suspiciose adj suspicious, distrustful
suspirar v to sigh; to suspire
Hence: suspiro; suspirator
suspirator n sigher
suspiro n 1. sigh; 2. [Mus.] quarter-rest
Susquehanna npr Susquehanna
sustenente 1. ppr of sustener; 2. adj sustaining
sustenentia n sustenance
sustenepectore n brassière
sustener [-ten-/-tent-] v to sustain (1. to prop up; 2. to back, give one’s support to; 3. to keep, maintain; 4. to bear, endure);
sustener se 1. to hold oneself up; 2. to continue, last (= to continue to exist)
Hence: sustenimento; sustenente-sustenentia; sustentor; sustentar-sustentamento, sustentation; sustenepectore etc.
sustenimento n sustainment (1. sustaining; 2. means of support)
sustent- see sustener
sustentamento n sustenance
sustentar v to sustain, feed, etc.
sustentation n sustentation
sustentor n sustainer
susurrante adj whispering, murmuring, rustling, susurrant, etc.
susurrar v 1. (to make a low, continuous sound), to hum, drone, buzz, etc.; 2. to whisper, mutter, mumble, grumble, etc.
Hence: susurro; susurrante; susurration; susurrator
susurration n susurration
susurrator n murmurer, whisperer, hummer, etc.
susurro n murmur, buzz, hum, rustle, etc.; also: susurrus
sut- see suer
sutura n 1. suture (1. [Anat., Bot.]; 2. [Surg.]); II. sewing, stitching; also: needlework; III. seam (of a dress, suit, etc.)
sutural adj sutural
Sveda npr Sweden
Hence: svede-svedo
svede adj Swedish
svedo n 1. Swede; 2. Swedish
svelte adj slender, slim; also: svelte
sweater [A] n sweater, (knitted) jumper
Switza npr 1. Switzerland; 2. Schwyz
Hence: switze-switzo
switze adj Swiss;
caseo switze Swiss cheese
switzo n I. Swiss (1. native of Switzerland; 2. Swiss guard, Switzer; 3. Swiss language or dialect); II. [Eccl. etc.] hall porter (in full regalia)
syl- see syn-
syllaba (síl-) n syllable
Hence: syllabismo; syllabic; syllabar-syllabation; parisyllabe etc.; polysyllabe etc.; bisyllabe etc.; monosyllabe etc.
syllabar v to syllabify
syllabario n syllabary
syllabation n syllabification
syllabic adj syllabic
syllabismo n syllabism
syllepsis n syllepsis
sylleptic adj sylleptic
syllogisar v to syllogize
Hence: syllogismo; syllogistic
syllogismo n syllogism
syllogistic adj syllogistic
sylphide (síl-) n sylph; sylphid
sylpho n (male) sylph
-sylv- see silva
sym- see syn-
symbolic adj symbolical, symbolic; also: [Relig.]
symbolica n 1. symbolism (= system of signs or symbols); 2. symbology
symbolisar v to symbolize
symbolisation n symbolization
symbolismo n symholism (1. practice or art of using symbols; 2. system of symbols or signs)
symbolista n symbolist (= one who uses symbols or practises symbolism)
symbolo (sím-) n symbol (1. [Relig.]; 2. symbolic representation; 3. significant mark or character)
Hence: symbolismo; symbolista; symbolic; symbolica; symbolisar-symbolisation; symbologia etc.
symbologia (-ía) n symbology
symmetr- adj [occurring in derivatives and compounds] symmetr- (= symmetrical)
Hence: symmetria-symmetric-asymmetric, symmetrisar, pseudosymmetria etc.; asymmetre-asymmetria
symmetria (-ía) n symmetry
symmetric adj symmetric, symmetrical
symmetrisar v symmetrize
sympath- adj [occurring in derivatives] sympath- (= sympathetic)
Hence: sympathia-sympathic, sympathisar
sympathia (-ía) n 1. sympathy (= affinity between persons or things); 2. liking, friendly feeling
sympathic adj 1. sympathetic (= operating, or produced, through affinity); 2. likable, attractive;
tinta sympathic invisible ink, sympathetic ink
sympathisar v to harmonize, sympathize (= to be in harmony as to disposition, qualities, etc.)
symphone adj symphonious, symphonous
Hence: symphonia-symphonista, symphonic
symphonia (-ía) n [Mus.] symphony (as in “the Fifth Symphony”)
symphonic adj symphonic;
orchestra symphonic symphony orchestra
symphonista n symphonist (= composer of symphonies)
symphysis (sím-) n [Anat., Zool., etc.] symphysis
symptoma [-ma/-mat-] n symptom
Hence: symptomatic; symptomatologia etc.
symptomat- see symptoma
symptomatic adj symptomatic
symptomatologia (-ía) n symptomatology
syn- prefixo [syl- before -l-; sym- before -b-, -m-, -p-, -ph-; used chiefly to form technical terms] syn-, syl-, sym- (= with, together; alike)
Hence: synecologia etc.; synodo etc.; synchrone etc.; synonyme etc.; syllogisar etc.; symmetria etc.
synagoga n synagogue
synchrone adj synchronous
Hence: synchronic; synchronisar-synchronismo, synchronisation
synchronic adj synchronous, synchronic
synchronisar v to synchronize
synchronisation n synchronization
synchronismo n synchronism
syncopal adj syncopal
syncopar v to syncopate (1. [Gram.]; 2. [Mus.])
syncopation n syncopation (1. [Gram.] syncope; 2. [Mus.])
syncope (sín-) n I. syncope (1. [Gram.]; 2. [Med.]); II. [Mus.] syncopation
Hence: syncopal; syncopar-syncopation
syncrasis (-crá-) n syncrasis (= intermixture, blending)
Hence: idiosyncrasia etc.
syndical adj 1. pertaining to a syndic; 2. syndicalist
syndicalismo n 1. syndicalism; 2. tradeunionism
syndicalista n 1. syndicalist; 2. tradeunionist; also: attrib.
syndicar v 1. to syndicate (= to organize into a syndicate); 2. to organize (a union);
syndicar se 1. to combine or be combined into a syndicate; 2. to form or be formed into a trade-union
syndicato n 1. [Fin.] syndicate; 2. trade-union
syndico (sín-) n 1. [Admin.] syndic; 2. [Law] trustee
Hence: syndicato; syndical-syndicalismo-anarchosyndicalismo etc.; syndicalista-anarchosyndicalista etc.; syndicar
synecologia (-ía) n synecology
Synedrio n Sanhedrin, Synedrion, Synedrium
synodic adj synodic, synodical (1. [Eccl.] synodal; 2. [Astron.])
synodista n synodist (= member of a synod)
synodo (sí-) n synod (1. [Eccl.]; 2. assembly, convention; 3. [Astrol.] conjunction)
Hence: synodista; synodic
synonyme (-ónime) adj synonymous
Hence: synonymia; synonymic; synonymo
synonymia (-ía) n synonymy (= quality of being synonymous)
synonymic adj synonymic, synonymical
synonymo (-ónimo) n synonym
synopsis n synopsis
synoptic adj synoptic, synoptical;
evangelios synoptic Synoptic Gospels
syntactic adj syntactic, syntactical
syntaxe n [Gram.] syntax
synthese (-íntese) n synthesis; specif.: [Philos., Chem., etc.]
Hence: photosynthese etc.; polysynthese etc.
synthet- adj [occurring in derivatives and compounds] synthet- (= put together, compounded; synthetic)
Hence: synthetic-photosynthetic etc.; synthetisar; polysynthetic etc.
synthetic adj synthetic, synthetical;
cauchu synthetic synthetic rubber
synthetisar v to synthesize
syphil- see Syphilis
Syphilis (sí-) npr [Latin poem by Fracostoro, published in 1530 and relating the story of the shepherd Syphilus];
syphilis [Pathol.] syphilis
Hence: syphilitic-syphilitico
syphilitic adj syphilitic
syphilitico n syphilitic
Syria npr Syria
Hence: syrie-syrio; syriac-syriaco; syriarcha etc.
syriac (-rí-) adj Syriac (as in “Syriac language”); also: Syrian
syriaco (-rí-) n Syriac (language)
syriarcha n [Rom. Hist.] Syriarch
syrie adj Syrian
syringa n 1. syrinx, pipe of Pan; 2. syringe; 3. [Bot.] Syringa
Hence: syringar-syringation
syringal adj [Ornith.] syringeal
syringar v to syringe, to treat with a syringe
syringation n injection (of morphine, etc.)
syringe n syrinx (1. panpipe; 2. [Archaeol.]; 3. [Ornith.])
Hence: syringal
syrio n Syrian (= native of Syria)
systaltic adj [Physiol.] systaltic
systema [-ma/-mat-] n system
Hence: systematic; systematisar
systemat- see systema
systematic adj systematic
systematisar v systematize
systole n [Physiol.] systole
Hence: systolic
systolic adj [Physiol.] systolic
sabbatario n Sabbatarian
sabbatarismo n Sabbatarianism
sabbatic adj Sabbatic(al), Sabbatarian
sabbato n 1. Sabbath; 2. Saturday
Hence: sabbatario-sabbatarismo; sabbatic
sabin adj Sabine
Hence: sabino; Sabino; Sabina
Sabina nprf Sabina
sabino¹ n Sabine;
le rapto del sabinas the rape of the Sabines
Sabino² nprm [Rom. Hist.] Sabinus
sabla n saber, sabre
Hence: sablar
sablar¹ v to sand (= to sprinkle or cover with sand)
sablar² v to saber, slash
sabliera n 1. sand pit; 2. sand box, sand sprayer, etc.
sabliero n hourglass, sandglass
sablo n sand
Hence: sabliera; sabliero; sablose; sablar; insablar-insablamento
sablose adj sandy
sabotage (-aje) n sabotage
sabotar v to sabotage
Hence: sabotage; sabotator
sabotator n saboteur
saboteur [F] n saboteur
saccata n sackful, bagful
sacch- see sacco
saccharar v to sugar, sweeten
saccharate 1. pp of saccharar; 2. adj sweet, sugary
saccharato n [Chem.] saccharate
saccharifere adj sacchariferous
saccharificar v to saccharify
saccharification n saccharification
saccharin adj saccharine
saccharina n [Chem.] saccharin
saccharo (sác-) n sugar
Hence: saccharato; saccharifere; saccharin-saccharina; saccharoide; saccharose-saccharosa; saccharar-saccharate; saccharificar-saccharification; saccharometro etc.
saccharoide adj saccharoid
saccharometro (-ómetro) n saccharometer
saccharosa n [Chem.] saccharose
saccharose adj saccharic
saccheamento n pillage, sacking
sacchear v to sack, pillage
saccheator n pillager
saccheo (-éo) n pillage, sacking
sacchetto n small bag
sacco¹ n 1. sack, bag; 2. [Anat., Bot., Zool.] sac;
sacco de terra sandbag;
sacco lacrimal tearpit, tear sac;
sacco a mano handbag
Hence: saccata; sacchetto; insaccar
sacco² n sack (= sacking, plundering);
mitter a sacco to sack, put to sack
Hence: sacchear-saccheo, saccheamento, saccheator
sacer- see sacro
sacerdotal adj sacerdotal
sacerdote n priest
Hence: sacerdotio; sacerdotal
sacerdotio n priesthood, sacerdocy
sacramental adj sacramental
sacramentario n [R.C.Ch.] Sacramentary
sacramento n [Eccl.] sacrament
Hence: sacramental; sacramentario
sacrar v to consecrate (as in “to consecrate a church”)
sacrate 1. pp of sacrar; 2. adj holy, sacred
sacre adj holy, sacred;
ordines sacre Holy orders
Hence: sacrista &; sacrar-sacramento &, sacrate, consecrar &, execrar &, obsecrar &; sacro &
sacrificar v to sacrifice
Hence: sacrificator
sacrificator n sacrificer
sacrificio n sacrifice (1. as in “sacrifice to the gods”; 2. as in “sacrifice of one’s life”)
sacrilege (-í-) adj sacrilegious
sacrilegio n sacrilege
sacrista n sexton, sacristan
Hence: sacristia; sacristano
sacristano n sexton, sacristan
sacristia (-ía) n sacristy, vestry
sacro n sacred rite; also: sacrifice
Hence: sacrilege etc.; sacrificio etc.; sacrilegio etc; sacrificar etc.; sacrosancte etc.; sacerdote etc.
sacrosancte adj sacrosanct
Sade, Donatien Alphonse François, Marquis de npr [1740-1814; French writer]
Hence: sadismo, sadista
sadismo n sadism
sadista n sadist; also: attrib. sadistic, sadist
[saepe] (sái-) adv often, frequently
sag- adj [occurring in derivatives and compounds]
Hence: sagace &; presage &
saga n saga (= medieval story of an Icelandic hero or family)
sagace adj sagacious
Hence: sagacitate
sagacitate n sagacity
sage (sáje) adj sage, wise
Hence: sagessa; sagio
sagessa (-j-) n wisdom, sageness
sagio (sajo) n sage, wise man
sagitta n arrow
Hence: sagittari; sagittario; sagittaria; sagittal; sagittate; sagittiforme etc.
sagittal adj sagittal (1. of or like an arrow; 2. [Anat.])
sagittari adj arrow, sagittary
sagittaria n [Bot.] Sagittaria
sagittario n archer, bowman;
Sagittario [Astron.] Sagittarius, Archer
sagittate adj sagittate (= shaped like an arrowhead)
sagittiforme adj sagittiform, arrowshaped
sago n sago
Sahara (sá-) npr Sahara
saison [F] n season (as in “the social season”)
sal n salt (1. common salt; 2. [Chem.])
Hence: saliera; salifere; salin-salinero, salinitate; salar-salator, salatura, salate-salata &; salificar-salificabile, salification; insalar; salmuria etc.; salnitro etc.
sala n hall (= large room)
Hence: salon
salace adj salacious
Hence: salacitate
salacitate n salaciousness
salamandra n salamander (1. fire spirit; 2. [Zool.])
salami n salami
salar v to salt (= to add salt to, season with salt)
salariar v to pay a salary to
salariato n class or body of employees, salariat
salario n salary
Hence: salariato; salariar
salata n salad
Hence: salatiera
salate 1. pp of salar; 2. adj salty
salatiera n salad bowl
salator n salter (= one who salts meat, fish, etc.)
salatura n (operation of) salting
saldar v [Com.] to balance, settle
saldo [I] n [Com.] (cash) balance, settlement
Hence: saldar
salice (sá-) n willow
Hence: saliceto; salicyl &; salicina; salicinee-salicineas
saliceto n willow grove
salicina n [Chem.] salicin
salicineas npl [Bot.] Salicaceae
salicinee adj [Bot.] salicaceous
salicyl n [Chem.] salicyl
Hence: salicylato; salicylol; salicylic; salicylose
salicylato n [Chem.] salicylate
salicylic adj [Chem.] salicylic
salicylol n [Chem.] salicylol
salicylose adj [Chem.] salicylous
saliente¹ 1. ppr of salir; 2. adj salient (1. jutting out; 2. conspicuous)
saliente² n [Fortif.] salient
saliera n saltcellar, salt shaker
salifere adj saliferous
salificabile adj [Chem.] salifiable
salificar v to salify
salification n [Chem.] salification
salin adj saline (1. consisting of or containing salt; 2. briny)
salinero n salt maker; salt dealer
salinitate n salinity
salir [sal-/salt-] v 1. to jump, leap, bound; 2. to be salient
Hence: salace &; saliente; salto-saltigrade etc.; saltar &; assalir &
saliva n saliva, spittle
Hence: salivari, salivar-salivation
salivar v to water, salivate
salivari adj salivary
salivation n watering, salivation
salmon n salmon (1. Salmo salar, the fish “salmon”; 2. the color “salmon”)
Hence: salmonide-salmonidos
salmonide adj [Zool.] salmonid
salmonidos (-ídos) npl [Zool.] Salmonidae
salmuria n pickling brine
Hence: salmuriar
salmuriar v to salt down, brine, pickle (in brine)
salnitrero n saltpeter worker or dealer
salnitriera n saltpeter works; saltpeter bed
salnitro n niter, saltpeter
Hence: salnitrero; salnitriera; salnitrose
salnitrose adj nitrous, saltpetrous
Salomon npr Solomon;
templo de Salomon Solomon’s temple;
sigillo de Salomon 1. Solomon’s seal (= six-pointed star consisting of two interlaced triangles); 2. [Bot.] Solomon’s-seal;
Insulas Salomon Solomon Islands
Hence: salomonic; salomonian-salomoniano
salomonian adj (of the) Solomon Islands; (of the) Solomon Islanders
salomoniano n Solomon Islander
salomonic adj Solomonic, Solomon’s
salon n salon (1. parlor, reception room; also: living room, drawing room; 2. place used to exhibit works of art);
wagon salon parlor car
salpetra n saltpeter, niter
Hence: salpetrero; salpetriera; salpetrose; salpetrar
salpetrar v to cover with saltpeter
salpetrero n saltpeter worker or dealer
salpetriera n saltpeter works; saltpeter bed
salpetrose adj saltpetrous, nitrous
salsicia n sausage
Hence: salsiciero, salsicieria
salsicieria (-ía) n sausage shop
salsiciero n sausage maker or dealer
salt- see salir
saltante 1. ppr of saltar; 2. adj saltant, jumping
saltar v I. to jump (1. to leap, bound; 2. to leap over); II. to blow up (= to fly in pieces with a loud report); III. to skip, leave out
Hence: saltante; saltation; saltator
saltation n saltation, jumping
saltator n 1. jumper (= one who jumps); 2. grasshopper
saltigrade (-í-) adj [Zool.] saltigrade
salto n 1. jump, leap, bound; 2. waterfall, rapids;
salto mortal somersault, breakneck leap
salubre adj salubrious, healthy, healthful
Hence: salubritate; insalubre-insalubritate
salubritate n salubrity, health, healthfulness
salutar¹ adj salutary, wholesome
salutar² v to greet, salute
salutation n salutation, greeting;
salutation angelic Hail Mary
salutator n greeter, saluter
salute n 1. salvation; 2. greeting, salute;
salute! hail!, greetings!
Hence: salutista; salutar¹; salutar²-salutation, salutator
salutista n Salvationist
salva n 1. [Mil.] salvo; 2. volley (as in “to fire a volley”);
tirar un salva to fire or discharge a volley
salvabile adj salvable
salvage (-aje) adj savage, wild
Hence: salvageria; semisalvage etc.
salvageria (-ajería) n savagery, savageness
salvamento n saving, rescue; also: salvaging;
cinctura de salvamento life belt;
barca or lancha de salvamento lifeboat
salvar v to save, rescue; also: to salve, salvage;
salvar le apparentias to save appearances;
salvar se to escape
salvation n salvation, rescue; also: salvage
salvator n savior (1. rescuer; 2. redeemer); also: salvager;
Salvator Saviour
salve adj safe (= unhurt);
san e salve safe and sound
Hence: salvia; salvar-salva, salvabile, salvamento, salvation, salvator; salveconducto etc.; salveguarda etc.; salvo
salveconducto n safe-conduct
salveguarda n 1. safekeeping, protection; 2. safeguard, safe-conduct
Hence: salveguardar
salveguardar v to safeguard, keep safe
salvia n 1. [Bot.] Salvia; 2. [Bot.] sage (= half-shrubby mint)
salvo prep save, but; also: save or but for;
salvo que save or but that;
salvo error e omission errors and omissions excepted
Samaria npr Samaria
Hence: samaritan-samaritano
samaritan adj Samaritan (1. pertaining to Samaria; 2. pertaining to the good Samaritan)
samaritano n Samaritan (1. inhabitant of Samaria; 2. good Samaritan; 3. Samaritan language);
bon samaritano good Samaritan
sambuco n elder, elderberry
samovar [R] n samovar
Sampson npr Samson, Sampson
Samson npr Samson, Sampson;
Samson e Delila Samson and Delilah
Samuel npr Samuel
samum [Ar.] n simoon
samurai [J] n samurai
san adj I. healthy (1. in good health; 2. healthful, wholesome); II. sane (= mentally sound);
san e salve safe and sound
Hence: sanicula; sanitate-sanitari; sanar-sanabile-insanabile-insanabilitate, sanative, sanatorio; insan &; malsan etc.
sanabile adj curable
sanar v to cure, to heal
sanative adj curative, healing
sanatorio n sanatorium, sanitarium
sancir [sanc-/sanct-] v to establish, confirm, sanction
Hence: sanction-sanctionar; sancte &
sanct- see sancir
sancta nf saint
sancte adj holy, saintly, saint;
(le) spirito sancte (the) Holy Ghost;
(le) septimana sancte Holy Week;
(le) ecclesia sancte (the) Holy Church;
(le) patre sancte (the) Holy Father;
(le) terra sancte (the) Holy Land;
sancte sede Holy See
Hence: sanctitate; sanctificar-sanctification, sanctificator; sacrosancte etc.; sancto-sanctuario; sancta
sanctificar v to hallow, sanctify;
sanctificar (un die de festa) to keep or observe (a holiday)
sanctification n sanctification
sanctificator n sanctifier
sanction n sanction (1. solemn or ceremonious ratification; 2. [Law]; 3. approbation, assent)
sanctionar v to sanction (1. to give sanction to; 2. to approve of)
sanctitate n holiness, sanctity, sacredness
sancto nm saint;
(die de) omne sanctos All Saints’ Day;
vigilia de omne sanctos Halloween
sanctuario n sanctuary (1. sacred space around the altar of a church; 2. place of refuge or protection)
sanctum sanctorum [L] sanctum sanctorum, holy of holies
sandalia n sandal (as in “Greek sandals”)
sandwich [A] n sandwich
sangu- see sanguine
sanguifere adj sanguiferous
sanguificar v to produce blood (from)
sanguification n sanguification
sanguilente adj bloody, sanguinary (= accompanied by much bloodshed)
sanguinar v to bleed (= to lose blood)
sanguinari adj bloody, sanguinary (1. blood-thirsty; 2. accompanied by much bloodshed)
sanguine n blood;
sanguine frigide sangfroid, composure;
animales de sanguine frigide, (calde) cold-blooded (warm-blooded) animals;
haber le sanguine calde to be hot-blooded;
prince del sanguine prince of the blood;
sanguine azur blue blood
Hence: sanguinari; sanguinee; sanguinolente; sanguinose; sanguinar; consanguinitate; consanguinee; insanguinar; sanguifere; sanguilente; sanguificar-sanguification; exsangue; sanguisorba etc.
sanguinee adj I. sanguineous (1. of or containing blood; 2. abounding with blood); II. sanguine (as in “sanguine temperament”)
sanguinolente adj sanguinolent
sanguinose adj bloody, bloodstained
sanguisorba n [Bot.] sanguisorba
sanguisuga n [Zool.] leech, bloodsucker
Sanhedrin n Sanhedrin
sanicula n [Bot.] sanicle
sanitari adj sanitary;
policia sanitari health police
sanitate n 1. (state of) health; 2. (good) health;
officio de sanitate board of health;
sanitate mental sanity, mental health;
patente de sanitate bill of health
saper¹ v to know, have knowledge of;
saper (facer un cosa) to know how (to do something);
qui sape! who knows!;
facer saper (un cosa a un persona) to let (someone) know (something), acquaint (someone with something);
a saper to wit, namely
Hence: sapide &; sapiente &; sapor &
saper² n knowledge, learning
sapide adj sapid, saporous
Hence: sapiditate; insipide &
sapiditate n sapidity
sapiente adj wise, discerning, sapient
Hence: sapientia-sapiential; insipiente &
sapientia n wisdom
sapiential adj sapiential
sapon n soap
Hence: saponaria; saponero; saponeria; saponiera; saponetta; saponacee; saponina; saponose; saponar; saponificar-saponification
saponacee adj saponaceous
saponar v to soap
saponaria n [Bot.] Fuller’s herb, bouncing Bet, soapwort
saponeria (-ía) n soap factory
saponero n soap maker
saponetta n 1. (scented) toilet soap; 2. hunting-case watch
saponiera n soap dish
saponificar v to saponify
saponification n saponification
saponina n [Chem.] saponin
saponose adj soapy
sapor n flavor, taste, savor
Hence: saporose; saporar
saporar v to savor (= to taste with pleasure)
saporose adj savory, savorous
sappa n [Mil.] sap
Hence: sappar-sappamento, sappator
sappamento n sapping, undermining
sappar v to sap, undermine
sappator n sapper
sapphirina n [Mineral.] sapphirine
sapphiro n [Mineral.] sapphire
Hence: sapphirina
sapr- adj [occurring in compounds]
Hence: saprophyto etc. ...
saprophyto (-óphyto) n [Biol.] saprophyte
saracen adj Saracen, Saracenic;
grano saracen buckwheat, sarrazin
Hence: saraceno-saracenic
saracenic adj Saracenic, Saracen
saraceno n saracen
sarcasmo n sarcasm
sarcastic adj sarcastic
sarcir [sarc-/sart-] v to mend, repair; also: to patch; to darn
Hence: sartor &
sarcophago (-ó-) n 1. sarcophagus; 2. coffin
sarcular v to hoe (= to clear of weeds with a hoe)
Hence: sarcular
sarde adj Sard, Sardinian
Hence: Sardinia; sardo
sardina n [Ichthyol.] sardine
Hence: sardinero; sardineria
sardineria (-ía) n sardine industry
sardinero n 1. sardine fisherman; 2. sardine dealer
Sardinia npr Sardinia
sardo n Sardinian
sardonic adj sardonic
sart- see sarcir
sartor n tailor, dressmaker
Hence: sartoreria; sartorial
sartoreria (-ía) n tailor’s shop
sartorial adj sartorial (= pertaining to a tailor)
sasibile adj seizable
sasir v to seize (= to grasp);
sasir le occasion to seize the opportunity
Hence: sasibile
sassafras (-frás) n sassafras (1. sassafras tree; 2. sassafras bark)
satellite (-tél-) n satellite; also: henchman
sati- see satis
satiabile adj satiable
satiar v to satiate, sate
Hence: satiabile-insatiabile-insatiabilitate; satiate-insatiate
satiate 1. pp of satiar; 2. adj satiate, satiated
satietate n satiety
satin [F] n 1. satin; 2. sateen
Hence: satinetta; satinar-satinate
satinar v to glaze, gloss, satin
satinate 1. pp of satinar; 2. adj satiny, lustrous
satinetta n satinette, satinet
satira (sá-) n satire
Hence: satiric-satirico; satirisar
satiric adj satiric, satirical
satirico n satirist
satirisar v to satirize
satis (sá-) adv 1. enough; 2. rather, somewhat;
esser satis to be enough;
haber satis to have enough;
satis de (tempore, etc.) enough (time, etc.), (time, etc.) enough
Hence: satietate; satiar &; assatis; satisfacer etc.
satisfacente 1. ppr of satisfacer; 2. adj satisfactory
satisfacer [-fac-/-fact-] v to satisfy
Hence: satisfacente; satisfaction; satisfactori; satisfacte
satisfacte adj satisfied, content
satisfaction n satisfaction;
dar satisfaction to give satisfaction
satisfactori adj satisfactory; also: [Theol.]
saturabile adj saturable
saturabilitate n saturability
saturar v to saturate
saturate 1. pp of saturar; 2. adj saturate
saturation n saturation
sature adj saturated, sated
Hence: saturar-saturabile-saturabilitate; insaturabile, saturation, saturate, supersaturar-supersaturation
saturnal adj Saturnian
saturnales npl [Rom. Relig.] Saturnalia
saturnia n [Zool.] Saturnia
saturnie adj Saturnian
saturnin adj saturnine (1. heavy, gloomy; 2. [Med.])
saturnismo n lead poisoning, saturnism
Saturno npr Saturn (1. [Rom. Relig.]; 2. [Astron.]; 3. [Alchem.] lead)
Hence: saturnismo; saturnal; saturnie-saturnia; saturnin
satyro (sá-) n satyr (1. [Gr. Mythol.]; 2. [Entom.])
sauce [F] n sauce, gravy
Hence: sauciera
sauciera n sauceboat
sauerkraut [G] n sauerkraut
sauro n saurian
Hence: ichthyosauro etc.; dinosauro etc.; megalosauro etc.
sauté [F] adj [Cooking] sauté
savanna n savanna, savannah
Sax, Antoine Joseph npr [1814-1894; Belgian maker and inventor of musical instruments]
Hence: saxophono etc.; saxhorn etc.; saxtuba etc.
saxcornetta [Mus.] saxcornet
saxcorno n [Mus.] saxhorn
saxee adj stone (= made of stone)
saxeto n stony ground
saxhorn n [Mus.] saxhorn
saxicola (-í-) n [Ornith.] Saxicola
saxicole (-í-) adj [Bot., Zool.] saxicolous, saxicoline (= growing on, or inhabiting rocks)
Hence: saxicola
saxifraga (-í-) n [Bot.] saxifrage
saxifragaceas npl [Bot.] Saxifragaceae
saxifragacee adj [Bot.] saxifragaceous
saxifrage (-í-) adj saxifragous (= breaking or dissolving stone)
Hence: saxifraga-saxifragacee-saxifragaceas
saxo n stone, rock
Hence: saxeto; saxee; saxose; saxicole etc.; saxifrage etc.
saxone n/adj Saxon
Hence: Saxonia; anglosaxone etc.
Saxonia npr Saxony (1. [Anc. Hist.] land of the Saxons; 2. former Kingdom of Saxony; 3. Prussian Saxony)
saxophono n saxophone
saxose adj rocky, stony (= abounding in stones)
saxtuba n [Mus.] saxtuba, bass saxhorn
scabello n 1. stool; also: footstool; 2. [Rom. Antiq.] scabellum
scabie n scabies, mange
Hence: scabiose-scabiosa
scabiosa n [Bot.] scabious
scabiose adj scabious, mangy
scafolt n scaffold (= place of execution)
scala n 1. ladder; II. staircase; III. scale (1. [Mus.]; 2. as in “scale of a thermometer, a map, etc.”); IV. port of call;
scala mobile 1. escalator, moving staircase; 2. sliding scale;
reducer (augmentar) secundo le scala to scale down (up)
Hence: scalon &; scalar-scalada
scalada n [Mil.] escalade
scalar v [Mil.] to scale
scalia n I. scale (1. [Zool., Bot., Med., etc.]; 2. [Metal.]); II. [Zool., Bot.] shell; also: husk, hull, etc.
Hence: scaliose; scaliar-scaliage
scaliage (-aje) n scaling, husking; peeling, chipping off, etc.
scaliar v I. to scale (1. to remove the scales from; 2. to cover with scales); II. to shell, husk, hull, etc.
scaliose adj scaly, scalelike
scalon n 1. rung, step; 2. [Mil.] echelon
Hence: scalonar
scalonar v to echelon
scalp [A n scalp (as in “to take scalps”)
Hence: scalpar
scalpar v to scalp (= to deprive of the scalp)
scand- see scandinave
scandalisar v 1. to offend (as in “if thy right eye offend thee”; 2. to scandalize)
scandalo (scán-) n 1. offense, scandalous example; 2. scandal (as in “political scandal”);
petra de scandalo stumbling block
Hence: scandalose; scandalisar
scandalose adj 1. giving offence; also: setting a bad example; 2. scandalous (as in “scandalous affair”)
scander [scand-/scans-;-scend-/-scens-] v 1. to climb; 2. to scan (“to scan verse”)
Hence: scansion, ascender &; descender &; transcender &
scandinave adj Scandinavian
Hence: Scandinavia; scandinavo; scandium
Scandinavia npr Scandinavia
scandinavo n Scandinavian
scandium (scán-) n [Chem.] scandium
scans- see scander
scansion n [Metrics] scansion
scapula (scá-) n shoulder blade, scapula
Hence: scapular; scapulario; scapulohumeral etc.
scapular adj scapular
scapulario n [Eccl.] scapular (1. a sleeveless cloak; 2. a badge of membership in certain orders, consisting of two pieces of cloth and worn under the clothing)
scapulohumeral adj [Anat.] scapulohumeral
scarabeo (-éo) n I. scarabaeus (1. [Entom.]; 2. [Egyptol.] scarab); II. [Entom.] beetle
scaramucia n skirmish
Hence: scaramuciar-scaramuciator
scaramuciar v to skirmish
scaramuciator n skirmisher
scarlatin adj scarlet;
febre scarlatin scarlet fever
Hence: scarlatina
scarlatina n scarlet fever, scarlatina
scarlato n scarlet (1. color scarlet; 2. scarlet cloth or clothes)
Hence: scarlatin &
scarpa n 1. shoe; 2. slope, scarp (= face of a hill, etc.); 3. [Mil.] scarp, escarp
Hence: scarpero, scarpino, scarpar-scarpamento, scarpate; contrascarpa; superscarpa; lustrascarpas etc.
scarpamento n [Mil.] escarpment
scarpar v 1. to slope (= to cause to slope); 2. [Mil.] to escarp
scarpate 1. pp of scarpar; 2. adj steep, scarped
scarpero n shoemaker, bootmaker
scarpino n dancing pump
scelalgia (-ía) n [Pathol.] scelalgia, pain in the legs
sceler- n [occurring in derivatives]
Hence: scelerate-sceleratessa, scelerato
scelerate adj scoundrelly, villainous
sceleratessa n villainy, wickedness
scelerato n scoundrel, wretch, villain, etc.
scelides npl [Zool.] scelides, hind legs
scelo- n [occurring in derivatives and compounds] scelo-, scel- (= leg)
Hence: scelides-macroscelide etc.; scelalgia etc.; isoscele etc.; macroscele etc.
scena n I. stage (1. “stage of a theater”; 2. theater, art of the theater); II. scene (1. unit of dramatic action; 2. place of action; also: setting; 3. as in “to make a scene”);
poner in scena to stage, put on the stage
Hence: scenario; scenic; inscenar &; hyposcenio; proscenio; scenographo etc.; scenopegia etc.
scenario n scenario
scenic adj scenic, scenical (= of or pertaining to the scenes of dramatic action)
scenographia (-ía) scenography
scenographic adj scenographic
scenographo (-ógrapho) n scenographer
Hence: scenographia; scenographic
scenopegia (-ía) n [Jewish Relig.] Sukkoth, Feast of Tabernacles
sceptic adj skeptic, sceptic, skeptical, sceptical
Hence: scepticismo, sceptico
scepticismo n skepticism, scepticism
sceptico n 1. skeptic, sceptic; 2. [Philos.] Skeptic, Sceptic
sceptro n scepter
scheda n slip of paper
Hence: schedula
schedula n 1. slip of paper (containing writing); 2. promissory note
schema [-ma/-mat-] n I. schema; II. scheme (1. as in “the metrical scheme of a sonnet”; 2. plan in tabulated form)
Hence: schematic; schematisar-schematismo
schemat- see schema
schematic adj schematic
schematisar v to schematize
schematismo n schematism
scherma n fencing, fence (= art of fencing)
Hence: schermir-schermitor
schermir v to fence (= to practice fencing)
schermitor n fencer (= one who practices fencing)
scherzo [I] n scherzo
schisma [-ma/-mat-] n schism (1. division, separation; 2. [Eccl.])
Hence: schismatic-schismatico
schismat- see schisma
schismatic adj schismatic, schismatical
schismatico n schismatic
schisto n [Petrography] schist
Hence: schistose; micaschisto etc.
schistose adj [Petrography] schistose, schistous
schizo- [occurring in compounds] schizo- (= split)
Hence: schizophrenia etc.; schizophyto etc.; schizopode etc.
schizophrenia (-ía) n [Psychiatry] schizophrenia
Hence: schizophrenic-schizophrenico
schizophrenic adj schizophrenic
schizophrenico n schizophrenic, schizophrene
schizophyto (-óphyto) n [Bot.] schizophyte
schizopode (-ó-) adj schizopod, schizopodous
Hence: schizopodo
schizopodo (-ópodo) n [Zool.] schizopod
schizzar (-tsar) v to sketch (1. to make a draft or sketch of; 2. to make a sketch or sketches)
schizzo [I] n [Lit., Art] sketch
Hence: schizzar
schola n school;
tener schola to keep school
Hence: scholar
scholar¹ adj school
scholar² n school child, pupil
scholastic adj scholastic
Hence: scholasticismo; scholastico
scholasticismo n scholasticism
scholastico n scholastic
schooner [A] n [Naut.] schooner
schottisch [G] n [Dancing] schottische
scia- n [occurring in compounds] scia- (= shadow)
Hence: antiscios; sciamachia etc.
sciamachia (-ía) n sciamachy, sham fight, shadow boxing
sciatic adj sciatic (1. pertaining to the hip); 2. pertaining to sciatica);
nervo sciatic sciatic nerve
Hence: scistics
sciatica n [Med.] sciatica
sciente adj learned, (well-)informed
Hence: scientia &; consciente &; insciente &; omnisciente etc.
scientia n 1. knowledge, learning; 2. science;
homine de scientia man of science, scientist
Hence: scientista; scientific
scientific adj scientific
scientista n scientist
scimitarra n scimitar
scinder [scind-/sciss-] v to split
Hence: scissile; scission; abscinder &; rescinder &; scissipare etc.
scintilla n spark (= particle of fire)
Hence: scintillar-scintillation
scintillar v to sparkle, glitter, scintillate; also: to twinkle
scintillation n scintillation; also: twinkling
Scipion npr [Rom. Hist.] Scipio
scir v [occurring in derivatives and compounds]
Hence: sciente &; conscie; nescie &; prescir &; plebiscito etc.
sciss- see scinder
scissile adj scissile; also: fissile
scission n scission
scissipare adj [Biol.] scissiparous
Hence: scissiparitate
scissiparitate n [Biol.] scissiparity, schizogenesis
sciuro n squirrel
sclave adj slave, slave’s: (= characteristic of a slave)
Hence: sclavitude; sclavo
sclavitude n slavery (= state of being a slave)
sclavo n slave
sclerantho n [Bot.] scleranth; Scleranthus
sclerenchyma (-én-) n sclerenchyma (1. [Bot.]; 2. [Zool.])
sclero- [occurring in derivatives and compounds] sclero-, scler- (1. hard; 2. to harden)
Hence: sclerose; scleroma; sclerosis-arteriosclerosis etc.; sclerotic-sclerotica; sclerantho etc.; sclerophthalmia etc.
scleroma n [Med.] scleroma
sclerophthalmia (-ía) n [Pathol.] sclerophthalmia
sclerose adj [Biol., Med.] sclerous (= hard, indurated)
sclerosis (-ósis) n [Med., Bot.] sclerosis (= hardening, induration)
sclerotic adj sclerotic (1. sclerous, hard; 2. affected with sclerosis)
sclerotica n [Anat., Zool.] sclerotic (= sclerotic coat of the eye)
scolio n reef (= chain of rocks lying near the surface of the water)
Hence: scoliose
scoliose adj full of reefs
-scop- [occurring in derivatives]
Hence: -scopo &; -scopia &; -scopio &; -scopic &
scopa n broom
Hence: scopar-scopator, scopatrice, scopatura
scopar v to sweep (with a broom)
scopator n sweeper (= one who or that which sweeps)
scopatrice n (woman) sweeper
scopatura n sweepings
-scopia (-ía) [occurring in compounds] -scopy (= examination, observation)
Hence: necroscopia etc.
-scopic [occurring in compounds] -scopic (= seeing)
Hence: necroscopic etc.; macroscopic etc.
-scopio n [occurring in compounds] -scope (= instrument for watching, ohserving, examining, etc.)
Hence: periscopio &; telescopio &; polariscopio etc.; laryngoscopio etc.; kaleidoscopio etc.; microscopio etc.; stereoscopio etc.; gyroscopio etc.
scopo n 1. target, mark; 2. object, aim
-scopo n [occurring in compounds] 1. -scope (as in “horoscope”); 2. -scopist (as in “cranioscopist”)
Hence: horoscopo etc.; cranioscopo etc.
scorbutic adj scorbutic
scorbuto n [Pathol.] scurvy, scorbutus
Hence: scorbutic-antiscorbutic
scoria n scoria (I. [Metal.] slag, dross; 2. [Geol.] slaggy lava)
Hence: scorificar-scorification
scorificar v to scorify
scorification n scorification
scorpion n [Zool.] scorpion;
Scorpion [Astron.] Scorpio, Scorpion
Hence: scorpionide
scorpionide n [Zool.] scorpionid;
scorpionides Scorpionidae
scote adj Scotch, Scottish
Hence: scoto-Scotia, scotic
Scotia npr Scotland;
Nove Scotia Nova Scotia
scotic adj Scotch, Scottish
scoto n Scot
scriba n scribe (I. [Jewish Hist.]; 2. copyist)
scriber [scrib-/script-] v to write
Hence: scriba; scriptor; scriptorio; scriptura &; scripte-manuscripte etc., scripto; ascriber &; circumscriber &; conscriber &; describer &; inscriber &; postscrib- &; prescriber &; proscriber &; rescriber &, subscriber &; transcriber &
script- see scriber
scripte adj written, in writing
scripto n writing (“piece of writing”);
per scripto in writing
scriptor n writer (= author, journalist etc.)
scriptorio n desk, writing desk
scriptura n 1. writing, handwriting, script; 2. [Law, Com., etc.] paper, document etc.; 3. [Relig.] Scripture
Hence: scriptural
scriptural adj [Eccl.] scriptural
scrofula (scró-) n [Pathol.] scrofula
Hence: scrofulosis; scrofulose
scrofulose adj scrofulous
scrofulosis (-ósis) n [Med.] scrofulosis
scrupulo (scrú-) n scruple (1. [Pharm.]; 2. as in “conscientious scruples”)
Hence: scrupulose-scrupulositate, inscrupulose
scrupulose adj scrupulous
scrupulositate n scrupulousness
scrutabile adj scrutable
scrutar v scan, scrutinize, examine, etc.
Hence: scrutinio &; scrutabile-inscrutabile-inscrutabilitate; perscrutar &
scrutiniar v 1. to scrutinize; 2. to vote by ballot
scrutinio n 1. scrutiny; 2. poll, ballot
Hence: scrutiniar
sculper [sculp-/sculpt-] v to sculpture (= to carve, cut, grave, chisel, etc.)
Hence: sculptor; sculptrice; sculptura-sculptural, sculpturesc; sculpte
sculpt- see sculper
sculpte adj sculptured, graven, carved
sculptor n sculptor
sculptrice n sculptress
sculptura n sculpture
sculptural adj sculptural
sculpturesc adj sculpturesque, sculptural
scuma n foam, scum;
scuma (de sapon) lather (= froth or foam from soap and water)
Hence: scumose; scumar-scumatoria
scumar v 1. to foam (= to form or gather foam); 2. to skim (= to clear from scum)
scumatoria n skimmer (= utensil used for skimming)
scumose adj foaming, scummy
scuriolo n squirrel
scutella n small bowl, deep dish
Hence: scutellaria
scutellaria n [Bot.] Scutellaria
scutero n squire; also: shield-bearer
scutiforme adj scutiform
scuto n 1. shield, buckler; 2. escutcheon, coat of arms
Hence: scutero; scutiforme etc.
Scylla npr Scylla
scytha n Scyth, Scythian
Hence: Scythia; scythic-scythico
Scythia npr Scythia
scythic adj Scythian
scytho n Scythian (1. Scyth; 2. Scythian language)
se rel pron himself; herself; itself; themselves
se- see sex
-sec [occurring in compounds]
Hence: extrinsec; intrinsec
secabile adj capable of being cut, divisible
secale n [Bot.] rye;
pan de secale rye bread
secante¹ 1. ppr of secar; 2. adj secant (as in “a secant line”)
Hence: secante²-cosecante
secante² n [Geom.] secant
secapapiro n paper cutter, paper knife
secar [sec-/sect-] v to cut (= to divide, sever or reduce by cutting)
Hence: secante &; secabile-insecabile; section &; sector; sectura; dissecar &; insecar &; resecar &; trisecar etc.; secapapiro etc.
secerner [-cern-/-cret-] v 1. to separate; 2. [Physiol.] to secern
Hence: secretion; secretori; secrete &; secretar
-secr- see sacre
secret- see secern-
secreta n [Eccl.] secret, secreta
secretar v [Physiol. & Biol.] to secrete
secretariato n secrctariate; also: secretaryship
secretario n secretary (= confidential clerk)
Hence: secretariato
secrete adj 1. secret; 2. secretive, close
Hence: secreto-secretario &; secreta
secretion n [Physiol. & Biol.] secretion
secreto n 1. secret; 2. secret drawer; secret spring;
in secreto in secret or secrecy;
esser in le secreto to be in the secret;
secreto de Policinella open secret, secret of Polichinelle
secretori adj [Physiol.] secretory
sect- see secar
secta n sect
Hence: sectari; sectario
sectari adj sectarian
sectario n sectarian
section n I. (act of) cutting; also: [Surg.] section; II. section (1. separation by cutting; 2. portion, division, subdivision; also: [Nat. Hist., Mil., etc.]; 3. [Geom., Drawing, etc.]);
section transverse crosssection
Hence: sectionar; intersection; vivisection etc.
sectionar v to section (= to cut or divide into sections)
sector n sector (1. [Geom.]; 2. [Mil.])
sectura n cut (= wound or opening made by cutting)
secular¹ adj secular (1. occurring once in a century; 2. existing for centuries; 3. worldly)
Hence: secularismo; secularista; secularitate; secularisar-secularisation
secular² n secular, layman
secularisar v to secularize
secularisation n secularization
secularismo n secularism
secularista n secularist
secularitate n secularity (1. secular extent; 2. worldliness)
seculo (sé-) n 1. century (= period of 100 years); 2. world (= things mundane)
Hence: secular &
[secun] prep 1. (following) after; 2. along, by; 3. according to
(= secundo)
secunda n second (1. 1/60 of a minute; 2. 1/3600 of a degree of an angle; 3. [Mus.])
secundar v to second (= to support)
secundari adj secondary;
schola secundari high school, secondary school
secunde adj second
Hence: secundinas, secundari; secundar; secundo¹; secunda; dece-secunde etc.; secundo²
secundinas npl secundines, after-birth
secundo¹ n second (in a duel, etc.)
secundo² prep 1. (following) after; 2. along, by; 3. according to;
secundo que according as
secur adj I. secure, safe; II. sure, certain (1. not doubting; 2. not doubtful)
Hence: securitate; assecurar &; insecur-insecuritate
securitate n I. security (1. safety; 2. as in “to leave something as a security”); II. sureness, certainty
sed conj but
sedar v to allay, soothe, appease
Hence: sedation; sedative-sedativo
sedation n [Med.] sedation
sedative adj sedative; also: [Med.]
sedativo n [Med.] sedative
sede n (1. accommodation for sitting; 2. principal place where anything takes place or is carried on); II. [Eccl.] see;
sancte sede Holy See, Apostolic See
se-dece (sé-) adj sixteen
sedentari adj sedentary
sedente adj seated, sitting; also: sedent
seder [sed-/-sess-;-sid-/-sess-] v to sit (1. to be sitting or seated; 2. as in “to sit in court, in council, etc.”; 3. to fit);
esser sedite to sit, be sitting or seated;
seder se to seat oneself, sit down
Hence: sede; sedimento &; sedente-sedentari; sessile; session; assider &; dissider &; insid- &; presider &; resider &; subsider &; obseder &; posseder &
sedimentar v to sediment (= to deposit as sediment)
sedimentari adj sedimentary
sedimentation n sedimentation
sedimento n sediment (1. lees, dregs; 2. [Geol.])
Hence: sedimentari; sedimentar-sedimentation
sedition n sedition
Hence: seditiose; seditionar
seditionar v to sedition, incite to sedition
seditiose adj ceditious
seducer [-duc-/-duct-] v to seduce
Hence: seducimento; seducibile; seduction; seductive; seductor
seducibile adj seducible
seducimento n seducement
seduct- see seducer
seduction n seduction (1. act of seducing; 2. that which seduces)
seductive adj seductive
seductor n seducer
segmentar v to segment, separate into segments
segmentari adj segmentary, segmental
segmentation n segmentation
segmento n [Geom.] segment
Hence: segmentari; segmentar-segmentation
segregar v to segregate
Hence: segregation; segregative
segregation n segregation
segregative adj segregative
seismal adj seismal, seismic
seismic (séiz-) adj seismic
seismo (séizmo) n earthquake, seism
Hence: seismal; seismic; seismographo etc.; seismologo etc.; macroseismo etc.; microseismo etc.
seismographia (-ía) seismography
seismographic adj seismographic
seismographo (-ógrapho) n seismograph
Hence: seismographia; seismographic
seismologia (-ía) n seismology
seismologic adj seismologic, seismological
seismologo (-ólogo) n seismologist
Hence: seismologia; seismologic
select- see seliger
selecte adj select, choice
selection n selection;
selection natural [Biol.] natural selection
selectionar v to select
selective adj selective
selen- n [occurring in derivatives and compounds] seleno-, selen- (= moon);
Selena [Gr. Relig.] Selene
Hence: selenium &; selenita; selenite; selenographo etc.
seleniato n [Chem.] selenate
selenic adj [Chem.] selenic
seleniose adj [Chem.] selenious
selenita n Selenite, inhabitant of the moon
selenite n [Mineral.] selenite
selenito n [Chem.] selenite
selenium (-lé-) n [Chem.] selenium
Hence: seleniato; selenito; selenic; seleniose
selenographia (-ía) n selenography
selenographo (-ó-) n 1. selenograph; 2. selenographer
Hence: selenographia
seleri (sé-) n celery
seliger [-lig-/-lect-] v to select
Hence: selection-selectionar; selective; selecte
sella n saddle
Hence: sellero; selleria; sellar-dissellar; insellar-insellate
sellar v to saddle (= to put a saddle upon)
selleria (-ía) n saddlery
sellero n saddler
Sem npr Shem
Hence: semita-antisemita-antisemitismo, antisemitic, prosemita-prosemitismo, prosemitic, semitismo, semitic
sema- [-ma/-mat-] n [occurring in compounds] sema- (= sign, signal)
Hence: semaphoro etc.; sematographia etc.
semantic adj semantic
Hence: semantica-semanticista
semantica n [Philol.] semantics, semasiology
semanticista n semanticist, semasiologist
semaphoro (-má-) n semaphore
semasi- n [occurring in compounds] semasi- (= signification)
Hence: semasiologo etc.
semasiologia (-ía) n [Philol.] semasiology, semantics
semasiologic adj semasiological
semasiologo (-ólogo) n semasiologist, semanticist
Hence: semasiologia-semasiologic
semat- see sema-
sematographia (-ía) n sematography, sign-writing
semblante n semblance, appearance
semblantia n semblance, appearance; also: seeming
semblar v to seem, appear;
il me sembla it seems to me
Hence: semblante; semblantia
semeio- n [occurring in compounds] semeio (= sign)
Hence: semeiotic; semeiotica; semeiologia etc.
semeiologia (-ía) n [Med.] semeiology
Hence: semeiologic
semeiologic adj semeiologic, semeiological
semeiotic adj [Med.] semeiotic, semeiologic
semeiotica n [Med.] semeiotics, semeiologic
[semel] adv 1. once; 2. firstly
semestral adj semestral (= occurring every six months)
semestre n semester
Hence: semestral
semi- [occurring in compounds] semi- (= half)
Hence: semicirculo etc.; semiflosculo etc.; semicupio etc.; semifluide etc.; semipelagian etc.; semisomne etc.; sincipite etc.
semibarbare adj semibarbarous, semibarbaric
semibreve n [Mus.] semibreve
semicircular adj semicircular;
canales semicircular [Anat., Zool.] semicircular canals
semicirculo (-cir-) n semicircle (1. half of a circle; 2. semicircular measuring instrument, graphometer)
Hence: semicircular
semicircumferentia n [Geom.] semicircumference
semiconsonante n [Phonet.] semiconsonant
semicupio n semicupium, sitz bath
semicylindric adj semicylindric, semicylindrical
semicylindro n semicylinder
Hence: semicylindric
semidea (-éa) n demigoddess
semideo (-éo) n demigod
semidiametro (-ámetro) n [Math.] semidiameter
semidiaphane adj semidiaphanous
semiduple adj semidouble (1. [Liturgy]; 2. [Bot.])
semiflosculo (-flós-) n [Bot.] semifloscule, semifloret
Hence: semiflosculose
semiflosculose adj [Bot.] semifloscular, semiflosculose, semiflosculous
semifluide (-flú-) adj semifluid
semilunar¹ adj [Anat., Biol.] semilunar
semilunar² n [Anat.] semilunar (bone), lunatum
semimorte adj half-dead
seminal adj seminal (= pertaining to seed or semen)
seminar v to sow (seeds, etc.)
seminario n 1. [Hort.] seedbed; nursery; 2. (institution for the training of candidates for the priesthood, ministry, etc.) seminary, seminar, etc.
Hence: seminarista
seminarista n seminarist
semination n semination
seminator n sower
seminatorio n seeder, sowing-machine
semine n seed; also: milk, roe, spawn, semen, etc.
Hence: seminario &; seminal; seminifere; seminar-semination, seminator, seminatorio, disseminar &, inseminar &, reseminar, superseminar
seminifere adj seminiferous
seminude adj seminude, half-naked
semiofficial adj semiofficial
semipelagian adj [Theol.] Semi-Pelagian
Hence: semipelagianismo; semipelagiano
semipelagianismo n [Theol.] Semi-Pelagianism
semipelagiano n [Theol.] Semi-Pelagian
semiprova n [Law] semiproof
semisalvage (-aje) adj semisavage, half-savage
semisomne adj semisomnous, half-asleep
semita¹ n Semite
semita² (sé-) n 1. path; 2. [Zool.] semita, fasciole
Hence: semital
semital adj [Zool.] semital
semitic adj Semitic;
linguas semitic Semitic languages
semitismo n Semitism
semitono n [Mus.] semitone, halftone
semitransparente adj semitransparent
Hence: semitransparentia
semitransparentia n semitransparency
semitropical adj semitropical
semiuncial adj semiuncial
semivive adj half-alive
semivocal n semivowel
semp- see semper
semper (sém-) adv always
Hence: semperverde etc.; sempiterne etc.
semperverde¹ adj evergreen
semperverde² n evergreen
sempiterne adj everlasting, eternal, sempiternal
[sempre] adv always
(= semper)
sen- adj [occurring in derivatives and compounds]
Hence: senato &; senectute; senil &; senior¹-senior² &
senato n senate
Hence: senator-senatorial; senatoconsulto etc.
senatoconsulto n [Rom. Hist.] senatus consultum, senatusconsult
senator n senator
senatorial adj senatorial (= pertaining to a senator or senate)
senectute n old age
Senegal npr Senegal
Hence: senegalese
senegalese adj/n Senegalese
senil adj senile (= belonging to old age);
debilitate senil senile weakness
Hence: senilitate
senilitate n senility
senior¹ adj senior, older
senior² n 1. senior, elder; 2. lord; 3. sir;
Senior Lord (= Lord God);
Nostre Senior Our Lord;
senior X. Mr. X.
Hence: senioria; seniorial; seniora-senioretta
seniora n lady;
seniora X. Mrs. X.
senioretta n miss;
senioretta X. Miss X.
senioria (-ía) n 1. [Hist.] seigniory; 2. lordship; also: as in “your lordship”
seniorial adj [Hist.] seignorial
sens- see sentir
sensar v to sense, sensate
sensate adj sensible (= possessing common sense)
sensation n sensation (1. as in “a sensation of cold”; 2. as in “to create a sensation”)
Hence: sensational-sensationalismo
sensational adj sensational (as in “sensational revelations”)
sensationalismo n sensationalism (as in “sensationalism of the yellow press”)
sensibile adj I. perceptible, sensible; II. sensitive (1. that receives sense impressions; 2. highly susceptible)
Hence: sensibilitate; insensibile-insensibilitate; suprasensibile
sensibilitate n sensibility (1. ability to receive sense impressions; 2. sensitiveness)
sensitiva n sensitive plant
sensitive adj sensitive, sensory
senso n I. sense (1. as in “the sense of hearing”; 2. discrimination, judgment; 3. meaning); II. direction (= way, course);
senso commun common sense;
perder le sensos to lose consciousness;
in senso inverse in the opposite direction
Hence: sensate-insensate; sensar-sensation &; sensual &; contrasenso; nonsenso etc.; multisense etc.
sensorial adj sensorial
sensorio n sensorium
Hence: sensorial
sensu- see senso
sensual adj sensual (as in “sensual pleasures”)
Hence: sensualismo; sensualista; sensualitate; sensualisar
sensualisar v to sensualize (= to make sensual)
sensualismo n sensualism (1. addiction to sensual indulgence; 2. [Philos.] sensationalism)
sensualista n [Philos.] sensualist, sensationalist
sensualitate n sensuality
sententia n 1. [Law] sentence; 2. (sententious) saying, aphorism
Hence: sententiose; sententiar
sententiar v [Law] to sentence
sententiose adj sententious
sentiente adj sentient
sentiero n path;
le sentiero del virtute the path of virtue
sentimental adj sentimental
sentimentalismo n sentimentalism
sentimentalitate n sentimentality
sentimento n feeling (1. act or fact of feeling; 2. sentiment, emotion)
Hence: sentimental-sentimentalismo, sentimentalitate
sentir [sent-/sens-] v to feel (something);
sentir se (ben, mal, etc.) to feel (well, ill, etc.)
Hence: sentimento &; sentiente; sensibile &; sensitive-sensitiva; sensorio &; senso &; assentir &; consentir &; dissentir &; presentir &; resentir &
separabile adj separable
separar v to separate (= to put or keep apart)
Hence: separabile-inseparabile-inseparabilitate; separation; separative; separator; separate-separatismo, separatista
separate 1. pp of separar; 2. adj separate
separation n separation;
separation de benes separate maintenance;
separation del Ecclesia e del Stato disestablishment of the Church
separatismo n separatism
separatista n separatist
separative adj separative
separator n 1. separater, one who separates; 2. separator
sepe n hedge;
rege del sepe wren
sepsis (sép-) n [Med.] sepsis
Hence: asepsis; antisepsis
septagesime (-ésime) adj seventieth;
le septagesime parte, le septagesimo the seventieth part, the seventieth
septanta adj seventy
septantesime (-ésime) adj seventieth;
le septantesime parte, le septantesimo the seventieth part, the seventieth
septe adj seven
Hence: septanta-septantesime; septagesime; septime &; septentrion &; dece-septe etc.; septuple etc.; septuplicar etc.; septemviro etc.
septem- see septe
septembre n September
septemviral adj septemviral
septemvirato n septemvirate
septemviro (-tém-) n [Rom. Antiq.] septemvir
Hence: septemvirato; septemviral
septen- see septe
septentrion n [Astron.] Septentrion, the Dipper
Hence: septentrional
septentrional adj northern
septic adj septic
Hence: septicitate; aseptic-aseptico; antiseptic-antiseptico; septicemia etc.; septico
septicemia (-ía) n [Med.] septicemia, septicaemia
Hence: septicemic
septicemic adj septicemic, septicaemic
septicitate n septicity
septico n septic
septim- see septe
septima (sép-) n [Mus.] seventh
septimana n week;
fin de septimana week end
Hence: septimanal
septimanal adj weekly
septime (sép-) adj seventh
Hence: septimana &; septima
septu- see septe
septuplar v to septuple (= to multiply by seven)
septuple (sép-) adj septuple, sevenfold
Hence: septupar
septuplicar v to septuple
sequente 1. ppr of sequer; 2. adj following, next;
le die sequente the next day, the following day
sequentia n sequence (1. “sequence of things, events, etc.”; 2. [Eccl.])
sequer [sequ-/secut-] v to follow
Hence: sequente-sequentia; consequer &; exequer &; obsequer &; persequer &; prosequer &; subsequer &
sequestrar v 1. [Law] to sequester; 2. to confine illegally, put under illegal restraint
sequestration n 1. [Law] sequestration (of goods); 2. illegal confinement or restraint
sequestro n 1. [Law] sequestration; 2. [Med.] sequestrum
Hence: sequestrar-sequestration
sequoia (-quóia) n sequoia;
sequoia gigante giant sequoia, big tree;
sequoia sempervivente redwood
[ser] v to be
(= esser)
Hence: [sera]; [serea]
ser- [ser-/sert-] v [occurring in derivatives and compounds]
Hence: serie &; asserer &; deserer &; disserer &; inserer
[sera] (-rá) fut of ser will be, shall be
(= essera)
seralio n seraglio, serail
Hence: caravanseralio etc.
serbe adj Serb, Serbian
Serbia npr Serbia
serbo n Serb, Serbian
Hence: Serbia; serbocroate etc.; serbe
serbocroate adj Serbo-Croatian, Serbo-Croat
Hence: serbocroato
serbocroato n Serbo-Croatian, Serbo-Croat (1. Serbo-Croatian language; 2. native speaker of Serbo-Croatian)
[serea] (-éa) cond of ser would be, should be
(= esserea)
seren adj serene
Hence: serenitate; serenissimo; serenar-serenada
serenada n serenade
serenar v to make serene
serenissimo (-íssimo) n serenissimo
serenitate n serenity
sergente (-j-) n [Mil.] sergeant
serial adj serial
seriar v to arrange in series, to seriate
serie¹ n series; also: [Elec.];
in serie in series
Hence: serial; seriar
serie² adj serious (1. earnest; 2. as in “serious in implications”)
Hence: serio-seriose
serio n seriousness, earnestness
seriose adj serious (1. earnest; 2. as in “serious in implications”)
sermon n sermon
Hence: sermonar-sermonator; sermonisar
sermonar v to preach, sermonize
sermonator n preacher; sermonizer
sermonisar v to sermonize, harangue
sero¹ n 1. whey (of milk); 2. serum; specif.: blood serum
Hence: serose-serositate; serologia etc.; serotherapia etc.
[sero]² adv late
serologia (-ía) n serology
serose adj serous
serositate n serosity (= serous quality)
serotherapia (-ía) n serotherapy
serpentar v to wind, meander
serpentaria n 1. [Bot.] serpentaria, snakeroot; 2. serpent eater, secretary bird
serpente n snake, serpent;
Serpente [Astron.] Serpent
Hence: serpentaria; serpentin-serpentino; serpentar; serpentiforme etc.
serpentiforme adj serpentiform
serpentin adj serpentine (1. of a snake; 2. tortuous, winding)
serpentino n I. serpentine (1. [Hist., Ordn.]; 2. [Mineral.]; 3. coil of a still); II. paper streamer, serpentin
serper v to glide, wriggle
Hence: serpigine &; serpente &
serpigine n [Pathol.] serpigo; also: ringworm
Hence: serpiginose
serpiginose adj serpiginous
serra n 1. saw (= tool for sawing); 2. sierra
Hence: serrar-serreria, serration, serrator, serrate-serratula
serramento n 1. locking (of a door, etc.); 2. (action of) fastening, tightening
serrar¹ v to saw
serrar² v 1. to lock (= to fasten with a lock); 2. to lock up, lock away (something); 3. to close tightly (together)
Hence: serramento; serratura; disserrar
serrate 1. pp of serrar; 2. adj serrate, serrated
serration n (action of) sawing
serrator n sawyer
serratula n [Bot.] sawwort
serratura n lock (of a door, etc.);
serratura fulmine zip fastener, zipper
serreria (-ía) n sawmill
serva n (female) slave
servage (-aje) n slavery, bondage, serfdom
servar v to conserve (1. to preserve from harm; 2. to keep, retain)
Hence: conservar &; observar &; preservar &; reservar &
serve adj 1. subject to servitude; 2. slavish, servile
Hence: servicio &; servitude; servir &; servo &; serva
servibile adj serviceable, useful
servicial adj serviceable, diligent, ready to be of service
servicio n service (1. duties done or required; 2. helpful act or acts; 3. set of dishes, etc.);
servicio militar military service;
servicio divin church service, divine service
Hence: servicial; disservicio
serviente n 1. servant; 2. [Mil.] gunner
servietta n napkin (= table napkin)
servil adj servile (1. pertaining to slaves; 2. mean, base);
imitation servil slavish, servile imitation
Hence: servilismo; servilitate
servilismo n servileness, servilism
servilitate n servility
servir v to serve;
servir un persona to serve someone;
servir de to serve as;
servir a to be useful for;
servir se de to make use of
Hence: serviente; servibile; servitor; disservir; reservir
servitor n 1. servant (= person employed by another); 2. waiter (= one who waits at table)
servitude n 1. servitude (= slavery, bondage); 2. [Law] easement
servo n serf, slave
Hence: servage; servil &
sesqui- adv [occurring in compounds] sesqui- (= more by one half)
Hence: sesquioxydo etc.; sesquiplano etc.; sesquialtere etc.; sesquiped- etc.
sesquialtera (-ál-) n [Mus.] sesquialtera
sesquialtere adj sesquialteral, sesquialter (= one and a half times as great as another)
Hence: sesquialtera
sesquioxydo (-óx-) n [Chem.] sesquioxide
sesquiped- n [occurring in derivatives] sesquiped- (= foot and a half)
Hence: sesquipedal
sesquipedal adj sesquipedalian, sesquipedal
sesquiplano n biplane with short underplane
sess- see seder
sessile adj [Bot.] sessile
session n 1. sitting; sitting down; 2. session (“session of a court, etc.”)
seta n 1. bristle (= short, stiff hair of hogs, etc.); 2. silk;
seta artificial rayon
Hence: setasso &; seteria; seton; setacee; setifere; setose; setiforme etc.
setacee adj setaceous, bristly
setassar v to bolt (= to sift flour, etc. through a bolter)
setasso n bolter (= sifter for bolting flour, etc.)
Hence: setassar
sete n thirst;
haber sete to be thirsty;
appaciar su sete to quench one’s thirst
Hence: assetar-assetate
seteria (-ría) n 1. silk factory or store; 2. silk (ware)
setifere adj bristle-bearing, setiferous
setiforme adj bristle-shaped, setiform
seton n [Surg.] seton
setose adj silky, silken
setter [A] n [Dogs] setter
sever adj severe (1. not lenient; 2. as in “severe style”)
Hence: severitate; asseverar &; perseverar &
severitate n severity, severeness
Sèvres [F] npr Sèvres;
sèvres Sèvres (porcelain)
sex adj six
Hence: sexanta-sexantesime; sexagesime &; sexte &; semestre etc.; sedece etc.; dece-sex etc.
sexagesimal adj sexagesimal
sexagesime (-ésime) adj sixtieth;
le sexagesime parte, le sexagesimo the sixtieth part, the sixtieth
Hence: sexagesimal
sexanta adj sixty
sexantesime (-ésime) adj sixtieth;
le sexantesime parte, le sexantesimo the sixtieth part, the sixtieth
sexo n sex;
le sexo belle the fair sex
Hence: sexual-sexualitate, asexual, bisexual etc., homosexual etc.
sexta n 1. [Eccl.] Sext; 2. [Mus.] sixth
sextante n sextant
sexte adj sixth;
le sexte parte, le sexto the sixth part, the sixth
Hence: sextante; sextetto; sextuple etc.; sextuplicar etc; sexta
sextetto n [Mus.] sextet
sextu- see sexte
sextuplar v to sextuple
sextuple (séx-) adj sextuple, sixfold
Hence: sextuplar
sextuplicar v to sextuple (= to multply by six)
sexu- see sexo
sexual adj sexual (= pertaining to the functions of sex)
sexualitate n sexuality
shako n shako
shampooing [A] n shampooing, shampoo
shilling [A] n shilling
shocking! [A] shocking!
shogun [J] n shogun
shophar [Heb.] n shofar, shophar
shrapnel [A] n shrapnel
shunt [A] n [Elec.] shunt
si¹ adv 1. thus, so; 2. yes;
si ... como as ... as, (not) so ... as
Hence: si-nominate etc.; [assi] etc.
si² conj if (1. supposing that; 2. whether);
si non 1. if not; 2. except, unless it be
Hence: [sinon] etc.; [nisi] etc.; [etsi] etc.
si³ n 1. [Mus.] ti, si; 2. [Mus.] (the note) B
sia pr subj of esser be, may be, let there be;
sia ... sia ... be (it) ... or be (it) ...; whether ... or ...
sialagoge adj sialagogue, sialagogic, saliva-producing
Hence: sialagogo
sialagogo n [Med.] sialagogue
sialo- n [occurring in derivatives and compounds] sialo-, sial- (= saliva)
Hence: sialagoge etc. ...
Siam npr Siam
Hence: siamese
siamese adj/n Siamese;
catto siamese Siamese cat;
geminos siamese Siamese twins
sibilante¹ 1. ppr of sibilar; 2. adj sibilant
sibilante² n [Phonet.] sibilant
sibilar v 1. to whistle; 2. to hiss, sibilate
sibilation n sibilation
sibilator n whistler (= one who whistles)
sibilo (sí-) n I. whistle (1. whistling; 2. instrument for whistling); II. hiss, hissing
Hence: sibilar-sibilante, sibilation, sibilator
Sibiria npr Siberia
Hence: sibirian-sibiriano; sibiric
sibirian adj Siberian
sibiriano n Siberian
sibiric adj Siberian; Sibiric;
abiete sibiric Siberian fir
sibylla n [Gr. and Rom. Mythol.] sibyl
Hence: sibyllin
sibyllin adj sibylline;
libros sibyllin Sibylline Books
sic¹ adj dry;
vino sic dry wine
Hence: siccitate; siccar-sicca, siccante, siccative, siccatorio, desiccar &; exsiccar &
[sic]² adv 1. thus, so; 2. yes
(= si)
Hence: sicut etc.
sicc- see sic
sicca n shelf, sandbank
siccante 1. ppr of siccar; 2. adj drying;
papiro siccante blotting paper, blotter
siccar v to dry (1. to make dry; 2. to become dry)
siccative adj siccative
siccatorio n drying-place, drying-room, drying-loft, etc.
siccitate n 1. dryness; 2. drought, drouth
Sicilia npr Sicily
Hence: sicilian-siciliano, siciliana
sicilian adj Sicilian;
Vesperas Sicilian [Hist.] Sicilian Vespers
siciliana n [Dancing] Siciliana
siciliano n Sicilian
[sicut] (sí-) adv so as, just as, as
sider- n [occurring in derivatives and compounds]
Hence: sideral; siderar &; considerar &; desiderar &; siderostato etc.
-sider see seder
sideral adj [Astron.] sidereal
siderar v to strike (by lightning)
Hence: sideration
sideration n sudden stroke (of apoplexy); sudden paralysis
siderite n [Mineral.] siderite (= native ferrous carbonate)
sidero- n [occurring in derivatives and compounds] sidero-, sider- (= iron)
Hence: siderite; siderographia etc.; siderolitho etc.; sideroscopio etc.; siderurgia etc.
siderographia (-ía) n siderography
siderolitho (-ólito) n siderolite
sideroscopio n sideroscope
siderostato (-ó-) n siderostat
siderurgia (-ía) n metallurgy or working of iron, siderurgy
Hence: siderurgic
siderurgic adj iron (as in “iron ore”), siderurgical
siesta n siesta
sigillar v to seal (1. as in “to seal a deed”; 2. to fasten, make fast; 3. as in “this sealed his fate”)
sigillator v sealer
sigillo n seal (1. instrument for sealing; 2. impression made by a seal); also: signet
Hence: sigillar-sigillator, dissigillar
signal n signal
Hence: signalar-signalamento, signalator, signalate
signalamento n (act of) signaling
signalar v 1. to signal (= to make known by a signal or signals); 2. to signalize (= to make notable); 3. to point (out);
signalar se to distinguish oneself, make oneself notable
signalate 1. pp of signalar; 2. adj remarkable, signal
signalator n signaler
signar v to sign (= to affix one’s name to);
signar se to cross oneself
signator n signer
signatura n signature (1. act of signing one’s name; 2. [Print.])
significante 1. ppr of significar; 2. adj significant
significantia n significance (= meaning, import)
significar v to signify (1. to make known, intimate; 2. to mean);
iste significa nihil that does not mean anything
Hence: significante-significantia, insignificante-insignificantia; signification; significative; significator; significato
signification n signification (1. act of signifying or making known; 2. meaning)
significative adj significant, significative;
cifra significative significant figure
significato n meaning, significate
significator n signifier; attrib. signifying, significant
signo n sign (1. symbol, mark; 2. indication; 3. gesture, motion);
facer signo to motion; also: to beckon;
signo de exclamation, de interrogation exclamation, question mark
Hence: signal &; signar-signator, signatura; assignar &; consignar &; contrasignar &; designar &; resignar &; significar &; insigne &
silente adj silent (1. quiet, noiseless; 2. saying little or nothing)
Hence: silentio-silentiario, silentiose, silentiar-silentiator
silentiar v to silence
silentiario n [Hist.; Relig.] silentiary
silentiator n [Technol.] silencer
silentio n silence (1. noiselessness; 2. forbearance from speech)
silentiose adj silent (1. quiet, noiseless; 2. saying little or nothing)
Silesia npr Silesia;
Alte (Basse) Silesia Upper (Lower) Silesia
Hence: silesian-silesiano
silesian adj Silesian; Silesia
silesiano n Silesian
silhouettar v to silhouette (= to show, represent, etc., in silhouette)
silhouette [F] n silhouette
Hence: silhouettar
silic- see siliqua
silicato n silicate
silice (sí-) n 1. flint; 2. silex, silica
Hence: silicato-tungstosilicato etc.; silicium; silicosis; silicee; silicic; silicificar-silicification; silicifluoric etc.
silicee adj siliceous
silicic adj silicic;
acido silicic silicic acid
silicificar v to silicify (= to convert into silica)
silicification n silicification
silicifluoric (-óric) adj silicifluoric
silicium (-lí-) n silicon, silicium
silicosis (-ósis) n [Pathol.] silicosis
silicula n [Bot.] silicle, silicula
siliculose adj [Bot.] siliculose
siliqua (sí-) n [Bot.] pod; silique
Hence: silicula-siliculose; siliquifere; siliquose
siliquifere adj pod-bearing; siliquiferous
siliquose adj [Bot.] siliquose
silo [H] n silo
siluro n 1. [Zool.] silurus, sheatfish; 2. [Zool.] Silurus
silva n wood, forest; grove
Hence: silvan-silvanite, transsilvan-transsilvano, Transsilvania, Pennsylvania etc., Silvano; silvatic; silvestre; silvose; silvicultor etc.; silvicultura etc.
silvan adj sylvan
silvanite n [Mineral.] sylvanite
Silvano npr [Mythol.] Silvanus
silvatic adj forest, sylvatic
silvestre adj forest, wood
silvicultor n forester, silviculturist
silvicultura n forestry, silviculture
silvose adj wooded
sim- [occurring in compounds]
Hence: simple etc.; simplice etc.
simia n monkey, ape
Hence: simian; simieria; simiesc; simiar
simian adj simian
simiar v to ape
simieria (-ía) n monkey business, monkeyshine
simiesc adj simian
similabile adj similar
similante n semblance, appearance
similantia n semblance (1. resemblance, similarity; 2. image, likeness)
similar¹ adj similar
Hence: similaritate
similar² v 1. to resemble; 2. to seem, appear
Hence: similante-similantia, verosimilante etc.; similabile; assimilar &; dissimilar &; resimilar &
similaritate n similarity
similauro n similor, imitation gold
simile¹ adj like, resembling, similar
Hence: similitude; similar¹ &; simular &; similar² &; dissimile &; similauro etc.; facsimile etc.; verisimile etc.; simul
simile² n [Rhet.] simile
similitude n 1. likeness, resemblance, similitude; 2. [Rhet.] simile;
similitude (de triangulos) similarity (of triangles)
Simon nprm Simon;
Simon le Mago Simon Magus
Hence: simonia-simonista, simonisar
simonia (-ía) n simony
simonisar v to practice simony
simonista n simonist (= one practicing simony)
simple adj simple (1. not double or manifold; 2. not complicated)
Hence: simplismo; simplificar-simplificabile, simplification, simplificator
simplice (sím-) adj simple (1. not double, not manifold; 2. not complicated)
Hence: simplicitate
simplices (sím-) npl simples, medicinal herbs
simplicitate n simplicity
simplificabile adj capable of being simplified
simplificar v to simplify
simplification n simplification
simplificator n simplifier
simplismo n oversimplification, simplism
simul (sí-) adv at once, at the same time, together
Hence: simultanee &; insimul
simul- see simile
simulacro n simulacrum (1. image; 2. mock appearance, sham)
simular v to simulate (= to feign)
Hence: simulacro; simulation; simulator; simulate; dissimular &
simulate 1. pp of simular; 2. adj simulate
simulation n simulation
simulator n simulator
simultanee adj simultaneous
Hence: simultaneitate
simultaneitate n simultaneity
sin prep without
Hence: sinecura etc.
Sin-¹ npr [occurring in compounds] Sin-, Sino- (= China)
Hence: sinologo etc.; sino-japonese etc.
sin-² [-sin-/sit-] v [occurring in derivatives and compounds]
Hence: site; sito &; desin- &
sin-³ see semi-
Sinai npr Sinai;
le monte Sinai Mount Sinai;
le peninsula del Sinai Sinai Peninsula
sincer adj sincere (1. honest; 2. frank; 3. real, true)
Hence: sinceritate; insincer-insinceritate
sinceritate n sincerity
sincipital adj [Anat.] sincipital
sincipite (-cíp-) n [Anat.] sinciput
Hence: sincipital
sinecura n sinecure
Hence: sinecurismo, sinecurista
sinecurismo n sinecurism
sinecurista n sinecurist
sine die [L] sine die
sine qua non [L] sine qua non
singular adj singular (1. relating to a single person or thing; 2. unusual, uncommon, strange, etc.);
(numero) singular [Gram.] singular (number)
singularisar v to singularize, make distinct
singularitate n singularity
singule adj single, separate, alone
Hence: singular-singularitate, singularisar
singultar v 1. to sob; 2. to hiccup
singulto n 1. sob; 2. hiccup, hiccough, singultus
Hence: singultar
sinistre adj 1. left (= not right); 2. sinister (= threatening, evil)
Hence: sinistromane etc.; sinistrorse etc.; sinistrogyr etc.
sinistrogyr adj sinistrogyrate
sinistromane adj left-handed (using the left hand more easily than the right)
sinistrorse adj [Bot.] sinistrorse
sinn fein [Ir.] n Sinn Fein
sino n 1. bosom; 2. womb; 3. [Anat.] sinus; 4. [Math.] sine;
sinos breasts;
in le sino del familia in the bosom of the family
Hence: sinuate; sinuose-sinuositate; insinuar &
sinojaponese adj Sino-Japanese
sinologia (-ía) n Sinology
sinologo (-ólogo) n Sinologue, Sinologist
Hence: sinologia
si-nominate adj so-called
[sinon] conj otherwise, else; except, save, if not, unless
(= si non)
sinu- see sino
sinuate adj [Bot.] sinuate, sinuated
sinuose adj sinuous
sinuositate n sinuosity
sinus (si-) n 1. [Math.] sine; 2. [Anat.] sinus
Hence: sinusitis; sinusoide-sinusoital; cosinus
sinusitis (-ítis) n [Pathol.] sinusitis, sinus trouble
sinusoidal adj [Math.] sinusoidal
sinusoide n [Math.] sinusoid
Sion (sí-) npr Zion (1. hill near Jerusalem; 2. Jerusalem; 3. the Church)
Hence: sionismo; sionista; sionita
sionismo n Zionism
sionista n Zionist; also: attrib.
sionita n [Eccl. Hist.] Ronsdorfer, Zionite
siphon n siphon (1. bent tube for transferring a liquid; 2. siphon bottle; 3. [Zool.])
Hence: siphonostome etc.; siphonophoro etc.
siphonophoro (-nó-) n [Zool.] siphonophore
siphonostome (-nó-) adj [Zoo].] siphonostomatous, siphonostomous
-sipide see sapide
-sipiente see sapiente
sirena n siren (1. [Mythol.]; 2. as in “the ship’s siren”)
Hence: sirenie-sirenios; lepidosirena etc.
sirenie adj sirenian, siren, sirenical
sirenios npl [Zool.] Sirenia
sirocco n sirocco
sirop n syrup
Hence: siropose
siropose adj syrupy
-sister v [occurring in compounds]
Hence: assister &; consister &; desister &; exister &; insister &; persister &; resister &; subsister &
sistro n [Antiq.] sistrum
sit- see sin-
site adj situated, placed
sito n site
Hence: situar-situation
sito- n [occurring in compounds] sito-, sit- (= food)
Hence: parasite &; sitomania etc.
sitomania (-ía) n [Psychol.] sitomania
sitophobia (-ía) n [Psychol.] sitophobia
situ- see sito
situar v to situate; to place, locate
situation n I. situation (1. location, place; 2. condition, circumstance); II. posture; also: position, attitude (of the body)
situla (sí-) n buckct, pail
Hence: situlata
situlata n bucketful, pailful
[sive] conj or if, or;
sive ... sive ... if ... or if
skeletic adj I. [Anat.] skeletal; II. skeleton (1. as in “skeleton crew”; 2. emaciated)
skeleto (ské-) n skeleton (1. [Anat.]; 2. framework (of a house, ship, etc.); 3. outline, sketch)
Hence: skeletic; skeletologia etc.; endoskeleto etc.
skeletologia (-ía) n skeletology
ski [Nor.] n ski
Hence: skiar-skiator
skiar v to ski
skiator n skier
skunk [A] n skunk (1. [Zool.]; 2. fur of the skunk)
slave adj Slav, Slavic, Slavonic;
linguas slave Slavonic languages
Hence: slavo-slavismo, slavista, slavon &, slavophile etc., panslavismo etc., balto-slavo etc.; yugoslave etc.
slavismo n 1. Slavicism; 2. Panslavism
slavista n Slavist
slavo n Slav
slavon adj Slavonian, Slavonic
Hence: slavono-Slavonia
Slavonia npr Slavonia
slavono n 1. Slavonian (= inhabitant of Slavonia); 2. Slavonic (language)
slavophile adj Slavophile
Hence: slavophilo
slavophilo (-ó-) n Slavophile
sleeping-car [A] n [R.R.] sleeping car
slitta n drag, dray, road sledge; also: sled, sleigh
slogan [A] n slogan
sloop [A] n [Naut.] sloop
slovac adj Slovak
Hence: Slovachia; slovaco; checoslovac etc.
slovach- see slovac
Slovachia (-ákia) npr Slovakia
slovaco n Slovak
sloven adj Slovene, Slovenian
Hence: Slovenia; sloveno
Slovenia npr Slovenia
sloveno n 1. Slovene; 2. Slovenian
smalt n enamel
Hence: smaltar
smaltar v 1. to enamel; 2. to glaze (as in to “glaze earthenware”)
smaragdin adj emerald, smaragdine
smaragdite n [Mineral.] smaragdite
smaragdo n emerald, smaragd
Hence: smaragdite; smaragdin
smerilio n emery
Hence: papiro-smerilio etc.
-smo see -ismo
smoking [A] n tuxedo, dinner jacket or coat
snob [A] n snob
Hence: snobismo
snobismo n snobbishness
[so] pr 1me pers sing of esser (I) am
(= (io) es)
so- v [occurring in compounds] so-, sozo- (= to save)
Hence: creosoto etc.
sobrie adj sober (= temperate, not given to excesses or extremes)
Hence: sobrietate; insobrie-insobrietate
sobrietate n soberness, sobriety, temperateness
socco n [Gr. & Rom. Theat.] sock
Hence: socculo
socculo n socle, pedestal, stand
sociabile adj sociable
Hence: sociabilitate, insociabile-insociabilitate
sociabilitate n sociability
social adj 1. social (= pertaining to human society); 2. pertaining to a commercial society;
ration social name (of a firm);
capital social registered capital, joint stock;
anno social fiscal year of a firm
Hence: socialismo; socialista; socialisar &; antisocial
socialisar v to socialize
Hence: socialisation
socialisation n socialization
socialismo n socialism
socialista¹ n socialist
socialista² adj socialist, socialistic
sociar v to join or unite (one thing with another)
Hence: sociabile &; associar &; consociar &; dissociar &
societate n society;
le Societate del Nationes the League of Nations;
societate per actiones joint-stock company;
societate de succursos mutual mutual benefit society;
societate in commandita sleeping partnership;
joco de societate parlor game;
societate anonyme corporation (= incorporated company)
socio n partner, associate
Hence: societate; social &; sociar &; sociologo etc.
sociologia (-ía) n sociology
sociologic adj sociologic, sociologica
sociologo (-ólogo) n sociologist
Hence: sociologia; sociologic
Socrates (só-) npr Socrates
Hence: socratic; socratico
socratic adj Socratic
socratico n Socratic
soda n soda (1. sodium oxide; 2. as in “washing soda”, “baking soda”, “caustic soda”; 3. soda water)
Hence: sodium
sodium (só-) n sodium
Sodoma (só-) npr Sodom
Hence: sodomia; sodomita-sodomitic
sodomia (-mía) n sodomy
sodomita n 1. Sodomite (= inhabitant of Sodom); 2. sodomite (= one guilty of sodomy)
sodomitic adj Sodomitic
sofa n sofa
soirée [F] n (evening) party
soja (sóya) n [Bot.] soy, soybean, soya
sojornar v to stay, sojourn
Hence: sojorno
sojorno n stay, sojourn
sol¹ n 1. [Mus.] sol; 2. [Mus.] (the note) G
Hence: solmisar etc.
sol² n sun (1. the heavenly body “sun”; 2. sunlight, sunshine);
il face sol the sun is shining, it is sunny;
prender le sol to take a sun bath, to bask in the sun;
colpo de sol sunstroke
Hence: solano &; solar; solario; insolar &; solstitio etc.; parasol etc.; tornasol etc.
sol³ adj sole (1. without companions, alone; 2. only);
mi sol preoccupation my only preoccupation;
viver sol to live alone;
sentir se sol to feel lonesome, lonely
Hence: solitate-solitari &; solitude; desolar &; solipede etc.; soliloquio etc.; solo¹-solista
solanaceas npl [Bot.] Solanaceae
solanacee adj solanaceous
solano n [Bot.] nightshade
Hence: solanacee-solanaceas
solar adj solar
-solar v [occurring in compounds]
Hence: consolar &
solario n solarium
soldar¹ v to have in (one’s) pay
soldar² v 1. to solder (= to join by solder); 2. to weld (as in “to weld pieces of metal”)
Hence: soldator; soldatura; dissoldar
soldatesc adj 1. soldierly; 2. barrack-room (as in “barrack-room language”)
soldatesca n 1. soldiery; 2. undisciplined troops
soldato n soldier
Hence: soldatesc-soldatesca
soldator n 1. solderer; 2. welder
soldatura n 1. (act of) soldering; 2. solder; 3. (act of) welding
soldo n 1. [Fin.] sou; 2. (soldier’s) pay
Hence: soldar-soldato &
solea n 1. sole (of a shoe, etc.); 2. [Zool.] sole
Hence: solear
solear v to sole (= to furnish with a sole)
solemne adj solemn
Hence: solemnitate; solemnisar-solemnisation
solemnisar v to solemnize (= to render solemn by ceremony or due formality)
solemnisation n solemnization
solemnitate n solemnity (1. state or quality of being solemn; 2. solemn observance)
soler v to be wont do (do), have the custom of (doing)
Hence: solite-insolite; insolente &; obsolescer &
solfeggiar (-fedjár) v [Mus.] to sol-fa, practice solfeggios
solfeggio [I] n [Mus.] solfeggio (= exercise in scales, using sol-fa syllables)
Hence: solfeggiar
soli- see solide
solidar v to make solid or firm
solidari adj solidary
Hence: solidaritate; solidarisar
solidarisar v to render jointly liable or responsible;
solidarisar se to make common cause
solidaritate n solidarity
solide (só-) adj solid (1. not liquid, fluid, or gaseous; 2. firmly or strongly built; 3. of sound, sterling character)
Hence: soliditate; solidari &; solidar-consolidar &; solidificar-solidification
solidificar v to solidify (= to make solid)
solidification n solidification
soliditate n solidity (1. state of being not liquid, fluid, or gaseous; 2. state of being firmly or strongly built; 3. moral, mental, or financial soundness)
soliloquio n soliloquy
solipede¹ (-í-) adj [Zool.] soliped
solipede² (-í-) n [Zool.] soliped
solista n soloist
solitari adj solitary
Hence: solitario
solitario n I. solitary; II. solitaire (1. diamond set by itself; 2. card game played by one person)
solitate n loneliness, solitude
solite (só-) adj wonted, accustomed; also: wont
solitude n solitude (1. loneliness; 2. lonely place)
sollicitante n solicitant, petitioner
sollicitar v 1. to solicit (= to entreat); 2. to apply for (as in “to apply for a position”)
sollicitation n 1. solicitation (= entreaty); 2. application (“application for a position, etc.”)
sollicitator n 1. solicitor (= person who entreats); 2. applicant
sollicite (-lí-) adj solicitous (= concerned)
Hence: sollicitude; sollicitar-sollicitante, sollicitation, sollicitator
sollicitude n solicitude
solmente adv only, merely;
non solmente ... sed etiam not only ... but also
solmisar v [Mus.] to sol-fa, practice solfeggios
Hence: solmisation
solmisation n [Mus.] solmization (1. sol-fa notation; 2. solfeggio)
solo¹ n solo
solo² n 1. soil, earth; 2. floor (= “the floor of a room”)
Hence: solea &
solstitial adj solstitial
solstitio n [Astron.] solstice
Hence: solstitial
solu- see solver
solubile adj soluble (1. that can be dissolved; 2. that can be solved)
solubilitate n solubility (1. capacity of being dissolved; 2. capacity of being solved)
solut- see solver
solute adj 1. solved; 2. dissolved
solution n solution (1. act of dissolving; 2. liquid in which a substance has been dissolved; 3. act of solving; 4. as in “to find the solution of the problem”)
solvente¹ adj solvent (1. able to dissolve; 2. [Com.])
solvente² n [Chem.] solvent
solventia n [Com.] solvency
solver [solv-/solut-] v to resolve, dissolve; also: to solve
Hence: solvente-solventia, insolvente-insolventia; solubile-solubilitate, insolubile-insolubilitate; solution; solute; absolver &; dissolver &; resolver &
soma¹ [-ma/-mat-] n [Biol.] soma
Hence: somatic; somatologia etc.; chromosoma etc.
soma² n [Hindu Relig.] soma
somatic adj somatic
somatologia (-ía) n somatology
Hence: somatologic
somatologic adj somatologic
somnambule adj somnambulistic
Hence: somnambulismo; somnambulo
somnambulismo n somnambulism, noctambulism
somnambulo (-ám-) n sleepwalker, somnambulist
somnifere adj soporific, somniferous
somnifero (-ní-) n sleeping tablet, soporific
somniloque (-ní-) adj somniloquous
Hence: somniloquista
somniloquio n somniloquy
somniloquista n somniloquist
somno n sleep;
haber somno to be sleepy;
morbo del somno sleeping sickness
Hence: somnifere-somnifero; somnolente &; insomne &; somniloquio etc.; somniloque etc.; semisomne etc.
somnolente adj somnolent, sleepy, drowsy
Hence: somnolentia
somnolentia n somnolence, sleepiness, drowsiness
[somos] (só-) pr 1me pers pl of esser (we) are
(= (nos) es)
[son] pr pl of esser are
(= (nos, vos, illes, illas, illos) es)
sonalia n cattle bell
sonante 1. ppr of sonar; 2. adj sonant; also: [Phonet.]
sonar v I. to sound (1. to make a sound; also: to strike, ring, toll; 2. to cause to sound; also: to ring); II. to play (an instrument)
Hence: sonalia; sonante-altisonante etc.; malsonante etc.; sonator; sonata &; assonar &; consonar &; dissonar &; resonar
sonata n sonata
Hence: sonatina
sonatina n sonatina
sonator n 1. sounder (= one who or that which sounds); 2. player (of an instrument)
sonda n 1. [Naut.] lead, plummet; 2. [Surg.] sound, probe; 3. [Mining] borer, drill
Hence: sondar-sondage, sondator
sondage (-aje) n I. sounding (1. [Naut.]; 2. probing; 3. [Surg.]); II. [Mining] boring, drilling;
turre de sondage derrick (as in “oil derrick”)
sondar v I. to sound (1. [Naut.]; 2. to probe; 3. [Surg.]); II. [Mining] to bore, drill
sondator n 1. [Naut.] leadsman; 2. [Naut.] sounder, sounding apparatus; 3. [Mining] borer, driller
sonettar v to compose sonnets
sonettero n sonneteer
sonetto n sonnet
Hence: sonettero; sonettar
soniar v to dream
soniator n dreamer
sonio n dream
Hence: soniar-soniator
sono n sound (as in “the sound of a bell”)
Hence: sonetto &; sonar &; dissone; sonometro etc.; undisone etc.; altisone etc.; multisone etc.; unisone etc.; horrisone etc.
sonometro (-nó-) n sonometer (= soundmeasuring instrument)
sonor adj sonorous, resonant
Hence: sonoritate
sonoritate n sonority
soph- adj [occurring in derivatives and compounds] soph- (= wise, learned)
Hence: sophia-sophic; sophis--sophismo, sophista-sophistic-sophistica, sophisticar-sophistication; philosopho etc.; theosophia etc.; gymnosophista etc.
sophia¹ (-ía) n sophia, wisdom
Sophia² (-ía) nprf Sophia
sophic adj sophic
sophis- v [occurring in derivatives]
sophismo n sophism
sophista n 1. [Gr. Philos.] Sophist; 2. sophist; also: attrib.
sophistic adj sophistic
sophistica n 1. sophistics 2. sophistry
sophisticar v to sophisticate (= to falsify, pervert, adulterate etc.)
sophistication n sophistication (= falsifying, falsification, adulteration)
Sophocles (só-) npr Sophocles
sopir v to put to sleep; also: to lull, quiet, etc.
Hence: sopor &
sopor n sopor, profound sleep
Hence: soporifere; soporific-soporifico; soporose
soporifere adj soporific, soporiferous
soporific adj soporific, soporiferous
soporifico n soporific, sleeping tablet
soporose adj soporific (as in “soporific symptoms”)
sopranista n sopranist
soprano [I] n soprano
Hence: sopranista
sorber [sorb-/sorpt-] v to sup, sip; to drink down, swallow
Hence: absorber &; resorber &; sanguisorba etc.
soror n sister; also: [Eccl.];
soror affin sister-in-law
Hence: sororastra; sororal
sororal adj sisterly
sororastra n stepsister
sorta n sort (= kind, class);
de sorta que so that
Hence: assortir &
sorte n 1. lot, destiny; 2. chance, luck;
tirar al sorte to draw lots
Hence: consorte; sortilegio etc.
sortilegio n (piece of) sorcery; also: spell, charm
sortir v to go or come out
Hence: sortita; resortir
sortita n 1. [Mil.] sortie, sally; 2. [Clothing] wrap, robe, etc.;
sortita de banio bathrobe
S O S [A] n [Naut.] S O S
Sosia npr sosia;
sosia (someone’s) double
sottana n cassock
soufflé [F] n soufflé
soup- see souper
soupar v to sup, have supper
souper [F] n supper
Hence: soupar
souvenir [F] n souvenir
[sovente] adv repeatedly, frequently, often; from time to time
(= subinde)
soveran adj sovereign (1. supreme; 2. possessing supreme power);
remedio soveran sovereign remedy
Hence: soveranitate; soverano
soveranitate n sovereignty
soverano n sovereign (1. monarch; 2. gold coin in Great Britain)
soviet [R] n soviet
Hence: sovietismo; sovietista; sovietic; sovietisar; sovietisation
sovietic adj soviet, sovietic;
Union del Republicas Sovietic Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, Soviet Union
sovietisar v to sovietize
sovietisation n sovietization
sovietismo n sovietism
sovietista n sovietist
spada n 1. sword; 2. [Cards] spade;
pisce spada swordfish
Hence: spadero; spadon
spadero n swordmaker, swordsmith
spadon n (large) sword
spaghetti [I] npl spaghetti
spalier n trellis, espalier
sparadrapo n adhesive plaster, sticking plaster
sparger [sparg-/spars-;-sperg-/-spers-] v to sprinkle
Hence: sparse; spargitor; asperger &; disperger &
spargitor n sprinkler
sparniar v I. to spare (1. to show mercy to; 2. to protect from, save); II. to save (as in “to save money, time, etc.”)
Hence: sparnio
sparnio n saving; thrift;
sparnios savings
spars- see sparger
sparse adj sparse
Sparta npr Sparta
Hence: spartan-spartano
spartan adj Spartan
spartano n Spartan
spasmo n [Med.] spasm
Hence: spasmodic-antispasmodic
spasmodic adj [Med.] spasmodic
spastic adj [Med.] spastic
spatha n [Bot.] spathe
Hence: spathacee
spathacee adj [Bot.] spathaceous
spatial adj spatial
spatiamento n (act of) spacing
spatiar v to space
spatio n space
Hence: spatial; spatiose-spatiositate; spatiar-spatiamento
spatiose adj spacious
spatiositate n spaciousness
spatula (spá-) n 1. [Anat.] shoulder; 2. spatula; 3. [Zool.] spoonbill
spec- [spec-/spect-;-spic-/-spect-] v [occurring in derivatives and compounds]
Hence: perspicace &; conspicue &; perspicue &; spectar &; aspic- &; circumspic- &; despicer &; inspicer &; introspicer &; perspicer &; prospicer &; respicer &; retrospic- &; suspic- &; frontispicio etc.
special adj special, especial
Hence: specialista; specialitate; specialisar-specialisation
specialisar v to specialize;
specialisar se to specialize (in a certain field)
specialisation n specialization
specialista n specialist
specialitate n specialty, speciality
specie¹ n I. species (1. kind, sort; 2. group, class; especially: [Bot., Zool.]; 3. [Eccl.]); II. specie;
in specie in specie
Hence: special &; specific &; speciose &; specificar &; subspecie
specie² n spice;
pan de specie ginger bread, spice cake
Hence: speciero; specieria
specieria (-ía) n 1. groceries (collectively); 2. grocery (store)
speciero n grocer
specific adj specific (1. special, definite; 2. [Bot., Zool.]);
peso specific specific gravity;
remedio specific specific remedy
Hence: specificitate
specificar v to specify
Hence: specification
specification n specification (= act of specifying)
specificitate n specificity, specificness
specimen [L] n specimen
speciose adj specious
Hence: speciositate
speciositate n speciousness
spect- see spec-
spectaculo n I. spectacle (1. sight; 2. public show or display); II. [Theat.] play, show
spectar v to look at
Hence: spectaculo; spectator
spectator n spectator
spectral adj spectral (1. ghostly; 2. pertaining to the spectrum);
analyse spectral spectral colors
spectro n 1. ghost, specter; 2. spectrum
Hence: spectral; spectroscopio etc.
spectroscopia (-ía) n spectroscopy
spectroscopic adj spectroscopic
spectroscopio n spectroscope
Hence: spectroscopia; spectroscopista; spectroscopic
spectroscopista n spectroscopist
specular¹ adj specular; also: [Med.]
specular² v to speculate (1. to engage in thought or reflection; 2. [Com.]);
specular super 1. to speculate on or about; 2. to speculate in
Hence: speculation; speculative; speculator
speculation n speculation (1. thought, reflection; 2. [Com.])
speculative adj speculative (1. pertaining to thought or reflection; 2. involving risks)
speculator n speculator
speculo (spé-) n mirror; also: speculum
Hence: specular¹; specular² &
speech [A] n speech (= public talk)
sperabile adj to be hoped (for)
sperantia n hope;
fundar su sperantia super to found one’s hopes on;
plen de sperantia full of hope, hopeful
sperantiose adj hopeful (= full of hope)
sperar v to hope (for)
Hence: spero; sperantia-sperantiose; sperabile-insperabile; insperate; desperar &
-sperger see sparger
sperma [-ma/-mat-] n sperm
Hence: spermatic; spermatozoon etc.; spermophilo etc.; endosperma etc.; angiosperme etc.
spermaceti n spermaceti
spermat- see sperma
spermatic adj spermatic
spermatozoon (-zó-) n [Zool.] spermatozoon
spermophilo (-mó-) n gopher, spermophile
spero n hope
sphera n sphere (1. [Geom., Astron.]; 2. as in “sphere of action”);
sphera celeste celestial sphere;
sphera armillar armillary sphere
Hence: spheric-sphericitate; spheroide-spheroidal; spherometro etc.; atmosphera etc.; stratosphera etc.; planispherio etc.; hemispherio etc.
spheric adj spherical
sphericitate n sphericity
spheroidal adj spheroidal
spheroide n spheroid
spherometro (-ómetro) n [Phys.] spherometer
sphinge n sphinx (1. [Archaeol.]; 2. [Entom.])
spia n spy
Hence: spiar
spiar v to spy, spy upon
-spic- see spec-
spica n ear (of grain), spike
Hence: spicula-spiculate; spicate; spicifere; spicar; spiciforme etc.; spicilegio etc.; spicanardo etc.
spicanardo n spikenard
spicar v to ear (= to form, be formed, into ears or spikes)
spicate adj spiky, eared, spicate
spicifere adj [Bot.] spiciferous, bearing ears (of grain)
spiciforme adj spiciform, ear-shaped
spicilegio n gleaning; gleanings; specif.: spicilege (= collection, anthology)
spicula n [Bot.] spikelet, spicule
spiculate adj [Bot.] spiculate
spina n 1. spine, thorn; 2. fishbone;
spina (dorsal) spine, backbone;
esser super le spinas to be on thorns, on pins and needles
Hence: spinello; spineto; spinula; spinal-cerebro-spinal etc.; spinifere; spinose-spinositate; porcospino etc.; spino
spinace n spinach
Hence: spinacia
spinacia n spinach
spinal adj [Anat.] spinal
spinello n [Mineral.] spinel (ruby)
spineto n thicket of thorns; brambles
spinetta n [Mus.] spinet
spinifere adj spiniferous
spino n thorn, thornbush; bramble;
spino albe, spino blanc hawthorn
spinose adj thorny (1. full of thorns; 2. as in “a thorny question”)
spinositate n thorniness
spinula n pin (for fastening together parts of clothing, etc.);
spinula de securitate safety pin
spion n spy
Hence: spionar-spionage-contraspionage
spionage (-aje) n spying, espionage
spionar v to spy
spira n 1. whorl (of a spiral); 2. [Geom.] spiral; also: coil, etc.
Hence: spiral; spiroide-spiroidal; spirocheta etc.
spiral¹ adj spiral
spiral² n 1. spiral; 2. hairspring
spirante adj/n [Phonet.] spirant
spirar v to breathe (= to respire; also: to be alive)
Hence: spirante; spiration; aspirar &; conspirar &; expirar &; inspirar &; respirar &; suspirar &; transpirar &; spirometro etc.
spiration n [Theol.] spiration
spiritismo n spiritualism, spiritism
spiritista n spiritualist, spiritist
spiritistic adj spiritistic
spirito (spí-) n spirit (1. as in “spirit of ammonia”; 2. “spirit as opposed to body or matter”; 3. as in “to believe in spirits”; also: sprite);
Spirito Sancte Holy Ghost;
spirito maligne evil spirit;
spirito forte freethinker;
spirito de corpore esprit de corps
Hence: spiritual-spiritualismo, spiritualista, spiritualitate, spiritualisar-spiritualisation; spirituose-spirituositate; spiritismo; spiritista-spiritistic
spiritu- see spirito
spiritual adj spiritual (1. pertaining to spirit, mind, intellect; 2. devoid of body, incorporeal)
spiritualisar v spiritualize (= to render spiritual)
spiritualisation n spiritualization
spiritualismo n [Philos., Relig.] spiritualism
spiritualista n [Philos., Relig.] spiritualist
spiritualitate n spirituality (1. incorporeal quality or state; 2. spiritual-mindedness)
spirituose adj 1. spirited (= full of spirit); 2. spirituous (= alcoholic)
spirituositate n 1. spiritedness; spirituousness, spirituosity
spirocheta n [Bacteriol.] spirochete
spiroidal adj spiroid, spiroidal
spiroide adj spiroid, spiroidal
spirometria (-ía) n spirometry
spirometric adj spirometric
spirometro (-ómetro) n spirometer
Hence: spirometria; spirometric
spissar v to thicken (= to make thicker or denser)
spisse adj thick (1. as in “a thick board”, “two inches thick”; 2. dense)
Hence: spissitate; spissor; spissar-inspissar-inspissation
spissitate n thickness (1. as in “thickness of a board”; 2. density)
spissor n thickness (1. as in “thickness of a board”; 2. density)
splen n [Anat.] spleen, milt
Hence: splenitis; splenic; asplenio; splenologia etc.; splenopathia etc.
splendente 1. ppr of splender; 2. adj splendent
splender v to shine, be resplendent
Hence: splendide; splendor; splendente; resplender &
splendide adj 1. bright, resplendent; 2. splendid
splendor n splendor
splenic adj [Anat.] splenic
splenitis (-ítis) n [Med.] splenitis
splenologia (-ía) n splenology
splenopathia (-ía) n splenopathy
spolia n 1. slough, cast skin (of a serpent etc.); 2. spoil, booty;
spolias spoils, loot
Hence: spoliar-spoliamento, spoliation, spoliator; despoliar &
spoliamento n 1. casting (of the skin of a serpent, etc.); 2. despoiling, stripping
spoliar v 1. to skin, remove the skin (of an animal); 2. to despoil, strip;
spoliar se to cast off the skin
spoliation n spoliation, looting
spoliator n spoliator, looter
spond- see spondeo
spondaic (-áic) adj [Pros.] spondaic, spondaical
spondeo (-éo) n [Pros.] spondee
Hence: spondaic
sponder [spond-/spons-] v 1. to promise (solemnly); 2. to pledge; also: to bet
Hence: sponsion; spons- &; responder &
spongia n sponge
Hence: spongite; spongiose-spongiositate; spongiar
spongiar v to sponge (= to cleanse or wipe with a sponge)
spongiose adj spongy (= of the nature of a sponge)
spongiositate n sponginess
spongite n [Mineral.] spongite
spons-¹ adj [occurring in derivatives]
Hence: sponsar-sponsate; sponso-sponsal, sponsalias; sponsa
spons-² see also: sponder
sponsa n 1. newly wed; also: bride; 2. wife; also: spouse
sponsal adj nuptial, matrimonial
sponsalias npl wedding ceremony, espousals
sponsar v 1. to marry (= to take in marriage); 2. to espouse (a cause, etc.);
sponsar se to marry (= to get married)
sponsate 1. pp of sponsar; 2. adj married
sponsion n bet;
facer un sponsion to make a bet, bet
sponso n 1. newly wed; also: bridegroom; 2. husband; also: spouse;
le sponsos the married couple, husband and wife
spontanee adj spontaneous;
generation spontanee spontaneous generation;
combustion spontanee spontaneous combustion
spontaneitate n spontaneity, spontaneousness
sponte adv voluntarily, willingly
Hence: spontanee-spontaneitate
spora n spore
Hence: sporidio; sporangio etc.; zoospora etc.
sporadic adj sporadic
Hence: sporadicitate
sporadicitate n sporadicalness
sporangio n [Bot.] sporangium
sporidio n [Bot.] sporidium
sporon n spur (1. “rider’s spur”; 2. stimulus; 3. spine on a cock’s leg; 4. [Bot.])
Hence: sporonero; sporonar-sporonamento
sporonamento n (act of) spurring
sporonar v to spur (1. to prick with spurs; 2. to incite, stimulate)
sporonero n spurrier
sport [A] n sport (= physical exercise)
Hence: sportive
sportive adj sport (as in “sport clothes”)
sportsman [A] n sportsman
sportswoman [A] n sportswoman
sposa n 1. newlywed; also: bride; 2. wife; also: spouse
sposalias npl wedding ceremony, espousals
sposar v 1. to marry (= to take in marriage); 2. to espouse (a cause, etc.);
sposar se to marry (= to get married)
sposate 1. pp of sposar; 2. adj married
sposo n 1. newlywed; also: bridegroom; 2. husband; also: spouse;
le sposos the married couple, husband and wife
Hence: sposalias; sposar-sposate, resposar; sposa
S.P.Q.R [L] S.P.Q.R. (= senatus populusque romanus)
spuer [spu-/sput-] v to spit; also: to spew
Hence: sputo-sputiera, sputar-sputation; conspuer; exspuer-exspuition
spuma n foam, froth
Hence: spumifere; spumose-spumositate; spumar
spumar v to foam, froth (= to form or gather foam or froth), to spume
spumifere adj spumiferous, foamy
spumose adj foamy, foaming
spumositate n foaminess
sput- see spuer
sputar v to spit, expectorate
sputation n spitting, expectoration
sputiera n spittoon, cuspidor
sputo n spit, spittle; also: sputum
squaliforme adj [Zool.] squaliform
squalo n [Ichthyol.] Squalus; also: shark
Hence: squaloide; squaliforme etc.; squalodonte etc.
squalodonte n [Paleontol.] Squalodon
squaloide adj [Zool.] squaloid
squama n scale (as in “scale of a fish”, “scale of dead outer skin”, etc.)
Hence: squamose; squamar
squamar v to scale, remove the scales from
squamose adj scaly
sta- [occurring in derivatives]
Hence: stase &; -stato &; static &
-sta see -ista
stabile adj stable;
equilibrio stabile stable equilibrium
Hence: stabilitate; stabilir &; stabilisar-stabilisation, stabilisator; instabile-instabilitate
stabilimento n establishment (1. act of establishing, founding, or setting up; 2. institution, organization, business, etc.)
stabilir v to establish (1. to make firm or stable; 2. to found, set up; 3. as in “to establish someone in business”);
stabilir se to establish oneself, settle
Hence: stabilimento; stabilitor; prestabilir; restabilir-restabilimento
stabilisar n to stabilize
stabilisation n stabilization
stabilisator n stabilizer (1. one who stabilizes; 2. [Aeronaut.])
stabilitate n stability
stabilitor n establisher
stabular v to stable
stabulation n stabling (of cattle, horses etc.)
stabulo (stá-) n stable, cattle barn, sty, etc.
Hence: stabular-stabulation
staccato [I] [Mus.] staccato
stadio n 1. [Sports] stadium; 2. stage (of development, etc.)
staffa n stirrup
Hence: staffetta; staffero
staffero n groom; footman
staffetta n staffette, estafette; mounted courier
stagnante 1. ppr of stagnar; 2. adj stagnant
stagnar v to stagnate, be stagnant
stagnation n stagnation
stagno n pond, pool, standing water
Hence: stagnar-stagnante stagnation
stalactite n [Geol.] stalactite;
stalactita de glacie icicle
Hence: stalactitic
stalactitic adj stalactitic, stalactitical
stalagmite n [Geol.] stalagmite
Hence: stalagmitic
stalagmitic adj stalagmitic, stalagmitical
stallo n stall (= “choir stall”)
Hence: installar &; pedestallo etc.
stallon n stallion
staminal adj [Bot.] staminal, stamineal
staminate adj [Bot.] staminate
stamine n 1. worsted yarn; 2. [Bot.] stamen
Hence: staminal; staminate; staminifere
staminifere adj [Bot.] staminiferous
stampa n print (= engraving, woodcut, etc.)
stampage (-aje) n stamping, impressing, imprinting
stampar v to stamp (= to impress or imprint with some mark)
Hence: stampa; stampage; stampator
stampator n stamper (= one who or that which stamps)
stand [A] n stand (1. grandstand; 2. as in “refreshment stand”)
standard [A] n standard (= norm of comparison);
standard de vita living standard
Hence: standardisar-standardisation
standardisar v to standardize
standardisation n standardization
standardo n standard, banner
stannar v to tin (= to plate with tin)
stannato n [Chem.] stannate
stannator n tin plater
stannatura n tinning, tin-plating
stannero n tinsmith
stannic adj [Chem.] stannic;
acido stannic stannic acid
stannifere adj stanniferous, stannic
stanno n tin;
folio de stanno tin foil
Hence: stannato; stannero; stannic; stannifere; stannar-stannator, stannatura
stanza [I] n [Pros.] stanza
star v to stand (= to be standing)
Hence: stabile &; station &; statura; stato &; circumstar &; constar &; contrastar &; distar &; instar &; obstar &; restar &
starter [A] n [Sports] starter (= official who gives the signal to start)
stase n [Pathol.] stasis (= stagnation of the blood in a blood vessel)
Hence: antiperistase; apostasia; diastase; ecstase &; metastase; hypostase; hemostase etc.; iconostase etc.
static adj static; also: [Elec.]
Hence: statica; ecstatic; hypostatic; hemostatic etc.; hydrostatic etc.
statica n statics
station n I. (action of) standing; II. station (1. stop, stopping place; 2. station building, depot);
stationes del Cruce Stations of the Cross;
station del anno season (= one of the four divisions of the year);
station de gasolina gas station, filling station
Hence: stationari; stationar
stationar v to halt, stop (= to cease to go on or move)
stationari adj stationary (= fixed in a certain station, place, course)
statista n statesman
statistic adj statistical
Hence: statistico; statistica
statistica n statistics (“science of statistics”)
statistico n statistician
stato n I. state (1. condition or manner of existence; 2. commonwealth); II. [Pol.] estate; III. status (= legal standing, position);
stato de cosas state of things, circumstances;
esser in stato de (facer un cosa) to be in a position to (do something);
stato civil civil status;
homine de stato statesman;
colpo de stato coup d’état;
Statos Unite (de America) United States (of America)
Hence: statista-statistic &
-stato [occurring in compounds]
Hence: aerostato etc.; gyrostato etc.; hemostato etc.; heliostato etc.
statua n statue
Hence: statuari; statuario; statuaria; statuetta
statuari adj statuary
statuaria n statuary (= art of making statues)
statuario n statue maker, statuary
statuer [statu-/statut-;-stitu-/-stitut-] v to decree, ordain
Hence: statuto-statutari; constituer &, destituer &; instituer &; prostituer &; restituer &; substistuer &
statuetta n statuette
statura n stature (= bodily height)
statut- see statuer
statutari adj statutory
statuto n 1. bylaw, ordinance, regulation; 2. statute (as in “statute of occupation”)
-staurar v [occurring in compounds]
Hence: instaurar &; restaurar &
steamer [A] n steamer, steamship
stear [-ar/-at-] n tallow, suet
Hence: stearato; stearina; stearic; steatite; steatoma; steatosis
stearato n [Chem.] stearate
stearic (-á-) adj [Chem.] stearic
stearina n stearin
steat- see stear
steatite n steatite, soapstone; also: French chalk
steatoma n [Med.] steatoma
steatosis (-ósis) n [Med.] fatty degeneration, steatosis
steeplechase [A] n [Horse Racing] steeplechase
stella n I. star (1. heavenly body; 2. as in “to be born under a lucky star”); II. blaze (on horse);
stella (de cinema, de opera, etc.) (film, operatic, etc.) star;
stella polar North Star, Polaris;
stella del matino morning star;
stella del vespere evening star
Hence: stellar-interstellar; stellate; stellifere; stellar-constellar &
stellar¹ adj stellar
stellar² v to star, stud with stars
stellate adj starry, starred;
(le) bandiera stellate (the) Star-Spangled Banner
stellifere adj stelliferous
sten- adj [occurring in compounds] steno- (= narrow)
Hence: stenographo etc.
stencil [A] n (mimeographing) stencil
stenographia (-ía) n stenography, shorthand
stenographiar v to stenograph, write shorthand
stenographic adj stenographic
stenographista n stenographist, stenographer
stenographo (-ógrapho) n stenographer
Hence: stenographia-stenographista, stenographiar; stenographic
Stentore npr [Gr. Antiq.] Stentor;
stentore stentor (1. person with a loud voice; 2. [Biol.])
Hence: stentoree
stentoree adj stentorian
Stephano (sté-) npr Stephen
steppa n steppe
sterbordo n [Naut.] starboard
stercoral adj stercoral
stercorar v to manure, dung
stercorari adj stercoral
stercorario n dunghill
stercore n manure, dung
Hence: stercoral; stercorari; stercorario; stercorar
stere- adj [occurring in derivatives and compounds] stere-, stereo- (= solid)
Hence: stereotypo etc.; stereometria etc.; stereoscopio etc.; stereo-decistereo etc., decastereo etc.
stereo n [Metric System] stere, cubic meter
stereographia (-ía) n stereography
Hence: stereographic
stereographic adj stereographic
stereometria (-ía) n stereometry
stereoscopia (-ía) n stereoscopy
stereoscopic adj stereoscopic
stereoscopio n stereoscope
Hence: stereoscopia; stereoscopic
stereotomia (-ía) n stereotomy
Hence: stereotomic
stereotomic adj stereotomic
stereotypar v to stereotype (1. to make into stereos; 2. to make stereotyped)
stereotype (-ó-) adj 1. [Print.] stereotype, stereotypical; 2. stereotyped
stereotypia (-ía) n stereotyping; stereotype, stereotypy
stereotypic adj stereotype, stereotypic
stereotypo (-ó-) n stereo, stereotype (= stereotype plate)
Hence: stereotypia; stereotypic; stereotypar; stereotype
sterile adj sterile, barren
Hence: sterilitate; sterilisar-sterilisation, sterilisator, sterilisate
sterilisar v to sterilize (1. to deprive of fecundity; 2. to free from bacteria)
sterilisate 1. pp of sterilisar; 2. adj sterile (= free from bacteria)
sterilisation n sterilization
sterilisator n sterilizer
sterilitate n sterility, barrenness
stern- [stern-/strat-] v [occurring in derivatives and compounds]
Hence: strato &; strata-autostrata etc.; prosterner &
sternal adj [Anat.] sternal
sternalgia (-ía) n [Med.] sternalgia
-sternar v [occurring in compounds]
Hence: consternar &; prosternar &
sterno n breastbone, sternum
Hence: sternal; sternalgia etc., sternocostal etc.
sternocostal adj [Anat.] sternocostal
sternutamento n 1. (act of) sneezing; 2. sneeze
sternutar v to sneeze
Hence: sternutamento; sternutation; sternatatori
sternutation n sternutation, sneezing
sternutatori adj sternutatory
stetho- n [occurring in compounds] stetho- (= breast, chest)
Hence: stethoscopio etc.
stethoscopia (-ía) n stethoscopy
stethoscopic adj stethoscopic
stethoscopio n stethoscope
Hence: stethoscopia; stethoscopic
steward [A] n [Naut., etc.] steward
sthenic adj [Pathol.] sthenic
stheno- n [occurring in derivatives and compounds] sthen-, stheno (= strength)
Hence: sthenic, asthen--asthenia-asthenic-asthenico
sticho n [Pros.] stich, stichos
Hence: stichomythia etc.; disticho etc.; acrostichio etc.; hemistichio etc.
stichomythia (-ía) n [Gr. Lit.] stichomythy
stigma [-ma/-mat-] n stigma (1. brand; 2. [Pathol.]; 3. [Bot.]; 4. [Zool.] spiracle)
Hence: stigmatisar-stigmatisation; astigmatismo; astigmatic
stigmat- see stigma
stigmata (stí-) npl [Theol.] stigmata
stigmatisar v to stigmatize (1. [Theol.]: 2. to brand, stamp with infamy)
stigmatisation n stigmatization
stiletto n stiletto, stylet
stilisar v to stylize, conventionalize
stilisation n stylization
stilista n stylist (as in “prose stylist”)
stilistic adj stylistic, stylistical
stilistica n stylistics, stylistic
stilla n drop
Hence: stillar-stillation, distillar &, instillar &
stillar v to drip
stillation n dripping
stilo n style (1. [Antiq.] stylus; 2. manner of writing, speaking, making, etc.);
haber stilo to have style;
stilo (de graphite) (lead) pencil;
stilo de carmino lipstick
Hence: stiletto; stilista-stilistic, stilistica; stilisar-stilisation
stimulante¹ 1. ppr of stimular; 2. adj stimulating
stimulante² n stimulant
stimular v 1. to stimulate; 2. to goad
stimulation n 1. stimulation; 2. (action of) goading
stimulative adj stimulative
stimulator n stimulator
stimulo (stí-) n 1. stimulus; 2. goad
Hence: stimular-stimulante, stimulation, stimulative, stimulator
-stinar v [occurring in compounds]
Hence: destinar &; obstinar &
stipar v to stuff, fill up
Hence: constipar &
stipendiar v to pay a stipend to
stipendiari adj stipendiary (= receiving a stipend)
stipendiario n stipendiary (= one who receives a stipend)
stipendio n stipend
Hence: stipendiari; stipendiario; stipendiar
stipular v to stipulate
Hence: stipulation
stipulation n stipulation
stirpe n stock (1. stem, trunk, etc.; 2. as in “of old English stock”); also: stirps
Hence: extirpar &
-stitio n [occurring in compounds]
Hence: interstitio &; armistitio etc.; solstitio etc.
-stituer see statuer
stivage (-aje) n estivage
stivar v to steeve, stow in the ship’s hold
Hence: stivage; stivator
stivator n steever (= one who steeves); specif.: stevedore
stoa n [Gr. Antiq.] stoa (= portico; specif.: the Stoa at Athens where the philosopher Zeno lectured)
Hence: stoic-stoicismo, stoico
stock [A] n [Com.] stock, supply
Hence: stockar
stockar v to stock, lay in a stock of
stoffa n 1. material, fabric; 2. stuff (= substance, essence)
stoic (stóic) adj stoic, stoical (1. [Philos.]; 2. indifferent to pleasure and pain)
stoicismo n stoicism (1. [Philos.]; 2. repression of the emotions; indifference to pleasure and pain)
stoico (stóico) n stoic (1. [Philos.]; 2. one who practices stoicism)
stola n [Eccl.] stole
stoma [-ma/-mat-] n [Bot.] stoma;
stomas [Bot.] stomata
Hence: stomatitis; stomatoscopio etc.; siphonostome etc.
stomachal adj stomachic
stomacho (stó-) n stomach
Hence: stomachal
stomat- see stoma
stomatitis (-ítis) n [Pathol.] stomatitis
stomatoscopio n stomatoscope
stop! [A] interj [Naut., etc.] stop!; also: [Teleg.]
stoppa n tow; oakum
Hence: stoppose; stoppar-stoppator
stoppar v I. to stop up (with tow or oakum); II. to stop (1. to bring a motor a car, etc. to a halt; 2. to come to a halt)
stoppator n caulker
stoppose adj tow, towy
strabe adj cross-eyed, squinting;
esser strabe to squint, be squint-eyed
Hence: strabismo; strabotomia etc.
strabismo n strabismus, squinting
strabotomia (-ía) n [Surg.] strabotomy
strangular v 1. to strangle; 2. [Med.] to strangulate
Hence: strangulation; strangulator; strangulate
strangulate 1. pp of strangular; 2. adj [Med.] strangulated;
hernia strangulate strangulated hernia
strangulation n strangulation
strangulator n strangler;
le strangulatores [Hist.] the Thugs
strat- see stern-
strata n (paved) road, highway, street
stratagema [-ma/-mat-] n stratagem
Hence: stratagematic
stratagemat- see stratagema
stratagematic adj stratagemic, stratagematic
strategia (-ía) n strategy
strategic adj strategic
strategista n strategist
stratego n 1. leader (of an army, etc.); 2. strategist
Hence: strategia-strategista; strategic
stratificar v [Geol.] to stratify (= to deposit in strata)
stratification n [Geol.] stratification
strato n layer, stratum
Hence: stratificar-stratification; substrato; stratosphera etc.
stratosphera n stratosphere
Hence: stratospheric
stratospheric adj stratospheric, stratospherical
streper v to rattle, rumble, din
Hence: strepito-strepitose; strepitar
strepitar v to make a (great) noise, din, rattling
strepito (stré-) n noise, din
strepitose adj noisy
strept- adj [occurring in compounds] strepto- (= twisted)
Hence: streptococco etc.
streptococco n [Bacteriol.] streptococcus
strict- see stringer
stricte adj I. narrow (= of little breadth); II. tight (= fitting closely); III. strict (1. precise; 2. severe)
strictessa n 1. narrowness; 2. tightness; 3. closeness
stricto n straits, narrows; also: sound
strictura n (act of) binding tightly, tightening, stricture
stridente 1. ppr of strider; 2. adj strident
stridentia n stridence, stridency
strider v to make a harsh, shrill, noise; to creak, grate, shrill, whir, etc.
Hence: stridente-stridentia; stridor; stridule &
stridor n stridor (= shrill, shrieking sound)
stridulante adj stridulant, stridulent
stridular v to stridulate; specif.: [Zool.]; also: to squeak
stridulation n stridulation; specif.: [Zool.]
stridulator n stridulator
stridulatori adj stridulatory
stridule adj stridulous, creaking, squeaky
Hence: stridular-stridulante; stridulation; stridulator; stridulatori
strige n [Zool.] Strix
Hence: strigides
strigides (strí-) npl [Zool.] Strigidae
stringer [string-/strict-] v to enfold tightly, compress
Hence: strictura; stricte-strictessa, stricto; astringer &; constringer &; restringer &
stronti- see Strontian
Strontian npr Strontian (= parish of Strontian)
Hence: strontiana-strontianite; strontium
strontiana n [Chem.] strontia
strontianite n [Mineral.] strontianite, strontian
strontium [strón-] n [Chem.] strontium
strophe n strophe (1. [Gr. Lit.]; 2. [Pros.] stanza)
Hence: strophic; apostrophe &
strophic adj strophic, strophical
stropiar v to maim, cripple, lame, etc.
Hence: stropiato
stropiato n cripple, maimed person, etc.
struct- see struer
structura n structure
structural adj structural
strudel [G] n strudel
struer [stru-/struct-] v 1. to arrange, put in order; to prepare; 2. to build, construct
Hence: structura-structural, infrastructura, substructura, superstructura; construer &; destruer &; instruer &; obstruer &; substruer &
struma n struma (1. scrofulous tumor; 2. goiter)
Hence: strumose
strumose adj strumous (= affected with struma); also: affected with goiter
struthio n ostrich;
haber un stomacho de struthio to have the digestion of an ostrich
Hence: avestruthio etc.
strychnic adj strychnic
strychnina n [Chem.] strychnine
strychninismo n [Med.] strychninism
strychno n [Bot.] Strychnos
Hence: strychnic; strychnina-strychninismo
stuccar v to stucco, overlay with stucco
stuccator n stuccoer, stuccoworker
stuccatura n stuccowork
stucco [I] n stucco
Hence: stuccar-stuccator, stuccatura
studente n student
studer v to study
Hence: studente; studio-studiose, studiar-studiante
studiante n student
studiar v to study
studio n I. study (1. act or process of studying; 2. room devoted to study; 3. [Art, Lit.]; 4. [Mus.] étude); II. studio
studiose adj studious (= assiduous in study)
stupefacer [-fac-/-fact-] v to stupefy (1. to make torpid, benumb; 2. to amaze)
Hence: stupefaciente; stupefaction; stupefactive
stupefaciente¹ adj stupefying, stupefacient
stupefaciente² n narcotic, stupefacient
stupefact- see stupefacer
stupefaction n stupefaction (1. torpor; 2. amazement)
stupefactive adj stupefying, stupefactive
stupende adj amazing, stupendous
stuper v to be stunned, amazed, etc.
Hence: stupide &; stupende; stupor; stupefacer etc.
stupide adj 1. stunned, amazed; 2. stupid
Hence: stupiditate
stupiditate n stupidity
stupor n stupor
stupula (stú-) n stubble (= the stumps of wheat, corn, grass, etc. left in the ground after reaping)
sturion n [Ichthyol.] sturgeon
sturno n starling
Hence: stygie
stygie adj Stygian
Styge npr [Gr. Mythol.] Styx
Hence: stygie
su adj poss his; her; its
Hence: sue; [sui]; suicida etc.; suicidio etc.
suabe adj Swabian
Hence: suabo-Suabia
Suabia npr Swabia
suabo n Swabian (1. inhabitant of Swabia; 2. Swabian dialect)
suader [suad-/suas-] v to advise, urge, persuade
Hence: suasibile; suasion; suasive; dissuader &; persuader &
suas- see suader
suasibile adj suasible, persuadable
suasion n suasion
suasive adj suasive, suasory
suave adj sweet, pleasing, suave
Hence: suavitate; suaviloquente etc.
suaviloquente adj mild-spoken
suavitate n sweetness, mildness
sub prep under, below, beneath
sub- prefixo [subject to assimilation before -c-, -f-, -g-, -m-, -p-, -r-; sometimes sus- before -c-, -p-, -t-] sub-, suc-, suf- , sug-, sum-, sup-, sur-, sus- (1. under, underneath; 2. subordinate; subdivision of; 3. slightly; 4. up, upwards)
Hence: subclavio etc.; sublingual etc.; sublinear etc.; suburbio etc.; subalimentar etc.; subbullir etc.; sublevar etc.; succurrer etc.; suffumigar etc.; supportar etc.; supprimer etc.; suspender etc.; sustener etc.
subalimentar v to undernourish
subalimentation n undernourishment; also: malnutrition
subalterne adj subaltern, subordinate
subbullimento n simmering
subbullir v to simmer
subcamisa n undershirt
subclavio n [Anat.] subclavius
subconsciente¹ adj subconscious
subconsciente² n [Psychol.] subconscious
subconscientia n subconsciousness
subcontrari adj [Philos.] subcontrary
subcuppa n saucer
subcutanee adj subcutaneous
subdelegar v subdelegate
subdelegation n subdelegation
subdivider [-vid-/-vis-] v to subdivide
subdivisibile adj subdivisible
subdivision n subdivision
subdominante n [Mus.] subdominant
subgonnella n petticoat, slip, underskirt
subhuman adj subhuman
subinde adv 1. immediately after, just after, forthwith; 2. repeatedly, frequently; from time to time
subitanee adj sudden
Hence: subitaneitate
subitaneitate n suddenness
subite (sú-) adj sudden
Hence: subitanee &; subito
subito (sú-) adv suddenly, unexpectedly
subjacente adj subjacent
subjacer v -;
subjacer a (un cosa) to lie under (something)
Hence: subjacente
subject- see subjic-
subjectar v to subject, subjugate
subjecte adj subject (1. being under the domination of another; 2. as in “subject to temptation”; 3. as in “a treaty subject to ratification”)
subjection n subjection (= action of subjecting or subjugating)
subjective adj subjective (1. pertaining to a subject; 2. as in “a subjective judgment”; 3. [Philos.]; 4. [Psychol.])
subjectivismo n [Philos.] subjectivism
subjectivista v subjectivist
subjectivitate n subjectiveness, subjectivity
subjecto n I. subject (1. matter, theme, topic; 2. [Gram.]; 3. [Philos.]; 4. as in “British subject”); II. individual, fellow, chap
subjic- [-jic-/-ject-] v [occurring in derivatives]
Hence: subjection; subjective-subjectivismo, subjectivista, subjectivitate; subjecte; subjecto; subjectar
subjugar v to subjugate
Hence: subjugation; subjugator
subjugation n subjugation
subjugator n subjugator
subjunct- see subjunger
subjunctive adj 1. conjunctive, connective; 2. [Gram.] subjunctive
subjunctivo n [Gram.] subjunctive (mood)
subjunger [-jung-/-junct-] v to subjoin, annex, append
Hence: subjunctive-subjunctivo
sublevamento n 1. (act of) raising, lifting up; 2. revolt, insurrection
sublevar v 1. to raise, lift up; 2. to incite to revolt;
sublevar se to rise, revolt
Hence: sublevamento; sublevation
sublevation n sublevation (1. (act of) raising, lifting up; 2. revolt, insurrection)
sublimar v to sublimate (1. to exalt; to sublime, make sublime; 2. [Chem.; Phychoanalysis, etc.])
sublimation n sublimation
sublimato n [Chem.] sublimate
sublime adj/n sublime;
Porta Sublime Sublime Porte
Hence: sublimitate; sublimar-sublimation, sublimato
subliminal adj [Psychol.] subliminal
sublimitate n sublimity
sublinear v to underline
sublingual adj [Anat.] sublingual
sublobular adj sublobular
sublocar v to sublet
Hence: sublocation
sublocation n (act of) subletting
sublocotenente n [Mil.] sublieutenant
sublunar adj sublunary, sublunar
submarin adj submarine
Hence: submarino
submarino n submarine (torpedo boat)
submaxillar adj [Anat.] submaxillary
submerger [-merg-/-mers-] v to submerge
Hence: submergibile; submersibile-insubmersibile; submersion; submerse
submergibile adj submersible
submers- see submerger
submerse adj submerged, submersed
submersibile¹ adj submersible
submersibile² n submarine boat
submersion n submersion
subministrar v to furnish, supply
submiss- see submitter
submisse adj submissive
submission n submission
submissive adj submissive
submitter [-mitt-/-miss-] v 1. to subdue, subject; 2. to submit (as in “to submit for approval”);
submitter se to submit, yield
Hence: submission-insubmission; submissive; submisse
subnavigar v to cruise under water
subnegar v to conceal, hold back, withhold (information required by law)
Hence: subnegation
subnegation n concealment, withholding (information required by law)
subordinar v to subordinate
subordinate 1. pp of subordinar; 2. adj subordinate;
subordinate a subordinate to;
proposition subordinate subordinate clause
subordination n subordination
subordinato n subordinate
subornar v to suborn
Hence: subornation; subornator
subornation n subornation
subornator n suborner
subprefecto n subprefect
subprefectura n subprefecture
subprior n subprior
subpriora n subprioress
subproducto n by-product
subrogar v to surrogate, subrogate
Hence: subrogation; subrogate
subrogate adj surrogated
subrogation n subrogation
subscriber [-scrib-/-script-] v to subscribe (1. to sign one’s name to; 2. to promise over one’s signature; 3. as in “to subscribe to a periodical or other installment publication”)
Hence: subscription; subscriptor
subscript- see subscriber
subscription n subscription (1. act of signing one’s name to; 2. as in “subscription for a periodical, etc.”)
subscriptor n subscriber
subsequente adj subsequent
subsequentia n subsequence
subsequer v to follow next
Hence: subsequente-subsequentia
subsider v to abate, settle down, subside
Hence: subsidio &
subsidiar v to subsidize (= to grant a subsidy to)
subsidiari adj subsidiary, supplementary
subsidio n subsidy
Hence: subsidiari; subsidiar
subsistente adj subsistent (= existing)
subsistentia n subsistence;
medios de subsistentia means of subsistence, livelihood
subsister v to subsist (1. to continue to exist; 2. to keep oneself alive)
Hence: subsistente-subsistentia
subspecie n [Biol.] subspecies
substantia n substance (1. [Philos.]; 2. matter, material, stuff; 3. material possessions, property; 4. as in “the substance of what he said”);
in substantia in substance
Hence: substantial-substantialitate, consubstantial &, insubstantial-insubstantialitate; substantive &; consubstantiation; transsubstantiar &
substantial adj substantial (1. [Philos.]; 2. having substance)
substantialitate n substantiality
substantive adj substantive (= independent and self-subsistent);
le verbo substantive ‘esser’ the substantive verb ‘to be’
Hence: substantivo
substantivo n substantive, noun
substituer [-stitu-/-stitut-] v to substitute (= to put in the place of another person or thing)
Hence: substitution; substituto
substitut- see substituer
substitution n substitution
substituto n substitute
substrato n substratum; also: [Metaph.]
substruct- see substruer
substruction n [Arch.] substruction
substructura n substructure
substruer [-stru-/-struct-] v [Arch.] to substruct
Hence: substruction
subtangente n [Math.] subtangent
subtender [-tend-/-tens-] v [Geom.] to subtend
Hence: subtensa
subtens- see subtender
subtensa n [Geom.] subtense
subterfugio n subterfuge
subterfugir v to make use of subterfuges
Hence: subterfugio
subterranee adj subterranean
subterraneo n basement, underground passage or room, etc.
subtil adj subtle, subtile
Hence: subtilitate; subtilisar-subtilisation
subtilisar v 1. to rarefy, refine; 2. to subtilize (= to make subtle distinctions)
subtilisation n 1. rarefaction; 2. subtilization (= drawing of subtle distinctions)
subtilitate n subtlety, subtility
subtitulo (-tí-) n subtitle
subtract- see subtraher
subtraction n 1. withdrawal, removal; 2. [Math.] subtraction
subtraher [-trah-/-tract-] v 1. to withdraw, take away; 2. [Math.] to subtract;
subtraher se a to elude, escape from
Hence: subtraction
subtropical adj subtropical
subtus (súb-) adv below, beneath, underneath
subula (sú-) n awl
Hence: subulate
subulate adj subulate, awl-shaped
suburban adj suburban
suburbicari adj [Eccl.] suburbicarian, suburbicary
suburbio n suburb
subvenir [-ven-/-vent-] v to assist, aid
Hence: subvention-subventionar
subvent- see subvenir
subvention n subvention
subventionar v to subsidize, endow
subvers- see subverter
subversion n subversion (= overthrow)
subversive adj subversive
subversor n subverter
subverter [-vert-/-vers-] v to overthrow, subvert
Hence: subversion; subversive; subversor
subvestimentos npl underwear, underclothes
suc- see sub-
succedanee adj substitute, succedaneous
Hence: succedaneo
succedaneo n substitute, succedaneum
succeder [-ced-/-cess-] v to succeed (1. to follow; 2. to be successful)
Hence: succedanee &; succession; successive; successor; successo-insuccesso; succedite
succedite 1. pp of succeder; 2. adj successful
success- see succeder
succession n succession (1. the coming of one thing or person after another; 2. “succession as heir”)
successive adj successive
successivemente adv successively, in succession
successo n 1. outcome; 2. success;
con (bon) successo successfully
successor n successor
succinato n [Chem.] succinate
succinct- see succinger
succincte adj succinct
succinger [-cing-/-cinct-] v to gird up
Hence: succincte
succinic adj [Chem.] succinic
succino n yellow amber, succin, succinite
Hence: succinato; succinic
succo n 1. juice, sap, etc.; 2. pith, quintessence (of a book, poem, etc.);
succo gastric gastric juice;
succo pancreatic pancreatic juice
Hence: succino &; succulente &; succose
succose adj juicy
succubar v to lie below (= not to lie on top)
Hence: succubo
succubo (súc-) n succubus
succulente adj succulent
Hence: succulentia
succulentia n succulence
succumber v to succumb
succurrer [-curr-/-curs-] v to succor, help
Hence: succurribile; succurso-succursal
succurribile adj succorable
succurs- see succurrer
succursal¹ adj subsidiary, succursal
succursal² n branch, branch office
succurso n succor, help
succuss- see succuter
succussa n shake, shaking; also: quake
succussion n [Med.] succussion
succuter [-cut-/-cuss-] v 1. to shake (as in “to shake a tree”); 2. to shake off
Hence: succussion; succusa
sucrage (-áje) n sugaring, sweetening
sucrar v to sugar, sweeten
sucrate 1. pp of sucrar; 2. adj sweet, sugary
sucreria (-ía) n sugarworks
sucrero n sugar maker
sucriera n sugar bowl
sucro n sugar
Hence: sucrero; sucreria; sucriera; sucrosa; sucrar-sucrage, sucrate
sucrosa n [Chem.] sucrose
suct- see suger
suction n suction (= act of sucking)
sud n south;
(ir) al sud (to go) south;
(vento) del sud south (wind);
polo sud South Pole;
le cruce del sud [Astron.] the Southern Cross
Hence: sud-west etc.; sud-sud-est etc.
Sudan npr Sudan
Hence: sudanese
sudanese adj/n Sudanese
sudar v to sweat, perspire;
sudar sanguine to sweat blood
Hence: sudario; sudor &; sudation; sudatori; exsudar &; transsudar &
sudario n sudary, sudarium
sudation n (excessive) perspiration
sudatori adj sudatory
sud-est n southeast
sudor n sweat, perspiration;
in le sudor de su fronte by the sweat of one’s brow
Hence: sudorifere; sudorific-sudorifico; sudoripare etc.
sudorifere adj sudoriferous
sudorific adj sudorific
sudorifico n [Pharm.] sudorific
sudoripare adj sudoriferous, sudoriparous;
glandula sudoripare sweat gland
sud-sud-est n South-Southeast
sud-west n Southwest
sue pron poss his; hers; its
suer [su-/sut-] v 1. to sew; 2. to stitch;
machina a suer sewing machine
Hence: subula &; sutura-sutural
suf- see sub-
sufficer v to suffice, be sufficient
Hence: sufficiente-sufficientia, insufficiente-insufficientia
sufficiente adj sufficient
sufficientia n 1. sufficiency (= sufficient quantity, supply, etc.); 2. (adequate) qualification, ability, competence
suffig- [-fig-/-fix-] v [occurring in derivatives]
Hence: suffixo-suffixar
suffix- see suffig-
suffixar v to suffix
suffixo n [Gram.] suffix
sufflar v I. to blow (1. to send out a strong current of air; 2. as in “the wind blows”); II. to prompt (an actor, etc.); III. [Checkers] to blow, huff;
sufflar al aures de un persona to whisper into somebody’s ear
Hence: sufflo; suffletto; sufflator; insufflar &
sufflator n 1. blower (= one who or that which blows); 2. [Theat.] prompter
suffletto n bellows (as in “hand bellows”)
sufflo n 1. breath, breathing; 2. breeze, waft
suffocante adj choking, stifling
suffocar v 1. to suffocate, choke (someone or something); 2. to become suffocated or choked
Hence: suffocante; suffocation
suffocation n suffocation
suffraganee adj [Eccl.] suffragan;
episcopo suffraganee suffragan bishop
suffragar v 1. to vote (for); 2. to help, support; 3. [Eccl.] to intercede (for)
Hence: suffraganee; suffragio-suffragista
suffragette [A] n suffragette
suffragio n 1. suffrage, vote; 2. help, support; 3. [Eccl.] suffrage;
suffragio universal universal suffrage
suffragista n suffragist
suffrentia n suffering, pain
suffrer v to suffer (1. to undergo, endure; 2. to bear with, tolerate; 3. to experience mental or physical pain; 4. to be injured, harmed, impaired).
Hence: suffrentia; suffribile-insuffribile; suffritor
suffribile adj bearable, tolerable, sufferable
suffritor n sufferer (= one who suffers pain, etc.)
suffumigar v to suffumigate
Hence: suffumigation
suffumigation n suffumigation
sug- see sub-
suger [sug-/suct-] v to suck (as in “to suck blood”)
Hence: suction; exsug--exsuction; sanguisuga etc.
suggerer [-ger-/-gest-] v to suggest (= to prompt, put into one’s mind); also: [Hypnot.]
Hence: suggestibile-suggestibilitate; suggestion-suggestionar; suggestive
suggest- see suggerer
suggestibile adj suggestible (1. easily influenced by suggestion, esp. hypnotic suggestion; 2. that may be suggested)
suggestibilitate n suggestibility
suggestion n suggestion (= prompting); also: [Hypnot.]
suggestionar v to suggest (= to prompt, put into one’s mind); also: [Hypnot.]
suggestive adj suggestive (= tending to suggest)
[sui] pron/adj poss his, her, hers, its
(= su, sue)
suicida n suicide (= one who commits suicide)
Hence: suicidal; suicidar
suicidal adj suicidal
suicidar v -;
suicidar se to commit suicide
suicidio n suicide, self-murder
suite [F] n suite (1. following, retinue; 2. [Mus.])
sulcar v to furrow, plow
sulco n 1. furrow; 2. wake (of a ship)
Hence: sulcar
sulf- see sulfure
sulfato n [Chem.] sulphate
sulfhydric adj sulphydric;
acido sulfhydric sulphydric acid
sulfhydro n sulphydrate
sulfido n [Chem.] sulphide
sulfito n [Chem.] sulphite
sulfon n [Chem.] sulphone
sulfonal n [Med.] sulphonal
sulfurar v to sulphurize, sulphur
sulfuration n sulphurization, sulphuration
sulfurator n sulphurator
sulfure n [Chem.] sulphur;
flor de sulfure [Chem.] flowers of sulphur
Hence: sulfuriera; sulfuree; sulfuric; sulfurose-hyposulfurose; sulfurar-sulfuration, sulfurator; sulfato-hyposulfato, arseniosulfato etc.; sulfido-oxysulfido etc.; sulfito-hyposulfito; sulfon-sulfonal; sulfhydrato etc.; sulfhydric etc.
sulfuree adj sulphurous, sulphureous
sulfuric adj sulphuric
sulfuriera n sulphur mine
sulfurose adj sulphurous (as in “sulphurous acid”)
sulky [A] n sulky (= light, two-wheeled horse-drawn vehicle)
sultan n sultan (= ruler of a Mohammedan state)
Hence: sultanato; sultana
sultana n 1. sultana, sultaness; 2. [Hist.] sultane (= long gown in Turkish style)
sultanato n sultanate
sum- see sub-
sumer [sum-/sumpt-] v to take, lay hold of
Hence: sumpto &; assumer &; consumer &; presumer &; resumer &
summa n sum (1. [Math.]; 2. amount of money; 3. summary, epitome);
facer le summa (de) to add up;
summa total sum total;
in summa in short
Hence: summista; summari &; summar-summator; consummar &
summar v [Math.] to add up
summari adj summary (1. expounded briefly; 2. [Law])
Hence: summario-summarisar-summarisation
summario n summary
summarisar v to summarize
summarisation n summarization
summator n one who does sums
summe adj highest, topmost
Hence: summitate; summa &
summista n summist
summitate n 1. summit, top; 2. leading or outstanding person
sumpt- see sumer
sumpto n expense, cost
Hence: sumptuari; sumptuose-sumptuositate
sumptu- see sumpto
sumptuari adj sumptuary;
lege sumptuari sumptuary law
sumptuose adj sumptuous
sumptuositate n sumptuousness
sup- see sub-
super (sú-) I. prep 1. on, upon; on top of; above, over; 2. about, concerning, on; II. adv above, on top;
super toto above all
Hence: superbe &; supere-superior &, superar-superabile-insuperabile
super- prefixo super-, over- (1. over, above; 2. very; excessively, too much)
Hence: supercarga etc.; supertaxa etc.; supertoto etc.; superhuman etc.; superflue etc.; superabundar etc.; superpagar etc.; superponer etc.
superabile adj surmountable, superable
superabundante adj superabundant
superabundantia n superabundance
superabundar v to superabound
superalimentar v to overfeed
superalimentation n overfeeding
superar v 1. to overcome, vanquish, surmount; 2. to surpass, excel, exceed
superbe adj 1. arrogant, overbearing; 2. superb
Hence: superbia
superbia n arrogance, haughtiness
supercarga n surcharge (1. overload; 2. “surcharge on a postage stamp”)
supercargar v to overload, overburden
superciliari adj superciliary
supercilio n (eye)brow
superciliose adj beetle-browed, beetling; also: supercilious
supercingula (-cíng-) n surcingle
supercostal adj [Anat.] supracostal
supere adj higher, upper
supereminente adj supereminent
supereminentia n supereminence
supererogar v tc supererogate
Hence: supererogation; supererogatori
supererogation n supererogation
supererogatori adj supererogatory (as in “supererogatory fasts”)
superexcitar v to overexcite; overstimulate
superexcitation n overexcitement; surexcitation
superfacie n surface (1. exterior of an object, superficial area)
superfetation n superfetation (1. [Physiol.]; 2. redundance, superfluity)
superficial adj superficial
superficialitate n superficiality
superficie n surface (= superficial area)
Hence: supeficial-supeficialitate
superfin adj superfine
superflue adj superfluous
Hence: superfluitate
superfluitate n superfluity
superhomine n superman
superhuman adj superhuman
superintendente n superintendent
superintendentia n supervision, superintendence
superintender v to superintend
Hence: superintendente-superintendentia
superior¹ adj 1. higher, upper; 2. superior
Hence: superioritate
superior² n superior; also: [Eccl.];
matre superior mother superior
superioritate n superiority
superlative adj superlative (1. supreme; 2. [Gram.])
Hence: superlativo
superlativo n [Gram.] superlative
supermundan adj supermundane, supernatural
supernatural adj supernatural
supernavigar v to sail above; to float or sail on (top of)
supernominar v to surname; also: to nickname, give a nickname to
supernomine n surname; also: nickname
Hence: supernominar
supernumerari adj supernumerary, extra
superpaga n overpayment
superpagar v to overpay
superpassar v to surpass (1. to excel; 2. to exceed)
superponer [-pon-/-posit-] v to superpose, superimpose
Hence: superposition
superposit- see superponer
superposition n superposition, superimposition
superproduction n overproduction
supersaturar v to supersaturate
supersaturation n supersaturation
superscarpa n overshoe
superseminar v to sow over (ground already sown)
superstition n superstition
Hence: superstitiose
superstitiose adj superstitious
superstructura n superstructure
supertaxa n surtax
supertoto n 1. overcoat, surtout; 2. topcoat; 3. overalls
supervenientia n supervenience
supervenir v to happen, supervene
Hence: supervenientia
supervivente n survivor
superviventia n survival (as in “survival of the fittest”)
superviver v to survive (= to continue to exist);
superviver a to survive (= to outlive, outlast)
Hence: supervivente-superviventia
suppa n soup
Hence: suppiera
suppiera n tureen
supplantar v to supplant, supersede
Hence: supplantation; supplantator
supplantation n supplantation
supplantator n supplanter
supplementar v to supplement
supplementari adj supplementary;
angulos supplementari supplemental angles
supplementation n supplementation
supplemento n supplement (1. addition; 2. [Math.])
Hence: supplementari; supplementar-supplementation
suppler v 1. to supply, provide, furnish; 2. to substitute, to supply for (someone); 3. to be a substitute or replacement
Hence: supplemento &; suppletion; suppletive; suppletor; suppletori
suppletion n [Gram.] suppletion
suppletive adj supplementary, suppletive
suppletor n 1. supplier, provider; 2. substitute, deputy
suppletori adj supplementary, suppletory
supplica (súp-) n request, prayer, petition
supplicante n supplicant, suppliant
supplicar v to entreat, supplicate
supplication n entreaty, supplication
supplicator n suppliant, supplicator
supplicatori adj supplicatory
supplice (súp-) adj supplicant
Hence: supplicio &; supplicar-supplica, supplicante, supplication, supplicator, supplicatori
suppliciar v 1. to execute, put to death; 2. to torture
suppliciato n 1. executed person; 2. person under torture
supplicio n punishment; torture; execution
Hence: suppliciar-suppliciato
supponer [-pon-/-posit-] v to suppose
Hence: suppositicie; supposition; suppositive; suppositorio; presupponer &
supportabile adj supportable, bearable
supportar v to support (1. to sustain, carry; 2. to endure, suffer)
Hence: supporto; supportabile-insupportabile
supporto n support (= anything that supports or holds up)
supposit- see supponer
suppositicie adj supposititious, spurious
supposition n supposition
suppositive adj suppositive
suppositorio n [Med.] suppository
suppress- see supprimer
suppression n suppression; also: [Med.]
suppressive adj suppressive
supprimer [-prim-/-press-] v to suppress (as in “to suppress newspapers, a smile, etc.”)
Hence: suppression; suppressive
suppurante¹ 1. ppr of suppurar; 2. adj suppurant, suppurative
suppurante² n suppurative
suppurar v to suppurate (= to form or secrete pus)
Hence: suppurante; suppuration; suppurative
suppuration n suppuration
suppurative adj suppurative
supra I. prep above, over; II. adv on the top, above
suprarenal adj [Anat.] suprarenal, adrenal;
capsulas, glandulas, suprarenal adrenal glands
suprasensibile adj [Philos.] supersensible; spec.: spiritual
suprematia (-ía) n supremacy
supreme adj 1. supreme; 2. last, final;
le hora supreme the last hour, the hour of death;
in le supreme grado in the highest degree;
corte supreme Supreme Court
Hence: suprematia
[sur] prep on, upon; on top of
(= super)
sur- see sub-
sura n calf (of the leg)
Hence: sural
sural adj sural (= pertaining to the calf of the leg)
surde adj 1. deaf; 2. surd, dull, muffled
Hence: surdina; surditate; assurdar; surdemute etc.
surdemute adj deaf and dumb, deaf-mute
surdina n [Mus.] mute, sordine
surditate n deafness
surgente 1. ppr of surger; 2. adj surgent
surger [surg-/surrect-] v to rise, arise; also: to loom, emerge
Hence: surgente; insurger &; resurger &
surmontabile adj surmountable
surmontar v to surmount (1. to rise above; 2. to be above or on top of; 3. to overcome)
Hence: surmontabile-insurmontabile
surplicio n [Eccl.] surplice
surplus [F] n surplus
surprendente adj surprising
surprender [-prend-/-pris-] v to surprise (1. to take unawares; 2. to astonish)
Hence: surprendente; surprisa
surpris- see surprender
surprisa n surprise (1. unexpected act, event, etc.; 2. “feeling of surprise”);
per surprisa by surprise
surrealismo n surrealism
surrealista n surrealist
surrep- [-rep-/-rept-] v [occurring in derivatives]
Hence: surreption; surrepticie
surrept- see surrep-
surrepticie adj surreptitious
surreption n surreptitious action or manner; surreption
surrider [-rid-/-ris-] v to smile (= to be smiling)
Hence: surriso
surris- see surrider
surriso n smile
surrogar v to substitute for, replace
Hence: surrogato
surrogato n substitute (as in “substitute for coffee”), surrogate
sursum corda [L] sursum corda, lift up your hearts!
surtout [F] n overcoat
surveliante n supervisor, superintendent, watcher
surveliantia n supervision, superintendence, watch
surveliar v to supervise, superintend, watch
Hence: surveliante-surveliantia
sus- see sub-
suscept- see suscip-
susceptibile adj susceptible (= very sensitive); also: touchy;
susceptible de (amelioration) susceptible or capable of (improvement)
susceptibilitate n susceptibility; susceptibleness; also: touchiness
susception n -; [Eccl.]
susception del ordines sacre susception of holy orders
susceptive adj susceptive
suscip- [-cip-/-cept-] [occurring in derivatives]
Hence: susceptibile-susceptibilitate; susception-intussusception etc.; susceptive
suscitar v to raise up, bring into being; give rise to; stir up, instigate
Hence: suscitation; resuscitar &
suscitation n (action of) raising up; provocation; instigation
suspect- see suspic-
suspectar v to suspect
suspecte adj suspicious, suspect
suspender [-pend-/-pens-] v to suspend (1. to hang, hang up; 2. as in “to suspend sentence, publication, etc.”; 3. to remove temporarily from office, function, etc.)
Hence: suspension; suspensive; suspensor; suspensorio; suspense
suspens- see suspender
suspense adj in suspense, in suspension
suspension n suspension (= act of suspending)
suspensive adj suspending, suspensive
suspensor n suspender (= one who or that which suspends or allows to suspend);
suspensores [Clothing] suspenders
suspensorio n [Med.] suspensory
suspic- [-spic-/-spect-] v [occurring in derivatives]
Hence: suspicion-suspiciose; suspecte; suspectar
suspicion n suspicion
suspiciose adj suspicious, distrustful
suspirar v to sigh; to suspire
Hence: suspiro; suspirator
suspirator n sigher
suspiro n 1. sigh; 2. [Mus.] quarter-rest
Susquehanna npr Susquehanna
sustenente 1. ppr of sustener; 2. adj sustaining
sustenentia n sustenance
sustenepectore n brassière
sustener [-ten-/-tent-] v to sustain (1. to prop up; 2. to back, give one’s support to; 3. to keep, maintain; 4. to bear, endure);
sustener se 1. to hold oneself up; 2. to continue, last (= to continue to exist)
Hence: sustenimento; sustenente-sustenentia; sustentor; sustentar-sustentamento, sustentation; sustenepectore etc.
sustenimento n sustainment (1. sustaining; 2. means of support)
sustent- see sustener
sustentamento n sustenance
sustentar v to sustain, feed, etc.
sustentation n sustentation
sustentor n sustainer
susurrante adj whispering, murmuring, rustling, susurrant, etc.
susurrar v 1. (to make a low, continuous sound), to hum, drone, buzz, etc.; 2. to whisper, mutter, mumble, grumble, etc.
Hence: susurro; susurrante; susurration; susurrator
susurration n susurration
susurrator n murmurer, whisperer, hummer, etc.
susurro n murmur, buzz, hum, rustle, etc.; also: susurrus
sut- see suer
sutura n 1. suture (1. [Anat., Bot.]; 2. [Surg.]); II. sewing, stitching; also: needlework; III. seam (of a dress, suit, etc.)
sutural adj sutural
Sveda npr Sweden
Hence: svede-svedo
svede adj Swedish
svedo n 1. Swede; 2. Swedish
svelte adj slender, slim; also: svelte
sweater [A] n sweater, (knitted) jumper
Switza npr 1. Switzerland; 2. Schwyz
Hence: switze-switzo
switze adj Swiss;
caseo switze Swiss cheese
switzo n I. Swiss (1. native of Switzerland; 2. Swiss guard, Switzer; 3. Swiss language or dialect); II. [Eccl. etc.] hall porter (in full regalia)
syl- see syn-
syllaba (síl-) n syllable
Hence: syllabismo; syllabic; syllabar-syllabation; parisyllabe etc.; polysyllabe etc.; bisyllabe etc.; monosyllabe etc.
syllabar v to syllabify
syllabario n syllabary
syllabation n syllabification
syllabic adj syllabic
syllabismo n syllabism
syllepsis n syllepsis
sylleptic adj sylleptic
syllogisar v to syllogize
Hence: syllogismo; syllogistic
syllogismo n syllogism
syllogistic adj syllogistic
sylphide (síl-) n sylph; sylphid
sylpho n (male) sylph
-sylv- see silva
sym- see syn-
symbolic adj symbolical, symbolic; also: [Relig.]
symbolica n 1. symbolism (= system of signs or symbols); 2. symbology
symbolisar v to symbolize
symbolisation n symbolization
symbolismo n symholism (1. practice or art of using symbols; 2. system of symbols or signs)
symbolista n symbolist (= one who uses symbols or practises symbolism)
symbolo (sím-) n symbol (1. [Relig.]; 2. symbolic representation; 3. significant mark or character)
Hence: symbolismo; symbolista; symbolic; symbolica; symbolisar-symbolisation; symbologia etc.
symbologia (-ía) n symbology
symmetr- adj [occurring in derivatives and compounds] symmetr- (= symmetrical)
Hence: symmetria-symmetric-asymmetric, symmetrisar, pseudosymmetria etc.; asymmetre-asymmetria
symmetria (-ía) n symmetry
symmetric adj symmetric, symmetrical
symmetrisar v symmetrize
sympath- adj [occurring in derivatives] sympath- (= sympathetic)
Hence: sympathia-sympathic, sympathisar
sympathia (-ía) n 1. sympathy (= affinity between persons or things); 2. liking, friendly feeling
sympathic adj 1. sympathetic (= operating, or produced, through affinity); 2. likable, attractive;
tinta sympathic invisible ink, sympathetic ink
sympathisar v to harmonize, sympathize (= to be in harmony as to disposition, qualities, etc.)
symphone adj symphonious, symphonous
Hence: symphonia-symphonista, symphonic
symphonia (-ía) n [Mus.] symphony (as in “the Fifth Symphony”)
symphonic adj symphonic;
orchestra symphonic symphony orchestra
symphonista n symphonist (= composer of symphonies)
symphysis (sím-) n [Anat., Zool., etc.] symphysis
symptoma [-ma/-mat-] n symptom
Hence: symptomatic; symptomatologia etc.
symptomat- see symptoma
symptomatic adj symptomatic
symptomatologia (-ía) n symptomatology
syn- prefixo [syl- before -l-; sym- before -b-, -m-, -p-, -ph-; used chiefly to form technical terms] syn-, syl-, sym- (= with, together; alike)
Hence: synecologia etc.; synodo etc.; synchrone etc.; synonyme etc.; syllogisar etc.; symmetria etc.
synagoga n synagogue
synchrone adj synchronous
Hence: synchronic; synchronisar-synchronismo, synchronisation
synchronic adj synchronous, synchronic
synchronisar v to synchronize
synchronisation n synchronization
synchronismo n synchronism
syncopal adj syncopal
syncopar v to syncopate (1. [Gram.]; 2. [Mus.])
syncopation n syncopation (1. [Gram.] syncope; 2. [Mus.])
syncope (sín-) n I. syncope (1. [Gram.]; 2. [Med.]); II. [Mus.] syncopation
Hence: syncopal; syncopar-syncopation
syncrasis (-crá-) n syncrasis (= intermixture, blending)
Hence: idiosyncrasia etc.
syndical adj 1. pertaining to a syndic; 2. syndicalist
syndicalismo n 1. syndicalism; 2. tradeunionism
syndicalista n 1. syndicalist; 2. tradeunionist; also: attrib.
syndicar v 1. to syndicate (= to organize into a syndicate); 2. to organize (a union);
syndicar se 1. to combine or be combined into a syndicate; 2. to form or be formed into a trade-union
syndicato n 1. [Fin.] syndicate; 2. trade-union
syndico (sín-) n 1. [Admin.] syndic; 2. [Law] trustee
Hence: syndicato; syndical-syndicalismo-anarchosyndicalismo etc.; syndicalista-anarchosyndicalista etc.; syndicar
synecologia (-ía) n synecology
Synedrio n Sanhedrin, Synedrion, Synedrium
synodic adj synodic, synodical (1. [Eccl.] synodal; 2. [Astron.])
synodista n synodist (= member of a synod)
synodo (sí-) n synod (1. [Eccl.]; 2. assembly, convention; 3. [Astrol.] conjunction)
Hence: synodista; synodic
synonyme (-ónime) adj synonymous
Hence: synonymia; synonymic; synonymo
synonymia (-ía) n synonymy (= quality of being synonymous)
synonymic adj synonymic, synonymical
synonymo (-ónimo) n synonym
synopsis n synopsis
synoptic adj synoptic, synoptical;
evangelios synoptic Synoptic Gospels
syntactic adj syntactic, syntactical
syntaxe n [Gram.] syntax
synthese (-íntese) n synthesis; specif.: [Philos., Chem., etc.]
Hence: photosynthese etc.; polysynthese etc.
synthet- adj [occurring in derivatives and compounds] synthet- (= put together, compounded; synthetic)
Hence: synthetic-photosynthetic etc.; synthetisar; polysynthetic etc.
synthetic adj synthetic, synthetical;
cauchu synthetic synthetic rubber
synthetisar v to synthesize
syphil- see Syphilis
Syphilis (sí-) npr [Latin poem by Fracostoro, published in 1530 and relating the story of the shepherd Syphilus];
syphilis [Pathol.] syphilis
Hence: syphilitic-syphilitico
syphilitic adj syphilitic
syphilitico n syphilitic
Syria npr Syria
Hence: syrie-syrio; syriac-syriaco; syriarcha etc.
syriac (-rí-) adj Syriac (as in “Syriac language”); also: Syrian
syriaco (-rí-) n Syriac (language)
syriarcha n [Rom. Hist.] Syriarch
syrie adj Syrian
syringa n 1. syrinx, pipe of Pan; 2. syringe; 3. [Bot.] Syringa
Hence: syringar-syringation
syringal adj [Ornith.] syringeal
syringar v to syringe, to treat with a syringe
syringation n injection (of morphine, etc.)
syringe n syrinx (1. panpipe; 2. [Archaeol.]; 3. [Ornith.])
Hence: syringal
syrio n Syrian (= native of Syria)
systaltic adj [Physiol.] systaltic
systema [-ma/-mat-] n system
Hence: systematic; systematisar
systemat- see systema
systematic adj systematic
systematisar v systematize
systole n [Physiol.] systole
Hence: systolic
systolic adj [Physiol.] systolic
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