Romanica English Dictionary V
va¹ pr of vader 1. go, goes; [grammatical function: auxiliary, forming the future or immediate future];
va! go!;
io va comenciar I shall begin, I am going to begin
va² see also: vader
Vaal npr Vaal (river)
Hence: Transvaal
vacante 1. ppr of vacar; 2. adj vacant, not occupied
vacantia n vacancy (= unoccupied post);
vacantias vacation, recess
vacar v 1. to be vacant, unoccupied; 2. to be in recess
Hence: vacante-vacantia
vacca n 1. cow (= female bovine); 2. cowhide
Hence: vacchero; vaccheria; vaccin-vaccino &
vacch- see vacca
vaccheria (-ía) n 1. cow stables; 2. dairy farm
vacchero n cowherd, cowboy
vaccin adj vaccine
vaccinal adj vaccinal
vaccinar v to vaccinate
vaccination n vaccination
vaccinator n vaccinator (= one who vaccinates)
vaccinic adj vaccinal, vaccinic
vaccino n vaccine (= preparation for vaccination and inoculation)
Hence: vaccinal; vaccinic; vaccinar-vaccination, vaccinator, revaccinar-revaccination; vaccinogene etc.
vaccinogene adj vaccinogenic
vacillamento n (act of) vacillating, vacillation
vacillar v 1. to vacillate; 2. to flicker; 3. to be unsteady or shaky
Hence: vacillamento; vacillation; vacillatori
vacillation n 1. vacillation; 2. (act of) flickering, shaking, etc.;
le vacillation de un barca the rocking of a (row)boat
vacillatori adj 1. vacillatory; 2. flickering, shaking, etc.
vacuar v to empty, make empty
vacue adj empty
Hence: vacuitate; vacuar; evacuar &; vacuo-vacuolo
vacuitate n emptiness, vacuity
vacuo n emptiness; void; also: vacuum
vacuolo (-cú-) n [Biol.] vacuole
vadabile adj fordable
vadar v to ford, wade through
vademecum (-mé-) n vade mecum
vader [vad-/-vas-] v to go
Hence: evader &; invader &; see verbal forms va, [van], [vamos]
vado n ford
Hence: vadar-vadabile
vagabundage (-aje) n vagabondage
vagabundar v to vagabond
vagabunde adj vagabond
Hence: vagabundar-vagabundage; vagabundo
vagabundo n vagabond
vagar n to wander about, ramble
vage adj 1. wandering about, rambling; 2. vague (= not clearly defined)
Hence: vagar-vagabunde &, divagar &, extravagar &; noctivage etc.; multivage etc.
vagina n 1. sheath; 2. [Anat.] vagina
Hence: vaginismo; vaginitis; vaginula; vaginal; evaginar &; invaginar &
vaginal adj [Anat.] vaginal
vaginismo n [Med.] vaginismus (= spasmodic contractions of the vagina)
vaginitis (-ítis) n [Pathol.] vaginitis
vaginula n [Bot.] vaginule
vaina (-ína) n sheath, scabbard, etc.
Hence: vainero; disvainar; invainar
vainero n sheather, scabbard maker
[valde] adv 1. vehemently, strongly; 2. exceedingly, very much
valdese adj/n Waldensian;
valdeses Waldenses
Valdo, Peter npr Peter Waldo [founder of the Waldenses]
Hence: valdese
vale! interj vale! (= farewell!)
valente 1. ppr of valer; 2. adj valiant
valentia n 1. valor, bravery; 2. [Chem.] valence
valer v 1. to be worth (= to be equal to, in value or in price); 2. to be courageous
Hence: valide &; valente-valentia; valor &; valetude &; prevaler &; convalescer &; eguivaler etc.
valetude n (state of) health
Hence: valetudinari; valetudinario
valetudin- see valetude
valetudinari adj invalid, infirm
valetudinario n invalid
valge adj bow-legged
Valhalla n [Mythol.] Valhalla
validar v to validate (= to render valid)
validation n validation (= act of rendering valid)
valide adj 1. able-bodied, robust; 2. valid
Hence: validitate; validar-validation; invalide-invaliditate, invalidar-invalidation, invalido
validitate n 1. robustness, vigor; 2. validity
valise [F] n traveling bag, valise; also: suitcase, satchel, etc.
valkyria n Valkyrie
vallar v to surround with a rampart
vallata n valley
vallation n 1. (act of) surrounding with a rampart; 2. rampart, circumvallation
valle n valley;
lilio del valles lily of the valley;
per (le) montes e valles over hill and dale;
valle de lacrimas vale of tears
Hence: vallata; vallea
vallea (-éa) n valley
vallo n rampart, circumvallation
Hence: vallar-vallation-contravallation, circumvallar-circumvallation, circumvallate; intervallo
valor n 1. value, worth; 2. valor;
valores [Com.] holdings (as stock, shares, etc.)
Hence: valorose; valorisar-valorisation, revalorisar; plus-valor etc.
valorisar v to valorize (= to fix prices by valorization)
valorisation n valorization
valorose adj valorous
valuta n 1. value (= monetary worth of a thing); 2. [Fin.] (monetary) standard
Hence: valutar-valutation; devalutar-devalutation; evalutar &
valutar v to value, appraise
valutation n valuation, appraisal
valva n 1. leaf or wing (of a folding door); 2. [Bot., Zool., etc.] valve (as in “valves of the pericarp”)
Hence: valvate; valvula &; valvar; multivalve etc.; bivalve etc.
valvar adj [Zool.] valvar, valvular
valvate adj [Bot., Zool.] valvate
valvula n valve (1. [Anat.] as in “heart valves”; 2. [Engin.]; also: tap, spigot, faucet, etc.; 3. [Radio, Elec., etc.] tube);
valvula de securitate safety valve
Hence: valvular-multivalvular etc.
valvular adj [Anat., etc.] valvular
[vamos] (vá-) pr 1me pers pl of vader I. (we) go, are going; II. let’s go, let us go; III. [Grammatical functions: 1. auxiliary, forming the future or immediate future; 2. auxiliary, forming the imperative];
vamos comenciar 1. we shall begin, are going to begin; 2. let’s begin, let us begin
vampir n vampire (1. bloodsucking ghost or reanimated corpse; 2. [Zool.] vampire bat)
Hence: vampirismo
vampirismo n vampirism
van adj vain (1. futile; 2. worthless; 3. conceited);
in van in vain
Hence: vanitate-vanitose; evanescer &; vangloria etc.
[van] pr pl of vader 1. go; 2. [grammatical function: auxiliary forming the future or immediate future];
nos van comenciar we shall begin, we are going to begin
(= (nos, vos, illes, illas, illos) va)
vandale adj 1. Vandal, Vandalic (= pertaining to the Vandals); 2. vandal, vandalish (= wantonly destructive)
vandalic adj 1. Vandal, Vandalic (= pertaining to the Vandals; 2. vandal, vandalish (= wantonly destructive)
vandalismo n vandalism
vandalo (ván-) n 1. [Hist.] Vandal; 2. vandal (= wanton destroyer)
Hence: vandalismo; vandalic; vandale
vangloria n boastfulness, vainglory
Hence: vangloriose; vangloriar
vangloriar v -;
vangloriar se to brag, boast
vangloriose adj vainglorious, boastful
vanguarda n [Mil.] vanguard
vanilla n vanilla
Hence: vanillina; vanillismo; vanillate
vanillate adj vanilla-flavored
vanillina n [Bot., Chem.] vanillin
vanillismo n [Med.] vanillism
vanitate n vanity (1. futility; 2. conceit, vainglory)
vanitose adj vainglorious, conceited
vannar v to winnow
vannatura n chaff (= husks separated from the grain hy winnowing)
vanno n winnow, winnowing fan
Hence: vannar-vannatura
vantar v to boast of, vaunt;
vantar se to boast (about oneself)
Hence: vanteria
vanteria (-ía) n boasting, vauntery
vapor n 1. steam, vapor; 2. steamer, steamship;
machina de vapor steam engine;
banio de vapor steam bath;
nave a vapor steamer, steamship
Hence: vaporose-vaporositate; vaporisar-vaporisation, vaporisator; evaporar &; cavallo-vapor etc.
vaporisar v to vaporize (1. to evaporate; 2. to atomize, spray)
vaporisation n vaporization, evaporation
vaporisator n vaporizer, atomizer
vaporose adj vaporous
vaporositate n vaporosity, vaporousness
var adj knock-kneed
vari- see variola
variabile adj variable
variabilitate n variability
variante¹ 1. ppr of variar; 2. adj variant, varying
variante² n variant
variar v to vary (1. to differ; 2. to modify, alter)
variate 1. pp of variar; 2. adj varied
variation n variation;
thema con variationes theme with variations;
calculo del variationes calculus of variations
varice (vá-) n [Med.] varix, varicose vein
Hence: varicose; varicocele etc.
varicella n [Med.] chicken pox, varicella
varicocele n varicocele
varicose adj varicose
varie adj 1. various (1. different, diverse; 2. several, diverse); II. variable, inconstant
Hence: varietate; variola &; variar-variante, variabile-variabilitate, invariabile-invariabilitate, variation, variate
varietate n variety (1. variedness, difference; 2. [Biol.]);
theatro de varietates vaudeville theater
variola (-rí-) n [Med.] smallpox, variola
Hence: varicella; variolar; variolic; varioloide; variolose
variolar adj [Med.] variolar, variolous, variolic
variolic adj [Med.] variolic, variolar, variolous
varioloide n [Med.] varioloid
variolose adj [Med.] variolous, variolic, variolar
varion n minnow
Varsovia npr Warsaw
vascello n vessel (= ship)
vascular adj [Anat., Bot.] vascular (as in “vascular membrane, tissue, etc.”)
vascularitate n [Anat., Bot.] vascularity
vasculo n 1. vessel, container; 2. vasculum
Hence: vascular-vascularitate; vasculose
vasculose adj [Anat., Bot.] vascular
vaselina n Vaseline
vaso n 1. vessel (= hollow container); 2. vase;
vasos communicante communicating vessels;
vaso de election [Eccl.] chosen vessel;
vaso sanguinari blood vessel
Hence: vascello; vasculo &; extravasar &: invasar; transvasar; vasomotor etc.
vasomotor adj [Anat.] vasomotor
vassallage (-aje) n [Hist.] vassalage (= state of being a vassal)
vassallo n [Hist.] vassal; also: attrib.
Hence: vassallage
vastar v to lay waste
vaste adj 1. waste (as in “to lay waste”); 2. vast (= extensive in area or range)
Hence: vastitate; vastar-devastar &
vastitate n vastness
vatican adj Vatican (1. as in “Vatican Hill”; 2. pertaining to the Vatican);
Citate Vatican Vatican City
Hence: Vaticano
Vaticano n 1. Vatican Hill; 2. Vatican
vaudeville [F] n vaudeville
[vece] n time (as in “three times”);
alcun veces sometimes;
un vece once (= one time; at one time);
a veces at times;
altere vece again;
plure veces several times, repeatedly
(= vice)
vect- see veher
vecte n 1. crowbar, pry, lever, etc.
vector n 1. conveyer, conveyor; 2. [Math.] vector
Hence: vectorial
vectorial adj [Math.] vectorial
veget- see vegetal
vegetabile adj vegetable
vegetal¹ adj vegetal, vegetable;
le regno vegetal the vegetable kingdom
vegetal² n vegetable
vegetar v to vegetate (1. to grow, as plants, seeds, etc.; 2. to live a merely physical life)
vegetarian adj vegetarian
vegetarianismo n vegetarianism
vegetariano n vegetarian
vegetation n vegetation (1. action of vegetating; 2. plant life, plants collectively)
vegetative adj vegetative
vegete (vé-) adj healthy, vigorous, flourishing
Hence: vegetal¹-vegetal²-vegetarian-vegetarianismo, vegetariano; vegetar-vegetabile, vegetation, vegetative; vegetoanimal etc.
vegetoanimal adj vegeto-animal
vegetomineral adj vegeto-mineral
vehemente adj vehement, impetuous
Hence: vehementia
vehementia n vehemence
veher [veh-/vect-] v [occurring in compounds and derivatives]
Hence: vehiculo &; vector &; eveher &; inveher &
vehicular¹ adj vehicular
vehicular² v to convey in a vehicle
vehiculo n vehicle; also: [Pharm.]
Hence: vehicular¹; vehicular²
[vel] conj or, or rather;
vel ... vel either ... or
(= o)
vela n sail (“the sail of a ship”);
facer vela to make sail;
poner al vela to set sail;
a plen vela under full sail;
sub vela under sail
Hence: velero; veliero
velar¹ adj velar; also: [Phonet.]
velar² v to veil
velario n [Rom. Antiq.] velarium
velero n sailmaker
velia n waking, being awake
veliar v 1. to stay awake; 2. to watch, be on the lookout
Hence: velia; eveliar &; surveliar &
veliero n sailing ship; sailboat
[velle] subj pass of voler 1. would, would wish, would like; 2. [Grammatical function: auxiliary, forming the conditional];
ille velle comenciar 1. he would like to begin; 2. he would begin
-veller [-vell-/-vuls-] v [occurring in compounds]
Hence: aveller &; conveller &; diveller &; eveller &; reveller &
velo n veil (as in “bridal veil”);
velo (del palato) soft palate, velum
Hence: velario; velar¹; velar²-disvelar, revelar &
velo- see velocipede
veloce adj speedy, swift
Hence: velocitate; velocifero; velocimetro etc.; velocipede etc.
velocifero (-cí-) n 1. stagecoach express; 2. velocipede, dandy horse
velocimetro (-cí-) n speedometer, velocimeter
velocipede (-cí-) n velocipede
Hence: velocipedista; velodromo etc.
velocipedista n velocipedist
velocitate n speed, velocity;
de alte velocitate high-speed
velodromo n velodrome
-velopp- [occurring in compounds]
Hence: disveloppar &; inveloppar &
velvet [A] n velveteen
vena n vein (1. blood vessel; 2. as in “veins and arteries”); also: [Bot., Mineral., Geol., etc.];
vena musical musical vein
Hence: venula; venate; venose-venositate, intravenose; venar-venatura
venar¹ v to hunt, chase
Hence: veneria; venation; venator; venatori
venar² v to vein, grain
venate adj veiny, veined
venation n (action of) hunting; venation
venator n hunter, huntsman
venatori adj hunting, hunter’s; venatory
venatura n venation, veining
vender v to sell (= to exchange for money or other payment)
Hence: vendibile-invendibile; venditor; vendita; revender-revenditor, revendita
vendibile adj vendible, salable
vendita (vén-) n sale (= act of selling)
venditor n vendor (= seller; also: vending machine);
venditor ambulante peddler
vene- see veneno
veneficio n (act of) poisoning
venenifere adj poison-bearing
venenific adj poison-producing, venenific
veneno n poison; also: venom (= poisonous fluid secreted by certain snakes, etc.)
Hence: venenifere; venenific; venenose-venenositate; invenenar-invenenamento; contraveneno; veneficio etc.
venenose adj poisonous, venomous
venenositate n venomousness
venerabile adj venerable
venerabilitate n venerability, venerableness
venerar v to venerate, revere
Hence: venerabile-venerabilitate; veneration; venerator
veneration n veneration, reverence
venerator n venerator
venerdi (-dí) n Friday;
Venerdi Sancte Good Friday
Venere npr Venus (1. [Rom. Relig.]; 2. [Astron.])
Hence: veneree; venerdi etc.
veneree adj venereal
veneria (-ía) n hunt, chase, hunting; venery
venete (vé-) adj 1. [Rom. Antiq.] Venetic (= of Venetia or the Veneti); 2. of Venezia
Hence: veneto-Venetia-venetian-venetiano
Venetia npr 1. [Rom. Antiq.] Venetia; 2. Venezia; 3. Venice
venetian adj Venetian, of Venice
venetiano n Venetian
veneto (vé-) n 1. Venetic (= language of the Veneti); 2. one of the Veneti
Venezuela npr Venezuela
Hence: venezuelan-venezuelano
venezuelan adj Venezuelan
venezuelano n Venezuelan
vengiabile (-já-) adj worthy of revenge
vengiantia (-ján-) n vengeance, revenge
vengiar (-jár) v to avenge;
vengiar se to avenge oneself, take revenge
Hence: vengiantia; vengiabile; vengiative; vengiator
vengiative (-ja-) adj vengeful, vindictive
vengiator (-ja-) n avenger
venia n mercy, indulgence
Hence: venial-venialitate
venial adj venial;
peccato venial venial sin
venialitate n veniality
venir [ven-/vent-] v to come;
venir al mundo to come into the world, be born;
venir al manos to come to blows;
facer venir to send for
Hence: venita; advenir &; circumvenir; convenir &; contravenir &; devenir; evenir &; intervenir &; pervenir; prevenir &; provenir &; revenir; subvenir &; supervenir &; benvenite etc.
venita n coming
venose adj venous, venose
venositate n venosity, venousness
ventalio n ventail
ventar v to blow, be windy
ventilar v I. to fan, winnow (grain); II. to ventilate (1. to supply with fresh air; 2. to discuss openly)
Hence: ventilation; ventilator
ventilation n ventilation (1. supplying with fresh air; 2. as in “ventilation of one’s grievance”)
ventilator n ventilator;
ventilator (electric) (electric) fan
vento n wind (as in “east wind”)
Hence: ventose &; ventar-ventalio; ventilar &; paravento etc.
ventose adj 1. windy, gusty; 2. ventose, flatulent
Hence: ventositate
ventositate n ventosity, flatulence
ventral adj abdominal, ventral
ventrata n 1. litter (of puppies, etc.); 2. hearty feed
ventre n belly
Hence: ventrata; ventriculo &; ventral; eventrar &; ventriloque etc.
ventricular adj ventricular
ventriculo n [Anat.] ventricle
Hence: ventricular
ventriloque (-trí-) adj ventriloquous, ventriloquial
Hence: ventriloquia; ventriloquo
ventriloquia (-ía) n ventriloquism, ventriloquy
ventriloquo (-trí-) n ventriloquist
venula n [Anat.] venule, veinlet
Venus (vé-) npr Venus (1. [Rom. Relig.]; 2. [Astron.])
ver¹ n spring, springtime
Hence: vernal; primavera etc.
ver² adj true (= truthful; in accordance with truth or reality)
Hence: verismo; verista; veritate; verace &; verificar &; averar; veridic etc.; verisimile etc.; verdicto etc.; verosimilante etc.; [vere], [vero]
verace adj veracious
Hence: veracitate
veracitate n veracity
veranda n veranda, verandah
verbal adj verbal (1. as in “a verbal contract”; 2. [Gram.])
verberar v to beat, whip, flog
Hence: verberation; reverberar &
verberation n (action of) beating, whipping, flogging; verberation
verbo n 1. word; 2. [Gram.] verb;
le Verbo the Word
Hence: verbal; verbose-verbositate; adverbio &; proverbio &
verbose adj verbose
verbositate n verbosity
verde¹ adj green;
fructo verde green fruit (= unripe fruit);
vino verde hard, sharp, wine;
le annos verde the green years;
verde vetulessa green old age
Hence: verdiero; verdura; verdear; verdemar etc.; semperverde etc.; biliverdina etc.
verde² n (the color) green
verdear v to become green
verdemar adj sea-green
verdicto n verdict
verdiero n orchard
verdura n I. verdure (1. fresh greenness; 2. green vegetation); II. greens (= green vegetables)
[vere] adv truly, really, indeed, even
(= vero)
verger v to verge (as in “a hill verges to the north”)
Hence: converger &; diverger &
vergilian, virgilian adj Vergilian
Vergilio, Virgilio nprm Vergil
Hence: vergilian
vergonia n shame (1. “feeling of shame”; 2. disgrace);
haber vergonia to be ashamed
Hence: vergoniose; vergoniar-avergoniate
vergoniose adj 1. bashful, modest; 2. shameful, disgraceful
veridic (-rí-) adj truthful, veridical
Hence: veridicitate
veridicitate n truthfulness, veracity
verificabile adj verifiable
verificar v to verify (1. to confirm the truth of; 2. to test or check the correctness of);
verificar un conto to check, audit an account
Hence: verificabile; verification; verificator
verification n verification
verificator n verifier
verisimile adj likely, probable, verisimilar
Hence: verisimilitude; inverisimile
verisimilitude n likelihood, probability, verisimilitude
verismo n verism
verista n verist; attrib. verist, veristic
veritate n truth; also: verity;
dicer le veritate to tell the truth;
a dicer le veritate to tell the truth;
in veritate in truth, truly, really
verme n worm;
verme de terra earthworm
Hence: vermiforme etc.; vermicida etc.; vermivore etc.
vermente adv really, truly; indeed
vermicelli [I] npl vermicelli
vermicida n vermicide; attrib. vermicidal
vermiforme adj vermiform;
appendice vermiforme vermiform appendix
vermifuge¹ (-í-) adj vermifuge
vermifuge² (-í-) n vermifuge
vermilie adj bright red, scarlet, vermilion, etc.
Hence: vermilion
vermilion n vermilion
vermina (vér-) n vermin
Hence: verminose
verminose adj verminous (1. infested with vermin; 2. [Pathol.])
vermivore adj vermivorous
vermut n vermouth
vernal adj vernal, spring;
equinoctio vernal vernal equinox
vernissar v to varnish
vernissator n varnisher
vernisse n varnish
Hence: vernissar-vernissator
[vero] adv truly, really, indeed, even
(= vere)
verosimilante adj likely, probable, verisimilar
Hence: verosimilantia; inverosimilante-inverosimilantia
verosimilantia n verisimilitude, probability
verre n boar (= male swine)
verruca n wart; also: [Med., Zool.] verruca
Hence: verrucaria; verrucose-verrucositate; verruciforme etc.
verrucaria n [Bot.] Verrucaria
verruciforme adj wart-shaped, verruciform
verrucose adj warty; also: [Med.] verrucose
verrucositate n verrucosity
vers- see verter
versar v -;
versar se in to become familiar or conversant with, to verse oneself in
versate adj -;
versate in versed in, conversant with
versatile adj versatile (1. fickle, variable; 2. as in “versatile genius”)
Hence: versatilitate
versatilitate n versatility
versetto n 1. verse (of the Bible); 2. [Liturgy] versicle
versiculo n versicle
versificar v to versify (1. to write verse; 2. to relate in verse)
versification n versification
versificator n versifier
version n I. (act of) turning or turning round; II. version (1. translation; 2. as in “two versions of an affair”)
verso¹ n 1. [Poet.] verse; 2. [Typog., etc.] verso (= reverse or left-hand page);
verso leonin Leonine verse;
verso libere free verse
Hence: versetto; versiculo; versificar-versification, versificator
verso² prep toward(s); also: to, in the direction of, etc.
versta [R] n verst
vertebra (vér-) n vertebra
Hence: vertebral-intervertebral; vertebrate-invertebrate-invertebrato, vertebrato
vertebral adj vertebral
vertebrate adj vertebrate
vertebrato n [Zool.] vertebrate
verter [vert-/-vers-] v to turn, turn round; also: to turn, bend
Hence: vertice &; version; verso¹; verso² &; anniversari etc.; versar-versatile &, versate, malversar etc., tergiversar etc., ambivert- &; averter &; adverter &; converter &; controverter &; diverter &; everter &; extroverter &; introverter &; inverter &; perverter &; reverter &; subverter &; transverter &; sinistrorse etc.
vertical adj vertical
Hence: verticalitate
verticalitate n verticality
vertice (vér-) n vertex (1. top, summit; 2. [Anat.]; 3. [Math.])
Hence: verticillo-verticillate; verticitate; vertical &
verticillate adj [Bot.] verticillate, verticillated
verticillo n [Bot.] verticil
verticitate n verticity
vertigine n dizziness, giddiness, vertigo
Hence: vertiginose
vertiginose adj vertiginous (1. dizzy, giddy; 2. causing vertigo or giddiness; 3. whirling, rotatory)
verve [F] n animation, zest, verve
vesica (-íca) n [Anat.] (urinary) bladder;
vesica biliari [Anat.] gall bladder;
vesica natatori [Ichthyol.] air bladder, swim or swimming bladder
Hence: vesicula-vesicular; vesical; vesicar-vesicante, vesicatori
vesical adj vesical
vesicante¹ 1. pp of vesicar; 2. adj vesicant, vesicatory
vesicante² n vesicant, vesicatory
vesicar v [Med.] to blister, vesicate
vesicatori adj vesicatory, vesicant
vesicula n vesicle (1. [Anat.]; 2. [Med.] blister; 3. [Bot.])
vesicular adj vesicular (= having the form or structure of a vesicle)
vesir [Tu.] n vizier
Hence: vesirato
vesirato n vizierate
vespa n wasp
Hence: vespiario
vespera (vés-) n evening;
iste vespera this evening, tonight;
le vespera in the evening, evenings;
heri vespera last night;
mane vespera tomorrow night;
vesperas [Eccl.] vespers
vesperal¹ adj vesperal, vespertine
vesperal² n [Eccl.] vesperal
vespere n evening;
iste vespere tonight;
le vespere in the evening, evenings;
heri vespere last night;
mane vespere tomorrow night
Hence: vespera-vesperal; vespertilion; vespertin
vespertilion n [Zool.] bat
vespertin adj vespertine, vespertinal
vespiario n wasp’s nest
Vesta npr Vesta (1. [Rom. Relig.]; 2. [Astron.])
Hence: vestal
vestal¹ adj vestal (1. pertaining to Vesta; 2. pertaining to a vestal virgin)
vestal² n vestal (virgin)
veste n (outer) garment
Hence: vestiario; vestir-vestimento-subvestimentos, vestitura, disvestir, investir &, revestir &, travestir &
vestiario n cloakroom, checkroom
vestibulo (-tí-) n vestibule; also: [Anat.]
vestigial adj vestigial
vestigio n 1. footprint; 2. vestige
Hence: vestigial
vestimento n 1. garment, piece of clothing; 2. [Eccl.] vestment;
vestimentos clothing, clothes, apparel
vestir v 1. to dress (a person); 2. to put on (a garment);
vestir de to dress (a person) in
vestitura n clothing, clothes, apparel
vesuvian adj Vesuvian
vesuvianite n [Geol.] veruvianite
Vesuvio npr Vesuvius
Hence: vesuvian-vesuvianite
vet- see vetere
veteran adj veteran
Hence: veterano
veterano n veteran
vetere adj old (1. not young; 2. not new);
le Vetere Testamento the Old Testament;
le Vetere Mundo the Old World
Hence: veteran &; vetuste-vetustate; inveterar &; vetule &
veterinari adj veterinary
Hence: veterinario
veterinario v veterinarian, veterinary surgeon
veto n veto;
poner su veto (a un cosa) to veto (something)
vetula (vé-) n old woman
vetule adj old (1. not young; 2. not new)
Hence: vetulessa; vetulo; vetula
vetulessa n 1. old age; 2. oldness
vetulo (vé-) n old man
vetus- see vetere
vetustate n 1. old age; oldness; 2. antiqueness
vetuste adj 1. very old; 2. antiquated
vexar v to vex, annoy, irritate
Hence: vexation; vexator; vexatori
vexation n vexation, irritation
vexator n vexer
vexatori adj vexatious
via¹ n way (=road, path); also: route; course (of action);
vias (respiratori, digestive, etc.) [Anat.] (respiratory, digestive, etc.) tracts, passages, etc.;
via sic (humide) [Chem.] dry (wet) process;
via lactee Milky Way;
vias de facto acts of violence, assault and battery
Hence: viatico; viage &; viabile &; devie &; obvie &; pervie &; previe; conviar &; disviar; inviar &; viaducto etc.; ferrovia etc.; tramvia etc.; multivie etc.; trivio etc.
via² prep via, by way of
viabile¹ adj passable (= that can be passed or traversed)
Hence: viabilitate¹
viabile² adj viable, capable of living
Hence: viabilitate²
viabilitate¹ n passableness (= state of being passable or traversable)
viabilitate² n viability (= capacity for living)
viaducto n viaduct
viage (-aje) n journey, trip; also: voyage;
facer un viage to make or take a trip
Hence: viagiar-viagiator
viagiar (-jár) v to travel
viagiator (-ja-) n traveler; voyager
viatico n viaticum (1. provisions for a journey; 2. [R.C.Ch.])
vibrante 1. ppr of vibrar; 2. adj vibrant
vibrar v to vibrate
Hence: vibrante; vibratile; vibration; vibrator; vibratori; vibrato
vibratile adj vibratile
vibration n vibration
vibrato n [Mus.] vibrato
vibrator n vibrator
vibratori adj vibratory, vibrating
vic- see viginti
vicari adj vicarious
vicarial adj vicarial (= pertaining to a vicar)
vicariato n vicariate
vicario n vicar (1. deputy, proxy; 2. [Eccl.])
Hence: vicariato; vicarial
vice n 1. turn (as in “my turn”); also: stead; 2. time (as in “three times”);
alicun vices sometimes;
un vice once (1. on a single occasion; 2. formerly, at one time);
un vice que once, once that;
in vice de instead of;
a vices at times;
altere vice a second time, once more, once again;
plure vices several times; repeatedly
Hence: vicari; vicario &; vicissitude
vice- prefixo [used with titles] vice- (= one who takes the place of)
Hence: vicepresidente etc.; vicerege etc.
vicecontato n viscountcy
viceconte n viscount
Hence: vicecontessa; vicecontato
vicecontessa n viscountess
vicennal adj vicennial (1. lasting twenty years; 2. occurring once in twenty years)
vicepresidente n vice-president, vicechairman, etc.
vicepresidentia n vice-presidency, vice-chairmanship, etc.
vicerege n viceroy
vice versa [L] vice versa
vicin adj neighboring, adjoining, near
Hence: vicinitate; vicinal; vicinar; avicinar; circumvicin; vicino
vicinal adj neighboring, adjoining;
via vicinal vicinal road
vicinar v to border upon, neighbor
vicinitate n neighborhood, vicinity (1. nearness; 2. region, surroundings)
vicino n neighbor
vicissitude n vicissitude (as in “after many vicissitudes”)
vico n 1. street, alley; 2. village, hamlet
Hence: vicin &
vict- see vincer
victima (víc-) n victim
victo n sustenance, food
Hence: victualia-victualiar
victor n victor
victoria n victory
Hence: victoriose
victoriose adj victorious
victu- see victo
victualia n provisions, victuals
victualiar v to provision, victual
vidente¹ I. ppr of vider; II. adj seeing (1. having the power of sight; 2. clairvoyant)
vidente² n clairvoyant
vider [vid-/vis-/vist-] v to see;
vidite que seeing that, considering that
Hence: vidente-evidente &, clairividente etc.; onmividente etc.; visibile-visibilitate, invisibile-invisibilitate; vision-visionari-visionario, television etc.; viso-visage, visiera, visual, visar, aviso, avisar &; viste; vista; intervider &; previder &; provider &; revider &
vidua n 1. widow; 2. [Bot.] mourning widow, sweet scabious
viduage (-aje) n widowhood
vidual adj belonging to widowhood
viduar v to widow (= to bereave of a husband)
vidue adj widowed
Hence: viduo; vidua-viduage, viduitate, vidual, viduar
viduitate n widowhood
viduo n widower
Vienna npr Vienna
Hence: viennese
viennese adj/n Viennese
vig- see viginti
viger v to be vigorous
Hence: vigor &
vigesimal adj vigesimal
vigesime (-gé-) adj twentieth
vigesimo (-gé-) n twentieth (part)
vigilante 1. ppr of vigilar; 2. adj vigilant, watchful
vigilantia n vigilance, watchfulness
vigilar v 1. to stay awake; 2. to watch, be on the lookout;
vigilar super to watch over, look after
vigilator n 1. one who stays awake; 2. watchman, guard
vigile adj awake
Hence: vigilia; vigilar-vigilante-vigilantia, vigilator
vigilia n vigil (1. wakefulness; 2. wakeful attention, watch; 3. eve of a festival)
viginti adj twenty
Hence: vigesime-vigesimal, vigesimo; vicennal etc.
vignette [F] n vignette
vigor n vigor; also: validity
Hence: vigorose; vigorar
vigorar v to invigorate
vigorose adj vigorous
vil adj 1. cheap; 2. vile, base;
a precio vil at a low price
Hence: vilitate; vilificar &; vilipender etc.
vilayet [Tu.] n vilayet
vilificar v to vilify
Hence: vilification
vilification n vilification
vilipender v to hold cheap, despise, vilipend
vilitate n 1. cheapness; 2. vileness, baseness
villa n villa
Hence: village; villetta; villan &
village (-aje) n village
villan adj 1. living in a village; 2. vile, infamous, villainous
Hence: villanage; villania; villano
villanage (-aje) n [Hist.] villenage, villeinage (= status of a villein)
villania (-ía) n vile action, villainy
villano n 1. villager, rustic; 2. [Hist.] villein; 3. scoundrel, villain
villetta n small villa
villo n hair, down
Hence: villose-villositate; villute-villuto
villose adj hairy, villous
villositate n hairiness, villosity
villute adj hairy
villuto n velvet;
villuto costate corduroy
Vilna [Lithuanian] npr Vilna, Wilno
vin- [occurring in compounds]
Hence: vindice etc.
vinagrar v to vinegar, season with vinegar
vinagre n vinegar
Hence: vinagrero; vinagreria; vinagrar
vinagreria (-ía) n vinegar factory
vinagrero n vinegar maker or dealer
vinari adj wine, of wine
vincer [vinc-/-vict-] v to vanquish, overcome
Hence: vincimento; vincibile-invincibile-invincibilitate; victor-victoria &; invicte; vincitor; convincer &; evincer &
vincibile adj vincible, vanquishable
vincimento n vanquishment
vincitor n victor
vindemia n vintage
Hence: vindemiar-vindemiator
vindemiar v to harvest grapes
vindemiator n vintager
vindicabile adj vindicable (= that can or deserves to be vindicated)
vindicantia n vengeance, revenge
vindicar v 1. to revenge, avenge; 2. [Law] to vindicate;
vindicar se de to take vengeance for
vindicative adj vindictive
vindicator n avenger
vindice (vín-) n avenger
Hence: vindicar-vindicantia, vindicabile, vindicative, vindicator, revindicar-revindication
vinia n vineyard
vinic adj vinic
vinicole adj wine-growing
vinicultura n viniculture
vinifere adj wine-producing
vinificar v to (cause to) turn into wine
vinification n vinification
vino n wine
Hence: vinari; vinia; vinic; vinifere; vinolente &; vinose-vinositate; vinificar-vinification; avinar &; vinicultura etc.; vinicole etc.; vindemia etc.
vinolente adj too fond of the bottle, winebibbing
Hence: vinolentia
vinolentia n winebibbing
vinose adj vinous
vinositate n vinosity (= quality of being vinous)
vintesime (-ésime) adj twentieth;
le vintesime parte, le vintesimo the twentieth part, the twentieth
vinti adj twenty
Hence: vintesime
viola¹ n [Bot.] Viola; viola; specif.: violet
Hence: violetta &; violacee-violaceas
viola² n [Mus.] viola
Hence: violista; violino &; violon
violabile adj violable
violaceas npl [Bot.] Violaceae
violacee adj violaceous (1. violet, violet-colored; 2. of the Violaceae)
violar v to violate (1. “to violate a law, rule, etc.”; 2. “to violate a sacred place”; 3. to rape)
Hence: violabile-inviolabile-inviolabilitate; violation; violator; violate-inviolate
violate 1. pp of violar; 2. adj violate, violated
violation n violation (1. “violation of a law, rule, etc.”; 2. “violation of a sacred place”; 3. rape)
violator n violator
violentar v to do violence to
violente adj violent
Hence: violentia; violentar
violentia n violence;
facer violentia a to do violence to
violetta n [Bot.] violet
Hence: violette-ultraviolette, violetto
violette adj violet
violetto n violet (= color violet)
violinista n violinist
violino n violin
Hence: violinista
violista n violist
violon n bass viol
violoncellista n violoncellist
violoncello [I] n violoncello
Hence: violoncellista
vipera (ví-) n viper
Hence: viperides; viperin
viperides (-pér-) npl [Zool.] Viperidae
viperin adj viperine, viperous
viragine n virago
virga n 1. rod (= straight, slender stick); 2. [Naut.] yard
Hence: virgula &; invirgar-invirgatura
virginal adj virginal
virgine¹ n virgin;
Virgine [Astron.] Virgo;
le Virgine the Virgin Mary
Hence: Virginia &; virginitate; virginal
virgine² adj virgin, virginal;
foreste virgine virgin forest
Virginia n (State of) Virginia;
tabaco de Virginia Virginia (tobacco)
Hence: virginian-virginiano
virginian adj Virginian (= pertaining to Virginia)
virginiano n Virginian (= native or inhabitant of Virginia)
virginitate n virginity
virgula n [Gram.] comma;
puncto e virgula semicolon;
bacillo virgula [Med.] comma bacillus
Hence: virguletta; virgular
virgular v to (put a) comma
virguletta n (single) quotation mark;
virgulettas quotation mark or marks;
poner (un parola) inter virgulettas to put (a word) in quotation marks
viril adj virile;
etate viril manhood
Hence: virilitate
virilitate n I. virility (1. potency; 2. masculinity, manliness); II. manhood (as in “to arrive at manhood”)
viro n man (= male human being)
Hence: viragine; virtute &; viril &; triumviro etc.
virose adj virose, poisonous
virtu- see virtute
virtual adj virtual
Hence: virtualitate
virtualitate n virtuality
virtuose adj virtuous (1. having or exhibiting moral virtue; 2. efficacious, potent)
virtuositate n virtuosity (= great skill in the methods of an art, especially music)
virtuoso n virtuoso (= person skilled in the methods of an art, especially music)
Hence: virtuositate
virtute n I. manliness, valor; II. virtue (1. active property, potency; 2. moral excellence; 3. chastity in a woman; 4. [Theol.] one of the orders of celestial beings);
per virtute de by virtue of;
facer de necessitate virtute to make a virtue of necessity
Hence: virtual &: virtuose-virtuoso &
virulente adj virulent (1. [Bacteriol.]; 2. as in “virulent invective”)
Hence: virulentia
virulentia n virulence, virulency
virus (ví-) n [Pathol.] virus
Hence: virulente &; virose
vis- see vider
visa n visa, visé
visage (-aje) n countenance, face, visage
visar v to aim (= to take aim);
visar a to aim at
vis-à-vis [F] adv opposite, face to face, vis-à-vis
visco n 1. mistletoe; 2. birdlime
Hence: viscose-viscositate
viscose adj viscous
viscositate n viscosity
visibile adj visible
visibilitate n visibility
visiera n visor (1. of a helmet; 2. of a cap)
vision n vision
visionari adj visionary
visionario n visionary
visita (ví-) n visit;
facer un visita a un persona to call on someone;
visita domiciliari domiciliary visit;
derecto de visita right of search or visit;
visita pastoral pastoral visitation (of a bishop)
visitante n visitant, visitor
visitar v to visit
Hence: visita-contravisita; visitante; visitation; visitator
visitation n visitation
visitator n visitor, caller
viso n sight, vision (= power of seeing)
vist- see vider
vista n view (1. sight; 2. things seen; 3. mental picture);
a prime vista at first sight;
perder de vista to lose sight (of);
secunde vista second sight;
puncto de vista point of view;
in vista de in view of
viste prep considering, in view of;
viste que considering that
Vistula (vís-) npr Vistula
visual adj visual (= pertaining to the sense of sight)
vita n life;
ganiar le vita to make a living;
sin vita without life, lifeless;
plen de vita full of life, lively
Hence: vital-vitalismo, vitalista, vitalitate; vitamina etc.
vital adj vital;
fortia vital vital force
vitalismo n [Philos., Biol.] vitalism
vitalista n vitalist
vitalitate n vitality
vitamina n vitamin
Hence: vitaminic; vitaminisar; vitaminologia etc.
vitaminic adj vitamin, vitaminic
vitaminisar v to vitaminize
vitaminologia (-ía) n vitaminology
vitar v 1. to plant vines; 2. to screw, screw in
-vitar see invitar
vite n 1. vine, grapevine; 2. screw;
matre vite [Mech.] nut
Hence: vitar; viticultura etc.; viticola etc.; viticole etc.; tornavite etc.
vitelligene adj vitelligenous, vitellogenous (= producing the yolk or vitellus)
vitellin¹ adj calf, calf’s
vitellin² adj 1. yolk, yolk-like, yolk-colored; 2. vitelline (= pertaining to the vitellus)
vitellino n vellum
vitello¹ n 1. calf (= young of the cow); 2. veal
Hence: vitellin¹-vitellino
vitello² n 1. yolk (of an egg); 2. [Embryol.] vitellus
Hence: vitellin²; vitelligene etc.
vitiar v 1. to corrupt, deprave; II. to vitiate (1. to impair, spoil; 2. to destroy the legal force of)
vitiation n vitiation
viticola¹ (-tí-) n winegrower, viticulturist
viticola² (-tí-) adj winegrowing, viticultural
viticole adj viticultural
viticultor n wine grower, viticulturist
viticultura n viticulture
vitio n 1. vice (= moral fault or failing); 2. defect (as in “defect of eyesight”)
Hence: vitiose; vitiar-vitiation
vitiose adj 1. depraved, wicked, vicious; 2. defective, faulty;
cavallo vitiose vicious horse
vitrar v to glaze, furnish with glass
vitree adj vitreous (1. of, pertaining to, or derived from, glass; 2. glassy, resembling glass);
humor vitree [Anat.] vitreous humor
vitrero n glazier
vitriera n stained glass window
vitrificabile adj vitrifiable
vitrificar v to vitrify
vitrification n vitrification, vitrifaction
vitrina n 1. show window; 2. showcase, cabinet
vitriolar v to throw vitriol at
vitriolic adj vitriolic
vitriolisar v to vitriolize (= convert into vitriol)
vitriolo n [Chem.] vitriol
Hence: vitrolic, vitriolar, vitriolisar
vitro n I. glass (1. as in “made of glass”; 2. drinking glass); II. windowpane, pane
Hence: vitrero; vitriera; vitrina; vitree-vitriolo &; vitrose; vitrar; vitrificar-vitrificabile, vitrification
vitrose adj vitreous (1. of, pertaining to, derived from, glass; 2. glassy)
vituperabile adj vituperable, reprehensible, vile
vituperar v to vituperate
Hence: vituperabile; vituperation; vituperative; vituperator
vituperation n vituperation
vituperative adj vituperative
vituperator n vituperator
vivace adj vivacious; also: [Mus.] vivace
Hence: vivacitate
vivacitate n vivaciousness, vivacity
vivanda n (dish of) food;
vivandas viands, victuals
Hence: vivandero, vivandera
vivandera n (female) canteen manager, sutler
vivandero n (male) canteen manager, sutler
vivario n fishpond
vivat (ví-) viva, vivat
vive adj 1. alive, live, living; 2. lively;
(color) vive bright (color);
de vive voce by word of mouth;
de vive fortia by sheer force;
al or in le vive to the quick
Hence: vivario; vivific; vivificar-vivification, vivificator, revivificar-revivification; avivar &; vivisection etc.; vivipare etc.; semivive etc.
vivente adj alive, living
viver v to live;
viver de to live on (something);
maniera de viver way of life, way of living;
viver (in un loco) to live (in a place)
Hence: conviva &; vive &; vivace &; vivide; vivanda &; vivente; conviver; reviver; superviver &; reviviscer &
viveres npl victuals, food
vivide adj vivid
vivific adj vivifying
vivificar v to vivify
vivification n vivification
vivificator n vivifier
vivipare adj viviparous (= producing living young)
Hence: ovovivipare etc.
vivisection n vivisection
Hence: vivisectionista
vivisectionista n vivisectionist
[vix] adv 1. with difficulty; 2. hardly, scarcely, barely
vocabulario n vocabulary (1. list of words with their meanings; 2. stock of words used by a person, class of people, profession, etc.)
vocabulo n word, vocable
Hence: vocabulario
vocal¹ adj vocal (= pertaining to voice or speech)
vocal² n vowel
Hence: vocalic-intervocalic; vocalismo; vocalisar-vocaliso, vocalisation, vocalisator; semivocal etc.
vocalic adj vocalic
vocalisation n vocalization (1. act of changing into a vowel; 2. [Mus.])
vocalisator n [Mus.] vocalizer
vocalismo n vocalism (= system of vowels)
vocaliso n [Mus.] exercise in vocalization, vocalizing
vocar v to call (= to command, ask, etc. to come)
Hence: vocabulo &; vocation; vocative-vocativo; advocar &; convocar &; evocar &; invocar &; provocar &; revocar &; equivoc etc.
vocation n vocation (1. divine call; 2. action or activity a person feels called upon to perform);
le vocation de Abraham the call of Abraham
vocative adj vocative
vocativo n [Gram.] vocative, vocative case
voce n voice (1. as in “human voice”; 2. [Gram.])
Hence: vocal¹-vocal² &; vociferar &; portavoce etc.
vociferante adj vociferous
vociferar v to bawl, vociferate
Hence: vociferante; vociferation; vociferator
vociferation n vociferation
vociferator n vociferator
vodka [R] n vodka
voga n 1. (act of) sailing, moving, floating, drifting; 2. vogue;
esser in voga to be in vogue or in fashion
vogar v to sail, move, float, drift
Hence: voga
[voi] pron you
(= vos)
[vol] pr of voler; 1. will(s), wish(es); 2. [Grammatical function: auxiliary, forming the future];
io vol comenciar 1. I wish to begin; 2. I shall begin
volante n 1. flywheel; 2. steering wheel; 3. frill, ruffle; 4. shuttlecock
volapük [Vol.] n [Interling.] Volapük
Hence: volapükismo, volapükista
volapükismo n [Interling.] Volapükism
volapükista n [Interling.] Volapükist
volar v to fly (as in “birds fly”)
Hence: volo; volante; volatile &; volata; revolar
volata n 1. flight (as in “the flight of a shot,” “within an eagle’s flight,” etc.); 2. [Artil.] chase
volatile¹ adj 1. flying; 2. volatile (= evaporating rapidly);
sal volatile smelling salts
Hence: volatilitate; volatilisar-volatilisation
volatile² n flying animal, winged creature
volatilisar v to volatilize
volatilisation n volatilization
volatilitate n volatility
voler¹ v to wish, want;
voler (facer un cosa) to want to (do something);
voler (un cosa) to want (a thing);
voler dicer to mean, signify
Hence: benevolente etc.; volition; volitive; benevole etc.; see verbal forms [vol], [velle]
voler² n will (= act of willing)
Volga npr Volga
volition n volition
volitive adj volitive, volitional
volo n flight (1. action or manner of flying; 2. distance covered in flying)
volt n [Elec.] volt
volt- see volver
volta n 1. [Man.] volt; 2. vault (= arched ceiling or roof)
Hence: voltar; voltear-volteo; archivolta etc.
Volta, Alessandro npr [1745-1827; physicist after whom the “volt” is named];
lege de Volta Volta’s law;
effecto Volta Volta effect
Hence: voltaismo; voltaic-voltametro etc.; volt-voltage, voltimetro etc., voltampere etc.
voltage (-aje) n voltage
voltaic (-áic) adj voltaic;
pila voltaic voltaic pile;
arco voltaic voltaic arc
voltaismo (-ímo) n voltaism
voltametro (-tá-) n voltameter
voltampere (-pér) n voltampere
voltar v to vault (= to cover with a vault)
voltear v [Man.] to vault
volteo (-éo) n [Man.] (act or art of vaulting)
voltimetro (-ímetro) n voltmeter
volu- see volver
volubile adj voluble (1. apt to roll; 2. [Bot.]; 3. glib, garrulous)
Hence: volubilitate
volubilitate n 1. tendency to roll; 2. volubility, volubleness
volumine n volume (1. as in “a work in three volumes”; 2. space occupied, compass)
Hence: voluminose
voluminose adj voluminous
volunt- see voluntate
voluntari adj voluntary
voluntariato n [Mil.] voluntariate, voluntary service
voluntario n [Mil.] volunteer
voluntate n will;
a voluntate at will;
bon (mal) voluntate good (ill) will;
de bon voluntate willingly, gladly;
de mal voluntate unwillingly, grudgingly;
le ultime voluntate the last will
Hence: voluntari-involuntari; voluntario-voluntariato
volupt- see voluptate
voluptate n pleasure, delight; specif.: sexual pleasure
Hence: voluptuari; voluptuario; voluptuose-voluptuositate
voluptuari adj voluptuous, voluptuary
voluptuario n voluptuary
voluptuose adj voluptuous
voluptuositate n voluptuousness
volut- see volver
voluta n volute (1. [Arch.]; 2. [Zool.] any kind of gasteropods)
volver [volv-/volut-/volt-] v to roll, turn round
Hence: volvulo; volubile &; voluta; volta &; circumvolver &; convolver &; devolver &; evolver &; involver &; revolver &
volvulo n [Med.] volvulus
vomic adj vomitive, vomitory;
nuce vomic [Bot.] nux vomica
Hence: vomica
vomica (vó-) n [Med.] vomica
vomir v to vomit
Hence: vomic &; vomitive-vomitivo; vomitorio; vomito; vomitar-vomitator; vomiturition; ignivome etc.
vomitar v to vomit
vomitator n vomiter
vomitive adj vomitive, vomitory
vomitivo n vomitory, emetic
vomito (vó-) n vomit, vomiting
vomitorio n [Arch.] vomitory, vomitorium
vomiturition n [Med.] vomiturition
vorace adj voracious
Hence: voracitate
voracitate n voraciousness, voracity
vorar v to devour
Hence: vorace &; devorar &; carnivore etc.; omnivore etc.
vortice (vór-) n whirlpool, vortex
Hence: vorticose
vorticose adj vortical, vorticose
vos pron I. pers you [1. in polite or formal use; addressing one person or several persons (as in “you are”, “I love you” “for you”); 2. in familiar or informal use; addressing several persons (as in “you are”, “I love you”, “for you”)]; II. refl 1. yourself [in polite or formal use (as in “you hurt yourself,” “to yourself”)]; 2. yourselves [in all uses (as in “you hurt yourselves”, “to yourselves”)]
Hence: vostre
vosgian adj Vosgian (= pertaining to the Vosges Mountains)
Vosgos nprpl Vosges Mountains
Hence: vosgian
vostre I. adj poss your [1. in polite or formal use; addressing one person or several persons; 2. in familiar or informal use, addressing several persons]; II. pron poss yours [1. in polite or formal use; addressing one person or several persons; 2. in familiar or informal use; addressing several persons]
vot- see vov-
votante n voter
votar v I. to vow (1. to promise solemnly; 2. to dedicate); II. to vote (1. to cast a vote; 2. to approve, determine, or grant by a vote)
votive adj votive
voto n 1. vow (= solemn promise); 2. vote (as in “to cast a vote”);
facer voto de to vow (= to promise solemnly)
vov- [vov-/vot-] v [occurring in derivatives and compounds]
Hence: votive; voto; votar-votante; devov- &
vulcanic adj 1. Vulcanic, Vulcanian; 2. volcanic; also: [Geol.]
vulcanie adj Vulcanian
vulcanisar v 1. [Geol.] to volcanize; 2. [Technol.] to vulcanize
vulcanisation n 1. [Geol.] volcanization; 2. [Technol.] vulcanization
vulcanismo n [Geol.] volcanism; also: vulcanism
Vulcano npr [Rom. Relig.] Vulcan;
vulcano volcano
Hence: vulcanismo; vulcanic; vulcanie; vulcanisar-vulcanisation
vulgar adj vulgar (1. of the common people; 2. low, coarse);
lingua vulgar vulgar tongue, vernacular
vulgarisar v to vulgarize
vulgarisation n vulgarization
vulgarisator n vulgarizer
vulgarismo n vulgarism (1. vulgarity; 2. vulgar phrase or expression)
vulgaritate n vulgarity
Vulgata [L] n [Theol.] Vulgate
vulgo¹ n common people, vulgus
Hence: vulgar-vulgarismo, vulgaritate, vulgarisar-vulgarisation, vulgarisator; divulgar &
vulgo² [L] adv commonly, vulgo
vulnerabile adj vulnerable
vulnerabilitate n vulnerability
vulnerar v to wound
vulnerari adj vulnerary
vulneraria n vulnerary (= vulnerary remedy)
vulnere n wound
Hence: vulnerari-vulneraria; vulnerar-vulnerabile-vulnerabilitate, invulnerabile-invulnerabilitate
vulpe n fox
Hence: vulpin
vulpin adj vulpine (1. pertaining to a fox; 2. foxy)
vulture n vulture
Hence: vulturides; vulturin
vulturides (-túr-) npl [Zool.] Vulturidae
vulturin adj vulturine
va! go!;
io va comenciar I shall begin, I am going to begin
va² see also: vader
Vaal npr Vaal (river)
Hence: Transvaal
vacante 1. ppr of vacar; 2. adj vacant, not occupied
vacantia n vacancy (= unoccupied post);
vacantias vacation, recess
vacar v 1. to be vacant, unoccupied; 2. to be in recess
Hence: vacante-vacantia
vacca n 1. cow (= female bovine); 2. cowhide
Hence: vacchero; vaccheria; vaccin-vaccino &
vacch- see vacca
vaccheria (-ía) n 1. cow stables; 2. dairy farm
vacchero n cowherd, cowboy
vaccin adj vaccine
vaccinal adj vaccinal
vaccinar v to vaccinate
vaccination n vaccination
vaccinator n vaccinator (= one who vaccinates)
vaccinic adj vaccinal, vaccinic
vaccino n vaccine (= preparation for vaccination and inoculation)
Hence: vaccinal; vaccinic; vaccinar-vaccination, vaccinator, revaccinar-revaccination; vaccinogene etc.
vaccinogene adj vaccinogenic
vacillamento n (act of) vacillating, vacillation
vacillar v 1. to vacillate; 2. to flicker; 3. to be unsteady or shaky
Hence: vacillamento; vacillation; vacillatori
vacillation n 1. vacillation; 2. (act of) flickering, shaking, etc.;
le vacillation de un barca the rocking of a (row)boat
vacillatori adj 1. vacillatory; 2. flickering, shaking, etc.
vacuar v to empty, make empty
vacue adj empty
Hence: vacuitate; vacuar; evacuar &; vacuo-vacuolo
vacuitate n emptiness, vacuity
vacuo n emptiness; void; also: vacuum
vacuolo (-cú-) n [Biol.] vacuole
vadabile adj fordable
vadar v to ford, wade through
vademecum (-mé-) n vade mecum
vader [vad-/-vas-] v to go
Hence: evader &; invader &; see verbal forms va, [van], [vamos]
vado n ford
Hence: vadar-vadabile
vagabundage (-aje) n vagabondage
vagabundar v to vagabond
vagabunde adj vagabond
Hence: vagabundar-vagabundage; vagabundo
vagabundo n vagabond
vagar n to wander about, ramble
vage adj 1. wandering about, rambling; 2. vague (= not clearly defined)
Hence: vagar-vagabunde &, divagar &, extravagar &; noctivage etc.; multivage etc.
vagina n 1. sheath; 2. [Anat.] vagina
Hence: vaginismo; vaginitis; vaginula; vaginal; evaginar &; invaginar &
vaginal adj [Anat.] vaginal
vaginismo n [Med.] vaginismus (= spasmodic contractions of the vagina)
vaginitis (-ítis) n [Pathol.] vaginitis
vaginula n [Bot.] vaginule
vaina (-ína) n sheath, scabbard, etc.
Hence: vainero; disvainar; invainar
vainero n sheather, scabbard maker
[valde] adv 1. vehemently, strongly; 2. exceedingly, very much
valdese adj/n Waldensian;
valdeses Waldenses
Valdo, Peter npr Peter Waldo [founder of the Waldenses]
Hence: valdese
vale! interj vale! (= farewell!)
valente 1. ppr of valer; 2. adj valiant
valentia n 1. valor, bravery; 2. [Chem.] valence
valer v 1. to be worth (= to be equal to, in value or in price); 2. to be courageous
Hence: valide &; valente-valentia; valor &; valetude &; prevaler &; convalescer &; eguivaler etc.
valetude n (state of) health
Hence: valetudinari; valetudinario
valetudin- see valetude
valetudinari adj invalid, infirm
valetudinario n invalid
valge adj bow-legged
Valhalla n [Mythol.] Valhalla
validar v to validate (= to render valid)
validation n validation (= act of rendering valid)
valide adj 1. able-bodied, robust; 2. valid
Hence: validitate; validar-validation; invalide-invaliditate, invalidar-invalidation, invalido
validitate n 1. robustness, vigor; 2. validity
valise [F] n traveling bag, valise; also: suitcase, satchel, etc.
valkyria n Valkyrie
vallar v to surround with a rampart
vallata n valley
vallation n 1. (act of) surrounding with a rampart; 2. rampart, circumvallation
valle n valley;
lilio del valles lily of the valley;
per (le) montes e valles over hill and dale;
valle de lacrimas vale of tears
Hence: vallata; vallea
vallea (-éa) n valley
vallo n rampart, circumvallation
Hence: vallar-vallation-contravallation, circumvallar-circumvallation, circumvallate; intervallo
valor n 1. value, worth; 2. valor;
valores [Com.] holdings (as stock, shares, etc.)
Hence: valorose; valorisar-valorisation, revalorisar; plus-valor etc.
valorisar v to valorize (= to fix prices by valorization)
valorisation n valorization
valorose adj valorous
valuta n 1. value (= monetary worth of a thing); 2. [Fin.] (monetary) standard
Hence: valutar-valutation; devalutar-devalutation; evalutar &
valutar v to value, appraise
valutation n valuation, appraisal
valva n 1. leaf or wing (of a folding door); 2. [Bot., Zool., etc.] valve (as in “valves of the pericarp”)
Hence: valvate; valvula &; valvar; multivalve etc.; bivalve etc.
valvar adj [Zool.] valvar, valvular
valvate adj [Bot., Zool.] valvate
valvula n valve (1. [Anat.] as in “heart valves”; 2. [Engin.]; also: tap, spigot, faucet, etc.; 3. [Radio, Elec., etc.] tube);
valvula de securitate safety valve
Hence: valvular-multivalvular etc.
valvular adj [Anat., etc.] valvular
[vamos] (vá-) pr 1me pers pl of vader I. (we) go, are going; II. let’s go, let us go; III. [Grammatical functions: 1. auxiliary, forming the future or immediate future; 2. auxiliary, forming the imperative];
vamos comenciar 1. we shall begin, are going to begin; 2. let’s begin, let us begin
vampir n vampire (1. bloodsucking ghost or reanimated corpse; 2. [Zool.] vampire bat)
Hence: vampirismo
vampirismo n vampirism
van adj vain (1. futile; 2. worthless; 3. conceited);
in van in vain
Hence: vanitate-vanitose; evanescer &; vangloria etc.
[van] pr pl of vader 1. go; 2. [grammatical function: auxiliary forming the future or immediate future];
nos van comenciar we shall begin, we are going to begin
(= (nos, vos, illes, illas, illos) va)
vandale adj 1. Vandal, Vandalic (= pertaining to the Vandals); 2. vandal, vandalish (= wantonly destructive)
vandalic adj 1. Vandal, Vandalic (= pertaining to the Vandals; 2. vandal, vandalish (= wantonly destructive)
vandalismo n vandalism
vandalo (ván-) n 1. [Hist.] Vandal; 2. vandal (= wanton destroyer)
Hence: vandalismo; vandalic; vandale
vangloria n boastfulness, vainglory
Hence: vangloriose; vangloriar
vangloriar v -;
vangloriar se to brag, boast
vangloriose adj vainglorious, boastful
vanguarda n [Mil.] vanguard
vanilla n vanilla
Hence: vanillina; vanillismo; vanillate
vanillate adj vanilla-flavored
vanillina n [Bot., Chem.] vanillin
vanillismo n [Med.] vanillism
vanitate n vanity (1. futility; 2. conceit, vainglory)
vanitose adj vainglorious, conceited
vannar v to winnow
vannatura n chaff (= husks separated from the grain hy winnowing)
vanno n winnow, winnowing fan
Hence: vannar-vannatura
vantar v to boast of, vaunt;
vantar se to boast (about oneself)
Hence: vanteria
vanteria (-ía) n boasting, vauntery
vapor n 1. steam, vapor; 2. steamer, steamship;
machina de vapor steam engine;
banio de vapor steam bath;
nave a vapor steamer, steamship
Hence: vaporose-vaporositate; vaporisar-vaporisation, vaporisator; evaporar &; cavallo-vapor etc.
vaporisar v to vaporize (1. to evaporate; 2. to atomize, spray)
vaporisation n vaporization, evaporation
vaporisator n vaporizer, atomizer
vaporose adj vaporous
vaporositate n vaporosity, vaporousness
var adj knock-kneed
vari- see variola
variabile adj variable
variabilitate n variability
variante¹ 1. ppr of variar; 2. adj variant, varying
variante² n variant
variar v to vary (1. to differ; 2. to modify, alter)
variate 1. pp of variar; 2. adj varied
variation n variation;
thema con variationes theme with variations;
calculo del variationes calculus of variations
varice (vá-) n [Med.] varix, varicose vein
Hence: varicose; varicocele etc.
varicella n [Med.] chicken pox, varicella
varicocele n varicocele
varicose adj varicose
varie adj 1. various (1. different, diverse; 2. several, diverse); II. variable, inconstant
Hence: varietate; variola &; variar-variante, variabile-variabilitate, invariabile-invariabilitate, variation, variate
varietate n variety (1. variedness, difference; 2. [Biol.]);
theatro de varietates vaudeville theater
variola (-rí-) n [Med.] smallpox, variola
Hence: varicella; variolar; variolic; varioloide; variolose
variolar adj [Med.] variolar, variolous, variolic
variolic adj [Med.] variolic, variolar, variolous
varioloide n [Med.] varioloid
variolose adj [Med.] variolous, variolic, variolar
varion n minnow
Varsovia npr Warsaw
vascello n vessel (= ship)
vascular adj [Anat., Bot.] vascular (as in “vascular membrane, tissue, etc.”)
vascularitate n [Anat., Bot.] vascularity
vasculo n 1. vessel, container; 2. vasculum
Hence: vascular-vascularitate; vasculose
vasculose adj [Anat., Bot.] vascular
vaselina n Vaseline
vaso n 1. vessel (= hollow container); 2. vase;
vasos communicante communicating vessels;
vaso de election [Eccl.] chosen vessel;
vaso sanguinari blood vessel
Hence: vascello; vasculo &; extravasar &: invasar; transvasar; vasomotor etc.
vasomotor adj [Anat.] vasomotor
vassallage (-aje) n [Hist.] vassalage (= state of being a vassal)
vassallo n [Hist.] vassal; also: attrib.
Hence: vassallage
vastar v to lay waste
vaste adj 1. waste (as in “to lay waste”); 2. vast (= extensive in area or range)
Hence: vastitate; vastar-devastar &
vastitate n vastness
vatican adj Vatican (1. as in “Vatican Hill”; 2. pertaining to the Vatican);
Citate Vatican Vatican City
Hence: Vaticano
Vaticano n 1. Vatican Hill; 2. Vatican
vaudeville [F] n vaudeville
[vece] n time (as in “three times”);
alcun veces sometimes;
un vece once (= one time; at one time);
a veces at times;
altere vece again;
plure veces several times, repeatedly
(= vice)
vect- see veher
vecte n 1. crowbar, pry, lever, etc.
vector n 1. conveyer, conveyor; 2. [Math.] vector
Hence: vectorial
vectorial adj [Math.] vectorial
veget- see vegetal
vegetabile adj vegetable
vegetal¹ adj vegetal, vegetable;
le regno vegetal the vegetable kingdom
vegetal² n vegetable
vegetar v to vegetate (1. to grow, as plants, seeds, etc.; 2. to live a merely physical life)
vegetarian adj vegetarian
vegetarianismo n vegetarianism
vegetariano n vegetarian
vegetation n vegetation (1. action of vegetating; 2. plant life, plants collectively)
vegetative adj vegetative
vegete (vé-) adj healthy, vigorous, flourishing
Hence: vegetal¹-vegetal²-vegetarian-vegetarianismo, vegetariano; vegetar-vegetabile, vegetation, vegetative; vegetoanimal etc.
vegetoanimal adj vegeto-animal
vegetomineral adj vegeto-mineral
vehemente adj vehement, impetuous
Hence: vehementia
vehementia n vehemence
veher [veh-/vect-] v [occurring in compounds and derivatives]
Hence: vehiculo &; vector &; eveher &; inveher &
vehicular¹ adj vehicular
vehicular² v to convey in a vehicle
vehiculo n vehicle; also: [Pharm.]
Hence: vehicular¹; vehicular²
[vel] conj or, or rather;
vel ... vel either ... or
(= o)
vela n sail (“the sail of a ship”);
facer vela to make sail;
poner al vela to set sail;
a plen vela under full sail;
sub vela under sail
Hence: velero; veliero
velar¹ adj velar; also: [Phonet.]
velar² v to veil
velario n [Rom. Antiq.] velarium
velero n sailmaker
velia n waking, being awake
veliar v 1. to stay awake; 2. to watch, be on the lookout
Hence: velia; eveliar &; surveliar &
veliero n sailing ship; sailboat
[velle] subj pass of voler 1. would, would wish, would like; 2. [Grammatical function: auxiliary, forming the conditional];
ille velle comenciar 1. he would like to begin; 2. he would begin
-veller [-vell-/-vuls-] v [occurring in compounds]
Hence: aveller &; conveller &; diveller &; eveller &; reveller &
velo n veil (as in “bridal veil”);
velo (del palato) soft palate, velum
Hence: velario; velar¹; velar²-disvelar, revelar &
velo- see velocipede
veloce adj speedy, swift
Hence: velocitate; velocifero; velocimetro etc.; velocipede etc.
velocifero (-cí-) n 1. stagecoach express; 2. velocipede, dandy horse
velocimetro (-cí-) n speedometer, velocimeter
velocipede (-cí-) n velocipede
Hence: velocipedista; velodromo etc.
velocipedista n velocipedist
velocitate n speed, velocity;
de alte velocitate high-speed
velodromo n velodrome
-velopp- [occurring in compounds]
Hence: disveloppar &; inveloppar &
velvet [A] n velveteen
vena n vein (1. blood vessel; 2. as in “veins and arteries”); also: [Bot., Mineral., Geol., etc.];
vena musical musical vein
Hence: venula; venate; venose-venositate, intravenose; venar-venatura
venar¹ v to hunt, chase
Hence: veneria; venation; venator; venatori
venar² v to vein, grain
venate adj veiny, veined
venation n (action of) hunting; venation
venator n hunter, huntsman
venatori adj hunting, hunter’s; venatory
venatura n venation, veining
vender v to sell (= to exchange for money or other payment)
Hence: vendibile-invendibile; venditor; vendita; revender-revenditor, revendita
vendibile adj vendible, salable
vendita (vén-) n sale (= act of selling)
venditor n vendor (= seller; also: vending machine);
venditor ambulante peddler
vene- see veneno
veneficio n (act of) poisoning
venenifere adj poison-bearing
venenific adj poison-producing, venenific
veneno n poison; also: venom (= poisonous fluid secreted by certain snakes, etc.)
Hence: venenifere; venenific; venenose-venenositate; invenenar-invenenamento; contraveneno; veneficio etc.
venenose adj poisonous, venomous
venenositate n venomousness
venerabile adj venerable
venerabilitate n venerability, venerableness
venerar v to venerate, revere
Hence: venerabile-venerabilitate; veneration; venerator
veneration n veneration, reverence
venerator n venerator
venerdi (-dí) n Friday;
Venerdi Sancte Good Friday
Venere npr Venus (1. [Rom. Relig.]; 2. [Astron.])
Hence: veneree; venerdi etc.
veneree adj venereal
veneria (-ía) n hunt, chase, hunting; venery
venete (vé-) adj 1. [Rom. Antiq.] Venetic (= of Venetia or the Veneti); 2. of Venezia
Hence: veneto-Venetia-venetian-venetiano
Venetia npr 1. [Rom. Antiq.] Venetia; 2. Venezia; 3. Venice
venetian adj Venetian, of Venice
venetiano n Venetian
veneto (vé-) n 1. Venetic (= language of the Veneti); 2. one of the Veneti
Venezuela npr Venezuela
Hence: venezuelan-venezuelano
venezuelan adj Venezuelan
venezuelano n Venezuelan
vengiabile (-já-) adj worthy of revenge
vengiantia (-ján-) n vengeance, revenge
vengiar (-jár) v to avenge;
vengiar se to avenge oneself, take revenge
Hence: vengiantia; vengiabile; vengiative; vengiator
vengiative (-ja-) adj vengeful, vindictive
vengiator (-ja-) n avenger
venia n mercy, indulgence
Hence: venial-venialitate
venial adj venial;
peccato venial venial sin
venialitate n veniality
venir [ven-/vent-] v to come;
venir al mundo to come into the world, be born;
venir al manos to come to blows;
facer venir to send for
Hence: venita; advenir &; circumvenir; convenir &; contravenir &; devenir; evenir &; intervenir &; pervenir; prevenir &; provenir &; revenir; subvenir &; supervenir &; benvenite etc.
venita n coming
venose adj venous, venose
venositate n venosity, venousness
ventalio n ventail
ventar v to blow, be windy
ventilar v I. to fan, winnow (grain); II. to ventilate (1. to supply with fresh air; 2. to discuss openly)
Hence: ventilation; ventilator
ventilation n ventilation (1. supplying with fresh air; 2. as in “ventilation of one’s grievance”)
ventilator n ventilator;
ventilator (electric) (electric) fan
vento n wind (as in “east wind”)
Hence: ventose &; ventar-ventalio; ventilar &; paravento etc.
ventose adj 1. windy, gusty; 2. ventose, flatulent
Hence: ventositate
ventositate n ventosity, flatulence
ventral adj abdominal, ventral
ventrata n 1. litter (of puppies, etc.); 2. hearty feed
ventre n belly
Hence: ventrata; ventriculo &; ventral; eventrar &; ventriloque etc.
ventricular adj ventricular
ventriculo n [Anat.] ventricle
Hence: ventricular
ventriloque (-trí-) adj ventriloquous, ventriloquial
Hence: ventriloquia; ventriloquo
ventriloquia (-ía) n ventriloquism, ventriloquy
ventriloquo (-trí-) n ventriloquist
venula n [Anat.] venule, veinlet
Venus (vé-) npr Venus (1. [Rom. Relig.]; 2. [Astron.])
ver¹ n spring, springtime
Hence: vernal; primavera etc.
ver² adj true (= truthful; in accordance with truth or reality)
Hence: verismo; verista; veritate; verace &; verificar &; averar; veridic etc.; verisimile etc.; verdicto etc.; verosimilante etc.; [vere], [vero]
verace adj veracious
Hence: veracitate
veracitate n veracity
veranda n veranda, verandah
verbal adj verbal (1. as in “a verbal contract”; 2. [Gram.])
verberar v to beat, whip, flog
Hence: verberation; reverberar &
verberation n (action of) beating, whipping, flogging; verberation
verbo n 1. word; 2. [Gram.] verb;
le Verbo the Word
Hence: verbal; verbose-verbositate; adverbio &; proverbio &
verbose adj verbose
verbositate n verbosity
verde¹ adj green;
fructo verde green fruit (= unripe fruit);
vino verde hard, sharp, wine;
le annos verde the green years;
verde vetulessa green old age
Hence: verdiero; verdura; verdear; verdemar etc.; semperverde etc.; biliverdina etc.
verde² n (the color) green
verdear v to become green
verdemar adj sea-green
verdicto n verdict
verdiero n orchard
verdura n I. verdure (1. fresh greenness; 2. green vegetation); II. greens (= green vegetables)
[vere] adv truly, really, indeed, even
(= vero)
verger v to verge (as in “a hill verges to the north”)
Hence: converger &; diverger &
vergilian, virgilian adj Vergilian
Vergilio, Virgilio nprm Vergil
Hence: vergilian
vergonia n shame (1. “feeling of shame”; 2. disgrace);
haber vergonia to be ashamed
Hence: vergoniose; vergoniar-avergoniate
vergoniose adj 1. bashful, modest; 2. shameful, disgraceful
veridic (-rí-) adj truthful, veridical
Hence: veridicitate
veridicitate n truthfulness, veracity
verificabile adj verifiable
verificar v to verify (1. to confirm the truth of; 2. to test or check the correctness of);
verificar un conto to check, audit an account
Hence: verificabile; verification; verificator
verification n verification
verificator n verifier
verisimile adj likely, probable, verisimilar
Hence: verisimilitude; inverisimile
verisimilitude n likelihood, probability, verisimilitude
verismo n verism
verista n verist; attrib. verist, veristic
veritate n truth; also: verity;
dicer le veritate to tell the truth;
a dicer le veritate to tell the truth;
in veritate in truth, truly, really
verme n worm;
verme de terra earthworm
Hence: vermiforme etc.; vermicida etc.; vermivore etc.
vermente adv really, truly; indeed
vermicelli [I] npl vermicelli
vermicida n vermicide; attrib. vermicidal
vermiforme adj vermiform;
appendice vermiforme vermiform appendix
vermifuge¹ (-í-) adj vermifuge
vermifuge² (-í-) n vermifuge
vermilie adj bright red, scarlet, vermilion, etc.
Hence: vermilion
vermilion n vermilion
vermina (vér-) n vermin
Hence: verminose
verminose adj verminous (1. infested with vermin; 2. [Pathol.])
vermivore adj vermivorous
vermut n vermouth
vernal adj vernal, spring;
equinoctio vernal vernal equinox
vernissar v to varnish
vernissator n varnisher
vernisse n varnish
Hence: vernissar-vernissator
[vero] adv truly, really, indeed, even
(= vere)
verosimilante adj likely, probable, verisimilar
Hence: verosimilantia; inverosimilante-inverosimilantia
verosimilantia n verisimilitude, probability
verre n boar (= male swine)
verruca n wart; also: [Med., Zool.] verruca
Hence: verrucaria; verrucose-verrucositate; verruciforme etc.
verrucaria n [Bot.] Verrucaria
verruciforme adj wart-shaped, verruciform
verrucose adj warty; also: [Med.] verrucose
verrucositate n verrucosity
vers- see verter
versar v -;
versar se in to become familiar or conversant with, to verse oneself in
versate adj -;
versate in versed in, conversant with
versatile adj versatile (1. fickle, variable; 2. as in “versatile genius”)
Hence: versatilitate
versatilitate n versatility
versetto n 1. verse (of the Bible); 2. [Liturgy] versicle
versiculo n versicle
versificar v to versify (1. to write verse; 2. to relate in verse)
versification n versification
versificator n versifier
version n I. (act of) turning or turning round; II. version (1. translation; 2. as in “two versions of an affair”)
verso¹ n 1. [Poet.] verse; 2. [Typog., etc.] verso (= reverse or left-hand page);
verso leonin Leonine verse;
verso libere free verse
Hence: versetto; versiculo; versificar-versification, versificator
verso² prep toward(s); also: to, in the direction of, etc.
versta [R] n verst
vertebra (vér-) n vertebra
Hence: vertebral-intervertebral; vertebrate-invertebrate-invertebrato, vertebrato
vertebral adj vertebral
vertebrate adj vertebrate
vertebrato n [Zool.] vertebrate
verter [vert-/-vers-] v to turn, turn round; also: to turn, bend
Hence: vertice &; version; verso¹; verso² &; anniversari etc.; versar-versatile &, versate, malversar etc., tergiversar etc., ambivert- &; averter &; adverter &; converter &; controverter &; diverter &; everter &; extroverter &; introverter &; inverter &; perverter &; reverter &; subverter &; transverter &; sinistrorse etc.
vertical adj vertical
Hence: verticalitate
verticalitate n verticality
vertice (vér-) n vertex (1. top, summit; 2. [Anat.]; 3. [Math.])
Hence: verticillo-verticillate; verticitate; vertical &
verticillate adj [Bot.] verticillate, verticillated
verticillo n [Bot.] verticil
verticitate n verticity
vertigine n dizziness, giddiness, vertigo
Hence: vertiginose
vertiginose adj vertiginous (1. dizzy, giddy; 2. causing vertigo or giddiness; 3. whirling, rotatory)
verve [F] n animation, zest, verve
vesica (-íca) n [Anat.] (urinary) bladder;
vesica biliari [Anat.] gall bladder;
vesica natatori [Ichthyol.] air bladder, swim or swimming bladder
Hence: vesicula-vesicular; vesical; vesicar-vesicante, vesicatori
vesical adj vesical
vesicante¹ 1. pp of vesicar; 2. adj vesicant, vesicatory
vesicante² n vesicant, vesicatory
vesicar v [Med.] to blister, vesicate
vesicatori adj vesicatory, vesicant
vesicula n vesicle (1. [Anat.]; 2. [Med.] blister; 3. [Bot.])
vesicular adj vesicular (= having the form or structure of a vesicle)
vesir [Tu.] n vizier
Hence: vesirato
vesirato n vizierate
vespa n wasp
Hence: vespiario
vespera (vés-) n evening;
iste vespera this evening, tonight;
le vespera in the evening, evenings;
heri vespera last night;
mane vespera tomorrow night;
vesperas [Eccl.] vespers
vesperal¹ adj vesperal, vespertine
vesperal² n [Eccl.] vesperal
vespere n evening;
iste vespere tonight;
le vespere in the evening, evenings;
heri vespere last night;
mane vespere tomorrow night
Hence: vespera-vesperal; vespertilion; vespertin
vespertilion n [Zool.] bat
vespertin adj vespertine, vespertinal
vespiario n wasp’s nest
Vesta npr Vesta (1. [Rom. Relig.]; 2. [Astron.])
Hence: vestal
vestal¹ adj vestal (1. pertaining to Vesta; 2. pertaining to a vestal virgin)
vestal² n vestal (virgin)
veste n (outer) garment
Hence: vestiario; vestir-vestimento-subvestimentos, vestitura, disvestir, investir &, revestir &, travestir &
vestiario n cloakroom, checkroom
vestibulo (-tí-) n vestibule; also: [Anat.]
vestigial adj vestigial
vestigio n 1. footprint; 2. vestige
Hence: vestigial
vestimento n 1. garment, piece of clothing; 2. [Eccl.] vestment;
vestimentos clothing, clothes, apparel
vestir v 1. to dress (a person); 2. to put on (a garment);
vestir de to dress (a person) in
vestitura n clothing, clothes, apparel
vesuvian adj Vesuvian
vesuvianite n [Geol.] veruvianite
Vesuvio npr Vesuvius
Hence: vesuvian-vesuvianite
vet- see vetere
veteran adj veteran
Hence: veterano
veterano n veteran
vetere adj old (1. not young; 2. not new);
le Vetere Testamento the Old Testament;
le Vetere Mundo the Old World
Hence: veteran &; vetuste-vetustate; inveterar &; vetule &
veterinari adj veterinary
Hence: veterinario
veterinario v veterinarian, veterinary surgeon
veto n veto;
poner su veto (a un cosa) to veto (something)
vetula (vé-) n old woman
vetule adj old (1. not young; 2. not new)
Hence: vetulessa; vetulo; vetula
vetulessa n 1. old age; 2. oldness
vetulo (vé-) n old man
vetus- see vetere
vetustate n 1. old age; oldness; 2. antiqueness
vetuste adj 1. very old; 2. antiquated
vexar v to vex, annoy, irritate
Hence: vexation; vexator; vexatori
vexation n vexation, irritation
vexator n vexer
vexatori adj vexatious
via¹ n way (=road, path); also: route; course (of action);
vias (respiratori, digestive, etc.) [Anat.] (respiratory, digestive, etc.) tracts, passages, etc.;
via sic (humide) [Chem.] dry (wet) process;
via lactee Milky Way;
vias de facto acts of violence, assault and battery
Hence: viatico; viage &; viabile &; devie &; obvie &; pervie &; previe; conviar &; disviar; inviar &; viaducto etc.; ferrovia etc.; tramvia etc.; multivie etc.; trivio etc.
via² prep via, by way of
viabile¹ adj passable (= that can be passed or traversed)
Hence: viabilitate¹
viabile² adj viable, capable of living
Hence: viabilitate²
viabilitate¹ n passableness (= state of being passable or traversable)
viabilitate² n viability (= capacity for living)
viaducto n viaduct
viage (-aje) n journey, trip; also: voyage;
facer un viage to make or take a trip
Hence: viagiar-viagiator
viagiar (-jár) v to travel
viagiator (-ja-) n traveler; voyager
viatico n viaticum (1. provisions for a journey; 2. [R.C.Ch.])
vibrante 1. ppr of vibrar; 2. adj vibrant
vibrar v to vibrate
Hence: vibrante; vibratile; vibration; vibrator; vibratori; vibrato
vibratile adj vibratile
vibration n vibration
vibrato n [Mus.] vibrato
vibrator n vibrator
vibratori adj vibratory, vibrating
vic- see viginti
vicari adj vicarious
vicarial adj vicarial (= pertaining to a vicar)
vicariato n vicariate
vicario n vicar (1. deputy, proxy; 2. [Eccl.])
Hence: vicariato; vicarial
vice n 1. turn (as in “my turn”); also: stead; 2. time (as in “three times”);
alicun vices sometimes;
un vice once (1. on a single occasion; 2. formerly, at one time);
un vice que once, once that;
in vice de instead of;
a vices at times;
altere vice a second time, once more, once again;
plure vices several times; repeatedly
Hence: vicari; vicario &; vicissitude
vice- prefixo [used with titles] vice- (= one who takes the place of)
Hence: vicepresidente etc.; vicerege etc.
vicecontato n viscountcy
viceconte n viscount
Hence: vicecontessa; vicecontato
vicecontessa n viscountess
vicennal adj vicennial (1. lasting twenty years; 2. occurring once in twenty years)
vicepresidente n vice-president, vicechairman, etc.
vicepresidentia n vice-presidency, vice-chairmanship, etc.
vicerege n viceroy
vice versa [L] vice versa
vicin adj neighboring, adjoining, near
Hence: vicinitate; vicinal; vicinar; avicinar; circumvicin; vicino
vicinal adj neighboring, adjoining;
via vicinal vicinal road
vicinar v to border upon, neighbor
vicinitate n neighborhood, vicinity (1. nearness; 2. region, surroundings)
vicino n neighbor
vicissitude n vicissitude (as in “after many vicissitudes”)
vico n 1. street, alley; 2. village, hamlet
Hence: vicin &
vict- see vincer
victima (víc-) n victim
victo n sustenance, food
Hence: victualia-victualiar
victor n victor
victoria n victory
Hence: victoriose
victoriose adj victorious
victu- see victo
victualia n provisions, victuals
victualiar v to provision, victual
vidente¹ I. ppr of vider; II. adj seeing (1. having the power of sight; 2. clairvoyant)
vidente² n clairvoyant
vider [vid-/vis-/vist-] v to see;
vidite que seeing that, considering that
Hence: vidente-evidente &, clairividente etc.; onmividente etc.; visibile-visibilitate, invisibile-invisibilitate; vision-visionari-visionario, television etc.; viso-visage, visiera, visual, visar, aviso, avisar &; viste; vista; intervider &; previder &; provider &; revider &
vidua n 1. widow; 2. [Bot.] mourning widow, sweet scabious
viduage (-aje) n widowhood
vidual adj belonging to widowhood
viduar v to widow (= to bereave of a husband)
vidue adj widowed
Hence: viduo; vidua-viduage, viduitate, vidual, viduar
viduitate n widowhood
viduo n widower
Vienna npr Vienna
Hence: viennese
viennese adj/n Viennese
vig- see viginti
viger v to be vigorous
Hence: vigor &
vigesimal adj vigesimal
vigesime (-gé-) adj twentieth
vigesimo (-gé-) n twentieth (part)
vigilante 1. ppr of vigilar; 2. adj vigilant, watchful
vigilantia n vigilance, watchfulness
vigilar v 1. to stay awake; 2. to watch, be on the lookout;
vigilar super to watch over, look after
vigilator n 1. one who stays awake; 2. watchman, guard
vigile adj awake
Hence: vigilia; vigilar-vigilante-vigilantia, vigilator
vigilia n vigil (1. wakefulness; 2. wakeful attention, watch; 3. eve of a festival)
viginti adj twenty
Hence: vigesime-vigesimal, vigesimo; vicennal etc.
vignette [F] n vignette
vigor n vigor; also: validity
Hence: vigorose; vigorar
vigorar v to invigorate
vigorose adj vigorous
vil adj 1. cheap; 2. vile, base;
a precio vil at a low price
Hence: vilitate; vilificar &; vilipender etc.
vilayet [Tu.] n vilayet
vilificar v to vilify
Hence: vilification
vilification n vilification
vilipender v to hold cheap, despise, vilipend
vilitate n 1. cheapness; 2. vileness, baseness
villa n villa
Hence: village; villetta; villan &
village (-aje) n village
villan adj 1. living in a village; 2. vile, infamous, villainous
Hence: villanage; villania; villano
villanage (-aje) n [Hist.] villenage, villeinage (= status of a villein)
villania (-ía) n vile action, villainy
villano n 1. villager, rustic; 2. [Hist.] villein; 3. scoundrel, villain
villetta n small villa
villo n hair, down
Hence: villose-villositate; villute-villuto
villose adj hairy, villous
villositate n hairiness, villosity
villute adj hairy
villuto n velvet;
villuto costate corduroy
Vilna [Lithuanian] npr Vilna, Wilno
vin- [occurring in compounds]
Hence: vindice etc.
vinagrar v to vinegar, season with vinegar
vinagre n vinegar
Hence: vinagrero; vinagreria; vinagrar
vinagreria (-ía) n vinegar factory
vinagrero n vinegar maker or dealer
vinari adj wine, of wine
vincer [vinc-/-vict-] v to vanquish, overcome
Hence: vincimento; vincibile-invincibile-invincibilitate; victor-victoria &; invicte; vincitor; convincer &; evincer &
vincibile adj vincible, vanquishable
vincimento n vanquishment
vincitor n victor
vindemia n vintage
Hence: vindemiar-vindemiator
vindemiar v to harvest grapes
vindemiator n vintager
vindicabile adj vindicable (= that can or deserves to be vindicated)
vindicantia n vengeance, revenge
vindicar v 1. to revenge, avenge; 2. [Law] to vindicate;
vindicar se de to take vengeance for
vindicative adj vindictive
vindicator n avenger
vindice (vín-) n avenger
Hence: vindicar-vindicantia, vindicabile, vindicative, vindicator, revindicar-revindication
vinia n vineyard
vinic adj vinic
vinicole adj wine-growing
vinicultura n viniculture
vinifere adj wine-producing
vinificar v to (cause to) turn into wine
vinification n vinification
vino n wine
Hence: vinari; vinia; vinic; vinifere; vinolente &; vinose-vinositate; vinificar-vinification; avinar &; vinicultura etc.; vinicole etc.; vindemia etc.
vinolente adj too fond of the bottle, winebibbing
Hence: vinolentia
vinolentia n winebibbing
vinose adj vinous
vinositate n vinosity (= quality of being vinous)
vintesime (-ésime) adj twentieth;
le vintesime parte, le vintesimo the twentieth part, the twentieth
vinti adj twenty
Hence: vintesime
viola¹ n [Bot.] Viola; viola; specif.: violet
Hence: violetta &; violacee-violaceas
viola² n [Mus.] viola
Hence: violista; violino &; violon
violabile adj violable
violaceas npl [Bot.] Violaceae
violacee adj violaceous (1. violet, violet-colored; 2. of the Violaceae)
violar v to violate (1. “to violate a law, rule, etc.”; 2. “to violate a sacred place”; 3. to rape)
Hence: violabile-inviolabile-inviolabilitate; violation; violator; violate-inviolate
violate 1. pp of violar; 2. adj violate, violated
violation n violation (1. “violation of a law, rule, etc.”; 2. “violation of a sacred place”; 3. rape)
violator n violator
violentar v to do violence to
violente adj violent
Hence: violentia; violentar
violentia n violence;
facer violentia a to do violence to
violetta n [Bot.] violet
Hence: violette-ultraviolette, violetto
violette adj violet
violetto n violet (= color violet)
violinista n violinist
violino n violin
Hence: violinista
violista n violist
violon n bass viol
violoncellista n violoncellist
violoncello [I] n violoncello
Hence: violoncellista
vipera (ví-) n viper
Hence: viperides; viperin
viperides (-pér-) npl [Zool.] Viperidae
viperin adj viperine, viperous
viragine n virago
virga n 1. rod (= straight, slender stick); 2. [Naut.] yard
Hence: virgula &; invirgar-invirgatura
virginal adj virginal
virgine¹ n virgin;
Virgine [Astron.] Virgo;
le Virgine the Virgin Mary
Hence: Virginia &; virginitate; virginal
virgine² adj virgin, virginal;
foreste virgine virgin forest
Virginia n (State of) Virginia;
tabaco de Virginia Virginia (tobacco)
Hence: virginian-virginiano
virginian adj Virginian (= pertaining to Virginia)
virginiano n Virginian (= native or inhabitant of Virginia)
virginitate n virginity
virgula n [Gram.] comma;
puncto e virgula semicolon;
bacillo virgula [Med.] comma bacillus
Hence: virguletta; virgular
virgular v to (put a) comma
virguletta n (single) quotation mark;
virgulettas quotation mark or marks;
poner (un parola) inter virgulettas to put (a word) in quotation marks
viril adj virile;
etate viril manhood
Hence: virilitate
virilitate n I. virility (1. potency; 2. masculinity, manliness); II. manhood (as in “to arrive at manhood”)
viro n man (= male human being)
Hence: viragine; virtute &; viril &; triumviro etc.
virose adj virose, poisonous
virtu- see virtute
virtual adj virtual
Hence: virtualitate
virtualitate n virtuality
virtuose adj virtuous (1. having or exhibiting moral virtue; 2. efficacious, potent)
virtuositate n virtuosity (= great skill in the methods of an art, especially music)
virtuoso n virtuoso (= person skilled in the methods of an art, especially music)
Hence: virtuositate
virtute n I. manliness, valor; II. virtue (1. active property, potency; 2. moral excellence; 3. chastity in a woman; 4. [Theol.] one of the orders of celestial beings);
per virtute de by virtue of;
facer de necessitate virtute to make a virtue of necessity
Hence: virtual &: virtuose-virtuoso &
virulente adj virulent (1. [Bacteriol.]; 2. as in “virulent invective”)
Hence: virulentia
virulentia n virulence, virulency
virus (ví-) n [Pathol.] virus
Hence: virulente &; virose
vis- see vider
visa n visa, visé
visage (-aje) n countenance, face, visage
visar v to aim (= to take aim);
visar a to aim at
vis-à-vis [F] adv opposite, face to face, vis-à-vis
visco n 1. mistletoe; 2. birdlime
Hence: viscose-viscositate
viscose adj viscous
viscositate n viscosity
visibile adj visible
visibilitate n visibility
visiera n visor (1. of a helmet; 2. of a cap)
vision n vision
visionari adj visionary
visionario n visionary
visita (ví-) n visit;
facer un visita a un persona to call on someone;
visita domiciliari domiciliary visit;
derecto de visita right of search or visit;
visita pastoral pastoral visitation (of a bishop)
visitante n visitant, visitor
visitar v to visit
Hence: visita-contravisita; visitante; visitation; visitator
visitation n visitation
visitator n visitor, caller
viso n sight, vision (= power of seeing)
vist- see vider
vista n view (1. sight; 2. things seen; 3. mental picture);
a prime vista at first sight;
perder de vista to lose sight (of);
secunde vista second sight;
puncto de vista point of view;
in vista de in view of
viste prep considering, in view of;
viste que considering that
Vistula (vís-) npr Vistula
visual adj visual (= pertaining to the sense of sight)
vita n life;
ganiar le vita to make a living;
sin vita without life, lifeless;
plen de vita full of life, lively
Hence: vital-vitalismo, vitalista, vitalitate; vitamina etc.
vital adj vital;
fortia vital vital force
vitalismo n [Philos., Biol.] vitalism
vitalista n vitalist
vitalitate n vitality
vitamina n vitamin
Hence: vitaminic; vitaminisar; vitaminologia etc.
vitaminic adj vitamin, vitaminic
vitaminisar v to vitaminize
vitaminologia (-ía) n vitaminology
vitar v 1. to plant vines; 2. to screw, screw in
-vitar see invitar
vite n 1. vine, grapevine; 2. screw;
matre vite [Mech.] nut
Hence: vitar; viticultura etc.; viticola etc.; viticole etc.; tornavite etc.
vitelligene adj vitelligenous, vitellogenous (= producing the yolk or vitellus)
vitellin¹ adj calf, calf’s
vitellin² adj 1. yolk, yolk-like, yolk-colored; 2. vitelline (= pertaining to the vitellus)
vitellino n vellum
vitello¹ n 1. calf (= young of the cow); 2. veal
Hence: vitellin¹-vitellino
vitello² n 1. yolk (of an egg); 2. [Embryol.] vitellus
Hence: vitellin²; vitelligene etc.
vitiar v 1. to corrupt, deprave; II. to vitiate (1. to impair, spoil; 2. to destroy the legal force of)
vitiation n vitiation
viticola¹ (-tí-) n winegrower, viticulturist
viticola² (-tí-) adj winegrowing, viticultural
viticole adj viticultural
viticultor n wine grower, viticulturist
viticultura n viticulture
vitio n 1. vice (= moral fault or failing); 2. defect (as in “defect of eyesight”)
Hence: vitiose; vitiar-vitiation
vitiose adj 1. depraved, wicked, vicious; 2. defective, faulty;
cavallo vitiose vicious horse
vitrar v to glaze, furnish with glass
vitree adj vitreous (1. of, pertaining to, or derived from, glass; 2. glassy, resembling glass);
humor vitree [Anat.] vitreous humor
vitrero n glazier
vitriera n stained glass window
vitrificabile adj vitrifiable
vitrificar v to vitrify
vitrification n vitrification, vitrifaction
vitrina n 1. show window; 2. showcase, cabinet
vitriolar v to throw vitriol at
vitriolic adj vitriolic
vitriolisar v to vitriolize (= convert into vitriol)
vitriolo n [Chem.] vitriol
Hence: vitrolic, vitriolar, vitriolisar
vitro n I. glass (1. as in “made of glass”; 2. drinking glass); II. windowpane, pane
Hence: vitrero; vitriera; vitrina; vitree-vitriolo &; vitrose; vitrar; vitrificar-vitrificabile, vitrification
vitrose adj vitreous (1. of, pertaining to, derived from, glass; 2. glassy)
vituperabile adj vituperable, reprehensible, vile
vituperar v to vituperate
Hence: vituperabile; vituperation; vituperative; vituperator
vituperation n vituperation
vituperative adj vituperative
vituperator n vituperator
vivace adj vivacious; also: [Mus.] vivace
Hence: vivacitate
vivacitate n vivaciousness, vivacity
vivanda n (dish of) food;
vivandas viands, victuals
Hence: vivandero, vivandera
vivandera n (female) canteen manager, sutler
vivandero n (male) canteen manager, sutler
vivario n fishpond
vivat (ví-) viva, vivat
vive adj 1. alive, live, living; 2. lively;
(color) vive bright (color);
de vive voce by word of mouth;
de vive fortia by sheer force;
al or in le vive to the quick
Hence: vivario; vivific; vivificar-vivification, vivificator, revivificar-revivification; avivar &; vivisection etc.; vivipare etc.; semivive etc.
vivente adj alive, living
viver v to live;
viver de to live on (something);
maniera de viver way of life, way of living;
viver (in un loco) to live (in a place)
Hence: conviva &; vive &; vivace &; vivide; vivanda &; vivente; conviver; reviver; superviver &; reviviscer &
viveres npl victuals, food
vivide adj vivid
vivific adj vivifying
vivificar v to vivify
vivification n vivification
vivificator n vivifier
vivipare adj viviparous (= producing living young)
Hence: ovovivipare etc.
vivisection n vivisection
Hence: vivisectionista
vivisectionista n vivisectionist
[vix] adv 1. with difficulty; 2. hardly, scarcely, barely
vocabulario n vocabulary (1. list of words with their meanings; 2. stock of words used by a person, class of people, profession, etc.)
vocabulo n word, vocable
Hence: vocabulario
vocal¹ adj vocal (= pertaining to voice or speech)
vocal² n vowel
Hence: vocalic-intervocalic; vocalismo; vocalisar-vocaliso, vocalisation, vocalisator; semivocal etc.
vocalic adj vocalic
vocalisation n vocalization (1. act of changing into a vowel; 2. [Mus.])
vocalisator n [Mus.] vocalizer
vocalismo n vocalism (= system of vowels)
vocaliso n [Mus.] exercise in vocalization, vocalizing
vocar v to call (= to command, ask, etc. to come)
Hence: vocabulo &; vocation; vocative-vocativo; advocar &; convocar &; evocar &; invocar &; provocar &; revocar &; equivoc etc.
vocation n vocation (1. divine call; 2. action or activity a person feels called upon to perform);
le vocation de Abraham the call of Abraham
vocative adj vocative
vocativo n [Gram.] vocative, vocative case
voce n voice (1. as in “human voice”; 2. [Gram.])
Hence: vocal¹-vocal² &; vociferar &; portavoce etc.
vociferante adj vociferous
vociferar v to bawl, vociferate
Hence: vociferante; vociferation; vociferator
vociferation n vociferation
vociferator n vociferator
vodka [R] n vodka
voga n 1. (act of) sailing, moving, floating, drifting; 2. vogue;
esser in voga to be in vogue or in fashion
vogar v to sail, move, float, drift
Hence: voga
[voi] pron you
(= vos)
[vol] pr of voler; 1. will(s), wish(es); 2. [Grammatical function: auxiliary, forming the future];
io vol comenciar 1. I wish to begin; 2. I shall begin
volante n 1. flywheel; 2. steering wheel; 3. frill, ruffle; 4. shuttlecock
volapük [Vol.] n [Interling.] Volapük
Hence: volapükismo, volapükista
volapükismo n [Interling.] Volapükism
volapükista n [Interling.] Volapükist
volar v to fly (as in “birds fly”)
Hence: volo; volante; volatile &; volata; revolar
volata n 1. flight (as in “the flight of a shot,” “within an eagle’s flight,” etc.); 2. [Artil.] chase
volatile¹ adj 1. flying; 2. volatile (= evaporating rapidly);
sal volatile smelling salts
Hence: volatilitate; volatilisar-volatilisation
volatile² n flying animal, winged creature
volatilisar v to volatilize
volatilisation n volatilization
volatilitate n volatility
voler¹ v to wish, want;
voler (facer un cosa) to want to (do something);
voler (un cosa) to want (a thing);
voler dicer to mean, signify
Hence: benevolente etc.; volition; volitive; benevole etc.; see verbal forms [vol], [velle]
voler² n will (= act of willing)
Volga npr Volga
volition n volition
volitive adj volitive, volitional
volo n flight (1. action or manner of flying; 2. distance covered in flying)
volt n [Elec.] volt
volt- see volver
volta n 1. [Man.] volt; 2. vault (= arched ceiling or roof)
Hence: voltar; voltear-volteo; archivolta etc.
Volta, Alessandro npr [1745-1827; physicist after whom the “volt” is named];
lege de Volta Volta’s law;
effecto Volta Volta effect
Hence: voltaismo; voltaic-voltametro etc.; volt-voltage, voltimetro etc., voltampere etc.
voltage (-aje) n voltage
voltaic (-áic) adj voltaic;
pila voltaic voltaic pile;
arco voltaic voltaic arc
voltaismo (-ímo) n voltaism
voltametro (-tá-) n voltameter
voltampere (-pér) n voltampere
voltar v to vault (= to cover with a vault)
voltear v [Man.] to vault
volteo (-éo) n [Man.] (act or art of vaulting)
voltimetro (-ímetro) n voltmeter
volu- see volver
volubile adj voluble (1. apt to roll; 2. [Bot.]; 3. glib, garrulous)
Hence: volubilitate
volubilitate n 1. tendency to roll; 2. volubility, volubleness
volumine n volume (1. as in “a work in three volumes”; 2. space occupied, compass)
Hence: voluminose
voluminose adj voluminous
volunt- see voluntate
voluntari adj voluntary
voluntariato n [Mil.] voluntariate, voluntary service
voluntario n [Mil.] volunteer
voluntate n will;
a voluntate at will;
bon (mal) voluntate good (ill) will;
de bon voluntate willingly, gladly;
de mal voluntate unwillingly, grudgingly;
le ultime voluntate the last will
Hence: voluntari-involuntari; voluntario-voluntariato
volupt- see voluptate
voluptate n pleasure, delight; specif.: sexual pleasure
Hence: voluptuari; voluptuario; voluptuose-voluptuositate
voluptuari adj voluptuous, voluptuary
voluptuario n voluptuary
voluptuose adj voluptuous
voluptuositate n voluptuousness
volut- see volver
voluta n volute (1. [Arch.]; 2. [Zool.] any kind of gasteropods)
volver [volv-/volut-/volt-] v to roll, turn round
Hence: volvulo; volubile &; voluta; volta &; circumvolver &; convolver &; devolver &; evolver &; involver &; revolver &
volvulo n [Med.] volvulus
vomic adj vomitive, vomitory;
nuce vomic [Bot.] nux vomica
Hence: vomica
vomica (vó-) n [Med.] vomica
vomir v to vomit
Hence: vomic &; vomitive-vomitivo; vomitorio; vomito; vomitar-vomitator; vomiturition; ignivome etc.
vomitar v to vomit
vomitator n vomiter
vomitive adj vomitive, vomitory
vomitivo n vomitory, emetic
vomito (vó-) n vomit, vomiting
vomitorio n [Arch.] vomitory, vomitorium
vomiturition n [Med.] vomiturition
vorace adj voracious
Hence: voracitate
voracitate n voraciousness, voracity
vorar v to devour
Hence: vorace &; devorar &; carnivore etc.; omnivore etc.
vortice (vór-) n whirlpool, vortex
Hence: vorticose
vorticose adj vortical, vorticose
vos pron I. pers you [1. in polite or formal use; addressing one person or several persons (as in “you are”, “I love you” “for you”); 2. in familiar or informal use; addressing several persons (as in “you are”, “I love you”, “for you”)]; II. refl 1. yourself [in polite or formal use (as in “you hurt yourself,” “to yourself”)]; 2. yourselves [in all uses (as in “you hurt yourselves”, “to yourselves”)]
Hence: vostre
vosgian adj Vosgian (= pertaining to the Vosges Mountains)
Vosgos nprpl Vosges Mountains
Hence: vosgian
vostre I. adj poss your [1. in polite or formal use; addressing one person or several persons; 2. in familiar or informal use, addressing several persons]; II. pron poss yours [1. in polite or formal use; addressing one person or several persons; 2. in familiar or informal use; addressing several persons]
vot- see vov-
votante n voter
votar v I. to vow (1. to promise solemnly; 2. to dedicate); II. to vote (1. to cast a vote; 2. to approve, determine, or grant by a vote)
votive adj votive
voto n 1. vow (= solemn promise); 2. vote (as in “to cast a vote”);
facer voto de to vow (= to promise solemnly)
vov- [vov-/vot-] v [occurring in derivatives and compounds]
Hence: votive; voto; votar-votante; devov- &
vulcanic adj 1. Vulcanic, Vulcanian; 2. volcanic; also: [Geol.]
vulcanie adj Vulcanian
vulcanisar v 1. [Geol.] to volcanize; 2. [Technol.] to vulcanize
vulcanisation n 1. [Geol.] volcanization; 2. [Technol.] vulcanization
vulcanismo n [Geol.] volcanism; also: vulcanism
Vulcano npr [Rom. Relig.] Vulcan;
vulcano volcano
Hence: vulcanismo; vulcanic; vulcanie; vulcanisar-vulcanisation
vulgar adj vulgar (1. of the common people; 2. low, coarse);
lingua vulgar vulgar tongue, vernacular
vulgarisar v to vulgarize
vulgarisation n vulgarization
vulgarisator n vulgarizer
vulgarismo n vulgarism (1. vulgarity; 2. vulgar phrase or expression)
vulgaritate n vulgarity
Vulgata [L] n [Theol.] Vulgate
vulgo¹ n common people, vulgus
Hence: vulgar-vulgarismo, vulgaritate, vulgarisar-vulgarisation, vulgarisator; divulgar &
vulgo² [L] adv commonly, vulgo
vulnerabile adj vulnerable
vulnerabilitate n vulnerability
vulnerar v to wound
vulnerari adj vulnerary
vulneraria n vulnerary (= vulnerary remedy)
vulnere n wound
Hence: vulnerari-vulneraria; vulnerar-vulnerabile-vulnerabilitate, invulnerabile-invulnerabilitate
vulpe n fox
Hence: vulpin
vulpin adj vulpine (1. pertaining to a fox; 2. foxy)
vulture n vulture
Hence: vulturides; vulturin
vulturides (-túr-) npl [Zool.] Vulturidae
vulturin adj vulturine
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